
Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Beneficial Microbes-2015

Relevant Conferences:


Conference Secretariat5716 Corsa Ave., Suite 110, West Lake, Los Angeles, CA 91362-7354, USA

Ph: +1-650-268-9744, Fax: +1-650-618-1414, Toll free: +1-800-216-6499Email:

Beneficial Microbes: Food, Pharma, Aqua & Beverages IndustryAugust 25-27, 2015 Valencia, Spain

World Congress on

Highlights• Participations from 60+ Countries• Presentations from Eminent Experts in the Field• Unique Platform of Global Exposure• Global Networking Opportunity• Future Collaborations

Conference agenda

Work shopInternationalsymposiumonBacteriophages-beneficialmicrobesattheirbestOrganizer :AlexanderSulakvelidze,Vice-President, Research and Development,ChiefScientist,Intralytix, Inc., USA

Monika BrightUniversity of Vienna,Austria

Osama IbrahimFood safety Bio InnovationUSA

Dilek HeperkanIstanbul Technical universityTurkey

Marguerite DOLS-LAFARGUEBordeaux National Polytechnic Institute, France

Alexander SulakvelidzeIntralytix,USA

Massimo CecaroUniversity of TeramoItlay

• Fermentation Technology • Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences • Journal of Food Processing & Technology • Fisheries & Aquaculture Journal • Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Emerging Drugs

Supporting Journals

August 25, 2015

Opening ceremony Keynote ForumGroup photoSpeaker ForumExhibitionsB2B MeetingsYoung Research forum

August 26, 2015

Speaker ForumExhibitionsB2B MeetingsYoung Research forum EB MeetingPoster session

August 27, 2015

Speaker ForumExhibitionsB2B MeetingsYoung Research forumBest poster awardsYoung Researcher awardsClosing ceremony

Beneficial Microbes-2015

Relevant Conferences:

Scientific Sessions

Who Should Attend ?

From Academics• Directors• Professors• Visiting professors• Senior scientists• Lectures• Associate professors• Assistant professors• Post doc fellows• Ph.d students

From public sector• Public Health professionals • Food microbiologist• Aquaculture experts• Experts in microbial fermentation• Experts in pharma industry

From industries•Directors•President•CEOs•Vice presidents•Chairman’s •R&D heads• ResearchscientistofBiofirms• BoardofdirectorsofBiotechfirms• Food industry• Pharmaceuticalfirms•AquaculturefirmsandBeverageindustry.• Experts in microbiology e.g Food microbiologist• Experts in microbial fermentation• Experts in pharmaceutical industry•Ocean microbiologist

•Microbial ecologist•Probiotics expert• Experts in biotechnology, technologist•Bioinformatics expert•Pathologists•Virology researchers• Lab technicians Consultants of microbiology specificallyonfoodAquaPharmaandbeverage

• Expertsonhumangutmicroflora.

•Genetic Engineering of Microbes•Microbes in Fermentation Processes• Food, Agriculture And Microbes•Microbes In Aquaculture•Microbes In Beverages Industry•Parameter of Microbial Growth•Application of Microbes in Medicine•Microbes Potential Uses•Microbial Metabolites•Microbial Ecology•Probiotics and many...

Beneficial Microbes-2015

Relevant Conferences:

Day1 August 25, 2015

Opening ceremony & Conference Souvenir Launch

Honorable guests Session:

“ Exploiting the power of Microbes for the Industrial Development ”

Exhibitions( Full day)• Keynote Forum

Marika Mikelsaar Estonian National Science Award (Medicine)Faculty of Medicine Medal (University of Tartu)Tartu competition (2001) Certificate of HonorThe Estonian National Science Prize (Medicine)University of Tartu big medalThe UT Medical Faculty Development AwardWoman of the Year, Medal of TartuEUWIIN Award: White Star Class III

Yehuda Shoenfeld Founder and Director Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune DiseasesLaura Schwarz-Kipp ChairResearch of Autoimmune Diseases

Editor: Autoimmunity Reviews (Impact Factor: 7.095)

Co-Editor: The Journal of Autoimmunity Tel-Aviv University, Israel

(Panel discussion and Reviews)

Coffee Break: Networking and Refreshments

Group photo

Speaker ForumSession Chair’s Introduction

• Genetic Engineering of Microbes • Microbes in Fermentation Processes • Food, Agriculture and Microbes• Microbes in Aquaculture• Microbes in Beverages Industry

Panel discussion and ReviewsLunch breakSpeaker sessions (Cont...)Young Research Forum(Panel discussion and Reviews)B2B Meetings Coffee Break: Networking and RefreshmentsCertificates Felicitation By the organizing committee

IntroductionKeynote ForumExhibitions (Full day)

Hilary Lappin-Scott

Professor, University of Swansea President, Society for General Microbiology (SGM) (2009-2012) President, International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME) Pro-Vice Chancellor: Swansea University (Strategic Development and External Relations) United Kingdom

Alexander Sulakvelidze Chief Scientist, Vice-President, Intralytix, USAIntralytix Inc., USA

(Panel discussion and Reviews)

Coffee Break: Networking and Refreshments

Speaker Forum

Chair’s IntroductionParameter of Microbial GrowthApplication of Microbes in MedicineMicrobes Potential UsesMicrobial MetabolitesEnvironmental Microbiology and ecologyPanel discussion and ReviewsYoung Research Forum (Panel discussion and Reviews)

Lunch break

Workshop and symposium: Bacteriophages - beneficial microbes at their best Organizer: Alexander Sulakvelidze, Vice-President, Research and Development, Chief Scientist, Intralytix, Inc., USA

Poster session and Evaluation by the committeeE-poster session

Coffee Break: Networking and Refreshments

Falicitation of the best poster awardsB2B MeetingsCertificates Facilitation By the organizing committee

Day 2 August 26, 2015

Introduction (8:00-8:30 )Keynote Forum (Panel discussion and Reviews)Exhibitions

Osama IbrahimConsultant Biotechnology/ Food safety Bio Innovation U.S.ANew York Medical College, USA

Coffee Break: Networking and RefreshmentsSpeaker sessionsChair’s IntroductionLatest Research in ProbioticsSoil Microbiology

Microbes and AntibioticsIndustrial Applications of Microbes

(Panel discussion and Reviews)

Lunch breakSpeaker sessionsE-poster sessionCertificates Facilitation By the organizing committeeClosing Ceremony

Day 3 August 27, 2015

Tentative program

Beneficial Microbes-2015

Relevant Conferences:

The field of beneficial microbes is growing rapidly and its development is making tremendous impacts in Food industry, pharmaceuticals and many more. The importance and significance can be gauged by the fact that it has made huge advancements over the course of time and is continuing to influence various sectors.why to Attend?• Probioticsexperts,Healthcare&IndustryDevelopers• ThescientificsessionsofBeneficialmicrobes-2015will focuson“ExploitingthepowerofMicrobesforthe

IndustrialDevelopment”• Thisconferenceservesasan International forumtobringyoucloser tokeyprofessionals tosupportyour


• GlobalnetworkwithWorldclassbusinessleadersGlobalnetworking:IntransferringandexchangingIdeas• Bestposterawards• eposters• B2Bmeetings• Youngresearcherawards• All abstracts will be published with DOI in Journal of Fermentation Technology, Journal of Nutrition &

Food Sciences ,Journal of Food Processing & Technology ,Fisheries & Aquaculture Journal , Journal ofPharmaceuticalSciences&EmergingDrugs)

• AbstractswillbepublishedinconferenceSouvenir• CertificateofparticipationwillbeprovidedbyorganizingCommittee.

Business???• Bestplatformtodevelopnewpartnership&collaborations• BestlocationtospeedupyourrouteintoeveryterritoryintheWorld• 89%ourconferenceattendeesaretheKeycontactintheirlabspurchasingdecisions• Ourexhibitorboothswerevisited4-5timesby80%oftheattendeesduringtheconference• Pastexhibitor’sfeedbackrevealsampleofenquiriesperceivedfromtheconferenceattendees• NetworkdevelopmentwithbothAcademiaandBusiness

Why to Exhibit???

• Oneexhibitbooth(Size-3X3sqm)

• 1pagepublicationoftheexhibitorprofileinthesouvenir-Antibiotics-2015

• Promotionthroughtheconferencewebsite

• Promotionalvideooncompanyproductsduringtheconference(PostsessionandBreaks)

• Onecomplimentaryscientificprogramregistration

• Logorecognitioninthescientificprogram,Conferencebannerandflyer

• OneA4flyerinsertintheconferencekit

• Anopportunitytosponsor1PosterPresentationAward

• Postconference-submissionofthemailinglistandmore...

Beneficial Microbes-2015

Relevant Conferences:

The field of Microbial use in industrial applications is growing rapidly and its development is making tremendous impacts in medical sciences and pharmaceuticals. The importance and significance can be gauged by the fact that it has made huge advancements over the course of time and is continuing to influence various sectors.

Beneficial Microbes-2015• Opportunitytoattendthepresentationsdeliveredbyeminentscientistsfromalloverthe


• SelectedcontributionswillbepublishedinfollowingOMICSInternationalJournals• FermentationTechnology

• JournalofNutrition&FoodSciences

• JournalofFoodProcessing&Technology

• Fisheries&AquacultureJournal

• JournalofPharmaceuticalSciences&EmergingDrugs

• Participationinsessionsonspecifictopicsonwhichtheconferenceisexpectedtoachieveprogress

• Globalnetworking:IntransferringandexchangingIdeas

• ConferencebringstogetherScientificResearchers,IndustrialdelegatesandPhysicians

Beneficial Microbes-2015

Relevant Conferences:

About Valencia

Valencia is one of the biggest cities in Spain, and among the most livelies. It is located at the Mediterranean sea,

and you will find beaches right in the very heart of it. During the summer-months it is heavily visited by tourists,

and if you want to spend holidays at the beach, with fantastic possibilities for any kind of sports (golf, diving, cycling,

tennis, etc., are all very popular here) and a boiling nightlife, together with an ample cultural offer, then Valencia is

the place for you.

Important trade fairs confirm Valencia’s position as one of the most dynamic cities in Spain, as does the spectacular

Ciudad de lasArtes y lasCiencias, the “City of Arts and Sciences”, a newly constructed area of the city boasting

extravagant architecture. After all that probably you will get hunger, and you have the chance to try Spain’s most

famous food right where it was born: “Paella Valenciana”.

Then Valencia is of course the city where “El Cid”, Spain’s national hero, fought against the Moors, and popular

festivals in the city and many villages around still remind of this epoch. In recent years, important international sports

events like the America’s Cup and the Formula 1 Grand Prix on a street circuit at the city’s port have put Valencia

more than ever on the world map.

Beneficial Microbes-2015

Relevant Conferences:


VenueValencia, SpainHotel meliaAv. de Les CortsValencianes52, 46015 Valencia, Spain

Important DatesAbstract submission opens: July 2, 2014Registration opens: July 16, 2014Early bird registration: February 26, 2015On spot registration: August 25, 2015

Important links Home Page Link: Link: Submission Link: Sessions Link: Conferences Link:

Person of Contact: James RobertsPhone: 1-650-268-9744E mail:,

Our Previous Conferences:Bacteriology 2014 : November 17-19, 2014 Chicago, USANutritional Science-2014 : September 23-25, 2014 Valencia, SpainClinical Microbiology-2014 : September 24-26, 2014 Valencia, SpainBiotechnology-2014 : June 25-27, 2014 Valencia, SpainNutritional Science-2014 : September 23-25, 2014 Valencia, SpainBioprocess-2014 : June 26-27, 2014 Valencia, Spain


Beneficial Microbes-2015

Relevant Conferences:

OMICS International Journals • 400 Open Access Journals• 21 Day rapid review process• 30000 Editorial team, 27000 Reviewers team• 3.5 Million readers and high visibility• More than 100000 • Publication immediately after acceptance• Quality and quick editorial, review processing• 1000 Scientific Associations

Key features • User friendly/feasible website translation of your

paper to 50 world’s leading languages • Enhanced feature: Audio version of published paper• Digital articles to share and explore• Sharing option: Social networking enabled• Authors, reviewers and editors are provided with

scientific credits

OMICS International Conferences • 300 Conferences all over the World every year• Well organized scientific program • Renowned speakers and scientists across the globe• Poster presentations and world class exhibits• Panel discussions and interactive sessions• B2B meetings• Perfect platform for Global Networking

Key features • Presentation by renowned speakers from all over

the world• Poster presentations and world class exhibits• Interactive Sessions• Platform for global networking• Connecting scientific community

Special Issues All accepted abstracts will be published in respective OMICS International Journals

Each abstract will be provided with digital Object Identifier by

About Us

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