bey climate changes 9.16

Post on 12-Dec-2015






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Climate Changes and Environmental

Emergency Medicine


Professor of Emergency Medicine

University of California Irvine

UCI Medical Center

Tareg Bey, MD, FAAEM, FACMT,DEAAProfessor of Emergency Medicine

Department of Emergency MedicineUniversity of California Irvine

Orange, CA

Climate Changes and Environmental EM

Prehospital Disaster Medicine2008;23(2):101-102

Tareg Bey, MD; Ernst U. von Weizsäcker, PhD;

Kristi L. Koenig, MD

Global Warming: Polar Bears and People—Implications for Public Health

Preparedness and Disaster Medicine: A Call to Action


� Global Warming

� Disasters

� Recent developments

� Effects on Human Mankind

Gobal Warming and Greenhouse Gases: A Hot Topic

Highly controversial topic among

politicians, economic leaders, scientists and the general public


� Earth atmosphere temperature is rising

� Water temperature is rising

� Climate change

� Key greenhouse gas producers: energy, transportation and food production

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988

Intergovenmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Larsen Ice B Shelf Break in 20023250 km2 Size of Luxemburg

Difference between Weather and Climate


but Climate influences WeatherTemperature by 2100 up 5.8 oC

Changes in Mean Climatic Conditions

� Temperature

� Precipitation

� Humidity

� Wind Pattern

Disaster - Definition

� Management: Resources and needs mismatch - Surge capacity

� Impact of hazards that negatively affect society and/or environment

� Risks, hazards and vulnerability (HxV)

Disasters with a Link to Weather and Climate

� Global Warming, glacial meltdown, drinking water shortage, famine

� Sea-level rise, desertification, deforestation

� Increase of vector-born diseases

� Gulf stream shutdown

� Overfishing, acidification of oceans (CO2

greenhouse gases)

Social and Economic Impacts of Climate Change

� Health impacts related to stresses on communities

� Loss of income and productivity

� Diminished quality of life� Social disruption� Community displacement

� Climate refugees and immigration health issues (Malaria, TB, nutrition etc)

Linda Rudolph, MD (CDPH)

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988

� More damage because of storm and other weather related calamities to building, transport, energy, communication and water services

� Greater frequency and severity of extreme weather events: Heatwaves, fires floods, landslides, droughts and storm surges will become significantly more frequent

� Blackouts due to peak energy demand for air conditioners will become common in spite the fact that there will be less energy use for winter heating

� Coastal flooding: Projected global warming this century is likely to trigger serious consequences for humanity and other life forms, including a rise in sea levels of between 18 and 59 cm which will endanger coastal areas and small islands

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988

� Severe water shortages

� Reduced agricultural production due to drought and fire

� Risk for peace and security due to increased possibilities of wars for claims for water, land and other resources

� Increase in refugees from the effects of climate change

� Increase in mosquito, food and water-borne diseases

� Loss of biodiversity

Global Warming: Threats

� Humans

� Environment

� Social

� Economic


� Hunger, malnutrition, starvation

� Complex humanitarian emergencies

� World Food Programme (UN)

Bangladesh: Cyclones, Flooding

Deforestation, FloodingExample Bangladesh

Infectious Diseases Spread after Weather

� Malaria

� Dengue fever (South America)

� Tick-born encephalitis increase in Sweden after warmer winters

� West Nile in the US

Fishery and Climate Change

� Headlines: Global Warming Threatens Cold-Water Fish As temperatures rise, salmon and trout are likely to disappear from streams across the United States -- unless global warming pollution is reduced.

The Natural Resources Defense Council

Countermeasures against Global Warming and Climate Change

� Reduction of CO2 production and carbon footprint --- Public transportation vs individual traffic – Energy management/conservation

� Early warning systems and forecasting

� Change in the food and meat production

� Crop: variety, genetic modification, planning, irrigation modification

� Vector control

Global Warming, Climate Change and Disaster

� Climate change can viewed as challenge and chance for mankind

� Quadrupling energy efficiency

� Introduce carbon emission rights for everyone equal and just

� Exploitation of existing carbon-free technologies

� Raising awareness in the public and take a more scientific approach – not ideological approach-

� Radical change in philosophies and politics

� Emphasis on equality and justice

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