beta-blocker use and morbidity from chronic lung disease in patients ... · ii beta-blocker use and...

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Beta-Blocker Use and Morbidity from Chronic Lung Disease in Patients Undertaking Pulmonary



Robert Gabriel Varadi

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Clinical Epidemiology)

Graduate Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation University of Toronto

© Copyright by Robert Gabriel Varadi 2014


Beta-Blocker Use and Morbidity from Chronic Lung Disease in

Patients Undertaking Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Robert Gabriel Varadi

Master of Science

Graduate Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation

University of Toronto



Cardiovascular diseases are common in patients with chronic lung diseases. Beta-blockers

reduce their morbidity, but are underutilized because of concerns over pulmonary side effects.

In this retrospective cohort study, we evaluated the association of beta-blocker use with

survival in elderly patients enrolled in pulmonary rehabilitation between 1996-2008. Patient

characteristics were abstracted from hospital charts and linked to administrative health

databases. Primary outcome was time to death or first hospitalization. Matching on propensity

score was used to account for potential confounding. No significant increase was seen in the

hazard of death or hospitalization in beta-blocker users. In patients with obstructive lung

disease, survival was non-significantly longer among beta-blocker users. Residual imbalance

in important confounders remained despite repeated refinement of the propensity-score.

Survival to death or hospitalization was not significantly associated with beta-blocker use.

Beta-blockers should not be withheld from patients with lung disease who have clinical

indications for them.



Firstly, to my supervisor, Dr. Matthew Stanbrook, and to the members of my thesis committee,

Dr. Roger Goldstein and Dr. Don Redelmeier, for their unfailing support, dedication,

mentorship and education through all stages of the Master’s program.

To Dr. Rachael Evans, my one-time office mate, for her invaluable assistance in data collection

and verification, and her appreciation for the wit of Eddie Izzard.

To the clinical and administrative staff at West Park Healthcare Centre, for their

encouragement, good cheer, and their help in locating lost charts and data scattered throughout

the hospital.

To Brandon Zagorski and the IT group at ICES, for guidance in SAS and troubleshooting in

data analysis.

To Amber Gertzbein and Errin Barker, for helping me navigate the SGS maze.

To my family and friends, for putting up with my erratic hours and absentmindedness, and for

always being in my corner. And most of all, to my wife Mariana and my sons, for always

being the best possible reasons to close the computer.


Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ......................................................................................................................... iii

Table of Contents............................................................................................................................iv

List of Tables

List of Figures................................................................................................................................vii

Chapter 1 : Background ...................................................................................................................1

Chapter 2 : Methods.........................................................................................................................5

1 Design .........................................................................................................................................5

2 Population ...................................................................................................................................5

3 Administrative data sources........................................................................................................6

4 Exposure .....................................................................................................................................6

5 Outcome......................................................................................................................................7

6 Baseline characteristics and potential confounders ....................................................................8

7 Data verification .........................................................................................................................9

8 Analysis ......................................................................................................................................9

9 Sample size / Power..................................................................................................................12

Chapter 3 : Results.........................................................................................................................13

1 Cohort creation .........................................................................................................................13

2 Data verification .......................................................................................................................13

3 Validity .....................................................................................................................................14

4 Baseline characteristics.............................................................................................................14

5 Unadjusted analysis ..................................................................................................................15

6 Propensity score matching ........................................................................................................16

7 Adjusted analysis ......................................................................................................................17


8 Obstructive lung disease subgroup ...........................................................................................17

Chapter 4 : Discussion ...................................................................................................................19

1 Comparison to existing literature..............................................................................................19

2 Analysis ....................................................................................................................................20

3 Issues in study design ...............................................................................................................23

4 Future directions .......................................................................................................................26

Chapter 5 : Conclusion ..................................................................................................................27



Figures ...........................................................................................................................................59


List of Tables

1. Definition of medication classes.

2. Comorbidities.

3. Cardiorespiratory diagnostic codes.

4. Standardised differences.

5. Missing data.

6. Beta-blocker use by year of entry to study.

7. Baseline characteristics, entire cohort.

8. Baseline characteristics, matched sample, using primary propensity score model.

9. Baseline characteristics, matched sample, using secondary propensity score model.

10. Baseline characteristics, moderate obstructive lung disease subgroup.

11. Baseline characteristics, moderate obstructive lung disease subgroup, matched sample.

12. Survival analysis

a. Whole cohort, unadjusted.

b. Matched cohort, primary propensity score model.

c. Matched cohort, secondary propensity score model.

d. Moderate obstructive lung disease subgroup, unadjusted.

e. Moderate obstructive lung disease subgroup, matched.


List of Figures

1. Power plots.


Chapter 1 : Background

Heart disease frequently coexists or develops in patients with chronic lung diseases.

Investigators have attributed this association to common risk factors such as advanced age and

cigarette smoking, to common pathophysiology such as systemic inflammation, and to

medication toxicity [1, 2]. Coronary artery disease (CAD) has been described in 10-20% of

patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [3, 4], while angiographic

evidence of CAD has been found in nearly 30% of transplant-listed patients with idiopathic

pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) [5-7]. Similarly, up to a third of patients with congestive heart failure

(CHF) carry a diagnosis of COPD [8]. The coincidence of both lung and heart disease

portends a poorer prognosis than the presence of either in isolation [9-11]. In large cohorts,

decreased lung function has been shown to predict increased cardiovascular mortality [12-15].

Cardiovascular complications account for up to a quarter of deaths in COPD [16] and for 10-

30% in interstitial lung diseases [17-19]. As such, management of chronic lung diseases must

include concurrent strategies to manage coexistent cardiac disease.

Beta-adrenergic receptor inhibiting agents, or beta-blockers, reduce mortality and morbidity

associated with a wide variety of cardiac diseases, including acute coronary syndromes and

myocardial infarction (MI) [20, 21]; stable angina pectoris [22, 23]; congestive heart failure

(CHF) [24]; hypertension [25]; and arrhythmias [26-28]. They have also been shown to

reduce cardiac morbidity in the perioperative period [29, 30]. There has long been concern that

non-selective beta-blockade in patients with obstructive lung diseases would inhibit beta-2-

receptor-mediated bronchodilatation, resulting in bronchoconstriction and clinical deterioration

[31, 32]. Because of this concern, patients with lung diseases were excluded from many

clinical trials of beta-blockers [33-37], while practice guidelines and review articles have listed

asthma and COPD as contraindications to beta-blocker use [38-40].

The first generation of beta-blockers were non-selective agents that inhibited both major beta-

adrenergic receptor subtypes. The subclass of beta-1 receptor blockers are considered

cardioselective, as they have a 20-fold greater affinity for the beta-1 adrenergic receptor that

predominate in cardiac tissue. With a lower affinity for beta-2 receptors, they carry a lower


theoretical risk of bronchoconstriction [41]. Meta-analyses of trials of short-term

administration of cardioselective beta-blockers in patients with obstructive lung diseases have

showed no significant effect on lung function compared to placebo, nor any loss of sensitivity

to the bronchodilating effects of short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) [42-44]. Though the

results are reassuring, the pooled studies were small and focused on surrogate physiologic, not

clinical, endpoints. Moreover, deleterious effects on exercise performance, such as increased

dynamic hyperinflation in COPD, and on symptoms may be seen without deterioration in static

lung function [45].

No clinical trial has yet prospectively tested the effects of long-term beta-blocker use in

chronic lung disease. A number of investigators have shown good clinical outcomes in

observational studies of patients with chronic lung diseases treated with BB.

Mortality was reduced in patients with COPD or asthma treated with beta-blockers following

an acute MI, compared to those in whom beta-blockers were withheld [46, 47]. Though not

statistically significant, lower hospital readmission rates for COPD or asthma were also seen in

the beta-blocker users [46]. Since respiratory disease parameters such as pulmonary function

were not available, these studies were unable to adequately adjust for confounding by severity

of lung disease. It is possible that those treated with beta-blockers had, on average, less severe

lung disease and thus better survival. Moreover, cardiac disease is the most common causes of

death in the immediate period after acute MI, and accounts for the majority of deaths over the

1-2 years of follow-up. This may have biased the studies in favour of beta-blockers and

masked any deleterious respiratory effects.

Chronic use of beta-blockers has been shown to reduce mortality in patients with COPD and

hypertension, compared to other antihypertensives [48], and to blunt the apparent cardiac

toxicity of SABA [49]. COPD in this study was defined by self-report, which is susceptible to

misclassification. Frequency of exacerbations was used to adjust for disease severity, but

pulmonary function and other respiratory parameters were not measured.

Patients with coexistent COPD and CHF treated with carvedilol, a combined alpha- and non-

selective beta-blocker, have shown improvements in cardiovascular function without notable

pulmonary complications [50].


Among patients admitted for acute exacerbations of COPD, in which heart disease frequently

contributes to mortality, those treated with beta-blockers were found to have lower in-hospital

mortality than those not so treated, irrespective of their indication [3]. This study was unique

in focusing on a population whose risk of morbidity was most strongly related to pulmonary as

opposed to cardiac disease. However, as only short-term outcomes were considered and

follow-up not extended beyond hospital discharge, conclusions about long-term safety and

efficacy cannot be drawn. Similar to previous studies, pulmonary function data was not

included in the analysis.

Owing in part to these studies’ weaknesses, clinical practice has not been significantly

impacted, and studies continue to find beta-blockers are underutilised in chronic lung diseases

[51-55]. For instance, in one retrospective study of patients hospitalised for an acute coronary

syndrome, only 16% of those diagnosed with lung disease were discharged on beta-blockers


Pulmonary rehabilitation may provide a unique setting in which to investigate the role of beta-

blockers in treating the pulmonary patient. Pulmonary rehabilitation is recognized as a central

component in the management of chronic lung diseases [56, 57]. In COPD, strong evidence

supports the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation in reducing dyspnea, improving exercise

capacity and quality of life, and reducing hospital and ER admissions and possibly all-cause

mortality. An increasing body of literature also supports the value of pulmonary rehabilitation

in other lung diseases [58, 59]. Patients enrolling in pulmonary rehabilitation are well

characterised at baseline, providing a wealth of variables that may be important potential

confounders, including pulmonary function and exercise capacity. Since the patients entering

pulmonary rehabilitation generally have more severe disease, heart disease is more prevalent in

this population [60, 61]. This should result in a higher rate of cardiac events over time and

provide greater power to detect a protective effect of beta-blockers. Access to pulmonary

rehabilitation in Canada is limited: it is estimated that rehabilitation program capacity exists

for only 1.2% of the eligible population with COPD [62]. Appropriate referral to pulmonary

rehabilitation may thus be considered a marker of better quality of respiratory care. As

pulmonary rehabilitation demands a major investment of time and effort, patients enrolling are

likely more highly motivated and more health-conscious than the general population with lung


disease [63-65]. Finally, a major goal of pulmonary rehabilitation is to increase patients’

physical activity in day-to-day life. In one study, over 80% of subjects reported adherence to a

home exercise program for 6 months after completing pulmonary rehabilitation, and over 50%

maintained adherence through one year’s follow-up [66]. These habits are likely to reduce the

potential for confounding by behavioural and social factors, and strengthen the conclusions

drawn on the effects of beta-blockers.

We therefore sought to assess the impact of beta-blocker use on morbidity from chronic lung

disease, as reflected by death and hospitalization, in patients undertaking pulmonary

rehabilitation. We hypothesized that, in patients enrolling in inpatient pulmonary

rehabilitation, use of beta-blockers will be associated with longer time to death or first

hospitalization for cardiac or respiratory condition.


Chapter 2 : Methods

1 Design

This was a retrospective cohort study, in which data from primary chart abstraction was

supplemented by administrative data sources.

2 Population

West Park Healthcare Centre (WPHC) provides a program of pulmonary rehabilitation in both

inpatient and outpatient settings. The rehabilitation centre is served by an experienced

multidisciplinary team, and all patients are assessed by a respiratory physician prior to

enrolment. Potential participants must have quit smoking prior to enrolment. The standard

inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation course is of 6-weeks’ duration. Patients undergo

individualized exercise training including aerobic exercise at least 3 days per week, according

to established practice guidelines [56, 57]. Activities include treadmill, cycling, interval

training (alternating high and low power exercise), upper-extremity weight training, and leisure

walking. Patients experiencing exercise-induced oxygen desaturation are trained with

supplemental oxygen according to routine practice. Other components of the program include

education and self-management, nutritional counselling, and psychosocial support. Adverse

events arising during rehabilitation are assessed by the attending respirologist. Since WPHC

does not have acute care facilities, inpatients suffering any potentially serious complications

are discharged from WPHC and transferred to nearby acute care hospitals.

Eligible patients were adults with any chronic lung disease, aged at least 66 years on the date

of admission to inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation at WPHC. Patients must have undertaken at

least one exercise test or exercise training session following admission to be included in the

study. A baseline value for the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) was required for

inclusion. The inception cohort consisted of all eligible patients enrolled between January 1,

1996 and December 31, 2008. Patients with COPD were identified as those meeting Canadian

Thoracic Society criteria [67], including: 1) compatible chronic respiratory symptoms; 2)

FEV1 < 80% of predicted normal; 3) FEV1/FVC ≤ 0.7; 4) incomplete bronchodilator


reversibility of FEV1 and FEV1/FVC (if results available). A subgroup of patients with

moderate-to-severe obstructive lung disease was identified as having FEV1 < 80% of predicted

normal and FEV1/FVC ≤ 0.7, regardless of the underlying diagnosis. The date of admission

served as the index date for analysis. Inpatient admission records were used to identify

potential study patients, and individual charts were manually reviewed for eligibility. In the

event of multiple pulmonary rehabilitation admissions for the same subject, only the first

eligible admission was included.

3 Administrative data sources

Administrative data sources were used to define the patients’ exposure to medications,

supplement baseline characteristics, and assess outcomes. The Canadian Institute for Health

Information – Discharge Abstract Database (CIHI-DAD) contains demographic and clinical

data on all hospital admissions in Ontario from 1988 through the last update of March 2011.

Coverage is exhaustive, with fewer than 0.01% of values missing for variables containing

demographic data, dates of admission, disposition, and main diagnosis [68]. The Registered

Persons Database (RPDB) contains the vital status of all persons issued a health insurance

number in Ontario since 1990. Date of death is gleaned from multiple sources and considered

accurate through the date of last CIHI-DAD update. The Ontario Drug Benefits (ODB)

program provides publicly-funded coverage for prescription medications to all insured Ontario

residents over the age of 65. The ODB database provides records of all drug claims (dispensed

prescriptions) paid through the ODB since April 1990, including name, date and quantity of

medication dispensed. Coding of ODB records has been validated against original

prescriptions, with an error rate of less than 1% [69]. All physician services billed to the

provincial public health insurance plan are captured in the Ontario Health Insurance Plan

(OHIP) database. Records include the date, setting, and type of service provided. Each

individual Ontario resident’s records are linked across all these databases using a unique

identification number based on the encrypted health insurance number.

4 Exposure

The exposure of interest was use of beta-blockers prior to enrolment in pulmonary

rehabilitation. Beta-blocker use was determined based on records of beta-blockers


prescriptions in the ODB database. Since direct evidence of medication use was not possible

in this study design, drug exposure is defined as two or more prescriptions for beta-blockers

dispensed within the year prior to admission to pulmonary rehabilitation; at least one

prescription must have been filled within 100 days prior to admission, the maximum supply a

pharmacy will dispense at a single visit. The practice in the pulmonary rehabilitation program

at WPHC is to continue prescribing all non-respiratory medications that an incoming patient

had been receiving, unless there is a strong clinical indication to do otherwise. Therefore,

patient receiving beta-blockers prior to enrolment would routinely have continued to receive

them upon completion of the program.

The following beta-blockers are listed for coverage on the ODB formulary: beta-1-selective

agents, including atenolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, acebutolol; nonselective agents, including

nadolol, oxprenolol, pindolol, propranolol, timolol; and the combined alpha-/beta-blockers

carvedilol and labetalol. Because of its distinct indication as an antidysrrhythmic, prescriptions

for sotalol were not considered beta-blocker use.

5 Outcome

All outcome data were derived from administrative databases. The primary outcome was the

combined endpoint of death or first acute care hospital admission for any cardiac or respiratory

diagnosis. Since all patients transferred to an acute care centre from the inpatient pulmonary

rehabilitation unit are considered discharged from WPHC, this definition includes those

patients experiencing a serious adverse event during the rehabilitation course. Secondary

endpoints include all-cause hospitalisation, and cardiac and respiratory admissions considered

separately, and death alone. Admission for COPD exacerbation were also considered as a

distinct endpoint.

5.1 Death

The final study date was March 31, 2011, which was the date of the final update of the CIHI-

DAD database for the year 2010. Vital status for all patients was determined by linkage to the

RPDB. A subject was considered to have died if there was a recorded date of death falling on

or before March 31, 2011.


5.2 Hospital admission

Acute-care hospitalisations were identified by linkage to CIHI-DAD. The database contains

validated fields for dates of admission and discharge, most responsible diagnosis (MRD), and

procedures. An admission episode may include multiple consecutive hospital admissions, each

of which is assigned a separate MRD. In such cases, the listed MRD for the first admission

within an episode was retained. Diagnoses in CIHI-DAD are classified according to the ICD-9

and -10 systems, depending on the era. Table 3 lists the ICD-9 and -10 diagnosis codes we

used to identify admissions as cardiac or respiratory.

5.3 Lung transplantation

Patients who undergo lung transplantation have a risk of morbidity and mortality that is unique

and substantially different from the general population of patients with chronic lung disease.

As such, study patients who received a lung transplant had their outcome data censored at the

time of admission for transplant. The following lung transplant procedure codes were

identified: 4550 or 4560 under the Canadian Classification of Diagnostic, Therapeutic and

Surgical Procedures [CCP]; 1GR85, 1GT85, or 1HY85 under the Canadian Classification of

Health Interventions [CCI]. If, in the course of a single admission episode, a subject admitted

to a first acute-care institution had subsequently been transferred to a second for the purpose of

lung transplantation, the initial non-transplant admission was included in the outcome

assessment, while the second was excluded and further data censored.

6 Baseline characteristics and potential confounders

Demographic and anthropomorphic data; measures of static pulmonary function, exercise

capacity, and gas exchange; and comorbidities were obtained by primary chart abstraction.

Primary and secondary respiratory diagnoses were determined from the attending

respirologist’s diagnosis, supplemented by the available clinical materials. Cardiovascular and

metabolic comorbidities were determined based on prespecified criteria (table 2). The

Charlson index was used to summarize the total burden of comorbidities [70].

Health care utilization was reflected by the quantity of acute care visits made within the two

years prior to the index date. The number of acute care hospitalizations and cumulative length


of stay in hospital was calculated from CIHI-DAD records. OHIP billing records were used to

compute the number of Emergency Department visits.

Use of non-beta-blocker medications was determined by linkage to ODB records (table 1).

Patients were considered users of a particular class of medication if they had filled at least one

prescription in that class within the year prior to the index date. Respiratory medications

included inhaled short- and long-acting anticholenergics, inhaled short- and long-acting beta-

agonists, inhaled corticosteroids, leukotriene antagonists, and methylxanthines. Cardiovascular

medications included angiotensin pathway inhibitors, HMG-CoA-reductase inhibitors

(‘statins’), antiplatelet agents, diuretics, nitrates, digoxin, calcium-channel blockers, and

vasodilators. Other potentially important medications included alpha-adrenergic blockers and

ophthalmic beta-blockers preparations. Since aspirin is also available for over-the-counter

purchase without a prescription, ODB records may not accurately reflect aspirin use in the


7 Data verification

Average (mean and median), maximum and minimum values for all abstracted data were

reviewed; records whose values appeared improbably extreme were re-abstracted. A second

investigator, a practicing respirologist, independently abstracted the respiratory diagnoses from

48 patients’ charts selected at random. The primary and, if applicable, secondary diagnoses

were assigned to one of 7 lung disease groupings: COPD; other obstructive diseases;

interstitial lung diseases; extraparenchymal restrictive diseases; pulmonary hypertension; lung

resection; and other conditions. Concordance between the two investigators was assessed

using the unweighted Kappa score [71, 72].

8 Analysis

Event-free survival was computed between the index date and date of endpoint. Survival for

the patients who were alive and did not have a recorded hospitalisation by the final study date

was censored either at the final study date or at the date of last contact recorded in RPDB,

whichever was earliest.


Baseline characteristics were summarized with descriptive statistics. Crude unadjusted

estimates of survival among beta-blocker users and non-users were generated by Kaplan-Meier

method accounting for censoring. Multivariable analysis was performed to account for

possible confounding. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS (SAS 9.2 for Windows,

SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The level of significance for all tests was 0.05.

8.1 Propensity score matching

In circumstances in which the number of outcome events is small relative to the number of

variables analysed, survival analysis by multivariable regression modeling may produce results

that are biased and unreliable [73, 74]. Adjustment based on the propensity score does not

suffer from this limitation [75]. The propensity score is defined as the conditional probability

of having received an intervention, given a set of covariates. This probability provides a single

number as summary of a set of measured covariates [76, 77]. However, it does not necessarily

balance important confounders that are unmeasured or not included in the propensity score

model [78]. Propensity score can be estimated using a logistic regression model:

( ) jjXβ̂ˆ


ˆloglogit 0 +=

−= β





where ie)

is the estimated propensity score for an individual patient, representing in this study

the probability of beta-blocker use; and ββββjXj is the vector of covariates and their regression

coefficients. All potentially important covariates were included in the initial propensity score

model as main effects. Based on residual imbalances between beta-blocker users and non-

users, the model was then refined using an iterative approach, allowing for interaction terms,

and quadratic and cubic terms for continuous variables [79].

Three techniques are commonly employed to reduce confounding using the propensity score:

matching, stratification, and covariate adjustment; more recently a new technique, inverse

probability of treatment weighting, has been introduced. Covariate adjustment methods may

be less reliable, and are sensitive to inaccurate modeling of the propensity score in the final

regression model [76, 80]. Matching and stratification techniques are not dependent on correct

model specification, and are therefore preferred. From studies on stratification by a single


continuous variable, it has been demonstrated that stratifying on quintiles of propensity score

should similarly remove 90% of the bias due to imbalance in all measured covariates used in

the construction of propensity score [79] [81]. The stratified analysis may use data from a

greater proportion of eligible patients, while the matched analysis discards untreated patients

who are dissimilar to treated patients. However, stratification may result in a greater

imbalance in covariates than is seen with matching [80]. As such, matching was chosen as the

primary analytic method.

A 1:1 matching ratio was employed in a “greedy” matching strategy, using a standard

technique. A random beta-blocker user was selected and paired with the non-beta-blocker user

who had the closest match on the logit of the propensity score, within a caliper width of 0.2

times the standard deviation of the logit of the propensity score [82]. Matching was performed

without replacement; once matched, the non-beta-blocker user was removed from the sample

and could not serve as match for any of the following beta-blocker users. Matching continued

until all beta-blocker users had been matched, or until no satisfactory match was identified. An

“optimal” matching algorithm, by contrast, would select the best non-user matches so as to

minimize the total within-pair differences in propensity score across the entire matched cohort.

Such an algorithm is computationally very demanding, and may not provide a significant

benefit to balance [102].

The success of balancing measured covariates was assessed numerically by computing

standardised differences for each measured covariate (table 4). It has been suggested that a

standardised difference of more than 10% represents meaningful imbalance in a covariate [83].

It was expected that many patients would be missing values for some important covariates

abstracted by chart review. A propensity score model based solely on patients with complete

data would exclude patients with any missing data and thus restrict the sample size. Missing

values were imputed using the SAS Multiple Imputation procedure, with 20 imputed data sets

created. Their estimates were pooled in order to develop the propensity score model. At this

point, the imputed data were discarded; assessment of covariate balance and analysis of

treatment effect was performed on the original data set containing actual, not imputed, data.


Cox proportional-hazard modelling was used to estimate the effect of beta-blocker use on

event-free survival, stratified on matched-pair. Analysis was performed for the primary and

secondary endpoints.

A planned subgroup analysis was performed in patients with moderate obstructive lung

disease. Matching was done using the same primary propensity score model as for the primary


9 Sample size / Power

An estimated 1200 eligible elderly patients (120 patients admitted each year, 75% over age 65)

have enrolled in pulmonary rehabilitation at the study centre over the 13 year accrual period;

10-20% of these were expected to be beta-blocker users. Patients have a high morbidity

following completion of pulmonary rehabilitation. The literature suggests that 35-40% of

patients with severe disease are admitted to hospital within one year after discharge from a

program [84, 85], and approximately 5% die within one year [61, 86]. In experimental and

observational studies of patients with acute MI, chronic CHF or hypertension, treatment with

beta-blockers has been associated with relative reductions of 15-40% in the risk of death and

hospitalization, even in patients with COPD [46-48, 87, 88]. Given the lower baseline cardiac

risk in the population in pulmonary rehabilitation, a more conservative estimate of risk

reduction of 10-20% was expected.

In estimating the required sample size, a median event-free survival time of 24 months was

assumed for the non-beta-blocker user group. With 900 patients accrued over 13 years, 20% of

whom were beta-blocker users, the study would have at least 80% power to detect a hazard

ratio of 0.78, or a reduction in hazard of death or hospitalisation of at least 22% (two-sided

alpha=0.05) (figure 1, upper panel). With the same sample size of 900 patients, the smallest

detectable HR would range from 0.83 to 0.74, if median survival fell in the range of 12-36

months (figure 1, lower panel).


Chapter 3 : Results

1 Cohort creation

Administrative records at West Park Healthcare Centre identified 3800 admissions to the

inpatient respiratory unit over the inception period from January 1, 1996, through December

31, 2008. 1906 admissions involved patients aged at least 66 years. Excluding 735 repeat

admissions, 1171 individual patient admission records were identified for full review. Data

were abstracted from several discrete sources, including the primary hospital chart, the

outpatient Respiratory Medicine clinic chart, the pulmonary function laboratory, and the

departments of Respiratory Therapy and of Physiotherapy. 132 patients were excluded after

chart review: 33 were missing value for the FEV1; 32 had a permanent tracheostomy; 34 were

admitted for mechanical ventilation assessment only; 22 were admitted for but did not

participate in pulmonary rehabilitation; and 11 charts could not be located. 1039 patients were

included in the final cohort.

The cohort was then linked to provincial administrative databases held at the Institute for

Clinical Evaluative Sciences. For each subject, linkage was performed using a unique

identification number based on the encrypted health insurance number. All 1039 (100%)

patients in the cohort were successfully linked to the administrative databases.

2 Data verification

Data were reviewed to identify outliers with improbable values; these variables were then

reabstracted from the original source. Only 4 errors required correction. No errors were

identified in variables considered important potential confounders.

Variables for which data were incomplete are listed in table 5. Complete data were available

for all demographic, comorbidity, medication, and health care utilization variables. Fewer than

10% of values for gas exchange and exercise capacity variables were missing. MRC dyspnea

score was not provided or could not be accurately computed for 17% of patients. The Chronic


Respiratory Questionnaire health status score was not available for over 50% of patients; as

such, this parameter was not included in the analysis.

Event dates recorded in the Registered Persons Database were compared against similar dates

recorded in Discharge Abstracts Database. In no instance did a hospital admission date fall

after the recorded date of death or date of last contact.

3 Validity

There was substantial agreement between the independent data abstractors on the respiratory

diagnosis considered primary (Kappa=0.74). There was very strong agreement on the presence

of a respiratory diagnosis, irrespective of its being considered primary or secondary

(Kappa=0.89). Agreement was similarly very strong when the primary diagnosis was

dichotomized as COPD or other (Kappa=0.82).

4 Baseline characteristics

53 (5.1%) patients met the criteria for beta-blocker use, having filled a total of 365

prescriptions for beta-blockers in the year prior to the index date. The majority of patients

received beta-1-selective agents including metoprolol (20 patients [34%]), atenolol (18 [31%]),

and bisoprolol (13 [22%]). Other beta-blockers agents included carvedilol (4 [7%]), acebutolol

(3 [5%]), and propranolol (1 [2%]). 6 patients had filled prescriptions for two distinct beta-

blockers. One subject prescribed bisoprolol had also filled 4 prescriptions for sotalol in the

year prior to index date.

Beta-blocker use varied with era of study, with a greater proportion of beta-blocker use seen in

patients entering the cohort in later years (table 6). Beta-blocker users accounted for only 1.6%

of patients entering the cohort between 1996-2003, but 13.4% of patients entering between

2004-2008. Among beta-blocker users, the median year of entry to the cohort was 2006, as

compared to 2001 among non-beta-blocker users. Overall, patients in the more recent era were

more likely to have a non-COPD diagnosis, more frequently had cardiac comorbidities, and

had greater use of cardiac and long-acting respiratory medications.


Baseline characteristics of beta-blocker and non-beta-blocker users are presented in table 7.

Beta-blocker users were on average older, less likely to be married, and residing in more

affluent neighbourhoods. There was no significant difference in use of acute medical care in

the 2 years prior to index date. A greater proportion of beta-blocker users did not have a

diagnosis of COPD, and had reported never smoking. Pulmonary function was on average

severely impaired in the cohort. Spirometric values and total lung capacity in beta-blocker

users were less severely perturbed, though this may also reflect the greater proportion of non-

obstructive lung diseases. The diffusing capacity was severely reduced to a similar degree in

both groups. Self-reported dyspnea, as measured by both the MRC score and the CRQ

dyspnea subscale, was more severe in beta-blocker users, and exercise capacity and resting

oxygen levels were poorer.

Overall, 653 (62.8%) patients in the cohort had a diagnosis of at least one cardiovascular or

metabolic disease, while 597 (57.5%) patients had at least one diagnosis considered an

indication for beta-blockers. Beta-blocker users had a greater burden of comorbidities, as

measured by the Charlson Comorbidity Index, and individual cardiovascular and metabolic

comorbidities were more common in beta-blocker users. The mean number of distinct

medications used in the past year was significantly greater in beta-blocker users. A greater

proportion of beta-blocker users had filled prescriptions for important cardiac medications.

The pattern of use of respiratory medications between the groups was mixed: significantly

more beta-blocker users were prescribed inhaled long-acting anticholenergic and beta-agonist

agents, while prescriptions for inhaled corticosteroids, short-acting bronchodilators, and

methylxanthines were significantly less common in this group.

5 Unadjusted analysis

There were 4067 hospital admission episodes among all 1039 patients during the follow-up

period. Among the 53 beta-blocker users, there were 129 admissions: 64 (50%) for a

respiratory diagnosis, 50 (39%) for COPD, and 16 (12%) for a cardiac diagnosis. Among the

986 non-beta-blocker users, there were 3938 admissions: 2565 (65%) for a respiratory

diagnosis, 2149 (55%) for COPD, and 225 (6%) for a cardiac diagnosis. 97 patients, including


5 (9.4%) beta-blocker users and 92 (9.3%) non-beta-blocker users, did not have a record of

death or hospital admission after the index date.

In unadjusted analysis including all 1039 patients, there was no significant difference in

survival between all beta-blocker users and non-users to the primary combined endpoint of

death or cardiorespiratory hospitalization (table 12a). No significant difference was detected in

survival to combined death or all-cause hospitalization. 798 (77%) patients died during the

follow-up period, with a median survival from index date of 47.5 months. There were 38

deaths among beta-blocker users, and 760 among non-beta-blocker users. The Kaplan-Meier

estimate of median survival to death was significantly shorter in beta-blocker users (33 vs 50

months, HR 1.40, 95% CI 1.01-1.94). Beta-blocker users had a significantly increased hazard

of death or hospitalisation for cardiac disease only (HR 1.57, 95% CI 1.15-2.14), but non-

significantly longer survival to combined death or hospitalisation for respiratory disease (HR

0.85, 95% CI 0.63-1.16).

6 Propensity score matching

Despite repeated refinements to the propensity score model, there remained significant residual

imbalance in important covariates between matched beta-blocker users and non-users. A

primary propensity score model was chosen to achieve balance in the greatest number of

important cardiovascular and respiratory covariates. 31 of 53 (58%) beta-blocker users were

successfully matched to non-beta-blocker user controls (table 8). Matched cases and controls

were well balanced on cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic comorbidities. Among

important medications, matched beta-blocker users were less commonly prescribed angiotensin

antagonists, calcium-channel blockers and nitrates, but more commonly prescribed long-acting

inhaled anticholinergics. Matched beta-blocker users had lower baseline 6MWD and diffusing

capacity, and were more likely to have smoked; they less commonly reported severe dyspnea

and were less likely to experience exertional desaturation. Though the number of hospital

admissions were similar between the two groups, matched beta-blocker users spent fewer days

in hospital over the 2 years prior to index date.

A secondary propensity score model was then designed to achieve balance in important

respiratory parameters; with this model, 35 (66%) beta-blocker users were successfully


matched to controls (table 9). As expected, the groups demonstrated balance on baseline

6MWD, MRC dyspnea, oxygenation measures, respiratory medication use, and smoking

status; however, mean FEV1 was greater in matched beta-blocker users than in non-users.

There was residual imbalance in comorbidities, with matched beta-blocker users having a

higher mean Charlson comorbidity score, and a greater proportion of beta-blocker users having

a diagnosis of CAD and CHF. The main difference in this model was the removal of a term for

era from the secondary propensity score model.

7 Adjusted analysis

The primary adjusted analysis was performed with 62 patients matched on the primary

propensity score (31 each beta-blocker users and non-users). No significant difference was

detected between the matched groups in survival to the combined endpoint of death or

cardiorespiratory (table 12b). Similarly, no significant association was seen between beta-

blocker use and survival to death alone or any of the combined endpoints. The point estimates

of the hazard ratio were closer to unity in all of the primary matched analyses, as compared to

the unadjusted estimates.

The secondary adjusted analysis was performed with 70 patients matched on the secondary

propensity score (35 each beta-blocker users and non-users). No significant difference in

survival was detected for the primary endpoint. A significant decrease in survival to death

alone remained among beta-blocker users, with a point estimate of effect that was higher than

in the unadjusted analysis (HR 2.22, 95% CI 1.01-4.88) (table 12c).

8 Obstructive lung disease subgroup

864 patients met criteria for at-least moderate obstructive lung disease (FEV1/FVC < 0.7, and

FEV1 < 80% of predicted normal), of whom 29 (3.4%) were beta-blocker users. COPD was

the primary diagnosis in 95% of patients. Baseline characteristics are presented in table 10.

While FEV1 was less impaired on average in beta-blocker users, exercise capacity and dyspnea

were more severely limited. As expected, beta-blocker users were more likely to have a

cardiac comorbidity and to be receiving cardiac medications. Long-acting bronchodilators

were more commonly used among beta-blocker users.


18 (62%) beta-blocker users were successfully matched to non-beta-blocker controls. The

matched groups were generally well balanced on important comorbidities and cardiorespiratory

medication use. Matched beta-blocker users had a tendency to milder lung disease, with a

higher mean baseline 6MWD and less severe dyspnea than non-beta-blocker users (table 11).

In unadjusted analysis of all 864 patients, no significant difference was detected between the

exposure groups in survival to any endpoint (table 12d). In the matched analysis including 36

patients (18 each beta-blocker users and non-users), no significant differences were found

between the groups in survival to any endpoint (table 12e). The point estimates for effect were

lower for all endpoints than in the unadjusted analysis, and nealy all favoured a survival

advantage among beta-blocker users, though without achieving statistical significance.


Chapter 4 : Discussion

1 Comparison to existing literature

Historical concerns about the deleterious effects of beta-blockers may no longer be as relevant.

Many early reports of BB-induced bronchoconstriction, reduced sensitivity to inhaled beta-

agonists, and increased respiratory symptoms, involved small series of patients exposed to non-

selective beta-blockers such as propranolol [89-91]. These agents have largely been replaced

by the cardioselective BB, which have much lower affinity for the beta-2 adrenergic receptor in

the lungs. In a meta-analysis of 20 studies including 278 patients with obstructive lung

diseases, cardioselective beta-blockers were not found to have significant impact on lung

function or symptoms [42]. Similarly, combined alpha/beta-blockers such as carvedilol may

not produce an important decline in lung function [50, 92]. 86% of beta-blockers prescriptions

in our study were for beta-1 selective agents, and only 1 patient received propranolol. Our

study design did not permit identifying patients who had previously suffered adverse effects of


There is a growing body of evidence that beta-blockers are safe for use in patients with chronic

lung disease. While our results are consistent with this, we did not demonstrate an

improvement in mortality or hospitalization. Our study included patients with any chronic

lung disease, while previous research centered on COPD and asthma. 23% of beta-blocker

users in our cohort had a primary diagnosis of an interstitial lung disease, often pulmonary

fibrosis, for which prognosis is poor and no effective treatment is available [93]. This may

have reduced our ability to detect a treatment effect. When the analysis was restricted to those

patients with obstructive disease of at least moderate severity, we found estimates of mortality

and hospitalization reduction in line with previous research, though not achieving statistical

significance. Previous studies on beta-blocker use have selected populations whose

cardiovascular risk is highest, such as following MI [46, 47] or vascular surgery [94], in

chronic CHF [95, 96] or in chronic hypertension [48]. Our study selected a population with

more severe lung disease and therefore greater pulmonary risk, as evidenced by the

preponderance of hospitalizations for respiratory diagnoses. Two studies have observed lower


in-hospital mortality among beta-blocker users who were hospitalized with COPD

exacerbation; however, follow-up was not extended after hospital discharge [3, 97].

Moreover, by defining medication use by in-hospital prescriptions, these studies were

vulnerable to immortal time bias.

Two recent large population-based studies of beta-blocker use in COPD have yielded

conflicting results. Short and colleagues retrospectively analysed a patient registry in

Scotland, and found that patients using beta-blockers had 22% lower mortality than non-users

over a 10-year span, irrespective of respiratory medication use [98]. This cohort was well-

characterized and accounted for FEV1 in the analysis. In a prospective study, Ekstrom and

colleagues evaluated patients with severe COPD upon initiation of home oxygen therapy [99].

They incorporated a time-dependent analysis to account for continuity of medication exposure

throughout the study period. Beta-blocker use was associated with a statistically significant

19% increase in mortality over 4 years follow-up, while other cardiac medications such as

angiotensin-pathway antagonists and statins were associated with non-significant mortality

reduction. In addition to the difference in analytic techniques, the conflicting results may in

part be attributable to severity of illness. Ekstrom et al included only severely impaired

patients with chronic hypoxemic respiratory failure, whose mean FEV1 was severely reduced

at less than 40% of predicted normal. This severity of illness more closely matches that seen in

our study. Short et al included a broader range of range of patients, only 30% of whom had

spirometrically severe COPD. It is possible that beta-blockers have differential effects based

on severity of disease. Our small number of beta-blocker users did not permit additional

analysis of this potential interaction.

2 Analysis

2.1 Choice of analytic technique

In non-randomized studies, it is important to account for differences in baseline characteristics

that may confound the relationship between treatment and outcome. Multivariable regression

modeling is commonly used to adjust for potential confounding. However, regression

modeling has been shown to be unreliable when the number of confounders is large relative to

the sample size. It has been shown that when there are fewer than 10 outcome events in the


smallest of the primary exposure groups for each variable analysed (generally referred to as

“events per variable”), the model proves unreliable, with excessively biased estimates of effect

and questionable validity of significance testing [73, 100, 101]. This finding has been

described in both logistic and Cox proportional hazard regression. The problems associated

with few events per variable may be more pronounced when the association between the

primary exposure and the outcome is weak, and when the sample size is small [74]. In our

study, the number of outcome events among beta-blocker users was small (at most 53); the

number of potential confounders large (as many as 50); and the association between beta-

blocker use and morbidity weak (hazard ratios no larger than 2). As such, simple multivariable

regression adjustment was not an appropriate method to account for confounding.

The propensity score provides a single summary of a set of known confounders, and may be

estimated as the probability of having received the treatment of interest based on measured

baseline characteristics. The propensity score is a balancing score, such that after conditioning

on the propensity score, the distribution of measured characteristics is similar between treated

and untreated patients. There are a number of advantages posited to propensity score methods

over multivariable regression methods alone [102]. Firstly, propensity score methods have

greater flexibility in accounting for confounders when outcomes are few, and may provide

correct estimates of treatment effect when sample size is small [103]. For instance, a

simulation study with binary outcome showed less bias and smaller standard errors in the

estimate of treatment effect using stratification on the propensity score as compared to logistic

regression, when the number of outcome events was small [75]. Secondly, it is easier and

more explicit to assess the success of propensity score methods in achieving balance of

baseline characteristics by direct comparison, than to assess residual confounding and

appropriateness of model specification in regression modeling. Thirdly, propensity score

methods separate the balancing of treatment groups with respect to potential confounders, from

the analysis of treatment effect on outcome. Since these steps are combined in regression

modeling, a concern has been raised that adjustment of the regression model may be continued

in an effort to further address confounding, until a desired or expected treatment effect on

outcome is seen [102].


A principal limitation of all propensity score techniques is that they are unable to address

confounding by hidden or unmeasured characteristics.

2.2 Comparison of propensity score methods

There are four common methods by which propensity score can be used to reduce

confounding: matching on propensity score; stratifying by propensity score; covariate

adjustment using propensity score in a regression model; and inverse probability of treatment

weighting (IPTW) using the propensity score.

We employed propensity score matching methods. Observational and simulation studies have

shown that propensity score matching generally achieves a greater balance in baseline

characteristics than either stratification or covariate adjustment, and does at least as well as

IPTW [80, 104]. Propensity score matching and stratification may be less sensitive to

inaccuracies in the model estimating the propensity score [105]. Covariate adjustment using

the propensity score may be a less reliable method, as the analysis depends both on accurate

estimation of the propensity score, and on correctly specifying the relationship between

propensity score and the outcome [102].

In exchange for improved balance in baseline characteristics, propensity score matching

sacrifices sample size, with treated and untreated patients who are markedly dissimilar being

excluded from analysis. In our study, the primary matched analysis included only 58% (31/53)

of beta-blocker users and 3% (31/986) of non-beta-blocker users. Stratification on the

propensity score may similarly exclude a large proportion of the cohort whose characteristics

are dissimilar. IPTW methods allow for inclusion of all patients in the analysis. However, the

weights may be inaccurate for patients with a very low estimated probability of being treated,

as was the case for a large proportion of non-beta-blocker users in our cohort [102].

Matching on a caliper width of 0.2 times the standard deviation of the logit of the propensity

score has been shown to optimize the reduction in bias in the estimate of treatment effect [106].

In our study, increasing the caliper width did not improve the balance of baseline

characteristics in the matched sample, nor did it significantly increase the number of successful



2.3 Propensity score estimation

There is no consensus on which variables to include in the propensity score model. It has been

suggested that the best propensity score model would include only variables that are true

confounders or are associated with the outcome. Including variables associated solely with

treatment assignment has been shown to increase the variance without improving the accuracy

of the estimate of effect [107, 108]. Moreover, models including such variables have been

shown to result in fewer matched pairs than those including only true or potential confounders

[109]. However, it is often difficult in practice to determine which variables are not associated

with outcome. In our study, after deriving our primary propensity score model, we repeated

our iterative propensity score building using a restricted set of variables in order to create a

second propensity score model. While the latter model increased the number of matched pairs

from 31 to 35, there were greater imbalances between treatment groups in important

cardiovascular comorbidities and medication use.

The inclusion of an era term in the propensity score model is controversial. We included date

of enrolment in the primary propensity score model, as a significant era effect was anticipated.

The accrual window spanned 13 years, during which time numerous advances were made in

the management of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, including the introduction of new

medications. Significantly lower mortality rates have been reported in patients with COPD in

the 2000’s as compared to the 1990’s, both in small cohorts and at the population level [110-

112]. We found a similar era effect in our cohort, with significantly longer survival to

combined death or hospitalization seen in the latter 5 years of accrual. Pulmonary

rehabilitation indications also changed over time, with greater number of non-COPD disease

being considered grounds for enrolment. Thus, era was a true confounder and should be

included in the propensity score model.

3 Issues in study design

3.1 Setting

The study sample was enrolled from a single centre specializing in rehabilitation and complex

care. The cohort was well characterized and included patients with a range of severe chronic

lung diseases. At the same time, this unique setting may limit generalizability to the general


population of patients with chronic lung disease who are not participating in pulmonary

rehabilitation. The study included only patients older than 65 years and may not be

generalizable to younger patients.

3.2 Baseline characteristics

Diagnoses of lung disease and comorbidities were based on primary chart abstraction, which

increases their validity. Pulmonary diagnoses were independently assessed by a second

abstractor in a random sample of patients, and the level of agreement was very strong. It is the

standard practice as part of pulmonary rehabilitation assessment to request supporting

documentation from the referring physicians when a patient has a potentially important

comorbidity. Most patients referred to WPHC have primary care and specialist follow-up at

another centre, and we did not have access to the complete medical records held elsewhere.

Beta-blocker users are likely to have had cardiovascular comorbidities of greater severity than

non-users and may therefore be less susceptible to misclassification.

Patients in the cohort were generally well-characterized. In addition to pulmonary function

tests, important data on exercise testing, symptoms and gas exchange were also obtained.

There was incomplete data available for certain potentially important variables. In building the

propensity score model, we used multiple imputation methods for variables missing a small

proportion of values. The imputed values were used only to permit propensity score

estimation, and only measured values were used in assessing balance achieved. For certain

variables like the subscales of the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire, a very large proportion

of values was missing and the variables were therefore not included in the analysis.

Data on hospitalizations and vital status were obtained from provincial administrative health

records which provide comprehensive coverage of all residents of Ontario, and therefore

improves the completeness of follow-up for outcomes.

Use of beta-blockers and other medications was determined from prescription records in the

ODB database. This approach has an advantage over chart review, since patients often forget

to report medications they have used in the past year. However, the ODB records can only

verify that a medication was purchased, not taken. Moreover, our methodology classified


patients as medication users or non-users at baseline only. We did not assess continuity of

medication use through the follow-up period. Finally, we were unable to assess whether

patients had stopped using beta-blockers due to side effects.

We did not include prior use of oral corticosteroids in our analysis. They are frequently used

in intermittent courses of varying duration for acute exacerbations of lung disease, and it would

therefore be difficult to distinguish acute from chronic use. Severe exacerbations would likely

result in visit to ER or in hospitalization, both of which were captured in our data. While mild

exacerbations may be treated as an outpatient with oral corticosteroids alone, these are less

likely to act as a significant confounder to the association between beta-blockers and

hospitalization or death.

3.3 Sample size

Our study suffered a lack of power due to a smaller-than-expected number of beta-blocker

users. Based on our recent clinical experience, the prevalence of beta-blocker use was

estimated at 10-20%. 13% of patients in the subgroup enrolled from 2004-2008 were indeed

beta-blocker users; however, among the larger group enrolled between 1996-2003, the

prevalence of beta-blocker use was less than 2%. This is unlikely to reflect a selection bias in

the pulmonary rehabilitation program. There was no formal change in the enrollment criteria

for pulmonary rehabilitation at West Park Healthcare Centre in the corresponding time frame.

The same two academic respirologists were responsible for patient assessment and clearance

for the rehabilitation program during these 13 years. Medication use has not been a deciding

factor in enrolment. Practice patterns in pulmonary rehabilitation have changed over these 13

years. A greater proportion of patients in the recent era had a primary diagnosis other than

COPD (26% vs 16%), in keeping with new literature supporting the benefits of pulmonary

rehabilitation to patients with non-COPD lung diseases [58, 59]. As the concerns about beta-

blockers have centred on obstructive lung diseases, these patients may have been more likely to

receive a prescription for beta-blockers. There has also been a trend to increased complexity of

the cases referred to pulmonary rehabilitation, as reflected by the greater burden of

comorbidities among patients in the recent era. These patients may also have been more likely

to receive a beta-blockers prescription. We cannot fully explain the low prevalence of beta-

blocker use in the early era.


The sample of beta-blocker users was too small to explore interactions between beta-blockers

and other cardiovascular medications such as angiotensin antagonists, or inhaled


4 Future directions

All observational studies of beta-blocker use in chronic lung disease are vulnerable to

confounding by indication and by disease severity. Our study adds to the existing literature in

having an extensive set of respiratory parameters to better characterize the nature and severity

of patients’ lung disease. We incorporated an analysis designed to account for differences in a

large number of characteristics; nonetheless, residual confounding persisted. The effects of

beta-blockers in patients with chronic lung disease has still not been resolved. A prospective

randomized controlled trial is therefore needed to provide a robust and reliable answer to this

important clinical question. Such design would enable an assessment of effect modification by

type of lung disease, especially COPD versus non-obstructive diseases, and by disease severity.


Chapter 5 : Conclusion

After matching on the propensity score, we failed to demonstrate a significant difference in

survival to death or hospitalization between beta-blocker users and non-users, among elderly

patients with chronic lung disease enrolled in pulmonary rehabilitation. In the subgroup of

patients with at least moderate obstructive disease, we similarly failed to detect a significant

difference in the hazard of death or hospitalization in beta-blocker users. Beta-blockers should

not be withheld from elderly patients with chronic lung disease, who would otherwise have an

indication for this class of medication.



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Table 1. Definition of medication classes.

Medication class Definition

Beta-blocker • Drug subclass name = 'BETA-BLOCKERS' or 'BETA-BLOCKERS


Angiotensin antagonist • Drug subclass name = 'ACE INHIBITORS’ or 'ACE INHIBITORS


• Drug subclass name = 'ANGIOTENSIN II ANTAGONIST' or



blocker • Drug subclass name = 'ALPHA ADRENERGIC BLOCKING


Calcium channel blocker • Drug subclass name = 'CALCIUM BLOCKERS' or 'CALCIUM




Digoxin • Drug subclass name = 'DIGITALIS PREPARATIONS'

Diuretic • Drug subclass name = 'DIURETICS' or 'DIURETICS (POTASSIUM-


• Drug name contains 'HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE' or


• Drug name = 'ACETAZOLAMIDE'

Statin • Drug subclass name = 'ANTILIPEMIC: STATINS' or 'CALCIUM




Antiplatelet agent • Drug name = 'ASA' or 'TICLOPIDINE HCL' or 'ASA &


Vasodilator • Drug name = 'DIAZOXIDE' or 'HYDRALAZINE HCL' or


Optic beta-blocker

preparation • Drug subclass name = 'BETA BLOCKING AGENTS'

Inhaled corticosteroid • Drug subclass name = 'BRONCHODILATOR AND ANTI-




• Drug subclass name = 'INHALED CORTICOSTEROIDS' and route of

administration is not nasal

Inhaled long-acting beta-

agonist • Drug name contains 'FORMOTEROL' or 'SALMETEROL'


Inhaled long-acting

anticholenergic • Drug name = 'TIOTROPIUM BROMIDE MONOHYDRATE'

Inhaled short-acting

beta-agonist • Drug subclass name = 'ADRENERGIC AND ANTICHOLINERGIC


• Drug subclass name = 'SELECTIVE BETA2-ADRENERGIC

AGONISTS', and drug name does not contain 'FORMOTEROL' or


Inhaled short-acting

anticholenergic • Drug subclass name = 'ADRENERGIC AND ANTICHOLINERGIC


• Drug name = 'IPRATROPIUM BROMIDE', and drug subclass name =

'ANTI-CHOLINERGICS', and route of administration is not nasal

Leukotriene receptor

antagonist • Drug subclass name = 'LEUKOTRIENE RECEPTOR


Methyxanthine • Drug name = 'AMINOPHYLLINE' or 'OXTRIPHYLLINE' or


Drug names and drug subclass names are presented as listed in the Ontario Drug Benefits database.


Table 2. Comorbidities.

Comorbidity Criteria

Coronary artery disease • Coronary artery stenosis demonstrated on angiography or on

noninvasive testing; or

• Prior coronary revascularization procedure; or

• Clinical history of stable exertional angina.

Congestive heart failure • Left ventricular ejection fraction < 50%; or

• Clinical history of pulmonary edema from left ventricular failure.

Arrhythmia • Atrial or ventricular tachyarrhythmia.

Hypertension • Clinical history of hypertension.

Diabetes • Clinical history of diabetes mellitus with or without microvascular


Cerebrovascular disease • Clinical history of transient ischaemic attack; or

• History of or imaging demonstrating ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke.

Chronic renal failure • Estimated creatinine clearance less than 50 mL/min; or

• Need for renal replacement therapy.

Peripheral vascular

disease • Peripheral arterial stenosis demonstrated on angiography or noninvasive

testing; or

• Revascularization procedure; or

• Clinical history of vascular claudication; or

• Abdominal aortic aneurysm with diameter greater than 5 cm, or history

of surgical repair.


Table 3. Cardiorespiratory diagnostic codes.

Diagnosis ICD-9 code ICD-10 code


Hypertension and hypertensive heart disease 401-402 I10-I11

Ischaemic heart disease 410-414 I20-I25

Cardiomyopathy and heart failure 425, 428 I42-I43, I50

Conduction disorders and dysrhythmias 426-427 I44-I49

Other cardiac disease 429 I51


Respiratory tuberculosis 010-012 A15-A16

Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection 031 A31

Sarcoidosis 135 D86

Late effects of tuberculosis or poliomyelitis 137-138 B90-B91

Sleep disordered breathing 327 G47

Pulmonary vascular disease 416-417 I27-I28

Acute lower respiratory tract infection 466, 480-488 J09-J22

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 491-492, 496 J41-J44

Other lower respiratory tract disease 490-519 J40-J99

Legend: ICD, International Classification of Disease.


Table 4. Standardised differences.

For continuous variables For dichotomous variables

( )2









( )unexposedunexposedexposedexposed21






Legend: d, standardised difference; x , mean; s2, variance; P, proportion with characteristic; Q,

proportion without characteristic.


Table 5. Missing data.

Variable Beta-blocker users


Non-beta-blocker users


Lung disease

Smoking status 0 3 (0.3%)

Quantity smoked 0 24 (2.4%)

Pulmonary function

FEV1 0 0

FEV1/FVC 0 2 (0.2%)

TLC 5 (9.4%) 209 (21.2%)

IC 3 (5.7%) 206 (20.9%)

RV 5 (9.4%) 211 (21.4%)

DLCO 11 (20.8%) 203 (20.6%)

MIP 19 (35.8%) 531 (53.9%)

Exercise / gas exchange

6MWD 2 (3.8%) 54 (5.5%)

Resting oxygen saturation 0 3 (0.3%)

PaO2 0 25 (2.5%)

PaCO2 0 25 (2.5%)

Exertional desaturation 0 10 (1.0%)

Endurance walk time 8 (15.1%) 122 (12.4%)

MRC dyspnea score 11 (20.8%) 165 (16.7%)

CRQ-dyspnea score 37 (69.8%) 533 (54.1%)

CRQ-emotional score 37 (69.8%) 531 (53.9%)

CRQ-mastery score 37 (69.8%) 531 (53.9%)

CRQ-fatigue score 37 (69.8%) 532 (54.0%)

Legend: FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC, forced vital capacity; TLC,

total lung capacity; IC, inspiratory capacity; RV, residual volume; DLCO, diffusing

capacity for carbon monoxide; MIP, maximal inspiratory capacity; 6MWD, 6-minute

walk distance; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon

dioxide; MRC, Medical Research Council; CRQ, Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire.


Table 6. Beta-blocker use by year of entry to study.

Year Patients enrolled Beta-blocker users enrolled

1996 111 0

1997 95 0

1998 109 3 (2.8%)

1999 93 2 (2.2%)

2000 74 0

2001 89 1 (1.1%)

2002 93 3 (3.2%)

2003 69 3 (4.3%)

2004 58 4 (6.9%)

2005 65 8 (12.3%)

2006 52 7 (13.5%)

2007 71 14 (19.7%)

2008 60 8 (13.3%)

Total 1039 53 (5.4%)


Table 7. Baseline characteristics, entire cohort

Variable Beta-blocker







Difference of

the Mean



Demographic / Anthropomorphic

Age, yr 74.96 (5.23) 73.25 (4.99) 0.34 0.015

Male 27 (50.9%) 493 (50.0%) 0.02 0.894

Body Mass Index, kg/m2 26.41 (6.53) 24.93 (5.99) 0.25 0.08

Married 22 (41.5%) 497 (50.4%) 0.18 0.207

Income quintile 2.77 (1.44) 2.98 (1.47) 0.14 0.308

Index date (year of admission to

pulmonary rehabilitation)

2005 (2.8) 2001 (3.7) 1.11 <.001

Health care utilization

Hospitalisations in past 2 years 1.57 (2.01) 1.69 (2.06) 0.06 0.662

Cumulative length of stay in hospital

in past 2 years, days

17.21 (27.13) 18.03 (29.43) 0.03 0.843

Emergency Department visits in past

2 years

2.85 (4.87) 3.00 (3.79) 0.04 0.786

Lung disease

Primary lung diagnosis by type 0.53 <.001

COPD 29 (54.7%) 815 (82.7%)

Other obstructive lung disease 2 (3.8%) 48 (4.9%)

Interstitial lung disease 12 (22.6%) 49 (5.0%)

Neuromuscular disease 7 (13.2%) 27 (2.7%)

Pulmonary hypertension 1 (1.9%) 1 (0.1%)

Lung resection 1 (1.9%) 30 (3.0%)

Other 1 (1.9%) 16 (1.6%)

Primary lung diagnosis is COPD 29 (54.7%) 815 (82.7%) 0.72 <.001

Any diagnosis of COPD 32 (60.4%) 849 (86.1%) 0.72 <.001

Smoking status: 0.28 0.26

Never 8 (15.1%) 82 (8.3%)

Former 45 (84.9%) 881 (89.4%)

Current 0 20 (2.0%)

Quantity smoked, pack-years 41.87 (38.05) 45.91 (26.69) 0.15 0.295


Pulmonary function

FEV1, L 1.21 (0.48) 0.93 (0.43) 0.65 <.001

FEV1 % pred 48.66 (18.37) 36.64 (16.48) 0.73 <.001

FEV/FVC ratio, % 59.68 (21.04) 43.89 (17.33) 0.9 <.001

TLC % pred 90.71 (27.20) 111.33 (26.77) 0.77 <.001

IC % pred 56.76 (19.90) 58.35 (18.02) 0.09 0.549

DLCO % pred 38.93 (19.04) 37.36 (16.40) 0.09 0.55

Exercise / gas exchange

6MWD, m 234.94 (110.18) 292.42 (112.96) 0.51 <.001

Resting oxygen saturation, % 88.87 (7.40) 91.10 (5.48) 0.4 0.005

PaO2, mmHg 61.00 (15.83) 64.86 (12.67) 0.3 0.033

PaCO2, mmHg 42.62 (6.91) 44.63 (8.75) 0.23 0.101

Exertional desaturation 28 (52.8%) 498 (50.5%) 0.04 0.738

Endurance walk time, minutes 8.28 (6.84) 11.89 (9.87) 0.37 0.016

MRC dyspnea score: 0.7 <.001

1 (mild) 0 2 (0.2%)

2 0 39 (4.0%)

3 6 (11.3%) 223 (22.6%)

4 13 (24.5%) 385 (39.0%)

5 (severe) 23 (43.4%) 172 (17.4%)

CRQ-dyspnea score 2.74 (0.75) 3.14 (1.01) 0.4 0.113

CRQ-emotional score 4.54 (1.06) 4.27 (1.19) 0.23 0.359

CRQ-fatigue score 3.33 (1.39) 3.28 (1.24) 0.04 0.873

CRQ-mastery score 4.34 (1.30) 4.13 (1.29) 0.16 0.525


Atrial fibrillation 17 (32.1%) 117 (11.9%) 0.61 <.001

Coronary artery disease 26 (49.1%) 195 (19.8%) 0.72 <.001

Congestive heart failure 8 (15.1%) 70 (7.1%) 0.3 0.031

Hypertension 35 (66.0%) 379 (38.4%) 0.57 <.001

Chronic renal failure 10 (18.9%) 23 (2.3%) 0.96 <.001

Cerebrovascular disease 11 (20.8%) 72 (7.3%) 0.5 <.001

Diabetes 14 (26.4%) 97 (9.8%) 0.54 <.001

Peripheral vascular disease 2 (3.8%) 63 (6.4%) 0.11 0.444

Charlson Comorbidity Index score 1.58 (1.18) 0.83 (1.17) 0.65 <.001



Number of discrete medications used

in previous year

16.66 (6.58) 13.38 (6.13) 0.53 <.001

Angiotensin antagonist 35 (66.0%) 298 (30.2%) 0.78 <.001

Calcium-channel blocker 27 (50.9%) 283 (28.7%) 0.49 <.001

Digoxin 9 (17.0%) 108 (11.0%) 0.19 0.176

Diuretic 38 (71.7%) 451 (45.7%) 0.52 <.001

Nitrate 19 (35.8%) 156 (15.8%) 0.54 <.001

Ophthalmic beta-blocker 3 (5.7%) 36 (3.7%) 0.11 0.453

Anti-platelet 23 (43.4%) 166 (16.8%) 0.7 <.001

Statin 28 (52.8%) 189 (19.2%) 0.84 <.001

Inhaled corticosteroid 32 (60.4%) 814 (82.6%) 0.57 <.001

Tiotropium 24 (45.3%) 212 (21.5%) 0.57 <.001

Long-acting inhaled beta-agonist 29 (54.7%) 459 (46.6%) 0.16 0.246

Short-acting inhaled anticholenergic 19 (35.8%) 731 (74.1%) 0.87 <.001

Short-acting inhaled beta-agonist 32 (60.4%) 863 (87.5%) 0.8 <.001

Methylxanthine 7 (13.2%) 397 (40.3%) 0.56 <.001

Data are presented as mean (standard deviation) or number (%), as appropriate.

Legend: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second;

FVC, forced vital capacity; TLC, total lung capacity; IC, inspiratory capacity; DLCO, diffusing capacity

for carbon monoxide; 6MWD, 6-minute walk distance; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; PaCO2,

partial pressure of carbon dioxide; MRC, Medical Research Council; CRQ, Chronic Respiratory



Table 8. Baseline characteristics, matched sample, using primary propensity score model

Variable Beta-blocker users






Difference of the


Demographic / Anthropomorphic

Age, yr 73.84 (4.99) 74.06 (5.25) 0.04

Male 17 (54.8%) 17 (54.8%) 0.00

Body Mass Index, kg/m2 24.52 (6.15) 25.06 (5.53) 0.09

Married 11 (35.5%) 14 (45.2%) 0.20

Income quintile 2.90 (1.42) 2.61 (1.38) 0.21

Index date (year of admission to

pulmonary rehabilitation)

2004 (3.1) 2004 (3.3) 0.01

Health care utilization

Hospitalisations in past 2 years 1.77 (2.43) 1.84 (2.49) 0.03

Cumulative length of stay in hospital in

past 2 years, days

15.45 (25.90) 24.13 (36.12) 0.28

Emergency Department visits in past 2


3.45 (6.19) 3.45 (4.59) 0.00

Lung disease

Primary lung diagnosis by type 0.08

COPD 22 (71.0%) 22 (71.0%)

Other obstructive lung disease 1 (3.2%) 2 (6.5%)

Interstitial lung disease 5 (16.1%) 3 (9.7%)

Neuromuscular disease 3 (9.7%) 2 (6.5%)

Pulmonary hypertension 0 1 (3.2%)

Lung resection 0 1 (3.2%)

Other 0 0

Primary lung diagnosis is COPD 22 (71.0%) 22 (71.0%) 0.00

Any diagnosis of COPD 23 (74.2%) 23 (74.2%) 0.00

Current or former smoker 28 (90.3%) 26 (83.9%) 0.19

Quantity smoked, pack-years 47.58 (41.03) 36.57 (22.98) 0.33

Pulmonary function

FEV1, % predicted 43.03 (16.27) 41.65 (15.69) 0.09

FEV1/FVC ratio, % 53.87 (21.08) 53.65 (21.32) 0.01

DLCO, % predicted 36.64 (15.90) 40.04 (17.37) 0.20


Exercise / gas exchange

6MWD, m 247.47 (112.77) 271.19 (125.92) 0.20

Resting oxygen saturation, % 89.97 (5.72) 90.03 (5.92) 0.01

PaO2, mmHg 62.23 (15.17) 61.52 (11.92) 0.05

PaCO2, mmHg 42.45 (7.15) 45.03 (8.64) 0.33

Exertional desaturation 17 (54.8%) 19 (61.3%) 0.13

MRC dyspnea score: 0.20

2 0 1 (3.2%)

3 5 (16.1%) 1 (3.2%)

4 9 (29.0%) 10 (32.3%)

5 12 (38.7%) 14 (45.2%)


Atrial fibrillation 9 (29.0%) 8 (25.8%) 0.07

Coronary artery disease 13 (41.9%) 14 (45.2%) 0.06

Congestive heart failure 5 (16.1%) 5 (16.1%) 0.00

Hypertension 19 (61.3%) 20 (64.5%) 0.07

Chronic renal failure 1 (3.2%) 1 (3.2%) 0.00

Cerebrovascular disease 8 (25.8%) 7 (22.6%) 0.07

Diabetes 4 (12.9%) 5 (16.1%) 0.09

Peripheral vascular disease 2 (6.5%) 1 (3.2%) 0.15

Charlson Comorbidity Index score 1.45 (1.21) 1.32 (1.33) 0.10


Number of discrete medications used

in previous year

15.77 (6.99) 15.16 (7.26) 0.09

Angiotensin antagonist 16 (51.6%) 21 (67.7%) 0.33

Calcium-channel blocker 15 (48.4%) 17 (54.8%) 0.13

Digoxin 5 (16.1%) 5 (16.1%) 0.00

Diuretic 18 (58.1%) 17 (54.8%) 0.06

Nitrate 9 (29.0%) 11 (35.5%) 0.14

Ophthalmic beta-blocker 1 (3.2%) 0 0.25

Anti-platelet 11 (35.5%) 8 (25.8%) 0.21

Statin 13 (41.9%) 13 (41.9%) 0.00

Inhaled corticosteroid 23 (74.2%) 22 (71.0%) 0.07

Tiotropium 15 (48.4%) 13 (41.9%) 0.13


Long-acting inhaled beta-agonist 20 (64.5%) 20 (64.5%) 0.00

Short-acting inhaled anticholenergic 15 (48.4%) 17 (54.8%) 0.13

Short-acting inhaled beta-agonist 22 (71.0%) 22 (71.0%) 0.00

Methylxanthine 6 (19.4%) 7 (22.6%) 0.08

Data are presented as mean (standard deviation) or number (%), as appropriate.

Legend: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second;

FVC, forced vital capacity; DLCO, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; 6MWD, 6-minute walk

distance; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; MRC, Medical

Research Council.


Table 9. Baseline characteristics, matched sample, using secondary propensity score model

Variable Beta-blocker users






Difference of the


Demographic / Anthropomorphic

Age, yr 74.57 (4.94) 74.60 (4.65) 0.01

Male 18 (51.4%) 18 (51.4%) 0.00

Body Mass Index, kg/m2 26.35 (6.96) 26.17 (7.31) 0.03

Married 14 (40.0%) 17 (48.6%) 0.17

Income quintile 2.77 (1.46) 3.03 (1.36) 0.18

Index date (year of admission to

pulmonary rehabilitation)

2005 (3.0) 2003 (3.3) 0.36

Health care utilization

Hospitalisations in past 2 years 1.80 (2.37) 1.26 (1.48) 0.27

Cumulative length of stay in hospital

in past 2 years, days

17.60 (28.96) 20.51 (33.52) 0.09

Emergency Department visits in past 2


3.29 (5.85) 2.46 (3.28) 0.17

Lung disease

Primary lung diagnosis by type 0.14

COPD 22 (62.9%) 23 (65.7%)

Other obstructive lung disease 0 3 (8.6%)

Interstitial lung disease 6 (17.1%) 4 (11.4%)

Neuromuscular disease 6 (17.1%) 3 (8.6%)

Pulmonary hypertension 0 1 (2.9%)

Lung resection 0 1 (2.9%)

Other 1 (2.9%) 0

Primary lung diagnosis is COPD 22 (62.9%) 23 (65.7%) 0.06

Any diagnosis of COPD 24 (68.6%) 24 (68.6%) 0.00

Current or former smoker 32 (91.4%) 30 (85.7%) 0.08

Quantity smoked, pack-years 44.97 (39.76) 41.26 (29.69) 0.11

Pulmonary function

FEV1, % predicted 49.74 (18.89) 46.37 (17.18) 0.19

FEV1/FVC ratio, % 58.29 (21.26) 54.63 (19.88) 0.18

DLCO, % predicted 40.27 (19.39) 41.97 (18.32) 0.09


Exercise / gas exchange

6MWD, m 251.26 (106.78) 260.42 (88.54) 0.09

Resting oxygen saturation, % 90.43 (5.54) 90.57 (5.35) 0.03

PaO2, mmHg 63.91 (15.92) 62.26 (11.19) 0.12

PaCO2, mmHg 41.77 (6.87) 44.00 (7.80) 0.30

Exertional desaturation 17 (48.6%) 18 (51.4%) 0.06

MRC dyspnea score: 0.01

3 6 (17.1%) 3 (8.6%)

4 10 (28.6%) 17 (48.6%)

5 12 (34.3%) 9 (25.7%)


Atrial fibrillation 11 (31.4%) 12 (34.3%) 0.06

Coronary artery disease 17 (48.6%) 14 (40.0%) 0.17

Congestive heart failure 6 (17.1%) 3 (8.6%) 0.25

Hypertension 22 (62.9%) 22 (62.9%) 0.00

Chronic renal failure 4 (11.4%) 4 (11.4%) 0.00

Cerebrovascular disease 7 (20.0%) 8 (22.9%) 0.07

Diabetes 8 (22.9%) 5 (14.3%) 0.22

Peripheral vascular disease 2 (5.7%) 2 (5.7%) 0.00

Charlson Comorbidity Index score 1.63 (1.21) 1.31 (0.96) 0.29


Number of discrete medications used

in previous year

16.80 (7.57) 16.11 (7.68) 0.09

Angiotensin antagonist 21 (60.0%) 19 (54.3%) 0.11

Calcium-channel blocker 18 (51.4%) 21 (60.0%) 0.17

Digoxin 6 (17.1%) 9 (25.7%) 0.21

Diuretic 21 (60.0%) 22 (62.9%) 0.06

Nitrate 14 (40.0%) 10 (28.6%) 0.24

Ophthalmic beta-blocker 1 (2.9%) 2 (5.7%) 0.14

Anti-platelet 14 (40.0%) 12 (34.3%) 0.12

Statin 16 (45.7%) 15 (42.9%) 0.06

Inhaled corticosteroid 25 (71.4%) 24 (68.6%) 0.06

Tiotropium 14 (40.0%) 14 (40.0%) 0.00

Long-acting inhaled beta-agonist 20 (57.1%) 21 (60.0%) 0.06


Short-acting inhaled anticholenergic 16 (45.7%) 19 (54.3%) 0.17

Short-acting inhaled beta-agonist 25 (71.4%) 25 (71.4%) 0.00

Methylxanthine 7 (20.0%) 3 (8.6%) 0.33

Data are presented as mean (standard deviation) or number (%), as appropriate.

Legend: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second;

FVC, forced vital capacity; DLCO, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; 6MWD, 6-minute walk

distance; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; MRC, Medical

Research Council.


Table 10. Baseline characteristics, moderate obstructive lung disease subgroup

Variable Beta-blocker users






Difference of the


Demographic / Anthropomorphic

Age, yr 75.31 (4.83) 73.02 (4.88) 0.47

Male 15 (51.7%) 422 (50.5%) 0.02

Body Mass Index, kg/m2 25.65 (7.10) 24.64 (5.62) 0.18

Married 7 (24.1%) 421 (50.4%) 0.53

Income quintile 2.86 (1.60) 2.94 (1.46) 0.05

Index date (year of admission to

pulmonary rehabilitation)

2005 (2.7) 2001 (3.6) 1.15

Health care utilization

Hospitalisations in past 2 years 1.80 (2.37) 1.26 (1.48) 0.27

Cumulative length of stay in hospital in

past 2 years, days

17.60 (28.96) 20.51 (33.52) 0.09

Emergency Department visits in past 2


3.29 (5.85) 2.46 (3.28) 0.17

Lung disease

Primary lung diagnosis is COPD 28 (96.6%) 797 (95.4%) 0.05

Any diagnosis of COPD 28 (96.6%) 802 (96.0%) 0.03

Current or former smoker 28 (96.6%) 804 (96.3%) 0.07

Quantity smoked, pack-years 54.48 (40.36) 49.29 (24.92) 0.2

Pulmonary function

FEV1, % predicted 42.41 (15.04) 33.17 (12.49) 0.73

FEV1/FVC ratio, % 43.79 (12.70) 38.39 (10.85) 0.49

DLCO, % predicted 38.38 (17.20) 36.50 (15.65) 0.12

Exercise / gas exchange

6MWD, m 260.69 (107.05) 295.46 (110.54) 0.31

Resting oxygen saturation, % 90.93 (4.74) 91.21 (5.30) 0.05

PaO2, mmHg 63.69 (13.07) 65.02 (12.48) 0.11

PaCO2, mmHg 42.14 (6.24) 44.53 (8.48) 0.28

Exertional desaturation 15 (51.7%) 417 (49.9%) 0.03


MRC dyspnea score: 0.55

1 0 1 (0.1%)

2 0 30 (3.6%)

3 5 (17.2%) 189 (22.6%)

4 8 (27.6%) 340 (40.7%)

5 12 (41.4%) 142 (17.0%)


Atrial fibrillation 10 (34.5%) 91 (10.9%) 0.74

Coronary artery disease 11 (37.9%) 171 (20.5%) 0.43

Congestive heart failure 3 (10.3%) 56 (6.7%) 0.14

Hypertension 20 (69.0%) 310 (37.1%) 0.66

Chronic renal failure 4 (13.8%) 14 (1.7%) 0.85

Cerebrovascular disease 9 (31.0%) 57 (6.8%) 0.92

Diabetes 6 (20.7%) 70 (8.4%) 0.44

Peripheral vascular disease 2 (6.9%) 51 (6.1%) 0.03

Charlson Comorbidity Index score 1.41 (1.02) 0.76 (1.12) 0.59


Number of discrete medications used

in previous year

17.14 (6.20) 13.51 (5.90) 0.61

Angiotensin antagonist 17 (58.6%) 241 (28.9%) 0.65

Calcium-channel blocker 16 (55.2%) 230 (27.5%) 0.62

Digoxin 7 (24.1%) 98 (11.7%) 0.38

Diuretic 19 (65.5%) 378 (45.3%) 0.41

Nitrate 10 (34.5%) 137 (16.4%) 0.48

Ophthalmic beta-blocker 2 (6.9%) 26 (3.1%) 0.21

Anti-platelet 11 (37.9%) 143 (17.1%) 0.55

Statin 15 (51.7%) 150 (18.0%) 0.87

Inhaled corticosteroid 23 (79.3%) 729 (87.3%) 0.24

Tiotropium 21 (72.4%) 189 (22.6%) 1.19

Long-acting inhaled beta-agonist 24 (82.8%) 415 (49.7%) 0.67


Short-acting inhaled anticholenergic 23 (79.3%) 779 (93.3%) 0.54

Short-acting inhaled beta-agonist 16 (55.2%) 677 (81.1%) 0.65

Methylxanthine 7 (24.1%) 380 (45.5%) 0.43

Data are presented as mean (standard deviation) or number (%), as appropriate.

Legend: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second;

FVC, forced vital capacity; DLCO, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; 6MWD, 6-minute walk

distance; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; MRC, Medical

Research Council.


Table 11. Baseline characteristics, moderate obstructive lung disease subgroup, matched sample

Variable Beta-blocker users






Difference of the


Demographic / Anthropomorphic

Age, yr 74.39 (5.23) 74.28 (5.12) 0.02

Male 10 (55.6%) 10 (55.6%) 0.00

Body Mass Index, kg/m2 24.22 (6.87) 24.53 (6.01) 0.05

Married 5 (27.8%) 8 (44.4%) 0.34

Income quintile 3.17 (1.62) 3.17 (1.34) 0.00

Index date (year of admission to

pulmonary rehabilitation)

2004 (3.1) 2003 (3.0) 0.31

Health care utilization

Hospitalisations in past 2 years 1.83 (2.71) 2.11 (2.42) 0.11

Cumulative length of stay in hospital

in past 2 years, days

12.94 (29.60) 27.67 (33.30) 0.47

Emergency Department visits in past 2


3.83 (7.12) 4.94 (7.06) 0.16

Lung disease

Primary lung diagnosis is COPD 17 (94.4%) 17 (94.4%) 0.00

Any diagnosis of COPD 17 (94.4%) 18 (100.0%) 0.33

Current or former smoker 17 (94.4%) 18 (100.0%) 0.33

Quantity smoked, pack-years 61.67 (49.53) 48.33 (21.56) 0.35

Pulmonary function

FEV1, % predicted 37.39 (10.56) 38.50 (14.33) 0.09

FEV1/FVC ratio, % 39.94 (10.99) 43.94 (11.10) 0.36

DLCO, % predicted 38.59 (16.88) 35.46 (12.78) 0.21

Exercise / gas exchange

6MWD, m 293.06 (107.19) 227.82 (84.26) 0.67

Resting oxygen saturation, % 90.89 (4.74) 91.44 (4.53) 0.12

PaO2, mmHg 64.22 (14.48) 64.00 (12.00) 0.02

PaCO2, mmHg 43.06 (5.68) 41.94 (8.21) 0.16

Exertional desaturation 11 (61.1%) 11 (61.1%) 0.00


MRC dyspnea score: 0.36

3 5 (27.8%) 1 (5.6%)

4 5 (27.8%) 8 (44.4%)

5 6 (33.3%) 6 (33.3%)


Atrial fibrillation 4 (22.2%) 4 (22.2%) 0.00

Coronary artery disease 6 (33.3%) 5 (27.8%) 0.12

Congestive heart failure 1 (5.6%) 3 (16.7%) 0.35

Hypertension 12 (66.7%) 15 (83.3%) 0.38

Chronic renal failure 0 0 .

Cerebrovascular disease 2 (11.1%) 1 (5.6%) 0.20

Diabetes 2 (11.1%) 1 (5.6%) 0.20

Peripheral vascular disease 1 (5.6%) 0 0.33

Charlson Comorbidity Index score 1.06 (0.87) 0.94 (0.87) 0.13


Number of discrete medications used

in previous year

17.00 (6.66) 15.72 (6.06) 0.20

Angiotensin antagonist 10 (55.6%) 12 (66.7%) 0.22

Calcium-channel blocker 10 (55.6%) 8 (44.4%) 0.22

Digoxin 4 (22.2%) 5 (27.8%) 0.12

Diuretic 10 (55.6%) 10 (55.6%) 0.00

Nitrate 4 (22.2%) 4 (22.2%) 0.00

Ophthalmic beta-blocker 0 0 .

Anti-platelet 6 (33.3%) 7 (38.9%) 0.11

Statin 7 (38.9%) 7 (38.9%) 0.00

Inhaled corticosteroid 16 (88.9%) 16 (88.9%) 0.00

Tiotropium 11 (61.1%) 11 (61.1%) 0.00

Long-acting inhaled beta-agonist 15 (83.3%) 14 (77.8%) 0.14

Short-acting inhaled anticholenergic 12 (66.7%) 12 (66.7%) 0.00

Short-acting inhaled beta-agonist 17 (94.4%) 15 (83.3%) 0.35

Methylxanthine 6 (33.3%) 7 (38.9%) 0.11

Data are presented as mean (standard deviation) or number (%), as appropriate.

Legend: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second;

FVC, forced vital capacity; DLCO, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; 6MWD, 6-minute walk

distance; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen; PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide; MRC, Medical

Research Council.


Table 12a. Survival analysis, whole cohort (N=1039), unadjusted.

Outcome Hazard Ratio 95% CI

Death / all-cause hospitalisation 1.07 0.81 - 1.42

Death / cardiorespiratory hospitalisation 0.95 0.71 - 1.28

Death alone 1.40 1.01 - 1.94

Death / cardiac hospitalisation 1.57 1.15 - 2.14

Death / respiratory hospitalisation 0.85 0.63 - 1.16

Table 12b. Survival analysis, matched cohort (N=62), primary propensity score model.

Outcome Hazard Ratio 95% CI

Death / all-cause hospitalisation 1.07 0.53 - 2.16

Death / cardiorespiratory hospitalisation 1.00 0.49 - 2.05

Death alone 1.25 0.59 - 2.67

Death / cardiac hospitalisation 1.07 0.52 - 2.22

Death / respiratory hospitalisation 1.14 0.56 - 2.34

Table 12c. Survival analysis, matched cohort (N=70), secondary propensity score model.

Outcome Hazard Ratio 95% CI

Death / all-cause hospitalisation 1.33 0.68 - 2.60

Death / cardiorespiratory hospitalisation 1.06 0.55 - 2.05

Death alone 2.22 1.01 - 4.88

Death / cardiac hospitalisation 2.10 0.99 - 4.46

Death / respiratory hospitalisation 0.89 0.45 - 1.74

Table 12d. Survival analysis, moderate obstructive lung disease subgroup, unadjusted


Outcome Hazard Ratio 95% CI

Death / all-cause hospitalisation 1.03 0.71 - 1.50

Death / cardiorespiratory hospitalisation 0.87 0.59 - 1.29

Death alone 1.13 0.72 - 1.77

Death / cardiac hospitalisation 1.32 0.86 - 2.02

Death / respiratory hospitalisation 0.77 0.51 - 1.15


Table 12e. Survival analysis, moderate obstructive lung disease subgroup, matched


Outcome Hazard Ratio 95% CI

Death / all-cause hospitalisation 0.50 0.19 - 1.33

Death / cardiorespiratory hospitalisation 0.39 0.14 - 1.08

Death alone 0.75 0.26 - 2.16

Death / cardiac hospitalisation 1.00 0.40 - 2.52

Death / respiratory hospitalisation 0.39 0.14 - 1.09



Figure 1. Power plots.







0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Detectable HR










0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Detectable HR




Legend: HR, hazard ratio.

top related