bnl nsls ii presentation on survey and alignment using point cloud

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Translating Survey and Alignment Data with PointCloud Into Autodesk

By Luke Babich

Project Objectives

•Understand how to use the Kubit programs •Learn how to import data into Autodesk products•Work with the Survey and Alignment Group and learn the scanning process•Assist the Sr. Designer on the CHX beam line with analyzing the scans created for her beam line•Create documentation to assist other designers with using the Kubit software

Nation Synchronized Light Source II

I sit here

LOB’s(Lab and Office Buildings)

Model VS As-built

Architects/Engineers create 3D models and 2D drawings using Autodesk products(AutoCAD and Navisworks)

Carpenters use models and drawings to build the structure

When complete, Survey and Alignment measures as-built conditions and shows deviations (VirtuSurv and PointCloud)

Traditional measuring tools have limitations: Laser track measuring can be slow and tedious If a measurement is needed that was not taken, the

engineer must return to the site Work flow may be halted

Advantages of scanning:

Scans are easy to set up and take only minutes to run

Once scans are taken they can be stored as PointCloud files

Scans maintain a millimeter of accuracy within 30 meters and can be overlapped to compete a large area

Scans can be directly imported into AutoCAD and used to make an accurate as-built model

Scanning And PointCloud

VirtuSurv Pointcloud in AutoCAD

Kubit Programs VirtuSurv and PointSense Plant are linked. Working in VirtuSurv’s picture view sends points to AutoCAD. Making it simple and seamless to model floors, walls, doors, piping and steel.

Survey (Scans) Engineering


•PointCloud files are large and can cause computers to run slowly•Using varies modeling features from PointSense and VirtuSurv, you can convert a PointCloud file into a solid part for practical use•The PointCloud solid parts can be exported as drawing files or even step files and be used in other modeling and viewing programs•These files are much smaller and easier to work with

PointCloud in AutoCAD (Contains millions of points)

PointSense Solid Modeling

Native Navisworks

Navisworks with Created Model

Floor Discrepancies Modeling with a full PointCloud can be difficult because it contains so

many points. The sections manager can isolate points and get a better view on areas of interest

Using section manager the floor can be isolated and changed into a elevations map to understand floor discrepancies

This can be helpful in assuring a level experimental floor or to see where building low points are for effective draining systems

All points in AutoCAD

Roof cut using Section Manager

Using an Isolated Ground

An elevation discrepancy map is created

Piping and Steel

Piping Feature: Walk The Run Steel Feature: Fit Beam

Walk The Run

•Allows users to create pipe runs by clicking points along the existing pipe image in VirtuSurv •Identifies pipe diameter, changes in pipe direction, and features in pipes such as valves and flanges•Kubit provides pipe catalogs with a wide variety of pipes but other catalogs can be added

•If there is a particularly complicated pipe run or not enough data, users can manually insert piping with the aid of VirtuSurv•Above shows a manual insertion of a 90 degree elbow. Clicking along the seam of the connecting pipe orients the pipe correctly •Walk The Run is a quick way to lay piping but the run may look unaligned when finished

•In complicated sections piping may be off. This can be fixed with the “Constrain Piping” feature which uses the PointCloud to fix runs

•This Feature also creates a centerline for the piping for which a tie in point can be displayed

Tie In Points

•Tie in points can assure correct installation of pipes into equipment, supply and return lines, as well as other piping runs

•Tie in points are shown as x,y,z coordinates

•PointSense Plant comes with a large steel catalog and other catalogs and profiles can be added•Even if the exact size of the steel is unknown, as long as the size is relatively close, any size steel can be fit and swapped until a desired fit is obtained•Steel is more involved than piping but if enough data is present and steel sizes are known it can be very simple

Beam Fit

•Clicking along the steel run in VirtuSurv fits it into the AutoCAD pointcloud•After a beam is fit it can be edited by rotating, re-fitting, or changing the steel profile•Steel can also be extended to other steel or to a defined point

•Steel can also be automatically constrained; but manually extending steel to points usually works best

Ramp Between the CHX Beamline in VirtuSurv

Ramp between the CHX Beamline as a PointCloud file AutoCAD

Ramp as a PointSense Solid Model


Three dimensional scanning is a powerful tool that can be used to create models that accurately depict the as-built world

Measurements can be taken off of the models and as-built features can be used to complete the final design stages of a project

PointCloud files can be converted to solid objects using Kubit’s PointSense software in the AutoCAD environment

Kubit PointSense modeling features allow for accurate solid representation of as-built conditions; allowing designers to create an accurate model

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