ben george md curriculum vitae cv - medical college of

Post on 14-Jun-2022






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Date of Document: June 13, 2022


Ben George MD

Associate ProfessorDepartment of Medicine

Division of Hematology and Oncology - MedicineAssociate Professor of Medicine

William F. Stapp Endowed ChairMedical Director, Clinical Trials Office

OFFICE ADDRESS: Clinical Cancer Center9200 W Wisconsin AveMilwaukee, WI 53226Phone: 414-805-4600

EDUCATION: 09/1992 - 08/1998 Medical College Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India09/1998 - 05/1999 Research Assistant (Epidemiology), Regional Cancer Center , Thiruvananthapuram,

Kerala, India, India09/1999 - 06/2004 Doctoral Candidate, USC/Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA

POSTGRADUATE TRAINING AND FELLOWSHIP APPOINTMENTS: 09/1998 - 05/1999 Research Assistant (Epidemiology), Regional Cancer Center, Thiruvananthapuram,

Kerala, India07/2004 - 06/2005 Internship (Internal Medicine), Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, OH07/2005 - 06/2007 Residency (Internal Medicine), Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center, La Crosse, WI07/2007 - 06/2010 Fellowship (Hematology/Oncology), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI07/2010 - 12/2010 Visiting Fellowship (GI Medical Oncology), The University of Texas MD Anderson

Cancer Center, Houston, TX

FACULTY APPOINTMENTS: 01/2011 - 07/2016 Assistant Professor, Medicine, Hematology and Oncology, Medical College of

Wisconsin/Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, WI07/2016 - Present Associate Professor, Medicine, Hematology and Oncology, Medical College of

Wisconsin/Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital

ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS: 2013 - Present Institutional Co-Principal Investigator, Alliance Cooperative Group2014 - 2017 Member of the MCW/Froedtert IRB2015 - Present Member of the Department of Medicine ‘Task Force for Genetics in Adult Practice’

committee (Division of Hematology and Oncology representative)2015 - Present Co-Chair, MCW Molecular Oncology Steering Committee2015 - Present Solid Tumor Oncology Discharge Mapping Committee2016 - Present Direct the monthly Interdisciplinary Molecular Oncology Tumor Board07/2017 - Present Director, Cancer Precision Medicine Practice Integration, Genomic Sciences and Precision

Medicine Center, Medical College of Wisconsin07/2017 - Present Director, Phase 1 Clinical Trials Program, Froedtert Hospital and Medical College of

Wisconsin, Clinical Cancer Center

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07/2017 - Present Vice-Chair, Research Committee, Precision Medicine Exchange Consortium12/2017 - Present Pharma Task Force, Precision Medicine Exchange Consortium06/2018 - Present Co-Chair, Cancer Precision Medicine Steering Committee, MCW08/2019 - 02/2020 Associate Director of Cancer Genomics and Precision Medicine, Genomic Sciences and

Precision Medicine Center, MCW02/2020 - Present Medical Director, Clinical Trials office

HOSPITAL AND CLINICAL ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS: 07/03/2013 - Present Institutional Co-Principal Investigator, Alliance Cooperative Group, Medicine,

Hematology and Oncology, Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue,Milwaukee, WI 53226

HOSPITAL STAFF PRIVILEGES: 2011 - Present St. Joseph’s Hospital, West Bend, WI2011 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 532262011 - Present Community Memorial Hospital, Menomonee Falls, WI


Board Certified Issue Date ExpirationINTERNAL MEDICINE 2007 NoneMEDICAL ONCOLOGY 2010 NoneHEMATOLOGY 2010 None

Licensure Number Issue Date ExpirationWISCONSIN MEDICAL

LICENSE50139-20 10/31/2023


MEDICAL COLLEGE OF WISCONSIN2009 - 2010 DONALD J. SHUENKE ENDOWED CANCER FELLOWSHIP2015 - Present selected to "Best Doctors in America"2015 - Present Featured in the ‘Milwaukee Business Journal’ among ’Best Doctors’ in Milwaukee2015 - Present Featured in the ‘M’ magazine among ’Best Doctors’ in Milwaukee2017 - 2018 Annual Department of Medicine 'Murphy Award' for Excellence in Clinical Medicine, MCW07/2019 - Present William Stapp Endowed Chair in Medicine08/2019 - Present Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center Collaborative Award for

Excellence in Clinical Research

MEMBERSHIPS IN HONORARY AND PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: American Society of Clinical Oncology American Association of Cancer Research American College of Physicians


07/18/2013 - Present BioMed Research InternationalJournal Review

Clinical Cancer Research Annals of Surgical Oncology JNCCN Frontiers Oncology Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology

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ActivePeer Review

Title: Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice(MATCH)

Source: ECOG-EAY131-MATCHRole: PIDates: 11/11/2016 - Present

Title: Randomized Phase II Study of Platinumand Etoposide versus Temozolomide andCapecitabine in Patients with AdvancedG3 Non-Small CellGastroenteropancreatic NeuroendocrineTumors including Poorly DifferentiatedNeuroendocrine Carcinomas and Well-Differentiated NeuroendocrineNeoplasms

Source: ECOG-EA2142Role: PIDates: 11/14/2016 - Present

Title: A Phase II Clinical Trial Platform ofSensitization Utilizing TotalNeoadjuvant Therapy (TNT) in RectalCancer

Source: NRG-GI002Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: William HallDates: 08/04/2017 - Present

Title: Randomized Trial of StandardChemotherapy Alone or Combined withAtezolizumab as Adjuvant Therapy forPatients with Stage III Colon Cancer andDeficient DNA Mismatch Repair

Source: ALLIANCE-A021502-ATOMICRole: Sub-InvestigatorPI: James ThomasDates: 08/21/2018 - Present

Title: Randomized Double-Blind Phase IIITrial Of Vitamin D3 Supplementation InPatients With Previously UntreatedMetastatic Colorectal Cancer(SOLARIS)

Source: ALLIANCE-A021703-SOLARISRole: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Sakti ChakrabartiDates: 02/01/2019 - Present

Title: A Randomized Phase II Study of De-Intensified ChemoRadiation for Early-Stage Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma(DECREASE)


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Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: William HallDates: 02/27/2020 - Present

Title: Phase II/III Study of Circulating tumOrDNA as a Predictive BiomaRker inAdjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients withStage IIA Colon Cancer (COBRA)

Source: NRG-GI005-COBRARole: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Sakti ChakrabartiDates: 03/09/2020 - Present

Non-Peer ReviewTitle: An Open-Label Phase IIa Study

Evaluating Trastuzumab/Pertuzumab,Erlotinib, Vemurafenib/Cobimetinib,Vismodegib, Alectinib, andAtezolizumab in Patients Who HaveAdvanced Solid Tumors with Mutationsor Gene Expression AbnormalitiesPredictive of Response to One of TheseAgents

Source: GENENTECH-MYPATHWAYRole: PIDates: 06/28/2017 - Present

Title: "An Open-label Phase I Dose FindingTrial with BI 891065 Alone and inCombination with BI 754091 toCharacterise Safety, Tolerability,Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics,and Efficacy in Patients with Advancedand/or Metastatic Malignancies"

Source: BI-1379-0001-REFMAL505Role: PIDates: 02/12/2018 - 03/16/2020

Title: Adaptive Modification of NeoadjuvantTherapy Based on Clinical Response inPatients with Localized PancreaticCancer

Source: IIT-TSAI-PANCRole: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Susan TsaiDates: 06/21/2018 - Present

Title: "A Phase I, First-in-human, Open-label,Dose-escalation, Safety,Pharmacokinetic, and PharmacodynamicStudy of Oral TP-1287 AdministeredTwice Daily for 14 Days to Patients withAdvanced Solid Tumors"

Source: TOLERO-TP-1287-101Role: PIDates: 12/07/2018 - Present

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Title: A Phase Ib/II, Open-label, Multicenter,Randomized Umbrella Study Evaluatingthe Efficacy and Safety of MultipleImmunotherapy-based TreatmentCombinations in Patients with MetastaticPancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

Source: HOFFMANN-WO39608-MORPHEUSRole: PIDates: 12/28/2018 - Present

Title: An Open Label, Phase I Dose-findingStudy of BI 754111 in Combination withBI 754091 in Patients with AdvancedSolid Cancers Followed by ExpansionCohorts at the Selected Dose of theCombination in Patients with Non-smallCell Lung Cancer and Other SolidTumors

Source: BI-1381-REFMAL485Role: PIDates: 02/15/2019 - 03/16/2020

Title: A Phase 1b, Multicenter Study toDetermine the Dose, Safety, Efficacyand Pharmacokinetics of TRK-950When Used in Combinations withSelected Anti-Cancer TreatmentRegimens in Patients with SelectedAdvanced Solid Tumors

Source: TORAY-950P1V02Role: PIDates: 05/19/2019 - Present

Title: An Open-Label Study of the Safety,Tolerability, andPharmacokinetic/PharmacodynamicProfile of M4344 (Formerly VX-803) asa Single Agent and in Combination withCytotoxic Chemotherapy in Participantswith Advanced Solid Tumors

Source: EMD-SERONO-MS201922-0001Role: PIDates: 10/21/2019 - Present

Title: "A Randomized, Phase II Clinical Trialof Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapyor Conventionally FractionatedConcurrent Chemotherapy and RadiationTherapy Preoperatively for Resectable orBorderline Resectable, or LocallyAdvanced Type A PancreaticAdenocarcinoma. SOFT Preop Study "

Source: IIT-HALL-SOFT-PRE-OPRole: Sub-InvestigatorPI: William HallDates: 10/22/2019 - Present

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Title: A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized,Open-Label Study of Atezolizumab(Anti-Pd-L1 Antibody) PlusBevacizumab Versus ActiveSurveillance as Adjuvant Therapy inPatients with Hepatocellular Carcinomaat High Risk of Recurrence AfterSurgical Resection or Ablation


Role: PIDates: 10/30/2019 - Present

Title: An Open-Label, Multicenter, Phase 1/2Study of RP1 as a Single Agent and inCombination with PD1 Blockade inPatients with Solid Tumors

Source: REPLIMUNE-RPL-001-16Role: PIDates: 11/07/2019 - Present

Title: A Phase II Clinical Trial of GVAXPancreas Vaccine (withCyclophosphamide) in Combinationwith Nivolumab and Stereotactic BodyRadiation Therapy (SBRT) Followed byDefinitive Resection for Patients withBorderline Resectable PancreaticAdenocarcinoma

Source: JH-J1756-IRB00130075-GVAXRole: PIDates: 01/15/2020 - Present

Title: An Open-label, Randomised,Multicentre, Phase III Study ofIrinotecan Liposome Injection,Oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil/LeucovorinVersus Nab-paclitaxel Plus Gemcitabinein Subjects Who Have Not PreviouslyReceived Chemotherapy for MetastaticAdenocarcinoma of the Pancreas(NAPOLI 3)

Source: IPSEN-D-US-60010-001-NAPOLI-3Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Mandana KamgarDates: 01/20/2020 - Present

Title: A Phase II Trial of Nab-Paclitaxel plusCisplatin plus Gemcitabine in Patientswith Previously Untreated MetastaticPancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

Source: HRI-AX-CL-PANC-PI-13301Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Mandana KamgarDates: 02/05/2020 - Present

Title: A Phase 1a/b Dose-Escalation Study

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Followed by Expansion Cohorts ofNGM120, a GFRAL AntagonistMonoclonal Antibody Blocking GDF15Signaling, in Subjects With AdvancedSolid Tumors and Pancreatic CancerUsing Combination Therapy

Source: NGM-18-0402Role: PIDates: 02/20/2020 - Present

Title: Phase 1/1b Study To Evaluate TheSafety And Activity Of TTX-030 (Anti-CD39) In Combination WithBudigalimab And/Or Chemotherapy InSubjects With Advanced Solid Tumors

Source: TIZONA-TTX-030-002Role: PIDates: 03/03/2020 - Present

Title: A Phase III, Randomized, Double-blind,Placebo-controlled, Multicenter Study ofTransarterial Chemoembolization(TACE) in Combination with eitherDurvalumab Monotherapy orDurvalumab plus Bevacizumab Therapyin Patients with LocoregionalHepatocellular Carcinoma

Source: AZ-D933GC00001-EMERALD-1Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Aditya ShreenivasDates: 03/04/2020 - Present

Title: A Phase 1/2 Trial of MRTX849 inCombination with TNO155 in Patientswith Advanced Solid Tumors withKRAS G12C Mutation

Source: MIRATI-849-002Role: PIDates: 03/16/2020 - Present

Title: A Phase I Study of GNX102 in Patientswith Advanced Solid Tumors

Source: GLYCONEX-GNX-001Role: PIDates: 04/30/2020 - Present

Title: Phase 2 Trial Of 5-Fluorouracil,Oxaliplatin And Liposomal Irinotecan(Plus Trastuzumab For HER2-PositiveDisease) During 1st Line Treatment OfAdvanced Esophageal And GastricAdenocarcinoma

Source: WON-UW19029Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Sakti ChakrabartiDates: 04/30/2020 - Present

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PriorPeer Review

Title: A Phase III Randomized, Double-BlindTrial of Chemoembolization with orwithout Sorafenib in UnresectableHepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) inPatients with and without VascularInvasion

Source: ECOG-1208Role: PIDates: 07/28/2010 - 04/18/2018

Title: Statin Polyp Prevention Trial in Patientswith Resected Colon Cancer

Source: NSABP-P-5Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Kirk LudwigDates: 06/25/2012 - 09/24/2013

Title: A Randomized Phase II Pilot StudyProspectively Evaluating Treatment forPatients Based on ERCC1 (ExcisionRepair Cross- Complementing 1) forAdvanced/Metastatic Esophageal,Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction(GEJ) Cancer

Source: SWOG-S1201Role: PIDates: 11/28/2012 - 06/01/2013

Title: A Phase II/III Trial of NeoadjuvantFOLFOX with Selective Use ofCombined Modality Chemoradiationversus Preoperative Combined ModalityChemoradiation for Locally AdvancedRectal Cancer Patients Undergoing LowAnterior Resection with TotalMesorectal Excision (PROSPECT)

Source: ALLIANCE-N1048Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Kirk LudwigDates: 01/22/2013 - 12/28/2019

Title: A Randomized Phase II Study ofTemozolomide or Temozolomide andCapecitabine in Patients With AdvancedPancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

Source: ECOG-E2211Role: PIDates: 01/20/2014 - 03/07/2016

Title: Prospective Randomized Phase II Trialof Pazopanib (NSC # 737754, IND75648) Versus Placebo in Patients withProgressive Carcinoid Tumors

Source: ALLIANCE-A021202Role: Sub-Investigator

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PI: James ThomasDates: 06/23/2014 - 10/07/2016

Title: A Phase II Study of MLN0128(TAK-228) in Rapalog-ResistantAdvanced Pancreatic NeuroendocrineTumors (PNET)

Source: ECOG-EA2161Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: James ThomasDates: 10/30/2017 - 01/15/2020

Title: Phase II Study of PEGPH20 andPembrolizumab (MK-3475) for Patientswith Previously Treated Hyaluronan-High (HA-high) Metastatic PancreaticDuctal Adenocarcinoma

Source: PCRT-16-001-PEG-PEMBRORole: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Mandana KamgarDates: 04/15/2019 - 11/04/2019

Non-Peer ReviewTitle: A Randomized, Double-Blind,

Multicenter Phase 3 Study of Irinotecan,Folinic Acid, and 5-Fluorouracil(FOLFIRI) Plus Ramucirumab orPlacebo in Patients With MetastaticColorectal Carcinoma ProgressiveDuring or Following First-LineCombination Therapy WithBevacizumab, Oxaliplatin, and aFluoropyrimidine

Source: LILLY-14T-MC-JVBBRole: Sub-InvestigatorPI: James ThomasDates: 04/04/2011 - 03/04/2015

Title: Randomized Comparative Study OfFolfox6m Plus Sir-Spheres®Microspheres Versus Folfox6m AloneAs First Line Treatment In Patients WithNon-Resectable Liver Metastases FromPrimary Colorectal Carcinoma

Source: SIRFLOXRole: Co-InvestigatorPI: William RillingDates: 06/08/2011 - 01/16/2017

Title: A Phase 2, Randomized, MulticenterStudy of PEGPH20 (PEGylatedRecombinant Human Hyaluronidase)Combined with nab-Paclitaxel PlusGemcitabine Compared With nab-Paclitaxel Plus Gemcitabine in SubjectsWith Stage IV Previously UntreatedPancreatic Cancer

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Source: HALOZYME-HALO-109-202Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Paul RitchDates: 06/07/2013 - 04/07/2017

Title: STEAM (Sequencing Triplet WithAvastin And Maintenance):Folfoxiri/Bevacizumab Regimens(Concurrent And Sequential) Vs.Folfox/Bevacizumab In First-lineMetastatic Colorectal Cancer

Source: GENENTECH-ML28442-STEAMRole: Sub-InvestigatorPI: James ThomasDates: 02/03/2014 - 10/02/2014

Title: Modular Phase II Study To LinkTargeted Therapy To Patients WithPathway Activated Tumors: Module 1 -BKM120 For Patients With PI3K-Activated Tumors

Source: NOVARTIS-SIG-BKM120Role: PIDates: 04/11/2014 - 01/29/2016

Title: A Phase 1b/2 Study of OMP-59R5 inCombination with Nab-Paclitaxel andGemcitabine in Subjects with PreviouslyUntreated Stage IV Pancreatic CancerALPINE: Antibody Therapy in First-Line Pancreatic Cancer InvestigatingAnti-Notch Efficacy and Safety

Source: PCRT-ONCOMED-59R5-002Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Paul RitchDates: 09/02/2014 - 02/09/2017

Title: Modular Phase II Study To LinkTargeted Therapy To Patients WithPathway Activated Tumors: Module 8 –LEE011 For Patients With CDK4/6Pathway Activated Tumors

Source: NOVARTIS-SIG-LEE011Role: PIDates: 11/25/2014 - 11/03/2016

Title: A Phase 2 Study to Investigate theSafety and Activity of FosbretabulinTromethamine (CA4P) in the Treatmentof Well-Differentiated, Low-to-Intermediate-Grade Unresectable,Recurrent or Metastatic Pancreatic orGastrointestinal NeuroendocrineTumors/Carcinoid (PNETs or GI-NETs)with Elevated Biomarkers

Source: OXIGENE-OX4218SRole: Sub-Investigator

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PI: James ThomasDates: 02/11/2015 - 06/23/2016

Title: A Phase 1, Open-Label, Multicenter,Safety Study of Nivolumab(BMS-936558) in Combination with nab-Paclitaxel Plus or Minus Gemcitabine inPancreatic Cancer, nab-Paclitaxel /Carboplatin in Stage IIIB/IV Non-SmallCell Lung Cancer or nab-Paclitaxel inRecurrent Metastatic Breast Cancer

Source: CELGENE-ABI-007-ST-001Dates: 05/11/2015 - 11/26/2018

Title: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase 3Study of the JAK1/2 Inhibitor,Ruxolitinib or Placebo in CombinationWith Capecitabine in Subjects WithAdvanced or MetastaticAdenocarcinoma of the Pancreas WhoHave Failed or Are Intolerant to First-Line Chemotherapy (The JANUS 1Study)

Source: INCYTE-INCB-18424-362Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Paul RitchDates: 09/04/2015 - 10/17/2016

Title: A Phase II Clinical Trial ofPembrolizumab as Monotherapy and inCombination withCisplatin+5-Flourouracil in Subjectswith Recurrent or Metastatic Gastric orGastroesophageal JunctionAdenocarcinoma

Source: MERCK-MK-3475-059Role: PIDates: 09/30/2015 - 03/06/2020

Title: A Phase III, Randomized, Open-labelClinical Trial of Pembrolizumab(MK-3475) versus Paclitaxel in Subjectswith Advanced Gastric orGastroesophageal JunctionAdenocarcinoma who Progressed afterFirst-Line Therapy with Platinum andFluoropyrimidine

Source: MERCK-MK-3475-061Role: PIDates: 12/11/2015 - 06/13/2018

Title: A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-Blind,Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess theEfficacy and Safety of Enzalutamide inSubjects with Advanced HepatocellularCarcinoma

Source: ASTELLAS-9785-CL-3021

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Role: PIDates: 07/01/2016 - 03/07/2018

Title: A Randomized, Active-Controlled,Partially Blinded, Biomarker Select,Phase III Clinical Trial ofPembrolizumab as Monotherapy and inCombination withCisplatin+5-Fluorouracil versusPlacebo+Cisplatin+5-Fluorouracil asFirst-Line Treatment in Subjects withAdvanced Gastric or GastroesophagealJunction (GEJ) Adenocarcinoma

Source: MERCK-MK-3475-062Role: PIDates: 07/11/2016 - 04/28/2017

Title: A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-blind,Placebo-controlled, Multicenter Study ofPEGylated Recombinant HumanHyaluronidase (PEGPH20) inCombination with Nab-Paclitaxel PlusGemcitabine Compared with PlaceboPlus Nab-Paclitaxel and Gemcitabine inSubjects with Hyaluronan-high Stage IVPreviously Untreated Pancreatic DuctalAdenocarcinoma

Source: HALOZYME-HALO-109-301Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Paul RitchDates: 07/12/2016 - 12/16/2019

Title: Randomized, Double-blind, Phase 3Study Evaluating TAS-102 Plus BestSupportive Care (BSC) versus PlaceboPlus BSC in Patients with MetastaticGastric Cancer Refractory to StandardTreatments

Source: TAIHO-TO-TAS-102-302Role: PIDates: 08/19/2016 - 08/21/2018

Title: A Phase 2 Study of BPM31510(Ubidecarenone, USP) NanosuspensionInjection Administered Intravenouslywith or without Gemcitabine as 2nd/3rdLine Therapy in Advanced PancreaticCancer Patients

Source: BERG-15-002-PCRTRole: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Mandana KamgarDates: 11/14/2016 - 03/01/2019

Title: Efficacy of Doxycycline on MetakaryoteCell Death in Patients with ResectablePancreatic Cancer


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Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Susan TsaiDates: 04/03/2017 - 07/06/2018

Title: A Phase 2, Open-Label, Single-Arm,Multicenter Study to Evaluate theEfficacy and Safety of INCB054828 inSubjects with Advanced/Metastatic orSurgically UnresectableCholangiocarcinoma Including FGFR2Translocations Who Failed PreviousTherapy

Source: INCYTE-INCB-54828-202Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Paul RitchDates: 07/25/2017 - 04/12/2019

Title: An Open-Label, Multicenter Phase IbStudy of the Safety and Efficacy ofAtezolizumab (Anti-PD-L1 Antibody)Administered in Combination withBevacizumab and/or Other Treatments inPatients with Solid Tumors

Source: HOFFMANN-LAROCHE-GO30140Role: PIDates: 08/07/2017 - 07/22/2019

Title: A Randomized Phase 3 Study ofAM0010 in Combination with FOLFOXCompared with FOLFOX Alone asSecond-line Therapy in Patients withMetastatic Pancreatic Cancer That HasProgressed During or Following a First-Line Gemcitabine Containing Regimen


Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Paul RitchDates: 08/29/2017 - 12/13/2019

Title: "A Phase 1b, Randomized, Open-LabelStudy of PEGylated RecombinantHuman Hyaluronidase (PEGPH20) inCombination with Cisplatin PlusGemcitabine and PEGPH20 inCombination with Atezolizumab andCisplatin Plus Gemcitabine Comparedwith Cisplatin Plus Gemcitabine inHyaluronan-High (HA-high) Subjectswith Previously Untreated, Unresectable,Locally Advanced, or MetastaticIntrahepatic and ExtrahepaticCholangiocarcinoma and GallbladderAdenocarcinoma "

Source: HALOZYME-HALO-110-101Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Paul Ritch

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Dates: 11/15/2017 - 01/09/2020

Title: Phase I Study of Stereotactic BodyRadiotherapy (SBRT) Followed byNivolumab or Ipilimumab withNivolumab in UnresectableHepatocellular Carcinoma

Source: UC-17-0578-HCCRole: PIDates: 04/26/2018 - 03/13/2019

Title: Phase 1/2 Study Of TAS-120 In PatientsWith Advanced Solid Tumors HarboringFGF/FGFR Aberrations

Source: TAIHO-TPU-TAS-120-101Role: PIDates: 07/31/2018 - 11/30/2019

Title: Tate Versus Tace, an Open-LabelRandomized Study ComparingTransarterial Tirapazamine Embolizationversus Transarterial Chemoembolizationin Intermediate Stage HepatocellularCarcinoma

Source: TECLISON-LT006-TATEVSTACERole: Sub-InvestigatorPI: William RillingDates: 05/09/2019 - 08/30/2019

Title: "A SU2C Catalyst® Randomized PhaseII Trial of the PD1 InhibitorPembrolizumab (Keytruda®) withvitamin D receptor agonist Paricalcitol(Zemplar®) in Patients with Stage IVPancreatic Cancer Who Have BeenPlaced in Best Possible Response (withno further improvement in their tumor)"

Source: TGEN-17-001-SU2C-CATALYSTRole: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Paul RitchDates: 08/09/2019 - 12/26/2019

Title: A Phase 1/2 Open-Label, Safety,Pharmacokinetic, Pharmacodynamic andEfficacy Study of RX-3117 inCombination with Abraxane® inSubjects with Metastatic PancreaticCancer

Source: REXAHN-RX3117-003Role: Sub-InvestigatorPI: Paul RitchDates: 10/08/2019 - 01/03/2020

INVITED LECTURES/WORKSHOPS/PRESENTATIONS: LocalChoosing a career in Medical Oncology, Lecture for the Medical Students, Medical College of WI,

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11/16/2011Annual Didactic Lecture for Internal Medicine Residents on Colorectal Cancer, Medical College of

Wisconsin, 2011 - PresentAnnual Didactic Lecture for Hematology/Oncology Fellows on Gastro-Esophageal Malignancies, Medical

College of Wisconsin, 2011 - PresentChemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer, HPB Didactic Lecture, Medical College of WI, 03/01/2012Initial Experience with FOLFIRINOX in the neo-adjuvant setting for patients with Borderline Resectable

Pancreatic Cancer, Division of Hematology and Oncology Research Meeting, Medical College of WI,11/15/2012

Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer – Past, Present and Future’.‘Novel Treatment Sequencing, PancreaticCancer Symposium, Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI, 02/16/2013

Multimodality Treatment of Foregut Malignancies – Timing is Everything’, GI ASCO update, MedicalCollege of Wisconsin Alumni Center, 03/23/2013

Clinicopathologic Conference for the Internal Medicine Residents, Medical College of WI, 11/2013Integration of Locoregional Therapy with Systemic Therapy in patients with metastatic Colorectal Cancer,

HPB Didactic Lecture Series, Medical College of WI, 04/03/2014Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer, HPB Didactic Lecture Series, MCW, 04/03/2014Clinical Trials in the Pancreatic Cancer Program, Annual Cancer Center Scientific Retreat, Serb Hall,

Milwaukee, 06/06/2014Chemotherapy in the management of Pancreatic Cancer, Community Memorial Hospital, Menomonee Falls,

WI, 08/29/2014 - 08/29/2017Challenges in delivering FOLFIRINOX and Gemcitabine-Nab Paclitaxel, The Annual Pancreatic Cancer

Symposium, Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI, 09/05/2014Pancreatic Cancer – Treatment Approaches, Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN), Radisson Hotel,

Milwaukee, WI, 10/01/2014Role of Molecular Profiling in patients with metastatic Colorectal Cancer, The Symposium on Metastatic

Colon Cancer, Milwaukee, WI, 05/01/2015Molecular Classification of Pancreatic Cancer, HPB Didactic Lecture, Medical College of WI, 06/02/2016Role of Molecular Markers and the Newest Tumor Board, Regional Therapies Symposium, Milwaukee, WI,

08/04/2016Neuroendocrine Cancer -Subtypes, Natural History and Treatment, Didactic Lecture for the Interventional

Radiology Fellows, Medical College of WI, 12/01/2016GI ASCO Update 2017, Pancreatic Cancer Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 01/27/2017Treatment Sequencing in Localized Pancreas cancer, Pathology Grand Rounds, Froedtert and Medical

College of Wisconsin, 10/12/2018Treatment Sequencing in Localized Pancreas cancer, Transplant Surgery Grand Rounds, Froedtert and

Medical College of Wisconsin, 12/04/2018

RegionalTreatment Sequencing for Gastric Cancer: Is there an ideal approach?, Invited Lecture at St. Agnes Hospital,

Fon Du Lac, WI, 02/13/2014Modern Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Management, Fox Valley Hematology/Oncology Group, Appleton, WI,

11/06/2014Multi-modality Therapy for Management of Gastro-Esophageal malignancies: Optimal Treatment

Sequencing, Invited lecture at St. Vincent Hospital, Green Bay, WI, 09/11/2015Molecular profiling in GI Cancers, Invited lecture at the Spotlight on Peritoneal surface malignancies

Conference, Kohler, WI, 08/04/2017Treatment Sequencing in Localized Pancreas cancer, Aspirus Spring Oncology Forum, Wausau, WI,

04/27/2019Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma – A Review of the Treatment Landscape, Pancreatic Cancer Translational

Science Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 10/25/2019Updates in Colorectal Cancer, Annual Advances in Hematology and Oncology Symposium, Green Bay, WI,

10/26/2019ASCO GI Updates, Milwaukee, WI, 01/31/2020

NationalSequencing Chemotherapy and Radioembolization in the treatment of metastatic Colorectal Cancer, Invited

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lecture for the Florida Interventional Specialists, Tampa, FL, 05/29/2014Modern Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Management, Florida Fish Memorial Hospital, Orange City, Florida,

07/11/2014Modern Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Management, Lankenau Hospital, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania,

10/13/2014The Case for Integration of Locoregional Therapy with Systemic Therapy in metastatic Colorectal Cancer,

Invited lecture at the Annual World Congress of Interventional Oncology (WCIO), New York,05/06/2015 - 05/09/2016

The Case for Integration of Loco-regional Therapy with Systemic Therapy for Colorectal Liver Metastases,Invited Lecture at the Annual World Congress of Interventional Oncology (WCIO) metastaticColorectal Cancer Plenary Session, Boston, MA, 06/09/2016 - 06/12/2016

NCCN Updates- Medical Oncology Perspective’, Invited Lecture at the Society of Interventional RadiologyAnnual Meeting, Washington DC, 03/05/2017 - Present

Combining Intra-arterial Therapy with Chemotherapy for mCRC, Invited Lecture at the Society ofInterventional Radiology Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 03/07/2017

Invited Panelist for the metastatic Colorectal Cancer Tumor Board, The World Congress of InterventionalOncology Meeting, Boston, MA, 06/08/2017 - 06/11/2017

Moderated the metastatic Colorectal Cancer session, the World Congress of Interventional OncologyMeeting, Boston, MA, 06/08/2017 - 06/11/2017

When Should IO Therapy Be Integrated into Systemic Therapy?, Invited lecture at the World Congress ofInterventional Oncology Meeting, Boston, MA, 06/08/2017 - 06/11/2017

Y90 by lines of therapy: Can we justify administration of Y90 on earlier chemotherapy lines? NO: only onTrial, Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, 03/19/2018

Treatment Sequencing in Localized Pancreas Cancer, Cancer Center Grand Rounds, University of Nebraska,Omaha, Nebraska, 01/21/2019

A Primer: Systemic Therapies in the Era of Molecular Subtyping, plenary session on Colorectal LiverMetastases at the Annual Society of Interventional Oncology Meeting, Boston, MA, 06/09/2019

What is Oligometastatic Disease.Plenary session on Lung Mets Comparative Effectiveness, Annual Society ofInterventional Oncology Meeting, Boston, MA, 06/10/2019

InternationalAdjuvant and Neo-adjuvant Strategies for Colorectal Cancer, Invited Lecture at the Colorectal Continuing

Medical Education Symposium, Thruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 11/07/2015 - 11/08/2015Limits of Systemic Therapies - Individualized Local Approaches, Invited Lecture at the European Conference

on Interventional Oncology (ECIO), Dublin, Ireland, 04/17/2016 - 04/20/2016Management of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, Saint Paul Millennium Medical College, University of Addis

Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11/27/2017Treatment Sequencing in Localized Gastro-Esophageal Cancer, Invited Lecture at Saint Paul Millennium

Medical College, University o Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11/28/2017Management of Metastatic Gastro-Esophageal Cancer, Invited Lecture at Saint Paul Millennium Medical

College, University o Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 12/01/2017Treatment Sequencing in Localized Pancreas Cancer, Kochi Oncology Group Meeting, Kochi, Kerala, India,


COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES: Ellen’s Icebreaker fund for gastric Cancer: Fundraising activity by a grateful patient’s family. They have

raised approximately $ 70,000 over the last 2 years Sebastian Raclaw Abdominal Cancer Research Fund: Fundraising activity (`$25,000) by a grateful patient’s

family (dedicated to Dr. Turaga and me)

BIBLIOGRAPHYRefereed Journal Publications/Original Papers1. George B, Cote RJ, Datar RH; Nucleic Acids in Prognosis, National Medical Journal of India 14(3): 163-7,


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2. Chatterjee SJ, Datar RH, Youssefzadeh D, George B, Stein JP, Young L, Shi S-R, Gee C, Groshen SG,Skinner DG, Cote RJ; The combined effects of p53,p21 and pRb expression in the progression ofbladder transitional cell carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology 22 (6):1007-1013, 2004

3. Pagliarulo V, George B, Beil SJ, Groshen SG, Laird PW, Cai J, Willey JC, Cote RJ, Datar RH; Sensitivityand reproducibility of standardized competitive RT PCR for transcript quantification and itscomparison with real-time RT-PCR. Molecular Cancer 3: 5-11, 2004

4. Chatterjee SJ, George B, Shi S-R, Datar RH, Goebell PJ, Fung YK, Jones PA, Cordon-Cardo C, Cote RJ;Hyperphosphorylation of pRB: a mechanism for Rb tumor suppressor pathway inactivation in bladdercancer. Journal of Pathology 203: 762-770, 2004

5. George B, Cote RJ, Datar RH; Does the decatenation G2 checkpoint suppress bladder carcinogenesis(Commentary). American Journal of Urology Review 2(7):347-350, 2004

6. Mitra AP, Almal AA, George B, Fry DW, Lenehan PF, Pagliarulo V, Cote RJ, Datar RH, Worzel WP;The useof genetic programming in the analysis of quantitative gene expression profiles for identification ofnodal status in bladder cancer. BMC Cancer 6:159, 2006

7. George B, Datar RH, Wu L, Cai J, Patten N, Beil SJ,Groshen S, Stein J, Skinner D, Jones PA, Cote RJ;p53Gene and Protein Status:The role of p53 Alterations in Predicting Outcome in Patients with BladderCancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 25 (34):5352-5358, 2007

8. George B, Wirostko WJ, Connor TB, Choong NW. Complete and durable response of choroid metastasisfrom non-small cell lung cancer with systemic bevacizumab and chemotherapy. J Thorac Oncol. 2009May;4(5):661-2.

9. Sukumaran S, George B, Parameshwaran NH, Drobyski WR; Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome(PRES) in association with high dose steroids after autologous peripheral blood stem celltransplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation 45: 779-780, 2010

10. Olteanu H, Harrington AM, George B, Hari PN, Bredeson C, Kroft SH. High prevalence of Dapsone-induced oxidant hemolysis in North American SCT recipients without glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2011 Apr 11. [Epub ahead of print]

11. George B, Kopetz S; Predictive and Prognostic Markers in Colorectal Cancer. Current Oncology Reports13(3):206-15, 2011

12. Garrett CR, George B, Viswanathan C, Bhadkamkar NA, Wen S, Baladandayuthapani V, You YN, KopetzES, Overman MJ, Kee BK, Eng C.Survival Benefit Associated with Surgical Oophorectomy inPatients with Colorectal Cancer Metastatic to the Ovary. Clinical Colorectal Cancer. 11 (3): 191-194,2012

13. Wilson JM, Groeschl R, George B, Turaga KK, Patel PJ, Saeian K, Gamblin TC. Ciliated hepatic cystleading to squamous cell carcinoma of the liver - A case report and review of the literature. Int J SurgCase Rep. 2013;4(11):972-5. PMCID: PMC3825928

14. Jayakrishnan TT, Groeschl RT, George B, Thomas JP, Clark Gamblin T, Turaga KK. Review of the impactof antineoplastic therapies on the risk for cholelithiasis and acute cholecystitis. Ann Surg Oncol. 2014Jan;21(1):240-7.

15. Christians KK, Tsai S, Mahmoud A, Ritch P, Thomas JP, Wiebe L, Kelly T, Erickson B, Wang H, EvansDB, George B. Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX for borderline resectable pancreas cancer: a new treatmentparadigm? Oncologist. 2014 Mar;19(3):266-74. PMCID: PMC3958454

16. Jayakrishnan TT, Groeschl RT, George B, Thomas JP, Pappas SG, Gamblin, TC, Turaga KK. Managementof acute cholecystitis in cancer patients: a comparative effectiveness approach. Surg Endosc - 2014Apr 02

17. Hwang M, Jayakrishnan TT, Green DE, George B, Thomas JP, Groeschl RT, Erickson B, Pappas SG,Gamblin TC, Turaga KK. Systematic review of outcomes of patients undergoing resection forcolorectal liver metastases in the setting of extra hepatic disease. Eur. J. Cancer – 2014 Apr 29

18. Christians KK, Pilgrim CH, Tsai S, Ritch P, George B, Erickson B ,Tolat P, Evans DB. Arterial resection atthe time of pancreatectomy for cancer. Surgery, 2014, May 03

19. Miura JT, Johnston FM, Thomas J, George B, Eastwood D, Tsai S, Christians KK, Turaga KK, Gamblin TC.Molecular profiling in gastric cancer: Examining potential targets for chemotherapy. Journal ofSurgical Oncology, 2014 May 21

20. Kharofa J, Tsai S, Kelly T, Wood C, George B, Ritch P, Wiebe L, Christians K, Evans DB, Erickson B.Neoadjuvant chemoradiation with IMRT in resectable and borderline resectable pancreatic cancer.Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2014 October;113 (1):41- 6

21. Krepline AN, Christians KK, Duelge K, Mahmoud A, Ritch P, George B, Erickson BA, Foley WD,

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Quebbeman EJ, Turaga KK, Johnston FM, Gamblin TC, Evans DB, Tsai S. Patency rates of portalvein/superior mesenteric vein reconstruction after pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer. Journal ofGastrointestinal Surgery. November 2014 (11) 2016-2025

22. Jayakrishnan TT, Nadeem H, Groeschl RT, George B, Thomas JP, Ritch PS, Christians KK, Tsai S, EvansDB, Pappas SG, Gamblin TC, Turaga KK. Diagnostic laparoscopy should be performed beforedefinitive resection for pancreatic cancer: a financial argument. HPB (Oxford). 2015 Feb;17(2):131-9

23. Humphrey SR, Hussain A, Chandran R, Wilson B, George B. An acute onset of acrokeratosisparaneoplastica. JAMA Dermatology, 2015 March 11.

24. Miura JT, Xiu J, Thomas J, George B, Carron BR, Tsai S, Johnston FM, Turaga KK, Gamblin TC. Tumorprofiling of gastric and esophageal carcinoma reveal different treatment options. Cancer Biol Ther.2015;16(5):764-9. PMCID: PMC4622996

25. Miura JT, Xiu J, Thomas J, George B, Carron BR, Tsai S, Johnston FM, Turaga KK, Gamblin TC. TumorProfiling of gastric and esophageal carcinoma reveal different treatment options. Cancer Biology andTherapy 2015 March 16:1-6

26. Miura JT, Johnston FM, Tsai S, George B, Thomas J, Eastwood D, Banerjee A, Christians KK, Turaga KK,Pawlik TM, Clark Gamblin T. Chemotherapy for Surgically Resected IntrahepaticCholangiocarcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2015 Mar 17

27. Epperla N, George, B. An Unusual Combination: KRAS and BRAF Co-mutated Metastatic ColorectalCancer. Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer, May 2015 (Epub)

28. Evans DB, George B, Tsai S. Non-metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: Resectable, Borderline Resectable, andLocally Advanced – definitions of increasing importance for the optimal delivery of multimodalitytherapy. Invited editorial for Annals of Surgical Oncology, June 2015 (Epub)

29. Fathi A, Christians KK, George B, Ritch PS, Erickson BA, Tolat P, Johnston FM, Evans DB, Tsai S.Neoadjuvant therapy for localized pancreatic cancer: guiding principles. J Gastrointest Oncol. 2015Aug;6(4):418-29

30. Aldakkak M, Christians K, Krepline AN, George B, Ritch P, Erickson B, Johnston F; Evans DB, Tsai S. Pre-treatment CA 19-9 Does Not Predict the Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy in Patients with LocalizedPancreatic Cancer. HPB (Oxford). August 2015

31. Miura JT, Krepline AN, George B, Ritch PS, Erickson BA, Johnston FM, Oshima K, Christians KK, EvansDB, Tsai S. Use of neoadjuvant therapy in patients 75 years of age and older with pancreatic cancer.Surgery. August 2015

32. Zacharias AJ, Jayakrishnan TT, Rajeev R, Rilling WS, Thomas JP, George B, Johnston FM, Gamblin TC,Turaga KK. Comparative Effectiveness of Hepatic Artery Based Therapies for Unresectable ColorectalLiver Metastases: A Meta-Analysis. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 8;10(10)

33. Conte B, George B, Overman M, Estrella J, Jiang ZQ, Mehrvarz Sarshekeh A, Ferrarotto R, Hoff PM,Rashid A, Yao JC, Kopetz S, Dasari A. High-Grade Neuroendocrine Colorectal Carcinomas: ARetrospective Study of 100 patients.Clinical Colorectal Cancer.2015 Dec 29 (Epub)

34. Tsai S, Christians KK, Ritch PS, George B, Khan AH, Erickson B, Evans DB. Multimodality Therapy inPatients With Borderline Resectable or Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: Importance ofLocoregional Therapies for a Systemic Disease. J Oncol Pract. 2016 Oct;12(10):915-923.

35. Christians KK, Hemler JW, George B, Ritch PS, Erickson BA, Johnston F, Tolat PP, Foley WD, Evans DB,Tsai S. Survival of patients with resectable pancreatic cancer who received neoadjuvant therapy.Surgery. 2016. Oct 23 (Epub)

36. Krepline AN, Christians KK, George B, Ritch PS, Erickson BA, Tolat P, Evans DB, Tsai S. Venousthromboembolism prophylaxis during neoadjuvant therapy for resectable and borderline resectablepancreatic cancer-Is it indicated? J Surg Oncol. 2016 Oct;114(5):581-586.

37. Rajamanickam ES, Christians KK, Aldakkak M, Krepline AN, Ritch PS, George B, Erickson BA, FoleyWD, Aburajab M, Evans DB, Tsai S. Poor Glycemic Control Is Associated with Failure to CompleteNeoadjuvant Therapy and Surgery in Patients with Localized Pancreatic Cancer. J Gastrointest Surg.2017 Mar;21(3):496-505

38. Campbell BB, Light N, Fabrizio D, Zatzman M, Fuligni F, de Borja R, Davidson S, Edwards M, Elvin JA,Hodel KP, Zahurancik WJ, Suo Z, Lipman T, Wimmer K, Kratz CP, Bowers DC, Laetsch TW, DunnGP, Johanns TM, Grimmer MR, Smirnov IV, Larouche V, Samuel D, Bronsema A, Osborn M, StearnsD, Raman P, Cole KA, Storm PB, Yalon M, Opocher E, Mason G, Thomas GA, Sabel M, George B,Ziegler DS, Lindhorst S, Issai VM, Constantini S, Toledano H, Elhasid R, Farah R, Dvir R, Dirks P,Huang A, Galati MA, Chung J, Ramaswamy V, Irwin MS, Aronson M, Durno C, Taylor MD, RechaviG, Maris JM, Bouffet E, Hawkins C, Costello JF, Meyn MS, Pursell ZF, Malkin D, Tabori U, Shlien

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A. Comprehensive Analysis of Hypermutation in Human Cancer. Cell. 2017 Nov16;171(5):1042-1056.e10

39. Blitzer GC, Hall WA, Tsai S, Aldakkak M, Hellman RS, Evans DB, Christians KK, George B, Ritch PS,Erickson BA. Should functional renal scans be obtained prior to upper abdominal IMRT for pancreaticcancer? Pract Radiat Oncol. 2017 Nov - Dec;7(6):e449-e45

40. Barnes CA, Krepline AN, Aldakkak M, Clarke CN, Christians KK, Khan AH, Hunt BC, Ritch PS, GeorgeB, Hall WA, Erickson BA, Evans DB, Tsai S. Is Adjuvant Therapy Necessary for All Patients withLocalized Pancreatic Cancer Who Have Received Neoadjuvant Therapy? J Gastrointest Surg. 2017Nov;21(11):1793-1803.

41. Tsai S, Christians KK, George B, Ritch PS, Dua K, Khan A, Mackinnon AC, Tolat P, Ahmad SA, Hall WA,Erickson BA, Evans DB. A Phase II Clinical Trial of Molecular Profiled Neoadjuvant Therapy forLocalized Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Ann Surg. 2018 10;268(4):610-619.

42. Chatzizacharias NA, Tsai S, Griffin M, Tolat P, Ritch P, George B, Barnes C, Aldakkak M, Khan AH, HallW, Erickson B, Evans DB, Christians KK. Locally advanced pancreas cancer: Staging and goals oftherapy. Surgery. 2018 Jan 10. pii: S0039-6060(17)30633-5.(Epub ahead of print)

43. Tsai S, George B, Wittmann D, Ritch PS, Krepline AN, Aldakkak M, Barnes CA, Christians KK, Dua K,Griffin M, Hall WA, Erickson BA, Evans DB. Importance of Normalization of CA19-9 levelsfollowing Neoadjuvant Therapy in Patients with Localized Pancreatic Cancer. Ann Surg. 2018 Oct 11.doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003049. [Epub ahead of print]

44. Xiong D, Wang Y, Singavi AK, Mackinnon AC, George B, You M. Immunogenomic LandscapeContributes to Hyperprogressive Disease after Anti-PD-1 Immunotherapy for Cancer. iScience. 2018Nov 30;9:258-277. PMCID: PMC6234258

45. Shuen AY, Lanni S, Panigrahi GB, Edwards M, Yu L, Campbell BB, Mandel A, Zhang C, Zhukova N,Alharbi M, Bernstein M, Bowers DC, Carroll S, Cole KA, Constantini S, Crooks B, Dvir R, Farah R,Hijiya N, George B, Laetsch TW, Larouche V, Lindhorst S, Luiten RC, Magimairajan V, Mason G,Mason W, Mordechai O, Mushtaq N, Nicholas G, Oren M, Palma L, Pedroza LA, Ramdas J, SamuelD, Wolfe Schneider K, Seeley A, Semotiuk K, Shamvil A, Sumerauer D, Toledano H, Tomboc P,Wierman M, Van Damme A, Lee YY, Zapotocky M, Bouffet E, Durno C, Aronson M, Gallinger S,Foulkes WD, Malkin D, Tabori U, Pearson CE. Functional Repair Assay for the Diagnosis ofConstitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency From Non-Neoplastic Tissue. J Clin Oncol. 2019 Jan 4:[Epub ahead of print].

46. Wong M, Kim J, George B, Eriksen C, Pearson T, Robbins J, Zimmerman MA, Hing JC.DownstagingLocally-Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma Pre-Liver Transplantation: A Prospective Pilot Study. Journalof Surgical Research. Accepted for publication April 2019.

47. Singavi A, Ramalingam V, George, B. Etanercept for Treatment of Taxane-Induced Pneumonitis. Journal ofOncology Practice. June 20, 2019.

48. Shuen AY, Lanni S, Panigrahi GB, Edwards M, Yu L, Campbell BB, Mandel A, Zhang C, Zhukova N,Alharbi M, Bernstein M, Bowers DC, Carroll S, Cole KA, Constantini S, Crooks B, Dvir R, Farah R,Hijiya N, George B, Laetsch TW, Larouche V, Lindhorst S, Luiten RC, Magimairajan V, Mason G,Mason W, Mordechai O, Mushtaq N, Nicholas G, Oren M, Palma L, Pedroza LA, Ramdas J, SamuelD, Wolfe Schneider K, Seeley A, Semotiuk K, Shamvil A, Sumerauer D, Toledano H, Tomboc P,Wierman M, Van Damme A, Lee YY, Zapotocky M, Bouffet E, Durno C, Aronson M, Gallinger S,Foulkes WD, Malkin D, Tabori U, Pearson CE. Functional Repair Assay for the Diagnosis ofConstitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency From Non-Neoplastic Tissue. J Clin Oncol. 2019 0220;37(6):461-470.

49. Barnes CA, Chavez MI, Tsai S, Aldakkak M, George B, Ritch PS, Dua K, Clarke CN, Tolat P, Hagen C,Hall WA, Erickson BA, Evans DB, Christians KK. Survival of patients with borderline resectablepancreatic cancer who received neoadjuvant therapy and surgery.Surgery. 2019 Sep;166(3):277-285

50. Pabla S, Conroy JM, Nesline MK, Glenn ST, Papanicolau-Sengos A, Burgher B, Hagen J, Giamo V, AndreasJ, Lenzo FL, Yirong W, Dy GK, Yau E, Early A, Chen H, Bshara W, Madden KG, Shirai K, DragnevK, Tafe LJ, Marin D, Zhu J, Clarke J, Labriola M, McCall S, Zhang T, Zibelman M, Ghatalia P,Araujo-Fernandez I, Singavi A, George B, MacKinnon AC, Thompson J, Singh R, Jacob R, DresslerL, Steciuk M, Binns O, Kasuganti D, Shah N, Ernstoff M, Odunsi K, Kurzrock R, Gardner M, GalluzziL, Morrison C. Proliferative potential and resistance to immune checkpoint blockade in lung cancerpatients. J Immunother Cancer. 2019 02 01;7(1):27. PMCID: PMC6359802

51. Singhi AD, George B, Greenbowe JR, Chung J, Suh J, Maitra A, Klempner SJ, Hendifar A, Milind JM,Golan T, Brand RE, Zureikat AH, Roy S, Schrock AB, Miller VA, Ross JS, Ali SM, Bahary N. Real-

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Time Targeted Genome Profile Analysis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinomas Identifies GeneticAlterations That Might Be Targeted With Existing Drugs or Used as Biomarkers. Gastroenterology.2019 06;156(8):2242-2253.e4.

52. Barnes CA, Chavez MI, Tsai S, Aldakkak M, George B, Ritch PS, Dua K, Clarke CN, Tolat P, Hagen C,Hall WA, Erickson BA, Evans DB, Christians KK. Survival of patients with borderline resectablepancreatic cancer who received neoadjuvant therapy and surgery. Surgery. 2019 09;166(3):277-285.

53. Goldman JW, Waterhouse DM, George B, O'Dwyer PJ, Bhore R, Banerjee S, Lyons L, Louis CU, Ong TJ,Kelly K. Safety and Efficacy Results of a Phase I, Open-Label Study of Concurrent and DelayedNivolumab in Combination With <i>nab</i>-Paclitaxel and Carboplatin in Advanced Non-small CellLung Cancer. Front Oncol. 2019;9:1256. PMCID: PMC6901975

54. Conroy JM, Pabla S, Nesline MK, Glenn ST, Papanicolau-Sengos A, Burgher B, Andreas J, Giamo V, WangY, Lenzo FL, Bshara W, Khalil M, Dy GK, Madden KG, Shirai K, Dragnev K, Tafe LJ, Zhu J,Labriola M, Marin D, McCall SJ, Clarke J, George DJ, Zhang T, Zibelman M, Ghatalia P, Araujo-Fernandez I, de la Cruz-Merino L, Singavi A, George B, MacKinnon AC, Thompson J, Singh R,Jacob R, Kasuganti D, Shah N, Day R, Galluzzi L, Gardner M, Morrison C. Next generationsequencing of PD-L1 for predicting response to immune checkpoint inhibitors. J Immunother Cancer.2019 01 24;7(1):18. PMCID: PMC6346512

55. Jariwalla NR, Khan AH, Dua K, Christians KK, Clarke CN, Aldakkak M, George B, Tutton S, Rilling W,Erickson B, Evans DB, Tsai S. Management of Acute Cholecystitis during Neoadjuvant Therapy inPatients with Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2019 Dec;26(13):4515-4521.

56. Wong M, Kim J, George B, Eriksen C, Pearson T, Robbins J, Zimmerman MA, Hong JC. DownstagingLocally Advanced Cholangiocarcinoma Pre-Liver Transplantation: A Prospective Pilot Study. J SurgRes. 2019 10;242:23-30.

57. Singavi AK, Ramalingam V, George B. Etanercept for Treatment of Taxane-Induced Pneumonitis. J OncolPract. 2019 10;15(10):556-557.

58. Barnes CA, Aldakkak M, Clarke CN, Christians KK, Bucklan D, Holt M, Tolat P, Ritch PS, George B, HallWA, Erickson BA, Evans DB, Tsai S. Value of Pretreatment 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PositronEmission Tomography in Patients With Localized Pancreatic Cancer Treated With NeoadjuvantTherapy. Front Oncol. 2020 Apr 17;10:500. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00500. eCollection 2020

59. Krepline AN, Bliss L, Geurts J, Akinola I, Christians KK, George B, Ritch PS, Hall WA, Erickson BA,Evans DB, Tsai S. Role of Molecular Profiling of Pancreatic Cancer After Neoadjuvant Therapy: Doesit Change Practice? J Gastrointest Surg. 2020 02;24(2):235-242.

60. Wittmann D, Hall WA, Christians KK, Barnes CA, Jariwalla NR, Aldakkak M, Clarke CN, George B, RitchPS, Riese M, Khan AH, Kulkarni N, Evans J, Erickson BA, Evans DB, Tsai S. Impact of NeoadjuvantChemoradiation on Pathologic Response in Patients With Localized Pancreatic Cancer. Front Oncol.2020;10:460. PMCID: PMC7175033

61. Schmidt S, Liu Y, Hu ZH, Williams KM, Lazarus HM, Vij R, Kharfan-Dabaja MA, Ortí G, Wiernik PH,Weisdorf D, Kamble RT, Herzig R, Wirk B, Cerny J, Bacher U, Chaudhri NA, Nathan S, Farhadfar N,Aljurf M, Gergis U, Szer J, Seo S, Hsu JW, Olsson RF, Maharaj D, George B, Hildebrandt GC,Agrawal V, Nishihori T, Abdel-Azim H, Alyea E, Popat U, Sobecks R, Scott BL, Holter ChakrabartyJ, Saber W. The Role of Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (DLI) in Post-Hematopoietic Cell Transplant(HCT) Relapse for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) in the Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI) Era.Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2020 06;26(6):1137-1143. PMCID: PMC7367282

62. Krepline AN, Geurts JL, Akinola I, Christians KK, Clarke CN, George B, Ritch PS, Khan AH, Hall WA,Erickson BA, Griffin MO, Evans DB, Tsai S. Detection of germline variants using expanded multigenepanels in patients with localized pancreatic cancer. HPB (Oxford). 2020 Apr 27. pii:S1365-182X(20)30109-X. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2020.03.022. [Epub ahead of print]

63. George B. Safety & Efficacy of Trifluridine/Tipiracil in Metastatic Gastric Cancer: LWW, 2020.64. Wainberg ZA, Hochster HS, Kim EJ, George B, Kaylan A, Chiorean EG, Waterhouse DM, Guiterrez M,

Parikh A, Jain R, Carrizosa DR, Soliman HH, Lila T, Reiss DJ, Pierce DW, Bhore R, Banerjee S,Lyons L, Louis CU, Ong TJ, O'Dwyer PJ. Open-label, Phase I Study of Nivolumab Combined with<i>nab</i>-Paclitaxel Plus Gemcitabine in Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2020 0915;26(18):4814-4822.

65. Barnes CA, Aldakkak M, Clarke CN, Christians KK, Bucklan D, Holt M, Tolat P, Ritch PS, George B, HallWA, Erickson BA, Evans DB, Tsai S. Value of Pretreatment <sup>18</sup>F-fluorodeoxyglucosePositron Emission Tomography in Patients With Localized Pancreatic Cancer Treated WithNeoadjuvant Therapy. Front Oncol. 2020;10:500. PMCID: PMC7180175

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66. Krepline AN, Geurts JL, Akinola I, Christians KK, Clarke CN, George B, Ritch PS, Khan AH, Hall WA,Erickson BA, Griffin MO, Evans DB, Tsai S. Detection of germline variants using expanded multigenepanels in patients with localized pancreatic cancer. HPB (Oxford). 2020 12;22(12):1745-1752.

67. Tsai S, George B, Wittmann D, Ritch PS, Krepline AN, Aldakkak M, Barnes CA, Christians KK, Dua K,Griffin M, Hagen C, Hall WA, Erickson BA, Evans DB. Importance of Normalization of CA19-9Levels Following Neoadjuvant Therapy in Patients With Localized Pancreatic Cancer. Ann Surg. 202004;271(4):740-747.

68. Ilson DH, Tabernero J, Prokharau A, Arkenau HT, Ghidini M, Fujitani K, Van Cutsem E, Thuss-Patience P,Beretta GD, Mansoor W, Zhavrid E, Alsina M, George B, Catenacci D, McGuigan S, Makris L, DoiT, Shitara K. Efficacy and Safety of Trifluridine/Tipiracil Treatment in Patients With MetastaticGastric Cancer Who Had Undergone Gastrectomy: Subgroup Analyses of a Randomized ClinicalTrial. JAMA Oncol. 2020 Jan 01;6(1):e193531. PMCID: PMC6802061

69. Stein A, Strong E, Clark Gamblin T, Clarke C, Tsai S, Thomas J, George B, Mogal H. Molecular andGenetic Markers in Appendiceal Mucinous Tumors: A Systematic Review. Ann Surg Oncol. 2020Jan;27(1):85-97.

70. Chung J, Maruvka YE, Sudhaman S, Kelly J, Haradhvala NJ, Bianchi V, Edwards M, Forster VJ, NunesNM, Galati MA, Komosa M, Deshmukh S, Cabric V, Davidson S, Zatzman M, Light N, Hayes R,Brunga L, Anderson ND, Ho B, Hodel KP, Siddaway R, Morrissy AS, Bowers DC, Larouche V,Bronsema A, Osborn M, Cole KA, Opocher E, Mason G, Thomas GA, George B, Ziegler DS,Lindhorst S, Vanan M, Yalon-Oren M, Reddy AT, Massimino M, Tomboc P, Van Damme A, LossosA, Durno C, Aronson M, Morgenstern DA, Bouffet E, Huang A, Taylor MD, Villani A, Malkin D,Hawkins CE, Pursell ZF, Shlien A, Kunkel TA, Getz G, Tabori U. DNA Polymerase and MismatchRepair Exert Distinct Microsatellite Instability Signatures in Normal and Malignant Human Cells.Cancer Discov. 2021 05;11(5):1176-1191. PMCID: PMC8223607

71. Mora J, Krepline AN, Aldakkak M, Christians KK, George B, Hall WA, Erickson BA, Kulkarni N, EvansDB, Tsai S. Adjuvant therapy rates and overall survival in patients with localized pancreatic cancerfrom high Area Deprivation Index neighborhoods. Am J Surg. 2021 07;222(1):10-17.

72. Abid MB, Chhabra S, Buchan B, Graham MB, Abedin S, Thapa B, D'Souza A, George B, Hamadani M.Bronchoalveolar lavage-based COVID-19 testing in patients with cancer. Hematol Oncol Stem CellTher. 2021 Mar;14(1):65-70. PMCID: PMC7543702

73. Barnes CA, Aldakkak M, Christians KK, Clarke CN, Dua K, George B, Ritch PS, Kamgar M, Hall WA,Kulkarni N, Erickson BA, Evans DB, Tsai S. Radiographic patterns of first disease recurrence afterneoadjuvant therapy and surgery for patients with resectable and borderline resectable pancreaticcancer. Surgery. 2020 09;168(3):440-447.

74. Krepline AN, Geurts JL, George B, Kamgar M, Madhavan S, Erickson BA, Hall WA, Griffin MO, EvansDB, Tsai S, Kim RY. Cost-effectiveness analysis of universal germline testing for patients withpancreatic cancer. Surgery. 2021 03;169(3):629-635.

75. Hall WA, Kamgar M, Erickson BA, Ponce SB, Tsai S, Nevalainen MT, Christians KK, George B, Dua KS,Khan AH, Evans DB, Azmi AS. Updates and new directions in the use of radiation therapy for thetreatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: dose, sensitization, and novel technology. Cancer MetastasisRev. 2021 09;40(3):879-889. PMCID: PMC8767496

76. Kim RY, Christians KK, Aldakkak M, Clarke CN, George B, Kamgar M, Khan AH, Kulkarni N, Hall WA,Erickson BA, Evans DB, Tsai S. Total Neoadjuvant Therapy for Operable Pancreatic Cancer. AnnSurg Oncol. 2021 Apr;28(4):2246-2256.

77. George B. Precision Medicine and Pancreatic Cancer. Surg Oncol Clin N Am. 2021 10;30(4):693-708. 78. Kamgar M, Chakrabarti S, Shreenivas A, George B. Evolution of Systemic Therapy in Metastatic Pancreatic

Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Surg Oncol Clin N Am. 2021 10;30(4):673-691. 79. Luo J, Tong L, Crotty BH, Somai M, Taylor B, Osinski K, George B. Telemedicine Adoption during the

COVID-19 Pandemic: Gaps and Inequalities. Appl Clin Inform. 2021 08;12(4):836-844. PMCID:PMC8426040

80. Javle M, Borad MJ, Azad NS, Kurzrock R, Abou-Alfa GK, George B, Hainsworth J, Meric-Bernstam F,Swanton C, Sweeney CJ, Friedman CF, Bose R, Spigel DR, Wang Y, Levy J, Schulze K, Cuchelkar V,Patel A, Burris H. Pertuzumab and trastuzumab for HER2-positive, metastatic biliary tract cancer(MyPathway): a multicentre, open-label, phase 2a, multiple basket study. Lancet Oncol. 202109;22(9):1290-1300.

81. Stachowiak S, Jacquart A, Zimmermann MT, George B, Dong H, Geurts JL. Germline evaluation of patientsundergoing tumor genomic profiling: An academic cancer center's experience with implementing a

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germline review protocol. J Genet Couns. 2021 06;30(3):900-910. 82. George B, Kent M, Surinach A, Lamarre N, Cockrum P. The Association of Real-World CA 19-9 Level

Monitoring Patterns and Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With Metastatic Pancreatic DuctalAdenocarcinoma. Front Oncol. 2021;11:754687. PMCID: PMC8522478

83. George B, Kurzrock R. Progression-free survival 2: Is it ready for prime time? Cancer. 2022 0401;128(7):1361-1362.

84. Das A, Sudhaman S, Morgenstern D, Coblentz A, Chung J, Stone SC, Alsafwani N, Liu ZA, Karsaneh OAA,Soleimani S, Ladany H, Chen D, Zatzman M, Cabric V, Nobre L, Bianchi V, Edwards M, SambiraNahum LC, Ercan AB, Nabbi A, Constantini S, Dvir R, Yalon-Oren M, Campino GA, Caspi S,Larouche V, Reddy A, Osborn M, Mason G, Lindhorst S, Bronsema A, Magimairajan V, Opocher E,De Mola RL, Sabel M, Frojd C, Sumerauer D, Samuel D, Cole K, Chiaravalli S, Massimino M,Tomboc P, Ziegler DS, George B, Van Damme A, Hijiya N, Gass D, McGee RB, Mordechai O,Bowers DC, Laetsch TW, Lossos A, Blumenthal DT, Sarosiek T, Yen LY, Knipstein J, Bendel A,Hoffman LM, Luna-Fineman S, Zimmermann S, Scheers I, Nichols KE, Zapotocky M, Hansford JR,Maris JM, Dirks P, Taylor MD, Kulkarni AV, Shroff M, Tsang DS, Villani A, Xu W, Aronson M,Durno C, Shlien A, Malkin D, Getz G, Maruvka YE, Ohashi PS, Hawkins C, Pugh TJ, Bouffet E,Tabori U. Genomic predictors of response to PD-1 inhibition in children with germline DNAreplication repair deficiency. Nat Med. 2022 01;28(1):125-135. PMCID: PMC8799468

Books, Chapters, and Reviews1. George B, Datar RH, Cote RJ; Molecular biology of bladder cancer : Cell Cycle Alterations. Chapter 10

(pages 107-122), Textbook of Bladder Cancer, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 20062. Tsai S, George B, Christians KK, Evans DB. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiochemotherapy: is there a

survival advantage for pancreatic cancer patients. In Beger HG, Nakao A, Neoptolemos JP, Peng SY,Sarr MG, eds. Pancreatic Cancer, Cystic Neoplasms, and Endocrine Tumors: Diagnosis andManagement. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.

3. American Cancer Society Book Chapter on Rectal Cancer (with Kosinski, Turaga and Johnstone) 2017(inpress)

4. Delivery of Neoadjuvant versus Adjuvant Therapy in Localized Pancreatic Cancer. George B and Ritch PS.’Management of Localized Pancreatic Cancer’ Springer Nature. (In preparation).

5. Use of Molecular Profiling in Localized PC. George B. ’Management of Localized Pancreatic Cancer’Springer Nature. (In preparation).

6. Kosinski L, George B, Turaga KK, Johnstone CA, Mahmoud M. Colon and Rectal Cancer. The AmericanCancer Society's Oncology in Practice: Clinical Management. 2018: 124-148.

7. Christians KK, Younan G, George B, Tsai S, Evans DB. Resection Versus Chemotherapy for MetastaticNeuroendocrine Tumors of the Pancreas. Difficult Decisions in Endocrine Surgery: Springer,2018:441-457.

Abstracts1. Goebell PJ, George B, Brands FH, Datar RH, Shi S-R, Stein JP, Cote RJ: p21WAF/Cip1, p27Kip1 and p53

expression in bladder cancer (Seminar). 18th Annual Meeting of the Urological Research Society,Izmir, Turkey, September13-15, 2001

2. George B, Goebell PJ, Datar RH, Cai J, Brands FH, Young LL, Shi S-R, Groshen SG, Stein JP, Skinner DG,Cote RJ: p21Waf/Cip1, p27Kip1and p53; expression and impact on clinical outcome in invasivebladder cancer (Seminar). 38th Annual Meeting of the American Society Of Clinical Oncology,Orlando, Florida, May18-21, 2002

3. George B, Datar RH, Wu L, Beil SJ, Patten N, Cai J, Groshen SG, Cote RJ: Functional Role of p53 ininvasive bladder cancer: A correlation between gene status by GeneChip analysis and proteinexpression by Immunohistochemistry (Poster). Affymetrix User Group Meeting, SanDiego May 6-7,2003

4. Pagliarulo V, George B, Groshen SG, Laird PW, Cai J, Willey J, Datar RH, Cote RJ; Sensitivity andreproducibility of standardized competitive RT PCR for transcript Quantification and its comparisonwith real-time RT-PCR (poster). 94th Annual Meeting of the American Association for CancerResearch, Washington DC, July 11-14, 2003

5. George B, Pagliarulo V, Beil SJ, Buckley J, Datar RH, Cote RJ; Molecular Characterization of Bladder cancercell lines by quantitative transcript profiling using the StaRT PCR assay (poster). 94th Annual Meetingof the American Association for Cancer Research, Washington DC, July 11-14, 2003

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6. George B, Datar RH, Wu L, Beil SJ, Patten N, Cai J, Groshen SG, Cote RJ: Complete p53 Multi- exonSequencing by GeneChip Complements Use of p53 Immunohistochemistry for Prediction of ClinicalOutcome in Invasive Bladder Cancer (poster). 95th Annual Meeting of the American Association forCancer Research, Orlando, Florida, March27-31, 2004

7. Beil SJ, George B, Wu L, Cai J, Patten N, Young L, Groshen SG, Datar RH, Cote RJ; Comparison of p53genotype and phenotype:Site of mutation predicts outcome in patients with bladder cancer. AmericanSociety of Clinical Oncology. Vol 23, No. 16S, Part I of II (June 1 Supplement), 2005: 9561

8. Oettel KR, Joseph R, George B, Lee JA, Mathiason MA, Meyer L, Go RS; Compliance to NationalComprehensive Cancer Network guidelines in patients with newly diagnosed small cell lung cancer ata community cancer center. American Society of Clinical Oncology. Vol 25, No. 18S (June 20Supplement), 2007: 17064

9. George B, Simhan S, Lee JA, Mathiason MA, Go RS; Conflicts of interest among articles published in theJournal of Clinical Oncology. American Society of Clinical Oncology. Vol 25, No. 18S (June 20Supplement), 2007: 6633

10. Olteanu H, Harrington A, George B, Bredeson C, Parameshwaran NH, Kroft S; High Prevalence of DapsoneInduced Oxidant Hemolysis in North American Stem cell Transplant Recipients withGlucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency. American Society of Hematology (Blood)November 2009; 114:3314

11. Hassabo HM, Hassan M, George B, Wen S, Baladandayuthapani V, Kopetz S, Fogelman DR, Kee BK, EngC, Garrett CR. Survival advantage associated with metformin usage in patients with colorectal cancer(CRC) and type II noninsulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM). J Clin Oncol 29: 2011 (suppl; abstr 3618)

12. George B, You N, Viswanathan C, Wen S, Baladandayuthapani V, Overman MJ, Kee BK, Kopetz S, Eng C,Garrett CR; Survival Advantage Associated with Palliative Oophorectomy in Patients with MetastaticColorectal Cancer to the Ovaries: A Single Institution Retrospective Analysis. Abstract ID 539,Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, San Francisco, California, January 20- 22, 2011

13. George B, You N, Viswanathan C, Wen S, Baladandayuthapani V, Overman MJ, Kee BK, Kopetz S, Eng C,Garrett CR; Palliative Oophorectomy in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer to the Ovaries.Poster ID P156, Society of Surgical Oncology Annual Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, Texas March2-5, 2011

14. George B, Estrella J, Machado,KK Ferrarotto R, Hoff PM, Rashid A, Kopetz, S. High-grade neuroendocrinecarcinomas (HGNECs) of the colon and rectum: A single-institution retrospective analysis. J ClinOncol 29: 2011 (suppl; abstr e14040)

15. Hassabo H, Hassan M, George B, Wen S, Baladandayuthapani V, Kopetz S, Fogelman DR, Kee BK, Eng C,Garrett CR. Retrospective evaluation of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) and type II non-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM). J Clin Oncol 29: 2011 (suppl 4; abstr 507)

16. Kharofa JR, Kelly T, Wood C, George B, Tsai S, Ritch P, Wiebe L, Christians K, Evans D, Erickson B.Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation with IMRT in Resectable and Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer(PCa). ASTRO 2012

17. Kharofa J, Kelly T, Ritch P, George B, Wiebe LA, Thomas JP, Christians K, Evans DB, Erickson B.5-FUleucovorin, irinotecan, oxaliplatin (FOLFIRINOX) induction followed by chemoXRT inborderline resectable pancreatic Cancer 2012 GI ASCO

18. Kharofa J, Kelly TR , Ritch PS, George B, Wiebe LA, Thomas JP, Christians KK, Evans DB, Erickson B.5-FU/leucovorin, irinotecan, oxaliplatin (FOLFIRINOX) induction followed by chemoXRT inborderline resectable pancreatic cancer. J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr e14613).

19. Kharofa J, Kelly T, Wood C, George B, Tsai S, Ritch P, Wiebe L, Christians K, Evans D, Erickson B. Localcontrol in Resectable and Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer Treated with PreoperativeChemoradiation Using IMRT or Chemotherapy Alone. 2013 ASCO-ASTRO 2013 January 24-26,2013

20. Christians K, Tsai S, Mahmoud A, Ritch P, Thomas J, Wiebe L, Kelly T, Erickson B, Wang H, Evans D, George B. Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX For Borderline Resectable Pancreas Cancer - A NewTreatment Paradigm? Association of VA Surgeons Meeting, Milwaukee, April 21, 2013

21. George B, Ritch PS, Thomas JP, Wiebe LA, Mahmoud A, Christians KK, Pappas SG, Turaga KK,Quebbeman EJ, Gamblin TC, Erickson B, Kelly TR, Evans DB, Tsai S. Utility of pretreatment serumcarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level in patients with localized pancreatic cancer (LPCa). PancreasClub 2013

22. Miura JT, Krepline A, Duelge KD, George B, Ritch PS, Erickson B, Thomas JP, Mahmoud A, QuebbemanEJ, Turaga KK, Johnston FM, Christians KK, Gamblin TC, Evans DB, Tsai S. Neoadjuvant therapy

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for pancreatic cancer in patients older than age 75. GI ASCO 201423. Longo JM, Siker ML, George B, Kosinski L, Ludwig KA, Otterson M, Thomas JP, Wiebe LA, Erickson B.

Helical tomotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy in the treatment of anal canal carcinoma: A reviewof clinical outcomes at a tertiary referral center. GI ASCO 2014

24. Conte B, George B, Dasari A, Overman MJ, Estrella J, Jiang Z, Machado K, Mello CL, Ferrarotto R, HoffPM, Yao JC, Rashid A, Kopetz S. Colorectal high-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma: A singleinstitution experience. GI ASCO 2014

25. Krepline, AN, Aldakkak, M, George, B, Ritch, PS, Erickson, BA, Johnston, F, Christians, KK, Evans, DB,Tsai, S. Importance of Preoperative CA 19-9 Levels in Patients with Localized Pancreatic CancerTreated with Neoadjuvant Therapy. Society of Surgical Oncology, 2014

26. Aldakkak, M, Christians, KK, Krepline, AN, George, B, Ritch, PS, Erickson, BA, Johnston, F, Evans, DB,Tsai, S. Pretreatment Serum CA 19-9 Levels in Patients with Localized Pancreatic Cancer Treated withNeoadjuvant Therapy. Society of Surgical Oncology, 2014

27. Giever T, Ritch P, Thomas J, Wiebe L, Haasler G, Gasparri M, Johnstone D, Johnstone C, Gore E, GeorgeB. A combination of Cisplatin, Irinotecan, and Paclitaxel (CIP) as frontline treatment of patients withmetastatic Esophageal Cancer (mEC) AACR 2014

28. Tsai S, Christians KK, Dua K, Khan A, Oh Y, George B, Ritch P, Erickson BA, Hunt B, Rao A, MackinnonAC, Evans DE. Rapid immunohistochemical analysis of pancreatic cancer cytology from endoscopicultrasound guided fine needle aspirates. 2014 AACR Meeting, New Orleans

29. Amini, A, Krepline, AN, Mahmoud, A, George, B, Ritch, PS, Erickson, BA, Thomas, JP, Quebbeman, EJ,Turaga, KK, Johnston, F, Gamblin, TC, Christians, KK, Evans, DB, Tsai, S. Feasibility of Resectionafter Induction Therapy for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. Poster Presentation 2014 SSOMeeting, Phoenix, AZ

30. Miura, J, Krepline, AN, Deluge, J, George, B, Ritch, PS, Erickson, BA, Thomas, JP, Mahmoud, A,Quebbeman, EJ, Turaga, KK, Johnston, F, Christians, KK, Gamblin, TC, Evans, DB, Tsai, S.Neoadjuvant Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer in Patients > age 75. Poster Presentation 2014 SSOMeeting, Phoenix, AZ

31. Heimler, JW, Krepline, AN, George, B, Ritch, PS, Erickson, BA, Johnston, FM, Christians, KK, Evans, DB,Tsai, S. Survival Outcomes of Patients with Resectable Pancreatic Cancer Receiving NeoadjuvantTherapy. WI Surgical Meeting 2014

32. Krepline, AN, George, B, Ritch, PS, Erickson, BA, Thomas, JP, Mahmoud, A, Quebbeman, EJ, Turaga, KK,Johnston, F, Gamblin, TC, Christians, KK, Evans, DB, Tsai, S. Prophylactic anticoagulation forsuperior mesenteric vein or portal vein narrowing/occlusion in borderline resectable pancreaticadenocarcinoma patients. Poster Presentation 2014 AHPBA Meeting, Miami, FL

33. Krepline, AN, Aldakkak M, George, B, Ritch, PS, Erickson, BA, Johnston, FM, Christians, KK, Evans, DB,Tsai, S. Importance of Preoperative CA19-9 levels in Patients with Localized Pancreatic CancerTreated with Neoadjuvant Therapy. SSO 2015 Houston. Oral Presentation

34. Aldakkak M, Christians KK, Krepline AN, George B, Ritch PS, Erickson EA, Johnston FM, Evans DB, TsaiS. Pre-treatment CA19-9 does not predict the response to Neoadjuvant therapy in patients withLocalized Pancreatic Cancer March 2015 AHPBA Miami, FL

35. Miura TJ, Johnston FM, Tsai S, George B, Thomas JP, Christians KK, Turaga K, Pawlik TM, Ga,blin C.Chemotherapy for surgically resected intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Influence of lymph node statuson treatment efficacy. GI ASCO, 2015

36. Giever T, Ranade A, Thomas JP, Ritch P, Wiebe L, Haasler G, Gasparri M, Johnstone D, Gore E, JohnstoneC, Dua K, Khan A, Oh Y, George B. Utility of invasive staging procedures in patients (pts) withlocalized esophageal cancer. GI ASCO, 2015

37. Miura, J, Aldakkak, MA, Krepline, AN, George, B, Ritch, PS, Erickson, BA, Johnston, FM, Christians, KK,Evans, DB, Tsai S. Gender-based Differences in Survival Among Patients with Localized PancreaticCancer. Soc Black Acad Surg 2015, Chapel Hill, NC. Oral Presentation

38. D Waterhouse, M Gutierrez, T Bekaii-Saab, W DeRosa, Z Wainberg, B George, C Duval Fraser, A Ko, DWPierce, S Stergiopoulos, H Soliman Nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) plus nivolumab (Nivo) in human epidermalgrowth factor receptor 2 (HER2)–negative recurrent metastatic breast cancer (MBC). CTRC-AACRSan Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, December 8-12, 2015, San Antonio, TX

39. Tsai S, Ritch PS, Erickson B, George B, Johnston FM, Mackinnon AC, Evans DB, Christians KK. Rapidimmunohistochemical analysis of pancreatic cytology from endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needleaspirates: A prospective clinical trial. GI ASCO, 2016

40. Chrabaszcz S, Rajeev R, Klooster B, Chinn A, Gamblin TC, Johnston FM, George, B, Banerjee A, Turaga K.

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Conversion to resectability in unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer chemotherapy (mCRC) trials.GI ASCO, 2016

41. Firdaus I, Waterhouse DM, Gitierrez, M, Wainberg, ZA, George B, Kelly K, Bekaii-Saab TS, Carrizosa DR,Soliman HH, Fraser CD, Ko A, Pierce DW, Manax VG, Stergiopoulos, SG, Hochster, HH. nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) + nivolumab (Nivo) ± gemcitabine (Gem) in patients (pts) with advanced pancreaticcancer (PC). GI ASCO, 2016

42. Schmidt S, Pattali S, Durkal V, Ritch P, Thomas JP, Erickson B, Christians K, Tsai S, Evans D, George B.Can the sequence of chemotherapy regimens influence outcome in patients with Metastatic PancreaticAdenocarcinoma (MPAC)? GI ASCO 2016

43. Pattali S, Schmidt S, Durkal V, Ritch P, Thomas JP, Erickson B, Christians K, Tsai S, Evans D, George B.Can Response to treatment predict outcome in patients with Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma(MPAC)? GI ASCO 2016 (Merit Award)

44. Schmidt S, Pattali S, Durkal V, Ritch P, Thomas JP, Erickson B, Christians K, Tsai S, Evans D, George B.Outcomes in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma (MPAC) patients treated with FOLFIRINOX(FFX)/FOLFOX(FX) and Gemcitabine + nab-paclitaxel (NabG). GI ASCO 2016

45. Barnes, CA, Aldakkak, M, Christians KK, Ritch PS, George B, Johnston FM, Erickson BA, Tolat P, FoleyWD, Evans DB,Tsai, S. Impact of Treatment Sequencing on Sites of First Recurrence in Patients withLocalized Pancreatic Cancer. SSAT 2016, San Diego, CA

46. Barnes CA, Aldakkak M, Christians KK, Ritch PS, George B, Johnston FM, Erickson BA, Hagan C, OshimaK, Evans DB, Tsai S. Impact of Number of Regional Lymph Node Metastasis in Patient withLocalized Pancreatic Cancer Following Neoadjvuant Therapy. April 2016. Assoc of VA Surgeons.Virginia Beach, VA

47. D Waterhouse, B George, M Gutierrez, G Otterson, A Ko, TJ Ong, N Trunova, K Kelly. Phase I Study ofNivolumab + nab-Paclitaxel + Carboplatin in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Safety andEfficacy Results. AACR Special Conference on Pancreatic Cancer. May 12-15, 2016, Orlando, FL.

48. Barnes, CA, Aldakkak, M, Christians KK, Ritch PS, George B, Johnston FM, Erickson BA, Tolat P, FoleyWD, Evans DB, Tsai, S. Impact of Treatment Sequencing on Sites of First Recurrence in Patients withLocalized Pancreatic Cancer. May 2016 Pancreas Club. San Diego, CA

49. Pattali S, Sreenivasan J, Premnath N, Schmidt S, Durkal V, Ritch P, Thomas JP, Erickson B, Christians K,Tsai S, Evans D, George B. Retrospective review of efficacy and dose intensity of second-line (SL)Nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine (NabG) for patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma(MPAC) after first-line (FL) FOLFIRINOX (FFX). Pancreas Club Annual Meeting, May 20-21, 2016,San Diego, CA

50. Waterhouse, D; Gutierrez, M; Bekaii-Saab, T; DeRosa, W; Wainberg, Z; George, B; Fraser, C Duval; Ko, A;Pierce, DW; Stergiopoulos, S; Abstract OT1-01-07: nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) plus nivolumab (Nivo) inhuman epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)–negative recurrent metastatic breast cancer (MBC):AACR, 2016.

51. Barnes CA, Aldakkak M, Christians KK, Ritch PS, George B, Johnston FM, Erickson BA, Hagan C, OshimaK, Evans DB, Tsai S. Impact of Number of Regional Lymph Node Metastasis in Patient withLocalized Pancreatic Cancer Following Neoadjvuant Therapy. May 2016 Pancreas Club, San Diego,CA

52. George, Ben; Kelly, Karen; Ko, Amy; Soliman, Hatem; Trunova, Nataliya; Wainberg, Zev; Waterhouse,David; O'Dwyer, Peter; Phase i study of nivolumab+ nab-paclitaxel in solid tumors: Preliminaryanalysis of the non-small cell lung cancer cohort: Track: Advanced nsclc. Journal of ThoracicOncology. 2016;11: S211-S212.

53. Paul Rajamanickam ES, Christians KK, Krepline AN, Aldakkak M, George B, Ritch PS, Erickson BA,Evans, DB, Tsai S. Poor Glycemic Control is Associated with Failure to Complete NeoadjvuantTherapy and Surgery in Patients with Localized Pancreatic Cancer. May 2016 57th Annual meeting ofthe Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. Plenary Session. San Diego, CA

54. Hall, WA; Paulson, ES; Vistocky, A; Tsai, S; Koay, EJ; Knechtges, PM; Evans, D; Christians, K; Ritch, P;George, B; Pancreatic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT)Radiomic Metrics Correlate With Pathologic Molecular Markers: An Exploratory Analysis.International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;96: E178-E179.

55. B George, M Gutierrez, K Kelly, A Ko, HH Soliman, N Trunova, ZA Wainberg, D Waterhouse, P O’Dwyer,H Hochster. Phase 1 study of nivolumab (nivo) + nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) in solid tumors: preliminaryanalysis of pancreatic cancer (PC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cohorts. Accepted forESMO 2016, October 7-11, Copenhagen, Denmark

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56. Wainberg, ZA; George, B; Goldman, JW; Hochster, HS; Kelly, K; Ko, A; O'Dwyer, PJ; Trunova, N;Waterhouse, D; Soliman, HH; Interim results from the phase I study of nivolumab (nivo) plus nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) in pancreatic cancer (PC), non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and metastaticbreast cancer (mBC). European Journal of Cancer: ELSEVIER SCI LTD THE BOULEVARD,LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB …, 2016:S103-S103.

57. Wainberg, Zev A; Hochster, Howard S; George, Ben; Gutierrez, Martin; Johns, Mark Emery; Chiorean, EGabriela; Kwak, Eunice Lee; Kalyan, Aparna; Manax, Victoria; Ye, Moncy; Phase I study ofnivolumab (nivo)+ nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) in solid tumors: results from the pancreatic cancer (PC) andnon-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cohorts. Annals of Oncology. 2016;27: vi363.

58. Goldman JW, George B, Gutierrez M, Ko A, O’Dwyer PJ, Otterson GA, Soliman HH, Trunova N,.Waterhouse DM, Kelly K .Interim Results From the Phase I Study of Nivolumab + nab-Paclitaxel +Carboplatin in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. IASLC 17th World Conference on Lung Cancer,December 4-7, 2016, Vienna, Austria.

59. Kharofa, JR; Barnes, C; Mackinnon, A; George, B; Ritch, P; Christians, K; Evans, D; Erickson, BA;Correlation of SMAD4 expression in pretreatment cytologic specimens and postneoadjuvant treatmentsurgical specimens in patients with pancreatic cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology,Biology, Physics. 2016;96: S141.

60. Jeong SY, Aldakkak M, Ahn K, Huang C, Christians KK, EricksonBA, Ritch PS, George B, Evans DB, TsaiS. Prognostic Nomogram for Patients with Operable Pancreatic Cancer Treated with NeoadjuvantTherapy. February 2017 12th Annual Academic Surgical Congress. Las Vegas, NV

61. Bahary N, He J, Bailey M, Zhong S, Li G, Young L, Singhi A, Stephens P, Ali SM, Singal G, BetzigSchrock A, Chung J, Ross Jeffery, Miller V, George B. Genomic profiling of circulating tumor DNA(ctDNA) from patients (pts) with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA). GI ASCO, 2017

62. Singhi, AD; Greenbowe, J; Chung, J; Bailey, M; Bahary, N; Zeh, HJ; Brand, RE; Stephens, P; Ross, J;Miller, V;Comprehensive Genomic Profiling of 3426 Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinomas Identifies aSubset of Patients With Potentially Targetable Alterations. PANCREAS: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS& WILKINS TWO COMMERCE SQ, 2001 MARKET ST, PHILADELPHIA …, 2017:1436-1436.

63. Blitzer G, Tsai S, Aldakkak M, Hellman R, Evans DB, Christians KK, George B, Ritch PS, Hall WA,Erickson, B. Should functional renal scans be obtained prior to upper abdominal radiation forpancreatic cancer? GI ASCO, 2017

64. Wainberg ZA, Hochster HS, George B, Gutierrez M, Johns ME, Chiorean GE, Kwak EL, Kalyan A, ManaxV, Ye M, Chen T, Trunova N, O'Dwyer PJ. Phase I study of nivolumab (nivo) + nab- paclitaxel (nab-P) ± gemcitabine (Gem) in solid tumors: Interim results from the pancreatic cancer (PC) cohorts. GIASCO, 2017

65. George B, Bailey M, Schrock AB, Thorpe L, Gay LM, Ritch PS, Thomas JP, Erickson B, Tsai S, ChristiansKK, Evans DB, Stephens PJ, Miller VA, Ross JS, Singhi AD, Ali SM. Impact of age on genomicalterations associated with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). GI ASCO, 2017

66. Bailey M, Ali SM, Schrock AB, Klempner SJ, George B, Lipson D, He J, Miller VA, Stephens P, Ross JS.Comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) of esophageal and tubular GI tumors to identify frequenciesof ErbB family member amplification with therapeutic implications. GI ASCO, 2017

67. Wittmann D, Aldakkak M, Rajamanickam EP, Christians KK, Aburajab M, George B, Ritch PS, Hall WA,Erickson BA, Evans DB, Tsai S. Impact of Perioperative Changes in CA19-9 Levels in Patients withResectable and Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer. April 2017 Americas Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association Annual Meeting. Miami Beach, FL

68. Jeong SY, Aldakkak M , Ahn K, Huang C, Christians KK, EricksonBA, Ritch PS, George B, Evans DB,Tsai S. Preoperative Nomogram to Predict Survival for Patients with Resectable and BorderlineResectable Pancreatic Cancer. April 2017 Americas Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association AnnualMeeting. Miami Beach, FL

69. Barnes C, Aldakkak M, Christians K, Khan A H, Oshima K, Ritch P, George B, Hall W, Erickson B, EvansD, Tsai S. Impact of Nodal Status on Adjuvant Therapy for Patients with Localized Pancreatic CancerTreated with Neoadjuvant Therapy. DDW, 2017

70. Durno C, Aronson M, Edwards M, Ling S, Larouche V, Bronsema A, Osborn M, Stearns D, Cole K, OrenM, Opocher E, Mason G, Thomas G, Sabel M, George B, Ziegler D, Lindhorst S, Magimairajan V,Laperriere N, Samuel D, Bouffet E, Tabori U. Immune Check Point Inhibitor Treatment for YoungPatients with Hypermutant Cancers. DDW, 2017

71. Bahary B, He J, Bailey M, Zhong S, Li G, Young L, Singhi A, Stephens P, Mahamad Ali S, Singal G,Schrock A, Chung J, Ross J, Miller V, George B. Genomic Profiling of Circulating Tumor DNA

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(ctDAN) From Patients (pts) with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDA). ASCO Annual Meeting,2017, June 2-6, 2017 Chicago, IL J Clin Oncol 35, 2017 (suppl; abstr 4128).

72. Aldakkak, M; Tsai, S; George, B; Ritch, PS; Dua, K; Tolat, P; Hall, WH; Erickson, BA; Evans, DB;Christians, KK. Survival of borderline resectable pancreatic cancer patients receiving neoadjuvanttherapy and surgery. HPB. 2017;19: S96-S97.

73. Chad Barnes, Mohammed Aldakkak, Kathleen K. Christians, Parag Tolat, Paul S. Ritch, Ben George,William Adrian Hall, Beth Erickson, Douglas B. Evans, Susan Tsai. Prognostic value of positronemission tomography and preoperative CA19-9 in patients treated on a prospective phase II trial ofneoadjuvant therapy and surgery, ASCO Annual Meeting, 2017, June 2-6, 2017 Chicago, IL J ClinOncol 35, 2017 (suppl; abstr e15766)

74. David Michael Waterhouse, Jonathan Wade Goldman, Ben George, Peter J. O'Dwyer, Moncy Ye, TianleiChen, Nataliya Trunova, Karen Kelly. Nivolumab (nivo) + nab-paclitaxel (nab-P) + carboplatin (C) inpatients (pts) with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): Interim results from a multicenter phase Istudy. ASCO Annual Meeting, 2017, June 2-6, 2017 Chicago, IL. J Clin Oncol 35, 2017(suppl; abstr9095).

75. Waterhouse, David Michael; Goldman, Jonathan Wade; George, Ben; O'Dwyer, Peter J; Ye, Moncy; Chen,Tianlei; Trunova, Nataliya; Kelly, Karen; Nivolumab (nivo)+ nab-paclitaxel (nab-P)+ carboplatin (C)in patients (pts) with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): Interim results from a multicenter phase Istudy: American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2017.

76. Barnes CA, Aldakkak M, Christians KK, Tolat P, Ritch PS, George B, Hall WA, Erickson BA, Evans DB,Tsai S. Prognostic value of positron emission tomography and preoperative CA19-9 in patients treatedon a prospective phase Ii clinical trial of neoadjuvantherapy and surgery. 51st Annual Pancreas Club.2017 Chicago, IL

77. Wittmann,D, Aldakkak M, Rajamanickam EP, Christians KK, Aburajab M, George B, Ritch PS, Hall WA,Erickson BA, Evans, DB, Tsai S. Impact of perioerative changes in CA19-9 levels in patients withresectable and borderline resectable pancreatic cancer. Poster of Distinction. 51st Annual PancreasClub. 2017 Chicago, IL

78. Jeong SY, Aldakkak M , Ahn K, Huang C, Christians KK, EricksonBA, Ritch PS, George B, Evans DB,Tsai S. Preoperative Nomogram to Predict Survival for Patients with Resectable and BorderlineResectable Pancreatic Cancer. 51st Annual Pancreas Club. 2017 Chicago, IL

79. Barnes, Chad; Aldakkak, Mohammed; Christians, Kathleen K; Tolat, Parag; Ritch, Paul S; George, Ben;Hall, William Adrian; Erickson, Beth; Evans, Douglas B; Tsai, Susan;Prognostic value of positronemission tomography and preoperative CA19-9 in patients treated on a prospective phase II trial ofneoadjuvant therapy and surgery: American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2017.

80. Saeed, H; Cheng, H; Aldakkak, M; Tsai, S; Evans, DB; Christians, K; Thomas, J; George, B; Ritch, P; Hall,WA; Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation With IMRT for Pancreatic Cancer is Associated With MinimalToxicity without Compromising Local Control. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,Physics. 2017;99: E184-E185.

81. Campbell, Brittany B; Angelini, Paola; Fabrizio, David; Elvin, Julia; Light, Nicholas; Bouffet, Eric;Larouche, Valerie; Samuel, David; Stearns, Duncan; Cole, Kristina. IMMU-13. LARGE SCALETUMOR MUTATIONAL BURDEN ANALYSIS OF PEDIATRIC TUMORS PROVIDES ADIAGNOSTIC TOOL FOR GERMLINE PREDISPOSITION AND REVEALS NOVELCANDIDATES FOR IMMUNE CHECKPOINT INHIBITION. Neuro-Oncology. 2017;19: iv30-iv30.

82. Angelini, P; Sabel, M; Larouche, V; Opocher, E; Lindhorst, S; Ziegler, D; George, B; Oren, M; Tomboc, P;Samuel, D. Encouraging Responses and Survival for Patients with Replication Repair Deficiency andHypermutant Cancers to Immune Checkpoint Inhibition. A Report from the International bMMRDConsortium. PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER: WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774,NJ USA, 2017:S53-S53.

83. Singavi AK, Menon S, Kilari D, Alqwasmi AH, Thomas JP, Ritch PS, Martin A, Oxencis C, Ali SM, George B. Predictive biomarkers for Hyper-progression (HP) in response to Immune CheckpointInhibitors (ICI) – Analysis of Somatic Alterations(SAs). ESMO 2017 Congress, September 8-12,Madrid, Spain (Merit award for Singavi AK).

84. Narra RK, Singavi AK, Ritch PS, Thomas JP, Alqwasmi AH, George B. Therapeutic relevance ofhomologous recombination repair (HRR) pathway variants in metastatic colorectal cancer. GI ASCO2018, January 18-20, San Francisco, CA.

85. Singavi AK, Szabo A, Thomas JP, Ritch PS, Alqwasmi AH, White S, Rilling WS, George B. Costs of Carewith Liver Directed Therapy (LDT) and Sorafenib (S) in Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular

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Carcinoma (HCC). GI ASCO 2018, January 18-20, San Francisco, CA.86. George B, Greenbowe J, Hendifar AE, Golan T, Javle MM, Maitra A, Bahary N, Yakirevich E, Ritch PS,

Thomas JP, Schrock AB, Miller VA, Stephens PJ, Ross JS, Ali SM, Singhi A. ComprehensiveGenomic Profiling (CGP) in KRAS Wild-Type (WT) Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC). GIASCO 2018, January 18-20, San Francisco, CA.

87. Aatur D. Singhi, Joel R. Greenbowe, Jon Chung, Andrew Eugene Hendifar, Nathan Bahary, Alexa BetzigSchrock, Vincent A. Miller, Philip J. Stephens, Jeffrey S. Ross, Siraj Mahamed Ali, Ben George.Comprehensive genomic profiling to identify recurrent kinase fusions in pancreatic ductaladenocarcinoma. GI ASCO 2018, January 18-20, San Francisco, CA

88. Narra KR, Singavi A, Thompson J, Menon S, Oxencis, C, Riese M, Thomas JP, Ritch P, Kilari D, Szabo A,George, B. Application of comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) to predict therapeutic response toimmune checkpoint Inhibitors (ICI). AACR 2018, April 14-18, Chicago, IL.

89. Tsai S, Christians K, George B, Paul R, Dua K, Khan A, Mackinnon AC. Tolat P, Hall W, Erickson B,Evans D; A Prospective Clinical Trial of Personalized Medicine for Operable Pancreatic Cancer.American Surgical Association, 138th Annual Meeting, April 19-20, 2018, Phoenix, AZ.

90. Wong M, Kim J, Robbins J, George B, Zimmerman M, Hong J; Outcomes Analysis of Liver TransplantationCombined with Neoadjuvant Therapy in Patients with Unresectable Locally-AdvancedCholangiocarcinoma. Society of Asian Academic Surgeons 3rd Annual Meeting, September 27-28,2018, Milwaukee, WI.

91. Barnes C, Aldakkak M, Clarke C, Christians K, Aburajab M, George B, Ritch P, Hall W, Erickson B, EvansD, Tsai S; Operative Management of Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: Analysis of the NationalCancer Database. Society of Asian Academic Surgeons 3rd Annual Meeting, September 27-28, 2018,Milwaukee, WI.

92. Barnes C, Cho Y, Aldakkak M, Clarke C, Christians K, Khan A, George B, Ritch P, Hall W, Erickson B,Evans D, Tsai S; Conditional Survival for Patients with Localized Pancreatic Cancer Treated withNeoadjuvant Therapy and Surgery – A Single Institution Experience. Society of Asian AcademicSurgeons 3rd Annual Meeting, September 27-28, 2018, Milwaukee, WI

93. Stein A, George B, Thomas J, Tsai S, Clarke C, Gamblin T, Mogal H; Molecular and Genetic Markers inAppendiceal Mucinous Neoplasms – A Systematic Review. Society of Asian Academic Surgeons 3rdAnnual Meeting, September 27-28, 2018, Milwaukee, WI.

94. Kelm S, Longo J, Bedi M, Siker, M, Thomas J, George B, Ludwig K, Peterson C, Ridolfi T, Erickson B;The Impact of Hemoglobin on Outcomes in Anal Canal Cancer Treated with DefinitiveChemoradiation. ASTRO Annual Meeting, October 21, 2018, San Antonio, TX

95. Johnson M, Patel M, Ulahannan S, Hansen A, George B, Chu Q, Elgadi M, Ge M, Duffy C, Graeser R,Khedkar, Jones S, Burris H; Phase 1 Study of BI 754111 (anti-LAG-3) plus BI 754091 (anti-PD-1) inpatients (pts) with advanced solid cancers, followed by expansion in pts with microsatellite stablemetastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), anti-PD-(L) 1-pretreated non-small-cell lunch cancer (NSCLC)and other solid tumors. 2018 ESMO Congress, October 19-23 2018, Munich, Germany

96. Johnson, ML; Patel, MR; Ulahannan, SV; Hansen, A; George, B; Chu, QS-C; Elgadi, M; Ge, M; Duffy, C;Graeser, R; Phase I study of BI 754111 (anti-LAG-3) plus BI 754091 (anti-PD-1) in patients (pts) withadvanced solid cancers, followed by expansion in pts with microsatellite stable metastatic colorectalcancer (mCRC), anti-PD-(L) 1-pretreated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and other solid tumors.Annals of Oncology. 2018;29: viii441.

97. Barnes, Chad; Cho, Youngjoo; Aldakkak, Mohammed; Clarke, Callisia; Christians, Kathleen; Dua,Kulwinder S; Lomberk, Gwen; Urrutia, Raul; George, Ben; Ritch, Paul S.962-Conditional SurvivalFollowing Neoadjuvant Therapy and Surgery for Patients with Localized Pancreatic Cancer from theNational Cancer Database. Gastroenterology. 2018;6: S-1298.

98. Wainberg ZA, Hochster HS, Kim EJH, George B, Kalyan A, Chiorean GE, Waterhouse DM, Gutierrez M,Parikh AR, Jain R, Carrizosa DR, Hussein S, Bhore R, Banerjee S, Lyons L, Louis CU, Jin Ong P,O’Dwyer PJ. Phase I study of nivolumab (nivo) + nab- paclitaxel (nab-P) ± gemcitabine (Gem) inadvanced pancreatic cancer. GI ASCO, 2019

99. Van Cutsem E, Hochster H, Kohei S, Mayer R, Ohtsu A, Falcone A, Yoshino T, Doi T, Ilsond, Arkenau T, George B, McGuigan S, Makris L, Tabernero J Pooled Safety Analysis From Phase 3 Studies ofTrifluridine/tipiracil (FTD/TPI) in Patients (pts) with Metastatic Gastric/Gastroesophageal JunctionCancer (mGC/mGEJC) and Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (cCRC). ASCO Annual Meeting, 2019 May31-June 4, Chicago, IL

100. Ilson DH, Prokharau A, Arkenau HT, Ghidini M, Fujitani K, Van Cutsem E, Thuss-Patience PC, Beretta

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GD, Masoor W, Zhavrid E, Alsina M, George B, Catenacci D, Winkler R, Makris L, Doi R, Shitara K.Efficacy and Safety of Trifluridine/Tipiracil (FTD/TPI) in patients (pts) with metastatic gastric cancer(mGC) with or without prior gastrectomy; Results from a phase III study (TAGS) Oral Presentation.GI ASCO January 17, 2019

101. Sohal D, Doudement J, George B, Alexander B, Grant SC, Kim WY, Gutierrez ME, Kelly KW, KnudsenKE, McPherson JD, Hoimes C, Davis EJ, Singal G, Webster J, Chan L, Cristofanilli M, Miller VA.Accelerating Advanced Precision Medicine Through a Harmonized Data Exchange Platform andResearch Consortium (PMEC). ASCO Annual Meeting, 2019 May 31-June 4, Chicago, IL

102. Bendell, Johanna; Ulahannan, Susanna V; Chu, Quincy; Patel, Manish; George, Ben; Landsberg, Renee;Elgadi, Mabrouk; Duffy, Christine; Graeser, Ralph; Tang, Wenbo. Abstract C027: A Phase I, dosefinding study of BI 754111, an anti-LAG-3 antibody, in combination with BI 754091, an anti-PD-1antibody, in patients with advanced solid tumors: preliminary results from the microsatellite stable(MSS) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) cohort: AACR, 2019.

103. Krepline, AN; Barnes, CA; Aldakkak, M; Akinola, I; Christians, KK; Clarke, CN; George, B; Ritch, PS;Hall, W; Erickson, BA; Role of neoadjuvant radiation in downstaging patients with localizedpancreatic cancer–analysis of the ncdb database. HPB. 2019;21: S87-S88.

104. Bouffet, Eric; Sudhaman, Sumedha; Chung, Jiil; Campbell, Brittany; Kelly, Jacalyn; Coblentz, Ailish;Edwards, Melissa; Lipman, Tatiana; Zhang, Cindy; Ercan, Ayse Bahar; IMMU-20. IMMUNE ANDTUMOR BIOMARKERS OF OUTCOME IN REPLICATION REPAIR DEFICIENT BRAINTUMORS TREATED WITH IMMUNE CHECKPOINT INHIBITORS: UPDATES FROM THEINTERNATIONAL REPLICATION REPAIR DEFICIENCY CONSORTIUM. Neuro-Oncology.2019;21: ii96-ii97.

105. Peter Thuss-Patience, Sylvie Lorenzen, Thomas Ettrich, Meinolf Karthaus, David H. Ilson, AliaksandrProkharau, Tobias Arkenau, Michele Ghidini, Kazumasa Fujitani, Eric Van Cutsem, Giordano D.Beretta, Wasat Mansoor, Edvard Zhavrid, Maria Alsina, Ben George, Daniel Catenacci, LukasMakris, Toshihiko Doi, and Kohei Shitara. Wirksamkeitund Sicherheit von Trifluridin/Tipiracil(FTD/TPI) bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit metastasiertem Magenkarzinom (mGC) mit oder ohnevorherige Gastrektomie: Ergebnisse einer Phase-III-Studie (TAGS). Encore presentation. AnnualDGHO Meeting, Berlin, Germany October 11-15, 2019

106. Hall, William Adrian; Tsai, Susan; Banerjee, Anjishnu; George, Ben; Ritch, Paul S; Thomas, James P;Paulson, Eric; Christians, Kathleen K; Clarke, Callisia; Dua, Kulwinder; A randomized, phase IIclinical trial of preoperative stereotactic body radiation therapy versus conventionally fractionatedchemoradiation for resectable, borderline-resectable, or locally advanced type a pancreaticadenocarcinoma: American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2019.

107. Bendell J, Ulahannan S, Chu Q, Patel M, George B, Elgadi M, Duffy C, Graeser R, Tang W, Merger M, GeM, Johnson M. A Phase I, dose finding study of BI 754111, an anit-LAG-3 antibody, in combinationwith BI 754091, and anti-PD-1 antibody, in patients with advanced solid tumors: preliminary resultsfrom the microsatellite stable metastatic colorectal cancer cohort. AACR-NCI-EORTC October 26-30,2019

108. Bliss L, Krepline A, Barnes C, George B. Does practice make perfect for pancreatic adenocarcinoma?Higher volume centers delivering chemoradiation are associated with improved surgical and survivaloutcomes. HPB. 2019;21: S143.

109. Kollu, Vidya; Singhavi, Arun; Ritch, Paul S; Thomas, James P; Szabo, Aniko; George, Ben; Not all tumorsare created equal: Evaluating the impact of comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) on clinicaloutcomes in esophageal/gastroesophageal cancer (GEJ CA): AACR, 2019.

110. Lau J, Teichgraeber V, Lopez C, Allen S, Barak H, Kim Kyu-pyo, Chung V, Ci B, George B, Oh Do-Youn,Kindler H, Zhang X, Shemesh C, Alistar A, Retiere A-C. Phase Ib/II, open-label, randomizedevaluation of atezolizumab plus RO6874281 vs control in MORPHEUS–pancreatic ductaladenocarcinoma (PDAC). ESMO GI, Spain September 18-22, 2020

111. George, B; Cockrum, P; Lamarre, N; Surinach, A; PCN17 Real-World Impact of Prior Surgery onOutcomes of Patients with Metastatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (mPDAC) Treated with LiposomalIrinotecan-Based Regimens. Value in Health. 2021;24: S21

112. Krepline, A; Clarke, CN; Christians, K; Ritch, P; George, B; Khan, A; Kulkarni, N; Hagen, C; Erickson, B;Hall, W; Multimodality Neoadjuvant Therapy Increases Normalization of Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9(CA19-9) in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer. ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY: SPRINGER233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA, 2019:S151-S152.

113. Juloori, A; Liao, CY; Lemons, JM; Singh, AK; Iyer, R; Robbins, JR; George, B; Fung, J; Pillai, A; Arif, F;

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Phase I Study of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy followed by Ipilimumab with Nivolumab vs.Nivolumab alone in Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma. International Journal of RadiationOncology, Biology, Physics. 2020;108: S149-S150.

114. Shreenivas A, Guru Murthy GU, George B, Thomas JP, Chakrabarti S, Kamgar M, Ritch P, MedicalCollege of Wisconsin, Froedtert & The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI; Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MN.Impact of tumor histology and socioeconomic factors on survival of patients sufferingfrom malignant vascular tumors of liver and hepatocellular carcinomas: A SEER database analysis.ASCO Annual Meeting. May 29-June 2, 2020

115. George B, Taylor B, Lasowski M, Ritch P, Shreenivas A, Chakrabarti S, Kamgar M, Zimmermann M,Reddi H, Urrutia R, Thomas JP, A phase I, first-in-human, open-label, dose escalation, safety,pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamic study of oral TP 1287 administered daily to patients withadvanced solid tumors.Prognostic effect of specific RAS/BRAF mutations in patients (pts) withmetastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). ASCO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL May 29-June 2, 2020

116. Chung, J; Maruvka, Y; Sudhaman, S; Kelly, J; Haradhvala, N; Bianchi, VJ; Edwards, M; Forster, V; Nunes,N; Galati, M; DNA Polymerase and Mismatch Repair Exert Distinct Microsatellite InstabilitySignatures in Nomral and Malignant Human Cells. PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER: WILEY 111RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2020:S4-S5.

117. Strong, Erin; Livingston, Austin; Tsai, Susan; Christians, Kathleen; George, Ben; Ritch, Paul; Thomas,James; Dua, Kulwinder; Khan, Abdul; Hunt, Brian; Factors Associated With Dying from PancreaticNeuroendocrine Tumor. PANCREAS: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS TWO COMMERCESQ, 2001 MARKET ST, PHILADELPHIA …, 2020:488-489.

118. Bouffet, Eric; Sudhaman, Sumedha; Chung, Jiil; Kelly, Jacalyn; Coblentz, Ailish; Edwards, Melissa;Lipman, Tatiana; Zhang, Cindy; Ercan, Ayse Bahar; Sambira, Lauren; Favorable Outcome inReplication Repair Deficient Hypermutant Tumors to Immune Checkpoint Inhibition: An InternationalRRD Consortium Registry Study. PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER: WILEY 111 RIVER ST,HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2020:S19-S20.

119. Annunzio, K, Griffiths, C, Arapi, I, Lasowsksi, M, Singavi, A, Dua, K, Khan A, Ritch P, Kamgar M,Thomas JP, Hall, W, Erickson B, Tsai S, Christians KK, Evans DB, Raul Urrutia, Szabo, A, George,B. CDKN2A/B status has predictive impact in Pancreatic Cancer (PC). GI ASCO, San Francisco, CAJanuary 23-25, 2020

120. Chiorean EG, Ritch P, Zhen D B, Poplin E, George B, Hendifar A E, Dragovich T, Coveler A L, Stoll-D'Astice A, Edwards S, Rosenthal A, Thorsen SM, Hingorani SR. PCRT16-001: Phase II study ofPEGPH20 plus pembrolizumab for patients (pts) with hyaluronan (HA)-high refractory metastaticpancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (mPDA). GI ASCO, San Francisco, CA January 23-25, 2020

121. Menon S, Ellis C, Poudel S, Johnson J, Szabo A, George B, Kelly K, Grant S, McPherson J, Davis E,Cristofanilli M, Hoimes C, Gutierrez M, Doudement J, Chan L, Singal G, Alexander B, Miller V,Sohal D. Impact of STK11 and c-MYC alterations in metastatic NSCLC. AACR/IASLC Meeting SanDiego, CA, Jan 11-14, 2020

122. George B, Van Cutsem E, Hochster H, Mayer R, Ohtsu A, Falcone A, Yoshino T, Doi T, Ilson D, ArkenauH-T, Benhadji K A, Makris L, Tabernero J, Shitara K Analysis of hematologic adverse events intrifluridine/tipiracil (FTD/TPI)-treated patients with or without renal/hepatic impairment: Pooled safetyanalyses from TAGS and RECOURSE. GI ASCO, San Francisco, CA January 23-25, 2020

123. Bendell J, Ulahannan SV, Chu Q, Patel M, George B, Auguste A, Leo-Kress T, Bernd Stadermann K,Kraemer N, Elgadi M, Johnson M. A Phase I study of BI 754111, an anti-LAG-3 monoclonal antibody(mAb), in combination with BI 754091, an anti-PD-1 mAb: biomarker analyses from the microsatellitestable metastatic colorectal cancer (MSS mCRC) cohort. AACR 2020, San Diego, CA April 20-24,2020

124. Kim, R; Christians, K; Aldakkak, M; Clarke, C; George, B; Ritch, P; Kamgar, M; Kulkarni, N; Khan, A;Hall, W; Total Neoadjuvant Therapy For Resectable And Borderline Resectable Pancreatic Cancer.HPB. 2020;22: S54.

125. Lasowski, M, Stachowiak, S, Arapi, I, Dua, K, Khan, A, Hall, W, Erickson, B, Tsai, S, Christians, KK,Evans, DB, Ritch, P, Kamgar, M, Thomas, JP, Raul Urrutia, George, B. Utilization of SomaticComprehensive Genomic Profiling (CGP) to identify patients (pts) with Pancreatic Cancer (PC) thatharbor germ line DNA Damage Repair (DDR) gene alterations GI ASCO, San Francisco, CA January23-25, 2020

126. George B, Richards D, Edenfield WJ, Warner S, Mouritsen L, Bishop R, Anthony S, Bearss S, VogelzangN, Whatcott C, FH/MCW, US Oncology Research, Tyler, TX: Institute for Translational Oncology

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Research, Prisma Health-Upstate Cancer Institute, Greenville, SC; Tolero Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Lehi,UT; Tolero Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Lehi, UT; Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada, Las Vegas,NV A phase I, first-in-human, open-label, dose escalation, safety, pharmacokinetic, andpharmacodynamic study of oral TP 1287 administered daily to patients with advanced solidtumors.ASCO Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL May 29-June 2, 2020

127. Chung V, Alistar A, George B,Kim K-P, Kindler H, Oh D-Y, Allen S, Barak H, Ci B, Lau J, Retiere A-C,Shemesh C, Teichgräber V, Zhang X, Lopez C. Phase Ib/II, open-label, randomised evaluation ofatezolizumab plus RO6874281 vs control in MORPHEUS–pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC).ESMO GI Congress, July 1-4, 2020

128. Johnson M, Patel M, Cherry M, Kang Y-K, Yamaguchi K, Oh D-Y, Hussein M, Kitano S, Kondo S,Hansen AR, Percent IJ, George B, Arrowsmith E, Morimoto M, Duffy C, Ge M, Rohrbacher M,Elgadi M, Bendell J. Safety of BI 754111, an anti-LAG-3 monoclonal antibody (mAb), in combinationwith BI 754091, an anti-PD-1 mAb, in patients with advanced solid tumors ASCO Annual Meeting.May 29-June 2, 2020

129. Menon, S; Ellis, C; Poudel, S; Johnson, J; Szabo, A; George, B; Kelly, W Kevin; Grant, S; McPherson, J;Cristofanilli, M; B08 Impact of Concurrent STK11 Loss and c-MYC Amplification in Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2020;15: S29-S30.

130. George, Ben; Richards, Donald A; Edenfield, William Jeffery; Warner, Steven L; Mouritsen, Lars; Bishop,Reyna; Anthony, Stephen Patrick; Bearss, David; Vogelzang, Nicholas J; Whatcott, Clifford; A phaseI, first-in-human, open-label, dose-escalation, safety, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamic study oforal TP-1287 administered daily to patients with advanced solid tumors: American Society of ClinicalOncology, 2020.

131. Bouffet E, Sudhaman S, Chung J, George B, IMMU-18. favorable outcome in replication repair deficienthypermutant brain tumors to immune checkpoint inhibition: An international rrd consortium registrystudy. Neuro-Oncology. 2020;22: iii363-iii363.

132. George, Ben; Van Cutsem, Eric; Hochster, Howard S; Mayer, Robert J; Ohtsu, Atsushi; Falcone, Alfredo;Yoshino, Takayuki; Doi, Toshihiko; Ilson, David H; Arkenau, Hendrik-Tobias; Analysis ofhematologic adverse events (HeAEs) in trifluridine/tipiracil (FTD/TPI)-treated patients (pts) with orwithout renal/hepatic impairment (RI/HI): Pooled safety analyses from TAGS and RECOURSE:American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2020.

133. Chung, Vincent; Alistar, Angela; George, Ben; Kim, K; Kindler, Hedy; Oh, D; Allen, Simon; Barak, Hila;Ci, Bo; Lau, Janet; SO-4 phase Ib/II, open-label, randomised evaluation of atezolizumab plusRO6874281 vs control in MORPHEUS–pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Annals of Oncology.2020;31: S218.

134. Laursen, Ashley Ann; Surinach, Andy; Wang, Shu; Cockrum, Paul; George, Ben; Real-world patterns ofpain medication use among patients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (mPDAC):American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2021.

135. Ahmed, Gulrayz; Annunzio, Kaitlin; Szabo, Aniko; Eastwood, Daniel; Thapa, Bicky; Taylor, Bradley W;Tsai, Susan; Christians, Kathleen K; Clarke, Callisia; Evans, Douglas B;Clinical outcomes inpancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients with underlying autoimmune disease (AID):Wolters Kluwer Health, 2021.

136. Mehdi, Maahum; Kamgar, Mandana; George, Ben; Szabo, Aniko; Annunzio, Kaitlin; Taylor, Bradley W;Shreenivas, Aditya Varnam; Chakrabarti, Sakti; Thomas, James P; Tsai, Susan; Impact of KRASalterations in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC): Wolters Kluwer Health, 2021.

137. Das, A; Morgenstern, D; Sudhaman, S; Coblentz, A; Chung, J; Stone, S; Alsafwani, N; Cabric, V; Nobre,L; Bianchi, V; Mutation and Microsatellite Burden Predict Response to PD-1 Inhibition in ChildrenWith Germline DNA Replication Repair Deficiency. PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER: WILEY 111RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2021:S95-S96.

138. Sabari, Joshua K; Park, Haeseong; Tolcher, Anthony W; Ou, Sai-Hong Ignatius; Garon, Edward B; George,Ben; Janne, Pasi A; Moody, Susan Elizabeth; Tan, Eugene Y; Sen, Suman Kumar; KRYSTAL-2: Aphase I/II trial of adagrasib (MRTX849) in combination with TNO155 in patients with advanced solidtumors with KRAS G12C mutation: American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2021.

139. George, Ben; Chudnovsky, Aleksander; Cockrum, Paul; Lamarre, Neil; Kent, Matthew; Surinach, Andy;The association between real-world CA19-9 level monitoring patterns and with clinical outcomesamong patients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (mPDAC) in the second-and third-line of therapy: Wolters Kluwer Health, 2021.

140. Jurkowski, Lauren; Shreenivas, Aditya Varnam; Chakrabarti, Sakti; Kamgar, Mandana; Thomas, James P;

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Puckett, Lindsay; Shukla, Monica; Gore, Elizabeth; Evans, John; Johnstone, Candice Aitken;Association of total neoadjuvant therapy with favorable clinical outcomes in patients with locallyadvanced esophageal and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinomas (LA-GEJ CA): AmericanSociety of Clinical Oncology, 2021.

141. George, Ben; Haberberger, James; Ferguson, Naomi L; Gjoerup, Ole; McGregor, Kimberly; Hendifar,Andrew Eugene; Laheru, Daniel A; Weekes, Colin D; Ross, Jeffrey S; Hemmerich, Amanda;Comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) utilizing cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in patients (pts) withpancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC): American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2021.

142. Ortiz, S; Visotcky, A; Banerjee, A; Aldakkak, M; Tsai, S; Evans, DB; Christians, K; Clarke, CN; George,B; Shreenivas, A; Examination for the Presence of an Oligo-Metastatic State in Patients with NewlyDiagnosed Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Undergoing Systemic Chemotherapy. InternationalJournal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2021;111: e66-e67.

143. Shitara, Kohei; George, Ben; Taieb, Julien; Sundar, Raghav; Fakih, Marwan G; Makris, Lukas; Benhadji,Karim A; Ghidini, Michele; The impact of prior therapies on outcomes with trifluridine/tipiracil inpatients with metastatic gastric/gastroesophageal junction cancer in the phase III TAGS trial. Presentedat the Virtual ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, 2021.

144. George B, Haberberger J, Ferguson NL, Correlation between comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP)utilizing tissue-based testing (T-CGP) and cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in patients (pts) with pancreaticductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC): American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2021

145. Hall, William A; Khan, Husain Y; Kamgar, Mandana; Tsai, Susan; Christians, Kathleen; Evans, Douglas B;Philip, Philip; Clarke, Callisia; George, Ben; Erickson, Beth;Targeting cellular metabolism withCPI-613 sensitizes pancreatic cancer cells to radiotherapy: AACR, 2021.

146. Shreenivas, Aditya Varnam; Annunzio, Kaitlin; Kamgar, Mandana; Chakrabarti, Sakti; Thomas, James P;Madhavan, Srivats; Dua, Kulwinder; Khan, Abdul H; Hall, William Adrian; Erickson, Beth; Impact ofKRAS alterations in localized pancreatic cancer (PC): American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2021.

147. Safety of BI 754111, an anti-LAG-3 monoclonal antibody (mAb), in combination with BI 754091, an anti-PD-1 mAb, in patients with advanced solid tumors. 2020 American Society of Clinical Oncology

148. Thalji, SZ; Aldakkak, M; Christians, KK; Clarke, CN; George, B; Kamgar, M; Erickson, BA; Hall, WA;Khan, A; Tolat, P; Goal-directed neoadjuvant treatment of operable pancreatic cancer: achievingCA19-9 response to chemotherapy prior to surgery. HPB. 2021;23: S478-S479.

149. Thalji, Sam; Hall, William; Aldakkak, Mohammed; Christians, Kathleen; Clarke, Callisia N; George, Ben;Kamgar, Mandana; Hunt, Bryan; Madhavan, Srivats; Kulkarni, Naveen; 899 MAGNITUDE OFCA19-9 DECLINE IN RESPONSE TO NEOADJUVANT CHEMORADIATION IS ASSOCIATEDWITH OVERALL SURVIVAL IN PATIENTS WITH PANCREATIC CANCER. Gastroenterology.2021;160: S-902.

150. Thalji S, Kamgar M, George B. CA19-9 Response to 1st-Line Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX and 2nd-LineGemcitabine-Based Chemotherapy in Patients with Operable Pancreatic Cancer. ANNALS OFSURGICAL ONCOLOGY: SPRINGER ONE NEW YORK PLAZA, SUITE 4600, NEW YORK, NY,UNITED STATES, 2021:S20-S20.

151. Thapa, Bicky; Ahmed, Gulrayz; Lasowski, Matthew; Thomas, James P; Reddi, Honey V; Zimmerman,Michael T; Urrutia, Raul; Szabo, Aniko; George, Ben; Comprehensive genomic profiling-does timingmatter: AACR, 2021.

152. Ward, EP; Christians, KK; Kamgar, M; George, B; Griffin, M; Hunt, B; Chisholm, P; Hall, WA; Erickson,B; Evans, DB; Elevated postoperative CA19-9 in patients with pancreatic cancer following thecompletion of neoadjuvant therapy and surgery-implications for adjuvant therapy and surveillance.HPB. 2021;23: S510.

153. Yoshino, O; Aldakkak, M; Seadler, B; Tsai, S; Kim, RY; Kamgar, M; Hall, WA; Clarke, CN; George, B;Erickson, B; Arterial divestment (AD) versus arterial resection/reconstruction (AR) at the time ofpancreatectomy for locally advanced pancreas cancer (LAPC). HPB. 2021;23: S461.

154. George, Ben; Kent, Matthew; Surinach, Andy; Lamarre, Neil; Cockrum, Paul; Chudnovsky, Aleksander;Real-world serum CA19-9 level monitoring patterns and its association with clinical outcomes amongpatients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (mPDAC): AACR, 2021.

155. Kim, R; Tsai, S; Aldakkak, M; George, B; Kamgar, M; Erickson, B; Kulkarni, N; Evans, D; Christians, K;Factors Associated with Overall Survival in Pancreatic Cancer Treated with Neoadjuvant Therapy andSurgery. HPB. 2021 23;S60

156. Zhen, David Bing; Whittle, Martin; Ritch, Paul S; Hochster, Howard S; Coveler, Andrew L; George, Ben;Hendifar, Andrew Eugene; Dragovich, Tomislav; Green, Steven; Dion, Barbara; Phase II study of

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PEGPH20 plus pembrolizumab for patients (pts) with hyaluronan (HA)-high refractory metastaticpancreatic adenocarcinoma (mPC): PCRT16-001: GI ASCO, 2022.

157. Shreenivas, Aditya V; George, Ben; Thomas, James P; Puckett, Lindsay; Chakrabarti, Sakti; Awan,Musaddiq; Straza, Michael Wayne; Hall, William A; Loy, Veronica; Rilling, William S.Comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) of fibrolamellar oncocytic. GI ASCO 2022

158. Abid, Haisam; Szabo, Aniko; Taylor, Bradley W; Shreenivas, Aditya V; Chakrabarti, Sakti; Kamgar,Mandana; Thomas, James P; George, Ben. Prognostic effect of RAS/BRAF mutations in patients (pts)with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC):GI ASCO, 2022

159. Mehdi, Maahum; Annunzio, Kaitlin; Taylor, Bradley W; Szabo, Aniko; Shreenivas, Aditya V; Chakrabarti,Sakti; Thomas, James P; Tsai, Susan; Christians, Kathleen K; Evans, Douglas B; Targeted therapy(TT) in patients with KRAS wildtype (WT) pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) producesdurable response: GI ASCO, 2022.

160. McKenna, Edward; Oxencis, Carolyn; Parish, Marie; Eastwood, Daniel; Miller, James; Shreenivas, AdityaV; Kamgar, Mandana; George, Ben; Hall, William A; Erickson, Beth; Survival outcome and treatmentresponse of patients with young-onset locally advanced rectal cancer (YO-LARC) receiving totalneoadjuvant therapy (TNT):GI ASCO, 2022.

161. Parish, Marie; Cox, Ronald; Thapa, Bicky; McKenna, Edward; Oxencis, Carolyn; Shreenivas, Aditya V;Kamgar, Mandana; George, Ben; Thomas, James P; Chakrabarti, Sakti; Clinical course and outcome ofpatients developing capecitabine-induced non-neutropenic enterocolitis (NNEC): An institutionalanalysis: GI ASCO, 2022.

162. George, Ben; Thalji, Samih; Malarkannan, Subramaniam; Kudryashova, Olga; Kravets, Andrey; Gusakova,Mariia; Kravchenko, Dmitry; Tychinin, Dmitry; Frenkel, Felix; Bagaev, Aleksander; Reconstructingthe tumor microenvironment to unlock therapeutic options in pancreatic cancer: GI ASCO, 2022.

163. Shreenivas AV, George B, Thomas JP. concocytic hepatoma (FLO) and conventional hepatocellularcarcinomas (HCC): An observational study: GI ASCO, 2022.

164. Puckett, Lindsay; Matoska, Thomas; Jurkowski, Lauren; Banerjee, Anjishnu; Martinez, Enrique; Kodali,Divya; Shukla, Monica; Linsky, Paul; Gasparri, Mario; Chakrabarti, Sakti; Definitive chemoradiationfor oligometastatic esophageal cancer patients: GI ASCO, 2022.

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