biochemistry exam

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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  • 1) Primary structure of protein.Dependence of protein conformation on primary structure (collagen and other

    exp).Protein polymorphism

  • 2) Changes in primary structure: hereditary diseases (sicke cell anemia,other examples)

  • 3) Secondary,supersecondary and tertiary structures of protein.Protein folding.Denaturation and renaturation of


  • 4) Structure and func. Of oligometric protein.Hemoglobin-oxygen saturation curve,transport of oxygen,agents

    affecting oxygen binding

  • 5) Allosteric enzymes,regulation of their activity (adenylatecyclase and other examples)

  • 6) Specificity of protein-ligand interactions. Lock and key model and Induced fit model for substrate

    binding.Types of natural ligands.Competitive inhibitors.Drugs as competitive inibitors

  • 7) Enzymatic catalysis.Specificity of enzyme action.Dependence of rates of enzymatic reactions on conc of

    substrate,enzymes,temperature n ph.Michealis constant. (KM)

  • 8) Classification of enzyme,examples of each enzyme class.Isoenzyme: hexo-glucokinase

    their location and function.

  • 9) Cofactors of enzyme.Coenzymes.Vitamin as coenzyme precursors

  • 10) Inhibitors of enzyme( reversible ,competitive,irreversible) : mechanism of action,therapeutic application

  • 11) Mechanism of enzyme regulation in cell ( covalent modification, regulation of enzymes amount ,influence of

    other factors)

  • 12) Allosteric regulation of enzymatic reaction.Structural and functional properties of allosteric

    enzymes.Examples of metabolic pathways controlled by allosteric enzymes

  • 13) Regulationof enzyme activity: phosphorylation- dephosphorylation, partial proteolysis. Actication of protein

    kinase A

  • 14) Regulation of enzyme activity by the cascade system involving Camp.

    15) Regulation of enzyme activity by the cascade system involving IP3,DAG,CA2+.

    16) Diagnostic significance of enzyme assays.The examples of isoenzymes used for diagnostics.

  • 17) Structure and biological role of DNA.Species- and individual specificity of the primary structure of DNA.

  • 18) Synthesis of DNA and its biological significance.

  • 19) RNA: types,structure,biological function.Biosynthesis of RNA. Posttranscriptional modifications of RNA.

  • 20) Genetic code and its main features.Role of tRNA in the decoding of genetic information.

  • 21) Biosynthesis of proteins: main components and steps.Posttranslational processing of polypeptide chains and

    its biological significance.

  • 22) Inhibitors of template biosynthesis: therapeutics applications

  • 23) Disorder in the primary structure of DNA. DNA repair: biological significance.

  • 24) Regulation of gene expression in procaryotes.Regulatory factors,mechanisms,biological significance.

  • 25) Regulation of gene expression in eucaryotes.Regulatory factors,mechanisms,biological significance.

  • 26) Cell differentiation and ontogenesis as a result of regulation of gene activity .Identify of the primary structure

    of DNA in various cells of same organism.

  • 27) Molecular mechanism of genetic variability: types of molecular mutation , biological effects.Examples of

    hereditary diseases caused by mutations.

  • 28) Polymorphism of protein.Causes of protein polymorphisms.Biochemical individuality of human

    beings.Polymorphism and hereditary diseases.(refer to question)

    29) Structural organization of membranes.Main components of membranes. Function of membranes.

  • 30) Structure of main membrane lipids.Structure and properties of the lipid bilayer.Selective permeability of


  • 31) Mechanism of transmembrane transport of substrates (diffusion,active transport,secondary active transport)

  • 32) Diversity of membrane structure and functions.Functions of lysosomes.Roles of lysosomal disorders in

    inflammation and abnormalities in degradation of proteoglycans,glycoprotein and glycolipids.

  • 33) Catabolism and anabolism.ATP-ADP cycle. Main pathways of ADP phosphorylation .ATP utilization.Substrate

    level phosphorylation,its significance.

  • 34) Structural organization of the ETC chain. Oxidative phosphorylation of ADP. P/O ratio.

  • 35) Structure of mitochondria and structural organization of ETC chain.Transmembrane electrochemical potential

    as an intermediate form of energy in oxidative phosphorylation.

  • 36) Coupling of oxidation of ATP synthesis in the electron transport chain .Respiratory control.Uncoupling of

    respiration and phosphorylation.

  • 37) Regulation of the ETC chain( respiratory control).Thermoregulatory func of tissue respiration.

  • 38) Disturbance in energy metabolism: low energy states.Hypoxia and other causes of low energy states.

  • 39) NAD-dependent dehydrogenases and their substrates.Structures of oxidised and reduced forms of

    NAD.Electron route in respiratory chain. P/0 ratio.

  • 40) FAD-dependent dehydrogenase and their substrates.Electron route in respiratory chain. P/O ratio.

  • 41) Specific and common pathway of carbohydrate,fat and protein catabolism.TCA cycle as the main source of

    dehydrated substrates in ETC chain.

  • 42) Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate.Total equation .Structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex:

    regulation relationship with electron transport chain.

  • 43) TCA cycle: reaction sequence , biological significance,regulation,relationship with the ETC.

  • 44) Relationship btw the TCA cycle and ETC chain.Mechanism of regulation TCA and ETC chain.

  • 45) Dietary carbohydrates: daily requirements, structure, digestion and absorption.Impaired digestion of


  • 46) Aerobic glycolysis: reaction sequence,functions of aerobic glycolysis.Rate limiting enzymes.

  • 47) Anaerobic glycolysis: reaction sequence, functions of anaerobic glycolysis.Rate limiting enzymes.

    substrate level phosphorylation aerobic and anaerobic is 7 & 10oxidative 6

  • 48) Role of aerobic and anaerobic degradation of glucose in muscle activity.

  • 49) Gluconeogenesis from lactic acid. Glucose lactate cycle.

  • 50) Gluconeogenesis fr amino acid and glycerol : biological significance. Glucose alanine cycle.

  • 52)Regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis in liver( regulatory enzyme activator and inhibitors.

  • 53) structure of glycogen. Function of glycogen in skeletal muscle n liver. Synthesis and degradation of glycogen

  • 54) Hormonal regulation of glycogen metabolism in liver.

  • 55) Regulation of glycogen synthesis and degradation in skeletal muscle.

  • 56) Glycogen storage diseases.

  • 57) Glucose metabolism in erythrocytes.

  • 58) Glucose metabolism in adipose tissue.

  • 59) Pentose phosphate pathway of glucose metabolism : reaction of oxidative phase of pentose phosphate

    pathway, distribution, physiological significance

  • 60) Role of pentose phosphate pathway of glucose metabolism in erythrocyte.

  • 61) role of pentose phosphate pathway of glucose metabolism in the liver and adipose tissue

  • 62) major lipids of human organism : structure, function(TAGS, phospholipids, cholesterol, glycolipid) main fatty


  • 63) Synthesis of prostaglandins(cyclooxygenase pathway) main types of prostaglandins and their

    functions.inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis

  • 64) dietary lipids, daily requirement. Essential fatty acids. Digestion and resynthesis of fats.chylomicrons:

    structure, formation, function. Hyperchylomicroanemia

  • 65) bile acids. Structure, function, synthesis and recycling

  • 66) beta oxidation of fatty acid: reaction sequence, biological significance, regulation

  • 67) disorders in fatty acids oxidation. Medium chain acyl coa dehydrogenase deficiency

  • 68) Biosynthesis of fatty acid reaction sequence, regulation, biological significance effect of insulin

    68) biosynthesis of Tag from carbohydrates in the liver and adipose tissue. Effects of insulin

  • 69) tag degradation in adipose cell. Hormonal regulation. Fate of fatty acids and glycerol

  • 70) very low density lipoprotein(vldl) : synthesis, composition, transport function, hypertriglycerolemias, fatty


  • 71) synthesis and utilisation of ketone bodies: reaction sequence and biological significance. Ketonemia and its


  • 72) cholesterol : biological role, biosynthesis of cholesterol, reaction sequence( down to mevalonic acid

    formation) regulation

  • 73) low density lipoproteins(ldl) formation, transport function.ldl receptor (disorders). Familial


  • 74) high density lipoprotein (hdl) : formation, transfer function. Role of lecitithine cholesterol acyltransferase(


  • 75) lipoprotein of blood plasma.formation, composition, function.hyperlipoproteinemias

  • 76) hypercholesterolemia: causes and effects.mechanism of atherosclerosis and treatment

  • 77) role of full-value of protein nutrition in human health.essential n non essential amino acid. Digestion of

    protein in gastrointestinal tract : enzyme, activation of mechanism and biological signifance

  • 78) transamination reaction of aamino acids: enzymes coenzymes, biological role.diagnostic signifance of

    transaminase assays

  • 79) type of deamination of amino acids : role of glutamate dehydrogenase, biological signifance.

  • 80) catabolism of amino acids: formation and detoxification of ammonia in tissues. Toxicity of ammonia.

    Hyperammonemia: causes and effects

    increase level of ammonia decreases liver functioning cell.symptoms blurring vision, slurring speech, flapping tremors, hepatic coma, death. treatment low protein diet

  • 81)Biosynthesis of urea : reaction sequence. Biological role. Hyperammonemia: causes an manifestations.

    CPs1 rate limiting enzymes

    hyperammonia 'coz of inability to detoxify nh4 causing encephalopathy

    hyperammonaemia 1 cardamom synthase 1 deficiency

    hyperammonaemia 2 orbiting transcarbamoylase deficiency

  • 82) Ammonia production in kidney : biological significance

  • 83) Metabolism of carbon skeleton of amino acid. Glycogenic and ketogenic acid. Gluconeogenesis from amino

    acid. Role in starvation, regulation

  • 84) Essential and non-eseential amino acid. Biosynthesis of essential amino acids fr glucose.

  • 85) Metabolism of serine and glycine. Role of H4-folate and its derivatives in amino acid and nucleotide


  • 86) Metabolism of methionine : transmethlation reactions, biological role.Regeneration of methionine

  • 87) Catabolism of tyrosine: main stage, end products. Alkaptonuria causes and manifestations.

  • 88) ceratine synthesis and biological function

  • 89) synthesis of catecholamines: role of vitamin b6 and methionine. Catabolism of catecholamines.

  • 90) Synthesis of thyrosine. Phenylketonuria : causes, manifestations, diagnostics.

    treatment restrictions of phenylalanine in diet and increase tyrosine contain diet

  • 91) Dopamine: biosynthesis, biological, inactivation. Parkinson disease

  • 92) Histamine : synthesis , biological role, inactivation

  • 93) Purine nucleotide : synthesis,regulation of synthesis. Formation of 5-phosphoribosylamine. Origin of purine

    nucleus atoms

  • 94) Catabolism of purine nucleotides: reaction sequence,end products. Hyperurikemia: causes and

    manifestations. Gout

  • 95) Pyrimidine nucleotides: synthesis and its regulation. Orotic aciduria

  • 96) Biosynthesis of dioxyribonucleotides : substrates. Biosynthesis of TMP : role of H4-folate. Inhibitors of TMP

    synthesis as drugs.

  • 97) Central regulation of endocrine system : role of liberins,statins and tropic hypophyseal hormones

  • 98) Signal transduction by hormone, binding to intracellular receptor.

  • 99) Signal transduction by hormone, binding to membrane receptor

  • 100) Epinephrine: structure , mechanism of action, effect on metabolic processes in target tissues.

    mechanism don't write inactivation . write signal transduction of glucagon

    refer to 102

  • 101) Glucagon : structure,synthesis,secretion,mechanism of signal transduction,effect on fuel metabolism in

    target tissue

  • 102) Insulin receptor. Effect of insulin on metabolism: transport of glucose across membrane,regulation of

    enzyme activity and synthesis.

    look at pic gallery. GLUT4

  • 103) Insulin: structure,synthesis,secretion, effection on fuel metabolism in target cell.

  • 104) Cortisol: structure,synthesis,regulation of cortisol secretion, effect on fuel metabolism in target tissue.

    Cushing s syndrome.

  • 105) Diabetes mellitus: metabolism change in DM.Causes,symptoms and late complications of DM. Insulin-

    dependent and insulin-independent DM

  • 106) Metabolism change in starvation. Role of hormone in maintenance of blood glucose level in starvation

  • 107) Hormonal regulation of sodium and water balance. ADH structure, mechanism of signal transduction and

    effect on target cell.

  • 108) Aldosterone : structure,mechanism,signal transuction,effects on target cell. Hyperaldosteronism

  • 109) Renin- angiotensin-aldosteron system.Biochemical mechanisms of renal hypertension

  • 110) Tyroid hormone: structure,synthesis,biological effect. Feedback regulation of thyroid hormone secretion.

    Hypo- and Hyperthyroidism causes and symptoms.

  • 111) Function of calcium Hypo- and Hypercalsemia causes and symptoms

  • 112) Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin: chemical nature, mechanism of action,effect on calcium and phosphate


  • 113) Calcitriol : structure,synthesis, mechanism of action,effect on calcium and phosphate metabolism. Rickets

  • 114) Heme degradation.Bilirubin.Type of jaundice.Diagnostic signifivance of bilirubin assays in biological fluids.

  • 115) Heme and haemoglobin : synthesis,regulation. Porphyrias

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