biz互動英語雜誌 no.87

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Contents No. 87 3 月號 ★ 課文朗讀 MP3 可於網路下載,請至 biz 部落:上班族









Quotations from Peter Drucker 編輯精選 彼得‧杜拉克智慧語錄管理學先驅彼得‧杜拉克小至個人管理,大至


Qeelin: Parisian Chic Meets Eastern MystiqueQeelin × 巴黎時尚 東方奧秘 ▏PAGE 24


上班族拼幸福 English Only

The “Meet” Market終結單身速效英會話找到真愛的機率居然和尋找外星人一樣渺茫?!




16biz 嚴選 聚焦 194 國

Industry Focus 產業大頭條「金磚四國」新定義 + 微軟副總裁打造「銅臭

味」香水 + 星巴克新商標設計 引發顧客抱怨

18biz 嚴選 聚焦 194 國

Trend Focus 趨勢哇哇哇可卸式洗衣機 + 吸睛手指點鈔機 + OK 繃 MP3播放器 黏得住你






Qeelin: Parisian Chic Meets Eastern MystiqueQeelin × 巴黎時尚 東方奧秘頂級珠寶品牌 Qeelin,其東方美學、西方工藝



32職場生存術 How to Manage Your Anger at Work 職場不抓狂 6 妙招 現代上班族不僅要有高 IQ,高優質 EQ 更是職

場升遷大關鍵。6 妙招職場人際保証加分!


Lines of Inquiry不被漠視的產品諮詢寫作術必備句型 + 產品/服務 & 經銷權詢問範例信 +

應用英會話:1. 釐清疑慮 2. 確認細節


Learning English with Movies 看電影英語輕鬆學《命運規劃局》+《王者之聲:宣戰時刻》+



In Full Bloom櫻姿盎然春意滿隨風飄落的花瓣宛若雪花,春天的櫻花雪呈現



Learning English with Songs 流行金曲學英語凱莉‧米洛:〈展望新生〉

06 廣告部企劃

神采飛揚的肌膚 來自舒特膚―― 潔淨‧滋潤 所有膚質的呵護專家

68 TOEIC Test 多益測驗模擬試題

77 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯

互動光碟收錄精采電影預告片及 MV:“The Adjustment Bureau”《命運規劃局》

“Black Swan”《黑天鵝》

Kylie Minogue ― Better than Today


37biz 英語本月財經辭彙

Mortgage 房貸全球通膨壓力升高,致使物價、房價不斷上揚。想



Office Chitchat上班族哈拉句


How Smart are You?上班族變聰明凱旋門建於哪位統治者執政之下?+寶萊塢在

印度哪座城市?+ 在他人登台前該說什麼?

47360 行‧小吃這一行

A New Slant on an Old Favorite七年級女生 打造台灣小吃新品牌一碗美味肉燥飯的背後,承載了多少努力?且看

26 歲的林苑君如何創造 30-50 萬的月營業額。

互動版》正常 MP3 - 11 /慢速 MP3 - 36朗讀版》Audio CD - 11

I didn’t know you had it in you.

You guys are going for a drink? Count me in.


Sam spent a week shopping around for a new laptop computer.


• You have hidden depths/talents. • There’s more to you than meets

the eye.



「我沒啥頭緒」的英文是…… 「貨比三家」的英文是……


I don’t have a clue.

熱 問

Office Chitchat

shop around

Count me in.

哈拉句 說英語不要硬梆梆,本篇道地的美式、英式口語才叫活化應用

• It was nothing special. • Anyone could have done it.


Count/Deal me out.


• Leave me out of this. 別把我算在內。

• I want no part of/in this. 我不想參與這件事。


• Can you give me a better deal than that?你可以給我更好的價格嗎?

• I’m afraid that’s out of my price range.我想這恐怕超出我的預算範圍了。

• I have no idea. • Your guess is as good

as mine.





English Only


The “Meet” Market終結單身速效英會話據統計,全台成年單身人口已突破五百









• 料理浪漫

• 葡萄酒會惹牢騷

• 怪髮型 vs. 新戀情


Paul Henley保羅 ‧ 亨利 單身聯誼活動的參加者

Samantha Case莎曼珊‧凱斯 凱莉的友人和同事,極重視打扮和外貌

Cooking up Some Romance 料理浪漫

Rattail vs. Romance 怪髮型 vs. 新戀情

4A Wine Party to Whine About 葡萄酒會惹牢騷






Kelly Reid凱莉‧瑞德 單身上班女郎

Did you meet any nice guys?你有遇到什麼不錯的對象嗎?

Don’t forget I haven’t had a date in six months.別忘了,我已經六個月沒約會了。

Hi, would you like to join me? I’m Paul.嗨,妳想和我聊聊嗎?我叫做保羅。



speed dating 快速約會

• hit on sb 搭訕

• flirt with sb 眉來眼去

attend a singles event 參加單身聯誼活動

matchmaking [`m1t]%mek6;] 介紹戀愛、婚姻對象

matchmaker [`m1t] `mek0] 紅娘;媒人

online dating 網路交友

online dating service 網路交友服務

relationship [r6`le]4n%]6p] 戀愛關係

blind date 盲目約會;相親

mingle [`m6;gy] (尤指在社


singles party單身派對

dating agency [`ed.4ns6] 婚友社;婚姻介紹所

compatible [k4m`p1t4by] 合得來的

a long-term relationship 長期的戀愛關係

be in a relationship 交往中

singles event 單身聯誼活動

Internet dating agency 網路婚友社 例

go on a blind date

參加盲目約會/相親 例

marriage-minded 想婚的 marriage-minded singles 想婚的單身男女


chat up 調情、搭訕




打 相關說法



長度 1 分 23 秒

手機掃一掃,收看 動 英文

中文翻譯請見 p. 77


The “Meet” Market

互動版》正常 MP3 - 2 / 慢速 MP3 - 27朗讀版》Audio CD - 2

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

1. cough up [k7f] 勉強說出

Wendy was curious about her husband’s plans for their next vacation and asked him to cough up the details.

2. pan out [p1n] 成功;進展

If things pan out as I expect, I’ll be moving abroad next year.

3. click [kl6k] v. (兩人)一拍即合

Nick has a great sense of humor, and we immediately clicked.

h exasperate [6g`z1sp4%ret] v. 使惱怒(文中以過去分詞


h hunk [h9;k] n. 富魅力的健美男子


4. hoot [hut] n. 有趣的人或事物

That party on the weekend was a real hoot.


1. Cooking up Some Romance 料理浪漫

K Kelly S Samantha

K : Oh there you are! I’ve been waiting for you forever!

S : Hey, I had to talk to a customer for ten minutes. What’s the big deal?

K : Nothing! I just wanted to tell you about the singles event I went to last week.

S : Oooh! Cough it up!1 Did you meet any nice guys? Sometimes those things don’t really pan out.2

K : Well, it was a cooking event at Mario’s Restaurant. There were six men and six women. The guys did the cooking!

S : That sounds great, but did you click3 with anyone?

K : It was a hoot!4 The food was great. Some of those guys can really cook.

S : Aaah! (exasperated)h Tell me! Did you meet any attractive, charming men?

K : And the answer is — drumroll please — yes!

S : (She squeals.) Is he a hunk?h What’s his job? I want to know everything!

K : Ha-ha! OK, but we can’t talk for too long. I’m meeting him here in an hour.

S : Really? You sure work fast, don’t you?

K : Not exactly. Don’t forget I haven’t had a date in six months.

1. cook up 在此指「快速做好(飯菜);很快地製作、調理」, 後接 romance(浪漫),與內文提到的「單身聯誼料理絕配活動」相呼應。

2. 此用語亦可作「編造;捏造」的意思,常見用法如:cook up a story「編造故事」、cook up an excuse「捏造藉口」。



長度 1 分 42 秒

手機掃一掃,收看 動 英文

中文翻譯請見 p. 77


2. A Wine Party to Whine About 葡萄酒會惹牢騷

S Samantha K Kelly P Paul

S : He sounds nice. I went to one of those events a month ago and struck out.1

K : Really? What happened?

S : It was a wine tasting. The wine was great, but the guys were dull.

(Flashback: At the wine party, Samantha chats with several guys

unsuccessfully. Then she sees Paul seated at a table alone.)

P : Hi, would you like to join me? I’m Paul.

S : Sure. My name is Samantha. Nice to meet you.

P : Nice to meet you, too. Are you interested in wine?

S : Well, I don’t know much about it, but this wine is good.

P : It’s from Australia. I actually went to the vineyard it’s from when I was in Melbourne last year.

S : Wow! That sounds amazing.

J : It was. We did a cycling tour of the vineyards, biking all day and drinking wine all night!

S : Well, I’ve never done anything like that, but I love biking.

J : Have you tried the white wine? Can I get you a glass?

S : Yes, thanks.

(As Paul walks over to the bar, he flicks a rattail over his

shoulder. Aghast,2 Samantha sneaks out of the event.)

互動版》正常 MP3 - 3 / 慢速 MP3 - 28朗讀版》Audio CD - 3

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

1. strike out [stra6k] 失敗

Rob had four interviews in a week but struck out with all of them.

2. aghast [4`g1st] adj. 大為震驚的

My dad was aghast when he saw the wine stain on the new sofa.



• red/white wine 紅/白酒

• wine tasting 品酒

• wine list 酒單

• cork [k7rk] 軟木塞

• decanter [d6`k1nt0] 醒酒瓶

• sommelier [%s4m4l`je] 侍酒師

• alcohol content [`1lk4%h7l] 酒精濃度

• wine cellar [`s5l0l] 酒窖

• wine barrel [`b1r4l] 酒桶

指「發牢騷;嘀咕」,其中 whine 與 wine party 的 wine 押韻

酒後不開車 安全有保障 飲酒過量 有礙健康




3. Rattail vs. Romance 怪髮型 vs. 新戀情

K Kelly S Samantha P Paul

(Back at the coffee shop)

K : Are you kidding? You split because you didn’t like his haircut?

S : Oh, come on. It was . . . ewww!

K : OK. Anyway, the guy I’m meeting is also called Paul, and he also likes to talk about wine.

S : Funny coincidence!1 Was he quite tall and around 32 years old?

K : Yes. This Paul wears glasses and has brown hair. He’s very laid-back2 and friendly and has a nice smile.

S : Oh my God! It sounds like exactly the same guy! But did he have the rattail?

K : You know, I didn’t see him from behind. We were face-to-face the whole time.

S : Well, take it from me, if you saw that thing, you’d think twice about this guy.

(Paul approaches the table from behind Samantha.)

K : (Nervously, trying to let on that Paul is behind

Samantha) I’m sure it wasn’t that bad. It’s personality that counts, anyway, right?

S : Please! When you look like an oversized rodent, I’m not interested in any —

P : (Interrupting) Hello, ladies. Nice to see you again, Samantha.

S : (Shocked) Oh . . . hi, Paul! Fancy meeting you here!†

長度 1 分 23 秒手機掃一掃,收看 動 英文

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

1. coincidence [ko`6ns4d4ns] n. 巧合

It’s interesting that you should mention Melvin. By strange coincidence, I saw him this weekend.

2. laid-back [`led`b1k] adj. 從容不迫的

Jay is rarely bothered by anything as he is such a laid-back guy.

† Fancy meeting you here! 指「沒想到會在這裡遇見你!」,

fancy 在此作「(表示驚奇)想不到」之意。

† 補充說明

The “Meet” Market

互動版》正常 MP3 - 4 / 慢速 MP3 - 29朗讀版》Audio CD - 4

中文翻譯請見 pp. 77-78

• take it from sb 相信某人

Take it from me, that movie is awful. 相信我,那部電影很糟糕。

• let on (that) 透露(秘密)

Please don’t let on to Josephine that you know she was fired. 請別跟喬瑟芬透露你知道她被炒魷魚的事。

hrase Focus / 片語威力通

酒後不開車 安全有保障 飲酒過量 有礙健康


Trend Focus 趨勢哇哇哇

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線


互動版》正常 MP3 - 5 / 慢速 MP3 - 30朗讀版》Audio CD - 5

A finalist in the Electrolux Design Lab Competition,† the Dismount Washer aims to save space and increase hygiene.1 Users have their own personal tub that they can take to a Laundromat and mount2 on an “energy stick,” which emits high-pressure steam to wash the load. A touch screen with timer sits on the end of the stick, which protrudes3 through a hole in the tub.







1. hygiene [`] n. 衛生

2. mount [ma8nt] v. 安裝

3. protrude [pro`trud] v. 伸出

Off the Wall可卸式洗衣機



† 補充說明

† Electrolux Design Lab Competition 「伊萊克斯全球設計大賽」是由瑞典家用及商用電器設備公司

Electrolux 針對工業設計系學生,每年舉辦的家電設計比賽。


聚焦 194國biz嚴選

Energy Stick 能量柱功能說明

electric motor 電動馬達

steam container 蒸氣盒

touch screen 觸控螢幕

the lock for the washing box 洗衣箱鎖

steam releaser 蒸汽噴口

Trend Focus


George takes his clothes to the laundry.



The washer wastes a lot of space!

All the clothes are washed in the same washer! It may create serious

health issues!

George takes his tub with clothes to the laundry.

喬治帶著他裝好衣物的洗衣箱到洗衣房。 他把洗衣箱裝到能量柱上,開始用蒸汽洗滌的過程。

He puts it onto the energy stick and it starts washing with steam.


When washing is done, he only needs to take away his tub.




Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

LED display & power switch LED顯示器與電源開關

infrared ray scanning紅外線掃描

battery slot電池槽

sheet-separating veins紙張分離條紋

Nice Ring to It†





條、紅外線掃描器以及點錢時可顯示總金額的 LED 顯示器。

4. wad [w3d] n. (鈔票等的)一疊

5. ingenious [6n`d.inj4s] adj. 精巧的

6. infrared [%6nfr4`r5d] adj. 紅外線的

7. tally up [`t1l6] 計算

For small businesses or households with sizable stacks of notes, a standard counting machine may not be convenient. Thumbing through your wad4 to see how much you have is made easy with this ingenious5 little device. The Counting Ring features sheet separators, an infrared6 scanner and an LED-display to show the total as you tally it up.7

† 補充說明

† ring 除了表「戒指」,亦可指「叮叮聲;好聽的聲音」。要形容「某事聽起來不錯」,即可用 have a nice ring to it。在此作標題有一語雙關的趣味。


聚焦 194國biz嚴選

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

Trend Focus

MP3 播放器的體積漸顯小巧,而這個產品則是到目前為

止最輕量的。超薄 MP3 播放器還只是個概念,但意思就是它

能像 OK 繃一樣黏在皮膚上。它只有播放/停止鍵,無顯示




Stuck on YouOK繃 MP3播放器黏得住你

8. progressively [pr4`gr5s6vl6] adv. 逐漸地

9. conceptual [k4n`s5pt]84l] adj. 概念的

10. sticking point 癥結

MP3 players are getting progressively8 tinier, and this is the most lightweight yet. The Skinny Player is purely conceptual,9 but the idea is that it would stick to the skin like a Band-Aid. With only a play/stop button, no display, and space for one album, the design is limited. Whether it could ever run off body heat, as the designers intend, is another sticking point.10


Qeelin× 巴黎時尚 東方奧秘

短短不到 7 年的時間,來自東方的 Qeelin 居然已攻下巴黎、倫敦、洛杉磯、


這個由華裔設計師陳瑞麟和法國企業家 Guillaume Brochard 聯手創立的

頂級工藝珠寶品牌 Qeelin,能讓編輯特選為本月「品牌經營學」專題,除因

Qeelin 品牌背後那極其重大的意義:「將中華文化最好的部分帶到全世界」之



Parisian Chic Meets Eastern Mystiqueh




Parisian Chic Meets Eastern Mystiqueh


Qeelin: Parisian Chic Meets Eastern Mystique

互動版》正常 MP3 - 6 / 慢速 MP3 - 31朗讀版》Audio CD - 6

創意總監 陳瑞麟

(Dennis Chan)

Q e e l i n ’ s p r o d u c t s

infuse2 exquisite3 French

craftsmanship with Chinese

aesthetics.h It is no coincidence

that the brand was conceived4

during a journey along that

famous hub of exchange

between East and West,

t h e S i l k R o a d . Fo u n d e r

Dennis Chan was visiting the

UNESCO-listed† Dunhuang

Caves in China in 1997 when

he was struck by the idea

for a unique range. Teaming

up with French entrepreneur

Guillaume Brochard, Chan

launched Qeelin in 2004. In

little over five years, the brand’s

strong cross-cultural identity

has become internationally

recognized. Stores have

opened in Paris, London and

IN fine cuisine, some of the

most impressive dishes

fuse1 elements from different

cultures. Hong Kong brand

Qeelin has set out to do the

same with its high-end range

of jewelry.



中文翻譯請見 p. 78


布羅夏德共同創立 Qeelin [`kil6n]。

Qeelin 音近中國神獸「麒麟」兩字的



如 Wulu「葫蘆」、Ling Long「玲


Qeelin 品牌名稱由來

你 | 知 | 道 | 嗎?

Los Angeles, with the first

boutique established in Taipei

in 2008.

The different collections

reflect aspects5 of Chinese

culture. Wulu, for example, is the

Mandarin word for gourd,h and

this collection contains pieces

shaped like those vegetables.

Gourds were traditionally used by

the Chinese for many non-culinary

purposes and also symbolize

longevity.6 The Ling Long

collection, meanwhile, uses

strung silver bells, which are

said to ward off7 evil spirits.

The name comes from the

Chinese onomatopoeiah for the

sound of clinking jewels and

also conveys exquisiteness.

BoBo, the diamond-encrustedh

panda range, is perhaps the

most recognized of Qeelin’s

collections and, like Wulu, has

been widely-imitated.

執行長 紀堯姆‧布羅夏德

(Guillaume Brochard)


Qeelin: Parisian Chic Meets Eastern Mystique

Qeelin 真愛 Qin Qin 系列設計及行銷特色:


寓意真愛需要認真尋覓 ( 西方 ) 或憑藉緣分 ( 東方 )。

Yu Yi 取自中文「如意」的發音,其造型如意鎖 ( 又稱長命鎖 ) 深具中國文化底蘊,



成功詮釋 Qin Qin 系列東西結合的產品概念


操刀「on the road」廣告拍攝,成

功塑造了 Yu Yi 系列的形象

Yu Yi 系列設計及行銷特色:由於如意鎖構造複雜,據稱陳瑞麟與珠寶工匠共花了

整整一年多的時間,才完成 Yu Yi 作品。爾後由好友張曼玉代言並採用她所提出的

「on the road」概念定調廣告的整體操作方向。



(micro magnet)鑲在 Qin Qin 系列的鑽飾








獲選今年 Perle de Lotus 最佳代言人

Qeelin has used some major Asian

stars of screen and catwalk to promote its

collections. Chinese supermodel Du Juan

was the face of the Qin Qin range in 2009

and award-winning Hong Kong actress

Maggie Cheung fronted8 ad campaigns

for Wulu watches and Yu Yi necklaces.

When Cheung donned distinctive9

Wulu earrings while accepting the Best

Actress Award at Cannes in 2004, Qeelin

had not even been launched. However,

interest in the brand was immediately

piqued.10 Cheung grew up in the U.K.

and speaks fluent English and French.

Chan felt that, with a foot in both† Europe

and Asia, she was the ideal brand

ambassador11 for Qeelin. The fact that

she was in a relationship with Brochard

when she first got the gigh with Qeelin

also probably helped. In 2011, Cheung is

again joining forces with Qeelin, this time

as an advertising campaign director.

In a short space of time, Qeelin has

established itself as a force in luxury

jewelry. Along with fellow Hong Kong

jewelers Luk Fook and Kin Hung Lee,

Qeelin is catering to a burgeoning12

market of gem lovers in Asia. By setting

itself up as what Chan calls “a true

Francoh-Chinese brand,” it is also

catching the eye of high societyh in the


互動版》正常 MP3 - 7 / 慢速 MP3 - 32朗讀版》Audio CD - 7


二○一一年的 Perle de Lotus 是蓮心系列

(Coeur de Lotus)的姐妹作,以蓮蓬為設


Coeur de Lotus 的優雅特點。

中文翻譯請見 p. 78

Qeelin: Parisian Chic Meets Eastern Mystique


1. fuse [fjuz] v. (使)融合

The artist fused several different styles in his work.

2. infuse [6n`fjuz] v. 注入 (某特性) (+ with)

The perfume was infused with the scent of rose.

3. exquisite [5k`skw6z6t] adj. 精緻的;敏銳的 (exquisiteness [5k`skw6z6tn6s] 為名詞)

My friend has exquisite taste in clothes.

4. conceive [k4n`siv] v. 想出(主意、計劃等)

The inventor conceived the idea for the machine while he was out for a walk.

5. aspect [`1sp5kt] n. 方面;層面

Which aspect of this book interested you the most?

6. longevity [l3n`d.5v4t6] n. 長壽;持久度

These batteries are well known for their longevity.

7. ward off 避開

Rub this cream onto your skin to ward off mosquitoes.

8. front [fr9nt] v. 擔當重任;擔任(樂團的)主唱

The singer fronted the band for five years before going solo.

9. distinctive [d6`st6;kt6v] adj. 獨特的

This wine has a very distinctive taste.

10. pique [pik] v. 激起(好奇心、興趣等)

The TV commercial really piqued the public’s interest in this product.

11. ambassador [1m`b1s4d0] n. 大使;代表

The soccer player was so well behaved on and off the field that he was considered a great ambassador for the sport.

12. burgeon [`b-d.4n] v. 增長迅速(文中以現在分詞作形


A burgeoning middle class in developing countries has increased the demand for different kinds of food products.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

h mystique [m6s`tik] n. 神秘

h aesthetics [5s`q5t6ks] n. 美學

h gourd [gord] n. 葫蘆

h onomatopoeia [%3n4%m1t4`pi4] n. 擬聲

h encrust [6n`kr9st] v. 鑲上(文中以過去分詞作形容詞)

h gig [g6g] n. (短暫、短期的)工作

h Franco [`fr1;ko] adj. 法國的;法國人的

h high society 上流社會


† UNESCO-listed「聯合國教科文組職所列名的」指的即是由該

組織所評選出來的世界遺產(World Heritage),分為自然、



† 此俚語的完整寫法為 have a foot in both camps,指「跨足

兩個不同的團體」,文中以 Europe and Asia 取代 camps,


† 補充說明

seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 U1. be said to 據說

要表示「據說…… 」,可用以下句型:

S. + be said + to V.

• The two companies were said to be discussing a merger. 據說這兩家公司在討論併購事宜。


It is said that + S. + V.

• It is said that a new CEO will be on board next month. 聽說下個月會有新的執行長上任。

2. award/prize/reward 「獎」落誰家?

• Bernie won the award for best young musician. 伯尼贏得最佳年輕音樂人的獎項。

• Everybody won a prize at the year-end party. 每個人在尾牙時都有獲得獎品。

• The girl offered a reward for finding her lost cat. 這名女孩提供獎賞給找到她走失貓咪的人。

award prize reward


• ( 認 可 某 人




活 動 所 獲 得


• (辛勤付出或努





Picture Dictionary: Accessories 配件速效英圖解

q I’m thinking of getting a platinumh ring. 我想買一只白金戒指。

w Have you got any bracelets with heart shapes on them?


eMay I see the wrist watch, please? 麻煩讓我看看這只腕錶好嗎?

rI don’t know what necklace to wear with this outfit. 我不知道這身打扮該搭配什麼項鍊。

tDo you think this pendant goes well with the chain? 你覺得這個吊墜和這條鍊子很搭嗎?

yI think the earrings are a bit garish.h 我覺得這對耳環有點花俏。

h platinum [`pl1tn4m] n. 白金 h garish [`g5r6]] adj. 花稍的

Practical Sentences 首飾配件血拼好用句

Jewel Idiom 與珠寶有關的俚語

the jewel in the crown 佼佼者


• The R&D department is the jewel in the crown of the company. 研發部門是這家公司最重要的一環。

pendant [`p5nd4nt] 吊墜

necklace [`n5kl6s] 項鍊

earring [`6r%r6;] 耳環

bracelet[`bresl6t] 手鍊

wrist watch腕錶

ring [r6;] 戒指


Qeelin: Parisian Chic Meets Eastern Mystique

How to Manage Your Anger at Work

現代上班族不僅要有高 IQ,具備高優質 EQ 更是不能少。但要如何有效管理情緒不讓


互動版》正常 MP3 - 8 / 慢速 MP3 - 33朗讀版》Audio CD - 8

Losing your temper is one of the worst things that can happen at work. For a split second1

you lose your emotional control and say something that cannot be unsaid. Oops! You may just

have made an enemy, lost a client, or blown a chance at promotion. Hardly your finest hour.

Of course, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.† Knowing how you get

yourself into trouble will help you realize which situations are dangerous to you personally.

Here’s a list of some of the factors most likely to get you irate.2


•Youspendhoursworkingonaprojectonlytoseeitgetput on the shelf.

•Acoworkerspreadsmalicious3 gossip about you.

•Someonesabotages4 your project — either by a dumb mistake or jealousy.

•Yourbosschews you out5 for not doing something he never told you to do in the

first place.

•Aclientorvendorsuddenlywantstoradically6 renegotiate a deal.

Do these situations ever happen to you? If so, you need to develop your own anger

management strategy to help you keep your cool and avoid making a mistake that could

be costly to your career.

IQ 智力商數 = intelligence quotient EQ 情緒商數 = emotional quotient AQ 逆境商數 = adversity quotient CQ 創意商數 = creativity quotient

職場不抓狂 6 妙招

中文翻譯請見 pp. 78-79



How to Manage Your Anger at Work

1. split second 頃刻

The driver lost control of the car for a split second before crashing.

2. irate [a6`ret] adj. 憤怒的

The teacher became irate when the students would not be quiet.

3. malicious [m4`l6]4s] adj. 惡意的

Although Vance often says the wrong thing, everyone knows he isn’t malicious.

4. sabotage [`s1b4%t3.] v. 蓄意破壞

The animal rights activists attacked the laboratory and sabotaged lots of expensive equipment.

5. chew sb out 嚴厲責備某人

My wife really chewed me out for losing my house keys.

6. radically [`r1d6ky6] adv. 徹底地

The appointment of a new CEO radically changed the company’s fortunes.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線 seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 U (put sth) on the shelf (將某事)擱置一旁 on the shelf 表示「被擱置的;無人過問的」。

• We’ll have to put the plans to renovate the offices on the shelf until we have more funds. 在我們有更多資金之前,我們得先擱置翻新辦公室的計畫。



the back burner

• Molly put her plans for a vacation on hold after her mother became unwell. 母親生病之後,茉莉暫緩了她的渡假計畫。

• I’m afraid we’ll have to put that dinner date on the back burner. 我想我們恐怕得暫緩晚餐約會了。

† an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure 字面意為


† 補充說明

nervous 緊張的


dejected [d6`d.5kt6d] 氣餒的

astonished [4`st3n6]t] 驚訝的

moody [`mud6] 喜怒無常的

bashful [`b1]f4l] 害羞的 frustrated [`fr9s%tret6d] 洩氣的

strained [strend] 焦慮的 joyous [`d.764s] 快樂的

ecstatic [5k`st1t6k] 狂喜的

embarrassed [6m`b1r4st] 尷尬的

depressed 沮喪的

furious [`fjur64s] 狂怒的熄 怒 火 英語怎麼說?

1. 別放在心上啦。

______________________________________2. 冷靜點。他不值得你生氣啦。

______________________________________3. 冷靜點。一切都會沒問題的。

______________________________________4. 放輕鬆,又不是什麼天大的事。


別先偷看 p. 35 的參考答案喲!

put sth on


互動版》正常 MP3 - 9 / 慢速 MP3 - 34朗讀版》Audio CD - 9

Suddenly,somethingunbearablehappens.Youalmostblow your stack — but, instead you

calm down, pull back from the brink,1 and avoid making that fateful error that could haunt2 you

for years.


1. Leave the conversation. Refrain3 from retaliatingh in anger. If you can’t control

yourself, simply leave the room.

2. Hide your emotions. If you can keep your anger under wraps and still continue the

conversation, then that is ideal.

3. Understand what happened. Maybe someone made a mistake, or perhaps

someone is deliberately4 trying to provoke you. Get the facts before reacting.

4. Take the long view. The situation today may not be perfect, but in the long run, what

is better for you: becoming aggressive5 with your antagonist,h or shrugging it off?6 Keep

your eye focused on your real goals.

5. Take control. Put together a strategy for dealing with the situation when you are calm


6. Enjoy your life! No matter how much things — or other people — wear us down,7 the

ultimate revenge is to be happy.

Dealing with anger effectively will not only

keep you out of trouble, but it will also get you

respect and peace of mind. Remember: If you

stay cool, you are cool!中文翻譯請見 p. 79



How to Manage Your Anger at Work

1. brink [br6;k] n. 邊緣

I was on the brink of quitting my job when my boss offered me a pay raise.

2. haunt [h7nt] v. 使困擾

Be careful how you speak to her as your words may come back to haunt you.

3. refrain [r6`fren] v. 抑制(+ from)

Please refrain from smoking in the car.

4. deliberately [d6`l6b4r6tl6] adv. 故意地

Findlay wasn’t sure whether his colleague was deliberately ignoring him or just hadn’t heard his question.

5. aggressive [4`gr5s6v] adj. 好鬥的;有衝勁的

In business, being aggressive can sometimes be a good thing.

6. shrug off []r9g] 對……不予理會

The actor shrugged off the bad reviews of his latest movie.

7. wear sb down 消耗某人的體力、力量

Petula loves her kids but sometimes they wear her down.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

h retaliate [r6`t1l6%et] v. 報復

h antagonist [1n`t1g4n6st] n. 對立者


• blow one’s stack (突然)大發脾氣

blow one’s top

If I tell you the truth about how your laptop was broken, will you promise not to blow your stack?


• keep sth under wraps 隱瞞某事

make sth known

Lionel planned to propose to his fiancée, but told his friends to keep it under wraps.


• take the long view 從長遠看

Things don’t seem so bad if you take the long view. 如果你從長遠來看,事情並沒有那麼糟。

hrase Focus / 片語威力通



biz 隨堂考 請依中文將正確英文填入空格內。

1. Will you ______ from raising your voice in the library,



2. The basketball team _____ _____ the defeat and

came back stronger.那支籃球隊不理會失敗,東山再起。

解答請見 p. 79

1. Don’t take it personally. 別放在心上啦。

2 . Calm down. He’s not worth it.冷靜點。他不值得你生氣啦。

3. Be cool. Everything will be all right.冷靜點。一切都會沒問題的。

4. Take it easy. It’s not such a big deal. 放輕鬆。又不是什麼天大的事。

熄 怒 火 英語這麼說


A Calming Influence 長度 1 分 16 秒

手機掃一掃,收看 動 英文

互動版》正常 MP3 - 10 /慢速 MP3 - 35朗讀版》Audio CD - 10

S : Right. The trouble is, you can see what she’slike.Shewalkspastsmirkingandtrying to rub it in.3

D : Don’t give her the satisfaction. If you look like you haven’t a care in the world, she’ll get bored of goading4 you.

S : Thanks, Debs. I’ll give it a shot.

Susan walks past. Steve glares at her and she shrugs and smirks.蘇珊走過身邊,史提夫瞪了她一眼,她聳聳肩,得意地笑著。

中文翻譯請見 p. 79

1. rumormongering [`rum0%m9ng4r6;] n. 造謠

Most of the students did not like Julia because of her rumormongering.

2. confront [k4n`fr9nt] v. 面對;使對質

Emmanuelle confronted her boyfriend over his gambling problem.

3. rub it in 觸及某人的痛處

You may have won the tennis match, but there’s no need to rub it in.

4. goad [god] v. 刺激

Stop goading the dog or he may bite you.

Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

D Debbie S Steve

D : Er . . . What was that about?

S: Man, she’s really crossed the line this time. I’m sick of her rumormongering.1

D : Susan?Why,what’sshedone?

S : Well, you know how someone keeps smokinginthecorridor?She’sbeentelling everyone it’s me!

D : Andwasit?

S : Don’t be stupid! You know I don’t even smoke. I can’t believe —

D : OK, calm down. I’m not accusing you. You need to control your temper.

S : Sorry,Debs.You’reright.ButIconfronted2 Susanpolitelyandshetoldmeto take a hike.†Shewasdeliberatelyprovokingme.

D : Just smile and ignore it. If she continues and you feel like you’re going to explode, just walk away.

† take a hike 為口語用法,指「叫某人走開或告訴某人別來


† 補充說明


情緒不失控 應用英會話




VASIR肉燥飯店 profile經營者:林苑君、戴源鴻創業成本:約新台幣 200 萬元

資金來源:利用高雄市政府商業小額貸款方案, 撰寫創業


店內員工:9-10 人

每月營業額:新台幣 40-50 萬元

獲獎紀錄: 2010 年高雄小吃節 專家評選獎

2008 年台灣美食國際行銷高峰會 最美味台灣小吃


A New Slant1 on an Old Favorite






― Mary Chen translated by Chen Shin-Hong, edited by James Baron



互動版》正常 MP3 - 14 /慢速 MP3 - 39朗讀版》Audio CD - 14

TAIWAN is full of culinary2 delights, but which dish would you recommend to a

foreign visitor? Stinky tofu might be too extreme for a first-timer, while fried

chicken fillet is hardly unique to Taiwan. How about another staple3 served in

households and food stalls island-wide — the simple but enticing4 braisedh

mincedh pork and rice?

As tasty as this dish is, the use of fatty meat means the calorie content can be

jaw-droppingly high. One young woman has addressed this dilemma5 by giving

the old favorite a healthy twist. The daughter of restaurateurs, Lin Yuan-chun grew

up on braised minced pork and rice. Conscious of health issues, Lin began to think

about making the dish leanerh without sacrificing its authentic6 flavor. As the dish

is often served at eateries where sanitary7 conditions leave a lot to be desired, Lin

also wanted to create a clean, attractive dining environment.

braised egg 滷蛋

boiled fern [b76ld] [f-n] 涼拌過貓

sausage [`s7s6d.] 香腸

sliced pork with garlic sauce [sla6st] [`g3rl6k] 白切豬肉佐蒜泥醬



Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

1. slant [sl1nt] n. (特有的、個人的)觀點

Most newspapers have a political slant.

2. culinary [`k9l4%n5r6] adj. 烹飪的

The chef produced a culinary masterpiece for the competition.

3. staple [`stepy] n. 主食

Rice is a staple in many Asian countries.

4. entice [6n`ta6s] v. 誘使(文中以現在分詞作形容詞)

The company enticed Paddy to join its sales team with an offer of a higher salary.

5. dilemma [d4`l5m4] n. (進退兩難的)困境

I have a dilemma over which movie to watch tonight.

6. authentic [7`q5nt6k] adj. 真正的;真品的

Despite the label, Dorothy did not believe the jacket she bought at the market was authentic.

7. sanitary [`s1n4%t5r6] adj. 衛生上的

During the flood, sewage leaked into the water causing sanitary concerns.

h braise [brez] v. 以文火燉煮(文中以過去分詞作形容詞)

h mince [m6ns] v. 切碎(文中以過去分詞作形容詞)

h lean [lin] adj. (肉)無脂肪的;精瘦的(文中作比較級)

h Romanization [%rom4n4`ze]4n] n. 羅馬拼音

h dingy [`d6nd.6] adj. 昏暗不潔的

h immaculate [6`m1kj4l6t] adj. 潔淨的


seful Tips 應 用 即 時 通 Uflesh vs. meat 不一樣的「肉」?

• The police used plastic bullets that were designed not to pierce flesh. 警方使用不會穿透皮肉的塑膠子彈。

• I like most kinds of meat but am not that fond of fish. 我喜歡大多數的肉類,但對魚肉卻沒那麼感興趣。


• (人類或動物身上的)肉

• 果肉;蔬菜的可食部分

• (人類食用的)肉,如

red meat(紅肉)、

white meat(白肉)

flesh meat

Teaming up with Dai Yuan-hung, the chef at

her father’s restaurant, Lin set about creating her

own brand. The pair opened VASIR early last

year, taking the name from a Romanizationh of

the Taiwanese word for braised minced pork. In

contrast to dingy,h dimly-lit stalls, their restaurant

has a bright and immaculateh European-style

interior, making for a pleasant dining experience.

A design enthusiast, Dai handled the logos and

posters, giving menu images of the simple dish a

chic appearance.

中文翻譯請見 pp. 79-80



2. 店名 VASIR 取自於「肉燥」的台語諧音;這一碗肉燥飯新台幣 25 元

3. 店內陳設巧妙地融合高雄在地傳統與西式優雅





A New Slant on an Old Favorite

In terms of the dish itself,

Lin minces the pork by hand

and ensures1 the gravyh is

solely from the juices of the

meat itself, with no additional

oil added. Excess2 greaseh is

scooped away to keep down

the fat content. “People these

days are more concerned with

diet and health,” says Lin, “which

is why we want to make braised

minced pork and rice into a

healthy, light meal.”

Starting a business has

not been without challenges.

For Lin, the most difficult thing

was starting from scratch.3

From the storefront design to

the dish selection, each detail

was the result of painstaking4

discussion. In addition to Dai’s

input, her father’s experience

has been invaluable. “What

Dad has taught me the most is

to maintain a positive attitude

even in difficulties.” Looking to

the future, Lin is ambitious and

says her goal is to become like

restaurant tycoon5 Alan Yau.†

As with many Taiwanese

staples, the simplicity of braised

minced pork and rice reflects

the spirit of the down-to-earth6

folk who created it generations

ago. The new generation, with its

creativity and vitality,7 is not only

maintaining traditional tastes, but

adding its own touches to create

a contemporary Taiwanese

flavor. As well as aiming for

personal success, restaurateurs

like Lin hope to propel8 these

updated dishes onto the

international stage to better

represent Taiwanese cuisine.

互動版》正常 MP3 - 15 /慢速 MP3 - 40朗讀版》Audio CD - 15


1. 資金來源:可多利用政府單位的

輔助專案,申請(apply for)較低利率的小額貸款(small-amount loans)。

2. 改良口味:研發符合新時代口味的美食,加強獨特性。

3. 虛心學習:採納顧客的批評和建議,提昇服務及餐點品質。

4. 善用網路行銷(e-marketing):設立網站或 Facebook 粉絲團,與網友互動零時差。

5. 把握曝光機會(opportunity of media exposure):參加小吃節、美食節等活動,結合地方觀光同時打響知名度。

biz 突圍問診便利貼

中文翻譯請見 p. 80

▲ 夜色中的 VASIR 餐廳在燈光映照下,展現不同於市井小吃店的印象氛圍──既傳統又現代

▲ 畢業於運動健康與休閒學系,現年 26 歲的林苑君憑藉著創意與努力,成功打造出 VASIR 的獨到特色:

傳統美食 X 時尚路線



Key Words 字 彙 最 前 線

1. ensure [6n`]8r] v. 保證

Please ensure you are on time for the meeting tomorrow.

2. excess [6k`s5s] adj. 過量的 (亦可作 [`5k%s5s] 的發音) Passengers on this flight will have to pay extra for excess baggage.

3. from scratch [skr1t]] 從零開始

When the reporter’s computer crashed, he had to start the article again from scratch.

4. painstaking [`pen%stek6;] adj. 煞費苦心的;仔細的

The artist painted the picture with painstaking detail.

5. tycoon [ta6`kun] n. (企業界的)大亨

The tycoon Terry Gou is Taiwan’s richest man.

6. down-to-earth [%da8nt4`-q] adj. 腳踏實地的;樸實的

Despite his fame, the movie star was very down-to-earth.

h gravy [`grev6] n. 滷汁

h grease [gris] n. 油脂


† 香港出生的丘德威(Alan Yau)結合西方的經營手法,將日



† 補充說明

7. vitality [va6`t1l4t6] n. 生命力

My sister uses an expensive shampoo to maintain her hair’s vitality.

8. propel [pr4`p5l] v. 推動

Increased exports propelled growth in the country’s economy.



stinky tofu [`st6;k6] [`tofu] 臭豆腐

steamed pork dumplings [stimd] [p7rk] [`d9mpl6;z] 小籠包 beef noodle soup 牛肉麵

pearl milk tea 珍珠奶茶

oyster omelet [`76st0] [`3ml6t] 蚵仔煎

fried chicken fillet [fra6d] [`t]6k4n] [f6`le] 炸雞排

pig’s blood cake 豬血糕oyster vermicelli [%v-m4`t]5li] 蚵仔麵線

Taiwanese fried chicken nuggets [`n9g6ts] 鹽酥雞


A New Slant on an Old Favorite

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