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ImpOrtant Papers Presented at Conferences/Seminars

Abadan-Unat, Nermin, "Civilisation of Regime", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-transition to Democracy in Turkey 1983-1988, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Orient Institut, 31 October-2 November 1988.

Aybay, Rona, "The Constitution and Judicial Review in Turkey", paper presented at the International Symposium organized on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of Istanbul Bar Association, Istanbul, 5-9 April 1978.

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Dumont, Paul, "Minorities in Plural Societies", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-transition to Democracy in Turkey 1983-1988, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Orient Institut, 31 October-2 November 1988". .

Erg\ider, Ustun, "Changing Patterns of Electoral Behaviour in Turkey", paper presented at the IPSA World Congress, Moscow, 12-18 August 1979.

Evin, Ahmet, "Bureaucratic Elites", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-transition to Democracy in Turkey 1983-1988, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Orient lnstitut, 31 October-2 November 1988.

Frey, Frederick W., "Socialization to National Identification Among Turkish Peasants", paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 1966.


Gole, Nilllfer, "Evolving Socil Cleavages and Political Parties", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-transition to Democracy in Turkey 1983-1988, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Orient Institut, 31 October-2 November 1988.

Groc, Gerad, "Mass Media", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-fransition to Democracy in Turkey 1983-1988, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsehes-Orient Institut, 31 October-2 November 1988.

Giirnriikcii, Harun, '~Perils and Barriers on Turkey's Way to Democracy", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-transition to Democracy in Turkey 1983-1988, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Orient Institut, 31 October-2 November 1988.

Harris, GeorgeS., "The Role of the Military in Turkey in the 1980s: Guardians or Decision Makers?", paper presented at the Conference on State and Society in Recent Turkish Politics, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Orient Institut, September 1985.

Heper, Metin, "Turkish Democracy in the 1980s", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-transition to Democracy in Turkey, 1983-1988, Hamburg, Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Orient Institut, 31 October-2 November 1988.

Kalaycioglu, Ersin, "Elites, Political Culture nd the Political Regime in Turkey", paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Middle Eastern Studies Association of Northern America, California: San Francisco, 28 November-1 December 1984.

---------, "Decentrlisation", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-transition to Democracy in Turkey 1983-1988, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Orient Institut, 31 October-2 November 1988.

Kuruc, Bilsay, "Economy, Growth, Development and Democracy", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-transition to Democracy in Turkey, 1983-1988, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Oriept Institut, 31 October-2 November 1988.

Linz, Juan J., "The Transition from AuthorJtarlan Regimes to Democratic Political Systems and Problems ofConsollc:latlQn of Political Democracy", paper presented at the IPS Round Table, Tokyo, 29 March to 1 April 1982.


Okyar, Osman, "The Union and Progress Experiment in Turkey's Advance Towards Democracy", paper delivered at the Turkish Egyptian Conference: Political Development and Democracy, Cairo, 6-7 May 1988.

Ortayli, Ilber, "Modernization and Ottoman Intelligentsia", paper delivered at the Turkish-Egyptian Conference: Political Development and Democracy, Cairo, 6-7 May 1988 . .. Ozbudun, Ergun, "Constitution! and Legal Developments", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-transition to Democracy in Turkey, 1983-1988, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Orient Institut, 31 October-2 November 1988.

--------,"Transition from Authoritarianism to Democracy in Turkey 1945-1950", paper presented at the IPSA World Congress, Paris, 15-20 July 1985.

--------, "The Turkish Party System: Institutionalization, Polarization, and Fragmentation", paper delivered at the World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Uppsala, August, 1978.

--------, "Social Change and Political Participation in Turkey", paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Binghampton, New York, 1972.

Roos, Lesslle L. Jr., "Consequences of the Loss of Power: The Turkish Urban Elite After a Ruralizing Election", paper delivered at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Los Angeles, California, 1970.

Rustow, Dankwart A., "Turkish Democracy in Early 1980s", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-transition to Democracy in Turkey, 1983-1988, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Orient Institut, 31 October-2 November 1988.

Steinback, Udo, "Between Marxism and Islamic Fundamentalism Towards an End of Westernization" (in German), paper presented at the Conference on Crisis in Turkey, Brussels, 24-26 September 1980.

Turan, Ilter, "The Shaping of Democracy in Developing Societies", paper presented at the Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, New York, International Cultural Foundation, 1977.


---------, "The Evolution of Political Violence as a Permanent Feature of Turkish Political Life", paper presented at the Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Unity of Sciences, New York, International Cultural Foundation, 1979.

------.,--,"Referenda, Elections and Voters", paper presented at the International Conference: Re-transition to Democracy in Turkey, 1983-1988, Hamburg: Haans Rissen, Deutsches-Orient Institut, 31 October-2 November 1988.

---------, "Pendular Democracy: The Case of Turkey", paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, April 1984.

---------, "The Evolution of Political Culture in Turkey", paper presented at the Symposium on Modern Turkey: Continuity and Change, University of Pennsylvania, April 1982.

--------,"Stages of Political Development in Turkish Republic", paper presented at the Third International Congress on Economic and Social History of Turkey, Princeton University, 24-26 August 1983.

--------, "Stability Vs. Democracy: The Turkish Case", paper presented at the Colloque Sur les Groupes d'Europe du Sud et leur Insertion dans la Communate' Europeennes, Universite de Geneva, April 1987.

--------, "Cyclical Democracy: The Turkish Case", paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Midwest-Political Science Association, Chicago, April 1984.

Vanhanen, Tatu, "The State and Prospects of Democracy in the 1980s", paper presented at the IPSA World Congress, Paris, 15-20 July 1985.

Weiker, Walter F., "Democracy and the 1980 Militry Intervention in Turkey: Problems and Prospects", paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Middle East Studies Association, Washington: Seattle, November 1981.

Yai~in, Aydin, "Social and Economic Foundations ofTurkish Democracy", paper delivered at the Turkish-Egyptian Conferen~: Political Development and Democracy, Cairo, 6-7 May 1988.


Journals, Magazines and Newspapers

American Political Science Review Anthropological Quarterly (Washington) Armed Forces and Society (New Jersey) Asian Affairs (London) Comparative Politics (New York) Comparative Political Studies (London) Conflict Studies (London) Current History (Philadelphia) Current Turkish Thought (Istanbul) Daedalus (Stockholm) Democratic World (New Delhi) Development Policy Review (London) Foreign Policy (Washington) Government and Opposition (London) International Affairs (Moscow) International Journal of Middle East Studies (Cambridge) International Journal of Turkish Studies (Wisconsin) International Political Science Review (Oxford) International Relations (New Delhi) International Social Science Journal (Paris) Jerusalem Journal of International Relations (Jerusalem) Journal of Contemporary Asia (Manila) Journal of Contemporary History (London) Journal of International Affairs (New York) Journal of Politics (Texas) Journal of Social Studies (London) MEED Reports (London) MERIP Reports (Washington) Mideast File (England) Middle East Affairs Middle East Journal (Washington) Middle East Monitor (New Jersey) Middle East Review (England) Middle Eastern Studies (London) Middle East Studies Association Bulletin (USA) Midstream (New York) Orbis (Philadelphia) Orient (Leske Verlaq, Germany) Parliamentary Affairs (Oxford) Political Science Quarterly (New York) SAIS Review (Washington,D.C.)


The American Historical Reviev.r (New York) The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations (Ankara) Third World Quarterly (London) Turkish Review (Ankara) \Vorld Politics (Baltimore) \Vorld Today (London) Cumhuriyet (Istanbul) Dawn (Karachi) Jerusalem Post International Hurriyat (Istanbul) Khaleej Times (Dubai) Milliyet (lsta.."'lbul) New York Times The German Tribune (Hamburg) The Statesman (Calcutta) The Telegraph (Calcutta) The of India (New Delhi) 1'he Turkish Daily News (Ankara) Asiaweek (Hongkong) The Economist (Singapore) Time International (New York) Frontline ( Jvlcu:l.?t::0) Indi:?.. Today (New Delhi) Probe (Ankara) Sunday (Calcutta)


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