black-apocalysis henoch graece-1970.pdf

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    M. BLACK




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    A. M. DENIS et M. DE JONGE


    M. BLACK


    A. M. DENIS






    M. BLACK








  • Copyright 1970 b] E. J. Brill, Leitlen, Netherlantls Ail righlS reservet1. No part of Ihis hook ma] he reprotltetl or lranslatet1 in an] lorm, b] prinl, pholoprinl, mi,ofilm, miCf'ofjehe 0' an] olher means wilholll written permission trom Ihe Pllblisher



    Apocalypsis Henochi Graece Edidit M. BLACK


    Fragmenta Pseudepigraphorum Graeca . . . . . . . . . . 45 Conegit A. M. DENIS



    M. BLACK

  • Preface ... Introduction . Bibliography.


    Sigla and Abbreviations. Apocalypsis Henochi graece .

    3 5

    17 18 19


    This edition of the Greek Enoch is necessarily a provisional and 'working" edition OIY, in view of the situation with regard to the publication of the Aramaic fragments from Qumran and the need for a new edition of the Ethiopic (see Introduction, p. 9). Nevertheless, every effort has been made in the preparation of the present edition of the Greek Enoch to check and collate the Greek manuscripts thoroughly afresh and to inc1ude aIl known Greek citations of 1 Enoch in patristic sources. In this connection 1 am especiaIly indebted to Pre Albert-Marie Denis, O.P., of Louvain, joint editor of "Ulis series, for putting his Greek Enoch material at my disposaI (p. ID). Mr H. J. de J onge has a1so made a fresh collation of the Syncellus fragments in the Bibliothque Nation~e and the results of his work are also inc1uded in this edition (p. 14). 1 am deeply indebted to both these scholars for their kind collaboration and generosity, with their time no less than with their scholarly work.

    St. Mary's College, St. Andrews. 30th April, 1968.



    1. The Book of Enoch

    The story of the first Book of Enoch (1 Enoch) has been told many times, so that there is no need to do more, hy way of introduction, than recall the salient facts 1. 1 Enoch is a collection of different 'apocalypses' or apocryphal traditions, following the style of the Daniel archetypal 'Apocalypse', sorne of these traditions being preserved only in fragmentary form. They are aIl subsumed under the pseudepigraphic title derived from the name of the ancient patriarch Enoch, who 'walked with God: and he was not; for God took him'. (Gen. v. 24; cf. Sir. xliv. 16.) The civ (cv) chapters have been divided (by R. H. Charles, 1912 ed., p. xlvi) into five main sections, of which parts of the first and last have been preserved in Greek translation from an Aramaic and/or Hebrew original.

    The arrangement is pentateuchal Section 1 is not homogeneous; it is prefaced in Chapters i-v by a kind of prooemium to the whole book, introducing Enoch as the 'heaveIy scribe', receiving revelations on the End of the World, the sinfulness of mankind, etc. Chapters vi-xvi contain an angelology, and describe Enoch's mission to announce their downfall to the Watchers or fallen angels. Chapters xv-xxxvi contain a description of Enoch's voyaging through the underworld, and the revelation of its secrets. Section II, chapters xxxvii-lxxi, is the Book of the Payables of Enoch, preserved only in the Ethiopic Version, and containing the famous 'Son of Man' apocalypses. Section III, lxxii-lxxx, is a 'scientific', mainly astronomical section. Section IV (lxxxili-xc) is the most homogeneous of the sections, preserving a different Enoch tradition from the rest of the Book: it contains the famous 'Dream-Visions' of Enoch. Section V (chapters xciv-civ [cv]), the 'Epistle of Enoch', are paraenetical in character, encouraging the just, threatening the wicked. Chapters cvi-cviii are an appended short Apocalypse of Noah.

    1 See F-R Einleitung, pp. 3-14; F. Martin, Le LiV1'e d'Hnoch, Histoire du livre, p. li fi.


    II. The Original Aramaic and/or Hebrew Enoch With the discovery and publication of sorne of the Qumrn Aramaic

    fragments 1 the question of the original language of 1 Enoch-the primary and classic document in the tradition of Enoch 'apocalypses'-may be considered as largely settled, so far as the main Enoch text is concerned. The possibility that other portions of the original of 1 Enoch were written in Hebrew remains open in view of the discovery ofthree fragments in Hebrew in Cave l, corresponding to 1 Enoch vili. 4-ix.4 and Cvi.2.2 The fact that the Noah 'apocalypse' is preserved in Hebrew suggests a Hebrew source for the Noah traditions in First Enoch 3.

    The discovery of fragments of an Aramaic Enoch in Cave 4 at Qumrn was fust made known in a communication of J. T. Milik to the Revue Biblique in January 1956 (Tome lxiii), though the first fragments had been identified by Pres de Vaux and Milik as early as September 1952. Milik's communication mentioned eight different manuscripts of 1 Enoch, an in Aramaic and containing portions of four out of the fjve books of Enoch. Three manuscripts contained Book III only, the astronomical section, in a much larger, more detailed and more intelligible redaction than that of the Ethiopic version, in which alone this section is otherwise extant; two of these manuscripts seem to have practically identical texts. So too in the earlier Books, where the fragments happen to contain the same portions of the text, different manuscripts offer an almost identical text. One fragment purporting to he a letter of Enoch which Milik conjectured was addressed to a certain Shamazya and bis companions, is not found in any of the versions. Book V was contained in a small seroIl which Milik suggested was possibly the original of the 'Epistle of Enoch' of the Chester Beatty Michigan Papyrus (Enoch xcvii. 6-cvii3)

    ln tbis preliminary announcement Milik drew attention to the complete absence of any fragment from Book II, the 'Book of the

    1 See my Aramaic APfwoach ta the Gospels and Acts (3rd edition, 1967). p. 39 ff., and my Serails and Christian Ot'igins (Edinburgh, 1961), p. 192 fi., Appendix C, Aramaic Texts from Qumrn.

    a See D. Barthlemy and J. T. Milik, Discoveries in the Judaean Desert l, Oxford, 1955, pp. 84 and 152.

    S The question of original language will no doubt he debated further in the light of the new evidence. See infra, p. 9. The Noah 'apocalypse' (Chh. cvi-cviii) following chapter cv (Cf. Charles' 1912 ed., p. xix ff.) has also heen pre-served in a Latin version.


    Parables' (containing the famous Son of Man passages which have been the subject of so much controversy). This omission, Milik ventured to add, could scarcely he accidental. Are these a post-Christian, possibly syncretistic, composition, Jewish in inspiration and author-ship, but with Christian elements?

    So far two OlY of these Aramaic fragments have heen published, in an article by Milik in the Revue Biblique entitled 'Hnoch au Pays des Aromates' 1. They are fragments containing some eight to ten verses from Book 1, chapters xxx, xxxi, and xxxii. They are typical of the extent and character of the larger fragments which have heen preserv-ed. There are several fragments which have a larger portion of text than these; and these are mostly in the astronomical section of the Book. The script varies from manuscript to manuscript, but can be more careless than that of the H ymn SeroU or the Genesis Apocryphon. There seems little doubt that they come from the same early period usually put hefore A.D. 70.

    ln view of this important discovery it might seem premature to publish a Greek text before the publication of these fragments; and it was originally hoped that the fragments might be available in time to he collated in this edition. Unfortunately thls has not proved to be possible; and the prolonged delay in the appearance of the editio princeps of the Aramaic Enoch and latterly the confused situation with regard to the custody of the Aramaic manuscripts, make any further postponement of this ptovisional Greek edition inadvisable.

    III. The Greek Enoch: the Pl'esent Edition Apart from citations and allusions in the early Fathers 8 only two

    larger portions of the Greek version of the Book of Enoch have survived, the soca1led Gizeh Fragment and the Chester Beatty Papyrus.3 The Gizeh manuscript was assigned by its first editors to the eight century A.D., but is now regarded as belonging ta the sixth century 4: the Chester Beatty Papyrus belongs to the fourth century. fi

    1 Tome LXV (1958), p. 70 fi. 1 See Albert-Marie Denis, "Les Pseudpigraphes Grecs d'Ancien Testament",

    Nov. Test. VI, 1963, P.314. 8 For full description and other details see the editions listed in the Biblio-

    graphy. , See C-B, p. 3. F. Kenyon, PalaeogyaPhy of Gyeek Pappi, p. II9. Il CThe hand (of writing) may he confidently assigned to the fourth century:

    C-B., p. 13. Further, p. 18: the source of this manuscript (i.e., the text) may he a century earlier.


    The Gizeh text consists of chapters i-xxx.6, with xix. 3-xxi. 9 in duplicate: the Chester Beatty text yields a substantial portion of the end of 1 Enoch, chapters xcvii. 6-civ and cvi-cvii (chapters cv and cviii are missing and indeed do not appear ever to have been part of this text, so that the doubts of the editors of the Ethiopic version about the genuineness of these chapters are fully justified.1) The Chester Beatty Papyrus has survived as fourteen leaves, six acquired by the University of Michigan, eight by Mr. Chester Beatty, containing, in addition to the Enoch sections, a text of the Homily of Melito of Sardis on the Passion.

    A tachygraphical manuscript Il contains a large excerpt from chapter lxxxix, and substantial fragments have been preserved in the works of Georgius Syncellus: as this last source differs in extent from the usua1 short patristic citation or allusion, it has been fully collated in this edition 3.

    The Gizeh fragment (also designated Codex Panopolitanus from the Latin name of the site where it was discovered, Akhmim, the Panopolis of Strabo) was found bound along with a large section of the apo-cryphal Gospel of Peter and the Apocalypse of Peter, in a Christian grave. AlI three portions of this composite Papyrus have to do, in part at least, with the themf;! of life after death, a fact which accounts for their presence in a place of Christian burial. The carelessness of the copy, its frequent itacisms, misspellings, omissions, etc., suggests that these texts were transcribed, possibly even in haste, for the sole purpose of inclusion in the grave of a relative or friend. They may have been copied from complete texts or from earlier similar excerpts, put together in this way as a single text. The Chester Beatty text is similarly bound up with a the text of Melito's Homily on the Passion: together this composite collection also possesses a unit Y of theme since Enoch's paraenesis on rewards and punishment after death forms a fitting companion to a meditation on the Passion.

    The text of Syncellus has been claimed as a more reliable representa-tive, both as to text and order, of the original '. Occasionally, how-ever, Syncellus's version is also of a free paraphrastic type, suggesting at times a very drastic recension or even rewriting of the basic Greek text. fi

    1 See C-B, P.4. 8 See Sw., p. xi, for further details. 8 See Albert-Marie Denis, op. cit. ~ Cf. A. Lods, op. cit., pp. xlvii-l, and R. H. Charles in ]ewish Quartet'ly Review,

    vol. 5 (1893), p. 493 fi. Cf. also Barthlemy-Milik, op. cit., p. 152. li Cf. the Sync. recensions at Ch. viii.


    The present publication is the first edition of these two large portions of the Greek Enoch as a whole together with the Syncellus fragments and the Vatican tachigraph; and, in line with the purpose and policy of this series, the aim of the edition is to make the entire Greek Enoch fragments available in a single edition and in a handy format; and into the bargain, in a text, accompanied by a manageable apparatus. Both text and apparatus must be regarded as purely preparatory and provisional, pending not only the publication of the Aramaic fragments, but also the appearance of a new and thoroughly revised edition of the Ethiopic Enoch, a no less urgent desideratum if Enoch studies are to advance on more than one front simultaneously. Such an edition is at present in preparation by Professor Edward Ullendorff of the School of African and Oriental Studies, London.

    For the present edition the text of the Gizeh fragment has been freshly checked from the photographie reproductions in the editio princeps of M. U. Bouriant: the reproductions of the Chester Beatty Fragments in the Kenyon edition and Campbell Bonner's text formed the basis of the text of the later chapters. 1 have also been able to consult the original in the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin. The Dindorf edition of George Syncellus and the Gildemeister text of the fragment from chapter lxxxix are the sources for these sections of thetext.

    IV. The Ethiopic Version

    To collate the Ethiopic version, even from the editions available, to the Greek version is a complex, difficult and hazardous operation: yet there are passages where the Greek text is so defective that resort has to be made to the Ethiopic 1. Since a new edition of the Ethiopic is in preparation, no attempt has been made in this provisional edition of the Greek to collate the variants of the Ethiopic Enoch tradition except where obscurity in the Greek left no alternative and where the Ethiopic has had a clear and better basic context 2; in some other cases the Ethiopic has been cited in the apparatus (always in English) where a significant varia lectio has been preserved and the basic Greek text seemed also certain .. Use has been made of the editions of both

    1 Cf. the remarks of Campbell Bonner, op. cil., p. 22. li In a paper read before the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome in 1959 Professor

    E. Ullendorff bas claimed that there is evidence for 'direct translation from Aramaic by the Ge'ez (Ethiopic) version .. for the great bulk of Enoch' (Atti Rend. 1960, p. 261).


    Charles and Flemming-Radermacher, which cau be consultOO for further details about Ethiopic manuscripts, etc.

    v. Quotations, Allusions in New Testament and Early Fathers Judas, 14b-15. (En. i, 4) (v. 14) 'E7t'POfP1jTeUm:V 8~ xcx! 't'oo't'or. l~8oILOt; &.7t'O ' AM(L

    'EvwX )J,yCi)v t80 ~6ev XOpLOt; !v yECtLt; ILUpLcXO'LV cx't'O, (v. 15) 7t'OL~O'CtL xpEmv xcx't'a 7tCiV't'Ci)v xcx! y~CtL 7t'cXV't'cxt; 't'Ot; cXO'E:fjELt; mp! 7t'cXV't'Ci)V 't'{;)v

    ~pyCi)V cXm:~E:ECtt; cx't'{;)v 6>V ij~O'cxv xcx! mp! 7t'cXv't'Ci)V 't'{;)v O'XYJp{;)v 6>V >..cXYJO'cxv xcx't" cx't'O v.etp't'Ci)o! cXO'E:~'Lt;.

    'ltcXvTt; 't". riaE~Eit;] 'ltiiav ljIux~v. mss.; aX'Ilp(;)v + 6yCJ)v. mss

    Georgius Syncellus, ChronograPhia (ed. G. Dindorf. p. 24, 2-II). (En. vi, 7) (p. 23) ~LOV 8~ xcx! ZCi)O'((LOU 't'o nCXV07t'o('t'ou fPLo0'6q>Ou XP~O'(V 't'LV 7t'etpcx6~a6CtL 7t'E:p! cx't'{;)V Ex 't'{;)V (p. 24) yeypcxIL~Ci)V Ct't'j} 7t'pOt; 6E:OO'~fjELCXV v 't'j} VcX't'fj> ~t; 'IILo6 ~(~cp, ~xouO'cxv 6>8E: H fPcXO'XOUO'LV eti tE:pex! ypCtq>cx! i)'t'OL ~(~OL, 6> yOvCtL, 't'L ~O"t'L 't'L 8CtLILoVCi)V y~Ot; a ~'t'CtL yUVCtl.~[v. ILVYJIL6veum: 8~ xcx! EpIL~t; v 't'oLt; fPumxOtt;, xcxt axe80v &7t'Ctt; Myot; q>exvE:pot; xcxt &.7t6xPUfPot; 't'O't'O ILVYJIL6veum:. 't'ou't'O oliv ~q>CtO'cxv eti &pxcx'LcxL xcx1 6e:CXL ypcxfPcxE, n &YYE:o( nVE:t; !m66ILYJO'cxv 't'{;)V YUVCtLx{;)v xcx! XCXTE:66V't'E:t; 8E8~cxv cx't'~ 7t'cXV't'CX 't'a ~t; fPom:Ci)t; ~pycx, 6>V XcXPLV, q>"rJO'[, 7t'poO'XpooO'CtV't'Et;, ~~Ci) 't'O opcxvo ~ILELVCtV, n 7t'mcx 't'a 7t'oVYJP xcx! ILYJ~

    ~q>eOV't'cx TIJV ~xJJv 8E8ad;cxv 't'Ot; &vep6>7t'OUt;. l; et't'{;)v q>cXO'XOUO'LV eti cxTcxt ypcxq>Ct! xcx! 't'Ot; yEycxv't'cxc:; yE:y~a6CtL. ~O"t'LV ow CXT{;)V YJ 7t'P6>'t'YJ 7t'cxpcX800'Lt; XYJILE: 7t'E:p1 't'oO-rCi)V 't'{;)v TEXV{;)v. ExcXeO'E: ~ 't'cxo't'YJv TIJV ~(~ov XYJ(LE:U, Mev xcx! YJ nxVYJ XYJILE(cx XCXeL't'CtL", xcx! 't'a ~I;~t;.

    (cf. H. Gelzer, S. Julianus AfYicanus, II, p. 192.)

    Clemens Alexandrinus, Eclogae ProPheticae, 53, 4 (00. O. Stahlin, GCS 17, 1909, p. 152, 8-9).

    With reference to Ps., xix, 2: .... night unto night sheweth know-ledgeU , the demons have special knowledge.

    (En. viii, 1-3). uvl; vuxnu 7t'cXv't'E:C:; Ot 8cx(ILOVE:t; ~yVCi)O'cxv 't'L XOpLOt; ~v /) &vCtO"t'~ (LE:Ta TO 7t'cX6oc:;. i)8YJ ~ xcx1 'Ev6>X fPYJO'LV 't'Oc:; 7t'etp~V't'Ctt; cXyy~OUt; 8L8cXl;cxL 't'Oc:; &veP6>7t'ouc:; cXO"t'povolL(CXV xcx! ILCXVTLX~V xcxl 't'ac:; li.iJ..cxc:; UxvCtt;.

    Origenes, Commentarium in ]oannem, VI, 42 (25) (ed. E. Preuschen, GCS ro, 1903, p. 151, 12-15).

    The name 'Jordan' rneans 'their descent', like that of the antedilu-vian patriarch J ared.


    (En. vi, 6). 'lop8livrJt,; (Lv lpILYJVeUe:'t'at "Ka't'cXf3a.a'tt,; alJ't'rov". TOT~ 8k, LV' oGTc.>t,; e:t7t'c.>, ye:tTVt~ 't'o l)voILa 't'o 'lapU, a xa1 aml> ~PILYJVeUe:'t'at "Ka't'a-

    ~otLvc.>V", lmt81jmp ye:ybnj't'at 't'ci> Mote:e:1j, 6>t,; lv 't'ej> "Ev6>x ykypa7t'Tat, e:t 't'~ cpLOV 7t'ap~e:aeat &t,; &ytOV 't'o ~t~LOV, 't'aLt,; ~ILkpatt,; -.Yit; 't'rov u1rov 't'o 6e:o xa't'af3cXae:c.>t,; ~L 't't; 6uyaTpa.t; 't'rov &V6p6)7t'c.>V.

    - cf. lrenaeus, Adversus Haereses, l, 2 (ed. W. W. Harvey, l, p. 91 (10-13). Rsum of the faith of the Apostolic Church, the Lord Jesus Christ will proceed to the judgment of aU creatures, among others the evil angels.

    "H .. 1 \ 'E "" ( _."' _R - \ , \, , l'""'V yap xXI\YJO',a .. 7t'apW\"'1"'0UO'ot '"lV .. 7t'tO'TtV, Xat e:tt,; . 't'a (v 7tVe:UILaTtXa -.Yit,; 7t'OVYJpLa.t;, xa1 &yykout,; ['t'ot,;] 7t'ap~e:~x6Ta.t;, xaL v &7t'OO'TM(~ ye:yov6't'a.t,;, xaL 't'ot,; &ae:~e::t,;, xa1 &8Exout,;, xa1 &v6ILout,;, xa1

    ~Mcp1JILOUt,; 't'rov &v6p6)7t'c.>V Elt,; 't'o ct.wvtov 7t'p 7t'kILo/rJ.

    Clemens Alexandrinus,Stromata, 5, 1.10, 2 (ed. O. Stahlin-L. Frchtel, GCS 52, 1960, p. 332, 16-20).

    The Greek philosophers have stolen from Moses and the Prophets the principal doctrines, among others on the subject of Angels

    (En. xvi, 3) (10, 1). "ap~O'!LEV 8' bi Tj) 7t'pw't'~ ~pc.>!LotTe:i: l.,k7t''t'a.t; kye:a6at 't'Ot; 't'rov "Ell1jvc.>v cpto0'6cpout,;, 7t'apa Mc.>urot,; xa1 't'rov 7t'pocpYJ't'rov 't'a xuptw't'a't'a 't'rov 80y!J.cX't'c.>v ox e:xap(O'Tc.>t,; dYJcp6't'a.t,;. (10, 2) ott,; 8~ x&xe:i:va. 7t'POaOijO'OILEV, 6>t,; 01 riyye:Ot xe:i:vOt ot ..ov rivc.> x~pov e:v..YJX6Te:t,; xa't'ota61jO'a.vTe:t; dt,; ~80vt; ~e:i:7t'OV 't'a &7t6ppYJ't'a 't'aLt,; yuvat~(v, gO'a ye: dt,; yvroO'tV amrov .cptx't'o, XpU7t'T6VTc.>V 't'Clv lt)J..c.>v .yyI:c.>v, ILID..oV ~ '"lPOOV-'t'c.>v dt,; ~v 't'o xup(ou 7t'apOUO'Lav.

    Cf. on the 'theft' of the Greeks, Strom., l, 17.81,4 (ed. p. 53, 5-8); on the evil angels, St yom., 3, 7.59,2 (ed. p. 223, lo-n); Paedag., 3, 14, 2 (ed. O. Sthlin, GCS 12, 1936, P.244, 24-26).

    Oemens Alexandrinus, Eclogae ProPheticae, 2, 1 (ed. GCS 17, p. 137, 16-17).

    On the Canticle of the Three Youths in the Fiery Furnace (Dan., Theod., iii, 54), in praise of the omniscience of God.

    (En. xix, 3) "EOYYJILkvot,; e:! /) fj7t'c.>v &fjoO'O'out,;, xa.61jILe:VOt,; l7t'1 Xe:poufjEIL", /) llavt~ Mye:t, /)IL080~(;)v 't'ci> 'Ev6>X 't'ci> e:[PYJx6't't' "xa1 e:!8ov 't't; Ga.t; 7t'cXO'a.t;."

    Cf. the same Enoch quotation, in latin: Origenes. De Princ., 4, 4. 8 (35) (ed. P. Koetschau,GCS 22, 1913, p. 359, 5); likewise Ren. slav., 40, 1 and 12.

    TestamentumDan, 5, 6 (ed. R. H. Charles, 1908; M. de Jonge, 1964).


    The Patriarch Dan announces the apostasy of bis sons, presently by journing themselves to the Gentiles, so submitting theInselves to the evil spirits whose chief is Satan.

    (En. liv, 6). 'AvyvCJ)v yeXP v ~(~),~ 'Ev6>X 't"O 8LXCXLOU, lS't"L 6 &pXCJ)v Il-(;)v nv 6 ~CX't"IXv.r,;, xcxt lS't"L 7t"cXV't"cx 't"eX 7t"ve6Il-IX't"cx TIjr,; 7t"OpveEcxr,; xcxl. TIjr,; 7t"ep"ljcpatVLetr,; 't"jl Aeul. 7t"cxx06GOv't"Ott, 't"O 7t"cxpet8pe6eLv 't"OLr,; U'OLr,; AeuL, 't"O 7t"OLeLV IX\rrOOr,; ~Ct!J-CXP't"civeLv Mmov KUpLOU.

    8LXIX[OU + XIX! ~""" vel XlXt e?ipov, mss

    Origenes, Contra Celsum, 5, 52 (ed. P. Koetschau, GCS 3, 1899, P56, 6-9).

    Celsus states that there have been 'incarnations' of angels before that of Christ, but he cites Enoch whose book is not recognised as 'divine' in the Churches (cf. ib., 5, 54, ed. p. 58, 9-10 and 13-17).

    (En. lxv, 6-7) ),6eLV yeXP xcxl. ~our,; (&yy&.our,;) youa!. 7t"OllcXXLr,;, xcxl. 61l-0 ye ~YJxoV't"IX ~ ~80Il-YJxoV't"cx or,; 8~ yeviaecxL xcxxoor,; xod xoMl;eaeOtt &O"Il-0Lr,; 7t"0~"lj6MCXr,; v Yii, o6ev xcxl 't"eXr,; 6epll-eXr,; 7t""lJyeXr,; e'lVCXL 't"eX xdvCJ)v MxpuCt.

    - cf. (p. 58, 9) 7t"olljl8 7t"ov o 7t"pOcrljO"e't"CXL &7t"ep ~OLxe 7t"cxpcxx060"etr,; 7t"b 't"(;)v v -rj> 'Ev6>X yeypcxIl-Il-vCJ)v''t"e6er.xivcxL 6 Ki),O"or,; . 7t"cXVU 8 o"uyxexu-Il-vCJ)t;; v 't"li 7t"epl. 't"(;)V ),"lj),u66't"CJ)v 7t"pbr,; v6p6mour,; &yyFJ...CJ)v ~e't"cXO"eL 't"L&tjO"L

    " , 1.'''66 "'" -, - 'E ' .. L ... , 11 't"IX IX't"PCtVCJ)'t"CJ)r,; ~/\; V't"CX eL!,; CtU't"ov CX7t"O 't"CJ)V ev 't"~ VCJ)X yeyPCXILt-...,v cx't"LVIX o8' Ct't"eX {()CXLve't"Ott &vcxyvoor,; o8 yvCJ)pLO"etr,; lS't"L v 't"cxtr,; xX),"ljO"LCXLr,; o 7t"cXvu {()ipe't"CXL ~r,; 6etcx 't"eX mLyeypcx~cx 't"O 'Ev6>X ~L~),[CX' lSeev vO!J-Laed"lj &v ppL~L 't"o 6!J-O ~YJxoV't"IX ~ ~80Il-YJxoV't"IX xcx't"et(3e~"ljxiVOtt, xcxxoor,; yevo-


    Georgius Syncellus, ChronograPhia (ed. G. Dindorf, p. 60, 14-61, 1). (En. lxxii-lxxxii) (p. 60). v 't"06't"~ yeXP xcx't"' 7t"L't"po7tTjv 't"O 7t"1. 7t"


    Testamentum Levi, 10, 5 (00.. R. H. Charles, 1908; M. de Jonge, 19(4).

    The Patriareh Levi announces the apostasyof his sons, and that God will turn away from Jerusalem, the city which he has chosen for his Temple.

    (En. lxxxix, 50) b yp o!xo;, 8v &v e~E~YJTcxt Kopto;, v !J.E8' l'rov ev

    7tOpvetqt ~CXPTJOOVTcxt, xcxt ev AE\)1 cl8txTJoo\)GtV ev POwpcxtqt.

    Testamentum Levi. 14, 1 (ree. B). The Patriarch Levi announees the apostasy of his sons, to the

    disgraee of their brethren. Kcxt vi)v. -xvcx. fyvrov cl7to ypcp~; 'Ev6lX, gTt e7t1 T~Et clGE(3TJGYJTE e7tt

    Koptov, XE:pcx; e7tt(3tf.oVTE; ev 7ttf,an XCXXLqt. XCXt cxlaxuv8~GOVTCXt etp' l'LV 01 cl&tpot !J.i:>v, XCXt 7t&at TOL; ~8vEGt yEV~GETCXt XE\)0t(J1'6;.

    Testamentum Levi, 16, 1 (ree. B). The apostasy of the sons of Levi wililast seventy weeks. Kcx1 vv fyvrov ev (3t(3>.tcp 'EvroX, lSTt (38oI'TJXOVTCX (; 7tNx.vtfJfJ-

    GEa8E. XCXt ~ tEproaOvYjv (3E(3YJ~GYJTE xcx1 Td:; 8\)G[cx; l'tCXVELTE. 6oor.cxcn1jp~a;. rec. A.


    Teslamentum Judae, 18, 1 Cree. B). The sons of Judah will do evil, at the end of the days. "On XCXLyE cXvtyvrov !v ~(~OLr; 'Ev~X TO 8LXcdou, gO'cx XctXcX 7tOL-IjO'eTE:

    e7t' eO"XcXTctLt; lJILpctLr;.

    Testamentum Zabulon, 3, 4 (ree. B). Whosoever does not raise up posterity to his brother, his sandal

    shall be loosed and one will spit in his face (cf. Deut., xxxv, JO; Ruth, iv, 4) .

    .LcX Tomo tv ypetq>ji v6ILou 'Ev~X yypct7tTctL, TOV IL~ 6OVTct cXvctaTllO'ctL OtpILct Tj) cX&:q> ctTO, 7tOu&lj0'e:a8ctL -rO 7t681)ILct, XctL eIL7tTsa8ctL dr; -rO 7tp60'ro7tov.

    1ro8lJaeaea" vel 1ro&6lJaeaea,. vel 7r0llcp6'lJaeat!a;" mss.

    Testamentum NePhtali, 4, 1 Announces the apostasy of the sons of Naphtali, imitating the

    inhabitants of Sodom. TatTct Myro. mvct ILou, 6n cXvyvrov !v yppjj cXy~ 'Ev6>)(, lm. xcdye:

    xlXL ILEtt; cX7toO"'t'Tja8e: cXnO Kup(ou, 7tope:1J6!J.E:V0~ XIXTcX 7tMctv 7tOV1Jp(IXV 6vGlv, XCXL 7tOL-IjO'ETe: XIXTcX 7tO'IXV cXVOIL(IXV I:086ILrov.

    Testamentum Benjamin, 9, 1 (ree. B). The sons of Benjamin will become apostates. and be excluded from

    the Kingdom of the Lord. 'Y7tovo;) 8 XIltL 7tp~e:Lt; ev ILLV o XctcXr; ~O'e:a8ctL, cX7tO Mycv 'Ev~)(

    TO 8LXIX(OU. nOpve:6TE y;p 7topve:(a;v I:086!J.6)v, XIXL cX7t~1)a8e: iror; ~plX)(6, \. , -o' I!~ t \'~.""K' 'J! , XL ClV(ltVE:CJ)O'1luve: ev y1JVctL"" O'TpLVOUr;, XctL 1) 1"1XO'1oI\e:LIX UPLOU oux ~O'TctL e:v

    - !!- 'D..'. '!. ",,',1_ ., uIL~v tnL e:1Jvut; IXUTOr; 1\1)'i'''' TctL IX1JT1jV.

    Epistula Barnabae, 4, 3. Ali should watch and be vigilant that they do not become like

    sinners and the wicked. -rO 't'e:LOV O"Xciv8lXov ~yyLXev, 7pt of) yyplX7tTIXL, ~r; 'E~)( Mye:L.

    A.-M. DENIS O.P.

    VI. Results of the Examination of the Enoch Passages in the Syncellus Manuscripts of the Bibliothque Nationale in Paris

    In her 'Gli Storici Bizantini dal IV al XV secolo', (1. Storici Profani, Napoli, 1956, pp. 54-55), M. E. Colonna enumerates thirty-two


    manuscripts of Syncellus, of which twelve belong to the Bibliothque Nationale in Paris. The Parisian manuscripts are:

    a. Paris. gr. I7II, (s. xi) b. Paris. suppl. gr. 327, (s. xvi) c. Paris. suppl. gr. 427, (s. xvii) d. Paris. suppl. gr. 467, (s. xvi) e. Paris. suppl. gr. 50S, (s. xvii) f. Paris. gr. I336, (s. xi) g. Paris. gr. I764, (s. xi) h. Paris. gr. I76S, (s. xviii) j. Paris. Coisl. I33, (s. xi) k. Paris. suppl. gr. 20, (s. xvii) 1. Paris. suppl. gr. 249, (a. IS68/9)

    m. Paris. suppl. gr. 270, (s. xvii)

    We found that in five of these manuscripts (b, c, f, h, j) the chronicle of Syncellus starts off only from the time of Julius Caesar; another (d) begins at a later point; l, offers nothing that antedates the reign of Claudius. As the Enoch passages figure in the very beginning of Syncellus's world-history, they are missing entirely in the manuscripts mentioned.

    The same applies to the manuscrlpt g, which has extensive gaps at the beginning as well as in the midd.le and at the end of the codex. Manuscrlpt e, far from being a manuscript at all, appeared to be the printed text edition of Goar (Paris, I6S2); as for k, the folios IS7 ff. mentioned by Miss Colonna do not even occur in this manuscript: H. I49-I90 are missing. (What I did find was a short note on the life and work of Syncellus, ff. IOO-IOL) In the case of m, too, the informa-tion of Colonna seems to be wrong: the first of the four pages (ff. 43I-434) promises the xpovtXOV cruVTOILov x 8toop6p(J)v XpovoypcXtp(J)v compiled 7tO l'e(J)PY[o\) cAILOtpT(J)O IL0VOt)(O, but the remaining pages are blank, and any trace of Syncellus lacking, not to mention the Enoch passages.

    Apart from the material given by Miss Colonna, I checked Paris. suppl. gr. 426 and 88I, s. xvii, paper. 426 contains chronological remarks on Syncellus, by Hautin; 88I "notae et collationes in Georgii Syncelli chronicon", neither of them producing a continuous text of Syncellus.

    The only Parisian manuscript that I found to possess the complete text of Syncellus, and as a result the Enoch passages and quotations


    as weIl, was a. This manuscript, however, is the one used by Dindorf for his well-known edition.

    To make the most of my visit to the National Libraxy, 1 have collated the text of Paris. gr. 1711 with that of Dinderf, this manuscript being the only possible source of unknown material in Paris.


    The Paxisian manuscripts of Syncellus-more than a third of the items listed by Miss Colonna-can hardly throw any new light on the text of the fragments of Enoch. New material can only be expected from Paris. gr. 1711, especially where Dindorf reproduced its text incorrectly.

    The manuscript 1 gives two extracts purposing to be derived from the chronicle of SynceIlus: p. 4 bt TlV XPOVtXlV Pe:ropy(O\) (LOVXO TO xex1 l:\)yxO\) n'e:pi TO OX'1jTtXO ~(o\), ex cap. (sic, latine) 7t'E:pl Tlj ~CtO'te;(Ct KCt1J8(o\), and p. 267 bt TO XPOVtXo Pe:ropy(O\) 't'O l:\)yx.-O\) 1l0VCXXO n'e:pl. TO Ilovcxxo 'Apcre:v(o\). In fact, these passages belong to Georgius Cedrenus's Historiarum Compendium, not to Georgius Syncellus's ChronograPhia. 1 am not so sure that this mistake could not have been made more than once.

    H. J. DE JONGE Leiden, 24th April, 1968.

    The significant vaxants from Par. gr. 1:711, collected by Mr. H. J. de Jonge, have been collated in the text of Syncellus.



    BONNER, Campbell, with the collaboration of Herbert C. Youtie, The Last Chapters of Enoch in Greek, London, 1937. Studies and Documents VIII. Introduction, Text and Notes. A transcription of the text is given on one page and the reconstructed text on the page opposite. Where there is, in my judgement, no doubt about the reconstructed text, 1 have removed the square brackets of C-B indicating a reconstructed text.

    BOURIANT, M. U. and A. LoDS. MAmoires publiAs par les membres de la Mission arcMologique franaise au Caire, tom. IX. Paris, 1892-3.

    BROCK, S. P. 'A Fragment of Enoch in Syriac', in] Durnal of Theological Studies, N.S. Vol. XIX. 2, 1968, pp. 626ff.

    CHARLES, R. H. The Book of Enoch, Oxford, 1893. (Also in Anecdota Oxoniensia, Oxford, 1906) and ed. 1912.

    DENIS, Albert-Marie, Introduction aux fJseudepigraphes grecs de l'Ancien Testament, Leide, 1970.

    DILLMANN, August, in Sitzungsberichte der Kan. Preus. Akademie der Wiss. zu Berlin, Phil. Histor. Klasse, 1892, t. li, p. 1039 fi., t. li, p. 1079 fi. (Gizeh Greek text, Ch. i-xxx).

    DINDORF, William. Georgius Syncellus et Nicephorus ex recensione Guilielmi Dindorfii. Corpus Scriptorum historiae Byzantinae. Vol. l, Bonnae, 1829.

    DONADONI, S. 'Un Fragmento della Versione Copta del 'Libro di Enoch", in Acta Orientalia, Vol. XXV (1960), pp. 197ff. [En. Eth. xciii. 3-8].

    FABRIcws, Codex pseudepigraphus Veteris Testamenti, 2nd edit., Hamburg, tom. i, 1722. (Sync. p. 179)

    FLEMMING, J. and L. RADERMACHER, Das Buch Henoch, Leipzig, 19oI. GILDEMEISTER, J. 'Ein Fragment des griechischen Henoch' in Zeitschrift fr

    die deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft, Band IX, 1855, pp. 621-624. GITLBAUER, M. Denkschrift Akad. Wiss. Wien, philos.-histor. Klasse, 28, 1878,

    II (pp. 92-3 and Planche XI) in re Vatican Tachigraph (above p. 8) KENYON, Sir Frederic G. The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri, Fasciculus VIII /'

    Enoch and Melito. LODS, A. Le Livre de Hnoch, fragments grecs dcouverts Akhmbn (Haute-

    gypte), publis avec les variantes du texte thiopien, traduits et annots, Paris, 1892.

    MAI, A. Patrum nova bibliotheca, tom. ii, Rome, 1844 (Enoch, Chapter lxxxix). MARTIN, F. Le Livre d'Hnoch traduit sur le texte thiopien. (Documents pour

    l'tude de la Bible) ScAUGER, Joseph. Thesaurus temporum Eusebii Pamphili Chronicorum canonum,

    Amsterdam, 1658. (Sync., pp. 404-5). SWETE, H. B. The Psalms of Solomon with the Greek Fragments of the Book

    of Enoch, Cambridge, 1899. (The Old Testament in Greek, Cambridge, Volume III, 1912).

    Pseudepigrapha Veteris Testamenti Graece, III


    add. addit, addunt, additio al. alii c. cum cf. confer Ch. R. H. Charles (1906 ed.) Cj. Conjectura C.-B. Campbell Bonner (Last Ckapters of Enoch) crpt. Corruptio D Dillmann's edition of G E Ethiopic Text (R. H. Charles, 1906 and 1912 edd. and/or Flemming-

    Radermacher 19QI ed.) F.-R. Flemming-Radermacher frt. fortasse G Codex Panopolitanus, Gizeh Papyrus Greek text GI Codex Panopolitanus, Gizeh Papyrus Greek text, duplicate of Chapters

    xix. 3-xxi. 9 G* Codex Panopolitanus, Gizeh Papyrus Greek text, :fll"St hand Ge Codex Panopolitanus, Gizeh Papyrus Greek text, corrector Gb Chester Beatty Papyrus, ed, Bonner, C. GV Vatican tachigraph. Go Goar, Ed. princ. Georg. Syncellus, Paris, 1652 homt. homoeoteleuton K. (F) Kenyon (Chester Beatty Papyrus) leg. legendum, legit omo omittit, omittunt, omissio prb. probabiliter Sy. Syriac Fragment Sync. Georgius Syncellus's Greek text (Dindorf edit. (MSS sec. Dindorf) Sw. Swete (Otd Testament in Greek) [] in the text, means that the word(s) enclosed should be inserted in the text, means that the word(s) 50 enclosed should be omitted

  • APOCALYPSIS HENOCHI GRAECE 1 l> . c l>6yJ b. 8clu (

    ~ct t ~c &1J &c vc , cxl ~c 8c.

    2 Kcxl &cc cc~ cxl>ou (&v 8c6 , [j)] c u c{>j) &,V1J ~. ~ cm u &lou

    cxl I} u ol>cxvou.) "8 , cxl &6 & tjoucx , cxl tjoucx c' c c cxl cxl l> t u 81J, && l c c. 8 Kcxl l w cxl l {> &c cc~ u. cxl c &-y6 u c c~ c{>, 4cxl ct l 'fij c l & cxl cvfc c:rj cxl>ou, cxl

    cvfc j 8u l cxl>ou & ol>cxvou v l>c. 6 cxl 'rjijc cxl u ~, cxt ~u &6uc & i: & ['fij] cxl ijc c & &c 'fij, cxl ~c {> cxl c 'fij. 6 cxl ijvc cxl vc cxl 8cuijc 1J J, cxl cijvc ul 'rJl 8cxpu:rjcx p1J, cxl cijc

    'rj & u u . 7 cxl 8cijc ~ 'fij lc pc8, cxl c c m l 'fij &c, cxl (m ~c c& . CXt & 8c( lijV'rj ij, CXt

    ~c u1J cxl lij, c ' c{> fjc ~, cxl ~c u u, cxl w8o(cxv 8 c{>i: cxl c ~ cxl &.ijc cxl 1J~L ~i:, cxl cvfc c{>: cxl ij ' c{> t~V1J. 9 ~cL ci: u c{> cxl :

    &l c{>, :rjc c& , cxl & c &i:, cxl &c c l ~ &c c{> ~ -lj'rjcxv cxl 1J ~ 'rjc , cxl l ~

    ' - .. ' -c cx 1JGCXV c cxuou cc c . 11 1 Kcxcxvoijcx c & ~pycx j) ol>pcxvj), l> -ljolcxv &

    8 cl>, cxl c j) ol>cxvj), & c &c cxl 8, c !c j) 't'c(j) cj), cxl 't'cxi: 't'ci: b.-r 3.(u: frt. per eor. pro 3L(u b.; {xxxviii 2, 3, 4,

    lxi 13, lxx 3 etc.) 2 L 2 om. c. 5 L-rLv: . shall quake (< ftoLv . -r'ij; y'ij; /) om. c. '; 1 om. G 6 vij: L7jvr G 8 G rL 1. vijtL c. Sw. Ch. D 9 Jude 14, 15

    3 ijv v cry(ot; upuMLV u, OL'ijotL (v ;d: cXV't"v l tL m; ; i:; t mvv v !v &(; &rv v -)~v t mvrv .. v i~ ' &r ct &i;. Supra, p. CXL ~ > om. c. . Jude.


    c c(ct, cxl ccc[ut l8~cxv t. 2 t8 c 8tcxvo&rj ~ ~ cn t' &7jc; lpt .c; &c; lt c&:, c; &otouvcxt, 8v ~ y7jc;, &&: &:vc ~pcx u i c(ct. 8 t8 (cv c : * * * * * cc&: t8 &:vc &: 8v8c * * * * * 1 c; &: "c p&: ~

    c:c; vc &: 8v8pcx, c cxpOc; c lc; t~ c 86cxv. 8tcxvo&rj c v &:v ~p cu, c c t c;

    ~t) c&: c;, cxl jj [c; :cc; ouc; cx[cxc; 2 cxl &: ~pcx cu :vc c ~()v [c; ouc; cx~cxc; cm ~tcxuou tc; ~tcxu0 t6vc

    &:vc c;, c &:vc c ut ci;> &: ~pcx, c &otouvcxt c c ~pcx, &' c&: mt~ &: &:vc (ct. 8 t8 c; ~ &:cc cxl ol cl c; (c; t cxl &tum c c ~pcx cu. 4 :c; 8e ~(c 8e ~tc

    c&: &:c; ~&:c; c, & c ccc &:uc; c YJpouc; 6uc; ~ 6ct Xcxcxp(cxc; c&: jc; cwjc; cu. t ccc ~ c; ct , YJpo&:p8tot, ~t lpfJVYJ . 6 &:p &:c; ~pcxc; :c; cc&: c c ~ jc; 7jc;

    ict, c c ~ jc; (cc; Juct ~ c&:pq c[, c ~ct : ~c; c EpfVYJ 6 ~ct &: 6cc lc; c&:cv ct t c; 8tcxtotc;, cxl v 'L cxcxp&:ovcxt &:vc; ol cct, cxl &:c; ol :cpl c 'Lc; ~ i ct,

    c &:vc; ol c&:pt cpct, cxl ~ct cc; tc; :c c ~c; c EpfvYJ c (c, ~ct cc; p(c, c; c6,

    c cl Jpu 7j cxl t c; :cic; &:t :, &&: ~l &:vcxc; c; c&:utc;, c&:c. 7 cxl c;

    ~:c; c; c &:ptc; c lpfJVYJ, c cl Jut , i 8e oic; t ~ct cx&:pcx. 8 8ct :c; :c; c;

    c &:ptc;, cxl cl )ut . 8ct t otc; :c; (c, c &:vc; t vct, c ~ :cct frt

    c' tcv c&: )cv[cv, c ~cxt v


    VI 1 ~ c1v &7Jv ot uto v vv, b (v : -lji ~1Jv : . 2 &v 6ac;; ot & utol 6vu l bt7Jv 6, l v ~ U bW: !: v: v vpv, l v

    ~: v. 3 v 6, oc;; .:v &pv v u 1j ~ 'ij i , ~ ~ 6voc;;

    6t (c; 7J. 4 v oov ~ v 6v v l vv v ~ 1j p 1jv yv1JV v, &v v 61jv !. -v c u. 5 v v u l vv - ! 6~ 7 &: v6 v 6vv 6v , .:v &v

    v 'p, , ~, v-, 'p, ~, -, ~, ', p~, ~, 'p~, ~, -, 'vvv, v~, "-, ', "-, -. 8 lv p 6v ot [btl] 8.

    VII 1 l nv : v: ~ v ~v : VI l u lp1J. 1 l l1J

    Sync. ol l &, l1Jv ct; u; t. 11 m1Jv ; (supra ol lijyopot ij1J 6 a.Vrv, lv b; iju;, p. 8) lut; ut; u 'j; 'j;. 8 l .i;

    li b; ;, ut 'IJ i)') (Go ij) ot"ijxt , !!t l ; 6r.)l't"'); c(; &1J;. 4 &.('J ij>

    ; l, 6v &.; &.vv ij; u -IJ t v1J 't"), t; &.v ~. 5 &v

    u &tv &.iju;. 6 ~v Bi: t 8t6tt ol lv i; ~; 8 !; u-~J u v (Go u-~J ) ;, l ; , 6t & (Go v) &vtv &.-j; lv a.Vrij>. 7 &. 6 &.6 . ' t;, &. a.Vr,

    ' ', y 'tij, 8' tij, ' ij, ;' tij, ' (, 11' -j, ' ij, t' 'ij, t' 6;, t' 'ij, t' '');, t8' uij, t' t-j, t;' t;, t' t'j (Par. gr. 1711 t'j), t7)' t'j, t' tij, ' tij.

    VII 1 t ol ; ij>> l-ij> ~81J't'ij> mt 't'OU !! ~ut; u:;, i)V't' tt lv :; l!; u uu

    VI - &.: add. on earth Sy. lV1J add. to the sons of men Sy. it om. Sy. 2 Sy leg. And the watchers lusted and went astray ajte.- them. u om. Sy. : from the daughters of the men of the ea.-th. Sy. 'jv: F.-R. ijv. Cf. Orig., Comm. in Joh. 6 cap. 42 (25), sup.-a, p. 11. 4 ; 2 om. Sy. ; ... om. Sy. 6 Sy. hab. And they were in number two hund.-ed who descended from the mountain in the days of ]ared (cf. Sync.). 7 Sy. crpt. leg. (?) And these a.-e theiY names, Semyaza, leader of ten (deka.-chs) and fYom them Kokabiel, the fou.-th leade.-, taught men ast.-onomy, i.e., the revolutions of the sun, 36 zodia (8t) being numbered. 8 Txt. c. F-R G ot 88: Sw. ( tt - ol 8[8]t Ch. p - 88

    These are their chiefs of tens.


    \ ~ ' ' ' ' \ I , ' ' c, CXL Ot't'O .pu CXL cxucx CXL (.LLCXL CXL cuc' cxl ~8cC' U- ccc;; cxl !c8;; cxl p(c;;, cxl ;;

    c;; !8jC' cxucxi:;;. 2 At 8 cl cuc C'\1 (C'c;; u J , 8 t;; cC'\1 ;; 6u;; &. ;; 8 u 8uijcv c:;; ot & :, 4 c;; !6jCv ' c;;, cxl c(C'\1 ;; u;;. 6 cxl ~c &c 'L;; :;; c L []Jp[;; ~:;; cxl

    :;; [l], c ciij ;; ~c;; cv, cxl cx!cx ~v. 6 6 -lJ 1j uv . iv6.

    VIII 1 8&v ;; u;; 'j cc(c;; : c c cxl 8c;; c cc;;, 88&.cc &:y, c 3v c:;; &. cc cxl ipycx[CX'\1 cu, cxl c c 6u;; cxl ;; cxl c cxl C'\[u;; u;; ;; cxl c&.. 2 cxl c ij, cxl 6uc c cJ)c cxl ~C'jC' &.c;; c:;; 8:;; c. 8 c ~8cv c[]r.8;; cxl p[c;; 'c;; c8 ui) ccj c;; ~ )&. cj

    (C' j JVc(c;;. 4v v vv uvv 'lJ [~ l;; uc;; J.

    Sync. bov -r yvrJ ( p't'OV (vrc . 11 ol 3: (v t.vv "J(, i ~t v~~v 3. ~v v6v : 'tiJv cxsWnjrcx 't'v, 33v ~'t'; : uv ~U't'v :cs(c c c3.

    VIII 1 '~ 3bc v &6vv 3(3 iv ( av ~ 6v, 't': Ct 't"ij 'j (v, v't' -jv 't': 6c 't't uv(, : v &uv. ~ 3: -r mv (v : (1Jv ~xU't'oi ol ulo v hv :% uv 't'v, ~v ~v

    &y(ou. 11 v & ~ 't"ij 'j, ~vv : 3; v. 3 h 3: v ca! 33v tv b: : u v6, ~( vv j 'j. 3: ~ 33 (. . (, v u-r-ljcx h 33v (v 3: 't'p 33v

    v 3: 3 3(3v [v l 3(3 : ~t 't"ij 'j 3 !3 3(3 : ~i u ij(ou 3: bc-t 33 't': ~

    't"ij ~;; w ijcxvo vv : 't'-jc i;; yuvxtv v !. i v;; v. "&: 't'i i)v ol (v;; (v ;; &;; v hv c ijv ol c!v u 't"ij;; 'j;;.

    Sync.1 ol 61)tV [;; v v 't"ij v v

    Sync.1 4 611v ol c!v [ vv v ~ 'tiJv

    VIII 33't' Sv om. . Cf. Clem. Alex., Eclogae Propk. 53, 4 (supra, p. ). 3 : Sync. tv b, crpt pro cj. Radermachel"

    -j c. . G '-j 4 v ouv c. Ch. G leg. v vouv (sic).


    1 c[]v j 06[]j j pij[], t ~ u opxvou [ v ] ~6v[ ov] ~L j j 2 t !cv [] ij vj v[v] ~L j j 1pt v u opxvou. 8 b-y.vtv l t v vpv y6vv l. Yjv ptv ~v v t[v]. 4 ![v] p(f) ! pt v (v v v t v lvv v j

    86'rj l . v u lv, otL v. &tov 6J0V t .v lv. 6 U (J .v, v Yjv (v qv, &v ~vt6v v .&. 6 &v i- & Jv ':j, 8(8v . .8( ~

    Sync.1 t7jv V1J6uvov c

    !v upwu.

    1 bc p &, ~ p~ 'p~ p~. ( Par. gr.

    7) pu ~ ~ 'ij ~ .( p. 8 v t bcu ~ 'j 'ij

    i t rv V1J ~ 'j;. 8 [6v,; l u . v

    u u ~uv -y ty

    ~ p( ~ p , ~ ~ ~ 'j;; 861J;; 'j;; 'J, ~ u( ( j . & t l j u(f) l : ( ;; t6

    : t, : 'j;; 861J .

    t, &yto v [ ; t.

    Sync.11 ( 'ij , &. 'ijv ~ 'j 86'J 'j 1J, ( :( j .

    1 ol &, '~J ~

    '~ '~J, u (+ 8 Par gr. 7) ~ y'ij b .y( 8

    v t b ~ 'j 'ij (v t

    V1J ~ 'j;;, s t6 l &rt .

    u v ~u t v t 81J ~ .

    6v l j up(f~ t p u( ;;

    mu6v , 'j 861J [ . . t,

    & 1J [ c tv, t &

    :61J [ c tiv.

    4 Sync1 add. post t: . i?j. ~u .(r.; &.r.;, ~ ~ ~v (~ Par. gr. 7)

    U [ ~ &u, ~ 'j (, . iij. ' ui.

    Sync.8 6 U . t t v ~r l, : !6 c. , lt 'ijv( 8. 6 j 1Jv 1J (om. Par. gr. 7) ty, (add.


    j l 81jv -r uf 't'OU l -r&: lv -r v & -8u [.] v tv, 7 . ci, j) uv t -r -r & -r. 8 . ~c -r&: u-rp -r &v j l uij&rjv 't'c: ~vv, cxl 81jv -r: . -r p-rc. 9 l [ u: ~ -r-rciva, '

    1J ~ Yij ~-lj1J tc l &. 10 w u cxt ul -r -r-ru-r l lv't'U.u -r -rou opavou, l

    &1J -r -r cxl -r i & -r l j &-rj.-r. 11 cxl. U .v-rcx !c 't'OU -r&: c,

    l (j. 't'aU't'CX . q. 't', ~: .. 8: : a't'ou l -r-r. 1 ''t' !v l -r-r, ', cxl ~.-rjv cxl

    tv l ~v -rc~ .. uto 2 t 't' -r 6-r pv u-r, l ij 't' -r v, .. ~ Yij &U't' ci, l -rcu ( .-rj j cxl & .v-r -rl [~v] j. 3 . 8 c-r ,

    v: -ro cx-rou l . -r v -rou . 4 ,. p~ 'lv 7j .. '~ l l p, l . 't' -ro -r,

    Sync.11 Par. gr. 7) ~8, .8r.l.;; &;; 'j 'j;; ~ 'j;; -rji;;. U &: &: -rijLCX . -rj) t -r&: ~ vj). ~'t'j 8~ . ~'t'j8 , tm &: 't'i)L, ol l .v. 7 -rj) r..~ ~l. !!8;; !! -r &rj) & -r. 8 ~'rj -r&: -d;; .v 'j 'j;; lj -r' &r iv -ri; -rjl.;; ~'rj, ~8 &r;; .;; &: &:-rl.;;, U

    &r.;; [-r ( Par. gr. 17) . 9 tou l -r;; -r ~ ~ &r l;; [-r;; [& ~ 'j;; (om. Go) -y1j;; -r p ~~, -rj ~ 1j ~-rj &8l.;;. 10 18ou -r&: v-r -r . ~, -r 't'OU

    'r) v;; -r 8-r ~ ~ 'j;; -y1j;; ..'rj-r. 11 U 't'& 'C8;; -r (-rou recte Par. gr. 1711) &r& v ~ -r;; ~ ;;, : ~v ;;. -r[ 8 ij ;; (om. Go) 't''t'; 1 -r ;; &;; ;; n-rj, !! -r p ;; -r

    Sync. l (Go ) ~ 11 ;; 't' &rj) j) ~j) w-r U't', 8 &rj) -r ~, -r ~ -y1j U't' i 't'j) -r 't';; [ ;; 'j;; 1j, . -r .

    'j;; -y1j;;. 3 8v -r 8 -r[ , -rOv l , &r l; , b 8' l;;, l ~ U't'

    't' 't': ;; &:;; &: 't'Ou t;;. c j) ' , ', 87j ' : 68 't', !! &r l; -ro 't';;, & lp-rjo v iv j ~ 8, b ;;

    2 Add. c. Sync. p;; [ ante l eU't'j

    [iv] x&rfi G


    .l & 'l) ~ 8u~ &:'i: u6, 6 l u~ u 'i: b: btu .U~ ..0 . l l1J 't t l, l lt U l

    ~ 6 l j i)kqt j 'l) j &:t l vu6. '1 l l~t 1) 'fij, -fJ ijt ol lJ.t, l

    tt j j 8~, t t 'l)~, t ~ &:6t ' ~ - ' ' ' - 1! ~ ' L_ ' v ot utoL : uL u = ot p'l)-t 88: ul .U, 8 l iJ1J61J a 1) y;j &:'t : t j 8t8 '~ l bt' .U~ p

    &: . 9 ~ pt~ v pt u l 1Ju, l 87ju l ul j , &:6

    ' ' - ' , -'- ' - 2. , ' ' ' u utou 1J ~ ~ uu &:. 6 p i) ~t U 10 m t [u] t : l l .U, ut =tjt ~ l, l ijt ~ U v6. u l v

    Mtor.iJ pu l 8-FJ t~ l 't t'i: 't .U~ 't utlv t, t=tjt v &:(qt .U 12 l

    ulol u l 8t &:t: &:'l), 8=tj .U 8ijv v j y;j i) v l uvu, ~ 7 ..0 ( l

    > f 13 I > f > -~ f - \ > ~ I t. 'l)t t -ru u u .,J :

    Sync. l6v. 5 6; lj ; :; (om. Go) u; :; bt


    c l 8djp uv ct. 14 c l cxcxotujj c cvi} u u, ' t6 u 8c v. 15 .c k vtc 8 c ut pJp 8&: &8ijc vu. 16 c - 8cv cXCXV ;( yYj, c m lp OV1Jp(cx ~, c ctcv 0

    u j 8cV7J cxl 1Jc ctc &: c uc. 17 Kcxl w .v 8(c vc, c lvc & t.c, c &c a. ~c c6, c &:

    .cc .6 &: l'j 1Jpu. 18 pcc &c ~ 'fij v 8cn cxl uuc 8bJ8po v cj, c 1Jc 6

    c. 19 c .vc &: 88pc j iij uuc, c lc uv u, c ~ & ~ l u, u p otou t.8c c pu c' c , ~c &: .u 8t. 20 c c. j yYj 1) ccc c .1J &8c c 1J &c(c c c, c .c &: ccc~c &: vc l j iij .. 21 c lvc .v

    c c c 6u .v c uuv. 22 cxl ccc mcx ~ yYj .v .c c & ~ &ccc c lpiij c ., c 6 ' c6 [

    Sync. !;. 14 l &; av -rL l i&;j i v, ' & 3-j (37J&f recte Par. gr. 7) 'J&; rlr.

    Sync. l 3e 1\pou; ~ &v tv 7Jm 6, !\ [ (cap. !v &'j &' & l &7J, l 36; 'j ;;

    incert.) 66, v -f m' 66, ~ ij (; 'j; &7J. Dindorf. ~v (j) ottp(j) ~(v ij -f, l !tt v

    p. 47 l ""C'7J6v 7J; & u6, ; ij l .v ! . l vv i: ut i, .7J ' ,

  • XIII



    k . -rou l. 1 -.6 ( -.&: -r ( -.&: -r v -. pv, l -r-y -r&: l -.&: p, l -r -r t -r &vp. 2 l -r &~ l lp~YrJ ~

    l &. -r& ~ -rou :t :l [ &. -r&: &: -r &. 1 ' I 6 ', .. . , I '\! ' ' , po -r-r -r 'r)v , CXL ~J : : -. -r :-r. 2 l -.a : :-r

    , , 6 1 ' 3 ' ' : -r p'r) , CXL -r: -r :L : 'rJ p u. : .pj-rJ -rp (: :, -rp :m -r :t.

    l t8ou ot w -rou &.( -rou &. &. 4 , ::-ru 8, : ! -r pJp -r : t-.

    & v -r rJ6, ..0 &.t -r&. -r :t, -r&: -r u bv, & t 1j ,


    - W.l &va k cbu l v, uv j . 10 v . l &~ ..' ac;; &c;; l8 &

    vouc;;, l ij1J .' u jc;; 8V1J, "J..r. 1jpu pu.

    XIV 1 8V1J l b. 7J6 & u , & j ~j &.u u u j . 2 !8 a vouc;; u 8 u bJ v bJ v u u, 8 ~8 .' &p .' bJ .' l ij 8. 8 oc;; ~ l !v p1J6pouc;; uloc;; u u. 4 ' p u &f l,

    l bJ j u u 81J l G ~ u p8q1J, 6 1J lc;; p &. l v t, l bJ : 8: jc;; yrjc;; 1j 8:rj u.; &: vc l, 6 l l t81J j &v ul u C1Jv, l ~ u: 61Jt , && W b u

    (~. 7 l ~ p u pl . ~ 8~ pl u. l u ( l 86 l j v p:rjx & jc;; :rj ijc;; ~. 8 l ~l ' 81J t8 f bJ j p

    u l ( u, 188l &p l 8p( 8 l , l & j u ~

    9 l :rjp & l v, l :rj ij u 8:rj bJ ( 1J l 1J u l ij i: . 10 l l~ &: u u6, l ij ! v 81Jv bJ 1J,

    l ol u otou , l ij , l 81J , 11 l t 8t8pl & l &p, l

    ul , l p G8, 12 l , l upl v. 13 :rj ! :,

    p l u , l 1 :rjc;; ij f> uv CXt nv. 14 CXt ij"lj CXL p,

    l ~. u j u, 15 l 8 &1J &V"lj vv u, l ! ( u, l 81Jv bJ u, 16 l 8p 86 l jj l , & j 8v : u: pl 861J l l jc;;

    V7J . 17 ~8 u ij u, 8: & u ijcxv &l l 88l &, l ~ 1J .u ij .

    XIV 2 - xxpLcu;: l.c. ijt p~ (Ch.) 3 &;; 1. ; c. add. post !v to man the power of unerstanding, the word of wisdom. So hath He created me also and given (!v) G om. per homt. ~: cj. Nestle G -

    4 ~71: Cf. 9 ; ( ?) 15 7)V u v7) G.


    18 8 t !8 6 -r, t l8 uu t ~, t ~ t [. 19 t ~

    t , t u 8~&j l8'i.'. 2 t ~ 8 ~ ~YJ ~-j ' uj) Uu l8 ~, t m-r;; . 21 t u 8 m

    & 'i: l ! t8'i: Uu 8 m l8, t u 8 t8: Uu 22

    6 t i fj j), t u8t [ j}. ~& fJ U, t ;; U !. 23 t ot &y ot ( j) u um

    w G Uu. 24 ~-r & t -r t , t j) ~ t l , 6)8, , t &. 26 t ! ~ t ! , t

    -j ;; 8 ~ !. XV 1 t t;; ! , & -r6, & -j

    -r, t -j rj U ~ - -rjj, , & -r t -j -r :)8, t -j rj &. 2 &j t ! 'i: , -j !8 t , t - t . 8 8

    u J & u t, t ~&j t ~&j t 'i: :; & tot -j yYj ~ t ~

    : , t [;;. 4 t 'i: r & t t j) ! ~7J, t t ~

    t t ~. ;; t t ~ t !, t t . 6 8 !8 U:;;

    -r, [ l t u'i: G, t - n : ! t -j yYj. 6 :;; 8 ~ t t u t;; ~ - 7 ' --'- - ' ' - .... ' -. . -r v Lt;; uu, ij) uj) ~ -r;; . t OL OL -r v ~ t t t -j yYj, t 7j j ~ -r;; u !. 9 V) ij

    Sync. 8 : v [ (m; v6 i d ; -r J& XV 'r'ij; y'ij uL i'J, . ~ [7)L 'rv iL 'r'ij; 1j;. 8 .

    XV 4 v G vu. (sic): item 6, 7, 8, 9, , 12.


    , 8L6L iQ i ~y~ovo, 1 ~ &y Jy6 ~ i [; /n t i lu d: J-fL. uu, ~ u ~ JL /n mL

    1 d: v ~ j; d: yJv, ~ j; ~ JL u &-!L. U t d: yLyv ; i8Li3v, i(v 1 ~vv i. uv[v i. u[v ~m "fij,

    Jpd: Lv, 1 86u Li3v 1 J8v ~[, :' iLi3 i. 8Lv 1 v v. 2 i. ijL i3 L;

    u i IXL uL, 6L ~JL i' /n, XVI i ~; j 1 i[ i. u, i' l> d:

    u ~ u=ij m mxL i[v [ i[uL Lt; ~ L, [ J, ~ 1j t -y; ijL. 2 1 i3 pYJy6poL : ( ~=tjL t m, [L u ij. S 'L ~ OUpxv ij, IXL & uijpLo U icp1J 'L L uijpLo i3 i3 ~ ~, i. i3 ~Jv i: uvLi.

    ~ 'L Jp8[L , 1 ~ i) u[


    7J ck &rv ck &ck . 4 &6v .L v t L u 8, ~Lv ~v c ck 8 u ~(u. & otL ~v ~pL tu u6;, ~V l,) tt~L i3p ;

    8 p~L ; cv c7JV 8;. 6 t8ov ; cu; ;, IXL dJ.pL 'rOU cu u otL (dpL U cu 6u jvt, t &mjov u i ck L. '1 t8ov ; &v~u; v v6v ; LpLv; v btuLv j; &u cvv v. 8 t8ov

    XVIII -j; ytj; cvv v v t 6 -j; &u. 1 t8ov ; 7Ju; v &v~v cvv, t8ov L ~ &r; l67Jv c ck t v dLv -j; ytj;, t v v t8ov -j; v; -j; ytj;. 2 t8ov ; tt; &v~u; v ytjv cv;, a ~

    u vu, otL otVrOL tiLv ytj; otL vu. 4 t8ov &v~u; v l>vv ~v; 8Ltvv; v u ~(u, t cv; ; im;. 5 t&v ~ -j; ytj; &v~u; cv; ~ v~-rJ. t8ov mpotot -j; ytj;, 1jLt u vu ~cv. 6 =ijv (8ov 6v otL6vov VU; L ~~pott;, l>ou ck ck lSP1J & (v

    uv, [] iv; t [ ; v6ov cv. 7 t ck dv ; &v; i tu ;, 8 ijv & u u, & tu ~. 8 ck v6ov & tu uu. 8 8 (dov

    v ijv t; ol>xv6v, & v; u i tu uc, t ~ u~ 't'OU p6vou & (u t[u 9 otL i3p L6vv t8ov. i~LVt v

    ~v v 10 lLv ~pt; -j c1J ytj uvVtL


    , 11 ' ,{' ./_ . ' ' ' - 1 ' oL ouxvoL. otL Loov .~ 1-""'t L; u; u; u uu; LVOvot; t l> ijv dv .; \S ;. 12 ~Lvot u c; u t8ov 6v l>ou 8 ~ vu ~cv, \S y1j f L

    ~ c otVrOU, \S fi8p ijv f> ot&rb fi EELV6V, &d: ijv q7J; t . 13 ~ t8ov d: &m; ; 1J c L6v,

    t G'>v uvv~ L 14 'Cv &; 0Vr6; ~v ; ; u opotVOU L ytjt; 81jpLV TOUTO ~~ L pL IXL TIXL

    8uv.Lv u ol>xvou. 15 t ot &; ot uL6vL ~ if> u, LLV ot otpotcXvt; p6tt up(ou ~ &px.1i -j; iv=ij; ot&rv - L ; ~ u vu v6; ~v - . l1jv ~ ; 'L;

    l>v. 16 t t1) &r; t !81Jv ; ~L u L; &rv ;


    1 1 ! L OlpL~ v&.8 [ Lv; &L i; Ll vL, 1 v vv uL ; &u; 1 fJL ; LL i; 8L[L L j; &.1J (;, f L%vL ; &m. 2 1 [ i; v & ; :rj; vL. 3 & ' t8 d:

    ~ ;, &., 1 1J t8 l8 !; 4 l t8. 1 "L 8u&.. 2 pL~, t; l

    u 1 &.u. 3 '~, t; 1 u&. &, 4 'u, t; 8L

    . L~, t; & l u u ; l 1 i> &.. 6 L~, !; .

    & l u&. (Lt; l j) vL &.uL. 7 L~, !; 1 8(u 1 8v

    u. & &.. 1 1 8u ~; j; &u&.u. 2 &i &.1J e

    G &., G y:rj L LWJ, 1 . 3 1 i L d: v 88vu;; v , u; lSL

    &.L 1 v u1 Lvu;. 4 ! L [ t 81J, l 8r.. 8 J; !v L L~, t; v & ; ' 1j - l ; ~i - 1 !v L ', l

    s ..... i ty 3. 1 .ytv u d u u. 8 ', .y( yy~ u. p. 4 'Poyouij, .y( &yy~ 3 't ij. ; ij, .y( yy~ ; t u u & m t ~ ~. 8 ij, ( ~

    u. t j'J 7 ij, .y( &yy~v u &Lu 36 d u(. 'ij, .yt &~ &!v &~. ' ~. ~&:u ~pL j &u.u. 2 ! .7J &!y e.

    ~ i\ . i\ y'ij .r.~. & . 8 ~ ' & u u &:&:~u pL~u ~ u, (u . y. v u ~. 4 . l c (v t(v 8~7J, 3.&: v t p(7J 8; 6 l~ -j, .y( ~ ' u l!J - 't ~yi - lm ,

    ', ~ f ( -j r.8;

    G 1 5 . 3 Cf. Clem. Alex. Eclogae Poph. 2.1 (supra, p. ); Orig. de princ. 4, 4 8

    (supra, p. ); Hen. slav. 40. et 12 (supra p. ). 3 cj. Ch. G p cf. G2 leg. frt. pro a, (y.').


    -d ~. t .~r.r. r.u&; 8 [ l. . ot p.v m.~ , ! 8Jv 8 J l, .pc u.

    7 l & l &. , & , v t , 1 8, l ~ j ., ~1J C

    G ~8~J l8 8 dc. 8 l t 8 j c. 9 .J t &. . ij, ! lv , 8r.d: [ -jJ; G ! -jJ; t .J t t t j j; 81j;. 10 t l 8 :y

    8 &v l; l l. 1 .v 8u l; &. , t &v 8; &.

    6 ! J, ; C. 2 t ; ~ :, c & t , ; vt ! t ;, t J~ 8; .vd: . t l ; r. t 7j ! j c; 8 .J -j, t i[

    . ij, t lv ot , t m.Cv l; . L J, &8 mvc C; .. 4 t ot l; mm [J j; ~p j [; u ! u 8 t 8 ~ ; ~ cJ & ;. 5 .; ; c;, ! ~ ~ ! . 8 ! ~ ~ & ; ij, ! l uj) Toi:io c (; (, 8 fS; ~ ~ u p(

    ! c ~; ; 7 t .(1j C . ' u c .8, ! "' c t . . =j; Yij, t . .v .jj .

    GB 8 ( t dm 'tOU cu mr bt~ TOU xu(ou, Ut& d 7Jp1Jv !'r7J &. . 7 bciv ~u l; l .. u , y \ 6 6v, .7J l ; ! 'ij du, -IJp7J; u ! br \ (d6 iJBu~J7Jv

    \ t. 8 l 6 7i . -r6-r ('J . l ...

    10 t G ;. 5 :w G ''Uy; 6 ~p G 7Jp

    Pseudepigrapha Vetes Testamenti Graece, 111 3


    8 ~11 t v, 8r.d: ( .&rJ ~ &. v;; 9 t &.t& L )L ; lL-- tL

    ' - - ' ._ .t -... ' - - cc IXL ;; Luv L;; c L,

    ~ 7t1Jr1J G&t; ! ~ Lv' 10 t G;; !.&rJ , c &.L t c&L L; j, t .L;; !vf/)- ' c ! jj jj . n 8 (L W; c & -

    , L ;; -;; ~; ;; .;;, ( t 'jv L t&;;" -Jj iv68L

    ! 8-L ; ;; ct;;. 12 t fJ;; .&rJ ;; cm !v, t;; !.L t -j;; &.(;;,

    v L bJ c;; ~ct;; & cp. l3 IXL .fh;; !.&rJ ;; vcL &.v, L evL OLOL &. .,

    IXL &. vL L. 8 vc, L v& Lv;; e vL , L-vL ~~ -j;; p(;, 8 ~ m . 14 -rc L ;; 861J;;, cxt l ;; , -j;; 8L'j;, L t;;. 1 &.t 8 t;; l ;; 8;; -j;; j;;.

    2 t - 8 t &.c 8 i: 8, ~; t ;; 8. 8 t ~ t ! ~ &.vL ; 4 &..& L - t;; t

    &. ;; ' -Jj ; 8; ; ;; 8;; !8L !L v; ;; -nj;; c. 1 c e8Lv

    XXIV - ;; Lvc w;;. 2 lL c & - -, 8 v, c 8Lvc, t ev jj cv?i, CXL v vc IXL e8 8j, . l' &.c;; L bJ ., t (c t bJ t

    ;; L t L, .c j f4 !tcL, 8 t 3 ;; &. , IXL v L, L 8~ , t u 88 L8j. 4 t -Jj c'L;; 8v8 8 i{)L IXL 8L;; m;; -&, CXL 8 L ~ ! &c v &., t IXL lJ.vt>;; 8v8 tL t;; t. ot 8 t p t ;; L.. ! ; 8v8 i)

    L t 8;;, t c , cxt l& c c jj L. 6 &.t& L c', ";; . &. ;; ' ij - t

    8 ! &Q i ; cj. Lods G 'lj & r.; 9 qp7J G 7J [~ G ~ (Sw. ~ per error.)

    XXIII 2 t:v G v. XXIV 2 G om. [. ' ante &; 4 cx&rij! G 8 G -



    XXV &r; &r ~'i: - t lv , . ~~; t ; ~ 7j 67j 8v8, l 8 &) 'i:; 2 &.& l & t8 , &r. 8e t 88 8. 8 l &.& U lS; , ~ .

    . i3, 8 ~l . ; ;, &; rij; 8J; L; t;, jj m ylj ' &j). 4 t U 8v8 rd8;, t u8. &

    i3 rij; J; .;, v tj 8Lt; &v l .L t; 8; l ; 8)L 5 ; 'i:; ~'i:; t; - t; i, l ) (f) &. l u u r. U [;. 6 u uLL IXL ) 1 [ & [L . tXL l u v i: L &r, t - . )L ml ylj; j ~J OL ; , l v 'i:; ~t; &r l & l Jl l &; u &L . JUJ rij; 8J;, r. t;, 8; ~v

    &L Lri3 8t.t;, 1 U btv t lv 8i3 :;. XXVI t 'i: 8 t; rij; ylj;, l t8 JuJv,

    v 8v8 e 8; ; ; 88 v;. 2 &: t lS; &t lS; G8 ~ &, l 8m l ; . 3 l t8 ; &i; &

    lS; , l & 'i:, u &;, l 8' xurij; G8 lS;. 4 l ;

    8; & lS; ui3 l u G;, 1 &y 'i: 1 J & , l.J & 'i: l Jr ' lJ..p t . 5 IXL iL [L tL ~ ; i;, l 88 u ~' &. 6 l l

    XXVII rij; &;, l ~. t l t ~ y7j G ~ JVJ t i )J; 88, u~ 8e ~ & r't'jVJ .; 2 y7j

    &; 'i:; vt; l t t;. 6>8 uL &; ot vt (L; i3t j)

    ~ &=j, l l rij; 8J; 1J )m. 6>8 Lut, IXL 6)8 eL L)1)t. 8 ' &L [t, tL ~tt; rij; .; rij; &YJtVij; vv 8r.. t; & 8 U~ ot &'i:; rij; 8J;, t t; 4 v 'i:; ~Lt; rij; ; u u~ v , &; tv

    &r'i:;. 5 JJ t rij; 8J;, l ~ 8 u 8) GVYJrx ;.

    XXV 4 fi c. Sw. G 7)7) (sic) 5 t; G r.u; cv G cv 77)6y G 7JUy.

    XXVII 2 lv; G 3 i:; cj. Ch. G :; Edd. :;.


    XXVIII 1 t bv & [ v8c, t t& ~7J 2 ~7J; 88 . c 8

    v , 3 ; 8-y; 8r.}; ; ; i t 8 .L 8 t 86. 1 'L ~'L 7J [

    ~ f> -, ; .vd:; u ; ~67J, 2 t t8 t; 88 v .c, Lc ;, t &. 88 ;. 1 t Lv ~7J ; .v&.;

    c, t t8 , c 8;, 2 ~ 88 .c t t


    r., ec; 6 &j j 8 u ~ &o8Eqc. 45 &. & btt & !,

    i) -rj [ p ljj lvt i) pi) u &;; j 8 . 46 &j ;; 1J j)

    - ' ' ' ll. .>._. ' . I ' !! ' ' < ;;, 1 ru r. . ~ ;; ~v ;; 'r)- ;; bt r. d: . 47 [t] ;; ;; 8 8, !

    & . l' i;; 6 !v ! . 48 ;; 8;; &1)8f);; l'r)-j . 49 1J1j- 1J&jv v;;

    ;; &;; !v &' v . ***************

    XCVII * * * * * * 6 [ t lv1j ]v [] ot l v[ ] d: ' &'i: d: v

    ! v v jj &(qt. '1 'i: t [] v . ;; 'r);; ;; 'r)i;; lSv;; - t;; ;; . 8 u 'i: ot IXL l U l 8V1)t;;, 'i:, f v -j 1j, 9 i d:v -j -j, lS & - v 'i:;; -'i:;; ij &d: d: v i:;; t;; ij. 10 ;; 8 -j. V1J, ~ ( ;; , &d:

    Sync. 1 (Par. gr. 7; Go ) Bi: i u; lv Cv : vir.v (cap. 7JL ., -n L; .. &.j d' .i U; : cd

    incert.) ', . 36; ."'.'ij ; .6, [ .. ..-#J"'. bt' (Go ;) >indorf. .6, ; f; ; 'tij; 7J;. 2 j) .j) ...u&"'.

    p. 47 cd (Go om.) .&"'., cd !!. ..:6 cd 6 ; 7Jp d u6;, ; ...-IJ"'. fy .i. 3 cd i y : uloi:;; d i .6' , .& u . cd w cW"'.L 'ij ii 6 d' .ti .y1j; u . 4 . liv... [ dy.'

    . l.i"'. [ fv d '; 'tij; y1j;, .. .[ 'ij. 'tij; 7j; d i viv w - &!"'. ( : f ~. 6 . - 367J &!.. ij. bt L. l y tm bt' .&t:; i ; {; l i viv, li ~ y : ,; "' [ - ('

    - a.i..a..

    Sync. pr : ; Sync. 5 .: seq. in Sync. .. i ..u Lu (Go u i .) y7Jy6.

    47 . , 7J; "'u yy...a. GV. XCVII 6 t' d.: c. C-B Txt. crpt. (cf. ) . (d. hapax leg.

    sed d. 11 gds. iv 7 v.l. et C-B in loc.) u&"'. Txt. crpt. "' . C-B cj. ~


    . [ &.-j.~J , ~ &8; . J .t :; t; 'i:; [; .., .l .'L; tt~; .&r ; G8 v.~ 3 [8r.: ] m-jJ {>; J& pVJ~ J8. [q~]. oih-

    &'i: ~; &. [] .6 [ .l ;] &."j; 86J; .i. rij; ~:; [ .i.J t; &~t. .i. ~ [.l ] J [ .. t; ~ u ; J).~.]

    Four lines are lost. l [Yij {> &J &. {> &]~ & [~ .l [;. .&.] ') &v.~ ~u; [~]. 6 .l &[

    (. pap.) i. 8J & 8r.d: !: s~ J 8J !~ 8J &v 868J ..8.; . [;] : ~ &v 8J & .&.;. t; 8:

    'i:. J & t8 &8LJ ~)J ~ [ .i.] &; &.'L.~. 6 w 'L .i. . u u ~ !. Jp !.~ &... j': {>.j': {> !.~ 'L ! &8L~. 7 J j 1j J8: &. j .8~ ~ {> ~~ {>& ~ & r8L).. & 'L.~, o{>8e rpcp~ ~ u [. & ] ~v ~ &.v. &8L).. & &&.v.~ ij

    [~k; ~ rij; [; . 9 i. 'L &; ~ &'L 8r.d: &v') i. [ (] &') .i. &.

    &.)~ 'L, 8: . [r.~] .ii;. 10 .l ~ [~ ~[..~] 'L [; ~. &.;. [ ] :.~. .

    &[6;] &, ~[; ~ ~.].~ [; ~. ; [ J; .i. ][.; ; [ 'i:; .~ &.] n i. 'L Jp&.J~ j .8~ ~; .[ .i. !; !. ] 'L ![v.~ &. &.yj . ]

    Four lines are lost. 12[!. ]; r8L[.;' 8~~ (8 .[ ! L]; u 'L !

    ~ t; [i.; ] 8~. .8) .i. u~ a; .l [&-e:] C-B cj. &e:e:-r will fly away (cf. Prov. xxiii. s)

    XCVIII t (partim) om. 2 cf. 3 Txt. cj. C-B cj. [ - ] f)- 6[-11] -8[e:tc] 5 8! .. 86& c. C-B leg.

    t~ -ywcxr.xt et kt post 86& nd baenness has not been given to woman. (but on account of the deeds of her hands she dies without children.) 9 rl~ c. C-B: 6e:.


    v . 13 !. : v; :; :; 8 .; buj. 14 !. : u6 &.u ; 6u;

    8 r : !.; ;. 11i !. : .v; 6u; u8:; !. 6u; J; !. .u t ;

    &.1ju :; 8m 16 :; !. l .C : , ; &.:. 1 !. : ot .i; ~,

    !. :; !; :; u8 .vv; !. 86 &.&>, ! : t; &.6. 2 !. i: ~.i; ; 6u; ; J;, !. 8v; t&> 8~J, !.

    u; &.pu; ~ j ~v. 3 6 . 8i. !. ; ~; l; r6v, 88 ; 8ui.q &> &., ; l. p

    &.8 bJ .i u .i l; J6u 4 !. 6 [ ]~ ~ [~]q &.; j; &.8;. 6-6 bJ ~ [~ ] u ~.i !. .um !. u [ 1) ]

    ;, !. ~ t !u[ ~&> ]u !. Ju p[ u ] t [] t 1) [8~ !. J.]v ~ v .. 7 [t] v; l6[; &.u]; !.

    u;, u; [!. i.;] !. i.;, !. [ ; ]. !. 8[; t 8] !. v r[:; t] c; :; c; ' [J] !. ~J pJ [&.'] . 8


    9 !. r~ &.u j; 8; !. . uv 1ju ;, i:; !. c ! u8j &.

    ~~ !. [ ~], !. ; &.:. 10-12 t . , s , , ' , - , v; uv; u; vv uu;, J ;

    v; .i u, !. v 8:; 8vJ; .i !. 1)u &> t ~v. 13 t l8.iv; ; t8; l8, !. t l8- : t; !t : c[;']. 14 !.

    13 ; Gb ; (sic). XCIX 2 c-jc: 'they shall be trodden underfoot' (ccfc); cf.

    Num. xvi. 32, Exod. xv. 4 5 uv c. Gb cuv C-B cj. 'fuv (give out to adoption) 7 [t;] cj. (ex Tertlian de idolol. 4 22-8.) om. c' [f)'l)v] cj. James, C-B p7j: up'l)cx Gb C-B pi)c, sed cf. vv. 9- 9 cp['fc] cj. C-B cp:v hapax leg. (cp'j; Nic. Ther. 708) 10 -jc add. (vvs. 11-12) Woe to you who spread evil to your neighbours; for you shall be slain in Sheol. Woe to you who make deceitful and false measures; and to them who cause bitterness on the earth; for they shall thereby be utterly consumed. 13 t; 'J !v : [pr;;]: cf.

    tell you, you shall have no peace. C-B cc 'J !v 'Ji:v c[pv].


    iuv v (tv /. 'rjpovo(xv v p 6 &.' l;, [.] tt & v . 6 ~t 'L

    &.ut. 15 6 : ol &.[ v] bt'rj j &.t[~. ] ( 6[ &> ] ~p [yi'rj. 115t ipt v [ v v] /. ~yp: v v [ u '] v i'L iv [ ~ p]q: /. ol t[tt''lj]

    ut &.r. [.] C 1-2 /. 6 ~ ~ . . [ptJ &: ] 6. t &p ] 6

    (&.]t [p xVrou &.] u ulou 6[u, ofk' &.] u &.'lju u &.'Lt 66, /. .p &. u ~(u, &. u &.u

    u" ~ oppv pt oi$ U'\Ixt '\1 .t'\1 vu~vt ~L 6. 3 t pt ; u u 6 v

    .p, /. c (dpt &. -r.. /. -t &:yyot v l &.pu ~(dpq: ~ 'l ~-u j &.r.~ /. up-r. l v v t t lyp-t l ~dpq: p( .:rjt a tvv p(. f'rj, 5 /. f. u1jv l/. f r.u /. .y(u v .ytv &.yv, /. p'rj~vt & ptov

    u oiS it /. .pt. /. &.' ltvou vu. "t.; v ~, /. ~L 6~t a Vr. 6 .

    p.t ?.vp -ut'\1 uto y:rj btl u u .:rj , /. vr. 6t ;

    t 6 j . &.tL. 7 1. :v ol &r.t 6v i'lj (u ~ ~pq: ?.viy'lj p /. ui'rj upE, .i &: p . 8 1. 'L 'rjpip, &.pu :rjt pt , /. 6 ~t &.tvv . 9 6l i . i .pi btl 'L ~p. u . t i .p'L t : u

    6 l l1. i [p;] pv 6 &. .( ~p &.[ v'rj'r] . . . . . 11 v'rj

    t 'rj l p /. p . 1. "t.; .p(t . 1 2 p 8p 1J [u7 ]:rj. u'L, l p Ll ~J pu pi[ ]v 18 6. .pp i' [ ] /. i'lj t u 6, /. ol &v /. 6, /. l i v, -njvL ~p u l


    C ~-. ( &r: C-B cj. &!; ; ; ~~ -rou (; (vel (ct) &r until their blood flows like stream 2 i]e. ~ [ip: (partim) add. in compassion 4 Gb !-yp~t 5 C-B cj. ij8' 6 Gb y'rj-

    v (vid.) t Gb t;.


    CI 1 ~ , lol i, ~ u u l ~1) ot'ijxL 1Jp ~ u. 2 ~ &: u oupx'IIOU t 6 l -rjL t u, [ L~; S i :t'l)L u Uu ~' ui l ~l ~ u&, oul ~ 6t U; t u:; : 6u u i l 'l) ~ jj u[ ; 4 i] ; ~ ; tb.; i, u []; l t; u

    b. : u, 6 l t6L t, ~ : [&: ] l u ~t l; , l ' ' - ~ ' - !I ' [ ' J ' ' ' ' t xpor.qt ut 'l) tL ; t xu['lj &:]t. 6 oul i ~ l [ ] U; ~ [ ~,] l u; [ u], 'l) U(~, L] u &; 7 [l &: -rj] ~~; U

    [ L 'l)]L, ol l; . . . . 8 [ y-rj] ~ U:;; ~ ~L'l) iL :; Lt; ~ jj : ; ol 'l)pL uL.

    CII 1 ~ ~' i; .i -rj; ; , &:; ~; l' i; ~ u, 2 ~

    t6t L ~ t ; ;

    ~ jj ?j m6 , ll t ~t &; ~ ~L ~ &. ~ ; y-rj;. 6 &:'/1), ol &. : l1J &:, t U: ~l :; ~L U; 7 l Ul ; ~'L &:v. ! ; &:t 1); l , U:; lv

    I 8 .1_ \ - - .1. I \ ' ~ J{ > t; . w .v t ~, u L t;

    l ~i i: i:. tpu &./t .p/L l : l lit [l'L] ~; l;. 10 ! ot LL.i [ ] I < I > I > - < !/ - ~ I > u ;, u 'l) 1), uL LL1J

    CI 5 &.ycx&; clv"t': cj. C-B frt. i):"t': m: ~~?';["t't cj. C-B 1 :[j &.W"t':L]: cj. C-B c. .

    CII 2 ~: C-B cj. ~ ( .. y


    v c:; ~; &cvv cxl. &v 11 cxt -vv ~; v; cxt ccv cxt ct cv ' 68; t; q. .

    CIII 1 v :v . . . . Three lines are lost . . . . . 2 cc -wv .i &v[ vv] c; c; .i opcxvoti cxt !8v v pcx~v &vcxycxEcxv lvv [ c]vc v cxt'Yrcx:; cxl. cv[ cx t] v, 3 t &c cxt 1) c cxt 1) [ t1j] i)cct cxt cct

    c'i:; [c:;] v &cvvv v- 4 cxt c~vct cxt 1j &vct vcc cx&rv 8e uvv & .i

    ' ' , ' ' - ' - ' ' ~ ' c t; cc; c; vc; v cxtvv. v ; vtt; cv. 6 cxt :;, vpot v cv, cv && potitv

    ' :v, ctt ct c; ; i)c; cxt'Yrv c; (8cv v jj jj cxt'Yrv, cxt v86; 6 &vcv, cxt t; ~ v jj jj

    ' - 7 ' ' < - ' ! ' J!~ t: \ \ < -cv. ct t; tv ut t; 'f' cxcxc;,otv c; c; v, 8 cxt : vct v &vf cxt v cxt v cxwt cxt v

    \ \ ' ---'~ ' , ! ' \ - ' t ct, cxt t; pLtv !""" r


    tv t 6v .. 6 [~ :] : ~ j ~ ; ; ; &'1J; ~ ij ~; ot . [ ' 't; '] "' \ , ' ' - ll , '-Ot ot U'1J t ptt; tt; u ;;t t; ; .; :; L. 6 ~ 't ol 8tt L8'1J ; &:;

    t 8uvu;, t ~ v v, &: v & & &v v &8t'l)v v. 7 ~ : L'l) ot &.t [t] ~ ~'l)m t &.[t [~] . 8 &8t : t ; t ; t mut :;

    &..; . 9 ~ i j 8.~ '1)8 8 '1)8 ~t'l) ; u; -nj; &'l).;, '1)8 8 [ u] &:u, t ~ 8 tvv t; [ttv ]v- L; 8t.

    l[uv v 8]'1J t i [ cXV'lJ] .... Two lines are lost .... 10 ; &'1J; ~m t &vut ol &. &u

    ; , 8t t ut :; :; &vut m :; t . 11 .v; ; u; u t ~ &'1j.; ~ - &m

    - &tt , & & ~' &'l).; t & ~ 8taapuout :;. 12 t tv !h u- 8, t 8t; t; .t; 8-vt t t u t; :v &'1J;, 18 tu :; ~ :; -t

    &tt ; ot : ~ c; ; 8; ; &'l).;.

    CVI 1 : 8 ' u j) utj) u u'L ulo v v u . ~t'lJ 8ttV'1J t ; ; .;. t; -t ~j, ! j) u:

    j) t8., 2 -'lJ t8. ij u u6 p8ou, i u ~; u:

    8. &~ ; ;, v LL ~ ~t;. 8 ~ ; ; &vv 6'1J j) u[ 4 ~-'lJ ' !u ij ; u 't j), 6 -'lJ

    u &:, t :; &vt; & :; t; & , ; &t;, t; :. t ~;

    &'L; .u, v8 . 6 t ~ ~ &: ~ &u, t u - t !t ~ :; t; ~ j j. 7 tit, [ , ] 8t, 8

    ; h[ ~] . . . Two lines are lost ... 5 [iJ :] cj. C-B. [l ]. Sed cf. . 6 iJ : [&' :; &.r(] cj. C-B. Cf. . 7 Gb t.

    CVI &!cv Gb v.


    8 ~] ; !,U t; c ; j; [ !3] ! ! t, & [] m& ; vj; -Jj [ ;] !. ~ '" i.i -Jj ; , t3 &tt 3toc ~ij; ; ~. ; 9 &&rj , 3t' &i1J &1J -Jj 3, & 10 !. i.i ~'lj & (j) ut(j) , Ut; UU ~ t xU'rOU ((U t &pt pt UU I) u t6; !. u p63, !. ; 1j; u u ~( , i.i &6t ; oi.i ~t

    &:t, 11 !. & & ; t; &.vt; 6 uyv pt u t; 111 !. ij'lj l; &, 1 J! :. 11. ', - '"' J. " !: ~- ... v u; , tt ut ~; t, /' ...., . . . . one or two lines omitted . . . j &tt ~ !t; (?) j &ijt. 13 &'ljv , htt pt; 6 !. ; j;, t !~& t. ~ j

    ~ &8 oi.i ; 'ljv ( & ; 3tiJ1J; oi.i oupxoi.i. 14 l3 &.cit (t t:;,

    ' - ' ' - ._ ' l!..~ ' ur. ~vt t .t t ... 1 , 178 r !. m u t; vt & (;1 16 !t l>m &1J ! ; j; 6;, !t &t &1J ! ~t m 16 63 t3 1Jt. tijL, t u ~t &6v ! ; j; 17b t Uv: j j & ; "j; ~ j i;. 18 i.i ci t

    ~t 3t; !. m;, [!.] u [] u; c !L ctt !' & "j ([ )) l. u & ; i; ; j; !. & v &. 1 &

    vt ~ ; j; ... Four lines are lost ... 19 8tv L !. CVII ijwv, ~ :; l. v &v . 1 L

    c pv ~' u, t i; [( !L], l. !3 63 pt; u &[ -jt] v 3tLV"j; t ~ ( &:L ~

    &.t &ct & ; j; !. c &c ~t ! ; ; ' ;. 11 v & ~ c (j) t(j) t8 EVVYjt.v t 8t; ou u3;. 8 ~v ; 6; ; , u;

    c 3jv uj), [~ 3jv j).] ~"j v u.i , U j j & ; &(;.

    10 i. Gb ruce: (sic) 12 fj !e:; Gb e:e:L. 18 Gb t



    A.M. DENIS

  • Introduction. . . Abrviations. . .

    1. Oratio Joseph


    a. Orig., in Joh., Il, xxxi (25) b. Orig., in Gen., III, 9 (Phoc., 23, 15). .

    2. Assumptio Mosis. . . . . . . . . . . . a. Gel. Cyz., Bist. Eccl., Il, 17, 17 (Ass. Mos. lat., l, 14) b. Gel. Cyz., Bist. Eccl., Il, 21, 7 . . c. Clem. Alex., Strom., l, 23.153, 1 d. Clem. Alex., Strom., l, 23.154, 1 . e. Gel. Cyz., Bist. Ecel., II, 17, 18. . f. Clem. Alex., Strom., 6, 15.132, 2-3 . g. Epiph., Baer., 9, 4, 13 . . . . . h. Jud., 9. . . . . . . . . . . .. j. Cat. gr. Patt., VIII, in Jud. ep., 10 . k. Oecumnius, Comm. in N.T., Il, in Jud. epist., 1

    3. Liber Eldad et Modad . . . . . . . . Hermas, Vis., 2,3,4. . . . . ...

    4. Liber Poenitentiae J annes et Mambre . Philostorg., Bist. Eccl., 9, 2. .

    5. Liber Jubilaeorum (vide ordinem capp. Libri Jub.). . 6. Apoca1ypsis Eliae. . . . . . . . . . .

    a. 1 Cor., 2, 9, et 1 Clem. Rom., 34, 8 . b. Clem. Alex., Protr., 10, 94, 4. . . . c. codex Paris. gr. 4, fol. 228. . . . . .

    7. Martyrium Isaiae (versio aeth. 2, 4-3, 12) . pap. Amherst 1, et Legenda graeca (v. Gebhardt) .

    8. Oratio Manassis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Const. Apost., 2, 22-23. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    9. Apoca1ypsis syriaca Baruch (versio syre 12, 1-13,2; 13, Il-I2;

    70 I03 10 3 13 I04

    I05 105

    Ils Ils

    14, 1-3), pape Oxyrh . 111,403. . . . . . . . . . . . Il8


    10. Apocryphon Ezechiel. . . . . a. Epiph., Haer., 64, 70, 5-17. b. Epiph., Haer., 30, 30, 3. . c. I Clem. Rom., 8,3 ..... . d. Clem. Alex., Quis div. s., 40, 2 e. pape Chester Beatty 185 .

    II. Apocalypsis Sophoniae . . . Clem. Alex., Strom., 5, II.77, 2

    121 121 122 122 123 125

    129 129

    12. Apocalypsis Esdrae quarta . . . 130 a. Clem. Alex., Strom., 3, 16.100, 3 (4 Esdr. lat., 5, 35) . 130 b. Constit. Apost., 2, 14, 9 (4 Esdr. lat., 7, 103) . . . 130 c. Conseit. Apost., 8, 7, 6 (4 Esdr. lat., 8, 23) . . . . 131 d. Clem. Alex., Strom., l, 22.149, 3 (4, 14, 2I) . 132

    13. Vita et Sententiae Aesopi Achiqari. . 133 Vila Aesopi, cap. IOI-I23. .

    14. Sententiae Phocylidis. . . . .

    15. Epistolae Herac1iti a. EPistola 4. . . b. Epistola 7. . . . . . . .



    157 157 158

    16. Pseudo-auctores hellenistae 161 a. Aeschylus (Clem. Alex., Strom., 5,!4.13I, 2-3) . . 161 b. Sophocles (Clem. Alex., Strom., 5, 14.II3, 2). . . 162 c. Euripides (Clem. Alex., Protr., 6, 68, 3). . . . 163 d. Orpheus (Eus., Praep. Ev., 13, 12, 5, et para1l.). 163 e. Pythagoras (Ps. Just., de Monarchia, 2). . . . 167 f. Sophocles (Clem. Alex., Strom., 5, I4.12I, 4-122, I) 167 g. Diphilus (Clem. Alex., Strom., 5, !4.12I, 1-3). . . 168 h. Menander (Clem. Alex., Strom., 5, 14.II9, 2; 120, 2) 169 j. Diphilus (Ps. Just., de Monarchia. 5; Clem. Al., Strom .

    5. 14133, 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 171 k. Euripides (Clem. Alex . Strom., 5, II.75, I) . . . .. 171 l. (Hesiodus) Homerus, Callimachus (Clem. Alex., Strom.,

    5, !4.I07. 3-4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 m. Sophocles (Clem. Alex., Strom . 5, I4.III, 4-6) . 173 n. Hesiodus (Clem. Alex., Strom . 5. I4.II2, 3) . . . 173


    17. Historiographi judaei. . . . . . a. Demetrlus. . . . . . . .

    1. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 19, 4 . 2. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 21, 1-19. 3. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 29, 1-3 4 Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 29, 15. . 5. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 29, 16. . 6. Clem. Alex., Strom., l, 21.141, 1-2

    b. Eupolemus . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 26, 1 . . 2. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 30, 1 - 34, 18 3 Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 34, 20. . ... 4 Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 39, 2-5 . . . 5. Clem. Alex., Strom., l, 21.141, 4-5

    c. Artapanus. . . . . . . . 1. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 18, 1 . . . 2. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 23, 1-4 . 3 Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 27, 1-37

    d. Aristaes historicus. . . . . . Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 25, 1-4.

    e. Cleodemus sive Malchs Jos., Antiqu., l, 15 . . . .

    f. Anonymus . . . .. . . . . . 1. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 17, 2-9 2. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 18,2 .

    g. Hecataeus Abderita . 1. Jos., c. Ap., l, 22. 2. Jos., c. Ap., 2, 4 .

    18. Auctores judaei hellenistae . a. Philo Antiquus . . . .

    1. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 20, 1 2. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 24, 1 3 Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 37, 1-3

    b. Theodotus . . . . . . . . Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 22, 1-11

    Pseudepigrapha Veteris Testamenti Graece, III


    :I75 175 175 175 178 178 179 179

    179 179 IBo 185 185 186

    186 186 186 187 195 195 196 196 197 197 19B 199 199 201

    203 23 23 23 24 204 204



    c. Ezechielus Tragicus . . . . . . I. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 28, 2-4 . 2. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9. 29. 5-I4. . 3. Eus., Praep. Ev., 9, 29, I6. 4. Epiph., Haer., 64, 29, 6 ...

    d. Aristobulus Philosophus . . . . I. Eus., Praep. Ev., 8, IO, I-I7. 2. Eus., Praep. Ev., I3, I2, I-I6 3. Eus., Hist. Ecel., 7, 32, I7-I8 .

    I9. Fragmenta anonyma. . . . . . . a. Clem. Rmn., I, 23, 3-4; 2, II, 2-4. . b. Barn. Ep., 2, IOa; I5, Sb .. c. Clem. Alex., Protr., IO, gB, I. . d. Hippol., de Antichr., I5 . . . e. Constit. Apost., 4, I, 2b. . . . f. Hermias Sozom., Hist. Ecel., 9, I7 g. Georgius Monachus Harmatolos, Chron., 4, II h. pap.Oxyrh., XVII, 2069 ........ . j. Greek pape Br. Mus., (1) II3, I3(a) et I2(b) k. pape Paris. suppl. gr. 574 ........ .

    Table des citations bibliques . Table des citations d'crits antiques et mdivaux Index des auteurs modernes ......... .

    207 207 209 2 I 5 2I6 2I7 2I7 22I 227

    229 229 230 23I 23I 23I 232 232 233 235 236

    239 240 245



    Les fragments grecs de pseudpigraphes juifs perdus ont t conservs le plus souvent par des auteurs chrtiens sous forme de citations, gale-ment par des compilateurs qui les rutilisaient en les insrant dans des compositions plus vastes ou des manuscrits d'extraits, ou par des scholiastes et auteurs de chatnes exgtiques. Quelquefois, ils ont subsist comme tels dans une rdition tardive, ou aussi sur papyrus, mais souvent alors en mauvais tat.

    Les citations grecques de pseudpigraphes d" Ancien Testament se rpartissent parmi quelque vingt auteurs antiques et mdivaux. Il arrive que les citations soient faites la mode antique, de faon trs ample. Eusbe de Csare en est le meilleur type, et il nous a ainsi conserv les restes les plus importants d'uvres perdues, qu'il s'agisse de pseudpigraphes ou d'auteurs juifs de la mme poque, vocateurs de l'ambiance comme les premiers. Le plus souvent nanmoins, les citations sont trs limites, tout en reprsentant les seuls vestiges de l'uvre cite. Par ailleurs, des allusions des uvres juives sont conjectures chez plus d'un auteur ancien, mais d'ordinaire, elles sont trop fuyantes pour tre retenues. Le critre, peut-tre trop rigide, qui a inspir le choix du prsent recueil, a t la citation explicite, que l'uvre soit cite nommment ou comme une autorit anonyme. Dans les deux cas, son identit pourra tre discute, mais son apparte-nance au moins probable au groupe des pseudpigraphes juifs a suffi pour la joindre aux autres. Cependant, les citations littrales mme implicites ont t reues lorsqu'elles sont assures de faon au moins probable par ailleurs, ainsi grce une version plus complte.


    Les auteurs qui citent des pseudpigraphes juifs, sont les suivants. Barn. L'ptre de Barnab a t publie, en particulier, par F. X. Funk,

    Die Apostolischen Viller, 1901, rdit par K. Bihlmeyer, en 1924, puis par W. Schneemelcher, 1956. Cette dition a retenu le Sin. (Lond. Br. Mus. Add. 43725), dit S, du 4e s., le Hieros. anno 1056 publi par Ph. Bryennios en 1883, dit H, et le Vatic. gr. 859, dit V, du Ile s., dont existent au moins 7 mss drivs.


    Clem. Le Pdagogue de Clment d'Alexandrie a t publi dans les GCS 12, Alex. par O. Stahlin, en 1936, raide du Paris. gr. 451, dit P, anno 914,

    d'o provient le Mut. 126 Oadis III D 7), dit M, du loe/lIe S., et par ailleurs l'aide du Laur. V 24, dit F, du I~ s.

    Le Protreptique a t galement dit par O. Stiihlin, en 1936, dans les GCS 12. Parmi les mss existants, ont t choisis pour cette dition le Paris. gr. 451, dit P, anno 914, et sa copie Mut. 126 Oadis III D 7), dit M, du loe II~ s.

    Le Quis dives salvetur a t galement dit par O. Stahlin dans les GCS 17, en 1909, selon le Scorlal. n III 19, dit S, du I~/I~ s. et du Vatic. gr. 623, dit V, du 16e s.

    Les StrO'J11,O,tes, aprs l'dition de O. Stahlin, dans les GCS 15, en 1906 (~ d. 1939), ont t rdits par L. Frchtel, dans les GCS 52, en 1960, l'aide de l'unique ms. subsistant, le Laurent. V 3, dit L, du I~ s., qui provient sans doute du fameux codex Arethas, Paris. gr. 451, anno 914.

    Clem. Les ptres de Clment Romain ont t dites par F. X. Funk-Rom. K. Bihlmeyer-W. Schneemelcher, Die Apostolischen Viiter, en (1901,

    1924) 1956, l'aide de l'Alex. (Lond. Br. Mus. Royal Ms. 1 D V-VIII), dit A, du 5e s. et du Hieros. anno 1056.

    Coust. Les Constitutions des Aptres ont t dites par F. X. Funk, Dida-Apost. scalia et Constitutiones Apostolorum, en 1905 (rimpr. 1960), avec

    l'appui de: 1. Vatic. gr. 839, dit a, du lOe/lIe s.; 2. Vatic. gr. 2088, dit b, du I~ s.; 3. Vatic. gr. 1506, dit d, anno 1024; 4. Vatic. gr. 2089, dit e, du I~ s.; 5. Barber. III 55, ditf, du Be/ge s.; 6. Ambros. G 64 sup., dit m, du 14e s.; 7. Vindob. hist. gr. 73, dit v, du IIe/l~ s.; 8. Hieros. III 3, dit h, du lOe/lIe s.; 9. Bodl. Misc. 204, dit 0, du Ile s.; 10. Petrop. 254, dit p, anno 1111; II. Athen. 1435, dit s, du I~ s.

    Epiph. Le Panarion d'piphane de Salamine a t dit dans les GCS 25 et 31, en 1915 et 1922, par K. HoU, qui a choisi pour son dition le Vatic. gr. 503, dit V, du CJ' s., Gen. gr. 4, dit G, du ge s., Urbino 17/18, dit U, du 1~/13e s., d'o provient le Ien. Bose l, dit J, anno 1304, Laurent. VI 12, dit L, du 14e s., tous mss qui forment une classe, et le Venet. Marc. gr. 125, dit M, anno 1057, qui est indpendant (cf. K. HoU, TU 36,2, 1910, pp. 94 et 202).

    Le De mensuris et ponder. a t dit par D. Petau, en 1622, l'aide du Paris. gr. 835, du 16e s.; ce ms. provient du Rehdig. (Breslau) 240, du 15e s., utilis par P. de Lagarde, dans son dition de 1880; ce ms. son tour provient du Ien. Bose l, anno 1304, retenu pour son dition par J. Oporinus en 1544, et par G. Dindorf, pour la sienne, en 1859-


    I862, (d. J. E. Dean, Epiphanius' Treatise on Weights and Measures, The syriac Version, [I93S], p. 4-S). R. H. Charles a rdit, dans The Ethiopic Version of the Hebrew Book of Jubilees, (Anecdota Oxoniensia, I89S), p. S-9, le texte de D. Petau, en le corrigeant de faon souvent arbitraire, et en utilisant la collation d'un Marc. (non cot dans son dition) donne par G. Dindorf en appendice.

    Eus. L' Historia ecclesiastica d'Eusbe de Csare a t publie dans les GCS 9, 2, en Ige8, par E. Schwartz, qui a choisi pour son dition, Paris. gr. I43I, ditB, du IIf'/I~ s.; Paris. gr. I433, dit D, du IIe/I~ s.; Venet. Marc. 338, dit M, dUI~ s.; Paris. gr. I430,ditA;Laur.70, 7, dit T, du Ioe/IIf' s.; Laur. 70, 20, ditE, du Ioe s.; Mosqu. so, ditR, du I~ s.

    La Praeparatio evangelica a t publie dans les GCS 43, I et 2, en I9S4-I9S6, par K. Mras, qui a choisi pour son dition Paris. gr. 4SI, dit A, anno 9I4, avec sa copie Marc. 343, dit H, du IIf' s.; Marc. 34I, dit l, du Ise S., qui est de la mme famille que les prcdents; puis d'une deuxime famille: Paris. gr. 46S, dit B, du Ise s.; Paris. gr. 467, dit D, du Ise/I6e s.; Laurent. plut. VI 9, dit G, anno I344; Neapol. II AA 16, dit N, du I4e s.; Bonon. 3643, dit 0, fin Ise s.; Athos Batop. IBo, dit V, dbut I4e s.

    iel.Cyz. L'Histoire de l'glise, de Glase de Cyzique, a t dite par G. Loeschcke et M. Heinemann dans les GCS 28, en I9I8, selon Ambros. S34, dit A, qui est de deux mains et date du I~ II3e s.; Vatic. gr. 830, dit VI, anno II46; Paris. suppl. gr. SI6, dit pa, anno IS72, Vat. gr. II42, dit R, du Ise s., qui forment une famille, et par ailleurs d'une deuxime famille: Hieros. III, dit H, anno IS88-IS9I; Monac. gr. 43, dit Ma, du I6e s.; Paris. gr. 4I3, dit Pl, du I6e s.; Paris. gr. 4I8, dit pa, du I6e s.

    :i. Cedr. L' Historiarum Compendium de Georges Cdrnus, dit par Emm. Bekker, en I838, est une rdition de Xylander, en IS66, elle-mme reproduisant l'dition de Wolf (date ?) base sur le Coislin. I36, du

    I~ s. (d. 1. Bekker, Prface, p. XIII-XVI). G. Ha- La Chronique de Georges le Moine, dit Hamartolos, a t dite, en nartolos Ige4, par C. de Boor, qui a choisi pour son dition: I) Coislin. 3IO, dit

    A, du IoeS.; 2) Coislin. I34, dit C, du I~S.; 3) Scoral. IcI> I, dit D, du IIe s.; 4) Paris. gr. I70S, dit B, du Ise s.; S) Patmos, 7, dit E, du IIf' s.; 6) Vindob. mst. gr. 6S, dit F, du I3e s.; 7) Vindob. hist. gr. 83, dit G, du I4e s.; 8) Vindob. hist. gr. 40, dit V, du IIe s.; avec sa copie: 9) Vatic. gr. IS3, du I3es.; IO) Holkham. 296, du ISe S.; II) Laurent. plut. 70, II, dit L, du IIf' s.; et sa copie: I2) Vatic. gr. IS4, dit La, du I2e s.; I3) Coislin. 30S, dit P, du Ioe/IIf' s.


    :;. Sync. La ChronograPhie de Georges le Syncelle a t publie par G. Dindorf, en 1829, l'aide de Paris. gr. 17H, dit A, anno I02I, et Paris. gr. 1764, ditB.

    Hermas L'dition de Hermas, assure par M. Whlttaker, pour les GCS 48, en 1956, s'appuie sur le seul ms. connu, le Sin. (Lond. Br. Mus. Add. 43725), dU4e s.

    Hipp. Le De Antichristo d'Hippolyte de Rome a t dit par H. Achelis, dans les GCS l, 2, en 1897, grce Ebroic. l, dit E, du Ise s.; Hieros. S. Sep. l, dit H, du IOe s. et Remens. 78, dit R, du 16e s.

    J. Zon. Les Annales de Jean Zonaras, dites par M. Pinder en 184I, sont connues par Paris. gr. 1715, anno 1289; Vindob. 16, Monac. 324, et Monac. 93, selon les indications de l'diteur.

    Jos. Le Contra Apionem de Flavius Josphe, publi dans l'dition S. A. Naber, t. VI, 18g6, n'est connu que par le Laurent. plut. 69, 22, du He S., qui a plusieurs copies.

    Les Antiquits judaques figurent dans la mme dition S. A. Naber, t. I-IV, 1888-18g3, grce un choix de mss, Paris. gr. 142I, dit R, du 14e s.; Bodl. misc. gr. 186, dit 0, du Ise s.; Marc. gr. 38I, dit M, du 13e s.; Vindob. hist. gr. 2, dit S, du He s.; PariS. gr. 1419, ditP, du He s.; Laurent. plut. 69, 20, dit L, du 14e s., qui a de nombreuses copies.

    Just. Le De Monarchia et la Cohoratio ad Gentiles du Pseudo-Justin ont t publis par J. T. C. von Otto, 3e d. en 1879 (re d. 1842), qui a employ: Paris. gr. 45I, dit A, anno 914; Paris. gr. 174, dit B, du He s.; Paris. gr. 450, dit C, anno 1364; Paris. gr. 19, dit D, du 16e s.; Clarom. 82, dit E, anno 154I; pour la premire dition: Argent. gr. 9, dit F, du 13e/14es., disparu dans l'incendie de 1870; sa copie faite par H. Estienne, Apogr. StePh., dit Fa, anno 1586.

    M. Gly- Les Annales de Michel Glycas, dites par Emm. Bekker, en 1836, cas reproduisent l'dition P. Labbe de 1659, un Valicell., dit V, un Fontise-

    brald., dit F, un Monac. 152, dit B, un Vindelic., dit A, un Clarom., dit C, le Taurin. 93 (cf. d. PG 158, p. I-VI).

    Oecum. Les Commentaires sur le Nouveau Testament d'Oecumnius ont t dits par J. Hentenius, en 1545 (rd. 1630-163I), selon un manuscrit grec (?) (cf. Prface, ad Lect., p. [I]).

    Orig. Les Commentaires d'Origne sur l'vangile de Jean ont t publis dans les GCS ro, en 1903, par E. Preuschen, qui a fait un choix de mss: Monac. gr. 19I, dit M, du 12e/I3e s., qui est de trois mains; Marc. 43, dit V, anno 1374, d'o provient Bodl. gr. mise. 58, dit B, du 17e s.

    Philo- L'Histoire ecclsiastique de Philostorge, dite par J. Bidez dans storg. les GCS 2I, en 1913, s'appuie sur les mss de Photius, Oxf. Baroce. 142,


    dit B, du I4e s.; Marc. 337, dit M, du 15e s.; Laur. 70, 5, dit L, du ISe S., et encore d'autres mss moins importants.

    Sozom. L'Histoire ecclsiastique d'Hermias Sozomne a paru dans les GCS 50 par les soins de J. Bidez et G. C. Hansen, en 1960, appuye sur un choix de mss, Oxf. Barocc. 142, dit B, dbut 14e s.; Br. Mus. Egg. 2626, dit E, anno 1524; Alex. 60, dit C, du 13e s.; Vatic. gr. 976, dit R, du I4e s.; Marc. 917 Gadis 344), dit V, fin du 13e s.; Ambros. D 34 sup., dit A, du IOe/lle s.


    Aux citations proprement dites s'ajoutent les restes de pseudpigra-phes disperss ailleurs. Ce sont d'abord les insertions de sections plus ou moins importantes dans des compositions plus vastes, habituellement chrtiennes, puis les manuscrits d'extraits o figurent des fragments de pseudpigraphes, et de mme les scolies et les chanes qui leur font des emprunts. Cinq cas d'insertions peu prs assures ont t retenus, elles ont t faites dans l'Ascension d'Isae, dans la Vie d'sope, dans les Lettres du Pseudo-Hraclite, dans le grand Papyrus magique de Paris, et dans la ThosoPhie de Tubingue. Deux manuscrits d'extraits, le Athos Koutloumous 178 et le Paris. gr. 4, et trois chaines exgti-ques, celle du ms. Bas. gr. l, la Catena Cramer et la Catena Nicephori, ont livr des fragments valables. Par ailleurs, il reste des manuscrits d' uvres compltes, mais qui sont fragmentaires pour des raisons matrielles. C'est ainsi que les papyrus ont parfois conserv des sections considrables d'crits juifs, tels le logos hebraikos dans Je Pap. Paris. gr. suppl. gr. 574, le Martyre d'Isae, dans l'Ascension d'Isae conserve par les Pap. Amherst, t. l, et mme une partie des Sentences d'A/tiqar, dans la Vie d'sope, conserve par le Pap. Berol. 11628. La plupart du temps, nanmoins, les papyrus sont fort fragmentaires, et trois uvres juives subsistent ainsi, dans ces condi-tions, grce aux Pap. Chester Beatty 185, Pap. Oxyrh. 403 et Pap. Oxyrh. 2069. Enfin, aux insertions, aux manuscrits d'extraits, aux chaines, aux papyrus fragmentaires, l'on joindra un cas de "rdition" mdivale, celui du Martyre d'Isaie dans la Legenda graeca publie par O. von Gebhardt, et aussi les Sentences du Pseudo-Phocylide.

    Les uvres, chaines, manuscrits d'extraits, papyrus fragmentaires o se trouvent des restes de pseudpigraphes juifs, sont numrs ci-aprs, avec la Legenda graeca et le Pseudo-Phocylide.

    Aes. Vita Insrs dans la Vie d'sope, les chapitres 101 123 sont probable-


    ment emprunts l'crit ancien Vie et Maximes d

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