blacktown city council community update · 2020. 7. 13. · blacktown city council community update...

Post on 14-Feb-2021






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  • Blacktown City Council Community Update

    A message from Tony Bleasdale, OAM Mayor Blacktown City

    The response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is an ongoing challenge for all of us. At Council, our priorities remain unchanged. The health and safety of our employees, residents and the whole community, is paramount. We are here to help by adopting all relevant safety measures, while continuing to provide essential services.

    We will continue to follow the advice provided by New South Wales Health and the Australian Government Department of Health.

    Importantly, we are also aware that COVID-19 has caused significant financial challenges. If you are able to, you are encouraged to pay your rates when they fall due.

    We recognise, however, that this may not be possible for all ratepayers.

    Should you experience difficulty making payments by the due dates, Council can offer an interest-free payment arrangement whereby you pay a regular amount weekly, fortnightly or monthly. To do so please visit Council’s website to complete an application.

    Once you have done this we will review your application. In some cases, we may require further information and, if so, we will contact you. Please be patient and understanding with Council staff so we can work through this together. We will do our best to help, but if you do experience wait times while your application is processed, we apologise.

    Please continue to support local businesses by shopping locally wherever you can.

    I thank everyone for their patience and contribution in doing the right thing, and helping our city to navigate these very difficult times.

    Tony Bleasdale, OAM Mayor Blacktown City

    Email us -

    Visit us - 62 Flushcombe Road, Blacktown

    Mail us - PO Box 63, Blacktown 2148

    Call us - 9839 6000

    Blacktown City Council




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  • Our 2020/21 budget Changes to how you lodge Development Applications

    Support services available

    $25 million for our Kids’ Early Learning childcare centres

    From 1 July 2020, all development applications submitted to Council need to be lodged online via the NSW Planning Portal.

    The planning system will be easier to use with the NSW Planning Portal.

    The Portal hosts a range of digital planning services, mapping and reporting tools to assist everyone involved in a proposed development.

    The digital services accessed via dashboards will:

    • improve application determination times

    • increase transparency of the planning system

    • ensure greater accountability of all stakeholders.

    Further information can be found

    $9.9 million for our Blacktown City Libraries

    $110 million for roads, footpaths and bridges

    We understand how difficult the (COVID-19) pandemic has been for residents of Blacktown City. There are still a number of support services available to those in need. To find out what support is available for:

    • older people

    • financial assistance services

    • charitable food services

    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

    • family and domestic Violence

    • children services

    visit and click on support services available.

    $11.5 million for the Warrick Lane transformational project

    $21 million for our community facilities

    $49 million for parks, reserves, playgrounds and sporting fields

    $27 million for the Western Sydney Animal Rehoming Centre

    $74 million for the International Centre of Training Excellence

    Want to save money while helping the


    Australian Energy Foundation has partnered with Blacktown City Council to help you make energy

    efficient choices in your home with:

    For free advice, or to arrange a quote, talk to an energy advisor today on 1300 23 68 55 or


    For more sustainable living tips, subscribe to Blacktown City’s Sustainable Living newsletter

    solar panels and battery storage

    reverse cycle air conditioners

    pool pump controllers

    LED lighting

    insulation and draught proofing

    home energy assessments

    hot water heat pumps

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