best ways to remove acne scars

Post on 24-Jul-2016






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Natural and cheap ways to remove your acne and pimples scars.


5 Best Natural Ways to Remove Acne Scars

Acne can start as early as puberty when the body activates hormones that produce too much sebum (an

oily substance used to lubricate your skin) on the skin. If you don’t do something about it, it could scar

you for life. The sooner you begin to treat your acne scars, the better.

Acne can also occur during adulthood and just as during childhood; it can ruin your life. It therefore

stands to reason that acne is not only caused by puberty, but other factors also come into play. Diet,

especially during adulthood, plays a huge role and pimples can also be attributed to something that your

body is craving, but definitely not getting.

Pimple scars can be treated naturally (which is cheap) and dermatologically, which is more expensive.

Natural treatments are generally less painful and the results could happen very quickly. You may be

surprised at the results you are getting. All you have to do is do a bit of research to bring you up to

speed and then just testing out each treatment.

Most home remedies include topical applications, but you will have to tackle your pimple problem by

taking a holistic approach; therefore you also need to look at what you eat or what supplements you will


The treatment of acne scars depends on the severity of the scar and the cause of your pimples. Once

you identify the cause, it will be much easier to treat.

Here are some natural ways to remove and reduce acne scars:

1. Water: You are drinking pure clean water every day, aren’t you? It is not so wise to supplement your

thirst with coffee or soft drinks. Clean pure water will stop breakouts from occurring and help with

reducing your pimples. Drink at least 8 glasses of water or more to help your skin shed dead skin cells.

Don’t take this lightly or skip this step.

2. Use vitamin E oil. There are two ways to do remove pimple or acne scars: You can either use a topical

application on the area affected by the scar and then apply oil on the scar to help soften it.

You could also use vitamin E supplements or get it naturally through eating to assist with cell renewal

from the inside of your body.

3. Rose Hip Seed Oil is also an effective remedy to remove acne scars. This is an anti-aging and anti-

wrinkle agent which assists the skin to regenerate. Massaging the scar twice daily is recommended.

4. Combine a rose water and sandalwood paste and apply it to the scars. Leave it on overnight and then

rinse with cold water the next day.

5. Eating a balanced diet can help with eliminating acne scars. Healthy foods such as vegetables and

fruit in your diet will definitely help with quicker healing of your pimple scar. It helps with the

regeneration of the skin cells and will provide a healthy and shiny skin.

For more detailed information, please visit

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