bill and linda gainer - filebill and linda gainer active at emmanuel; thanks for tammy...

Post on 29-Aug-2019






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Tammy Hayes became a member of Emmanuel last Sunday; the Ministry Fair last Sunday was a good reminder of the diverse gifts and ministries that are active at Emmanuel; thanks for Judy Prater and the Adult Ministry team for organizing this event; our chancel choir is back from their summer break; for the safe arrival of Paisley Diane Shiflet, Mary Southall's great-granddaughter, born 8/27 in IN.

Ministry of the Week: Jane Hulce, Church Clerk

Person of the Week: Jean Beatty, 3317 3rd Avenue, Parkersburg, WV 26101-6303 College Student of the Week: Kaylie Beaver, Freshman North, Room #2136, 399 Thundering Herd Dr., Huntington, WV 25703

Missionary of the Week: Debra Mulneix, 518 Pennsylvania Ave., Bridgeport, WV 26330. Email: She is currently on home assignment from serving in the Philippines.

Ministry Partner of the Week: Baptist Campus Ministries: The American Baptist organization is committed to presenting the Gospel and ministering to those on college campuses, currently with seven locations throughout the state.

90th Birthday Celebration

Pastor Kurt Busiek's father, Erwin Busiek, will be 90 on September 15. It would nice if he received some birthday cards from his son's church family. His address is: Dr. Erwin Busiek, 1528 South Bedford, Springfield, MO / 65809.

Carla Ashley, J im Shreeves’ sister-in-law, is recover-ing from heart surgery at Ruby. (8/26)

Greta Boehm, Cyndi Porter's mother, is recovering at home and doing much better. (8/19)

Luke Brady, Byron and Brenda Brady's son, was born 8/6 is recovering from heart surgery at Ruby. (9/2)

September 2, 2018 "Grace and peace to you from God our Father and

the Lord Jesus Christ" ~ Philippians 1:2

Prelude “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” Mary Nuzum

Announcements and Ministry Opportunities Musical Meditation Liam and Lyla Nuzum Introit “We Have Come to Worship the Lord” Chancel Choir

*Responsive Reading - Psalm 100 Ann Beck

Leader: “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.”

People: “Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”

Leader: “Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.”

People: “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.”

Leader: “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

*Hymn of Praise #2 “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” *Opening Prayer/Lord’s Prayer Ann Beck

*Greeting One Another Children’s Moment Courtney Johnson Ministry Moment Ministry Fair Review

Offertory “The Lord is My Shepherd” Will Nuzum, Soloist


*Prayer of Dedication Ann Beck Praises and Testimonies to God’s Faithfulness *Call to Prayer #460

“All the Way My Savior Leads Me” By: Fanny Jane Crosby | Robert Lowry

All the way my Savior leads me; What have I to ask beside?

Can I doubt His tender mercy, Who through life has been my Guide?

Heav'nly peace, divinest comfort, Here by faith in Him to dwell! For I know whate'er befall me,

Jesus doeth all things well; For I know whate'er befall me,

Jesus doeth all things well. © Public Domain

Pastoral Prayer

Anthem “I Will Sing Unto the Lord” Chancel Choir

Sermon Scripture: (pages 1825 in Pew Bible) Philippians 1:1-2 Sermon “Joy in the Midst of Difficulty” Rev. Dr. Kurt Busiek *Congregational Hymn No. 385 “Near the Cross” Celebration of Communion Apostle’s Creed

(All who have professed their faith in Jesus Christ are invited to receive the Lord’s Supper)

*Benediction Hymn No. 286

“Blest Be the Tie That Binds” Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.


As you leave, greet one person you do not know.

*All able, please stand

Jean Farrah is struggling with weakness; she will have pulmonary and cardiology tests soon. (8/26)

Bill and Linda Gainer have been having some health issues that require some medical tests and treatment. Pray for strength and healing. (9/2)

Connie Harkins, niece of Tammy Hayes, is dealing with terminal liver cancer; on-going chemo. (7/22)

Jeremy-40, Rachele Bar ton’s nephew in LA, is waiting on cancer test results. (9/2)

Kim Matheny’s family: Kim's sister , Barbara Looney, had carotid surgery recently; Kim’s brother, Mike Cunningham will have a PET scan of his lungs and brain. He will begin radiation soon. (8/26)

Pam McClain had laser eye surgery recently and is recovering well with some activity restrictions. (9/2)

Alisa Moore, friend of Gail Samolitis, will have knee replacement surgery soon. (8/12)

Billy Reed-15, son of Jennifer Lemley's best friend/ PHS student, has been diagnosed with cancer and has started chemo. (8/26)

Sallie Samolitis, is in Parris Island, SC through November for Marine Boot Camp. (8/12)

Lou Ann Smith, fr iend of Carol Braband, a CT scan showed fluid gone and tumor shrinking. (9/2)

Teachers, administrators, staff and students as they start another school year. (8/19)

Lachelle Watts, a neighbor of Pam Whar ton, is struggling with MS. She will see a neurologist at Ruby in September. (8/26)

Greg West, is now doing rehab and recovering at Eagle Pointe Care Facility. (9/2)

Zion-8, Mar ia McKinney’s grandson, is struggling with vision problems. Pray for healing. (9/2)

~ A complete list of all prayer concerns can be found in the Narthex ~

Jan Reed, at the passing of her sister, Jean Hopkins. Jan’s address is 39 Meadowcrest Drive, Parkersburg, WV 26104.

1710 23rd Street ~ Parkersburg, WV 26101 Phone: (304)-485-5171 ~ Fax: (304)-485-5194

Website: ~ Email:

If you’re a Guest at Emmanuel, we want to

welcome you to our church.

If you would like to know more about Emmanuel or if you have questions about the Christian faith, fill out a white pew card and place it in the offering plate. There is a green guest bag at the Guest Table in the nar thex for our guests and there will be a greeter available at the Guest Table after the service to assist you. If you continue to attend Emmanuel, we will invite you to attend one of our quarterly guest lunches where you can meet our staff and learn more about our ministry. If you have questions, please contact our Guest Coordinator, Barb Kirsch (304.482.2942 or or Pastor Kurt Busiek (304.485.5171 or

General Fund $7,748.72 Missions 880.54 Maint. Fund 176.11 Total $8,805.36

Designated Funds: Debt Reduction $ 70.00 Mountain State Ministries 10.00 Benevolence Fund 50.00 Necessity Closet 130.00

This Sunday we collect a special offering for our Benevolence Help Fund. All loose

offering will be added to this fund.

Sunday School 73 8:30 a.m. Service 35 10:45 a.m. Service 212

Put a Star by your name on the attendance book if you have invited someone to church or have

spoken to someone about his/her salvation.

Last week was a 8 star Sunday

Today: 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Worship Services 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. LIFE Class in Parlor - Gospel Foundations: Sin Enters the World 10:20 a.m. Diaconate Meet 4:30 p.m. Diaconate Visitation Monday-September 3 ~ LABOR DAY ~ OFFICE CLOSED 10:00 a.m. Salvation Army Clean-Up Tuesday-September 4 10:00 a.m. Bible Study - The Story: God Builds a Nation 6:30 p.m. Board of Ministry in the Conference Room Wednesday-September 5 9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting in the Office 10:00 a.m. Grief Share in the Conference Room 5:00 p.m. Dinner 6:00 p.m. Bible Study - Gospel Foundations: Sin Enters the World, AWANA, Youth, Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m. Choir Birthday Party in the Conference Room 7:00 p.m. Men’s Support Group in the Parlor Thursday-September 6 8:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast at Bob Evans Friday-September 7 11:00 a.m. Senior-cise in the Parlor

Sept. 2 John Beary 3 Dan Argabrite 4 Alex Bunch, Paloma McMillan 5 Donna Bishop, Jennifer Schoenhut 7 Connor Blevins, Imogene Buckley 8 Sandra Johnston 9 Joe Britton, Dianna Barbour

Ushers: 8:30 a.m. - Evan Frees and Carl Sizemore 10:45 a.m. - Buck Johnson, Brett Lemley,

Delbert Casto, John Shreeves

Greeters: Mar idor Keck and Deanie Kendall

Today ~ Encouragers Class Next Week ~ Sunrise Baptist

Sept. 9 ~ Rob Johnston Sept. 16 ~ Evan Frees & Steve Metheny

AWANA Ministry Conference Express 2018 - The Annual regional update for all Awana adults is Sept. 20 from 6:30-9:00 p.m. for all who are involved in Awana groups in the MOV. Jim Alexander, WV Awana Missionary will be presenting. Supper snack will be served. If you know you are coming, contact the Church Office at 304.485.5171. Babysitting available by arrangement.

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) begins Tuesday, September 18 at 9:00 a.m.. Check with Rowena Sizemore or Christa Raitz if you are interested.

6th-12th Graders are invited to participate in our annual, state-wide Youth Fall Rally at Camp Cowen on Sept. 14-15. The cost for this event is $20 and helps cover meals, transportation and registration fees for the weekend. Contact Pastor Jonathan if you are interested!

Senior-Cize Chair Exercises are Fridays at 11:00 a.m. in the church parlor, followed by a sack lunch. Join us for low-impact movement, food, and fellowship.

A heartfelt thank you goes to all of those who helped to make the Ministry Fair last Sunday a wonderful experience of showing, sharing, and learning. Now it's time to follow through on your inspirations, your sign-ups, your connections. God is moving through His disciples at EBC. Don't get left behind!

The Fall Craft Fair and Bazaar is Saturday, Oct. 6 from 9-2:00. Please sign-up on the sign-up page if you can volunteer or donate baked goods.

Salvation Army Clean Up Project - This Monday, September 3, Labor Day, at 10 a.m. Pastor Kurt needs a few people who would be willing to meet at the Salvation Army on 5th Street to pick up some trash behind their building. Major Riley is trying to clean up around the facility. Bring gloves. Lunch will be provided. Let Kurt know if you might be interested.

Celebration Ringers: Handbell rehearsals will begin again next Sunday at 4:30 p.m. This ministry is open to anyone in middle school through adults. Fill out your information on the enclosed sign-up sheet if you are interested in participating this year.

Healthy Bodies/Healthy Spirits - Save the date! The 3rd Annual Healthy Bodies/Healthy Spirits Conference is coming on November 2, 2018. Details are on the Ministry Table. Sign up on the sign-up page!

Baptism - On September 9, there will be a service of baptism. If you are interested in baptism, contact Pastor Kurt or Pastor Jonathan.

Church Picnic Help - This year we will need help transporting tables, chairs, and coolers to the City Park on Sunday, Sept. 23. We'll meet at the church around 4 p.m. Let Pastor Kurt or Jonathan know if you can help. Also, Rowena needs help transporting and setting up the Gaga pit. Drink donations will be accepted over the next few weeks.

New address for Chris Redmond: 1101 Quarters Landing Circle, Apt. 103, Sneads Ferry, NC 28460.

ABW Spiritual Growth Retreat - The 40th Annual American Baptist Women’s Spiritual Growth Retreat is September 21-23 at Parchment Valley. Contact Jeane Fisher at 304.462.8860 or as soon as possible if you are interested.

Parkersburg Association AB Women's Ministries' Fall Rally is on Sept. 13 at the Newark Baptist Church, 4362 Newark Rd, Elizabeth, WV. Registration - 5pm to 5:30pm. Business Meeting-5:30pm. Dinner ($6.00 cost, payable at registration). Program to follow - Guest speaker: Lisa Simmons. Make your reservations by Sept. 7 by calling Tonabell Turner at 304-275-1085. Rally project: Bring non-perishable canned goods for local food pantries.

New Library in the Conference Room - Susan Stout has started a Christian Library in our Conference Room. If you have some Christian books you would like to donate, you can bring them to the office. Each book will be reviewed before it is placed in our library. We are looking for books that are Biblically centered and spiritually uplifting. This is a lending library. Find a book you'd like to read, take it and return it when you're done. Susan hopes you'll find her ministry helpful and encouraging.

Tuesday Fellowship - Tuesday Fellowship is Sept. 11. Details are on Ministry Table. Sign up on sign-up page!

Art Classes - Ken will begin a new art class on Thursday, October 4 at 2:30 p.m. Call the Church Office if you would like to sign up.

Emmanuel Parking Project - As we grow, parking spaces in our main parking lot are filling up so that guests are driving through a full parking lot. If you're able, please park away from the church on Sunday mornings to free up a parking space for a guest or older member.

Discipleship Matters-September - The ABC Disciple-ship Matters Sept. 2018 issue is about Learning and Teaching and is available on the Ministry Table.

Thank You from Brenda Wheeler - “I would like to thank everyone that has prayed for me and continues to pray as I move from my home (that I currently have a sales contract on) to an apartment. Thank You!”

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