bod / cbod from a to z · pdf filewhat is bod? • it is a measure of the amount of oxygen...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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  • BOD / CBOD


    A TO Z

    Amy Starkey

    Stark County Sanitary Engineers

  • What



  • What is BOD? It is a measure of the amount of oxygen consumed

    by bacteria during the decomposition of organic


    Organic materials from the wastewater treatment facility

    act as a food source for the bacteria.

    Directly related to Dissolved Oxygen

    The bacteria require oxygen in the form of dissolved

    oxygen to decompose or eat the food source. Through a

    calculation, the amount of DO depletion between the initial

    day and final day of the analysis determines the BOD.

    Thus, BOD directly affects the amount of Dissolved


    The greater the BOD = more rapid oxygen depletion = less

    oxygen available to aquatic life.

  • What is the Difference Between

    BOD and CBOD


    represents the oxidation

    of carbons and

    nitrogenous compounds

    present in the water


    measures the oxidation of

    carbons present in water

  • TCMP

  • prevents the oxidation of reduced forms of nitrogen such

    as ammonia, and organic nitrogen which exert a

    nitrogenous demand.

    Should add at the beginning of the test because

    nitrification will begin almost immediately if the right

    organisms are present (Baird and Smith, 2002).


  • BOD



  • BOD verses COD


    represents the oxidation

    of carbons and

    nitrogenous compounds

    present in the water

    Analysis completion is

    done in 5-days


    Is the measure of the

    total amount of oxygen

    required to oxidize all

    organic material into

    carbon dioxide and water

    analysis only takes a few


  • BOD verses COD

    COD results are always higher than BOD


    Useful in determining an unknown BOD range

    for a sample but it can NOT replace the BOD


  • Methods

  • Approved Methods

    Standard Methods 18th, 19th, and 20th

    editions (5210B, 5-Day BOD Test)

  • Two Ways in Determining DO

    Iodometric Method (Winkler DO Method)

    Membrane Electrode Method

  • Winkler Method

    Azide Modification Method Preferred for most wastewaters

    Removes interferences caused by nitrite which is common in


    Permanganate Modification

    Used when ferrous iron is present

    Azide plus Potassium Fluoride Modification

    Used when 5 mg or more of ferric iron salts/L are present

    Alum Flocculation Modification

    Used when there is interference caused by suspended solids

    Copper Sulfate-Sulfamic Acid Flocculation


    Used for biological flocs such as activated sludge mixtures which

    also have a high oxygen utilization rate

  • Sample


    Holding Time,



  • Grab Samples

    Ideally samples should be analyzed within

    6-hrs of collection, however if this is not

    possible, then analyze samples within 48

    hours of collection (40 CFR part 136).

    Store samples at < 6C.

  • Composite Sampling

    Samples should be kept at or below < 6C during

    compositing (limited to 24-hour period).

    start the measurement of holding time from the end of

    the compositing period.

    For example if the compositing was started at 8:30 am

    on Tuesday and ended at 8:30 am on Wednesday, then

    the 48-hour holding time would start from the end of the

    compositing period which would be 8:30am on


    Store samples at < 6C

  • Quality

    Control &



  • BOD Quality Controls

    Blank Control Checks

    GGA Control Checks

    Glucose Glutamic Acid

    Seed Control Checks

  • Blank Control Checks

    Straight dilution water

    Used to determine cleanliness of bottles

    as well as the source water.

    It must have a DO uptake NO greater than 0.2 mg/L

  • GGA Control Checks

    Used to check the quality of the seeding


    Low results reflect poor seeding material.

    The ideal GGA range for a BOD sample is

    198 + 30 mg/L.

  • GGA Control Checks

    GGA Needs to be pH adjusted

    Initially the pH is around 4

    Adjust between 6.5 -7.5, like any other


  • Seed Controls

    Must have a DO uptake attributable to the

    seed added to each bottle between

    0.6mg/L 1.0 mg/L.

    Most domestic wastewater, unchlorinated

    or undisinfected effluents will contain a

    sufficient population of microorganisms.

    Used to calculate the BOD results of

    samples which are seeded

  • BOD / CBOD Requirements

    pH of samples should be between a pH of 6.5-7.5

    Sample temperature should be adjusted to 20 + 1C before making dilutions

    After 5 days of incubation the final DO of samples must result in a DO depletion of at least 2.0 mg/L with a DO residual of no less than 1.0 mg/L. This is why it is recommended to make several dilutions of a sample.

    Example: The initial DO of a sample is 8.2 and after 5 days of incubation the final DO is 7.8. Then the final DO does not meet the required DO depletion of at least 2.0mg/L so a BOD result can not be calculated from this sample.

    Example #2: The initial DO of a sample is 8.2 and after 5 days of incubation the final DO is 0.20 mg/L. Here the final DO does not meet the required DO residual of at least 1.0 mg/L, so again the BOD result can not be calculated

  • Dilution


  • Dilution Water Sources




    Natural Waters

  • Dilution Water Source

    Must be free of heavy metals, and toxic

    substances which inhibit micro-bacterial


    Must also be able to maintain no more

    than a 0.20 mg/L DO depletion during the

    5-day incubation period.

  • Reagents Added to Dilution Water

    Phosphate Buffer Solution

    Magnesium Sulfate Solution (MgSO4)

    Calcium Chloride Solution (CaCl2)

    Ferric Chloride Solution (FeCl3)

  • Purpose of Adding Trace Metals,

    Nutrients and Buffering Dilution


    Bacteria growth requires nutrients and

    trace metals.

    It is buffered to ensure the pH of the

    incubated samples remain in a range

    suitable for bacteria growth.

  • Why Dilute Samples Before


    Because the BOD concentration in most

    wastewaters exceeds the concentration of

    DO available in an air-saturated sample.

  • Seeding

  • Why Seed?

    To add a population of microorganisms capable

    of oxidizing the biodegradable organic matter.

    Most domestic wastewater, unchlorinated or

    undisinfected effluents will contain a sufficient

    population of microorganisms.

  • Samples That may Require Seeding

    Chlorinated samples

    High temperature wastes

    Wastes with extreme pH values

  • Selecting a Seed Source

    Select a material to be used for seeding which

    will have a BOD of at least 180 mg/L.

    Example of seed sources according to Standard

    Methods 20th Edition

    Raw domestic Sewage prepared as stated above

    Small quantities of digester supernatant, return

    activated sludge

    Commerically available seed material (Polyseed)

  • Seeding

    Must have a DO uptake/depletion of 2

    mg/L after the 5-day incubation period,

    and also result in at least 1 mg/L residual

    DO (final DO).

  • Over Mixing the Ployseed

    Never let the vortex

    touch the stir bar

    Micro-organisms in the

    seed will be too tired to

    get the job done in your

    samples and may see

    low results in the seed


  • Proper way to mix the Polyseed

    Mix on a speed of about 5,

    or so that the vortex is not

    touching the stir bar and

    splashing out.

    Mix for an hour

    Let bran settle out and

    transfer to another beaker to

    allow to mix for up to 5 hours

    on a speed setting between


  • Seed Calculations

    The DO uptake attributable to the seed (the seed factor or SF) added to each bottle is between 0.6mg/L 1.0 mg/L. The SF is calculated by using the equation below:

    SF = (B1 B2) x (f)

  • Seed Calculations

    SF = (B1 B2) x (f)

    Where :

    B1 = Initial Seed Control DO (before incubation)

    B2 = Final Seed Control DO (after 5-day


    f = ratio of seed in diluted sample to seed in

    seed control , or better see as

    f = (volume, mls of seed in diluted sample)

    (volume, mls of seed in seed control)

  • BOD5, mg/L = (D1 D2) (SF)




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