bill and you thank you for taking the...

Post on 06-Aug-2020






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Bill and Dana

• Married six years

• Christian• Animal lovers• Enjoy spending time with family

and friends, long walks, boating/kayaking, movies, miniature golf, bowling, traveling, cooking, baking

• College graduates with Bachelor of Science Degrees

Our Story

Hello! We are Bill and Dana. Thank you for taking time to read our profile! First, we want to let you know that we respect you for your decision to carry your baby and give him or her life! We also commend you for your courageous decision to consider adoption.

Our story together began on a Christian website in January of 2012, and we had our first date a few weeks later. The conversation flowed naturally as we found similar interests, and the chemistry was definitely there too! Initially we saw each other every Saturday. Later, we started seeing each other a few times each week. We always enjoyed each other’s company whether it was going to dinner, a movie, or for a long walk at the local park. We were dating for almost a year when we got engaged on Christmas Eve of 2012, and we wed in June of 2013. We both feel that we’ve married our best friend!

Before marrying, we discussed our desire to have a family with at least one child. After experiencing a miscarriage, we later learned that having our own biological children would be challenging, so we immediately shifted our focus to adoption. Bill’s father was adopted, and was a wonderful husband and father, so this wasn’t a difficult decision.

More about Us:

On a boat on a lake in the Poconos

Celebrating our anniversary

Dinner on the beach in Bermuda

Bill’s uncle’s milestone birthday party

Outside of Church on our Wedding Day

• Walks in the park

• Watching sports & movies

• Reading

• Writing

• Grilling/baking

• Boating/kayaking

• Playing his Conga drums

About Bill by Dana

My husband, Bill, is the most caring, respectful, and patient man I’ve ever known. He is a true partner in our marriage, sharing in all of life’s responsibilities. It doesn’t hurt that he’s both handsome and fun-loving too!

I know that Bill will be an involved, loving, and caring father to a child. He has always loved being around kids. In fact, while in college, he worked as a teacher in a daycare program in a local school district. During the summers, he worked as a counselor at a summer camp. Bill is strong in his faith and has always enjoyed sharing his faith with kids in church. For several years, he served as a teacher in Children’s Ministry. He also served as a puppeteer for his church’s puppet ministry, The Serendipity Players!

Bill works as an accountant in the pharmaceutical industry and is a dedicated worker. When not working, he enjoys…

Playing the Conga Drums

Paddle boating on a lake in the mountains

Kayaking in SC

Enjoying a yummy salad in Turks and Caicos

Bill and his mother on our Wedding Day

• Walking/hiking

• Boating

• Cooking/Baking

• Reading

• Watching Movies

• Playing tennis

To summarize, for these reasons, Dana is going to be a fabulous mother some day!

About Dana by Bill

My wife, Dana, is beautiful, kind, and loving. She would do anything for her family, especially our niece and nephew. Dana has always desired to have children and I believe she would make a wonderful mother. She is giving, nurturing, and also has a great sense of humor.

Dana has been very involved in our niece and nephew’s (her sister’s children’s) lives since they were born. Although they live almost an hour away, she rarely misses a big event from birthday parties to concerts and dance recitals/competitions. When they were young, she would help out her sister by babysitting them. They loved it when she’d take them to see “the horsies” at the local farm. To this day, even though they are older now, she still enjoys seeing them as much as possible and continues to send them cards with presents for every holiday – even Valentine’s Day!

Dana is a Senior Project Director in the pharmaceutical industry and takes her work seriously, but also knows how to “turn it off” and have fun whether it be…

Visiting the “horsies” with our nephew

With our cousin's baby

Reading to our niece

Kayaking in SC

With our Nephew in Wildwood, NJ Dana and her mother on our Wedding Day

Our Home

We own a single-family home in a top-ranked school district in Pennsylvania. It’s a colonial-style home, yet has an open floor plan, with plenty of room for a child to run around. We have three bedrooms and we are already transitioning one into a child’s room. Also, our yard provides ample space for playing and we look forward to those days in the future! We have a friendly, older Ragamuffin cat named, Chamois. He is lovable and will welcome attention from a new member of the household.

We are in a safe and quiet neighborhood where neighbors look out for one another. We pull together to support each other in times of need. There are children of various ages on our street and within walking distance, there is a playground with swings, slides, a sandbox, track, and field. Our home is also just minutes away from a well-known pediatric medical center as well as retail shops, a mall, and several grocery stores.

Aside from being only 15-30 minutes from our parents, one of our favorite parts about living where we do is that we live close to some large state and county parks that have lakes and many activities. You can rent kayaks, canoes, and paddle boats, enjoy walking/hiking trails and nature centers, and one even has a swimming pool!

Bill cuddling with our cat, Chamois

Playground within walking distance



Our home Living Room

Dining Room

Closing time at a nearby pool

Our Family

We are fortunate to have been raised in households with parents who loved us, worked hard to provide for us, and taught us morals. We both have one sibling, a sister. We fondly remember childhood family trips and vacations to the seashore, amusement and water parks, and historical landmarks; however, we both agree that Walt Disney World was our favorite place to visit! We look forward to building family memories likes these with a child.

Like most families, we have holiday traditions. We get together with our families for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, as well as holiday weekends for barbecues. We host Christmas at our house every year and make it a festive occasion. Everyone appreciates the feast of food at dinner and dessert, opening presents, and even playing games. Dana’s sister and brother-in-law have barbecues over summer holiday weekends. We have fun playing water games with our niece and nephew in their pool and watching nearby fireworks at night.

All of our relatives are excited about our coming addition to the family. We know our mothers will be “over the moon,” especially Bill’s mom who will be welcoming her first grandchild with open arms. We look forward to sharing all of our family traditions with a child!

Our 1st Christmas in our new home Dana’s sister and her family

Snuggling with ChamoisCuddling Chamois

Family photo from our Wedding Day

Carousel near our Wedding reception

Our Traditions

Each season in Pennsylvania brings different activities that we enjoy and wish to share with a child.

Fall: You will always find us home on Halloween night, happily opening the door for trick-or-treaters and giving out treats. We look forward to taking a child trick-or-treating, going to pumpkin patches, on hayrides, and just seeing the pretty-colored leaves on the trees! Later in the fall, Thanksgiving is always a fun time as we get together with family for food, fun, and football.

Winter: A tradition we have is hosting Christmas at our house, so we spend a lot of time preparing for the holiday. Other activities we do in the winter are going to the movies and bowling. We can’t wait to share our winter events and outings with a child!

Spring: As soon as the weather warms up, we start going for walks around the neighborhood and nearby parks. At Easter time, we color eggs and make chocolates. Come May, we celebrate our mothers on Mother’s Day and also start planting flowers in our garden. (You will always be mentioned and remembered in our household on Mother’s Day!)

Summer: Whether it be spending time at the beach or swimming pool, watching a baseball game, playing miniature golf, boating/kayaking on the lake, or a backyard barbecue, we appreciate everything summer has to offer and want a child to appreciate it too.

A Halloween with our nephew and niece

Table set for Christmas dinner

Local park with lake & trails

At a Phillies game!

On our friend’s boat in SC In front of our Christmas tree

Thank YouThank you for taking the time to read and learn a little more about us. We greatly appreciate you considering us as adoptive parents for your child. We cannot tell you how much we love and respect your decision to bring this child into the world and give him/her a chance to enjoy life. We know it took a lot of courage to make that decision.

We have always wanted to have a child. We promise that we will love, nurture, and provide for the child in every way. We will guide him/her through all of the difficulties of life and always be supportive. We will give them the opportunity to have a good education, healthy lifestyle, and take part in any activities that may interest them, such as music, sports, or art.

Ideally, we would like to have a semi-open adoption where the child would have the opportunity to know you/about you. However, no matter what level of openness you desire, we will always tell the child of the difficult decision and sacrifice you made to give them a better life.

We wish you all the best as you continue to decide what is best for your baby.

Bill and Dana

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