benjamin franklin key club newsletter january

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January Edition



Division 3 South

Benjamin Franklin High School | January 2012 Volume I | Issue X


" We are caring and competent servant

leaders transforming communities

worldwide." – Key Club


President's Howl! ……………………….…………….. 2

Word From The Editor! ………………………………. 2

The Articles! ……………………………………………. 3

Officer Recognition! …………………………………. 5

Member Recognition! ………………………………. 6

Important Dates of January! …..…....………………7

Important Dates of February! ….….....……………..8

Contacting the Officers! …………………………..…9

PHOTOS! …………………………...…………………..10

Table of Contents

WOLFPACK TIMES Page 1 Volume I | Issue X

Hello once again Thunderpups!

It's January, and the board of 2012-2013's term is almost coming to an end. But where

there is an end, there is a beginning. By the first week of February, we will have our newly

elected board! This is very exciting! I can't wait for all the achievements that can be done in

the near future.

So, I know many of you are anticipating for some more service events and that's

what February will be about. SERVICE. Because February will be the last FULL month that the

current board will be with you all, we will end our term with a bang, but I need all of your help

to do so. Take part in what should be the celebration for the club's achievements. We shall

reflect on the service hours, friendships, and personal goals we have attained and I hope

that you all will take pride in that, not based on numbers, but rather on the value of it all.

I shouldn't be so sentimental yet, but as of right now, I am proud of all of you. We

have come a long way, so let's not back down from anything or anyone. Thank you all for

your efforts!


Aljelen Paraiso

- Benjamin Franklin Key Club President Aljelen Paraiso

Hello, Benjamin Franklin Key Clubbers! This

NEWSLETTER you are all reading at this moment?

I wrote it! As Bulletin Editor of our club, I will be

making one of these every month! You should

definitely look forward to reading them! They'll


ARTICLES! As Editor, I proudly present to you, the


WOLFPACK TIMES Page 2 Volume I | Issue X

President's Howl!

A Word From The Editor!

THE ARTICLES! Submitted by YOU, the Members!

WOLFPACK TIMES Page 3 Volume I | Issue X

Hello fellow Key Clubbers! This is Winny Chen reporting

in to announce one of the few events I attended this

month of January! On January 12th, I attended a

very special and vital event for Key Club. It was the

Division 3 North and South Conclave! This event was

very professional and interesting because everyone

that attended got to hear important speeches that

came from various candidates running for LTG! I also

had the opportunity to experience the position of

being a delegate for our home club! After discussing

and sending in our votes, we had a mini snack break

and every attacked the food table. They had various

foods like pizza, cookies, apple cidar, and et cetera.

As we all gobbled our food and settled down, Marion

Barleta and Dia Cabrera revealed the winning

candidates, Jacqueline Tsang and Karlo Madrona!

Congratulations! It was a special moment for all of us

because we finally knew who was going to serve our

division for new year! After much excitement, Marion

and Dia informed us more about DCON and what it

has in store for us. Then everyone ate more food and

left and hung out around the area for relaxation.

-Winny Chen, Historian

Page 4 Volume I | Issue X WOLFPACK TIMES

Our division was invited to go to the John Marshall's Kpop

meets Hip hop Workshop (Dance for DCON). It was fun

being with people who love to dance and just be funny.

This was a great event where we all got to hang out with

each other and get to know one another. It was fun seeing

people who are shy and quiet come to life that night. This

is a very memorable event because seeing people that you

do not normally see and our division coming closer as a

family. The perks of being in Key Club is meeting people

who have the same passion as you and who you can be

yourself around. I would like to thank John Marshall for

that amazing event and as many people left they had big

smiles on their faces.

-Jade Archuleta, Division Secretary

For the month of January 2013, one past event that

was memorable was Conclave. Conclave, for those

who don’t know, is a very important event that

determines who will be elected as the next LTG of the

division. For Division 3 South and North, the event was

held at Glendale Public Library and it was there

where we elected Karlo Madrona for Division 3 South

and Division 3 North’s very own, Jacqueline Tsang, as

the next LTGs for the year of 2013-2014. The election

itself was tense and exciting. We heard speeches

from Karlo Madrona, Mark “Silver” Kahanding, and

Jacqueline Tsang. Seeing all of the candidates giving

their speeches on the same stage Marion Barleta and

Dia Cabera were elected on certainly gave all that

attended the year before as sense of pride and

nostalgia that reminded everyone why we were

there in the first place and why Conclave is such an

important event that everyone should attend to

choose who should be the next leader of the division.

As a veteran member of Division 3 South, Conclave is

not only an important event, but a reminder about

how important Key Club is in our communities and

the world itself.

-Mark Fernandez, Valued Member


WOLFPACK TIMES Page 6 Volume 1 | Issue X

Our division was invited to go to the

John Marshall's Kpop meets Hip hop

Workshop (Dance for DCON). It was fun

being with people who love to dance

and just be funny. This was a great

event where we all got to hang out with

each other and get to know one

another. It was fun seeing people who

are shy and quiet come to life that

night. This is a very memorable event

because seeing people that you do not

normally see and our division coming

closer as a family. The perks of being in

Key Club is meeting people who have

the same passion as you and who you

can be yourself around. I would like to

thank John Marshall for that amazing

event and as many people left they

had big smiles on their faces.


WOLFPACK TIMES Page 7 Volume I | Issue X

For the month of January, the member of the month is

Leslie Guzman! Leslie is currently a junior. She plays

basketball and demonstrates great leadership skills in

our Magnet Leadership team. This is Leslie’s first year in

Key Club and she loves being a part of the Key Club

family. She has a passion for service by trying her best to

attend every Meals on Wheels event. Leslie is fond of

learning more about Key Club; she learns more and

more about the club every day. Leslie has immediately

fallen in love with Key Club because she loves the

passion that every member has to offer to the

community. Likewise, she is always the first one

volunteering to go to Meals on Wheels. She also shares

her love for Key Club by educating others the

importance of service and the significance of the club.

To further her dedication for Key Club, she ran for

treasurer. Although this is her first year in Key Club, she is

confident in running for a board position for the

upcoming term. She shares her amazing experiences

with others in order to encourage others to be involved

with the community. As a new member, Leslie has

demonstrated great responsibilities. She keeps her

promises and always attends events in which she

volunteered for. Despite the fact that she is a new

member, it is as if she joined the club for more than a

year because she is not afraid to speak up and take

action for the better of our community. Leslie has the

initiative to make a difference in the world and she is

one of our outstanding members. She will definitely

inspire others to become a devoted, thoughtful, and an

enthusiastic member.


WOLFPACK TIMES Page 8 Volume I | Issue X

Date: Name of Event: Description:


January 9, 2013

General Club Meeting Room 538; lunch time


January 12, 2013

Conclave Glendale Central Library;

9 A.M. to 1 P.M.


January 12, 2013

Meals on Wheels St. Vincent’s Hospital;

8 A.M. to 11 A.M.; package



January 16, 2013

General Club Meeting Room 538; lunch time


January 17, 2013

Hot Dog Sale Benjamin Franklin HS; lunch

time; hot dog sale


January 23, 2013

General Club Meeting Room 538; lunch time


January 24, 2013

Pizza Sale Benjamin Franklin HS; lunch

time; pizza sale


January 30, 2013

General Club Meeting Room 538; lunch time


January 30, 2013

Club Elections Room 538; lunch time;

electing new board members

ONGOING- February 28 Small Acts of Kindness Sending small acts of

kindness to others,

brightening up a day,

inspiring others

ONGOING- March 15 Division 3 South Sock Drive Donating clean pairs of socks

to the needy

ONGOING Free Rice; answer

questions to gain rice to help

end worldwide hunger

ONGOING Can Tabs Donate 100 can tabs to get

one hour!

ONGOING Box Tops Donate 15 Box Tops to help

school funds to get one hour!


WOLFPACK TIMES Page 9 Volume I | Issue X

Date: Name of Event: Description:


February 2, 2013

Meals on Wheels St. Vincent’s Hospital;

8 A.M. to 11 A.M.;

package meals


February 6, 2013

General Club Meeting Room 538; lunch time


February 13, 2013

General Club Meeting Room 538; lunch time


February 16, 2013

Valentine’s Day Auction Benjamin Franklin officers

are being auctioned,

spending time with a date


February 20, 2013

General Club Meeting Room 538; lunch time


February 27, 2013

General Club Meeting Room 538; lunch time

ONGOING- February 28 Small Acts of Kindness Sending small acts of

kindness to others,

brightening up a day,

inspiring others

ONGOING- March 15 Division 3 South Sock Drive Donating clean pairs of

socks to the needy

ONGOING Can Tabs Donate 100 can tabs to

get one hour!

ONGOING Box Tops Donate 15 Box Tops to help

school funds to get one


Contacting The Board!

President Aljelen Paraiso

(323) 314 – 8003

Vice President Canna Liu

(323) 580 – 9706

Treasurer Shelly Ngo

(626) 636 – 5215

Secretary Amy Lorn

(323) 303 – 1061

Editor Dustin Tran

(323) 244 – 6389

Historian Winny Chen

(323) 599 – 2535

Sergeant at Arms Jeffrey Escano

(323) 337 - 6673

WOLFPACK TIMES Page 10 Volume I | Issue X


For a more complete gallery of this month's photos, check

out the Divisional Newsletter!

WOLFPACK TIMES Page 11 Volume I | Issue X

Welcome 2013!

It's been a fantastic year for 2012! We as a club, division,

region, district, and organization have accomplished so

much! Let's keep that up for the new year! 2013 is going to

be filled with more opportunities to serve!

a Kiwanis-family member

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