børn som-digitale-verdensborgere

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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Børn som digitale verdensborgere

Oplæg for satsningsområdet ’Børn, Medier og Kultur’ 19. maj 2015

Kjetil Sandvik, lektor, Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling, KU


• Forskning i og praksisnær afdækning af digitale redskabers betydning for børns udvikling og læring (KL og Ministeriet for Børn, Ligestilling, Integration og Sociale forhold)

• Delprojekt: Dannelse i en digital og global verden – digitale redskaber skal understøtte barnets lærings- og dannelsesproces


• Forskerteam (Klaus Thestrup, Carsten Jessen, Kjetil Sandvik)

• Laboratorium-facilitatorer (pædagoger med stor erfaring i medieleg, dvs. anvendelse af (digitale) medier som legeredskaber og pædagogisk værktøj)

• Netværk af kommuner og daginstitutioner (repræsentanter for eksisterende praksis, deltagere i udvikling af nye praksisser)

• Formidlings-enhed (Videncenter for Intergration, Vejle)

Kortlægning af digitale strategier for daginstitutions området i netværkets kommunerKortlægning af eksisterende praksis i netværkets daginsti-tutioner

Eksperimenterende udvikling af nye praksisser i samarbejde med børn og pædagoger fra netværkets daginstitutioner.Lab 1: Børn som med-producenter(udvikling ’i øjenhøjde’ med børnene)Lab 2: Nye former for kommunikationLab 3: Børnehaven midt i verden

Bearbejdning og formidling af indsamlet data og resultater af laboratorier internt netværket.Udarbejdning af slutrapport.

Den større ramme: Meaning AcrossMedia

• Delprojekt: Co-creating smart cities: cross-media communication in the public sector (bruger-centreret tilgang til anvendelse af digital teknologi indenfor forskellige områder (bl.a. daginstitutions-området)

• Towards a concept of ‘smart city at eye level’• Challenging the technology-centric approach• Specific cross media approach: humans first combined/augmented

with other types of media.– Museums: creating participatory and co-creative audience experiences– Learning: creating post-graduate programs in collaboration with users:

customized, adaptable to work situation– Play: creating digital media practices with and for children


Eye level

Next Practice Lab: methods

• Action based research: creating and studying at the same time in collaboration pedagogues and children

• User-driven and co-creative development: creating frames for the children’s own creative experiments

• Process-oriented: both development and use practices are rooted in play activities (not in end-results: something to watch or show)


iPads decides

Pedagogues decides Children decides

Intended use vs creative use

Skepticism vs open-mindedness Habits vs creativity

Appropriating possibilities Challenging possibilities

Eye leveldeve-


Appropriating the media technology

• Beyond the analogue-digital divide:

• the iPad is just another creative tool (like paper, colors, clay...), it is just another tool for play (like LEGO bricks) and may be combined with other 'play technolo-gies'.

Role of the media• 1st degree media play: media as content,

language, discourse, aesthetic format create starting point for creating play (not just reproduction: reshaping, transforming, combining to be appropriated by play)

• 2nd degree media play: media (media technology) functioning as basis for play: the media as toys, as creative objects with specific affordances to be included in the play activity.

Kjetil Sandvik: 1st and 2nd degree media play: the role and meaning of media in children's play, 2009

© Klaus Thestrup, Aarhus University

Steps in the smart city at eye levelprocess: creating new practices

• Learning and exploring(controlled by pedagogues): to get acquainted to the iPad, to see its possibilities etc. It is important with planning and well-defined frames for all to feel comfortable (both pedagogues and children)

Steps in the smart city at eye levelprocess: creating new practices

• Setting the iPad free (controlled by both pedagogues and children): to improvise and use the iPad in impulsive ways, letting children teach children, insisting on process, not product oriented

Steps in the smart city at eye level process: creating new practices

• iPad fully integrated in children's play (control-led by children): iPads are used for play, iPads are inspiring play (maybe even without being physically present in the play activity: moving like in 'reverse camera', imagining landscapes as if using 'green screen' etc.)

Concluding remarks

• It is not a matter of replacing top-down with bottom-up

• Eye-level strategies are about finding a common ground for collaboration between developers, policy makers (the ones setting the frames, like the pedagogues in a daycare institution) and citizens co-creatively creating and engaging in new practices (like the children in the daycare institution)

• Focuses on the importance of process, of open-mindedness towards change, and on key operating modes like participation, collaboration and co-creation

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