boundary issues

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Boundaries Issues

Team AFebruary 18 , 2014

BSHS/ 335Beatriz Zayas

Agenda Introduction Boundary Issues Bartering Examples Of Bartering Clarify Agreement Confidentiality Conclusion

Caseworker and a client should have boundaries. These boundaries can be crossed by them in different situations. The relationship is not only about counseling, the boundary can be crossed by : Giving gifts Socializing sexual attractions

Boundary Issues

\Situation: Caseworker is a young women fairly new to the practice. She starts with therapy session with her new client Miguel who starts fantasizing about his caseworker. He eventually ask her out on a date. The caseworker accepts the invitation. Then from that day on they meet outside of their therapy session.

Ethical Violation Sessions outside

of work. Dating clients Professionalism

Do not accept the outside invitations.

Do not take work home.

Do not accept fancy gifts.

Referral to another colleague.

Bartering Bartering : is when a client

pays for his counseling visit for exchange in work, goods, or by working for the therapist.

Ethic codeAmerican psychological association (2002) states that; barter is the acceptance of goods, services, or other nonmonetary remuneration from client /patients in return for psychological services. Psychologist may barter only if (1) it is not clinically(2) the resulting arrangement is not exploitative. (6.05)


Service to repay visit


Non payment


Bartering for Professional services(Corey, "Chapter 7,Sexual Attractions in the Client-Therapist Relationship,"  2011)

Blanca Perezar ce-Serenil

Examples of bartering Marriage & Family therapist




Clarify Agreement Written agreement Clarify the agreement Avoid repayment with service Re-payment by goods or monthly small

amounts. Sign agreement Mediator

Bartering for Professional services(Corey, "Chapter 7,Sexual Attractions in the Client-Therapist Relationship,"  2011)


Confidentiality Scenario : a young therapist barely

going in the working field finds herself trap and lost. The situation was that she broke the ethical boundaries of talking to another person about her client.

Conclusion The most important thing to remember

when entering into any helping field, is that professional boundaries are necessary.

Ethical standards set by governing agencies aren't always enough to regulate one's actions and guide one into a safe, beneficial, and effective decision.

In counseling, the client is the most important, and it is important to remember that the counselor must keep their well-being in mind at all times.

References www.googleimages/ www.googleimages/

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