biblioteca terezine arantes ferraz - ipen · climate change and nuclear power 2016 (ccanp—2016)...

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Biblioteca Terezine Arantes Ferraz

E-books de livre acesso incorporados ao acervo

fevereiro - 2017

COLEÇAO DIGITAL Ebrahimi, Farzad (Ed.) Graphene : new trends and developments

248p. 2015

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL OECD- Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development; NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency Strategic considerations for the sustainable remediation of nuclear installations (NEA—7290)

113p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Predisposal management of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants and research reactors: specific safety guide (IAEA safety standard series, SSG-40)

104p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Building a national position for a new nuclear power programme (IAEA nuclear

energy series, NG-T-3.14) 36p. 2016


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency; ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratories Accident tolerant fuel concepts for light water reactors (IAEA-TECDOC--1797)

388p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency; OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development National inventories and management strategies for spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste: methodology for common presentation of data (Radioactive waste

management, 2016 (NEA, 7323)) 67p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency; FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Integrated soil, water and nutrient management for sustainable rice-wheat cropping systems in Asia (IAEA-TECDOC—1802)

174p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL OECD- Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development; NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency Multinational design evaluation programme: annual report April 2015 - April 2016

(NEA-MDEP-RA--2015-2016) 63p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Modelling of water cooled fuel including design basis and severe acidentes (IAEA-

TECDOC-CD--1775) 381p. 2015


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Manual of good practice in food irradiation: sanitary, phytosanitary and other

applications (Technical reports series, 481 (STI/DOC-010--481)) 104p. 2015

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency Annual report 2015,: generation international forum (GEN IV)

140p. 2015

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Strengthening the IAEA: technical cooperation and nuclear security

49p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Spent fuel performance assessment and research: final report of a coordinated

researchp Project on spent fuel performance assessment and research (SPAR-III) 2009–2014 (IAEA-TECDOC--1771) 222p. 2015

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IRD-CNEN - Institute of Radiation Protection and Dosimetry Ionizing radiation metrology: congresso brasileiro de metrologia das radiações

ionizantes, 2014 151p. 2016


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Volcanic hazard assessments for nuclear installations: methods and examples in site

evaluation (IAEA-TECDOC—1795) 279p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Environmental change in post-closure safety assessment of solid radioactive waste repositories: report of working group 3 reference models for waste disposal of topical

heading reference approaches for human dose assessment. Environmental Modelling for Radiation Safety (EMRASII) programme (IAEA-TECDOC—1799) 147p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL Chhem, Rethy Kieth (Ed.); Clancey, Gregory (Ed.) Health in disasters : a science and technology studies practicum for medical students and

healthcare professionals 127p. [2014]

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Technical challenges in the application and licensing of digital instrumentation and control systems in nuclear power plants (IAEA nuclear energy series, NP-T-1.13)

80p. 2015

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Indicators for nuclear power development (IAEA nuclear energy series, NG-T-4.5)

108p. 2015


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL Eletrobrás; Eletronuclear Panorama da energia nuclear no mundo

207p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL U.S. Energy Information Administration; Office of Energy Analysis; U.S. Department of Energy Annual energy outlook 2016 with projections to 2040 (DOE/EIA 0383(2016)).

paginação irregular


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL U.S. Energy Information Administration; Office of Energy Analysis; U.S. Department of Energy International energy outlook 2016: with projections to 2040 (DOE/EIA-0484(2016))

290p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IEA - International Energy Agency Energy and air pollution: world energy outlook special report

266p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IEA - International Energy Agency Energy climateand change: world energy outlook special report

200p. 2015


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency INPRO methodology for sustainability assessment of nuclear energy systems :

environmental impact from depletion of resources (IAEA Nuclear Energy Series, N-T-3.13) 76p. 2015

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Management of the interface between nuclear safety and security for research reactors (IAEA-TECDOC—1801)

67p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Predisposal management of radioactive waste from nuclear fuel cycle facilities:

specific safety guide (IAEA Safety Standards Series, SSG-41) 116p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Radiation safety for consumer products: specific safety guide (IAEA Safety Standards

Series, SSG-36) 136p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Handbook of parameter values for the prediction of radionuclide transfer to wildlife (Technical reports series, 479)

228p. 2014


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency History, development and future of Triga Research Reactors: (Technical reports

series, 482) 1 CD ROMp. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL Preparing and conducting review missions of instrumentation and control systems in nuclear power plants (IAEA-TECDOC—1662 Ver.1)

81p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Trends of synchrotron radiation applications in cultural heritage, forensics and materials science: proceedings of a technical meeting, Vienna, Austria 17–21 October

2011 (IAEA-TECDOC—1803) 192p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IEA - International Energy Agency Next generation wind and solar power

43p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Worldwide interlaboratory comparison on the determination of trace elements in the IAEA-457 marine sediment sample (IAEA analytical quality in nuclear applications series,

46 (IAEA_AQ-46)) 98p. 2016


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL OIEA - Organismo Internacional De Energía Atómica Orientaciones para los estados que aplican acuerdos de salvaguardias amplias y protocolos adicionales (Colección de servicios del OIEA, 21)

116p. 2015

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency High burnup fuel: implications and operational experience, proceedings of a technical

meeting, Buenos Aires (Argentina); 26-29 Nov 2013 230p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Development of radiometric and allied analytical methods and strategies to strengthen national residue control programmes for antibiotic and anthelmintic veterinary drug residues: final report of a coordinated research project (IAEA-TECDOC-

1800) 240p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Atlas of skeletal SPECT/CT clinical images (IAEA Human Health Series, 34)

256p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL Zeeb, Hajo ; Shannoun, Ferid Manual da OMS sobre radônio em ambientes internos : uma perspectiva de saúde

pública 122p. 2016


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IEA - International Energy Agency key world energy statistics: 2016

77p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Climate change and nuclear power 2016 (CCANP—2016)

110p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear cardiology: guidance on the implementation of SPECT myocardial perfusion

imaging (IAEA human health series, 23 (rev.1)) 120p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Application of the method risk matrix to radiotherapy: principal text (IAEA-TECDOC—

1685) 88p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Use of phosphorus isotopes for improving phosphorus management in agricultural system (IAEA-TECDOC--1805)

110p. 2016


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Certification of trace elements and methyl mercury mass fractions in IAEA-470 oyster samples (IAEA analytical quality in nuclear applications series, 47 (AQ – 47))

66p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Criteria for radionuclide activity concentrations for food and drinking water (IAEA-

TECDOC--1788) 63p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Procurement engineering and supply chain guidelines in support of operation and maintenance of nuclear facilities (IAEA nuclear energy series, NP-T-3.21)

268p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency OSART guidelines: 2015 edition, reference report for Operational Safety Review Teams

(IAEA Services Series, 12 (rev.1)) 83p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear power plant outage optimization strategy: 2016 edition (IAEA-TECDOC—

1806) 110p. 2016


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL NRC - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ; INPO - Institute of Nuclear Power Operations The united states of america seventh national report for the convention on nuclear safety (NUREG-1650 Rev.6)

277p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL Royal Commission Nuclear fuel cycle royal commission report

344p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL Sergey, Mikhailov (Ed.) Physics and applications of graphene: experiments

550p. 2011

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development; NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency International symposium on preparation for decommissioning: Lyon (France); 16-18

Feb 2016 (NEA - PREDEC -- 2016 ) 1192p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency INPRO methodology for sustainability assessment of nuclear energy systems:

environmental impact of stressors, INPRO manual (IAEA nuclear energy series, NG - T - 3. 15) 108p. 2016


COLEÇÃO DIGITAL OIEA - Organismo Internacional De Energía Atómica Protección radiológica y seguridad de las fuentes de radiación: normas básicas

internacionales de seguridad standards (Colección de normas de seguridad del OIEA, GSR part 3) 492p. 2016

COLEÇÃO DIGITAL Pascucci, Simone (Ed) Soil contamination

180p. 2011

Total: 57

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