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Post on 24-Nov-2015






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INTRODUCTION TO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Customer satisfaction is one of the main objectives of any organization. Every organization tries to know the customer satisfaction about their products. So a study on customer satisfaction helps the organization as well as me to gain a vast knowledge over the real world tastes and preferences of customer. Whether the buyer is satisfied after purchase depends on the offers performance in relation to the buyers expectations. In general satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance in relation to his or her expectations. As this definition makes clear, satisfaction is a function of perceived performance and expectations. If the performance falls short of expectations,, the customer is dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectations, the customer is satisfied,. If the performance exceeds expectations, the customer is highly satisfied or delighted. Many companies are aiming for high satisfaction because customers who are just satisfied still find it easy to switch when a better offer comes along. Those who are highly satisfied are much less ready to switch. High satisfaction or delight creates an emotional bond with the brand, not just a rational preference. The result is high customer loyalty. Xeroxs senior management believes that a very satisfied or delighted customer is worth 10 times as much to the company as a satisfied customer. A very satisfied customer is likely to stay with Xerox many more years and buy more than a satisfied customer will. How do buyers form their expectations? From past buying experience, friends and associates advice and marketers and competitors information and promises.

If marketers raise expectations too high, the buyer is likely to be disappointed for example holiday inn ran a campaign a few years ago called no surprises yet hotel guests still encountered a host of problems, an holiday inn had to withdraw the campaign. however, if the company sets expectations too low, it wont attract enough buyers (although it will satisfy those who do buy.) Some of todays most successful companies are raising expectations and delivering performances to match. These companies are aiming for TCS- total customer satisfaction. Xerox for example, guarantees total satisfaction and will replace at its expense any dissatisfied customers equipment within a period of three years after purchase. Cigna advertises well never be 100% satisfied until you are, too. And one of Hondas ads says: one reason our customers are so satisfied is that we arent Nissan invites potential infinity buyers to drop in for a guest drive (not a test drive) because the Japanese word for customer is honoured guest. Look at what high satisfaction can do Saturn in the late 1980s, Saturn (general motors newest car division) changed the whole buyer-seller relationship with a new deal for car buyers there would be a fixed price (none of the traditional haggling); a 30 day guarantee or money back; salespeople on salary, not on commission (none of the traditional hard sell) once a sale is made, the sales staff surrounds the new owner for commemorative photo, with everyone smiling. The companys fifth anniversary celebration at the Tennessee headquarters was attended by more than 4000 Saturn from all across the country. Said Saturns president: Saturn is more than a car its a whole new way of doing things, of working with our customers and with one another. A customers decision to be loyal or to defect is the sum of many small encounters with the company. Consulting firm forum corporation says that in order for all these small encounters to add up to customers loyalty, companies need to create a branded customer experience heres how Canadian pacific hotels, a chain with 27 properties, did just that.

ASSURING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Those who enter to buy, support me. Those who come to flatter, please me. Those who complain, teach me how I may please others so that more will come. Only those who hurt me are displeased but do not complain. They refuse me permission to correct my errors and thus improve my service.-marshal field. The attitude of the professional is summed up in this statement. It establishes the customer as the person to whom you are responsible. Customers support you; therefore they deserve VIP treatmentWhen your customers are happy. You are happy. When they complain, you are unhappy, but you examine the complaint calmly and see it as an opportunity to learn as well as satisfy their needs. The quote echoes the fear that customers will not vocalize their dissatisfaction, buy instead take their business elsewhere. Theres another quote thats even more important to salespeople and companies immediately upon making a sale The sale begins when the customer saysyes In the old days, it used to be, the sale begins when the customers saysNO but thats a totally inappropriate attitude to embrace in todays customer-driven business environment.Keeping your customers happy Since your first concern is customer satisfaction you should be aware of some emotional stumbling blocks in your path: selective perception, user error and buyers remorse. Selective perception is the process in which a person sees only selected details form the entire picture. This attention to detail is sometimes petty. For example, a customer may have new copying machine that words like a charm, but he is irritated by the sound of the motor. He focuses only on what is wrong rather than what is tight. This occurs because buyers expect their purchases to be perfect. Regardless of the purchase price, they figure that for what they spent, they deserve perfection. When you encounter someone who practices selective perception, evaluate the situation to determine if the complaint is reasonable or exaggerated. If it exaggerated, try to resolve the problem by pointing out benefits and features that compensate. Put the negative detail in a different perspective for your client so that it venoms one small part for the total picture. Many sales involve the installation of a new system or piece of equipment, and the buyer of their employees must be trained to use it. Their successful use of the equipment depends upon the effectiveness of the training, and it is imperative that the salesperson follows through after the training period to make sure the client uses the purchase properly. It is not uncommon for people to forget 75% of what they hear after two days. This can cause user error. Which will significantly affect the outcome of your test and may prevent your client form reaching his success criteria. Often a client will be unhappy about a purchase and not realize that it is due to improper operation. The more complex something is, the more training it requires using it properly. In the interest of implementing the product quickly, users may settle for incomplete training or become sloppy in their application of good training, in any case, look for user error whenever a success criterion is not reached. buyers remorse refers to the regret that a buyers feels after making a purchase. It could be caused by selective perception, user error, or the clients error. Whatever the reason the full benefits of the products are not realized. Buyers remorse can also be caused by the economics of the purchase: until the benefits prove themselves to be cost effective, a buyer regrets having made the purchase. It is the responsibility of the salesperson to assuage these fears by assuring the client that his investment is wise and sound. Reiterate some of the selling points that convinces him to buy it originally, present data, and put him at ease. HANDLING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Whether your customers complaint is legitimate or not, follow it up with a service call. Whenever possible, do it personally instead of sending someone from the customer service department. It provides the personal service that your customer appreciates and it may obviate the need for a technician or serviceman to call. As an alternative, both of you can go together to handle customer complaints. Keep the following guidelines in mind: Dont procrastinate making the call. Often the Problem is not as serious as it sounds. Some customers read the riot act when they call about a complain. A delay in responding will only irritate your client more.Admit mistakes and apologize Just because you made the sale does not mean you can become defensive about your company, product or service. Even the most reputable companies make mistakes and have problems with their products. You may want to restate the customers complaint to show that you are listening an understanding of the problem. Show compassion for your customer Whether the complaint proves to be true or false, show your customer that you are concerned and will investigate the problem immediately. Help the customer calm down by saying, I can understand why feel the way you do.Actively listen to your customers complaint Talking will make him feel less anxious about it. Let your customer vent his feelings before you react ot the situation. Be sympathetic and encourage the customer to blow up afterward, hell feel better; this means hell be in a better frame of mind.Dont pass the buck to your company or someone else within it. This may take the blame off you, but it undermines the integrity and organization of the company, and your customer will lose confidence in your firm.

Maintaining customer satisfaction The philosophy behind maintaining your customers is simple; now that you have them, maintain them. When you consider the amount of time and money invested in them, you cannot afford to lose them. This investment goes beyond your personal expenditures. It also includes your firms advertising and marketing costs to reach that particular market segment. Your customers, therefore, should be treated as if the life of your business depended on them-which it does. ways to keep your customer satisfied1. Show them that you think of them

Send them helpful newspaper clippings or articles, cartoons related to their business and heres an idea I thought youd enjoy notes. Send your clients Christmas/new years cards, birthday cards. And thank you notes.

2. Drop by to show them new products and brochures and offer additional services.

Always make an appointment before making your call! Respect your clients. Time as you do your own.3. Offer a sample gift to enhance the use of your product. See how they are utilizing your product or service and suggest other way that they can benefit from it. They may not be realizing its full potential.4. Offers customer discounts on new products or services to encourage additional business.5. When new employees are hired, offer to train them free of charge in the use of your product 6. Repay or compensate the for cost time or money caused by problems encountered with your product.7. Be personal Record details about your clients life and enter in your file. Its so much nicer to say to someone, how is Bob? rather than, hows your husband?8. Tell the truth.9. Accept returns without bating an eyelash.In the long run, they are much less expensive than finding a new customer.10. Be ethicalKeep all your information about the account confidential. 11.Be certain that your company follows through on its commitment.This includes delivery, installation, packaging, and so on 11. show your appreciation for their referrals by reporting back to them outcome.12. If your company has a newsletter, obtain permission from your successful clients to write about them in it.Naturally, you would send them a copy.13. keep track of their results with your product and meet periodically to review the entire picture (their business, industry, trends, competition, etc.)14. keep the lines of communication forever open.As in any relationship, you must be able to exchange grievances, ideas praises, losses, and victories.What al of this comes down to is that you should be willing to go the extra mile for your accounts. They extra effort you expend now will be repaid handsomely in the future.The bottom line in maintaining your clients is service, service and more service. Be there for your customers and theyll want to stick with you. If you meet their needs, theyll think twice before switching to another company, even if theyve voiced some serious concerns. make new clients, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold. Develop the gold you have and the silver may take care of itself. ENDCUSTOMER SATISFACTION MEASUREMENT In the final phase of the project, research findings will be used to build a model of customer satisfaction management for each customer segment. Ultimately, QIC will be able to give its members an objective measurement of the industrys quality as perceived by the customer. That overall index will serve as a benchmark on the state of quality for the P/C industry. Members will also be able to use this information to determine which areas of product and service performance have the greatest impact on overall quality, and will be able to target improvement efforts in an informed and efficient manner. For the first time, the industry as a whole will have addressed customer-perceived value, as other sectors of the U.S. economy have done.Voice of the system preliminary research resuSurveys and in-depth interviews with industry leaders revealed funeral agreement that the market is in a tumultuous state, with pricing very soft for all but the most catastrophic coverage As revenue thins, expense concerns rise. Leaders cite inefficiencies in technology and product delivery both within and across firms. Coupled with this internal change, customer demands and expectations for value and service continue to evolve. The senior managers expressed genuine concern for customer-perceived quality and value, as well as the need to better understand and measure it

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN 7 STEPSIts a well-known fact that no business can exist without customers. In the business of website design, its important to work closely with your customers to make sure the site or system you create for them is as close to their requirements as you can manage. Because its critical that you form a close working relationship with your client, customer service is of vital importance. What follows are a selection of tips that will make your clients feel valued, wanted and loved.1.Encourage face to face dealings This is the most daunting and downright scary part of interacting with a customer. It youre not used to this sort of thing it can be pretty nerve-wracking experience. Rest assured, though, it does get easier over time. Its important to meet your customers face to face at least once or even twice during the course of a project. My experience has shown that a client finds it easier to relate to and work with someone theyve actually met in person, rather than a voice on the phone or someone typing into an email or messenger program. When you do meet them, be calm confident and above all, take time to ask them what they need. I believe that if a potential client spends over half the meeting doing the talking youre well on your way to a sale. 2. Respond to messages promptly & keep your clients informedThis goes without saying really. We all know how annoying it is to wait days for a response to an email or phone call. It might not always be practical to deal with all customers queries within the space of a few hours, but at least email or call them back and let them know youve received their message and youll contact them about it as soon as possible. Even if youre not able to solve a problem right away, let the customer know youre working on it. A good example of this is my web host. Theyve had some trouble with server hardware which has caused a fair bit of downtime lately. At every step along the way I was emailed and told exactly what was going on, why things were going wrong, and how along it would be before they were working again. They also apologies repeatedly, which was nice. Now if they server had just gone down with no explanation I think Id have been pretty annoyed and may have moved my business elsewhere, but because they took time to keep me informed, ti didnt seem so bad, and I at least knew they were doing something about the problems. That to me is a prime example of customer service. 3. Be friendly and approachable A fellow site pointer once told me that you can hear a smile through the phone. This is very true. Its very important to be friendly, courteous and to make your clients feel like youre their friend and youre there to help them out. There will be times then you want to beat your clients over the head repeatedly with a blunt object- it happens to all of us. Its vital that you keep a clear head, respond to your clients wishes to best you can, and at all times remain polite and courteous.4. have a clearly defined customer service policyThis may not be too important when youre just starting out, but a clearly customer service policy is going to save you a lot of time and effort In the long run. If a customer has a problem, what should they do? If the first option doesnt work, then what? Should they contact different people for billing and technical enquiries? If theyre not satisfied with any aspect of your customer service, whom should they tell? Theres nothing more annoying for a client than being passed from person to person, or not knowing who to turn to. Making sure they know exactly want to do at each stage of their enquiry should be of utmost importance so make sure your customer service policy is present on your siteand anywhere else it may be useful.5. attention to detail(also known as the little niceties Have you ever received a happy birthday email or card from a company you were a client of? Have you ever had a personalized sigh-up confirmation email for a service that you could tell was typed from scratch? These little niceties can be time consuming and arent always cost effective, but remember to do them. Even if its as small as sending a happy holidays email to all your customers its something. It shows you care; it shows there are real people on the other end of that screen or telephone; and most importantly, it makes the customer feel welcomed, wanted and valued.6. Anticipate your clients needs & go out of your way to help them out Sometimes this is easier said than done! However, achieving this supreme level of understanding with your clients will do wonders for your working relationship. Take this as an example: youre working on t front-end for your clients exciting new e-commerce endeavour. You have all the images, originals and files backed up on your desktop computer and the site is going rally well during a meeting with your client he/she happens to mention a hard-copy brochure their internal marketing people are developing are developing. As if by magic, a couple of weeks later a CD-ROM arrives on their doorstep complete with high resolution versions of all images youve used on the site. A not accompanies it, which reads: hi, you mentioned a hard-copy brochure you were working on and I wanted to provide you with large- scale copies of the graphics Ive used on the site hopefully youll be able to make use of some in your brochure. Your client Is heartily impressed, and remarks to his colleagues and friends how very helpful and considerate his web designers are. Meanwhile, in your office, you lay back in your chair drinking your 7th cup of coffee that morning, sage in the knowledge this happy customer will send several referrals your way7. honour your promises Its possible this is the most Important point in this article. Th simple message; when you promise something, deliver. The most common example here is project delivery dates. Clients dont like to be disappointed. Sometimes, something may not get done, or you might miss a deadline through no fault of your own. Projects can be late, technology can fail and sub-contractors dont always deliver on time. In this case a quick apology and assurance itll be ready ASAP wouldnt go amiss.Customers service, like any aspect of business, is a practiced art that takes time and effort to master. All you need to do to achieve this is to stop and switch roles with the customer. What would you want from your business if you were the client? How would you want to be treated? Treat your customers like your friends and theyll always come back.

Research design

Research design NEED, OBJECTIVES, SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY NEED OF THE STUDYTake any company today, everybody is focusing of customer retention, customer loyalty, long term customer relationship & most spoken is customer satisfaction. As they say the best advertisement is a satisfied customer. To know the customer satisfaction towards Mysore sandal soaps is the need for the study.objectives of the study To identity factors of customer satisfaction towards Mysore sandal soap & its other products To know the consumer expectation towards the Mysore sandal soap products To know the level of consumer satisfaction To identity the methodology to increase the satisfaction level among the consumers. To identify the problems which are contributing towards dissatisfaction of the customers To identity solutions for the above problem.scope of the study Earlier when more number of government and public sectors were there, a secured market was in place of Mysore sandal soap & its other sandal products. In the changed scenario, company has to complete with many private players for market retention and expansion.Limitations of the study

The sample size is small compare to the population. Not applicable to entire soap & products customers at macro level. The findings may not be accurate due to the limited time frame. The study is limited in Bangalore city only. Customers outside Bangalore are not taken into account. There is a perception research people may have opinion bias.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMNow-a-days soap industry is facing so much competition in the market. The market is flooded with Indian and multinational company and all the products of the companies are having good quality. So we do not have clear idea. What customers want about the various Mysore sandal products and also we cannot predict the future demand of the customers towards the product. We are not aware of the attitudes of the consumers towards the various soap industries and particularly towards Mysore sandal soap (KS &DL) and we also are unaware about how customers are getting satisfied from MSS (KS & DL).

METHODOLOGY As the study is aimed to know about the customer satisfaction towards MYSORE SANDAL SOAP the consumers are main force of the study. The survey has been conducted to collect the information the consumers. TYPES OF RESEARCH A project research may be of the three based on the objectives:exploratory Its objective is to gather preliminary information that will help to define the problem and suggest hypothesis.descriptive It involves talking to the customers In Bangalore city to get the information after gaining their cooperation.casual The objectives are to check the hypothesis about cause and effective relationship. The project under the study to find out the consumer perception towards Nandine milk and milk product in Bangalore. In this projects the researcher is adopted exploratory method research.developing research plan The research plan was completed within the given time period. Hence, it was effective. It yielded the intended results in a comprehensive manner. The methodology outlines sources of existing data and specific research approaches, contract methods, sampling plans and instruments that are used together new data.developing research planResearch projectDescriptive

Data SourcePrimary data, Secondary data

Research ApproachSurvey method

Research InstrumentQuestionnaire

Sample PlanSampling unit-Customers of Bangalore citySample size 100

analysis of data Pie chart, bar chart Percentage analysis

Industry profile

INDUSTRIAL AND COMPANY PROFILEHISTORY OF THE INDUSTRY The early days of civilization shows us that mankind was aware of the importance of cleanliness and hygienic. The great bath of Indus valley civilization is testimony for this. The Roam were known to be considerable users for the soaps. During the period Roman enterprise Stale Wine was collected as a source of ammonium carbonate for cleaning purpose. The mankind knew about soap 2000 years back i.e.in 70 A.D when Mr. Piling and leader accidently discovered soap when roasted meal overflowed on ashes.It was in 1831 A.D was said to be 2 lakhs tones p a ,and it was in this year Mr.W.H Lever entered the field of soap by making in a big way.Soap is a lamp like product, had foaming and cleaning character. Soap is a product that many people might take for granted or consider rather than ordinary, but for some, lathering up can be treasured part of morning or nightly routing. Scented or unscented ,in bars, gets and liquids, soap is a part of our daily lives. Since then in 1972 A.D at first commercial batch of soap was made and marketed by M.S Bristol soap was then taken to London.Lance Household penetration of soap is 98% people belonging to different income levels use different brands, which fall under different segments, but all income levels use soaps, making it the second largest category in India and detergents being number one. Rural demand is growing at an increasing rate compare to urban because rural consumers in India constitute about 60-70% of the population.Development in manufacturing of soap.The credit of making soap affordable to common man goes to Nicolas LeBlanc ,a French scientist. The early settlers in North American made their own soap by pouring hot water over wood ash to make an alkali called Potash. The Potash was boiled with animal fats in large. Iron kettles to make soap. But it was crude to look at and it had our. It was in this century development in soap making led to the making of soaps with frangance,mildness and colour.Mr.Twitched developed a process called Fat splitting in the year 1890 A.D.In 1899 again it was Mr.Twitched who took out an American plant claiming manufacturing of sodium salt of petroleum sulphonates.In 1930 Mr.Reychler,a Belgium scientist produced for the first time sodium Cheryl sulphated which had similar properties to that of soap. Soap cannot be in acid solution and its forms precipitate with the calcium and magnesium in hard water. Hence, although soap is good all round detergent. During the middle ages soaps were made in various countries such as Italy, France, Spain and England etc.

Soap Industry in India:Northwest soap company established the first soap industry in 1897 at Meerut. Following the Swedish movement in 1905 onwards few more factories movement in 1905 onwards few more factories were setup. Soap industries in India began with MIS Godrej, setting up their manufacturing unit during 1918 at Mumbai and MIS Government soap factory in Bangalore. During the year 1930,MIS TATA oil mills company . Setup Hindustan Lever Limited setup their manufacturing unit at Mumbai and Calcutta. The industry continued to flourish very well unit 1967-1968, when the industry stagnated due to informal price control. The industry soon recovered and experienced a sharp up swing during 1974.Before there World War I, Soap requirement of India was met by imports from the west, especially from United Kingdom. The big companies like lever Brother introduced soap and the use become more common even in villages. The soap supplied was of good quality and low price. Second world war give stimulates to indigenous soap industry, by 1994, the capacity established was 1,26,000 tons and actual output was 1,16,000 tons. By 1957 the capacity went up to 2.53 lakhs tons. Today the production the production capacity is around 6 lakhs tons (Toilet soap market estimated to 5.4 lakhs tons). In India, the per capita consumption of soap is 500 Gm compared to 1200 Gm in countries like Brazil. In case of detergents the per capita consumption is 1,60 kg in India compared to 15,5 kg in urban Europe and 18.5 kg in Australia. In the organized sector, 88 units are manufacturing soaps with an installed capacity of 705 963(46 units only) tons per year production of soap in their sector was of the order of 3,53,232 tons during 1994-95 and 3,88,087 tons during 1995-96. There are 33 units in the organized sector for manufacturing of detergents with an installed capacity of 5,09,020(22 units only) tons per annum.HistoryUntil 1916, Karnataka, then the princely state of Mysore , was exporting sandalwood to France and other European countries for the extraction of oil. However, during World War I when huge stocks of wood piled up in the state, an oil-extraction unit in Mysore and another one at Shivmooga was set up . Since then, Mysore became synonymous with sandalwood oil.LegendsA popular saying is that no other tree can grow where the sandalwood does. The reason for the belief could be the fact that the root of the tree is supposed to suck in all the required nutrients needed for its growth from the nearby trees. Another belief says that the smell of the wood is so intoxicating that snakes are said to wrap themselves around the tree.UsesThe inner wood or heartwood is used for carving and the bark when powered is an important raw material in the manufacture of Agarbathis. For the extraction of oil, used by the cosmetic and soap industry, the tree has to be uprooted, for it is the roots that have the highest percentage of oil. Even spent wood after oil extraction is an important raw material in agarbathi manufacture. Sandalwood scrapings are powdered and sold in pouches . The powder makes an excellent face and skin pack. A Hindu home usually has a billet of the wood that is rubbed on a stone plate sprinkled with water and the resulting paste is applied to the foreheads of idols during puja. An ancient Indian remedy for prevention of sunstroke is a glass of cold milk scented with a drop of sandalwood oil. This drink is also supposed to prevent boils and other skin ailments caused, according to the Indian school of medicine, by excessive heat in the body.

Company profile

introduction to soap industry:sooooooooap is one of the commodities, which has become an indispensable part of life of the modern fantasy world. Since it is non-durable consumer goods, there is a large market for it. The whole soap industry is experiencing changes due to innumerable reasons such as Government relations, environment, toxicological allergy problems, increase in cost of raw material etc.Following Swedish movement in 1905, few factories were set up and they were: Mysore Government Soap factory at Bangalore. Godrej Soaps at Bombay.The changing technology and even existing desire by the individuals and the organization to produce a better product at a mere economical rate has also acted as Catalyst for the dynamic process of change. More and more Soap manufactures are trying to capture a commanding market share by introducing and maintaining acceptable products. The soap industry in India faces a cutthroat competition, while multinational companies dominate the market.If we look back into the history of soaps & detergents, mankind knew about soaps nearly 2000 years back i.e. in 70 A.D. when Mr. Elder accidentally discovered the soap, when roasted meat over flowed on the glow in ashes. This lump like product was soap & had foaming & cleansing character. In 1192 A.D. the first commercial batch of soaps was made & marketed by M/s Bristol soap market in London, from there in 1662A.D. the first patent for making soap was taken in London. The world consumption of soap in 1884A.D. was said to be 2lakh tones p.a.THE INDIAN SOAP INDUSTRY SCENARIO: The Indian soap industry has been dominated by handful of companies such as1. Hindustan Levers Limited.2. Tata Oil Mills (Taken over by HLL)3. Godrej Soaps Private Limited.4. Recent entrants include Colgate Palmolive Limited., - Proctor and Gamble Limited., - Nirma Soap Works, - Wipro Limited.,The Indian soaps industry continued to flourish very well until 1967-68, but began to stagnate. Soon it started to recover and experienced a short upswing in 1974. This increase in demand can be attributed to:1. Growth of population2. Income and consumption increase.3. Increase in urbanization4. Growth in degree of personal hygiene Soap manufacturers are classified as Organized and Unorganized sector. KSDL is under organized sector.PRESENT STATUS:Market Scenario:India is the ideal market for cleansing products. The countrys per capita consumption of detergent powders and bars stands at 1.6kg and soap at 543gms. Hindustan Lever, which heralds over the cleaning business, sells in all over the cleaning business sells in all over the cleaning business but the tiniest of Indian settlements. The 7.4lakhs tons per annum soap market in India in crawling along at 4%The hope lies in raising Rupee worth, the potential for which is high because the Indian soapmarket is pseudo in nature & it is amazingly complex being segmented not only on the basisof price benefits, but even a range of emotions within that outlining framework

PROBLEMS OF SOAPS AND DETERGENTS INDUSTRY:Industry faces some problems due to increase in the cost of raw materials. The major ingredients like soda ash, linear alkyl benzene and Sodium triply phosphate poses number of serious problems in terms of availability. The demand and supply gap of vegetables oil is 1.5 to 2 lakhs tons and is met through imports.FUTURE OF SOAP INDUSTRYThe soap prospect seems to be numerous considering the fact that per capital consumption in India is below 0.3 Kgs over the years. We have M/s HLL, M/s Tom co, M/s KS&DL leading the industry in the field of soap manufacturers. The growth of population, income and consumption expenditure increase in urbanization, spread of education, modernization are soap of the reasons that has increased the demand for soaps. MARKET FOR SOAP PRODUCTSThe market for soap products in reckoned to grow at 10% to 15% a year while multi-national companies like HLL, PIG dominate the market particularly in the premium segment. In the organized sector, Nirma, Godrej, Colgate, Palmolive too are in the race. The toilet soap market is about 4 lakes tones of the premium segment accounts for about 6000 tones. The market for products has the same distinct features. It has a few dominant players with close differentials in the price of soaps in various segments. The wide range of brands in various segments and their prices trend in recent year shows that market is marked by consumer performance, which trends to be volatile. The Indian housewife has become choosier. The end result is high volumes and low cost if the margins are to be maintained.HISTORY:India is a rich land of forest, ivory, silk, sandal; precious gems are magical charms of centuries. The most enchanting perfumes of the world got their exotic spell with a twist of sandal. The worlds richest sandalwood resource is from one isolated stretch of forests land in South India that is Karnataka. The origin of sandalwood and its oil in Karnataka, which is used in making of Mysore sandal soaps, is well known as Fragrant Ambassador of India and Sandalwood oil is in fact known as Liquid Gold.By the inspiration of His Highness Maharaja of Mysore late Jayachamarajendra Wodeyar, the trading of sandalwood logs started which was exported to Europe and New destinations, but with commencement of First world War India faced Severe Crisis on the business of sandalwood.This situation gave rise to start of an industry, which produces value added products i.e., of sandalwood oil. His highness Maharaja of Mysore created this situation as an opportunity by sowing the seed of the Government Sandalwood oil Factory, which is the present KS&DL. The project was shaped with the engineering skills and expertise of the top level. Late Sir M. Visvesvaraya, the great Engineer who was the man behind the project.Todays famous Mysore sandal soaps credit goes to late Sri Sosale Garalapuri shastri who incorporated the process of soap making using Sandalwood oil. He was an eminent scientist in the field working at the Tata Institute, Bangalore. He was sent to England to master the fine aspects of soap manufacturing. The Maharaja of Mysore and Diwan Sir. M. Visvesvaraya established the Government Soap factory during the year 1918. The factory was started as a very small unit near K.R Circle, Bangalore with the capacity of 100 tons P.A. In November 1918 the Mysore sandal soap was put into the market after sincere effort and experiments were undertaken to evolve a soap perfume blend using sandalwood oil as the main base to manufacture toilet soap. The factory shifted its operation to Rajajinagar industrial area, Bangalore in July 1957, where the present plant is located. The plant occupies an area of 39 acres (covering Soaps, Detergents and Fatty Acid divisions), on the Bangalore - Pune Highway, easily accessible by transport services and communication. Another sandal wood oil division was established during the year 1944 at Shimoga, which stopped its operations in the year 2000 for want of Natural Sandalwood.This factory started at a moderate scale in year 1916. The first product was washing soap in addition to the toilet soap in the year 1918. The toilet soap of the company was made up of sandal wood oil.In 1950 Government decided to expand the factory in two stages. The first stage of expansion was done to increase the output to 700 tons per year and was completed in the year 1952 in the old premises.The next stage of expansion was implemented in s1954 to meet growing demand for Mysore sandal soap and for this purpose Government of India sanctioned license to manufacture 1500 tons of Soaps and 75 tons of glycerin per year. The expansion project worth of Rs.21 lakhs includes the shifting of the factory to a newly laid industrial suburban of Bangalore.THE FOUNDERS OF MYSORE SANDAL SOAP: SIR M. VISVESVARAYA

Nalwadikrishnaraja Sri S. G. Shastri Wodeyar ABOUT KARNATAKA SOAPS AND DETERGENTS LIMITED:Karnataka soaps and detergents limited [KSDL] a Government of Karnataka undertaking is involved in the extraction of sandalwood oil and in the manufacture of soaps, Detergents, Incense sticks and sandal Talc, having over 9 decades of experience in this field. KSDL today is one of the largest producers of sandalwood oil and sandal soap in the world, with a turnover of Rs.125crs. The sandal soaps of KSDL have a definite niche in the soap market with the oldest known perfumery material sandalwood as its main ingredient. Sandal Soaps of KSDL are probably the only soap in the world with pure natural sandalwood oil.KSDL is the true inheritor of Indias golden sandalwood legacy, the sandalwood oil which is also known as Liquid Gold. Sandal wood oil is recommended in ancient ayurvedic texts for skin care, has excellent antiseptic properties and soothes prickly heat and other skin rashes too. This is the reason why soaps made out of sandalwood oil are used all over the world for nourishing and softening the skin. It was the availability of sandal wood oil, which became a reason to set up a soap factory.Government soap Factory in Bangalore was established by the Maharaja of Mysore Nalwadi Krishna raja Wodeyar and DiwanSir M. Visvesvaraya during the year 1916. The soap making process was perfected under the stewardship of eminent scientist Shri S. G. Shastri. The sandalwood Oil Division in Mysore was established during the year 1916 and Sandalwood Oil Division at Shimoga was established during the year 1944.RENAMING:On 1st October 1980, the Government Soap Factory was renamed as Karnataka Soaps and Detergent Limited by integrating sandal oil factories at Mysore, Shimoga and Bangalore. The Company was registered as a public limited company. Today Company produces varieties of products in the toilet soaps, detergent, agarbathies and Cosmetics.


THE SHARABHAThe carving on the cover is the Sharabha, the trademark of KS&DL. The Sharabha is a mythological creation from the Puranas which has a body of a lion and head of elephant, which embodies the combined virtues of wisdom and strength. It is adopted as an official emblem SLOGAN:-NATURAL PRODUCTS WITH EXOTIC FRAGRANCESBIRDS EYE VIEW OF KS&DL:1918 - Govt. Soap factory started by Maharaja of Mysore & the Mysore Sandal Soap was introduced into the market for the first time.1950 - The factory output rose to find terms.1. Renovating the whole premises.2. Installing a new boiler soap building plant & drying chamber.1954 - Received License from government to manufacture 1500 tons of soap & 75 tons ofglycerin per year.1957-Factory shifted its operations to Rajajinagar industrial area.1975- Rs3crore synthetic Detergent plant was installed based on Ballestra SPA (Italy) technology.1981- a. Production capacity was increased to 6000 tons.b. Rs.5 crore Fatty acid plant was installed with technical collaboration from Europe.1992- The Board for Industrial & Financial Reconstruction (BIFR), New Delhi in Decemberfor rehabilitation.1996- The BIFR approved the Rehabilitation scheme in September.1999- ISO 14001 Certificate pertaining to Environmental Management System.2000- In May, the BIFR, New Delhi Declared the Company to be out of the purview.2004- The company launched Herbal Care Soap.VISION OF THE COMPANY Keeping pace with globalization, global trends and the states policy for using technology in every aspect of governance. Ensuring global presence of Mysore Sandal products while leveraging its unique strengths to take advantage of the current technology scenario by intelligent and selective diversification Secure all assistance and prime status from Government of India, all technology alliances. Further, ensure Karnatakas pre-eminent status as a proponent and provider of technology services to the world, nation, other states public and private sectors. Making available technology products and services at the most affordable price to the people at large, in keeping with the policy of a welfare state. Making all put efforts to achieve unimaginable profits.OBJECTIVES OF KSDL: - To attain self reliance. To promote and uphold its image as symbol of traditional products To promote purity and quality products and thus enhance age old charm of Sandalwood Oil. To build upon the reputation of Mysore Sandal soap based on pure sandal oil. To maintain the brand loyalty of its customer. To supply the products mentioned above at most reasonable and competitive rate.POLICY OF KSDL:- Seek purchase of goods and services from environment responsible suppliers. Communicate its environment policy and best practices to all its employees implications. Set targets and monitor progress through internal and external audits. Strive to design and develop products, which have friendly environmental impact during manufacturing. . Reuse and recycle materials wherever possible and minimize energy consumption and waste.

COMPETITORS OF KS&DLKS&DL is facing cut throat competition in national and international market. Some of its main competitors are:- M/S. Hindustan Uni Lever Ltd., M/S. Godrej Soaps Private Ltd., M/S. Proctor & Gamble M/S. Nirma Soaps Private Ltd., M/S. Jyothi Laboratories.

DEPARTMENTS OF KSDL: Human Resources Department Production Department Marketing Department Finance\Accounts Department Research & Development Department Stores Department Welfare Department Maintenance Department Materials Department Management Information System DepartmentAN ISO-9001 AND ISO-14001 COMPANY: KSDL with a tradition of excellence of over eight decades is committed to customer delight, through total quality management and continuous improvement through the involvement of all employees. KSDL has got ISO 9002 certificate.The Company got itself upgraded to ISO-9001-2004, Quality Systems in the year 2004-05The company is located in the heart of the Bangalore city. The management of the company took a decision to get the ISO-14001 and become model to other public sector for the techniques used and also to other Government units to spread the message of maintenance of environment.ISO-14001 and ISO-9001 will facilitate to improve the corporate brands in the global market and it will help the company to improve the profits, year after year on long-term basis. The environment management system adopted in the company through this motive as follows: Conservation of energy Conservation of Surrounding Conservation of resources

MISSION STATEMENT: To serve the National economy. To attain self-reliance. To promote purity & quality products To maintain the Brand loyalty of its customers. To build upon the reputation of Mysore sandal soap based on pure sandal oil.

PRESENT STATUS:1. The company has entered into shampoo, dish wash, detergent bar & room refresher.2. The company is striving to develop new perfumes for soaps detergents, agarbathies& shampoo.3. The company wants to improve the existing products in terms of quality.

OWNERSHIP PATTERN:Wholly owned by Government of Karnataka

ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS Government of KarnatakaDept of Industries and commerceState Export Promotion Advisory Board. EXPORT AWARD 1974-75 Geographical Indication GI-2005 ISO 9001-2000 in the year 1999 ISO 14001-2004 in the year 2000


PRODUCT PROFILE:KSDL is the true inheritor of golden legacy of India. Continuing the tradition of excellence for over eight decades, using only the best East Indian grade Sandalwood oil & Sandalwood soaps in the world. The products produced at KSDL are the Soaps, Detergents, Agarbathies and Sandalwood oil.PRODUCT MANUFACTURED BY KS&DLTOILET SOAPSNAME OF THE PRODUCTUNITS OF GRAMS

Mysore sandal soap75, 125

Mysore sandal classic soap75

Mysore sandal gold soap75, 125

Mysore sandal baby soap75

Mysore special sandal soap75

Mysore rose soap100

Mysore sandal herbal care soap100, 125

Mysore jasmine soap100

Wave soap100

Mysore lavender soap150

Mysore sandal bath tablet150

Mysore sandal classic bath tablet150

Mysore jasmine bath tablet150

Mysore special sandal tablet150

Mysore sandal rose tablet150

Mysore sandal guest tablet17




06 IN 01



Washing half bar

Washing sandal baby wash


Mysore detergent powder1000

Mysore detergent powder500

Mysore detergent cake125

Mysore detergent cake250


Mysore sandal talc20, 50, 100, 300

Mysore sandal baby talc100, 200, 400


Mysore sandal premium

Mysore sandal regular

Mysore rose


Mysore jasmine

Sir M.V.100

Pictures of some Products manufactured at Karnataka Soaps & Detergents Limited Mysore Sandal Soaps

This soap is made from vegetable oils,contains pure natural mysore sandal oil, along with skin care conditioner & moisturizers. Sandalwood oil- a natures gift,emanates lingering fragrance, keeps your skin glowing ,soft, blemish-free,forever young &beautiful.It is also available in 17g &125g. Mysore Sandal Bath Tablet (150g) This soap is made from vegetable oils,contains pure natural mysore sandal oil, along with skin care conditioner & moisturizers. Sandalwood oil- a natures gift,emanates lingering fragrance, keeps your skin glowing ,soft, blemish-free,forever young &beautiful. Mysore Sandal Bath Tablet Trio (150g*3)

This soap is made from vegetable oils,contains pure natural mysore sandal oil, along with skin care conditioner & moisturizers. Sandalwood oil- a natures gift,emanates lingering fragrance, keeps your skin glowing ,soft, blemish-free,forever young &beautiful.It is gift packed in a set of 3 bath tablets.Mysore Sandals Millenium Super Premium soap This super premium soap is made for all seasons,all kind of users for wellness, nourishment,rejuvenation ,soothing,cooling with the enthralling aroma of pure natural sandalwood oil, added with other key essentials oils viz,vetivert,patchouli,geranium,cedarwood,clove,guaiacwood,orange etc, which the user deserves in the new milleniumMysore Sandal Classic Bathing Bar

This bathing bar contains skin conditioners, moisturizers & pure natural sandalwood oil with therapeutic and antiseptic properties which makes your skin soft, smooth &glowing.sandalwood oil is natures gift, with a lingering fragrance and keeps you skin blemish-free,forever young &beautiful. Mysore sandal Gold

This soap is made from vegetable oils & contains natural mysore sandalwood oil,popularly known as LIQUID GOLD.sandalwood oil is recommended in ancient ayurvedic texts for soothing skin care &has been cherished for centuries for its exotic fragrance. The soap enriched with moisturizers and conditioners nourishes,rejuvenates and keeps the skin wrinkle and blemish free bringing a radiant glow. Mysore Sandal Gold Sixer

This soap is made from vegetable oils & contains natural mysore sandalwood oil,popularly known as LIQUID GOLD.sandalwood oil is recommended in ancient ayurvedic texts for soothing skin care &has been cherished for centuries for its exotic fragrance. The soap enriched with moisturizers and conditioners nourishes,rejuvenates and keeps the skin wrinkle and blemish free bringing a radiant glow. 3-IN-1 GIFT PACK

The luxury bath soap with the traditional fragrances of natural sandal, jasmine and rose specially given in one single pack for family use ,for all occasions and for all customers Mysore sandal soap Mysore jasmine soap Mysore rose soap


The ideal gift of 6 fragrances in an aesthetically designed gift pack, in a re-usable plastic container. Mysore sandal soap Mysore jasmine soap Mysore sandal classic soap Mysore special sandal soap Mysore rose soap Mysore lavender soap

Mysore Sandal Rose Soap

Get the dew-drop freshness of just plucked roses captured in soap form to give a feeling of shower with rose petals.MYSORE CARBOLIC SOAP

It is made from pure vegetable oils, mild antiseptic and disinfectant ingredients to give the soap users a pleasant and fresh feeling all day long. MYSORE SANDAL HERBAL SOAP

This is made from vegetable oils, 100 % biodegradable ingredients, natural essentials oils, skin conditioners, anti-bacterial agents and enriched with neem extracts. Freshness for the family.Mysore Sandal Baby Soap

This soap is made from vegetable oils,contains pure natural mysore sandal oil. Specially created with the baby in mind, this soap is endowed with antiseptic properties. Formulated with special care for infants, it is enriched with moisturizers and almond oil.mysore sandal baby soap keeps the skin blemish-free and lessens the chances of a nappy rash. MYSORE SANDAL WOOD OIL

Also called has liquid gold for its unique value and enchanting fragrance.pure and natural sandal wood oil was also recommended in ancient ayurvedic texts as an antiseptic and skin care ingredients.this product presented in an exclusive packing.MYSORE SANDAL BABY TALC

The use of baby talc will help in keeping the baby clean & dry.the mild fragrance of natural sandalwood oil has a soothing effect and helps to keep the baby calm &cool. MYSORE SANDAL TALC

The talc is available in 3 conveninent packs.sprinkle ms talc on your body to feel cool,fresh &fragrant all day long.


The hand wash, ph balanced and with scientific blend of mixed surfactants along with moisturizers, skin conditioners and vit-e is available in 2 fragrances viz., natural herbal with 19 essential oils and in exotic rose fragrance. MYSORE SANDAL ROOM FRESHNERS

Mysore sandals room freshener is made of pure natural sandal wood oil, blended with other exotic natural essential oils with a lingering fragrance of sandal wood a day long of cool, calm & freshness.


It is a natural hair conditioner which is perfect for hair care and for smooth hair texture. The internationally accepted anti-oxidant preservatives ensure that the coconut oil remains fresh till the last drop. MYSORE DETERGENT CAKE

Quality at affordable prices.


It is powerful & effectively penetrates the layers of wide variety of fabrics & removes tough stains hidden in the prone areas. Point excel is formulated scientifically for the optimum washing both by conventional methods & washing machine at economic cost. MYSORE DETERGENT POWDER

It contains special dirt busters to clean your clothes of the toughest dirt effectively.


The product ph balanced & is concentrated for multipurpose applications, with the pleasant lime fragrance. MYSORE SANDAL AGARBATHIES

Exotic agarbathies available in wide range of fragrances for all preferences. Sandal raised jasmine, sandal premium, and sir. M.v 100, nagachampa.


The royal tradition for divine bliss .the product is made from de-oiled sandalwood powder. The enduring fragrance from the dhoop has soothing, calming effect, for holistic experience during the prayer.FUTURE GROWTH AND PROSPECTUS: Introduction of anti-bacteria, herbal transparent soap, out of 33 essential oil based Timely introduction and implementation of market driven decisions. Improvement in existing products Mysore Sandal classic improved moisturizers & skin conditions. Introduction of sandalwood powder in 50gms, 100gms to meet the growing demand for religious purpose. Introduction of new higher powered detergent powder for institutional sales in bulk packaging. To attain market leadership. Introduction of new trade schemes to increase sales. Aggressive advertisement and publicity as part of sales promotion. Reduction in distribution expenses. Cost-reduction in all areas.

PRESENT PERFORMANCE OF COMPANY: The performance of the company indeed comfortable. In the contest of necessary trends and stiff competition in the industry. The quality of soap has been increasing. There has been substantial rising in the turnover of agarbathi and talcum powder in the view of very stiff competitions and substitutes investment in the terms of advertisements, sales promotion and distribution expenses by the competition in the industry. The co profitabilitys under stress how eve M/s. KS & DL has earned profit during the year 2002-03. M/s. KS & DL is making all effort to increase production and sales in terms of quality so as to achieve increase market share and has taken several measures to ensure that the companys products line are boas. Based and excessive dependents in sandal wood are reduced during the year. Several braches of Agarbathies, Mysore sandal soaps, Mysore sandal Baby soaps etc has been in production.

MAN POWER DETAILS:GroupBangalore complexSOD MysoreMarketingBranchesDuty paidGodown Shimoga Total




organisational structure of KS & DL:


CHART 1: SHOWING THE AGE OF THE RESPONDENTSQUESTIONS 1 NO. OF respondents Below 30 9031 40 441 50 5 Above 50 1

ANALYSIS The question was asked to know about the age pattern of the consumers. interpretation90 % of the responds were at the age of less than 30, just 5%, 4% & 1% were in the age group of 41 to 50, 31 to 40 & above respectively.

Chapter 2: chart showing the gender of the respondentsQuestion 02 no of respondentsMale 66 Female 34

Analysis This question was asked to know about the percentage of males & females involved in the study

interpretationThe interpretation was, 34 of the responds were female, where as 65% of the respondents were male.

chapter 3: chart showing the family size of the respondentsQuestion 3 no of respondentsSingle 30Two 4 Three 26 Above three 40


interpretation Most of the respondents contracted were having family of above 3 members. It was exactly 40%. Were single, 26% were a family of 3 members & just 2%were a family of two.

Chapter 4: chart showing the qualification of the respondentsQuestion 4 no of respondentsPost graduates 48 Graduates 36Under graduates 12Others 4

Analysis The question was asked to understand the qualification of the consumers [respondents]

interpretationThe interpretation was 48% of the total responds contacted were post graduates. 36% of them were graduates. 12% of them were under graduates % just 4% were others?

chapter 5: chart showing income of the respondentsQuestion 5 no of respondentsBelow 5000 15 5001 - 10,000 2910,001 15,000 33Above 23


interpretation33% of the respondents had a monthly income between Rs. 10,000 & 15,000. 29% were having the same in between Rs. 5,001 & 10,000, 23% of the respondents had an income above Rs. 15,000 per month where as just 15 % of them were in an income group of below Rs. 5000 month

chapter 6: chart showing the occupation of the respondentsdsQuestion 6 no of respondentsStudent 55 Govt. employee 5Private sector 29 Business 8 Others 3

AnalysisThe question was related to the occupation of the consumers (respondents)

interpretation 55% of them were students, 29% being the employees of private sector, 8%, 5% & 3% being from business sector, government employee & others respectively.

chapter 7: chart showing the awareness size of the respondentsQuestion 7 no of respondentsYes 100 No 0


interpretationThe response was awesome & pleasing to the company. All the 100 students contacted said that they knew about KS & DL were aware about Mysore sandal soap.

chapter 8: chart showing the respondents satisfaction towards mss productsQuestion 8 no of respondentsYes 97 No 3


interpretation97% of the total respondents said that they are realy satisfied with the quality & other aspects of MMS products. Whereas 3% of the respondents were not satisfied with the product.

chapter 9: chart showing the what THE RESPONDENTS felt after the switched to mssQuestion 9 no of respondentsHappy 33 Satisfied 57Delighted 10 Unhappy 0Dissatisfied 0Very bad 0


interpretation57 % of the respondents were satisfied with the product. 33 % were happy, 10% were delighted. Whereas nobody was unhappy & dissatisfied. Nobody felt very bad either.chapter 10: chart showing how the respondents rate the mss over other sourcesQuestion 13 no of respondentsExcellent 25 Best 32Good 40 Fair 3 Poor 0

Analysis interpretation40% felt the MSS is a good product than others. 32% felt it is the best among the choices. 25% felt it is excellent. 3% felt it is fair to buy the MSS than others. Nobody felt the MSS is poor.

chapter 11: chart showing the opinion about price of mss mysore sandal soap amoneg the respondentsQuestion 11 no of respondentsVery high 6 High 66Average 28 Low 0


interpretation66% felt the price is high as compared to the other soaps. 28% felt it is average. 6% felt it is very high. None felt the price is low.

chapter 12: chart showing the quality of service rendered at the retail stores Question 15 no. of respondentsExcellent 8Good 67 Satisfactory 24 Bad 1 Worst 0


interpretation67% felt it is good, 8% felt it is excellent, 24% felt it is satisfactory, 1% felt it is bad. None felt the service rendered at the retail outlets is worst.

chapter 13: chart showing the factorys that motivate consumers to but mss Question 16 no of respondentsIngredients 31 Brand name 19Quality 49 Special schemes 1Price 0Others 0


interpretation49% said it was quality which motivates them to buy the MSSS products. 31% said its the ingredient which induces them to buy the MSS products. 19% said its the brand name & just 1% said its the special schemes which motivate them. None said price & other component motivates them to buy the product.chapter 14: chart showing the satisfaction of respondents offeres givenQuestion 17 no of respondentsYes 81 No 19

Analysisthe intention was to know whether the respondents get involved to buy the MSS products on the special offers given.

interpretation81% said the special offers do motivate them to buy the MSS products. 19% said that the offers wont motivate them to buy the MSS products.

chapter 15: chart showing the subsutitutes to mss by the respondentsQuestion 18 no. of respondentsLux 18Pears 38 Dove 15Santo or 12 Others 17


interpretation38% said they prefer pears, 18% said they prefer lux. 17%, 15% & 12% said they would prefer others, dove & Santo or, respectively.

chapter 16: chart showing what motivates the respondents to switch to other sourcesQuestion 19 no of respondentsIngredients 22 Brand name 20 Quality 44 Special schemes 8Price 4 Others 2


interpretation44% said they go for other products in search of quality, 20% said that its the brand name which induces them to take this stand, 22% said that its the ingredient quotient, 8% said that its the special schemes by the competing brands, 4% said its the price% just 2% said other factors motivate them to take this stand.chapter 17: chart SHOWING THE frequency of quality problems facedQuestion 20 No. of respondentsYes 0 No 100

AnalysisThe purpose was to know whether the respondents have come across any quality defects problems in MSS products.

INTERPRETATIONThe response was pleasing as none of them encountered any such problem.

chapter 18: chart showing the expect ations of respondentsQuestion 21 No. of respondentsYes 31 No 69

Analysis The purpose was to know whether a respondent expect anything more from of the company.

INTERPRETATION69% said they dont expect anything more from the company, whereas 31% said that they expect something more from the company.

chapter 19: chart showing the satisfaction level of the respondentsQuestion 23 no. of respondentsDelighted 25Happy 70 Satisfied 5Dissatisfied 0 unhappy 0


INTERPRETATION70% said they are happy with the current product. 25% said that they are delighted 5% said they are happy with the MSS. Nobody said that they are dissatisfied or unhappy.



FINDINGS1. It was found that most of the people are aware of the product.It was found that most of the people are getting the information through the word of mouth than the advertisements.2. It was also found that most of the people are satisfied with the regularity of the product.3. People are also satisfied with the availability of the product at the retail stores.4. It was a concern where some people felt that the retailers dont motivate them to buy the product. It was to some extent rather.5. It was a known fact that people were buying the Mysore sandal soap for its quality, they were rather happy with its fragrance.6. Through informal conversation it was also known that Mysore sandal gold was the first choice among the bulk of the buyers approached.7. It was found that some people who are in the income group of below RS. 5000 per month were not satisfied with the pricing policies of the Mysore sandal soap.8. The middle class felt that the products produced by the company are actually targeted towards the higher class. They meant that the products like Mysore sandal gold are not for the middle class. They also revealed that they often preferred to buy Mysore sandal classic (another brand of Mysore sandal soaps) over Mysore sandal gold, just because they couldnt afford to pay more for a soap.9. It was found that dove. Pears & lux were the foremost competitors for the Mysore sandal soap.10. It was also understood that people preferred to buy these products over Mysore sandal just because of price. Here they meant that they often compromised with the quality & ingredient over price.11. It was also understood that quality of Mysore sandal soap was the best among the quality of the products produced by other companies.12. It was known that most of the customers were satisfied with the product.


1. The company needs to open its own retail outlets to have a greater market share.2. It may be known that most of the people who use the soap are skin sensitive. That is why some people dont compromise with the ingredients, as a reason the company must try to introduce different kinds of soaps to attract this niche segment.3. Some people felt that the packaging of the product wasnt that attractive. The packaging needs to be improved. Meanwhile this does. It applies to the larger family packs of six.4. The prices need to be reducing; this may help the company to gain a larger market share.5. Middle class &lower middle class must be targeted excessively6. The company should make the products available everywhere, in every corner of the city7. The company should also come up with the innovations in the products.8. The company should introduce variety of fragrance in the existing products.9. The company needs to rethink variety of fragrance in the existing products.10. Better marketing should be applied.11. The use of well-known celebrities as the brand ambassadors will definitely help the cause of good publicity.12. The company needs to improve in the quality of supply of the products.13. The company needs to use more promotional tools to attract the existing as well as new customers.14. TV needs to be shown to grab a greater market share.15. The company needs to give offer caps to its products to get the attention of the middle & the lower middle class.


conclusion Finally it can be concluded that KS & DL is one of the renowed company in the soap manufacturing. It is conducting its business from the past 92 days. It started its business with a small capital & today it has grown to a large extent. To conduct a report on the customer satisfaction was a tough ask as there are very loyal customers of the product & finding them was a bit of difficult ask. It was seen that the product had a lot of goodwill in the market. This product may not require the ad campaigns; such is the effect of its goodwill.


BIBLIoGRAPHyOrganization manuals1. Website;1. Musoresandal.com2. www.msionline.com


ANNEXURE1. Questionnaire to find the customer satisfaction level of the customers of Mysore sandal soap products (KS & DL)



Address of the consumer:1. Age group(yrs.):a. below 30 [ ] B.31-40 [ ] C. 41-50 [ ] D. above 50 [ ]

2. gender: a. male [ ] B. female [ ]

3. family size:A. Single [ ] B. Two [ ] C. three [ ] D. above three [ ]

4. Educational qualifications:A. Post graduates [ ] B. graduates [ ] C. under graduates [ ] D. others [ ]

5. Income group: A. Below 5,000 [ ] B. 5,000-10,000 [ ] C. 10,000-15,000 D. above 15,000 [ ]

6. Occupation:A. Student [ ] B. govt. employee [ ] C. private sector [ ] D. business [ ]E. others [ ] research PROFILE: 7. Are you aware about Mysore sandal soap? A. Yes [ ] B. No [ ] 8. Since how long are you using Mysore sandal soap? A. -------------- months B. ------------ years 9. are you satisfied with your mysore sandal soap? A. yes [ ] B. [ ]

10. If no why? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Before switching on to Mysore sandal soap, what were your expectations? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. After switching to Mysore sandal soap, with respect to your expectations, you feel. A. happy [ ] B. satisfied [ ] C. delighted [ ] D. unhappy [ ] E. dissatisfied [ ] 13. Compared to other products, Mysore sandal soap is? A. excellent [ ] B. best [ ] C. good [ ] D. fair [ ] E. poor [ ] 14. What is your opinion about the price of the Mysore sandal soap? A. very high [ ] B. High [ ] C. Average [ ] D. Low [ ]4 15. What motivates you to buy the Mysore sandal products? A. ingredients [ ] B. brand name [ ] C. quality [ ] D. special schemes [ ] E. price [ ] 16. Are you satisfied with the offers given by Mysore sandal soaps? A. yes [ ] B. NO [ ] 17. If you would like to switch to others brand, which one should you prefer? A. Lux [ ] B. Pears [ ] C. dove D. Santoor [ ] E. others [ ] 18. What different attribute would motivate you to take this brand? A. Ingredients [ ] B. Brand name [ ] C. quality [ ] D. special schemes [ ] E. price 19. Have you ever come across quality problems in Mysore sandal soaps? A. yes [ ] B. no [ ] If yes why?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20. Do you expect anything more from Mysore sandal soap? A. yes [ ] B. no [ ]21. Do you like to give any suggestions for improvements in Mysore sandal soaps? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22. In all how satisfied you are with Mysore sandal soaps?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




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