boycott from within letter to younger brother

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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Dear Younger Brother,

We are a group of Israeli citizens who support the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and

sanctions (BDS) against Israel. We oppose the Israeli criminal policies of colonialism, occupation

and apartheid, and strongly believe that international pressure is essential in bringing these

crimes to an end and creating an equal and just society in this region.

The silence on the part of western powers allows Israel to act as if it is above the law and carry

on committing its atrocities with impunity. But while the politicians have so far betrayed their 

obligation to their electorate, the people of such countries have risen up against their complicity

in Israeli crimes and are instead expressing a public outcry in Europe, US and around the world

demanding that the basic rights of the Palestinians be respected1.

You say that your audience consists of people who oppose the Israeli occupation and apartheid

policies. You may even say that music is above politics, but is this really the case when 46% of 

Jewish-Israeli teenagers oppose equal rights for Arab citizens of Israel and 56% of them believe

that Arabs should be banned from the parliament?2 Is this really the case when 52% of all Israeli

Jews support limiting the freedom of press? Is it true when 90% of them supported the

massacre of Gaza as it was unfolding during the winter of 2008-9 and the vast majority still does

so today, regardless of all that we know of the horrendous crimes performed there? This is your 

audience. These are the people you will be playing for.

You might also want to bear in mind that the vast majority of that audience had served or is

currently serving in the Israeli army - enabling and sustaining the criminal occupation of the

West Bank and the barbaric siege on Gaza, protecting the illegal settlements, demolishing

houses, supervising the construction of the annexation wall or even partaking in the massacres

that took place in Jenin or Gaza during recent years.

The Palestinians are united in their call for BDS, signed by over 170 civil society organizations,

representing all different sectors of the Palestinian society: those in the occupied territories,

those in exile and those who remained but are systematically discriminated against. The call is

strictly based on international law, and on universally recognized human rights, it is based onuniversal rights for all and is clearly opposed to all forms of racism, including that of anti-

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Semitism. It is gaining worldwide recognition that is growing by the day, and is joined by people

from every country and religion, including notable performers as: Elvis Costello, Roger Waters,

Carlos Santana, the Pixies, as well as the late Gil Scott-Heron. Some of them are also active with

the important collective Artists Against Apartheid3.

You should note that if you choose to perform under apartheid, your performance will certainly

be used by Israeli propaganda (“Hasbara”) as has happened in the past, as a show of support for 

Israel. What you say on stage may be meaningless as Israeli flags may be waving at you from

the audience or even hanging on your stage, painting the entire performance with the colors of 

apartheid.4,5 The picket line is now clearly marked - it is no longer a question of taking a political

stand, but rather which political stand would that be? Supporting apartheid, or opposing it? Youare now asked to take such a stand and we hope that it will be the moral one.


Oshra Bar 

Ronnie Barkan

Liad Kantorowicz

Assaf Kintzer 

Naomi Lyth

Edo Medicks

Ofer Neiman

Leiser Peles

Jonathan Pollak

Renen Raz

Tal Shapira

Yonatan Shapira

On behalf of Boycott! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within 





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