brand audit finished

Post on 21-Aug-2015






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Marketing Management

Lecturer- Deirdre FlemingSubmission date- 23/03/15


Brian Lawlor – c00152799

Mark Fay - c00149610

ContentsExecutive Summary...............................................................................................................................2


Market and situation Analysis of the brand...........................................................................................5

Economic Environment......................................................................................................................5


Social Environment............................................................................................................................5

Technical Environment......................................................................................................................6


Competitive environment..................................................................................................................9

SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................................................10

Market segmentation......................................................................................................................11

Target Market characteristics..........................................................................................................15

Brand Vision........................................................................................................................................17

Brand Equity Application.....................................................................................................................20

Brand Positioning................................................................................................................................22

Kapferer’s 6 facets...........................................................................................................................23

Analytics Tool......................................................................................................................................26

Brand Asset Valuator Model..........................................................................................................26

Brand Objectives and Goals.................................................................................................................28

Mission Statement...........................................................................................................................28



Brand Recommendations....................................................................................................................30

Key issues........................................................................................................................................30

Brand Strategies..................................................................................................................................35


Focus Group findings.......................................................................................................................35


Executive SummarySince the opening of its first store back in 1954, Burger King has never looked back and has

grown to become one the world’s leading distributor of burgers. Burger King is currently

present in 97 countries with approximately 14,000 restaurants throughout the world,

although approximately 90% of these are franchised (Marketline, 2011).

Burger King is primarily concerned with the taste and overall size of the products they

produce. Burger King’s brand image is built around being the home of ‘The Whopper’, which

insinuates big burgers (Focus group, 2015).

However the failure to recognise consumer trends towards the inclusion of healthy and

nutritious foods in their diets has cost Burger King dearly. They have also failed to recognise

service trends, as well the continuous use of drive-thru’s. As a result, Burger King began to

lose market share and sales year on year. Burger King have been continuously trying to play

catch up and are going about it in the incorrect way (Focus group, 2015).

Currently Burger King are seeing all consumers as a potential target market, from young kids

to elderly adults and targeting them all with the same campaign. However they are failing to

notice that there is in fact a number of different consumer segments which avail of the

services provided by a fast food outlet. These segments are as follows:

Busy working segment Parent segment Young consumer segment

Failure to recognise these consumer segments has also hit Burger King hard, as by not

targeting these consumer segments separately, they have lost out on lots of possible


Burger King holds a competitive advantage over its competitors in a number of key areas.

Burger King provides a superior product when compared to its competitors and also only

use 100% beef in their burgers (, 2015). Burger King puts a lot of attention into

the safety of the food they are serving to their customers. In order to portray this, regular

tests are carried out on all food products. This also contributes to the freshness of the food

that Burger King promises to provide. Burger King also has a lot of raw material controls put

in place in order to ensure the quality of the ingredients that the brand is using. They also

have a very secure supply chain put in place that can ensure that each store is constantly

fully stocked with the materials it needs in order to provide its customers the best possible

service they can (, 2015).

As a result of their extensive marketing campaigns, Burger King has become positioned in

the eyes of consumers as being associated with high quality, high calorie ‘man food’. This

can primarily be put down to the majority of the brands advertisements featuring the

flaming grill cooking the ‘whopper’ burger. The majority of consumers have perceived these

kind of adverts as being associated with high calorie foods which the male segment of

society normally indulge in.

However Burger King have also managed to associate the brand with providing value for

money in the eyes of consumers. As a result of extensive promotions around the size and

quality of their burgers, along with the price of their products, Burger King has being able to

position themselves as providing products that give value for money.

Burger King is currently defined as being a provider of high quality affordable fast food.

Burger King offer better value for money than competitors as their portions are of larger

quantities. This positioning strategy has worked extremely well for Burger King in the past

and has resulted in the brand achieving their current market share within the industry.

Burger King has also managed to position themselves as being one of the leading burger

distributors in the world through the promotion of the taste and quality of their burgers, in

particular the ‘Whopper’.

It is anticipated that if Burger King put a sufficient marketing campaign in place that

promotes products and services, there would be potential growth for the brand. The correct

promotion of these items and aspects of Burger King will inevitably attract more customers

to their outlets which will in turn increase the brands market share, sales and make Burger

King the 2nd largest company in the fast food industry once again.

There is a number of key recommendation that Burger will have to implement if they want

to get back to their past market position. These include:

Increase brand awareness Increase awareness of health product options Correctly utilise all marketing opportunities

Improvements in staff training and customer service Make each customer visit a positive experience

IntroductionThe company chosen in order to complete this brand audit will be fast food giants Burger

King. Burger King was chosen as a result of the group noticing the reduction in the brand’s

presence in the daily lives of the average consumer (Observation, 2015). After further

research it was also discovered that Burger King was losing market share and sales year by

year (Overview of fast food market, 2014).

The fast food industry is one of the largest and most competitive industries in the world. On

an annual basis, the fast food industry is worth approximately $250 billion (Marketline,

2011). Consumer demand for fast food is constantly on the increase, especially since

improvements have been made in the healthiness and nutritional value of the foods on

offer. Brands that have implemented healthier food option to their menus and promoted it

appropriately, are the brands that are currently attaining a positive market share and sales

growth each year. Drive-thru’s have also allowed the industry to grow immensely and now

accounts for 60-70% of fast food transactions.

Burger King are currently, and have been for the past years, concentrating their marketing

towards promoting the taste and quantity of the products they offer. The majority of their

advertisements are concentrated on an image of a

burger, usually the Burger King ‘whopper’, as they try

to portray that Burger King actually is the king of the

burger fast food restaurants. Obviously this approach

is not effective as Burger King is losing out to

competitors more and more on a yearly basis. This is

primarily because the marketing campaigns are directed towards the male consumers and

are not seen as attractive or appealing by women and children.

Burger King has approximately 12,000 restaurants in 97 countries worldwide (Marketline,

2011). Approximately 90% of Burger King’s restaurants are owned and operated by

independent franchisees (Burger King, 2015).

Market and situation Analysis of the brandEconomic EnvironmentBurger King is currently part of a highly competitive industry. In order to remain successful,

Burger King has kept their prices low and affordable for every class in

society (, 2015). The thought behind the low price strategy is to ensure

that everyone can enjoy the Burger King experience when eating in the restaurant.

In periods of economic downturn, fast food restaurants manage to remain profitable due to

the low pricing strategy they implement. People want to pay less for food and want it faster

and of good quality. The low prices of Burger King mean that the restaurant still attracts a

large client base even when money is in short supply. The low prices of the fast food

restaurant are partly as a result of trying to attract customers and deter them from eating at

home instead of using fast food restaurants (Small Business -, 2015).

The fast food industry is a highly competitive industry in the current economic climate. In

order to maintain a high level of competitiveness in the industry, Burger King must adapt to

growing consumer trends. As people want more healthy and low calorie foods (Small

Business -, 2015.) Burger King must re-engineer their menu to accommodate the

changing needs of their customers. The desire for healthier foods sometimes is more

important than the cost and consumers are willing to pay more money for a healthier meal

as health is always an important concern.

Social EnvironmentWith a growing obesity epidemic throughout the western world gaining media attention,

more people are becoming aware of the type of foods they should be eating to maintain a

healthy weight leading to customers choosing a healthy option menu when available.

McDonalds bought into this idea in the early 2000s which enabled them to ride out the

storm of one of the worst global recessions in history while Burger King remained short-

sighted and relied on its core customers who were young males with an appetite for

burgers. This resulted in them effectively forfeiting a lucrative new customer base. In 2010 a

new management team in Burger King agreed on a new $750million strategy to include new

healthier menus in their restaurants in an effort to broaden their customer base

(, 2015).

Lower income neighbourhoods also tend to eat more unhealthy foods as they are generally

cheaper than healthier options and also, fresh produce, when available in these areas is

often of poorer quality. In an effort to stretch money, cheap, energy-dense foods are chosen

which tends to give rise to more fast food outlets available in lower income communities

especially near schools (, 2015).

The population of the world is ever increasing and is forecast to reach 9 billion by 2046. As

populations are ever increasing, that means that the demand for fast food will increase. As

consumers indulge in fast food approximately 10 times annually, this in turn will increase

the fast food industry as the population grows (Yates, 2012).

Technical EnvironmentWith new developments in technology, such as the iPad and general touch screens, fast

food chains are now beginning to use technology in order to speed up queuing times and

gain a slight cost advantage over their competitors. McDonalds have already adapted this

technology and are beginning to surpass the other burger chains and other main

competitors within the fast food industry. This factor appeals to the younger generations

(who are technologically savvy) and adds an extra novelty to their experience when visiting

the fast food restaurants. Technology such as wi-fi is now expected when you visit these fast

food outlets and the iPads are of extra value when you visit a fast food restaurant to eat.

(Matyszczyk, 2012)

IndustryThe fast food industry has experienced huge growth worldwide in recent years and currently

has a global value of approximately $250 billion, or €219 billion, each year. By 2016, the

global fast food market is forecast to have reached a value of $331 billion, that’s an increase

of a huge 31.2% since 2011 (Marketline, 2011). Fast food restaurants remain the largest

food service channel in Ireland, making up 37 % of the market. Fast food restaurants are

closely followed by pubs, cafes and coffee shops on 32% (Rowley, 2013).

After enduring one of the worst recessions in history, the fast food industry has proved to

be one area that has remained recession proof with some outlets actually recording an

increase in consumer visits as people choose cheaper fast food options over fast casual or

traditional restaurant choices. However as spending per visit was down, some pain was still

felt (, 2015).

More and more brands are beginning to reap the rewards of including an option for health

conscious consumers on their fast food menus. As people are becoming more educated

about their bodies and the benefits of consuming less fat and additives in their diets, the

fast food industry is noticing this trend and is responding accordingly by offering healthier

meal options and also by tweaking the ingredients of their existing items to improve their

nutritional content (, 2014). Although some types of outlet, like Subway,

are better positioned to serve health-conscious consumers, McDonalds and Burger King are

catching up and including healthier alternatives on their menus (Louis and Louis, 2013).

The drive through system has become a common sight at the majority of fast food outlets in

recent years. Although the drive through system has been in place in the fast food industry

since the early 1970’s, new technology and innovations have helped to create a better drive

through experience for the consumer. The drive through side of the industry now accounts

for an astonishing 60-70% of the business of most quick service restaurants. Ironically,

however, more complex menus have resulted in a slower drive through time for the

consumer in recent years with Burger King being the only operator to increase its speed in

2012 (, 2015).

In the last ten years a new type of fast food restaurant has emerged onto the market. It

slots into a segment referred to as the ‘fast casual’. They offer a higher quality made to

order menu that is more gourmet than fast food, thereby offering a finer experience to the

diner. The fast casual category proves how a new and innovative idea can disrupt an

industry as this sector is popular among the 18-34 year old age group and accounted for $31

billion in revenue in the fast food industry in the U.S.A. in 2012. This just shows that it is

possible for new entrants to enter the very competitive fast food industry and obtain a

sizeable market share (Louis and Louis, 2013).


The current government in Ireland, made up of Fine Gael and Labour were elected in

February 2011 and are due to remain in power until April 2016 (, 2013). In

that time they have introduced new initiatives aimed at improving the health of the nation

as obesity, heart disease and diabetes have reached epidemic proportions. Government

ministers have therefore welcomed new recommendations that set down new guidelines

aimed at the marketing and advertising of foods that contain high fat, trans- fats, salt and

sugar to children (, 2015). These new rules will greatly affect the fast food

sector in particular.

Another initiative brought in by the current government deals with labelling the nutritional

content of foods served in restaurants, including fast food outlets. This will include

information on calorie count, fat levels, salt levels and sugar levels in every food item

served. Similar systems were introduced to other countries and in Denmark the trans-fat

content of a typical McDonalds meal was reduced from an average of 30grams to an

average of just 1 gram. France, United Kingdom and the Netherlands indicated that the

introduction of such labelling in their countries had little or no impact on the overall

demand for fast food (, 2015).

New Entrants

When the major players in the industry are examined, it is clear to see that the industry has

been ruled by a few key brands for the last few decades. Taking all this into account, a new

entrant into the industry is going to struggle to obtain a sizeable and profitable market

share unless they are unique in some way (Louis and Louis, 2013). However some brands

have reinvented themselves and started listening to what the consumer wants, such as

Dominos. This allowed these brands to become major players in one of the world’s largest

markets (Anon, 2015). It is also important to mention that the major players in the industry,

such as McDonalds and Burger King, are in fact franchises and therefore make it difficult for

an un-recognised brand to enter this very competitive market. This makes the fast food

industry one of the most competitive industries in the world (Marketline, 2011).

Although the fast food industry appears to be saturated with outlets in towns across the

globe and with new competition from the fast casual sector, emerging markets are currently

seen as one of the fastest growing areas in the industry. The industry has many challenges

to overcome but it is facing up to it by offering more variety on their menus and introducing

new product lines. By continually evolving and re-inventing themselves along with the

improving economy, the fast food franchises’ profit margins are looking healthy and will

continue to grow (, 2015).


Fast food has become a prominent feature in the diets of children and adults around the

world. However, more and more parents are becoming concerned about their children’s

diets and calorie intake (Bowman et al., 2004). Also with the inclusion of fast casual

restaurants in recent years and consumers becoming more health conscious in general, fast

food brands have had to take all this into consideration in order to keep up with

competition (Louis and Louis, 2013).

To take advantage of this shift in consumer trends, most fast food brands have begun to

introduce healthy options to their menus. This gives some brands a higher competitive

advantage over their competitors. Burger King is now recognising this change and as a

result, has started to include healthy options like salads on their menus (Burger King menu,


Competitive environment As the fast food industry is one of the largest industries in the world, there is bound to be a

lot of competition between the major brands. Burger king has a lot of direct competition in

the industry especially from Mcdonalds, Dominos, Subway and Yum brands (KFC, Pizza Hut,

Taco Bell, etc). These are all major worldwide players and in recent years, some have begun

to overtake Burger King in terms of market share (Statista, 2015).

Formerly Burger King was considered McDonald’s main rival in the market, however in

recent years Burger King had lost its competitive edge and McDonalds was 101% ahead in

domestic revenue sales in the U.S. in 2010 (, 2011). More

recently, Burger king have begun to fight back and began investing and re-franchising its

outlets in 2013 and looks to soon become a 100% franchised model. This has led to Burger

King improving its ratings with a 2% increase in sales in the first fiscal quarter of 2014.

Burger King have also introduced lower fat alternatives and gluten sensitive options to their

menus in order to further enhance their competitiveness (Forbes, 2014).

There are currently five main brands competing directly within the fast food industry. These

are Burger King, Mcdonalds, Subway, Wendys and Taco Bell. Below you will find a

comparative analysis on the five brands.

Sales in US market in 2012

$8.5 billion $35.6 billion $12.1 billion $8.6 billion $7.5 billion

% change vs 2009

-5% 15% 27% 3% 10%

Parent company

Burger King Holdings

McDonald’s Doctor’s Associates

Wendy’s Company

Yum! Brands

Segment Burgers Burgers Sandwiches Burgers MexicanNumber of menu items per restaurant

275 331 335 125 156

Average calories per meal

340 260 342 277 310

Menu items on dollar/value menus

49 14 16 20 11

Number of items on kids menus

49 91 74 44 61

Number of items on 

healthy menu

** 43 18 7 5

(Overview of fast food market, 2014).

SWOT AnalysisStrengths

Strong brand recognition.

Large amount of franchised


Weaknesses Concentrated to geographic areas

(US and Canada).

Low foreign income (58% of income

Present in 97 countries worldwide.

Ability to expand at minimal


Strong advertising reach

One of the largest fast food brands

in the world

form US).

Reliant on a low number of


Reliance on super customers.

Lack of promotion of healthy food.

Opportunities Target health conscious consumers.

More focus on increasing global


New breakfast range.

Increasing amount of Drive-thru’s

Re-engineer food products.

Different marketing campaigns for

different consumer segments.

Threats Competition.

Government regulations.

Slow recovering economy.

Increased health concerns among

general public.

Low foreign brand recognition

(Outside USA ).

Market segmentationAs Burger King has approximately 210 million transactions each month (Facts, 2014), there

are lots of different types of consumers that walk through each of Burger Kings 14,000

restaurants around the world (Marketline, 2011).

The following are the three main consumer segments that the majority of Burger King’s

customers fall into. The personas were created as a result of the market research findings

discovered from the focus group which was conducted. The three consumer segments are

the busy working segment, the parents’ segment and the young consumer segment.

Busy working segment

Name: Daniel Foley

Age: 42

Occupation: Salesman

Relationships status: Married

Location: Athy, Co. Kildare.

Number of Children: 3

Daniel is a salesman for Red Mills in Goresbridge, County Carlow.

He works long, busy days.

Daniel works in order to provide for his family and to take care of their needs and


Daniel’s job requires him to be constantly moving around the country, so the majority

of his day is spent behind the wheel of his car.

When home in the evenings, Daniel likes to make the most of the time he has to spend

with his children.

He likes being able to watch his kids take part in local sporting events whenever he

can make the time.

As Daniel is constantly sitting in his car, he likes to get outside in the evenings and

sometimes goes for a cycle in the evenings in order to keep active.

“I see fast food as a quick fix as I don’t have time to be spending

long periods indulging in food when I’m on the road”

This consumer segment usually live busy and time consuming lifestyles. They are normally

the main consumer segment that avails of the drive-thru services available in some fast food

establishments. They use the drive-thru’s in order to save time and get food as they are still

on the move.

Although these consumers are concerned with the nutritional and health aspects of the food

they are consuming, it isn’t their primary concern. They are more concerned with value for

money and getting food that is going to fulfil their hunger needs for the rest of the working


Parents segment

Name: Mairead Brennan

Age: 44

Occupation: Cashier in Supervalu

Relationship status: Married

Location: Gorey, County Wexford.

Children: 3

Mairead has been married to her husband Donal

for the past 12 years.

Mairead works two days a week in her local Supervalu in order to earn some extra

money for her family.

Her day is centred on bringing the kids to school and having everything ready when it

is time to collect them.

Mairead and her husband constantly worry about not being able to pay their

mortage rates on a weekly basis

She is very close to her family and enjoys visiting them as much as she can.

She has always had a problem with her weight and constantly tries to keep it under

control. She attends weight watchers classes on a weekly basis.

Mairead enjoys catching up with her friends whenever she can at weekends for a

drink and a chat.

Mairead also enjoys attending bingo on a Friday night for a social outlet and playing

theLotto in the hope of a big win.

Mairead likes being able to spend the weekends with her children and being able to

do things with them that they enjoy.

“I like being able to bring my children to a fast food establishment 

as a treat once I know that the food they will be consuming will be 

of nutritional value to them”.

This consumer segment usually likes to be able to bring their children to a fast food

establishment so the kids can enjoy the experience of it all. As they would be buying a few

meals, they are very concerned with the price of items and how much it is going to cost

them in total. When it comes to selecting a fast food brand to visit, their primary concern is

the healthiness of the products on offer.

Young consumer segment

Name: Aidan Holohan

Age: 23

Occupation: Student

Relationship status: Single

Location: Athy, Co. Kildare

Children: 0

Aidan is a final year accounting student in UL.

As he is a final year student, he is very busy and

spends the majority of his time in college completing


Aidan is not a very good cook and can only cook a limited selection of foods.

When home at weekends, Aidan works in a local family run shop.

Aidan is hoping to gain employment in a big accountancy firm when he graduates

that offers a big pay package.

Aidan does not like having to work at weekends but does so in order to have

spending money for when in college during the week.

Aidan has a keen interest in sport and plays football for his local GAA club.

When home at weekends, Aidan like to spend time with his family as well as

socialising with friends.

This consumer segment is the primary target market for the majority of fast food brands as

these consumers indulge in fast food on a regular basis. These consumers are not concerned

about the health aspects associated with the food they are consuming. The choice of fast food

establishment in which they decide to eat is highly influenced by the marketing campaigns of

brands. As they have limited finances, the price of the products themselves is a big

contributing factor when deciding which brand to visit.

Target Market characteristicsPsychographic

The Burger King goal is to make a high quality fast food that can be made affordable to any

class in society. ( Burger King aims to create a menu that will

accommodate people of all income levels with the same good quality food at an affordable

price. Some of the Burger King burgers have the perception of being “manly” burgers

because of the level of meat contained in them. This perception has made the burgers

easier to market to men than women and causes a possible shift in the gender of their

target market.

Burger King motivates people to eat their food by advertising it as being tasty and affordable

for all classes of people. The motivation to buy a Burger King product comes from its name

for providing the consumer with exquisite American based food from around the world.

They also create specialised menu’s to accommodate different lifestyles such as their adept

kids menu and their low calorie menu to accommodate the younger generation trends of

wanting to eat healthy food while being active (


The Burger King franchise has stores in over 97 countries worldwide. Over half of the stores

are located in America and Canada. They located the majority of their stores in America

because of the large population density of the cities and the availability of a large market to

sell to. Burger King also locate a majority of their stores in America because of the easy

access to the materials and ingredients to make their products. (

There doesn’t appear to be one part of the U.S. that dominates the market for Burger King

(Allison), therefore showing that the franchise in a countrywide popular restaurant chain.

Just under a quarter of franchised stores are located in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

The low numbers suggest that the company is beginning to expand into a new market. The

EMEA countries are the knowledgeable option for Burger King to expand into as the

franchise is popular in America and its popularity and brand recognition is easily transferred

to the EMEA market. The rest of the franchise markets are located in Latin America and the

Asian Pacific countries. This is because of the emerging markets that are developing in these

areas. (

In Ireland most Burger King restaurants are located on the east coast. This gives rise to the

Supermacs’ franchises in the west and only weakens the Burger King brand by not

expanding (, 2015).


Burger King’s main target audience are males aged 18-34. Burger King is seen as being

macho, with large grilled beef burgers and Angus steak burgers. Even its slogan states it is

“the home of the whopper” (Burger King, 2015). Its other campaign “have it your way” also

appeals directly to the male segment. Men could spoil themselves and mix items together to

have the super meal they wanted.

In late 2012 Burger King underwent a change in management and direction. Due to the

recession of 2008 they realised their target market was too narrow. Males make up half of

the population and 18-34 year olds are half of that again. Through menu expansion, Burger

King sought to appeal to a wider target audience to include women and families (Melnick,


Females are an ever increasing target audience. Burger King used to not consider women as

a target market when in fact; women make a lot of purchases, whether it is for spouses,

children or grandchildren. With this information in mind Burger King created the new

chicken menu seeking to attract females back to the franchise (Miller, 2010). They have also

removed their king mascot and tamed their advertising in order to attract females back to

the whopper.

Burger King’s target audience in the demographic are also low to middle income families.

They have a variety of quality meal choices to cater for this segment while also offering kids

meals to cater for the children. The understanding, as mentioned before, that women make

most purchases, has been a big factor in the menu change. Women with children make up

half of the female customers, so Burger King can sell products to them through marketing

the kids’ meals.

Over 29% of Burger King’s target audience are over the age of 50 (Miller, 2010). With this

information it can be seen that they are starting to appeal to the older market.

The ideal consumer profile for Burger King is an 18-34 year old male that visits the store

between 9-10 times per month. These are what Burger King calls their super customer.


Fast food consumers are primarily concerned with quality, taste and the price of the food

they are going to purchase. Consumers see these three factors as major decision points

when deciding on which fast food brand to eat from (, 2013).

On average, each individual has 10 fast food transactions on an annual basis (Yates, 2012).

However this number is constantly increasing as more and more people are beginning to

see fast food as an on the go meal. As consumers have become accustomed to the use of

‘drive-thru’s’ at fast food restaurants, a massive 60-70% of fast food transactions are taking

place through ‘drive-thru’s’. Busy people on the go are able to get their quick food fix as a

result of ‘drive-thru’s’ (, 2015).

Some consumers have been, and others are beginning, to use fast food outlets for a host of

different reasons and events. These include a place to eat, to relax, to meet friends and a

place to host kids’ birthday parties.

Brand VisionThe brand vision of Burger King is based on its intellectual insight into the fast food industry

and its ability to accommodate the growing needs of their target market. Burger King aims

to provide high quality and affordable food to its customers of all classes


‘’Be your way’’, this is the new spin on Burger King’s older but successful tagline ‘‘have it

your way’’. Burger King’s brand vision is to make the customer feel normal and have their

food they way they want it.

“As humans we aren’t perfect, we need to feel free to express ourselves and be normal”

(Burger king, 2014)

The fact that Burger King has adapted their menus to meet customers’ needs in different

countries and the changing consumer trends, shows that they have conducted a high level

of research into these markets. This gives Burger King an insight into what products they

should be providing for customers in different countries.

“Step out of the world of standardisation”

This slogan is used to emphasize Burger King’s authenticity of its unique and great tasting

food (Burger king, 2014) Burger King aims to fulfil their vision of offering people high quality

food at affordable prices. The aim is to ensure that everyone enjoys the same experience at

each of their restaurants around the world. As part of their brand identity, Burger King seeks

to build consistency and offer the same experience worldwide. With the many choices on

the menu, people have the ability to create their own meal in accordance with the Burger

King tagline “Be your Way”. Each whopper is made different from the last, which means the

food is not just on a production line, the burgers are individually catered to each person

( (Burger king, 2014)

Emotional benefits

The option to “Be your way” gives the consumer the chance to choose their own

combinations of ingredients and to also eat the food any way they want. This brand vision

gives the consumer emotional satisfaction. With their brand, Burger King can distinguish

themselves from competition; customers can leave their restaurants with the feeling of

individuality and fell like they’ve built a special bond with their brand.

Being you is highly promoted by Burger King. Knowing this when visiting their restaurants

brings on feelings of excitement, happiness and anticipation about a special dining


If you pay close attention to their advertisements, there is always the presence of their

burgers and special emphasis is put on these. The consumer can see up close views of

ingredients and how they are made, emphasising the freshness. The use of bright colours

also makes these advertisements visually appealing.

Rational Benefits

As well as unconscious emotional benefits the Burger King brand seeks to offer the

customer rational benefits. These include a high quality flame grilled burger and larger fries

than their number one competitor McDonalds. The burgers may take slightly longer to cook

but they retain their taste and freshness for longer. Customizing your order is another

benefit Burger King offers. As a brand, they already offer larger burgers than most of their

competitors with the extra factor of customizing these being a major rational benefit.

Brand Equity Application


This can best be described as brand identity. Who are burger king? Burger king is one of the

most successful burger chains across the globe. They have a large presence within America

and Canada. When burger king comes to mind, you instinctively think big beefy burgers with

a unique flame grilled taste. (MindTools, 2013)

Imagery and performance both fall under the heading brand meaning, this is what burger

king are in regards to these headings.


What is our image? We listed many obvious choices above, what isn’t included is being seen

as unhealthy. Burger king do not promote their healthy menu either. They promote an all

American burger experience in line with their heritage.


This heading covers secondary features such as price and their performance. You must take

factors like consistency into account. Burger king do offer a consistent dining experience

globally. Their menu is also similar. Their staff are friendly and are supposed to complete the

same training worldwide, but is that system implemented? (MindTools, 2013)

Brand response is our feelings and judgements towards burger king.


We asked ourselves what feelings we feel when visiting burger king, we came up with the

list above. For example excitement, this feeling wasn’t about the restaurant itself but more

about constructing your own personal burger, the excitement of being in control.

Disappointment was another feeling we came up with, the obvious answer to this is that the

burgers never look like the picture or the staff took too long.


Our judgements take into account the quality and credibility factors with the BK brand.

When you think of fast food you automatically think of obesity. When thinking about

credibility we took into account their goals, which was to be consistent, this is not so as the

service form restaurant to restaurant varies.

Brand relationship

This is essentially our relationship with Burger King. Consumers know when they visit Burger

King they can ‘have it your way’. This in my opinion builds loyalty it’s also the only place in

the world where you can get a whopper.

Brand Positioning

The Brand Mantra

This is a caption of the brands values, what they seek to offer and who they are. (KELLER,


Points of Parity

These points of parity are usually features you have in common with other

companies/competitors in your marketplace. For instance we have chosen Mc Donald’s, as

this company is number one in the fast food industry and are the nearest competitor.

Points of Difference

These are points you do not have in common with competitors, they are distinguishing

products or features that set you apart from the rest. We used the whopper, flame grilled

patties and their differentiating fries.

Substantiators (RTB)

These reasons to believe points back up your initial information on your points of parity and

difference. You must place information that backs up what you recommend. (KELLER, 2014)

Values/ Personality Character

“Associations that help to establish the tone for the words and actions for the

Brand” (KELLER, 2014). Simply put, they are words and actions that would be associated

with the characteristics of the brand. When we thought of Burger King, we thought friendly

and manly. This is because their service is friendly but their marketing is aimed at men as

the portions are larger than Mc Donald’s.

Executional Properties

These are distinguishing characteristics that set the brand apart from all other brands

(KELLER, 2014). External properties affect how consumers see the Burger King brand.

Customers choose their most recognisable qualities such as their world renowned slogan

and their brand emblem the ‘whopper burger’.

Kapferer’s 6 facets


The physique is the physical strength and appearance of a brand. When we thought of the

physical appearance of the Bk brand, the logo was the first thing that came to mind. The

beef coloured sandwiched between two burger buns. Physical features in store that are

unique to burger king are the images of its menu, like the whopper burger. We thought the


Recognizable logo Whopper burgers BK Crown


American Manly 100% pure beef Hunger quenching


Charity Personalization More than just a



American values “Have it your way” Empowering Bold fun


On the go Connective Traditional Sociable (place to meet)


Quality Tasty Pushes boundaries

Picture of sender

Picture of recipient

Internalisation Externalisation

crown would also be a great physical feature, as you can give them to your children and the

item is very iconic. (Cikin, 2014)


Relationship is the way in which a brand interacts with its customers. How a brand treats its

customers defines it, because of this customization is a major factor in Burger Kings

relationship building. It gives the customer a sense of uniqueness and the reassurance that

they are not just another number. Burger King can build on this in the Future and aim this

experience at the healthier female market. (Cikin, 2014)


This is the way a customer reflects on or sees your brand. It means customers really identify

who use that type of brand. We found that burger king was a place where sociable people

would meet and catch up in a relaxed environment. People who are seen eating or

collecting food at Bk are also considered on the go, as they may not have time to prepare

and cook their own food, for example the male student. (Cikin, 2014)


This is a set of characteristics that best represent the brand. Burger King is a place of

tradition and heritage as such we categorised it as American. With this culture you get the

stereotypical experience, 100% beef, manly and hunger quenching. (Cikin, 2014)


This is a set of values and beliefs that enable the brand to distinguish it from competition.

BK has the “Have it your way” slogan which offers empowerment to the consumer. They are

also bold as is seen with some of their advertising campaigns.


The last factor is the self-image of the brand. Self-image refers to the consumer of the

brand. How do they feel about themselves in relation to using it? (Cikin, 2014)

Analytics Tool

Brand Asset Valuator Model

Brand value

Brand vitality

Can expand healthy food options

Brand Stature

Profitable fast food franchise


Flame grilled Tasty fries


Have distinguishing tastes

Male market


Great knowledge of whopper

Don’t deliver on affordability


World’s 2nd largest burger brand 

Brand Vitality

This refers to a brand’s current ability to grow and its future potential to grow. (MBA Skool,

2015) When Burger King’s vitality is observed it is obvious that there is plenty of opportunity

to grow. At present they can expand to more regions or even grow their healthy option


Brand Stature

This refers to the power the brand has in the market place. (MBA Skool, 2015) Burger king

has great stature worldwide, but it isn’t availing of the position and still has not expanded its

geographical presence within Ireland and across Europe.


Knowledge refers to the amount of awareness about a brand. (MBA Skool, 2015) There is a

great knowledge of Burger King, whether it is the whopper or their slogans “have it your

way”. Burger King are not capitalising on this knowledge or putting their well know brand to

new healthier products. This knowledge can be used to bolster sales in new areas too.


This refers to a consumer’s perception of a brand (MBA Skool, 2015). In recent years Burger

King has been perceived as unhealthy and due to this they have suffered a slump in sales.

They can always redesign their food products with fewer additives and healthier portions,

not to mention advertise locally used produce.


Relevance is how the brand relates to customer’s perception of a product (MBA Skool,

2015). For example, Burger King are fast and customers can taste the difference in a flame

grilled beef product. Burger King seems to have more relevance in the male market as their

burgers are large and filling.


Differentiation is the brand’s distinguishing features that set it apart from other brands

(MBA Skool, 2015). Burger King’s flame grilled burgers set it apart from other fast food

chains. Their overall philosophy “have it your way” gives consumers a sense of

empowerment that other restaurants do not give.

Brand Objectives and GoalsMission Statement

Objectives1. Discover consumers perception of Burger King

2. Discover where Burger King is failing in the eyes of consumers

3. To increase brand awareness among existing and potential customers

4. To implement tactics that will allow Burger King compete with its competitors

5. To increase market share of the brand in the fast food industry

6. To increase awareness of Burger King’s low calorie options

GoalsDiscover consumers perception of Burger King

The current consumer perception of Burger King is that the fast food they offer is unhealthy

to eat and is full of fat and saturates. This perception has been a lasting image in the

consumers mind because of the negative perception of fast food that has been realised in

the recent years. The healthy menu that Burger King offer has been increasing in popularity

in recent times because of the growing health conscious market, however there is a lot of

room for improvement in sales. The promotion of this menu may aid in attracting the health

conscious market to buy Burger King Products in the future and may also allow people to

realise the health benefits of the other products on the Burger King menu. Through the

inclusion of the health benefits of the foods offered in Burger King in their promotional

campaigns, it is expected that the awareness of these healthy products would increase by

30% within a year. By the promotion of these product offerings, consumers will attain a

better perception of Burger King as a whole as well.

Discover where Burger King is failing in the eyes of consumers

It was clear from the focus group that Burger King is falling behind their competitors in

promoting the services that they offer to their customers (Focus group, 2015). Their healthy

menu options are highly under promoted as is the use of advertising space within their drive

thru service. The lack of promotion on these services means that Burger King is losing out on

revenue that they should be acquiring from its customers. In order to resolve this problem,

Burger King need to use suitable marketing strategies such as the sponsorship of worldwide

recognised events and the creation of IMC strategies.

To increase brand awareness among existing and potential customers

In order to increase brand awareness, Burger King must improve the methods they have of

increasing their awareness through the appropriate channels that are available to them.

Burger King needs to improve their social media marketing in order to keep up with their

leading competitors and to target a large part of their market. Burger King should aim to

increase their social media presence worldwide by 10% within the following the year. This

will increase brand awareness worldwide while also giving the brand the opportunity to

interact with consumers.

To implement tactics that will allow Burger King compete with its competitors

In order for Burger King to compete with its main competitors, such as Subway and

McDonalds, an IMC strategy should be implemented. Burger King has had very few

marketing campaigns in the past whereas their leading competitors are continuously

bombarding consumers by launching campaigns through all media channels available to

them. Burger King should develop integrated marketing campaigns through all forms of

marketing in order to make it well known to the public and create awareness among their

existing and potential customers.

To increase market share of the brand in the fast food industry

In order to increase market share of the Burger King franchise, it is essential for the

franchise to promote their products and services to a higher level. The drive thru service

must be promoted better and needs to be utilised as it is one of their main sources of

revenue for the franchise. Burger King must also improve their in store service and create a

better experience within the restaurant in order to retain existing customers and attract

potential customers which will in turn create a greater market share.

To increase awareness of Burger King’s low calorie options

The Burger King franchise has introduced a healthy eating section to their menu. This part of

the menu has been highly under promoted so far and because of this many people are

unaware of this section of the menu which was made evident through the focus group. This

section of the menu will need to be promoted in the future through marketing campaigns in

order to increase awareness of these products and the benefits of these products to the

health conscious market segment. These products should be included into the marketing

campaigns of the brand in order to keep up to date with the every growing change in

consumer trends. The correct promotion of these products, will lead to an increase of 20%

of these healthy consumer offerings.

Brand RecommendationsKey issues

1. Lack of promotion

2. Poor service quality

3. Lack of awareness of healthy products

4. Do not utilise all marketing opportunities

5. Lack of ‘drive-thru’s’


When Burger King is compared to its competing brands like McDonalds and Domino’s, they

are being seriously diminished by the advertising campaigns being put in place by competing

brands. Burger King are beginning to fall behind in relation to sponsorship, advertising in

general and overall brand awareness.

The consumer segments that regularly indulge in the services being provided by brands in

the fast food industry see Burger King as a brand that is primarily concerned with producing

food for men. These consumers think that Burger King produce tasty, high calorie, man food

(Focus Group, 2015). The perceived view of Burger King products as ‘man food’ has reflected

negatively upon the brand as women and kids are being neglected in Burger King’s

marketing campaigns. In order for Burger King to be able to compete with its rival brands, it

is firstly going to have to amend this perception that consumers have of the brand. Running

numerous different campaigns simultaneously will be necessary as it is important to target

all consumer segments at the same time. The current campaign for Burger King’s products is

highly effective when marketing towards the male segments of society. However in order to

make this attractive to females and kids, a softer advertising approach should be


Currently Burger King’s campaigns are

concentrated around actually showing the

physical product in their advertisement. As a

result of this however, most consumers have

begun to become aware of Burger King as

the home of top quality burgers like ‘the

whopper’. However by concentrating on

showing the consumers the quality of their products, Burger King are neglecting a lot of

important areas. Burger King provide a very relaxing and comfortable environment when it

is compared with other leading brands such as McDonalds (Focus Group, 2015). In order for

Burger King to differentiate themselves from leading competitors, it needs to incorporate

the Burger King experience into their advertising campaigns.

Poor Service Quality

In order for a retail outlet to create a positive and friendly atmosphere for its customers, the

service provided must always be of high quality. It was commonly stated throughout the

focus group that when comparing Burger King with its main competitor McDonalds, Burger

King lost out in comparison (Focus Group, 2015).

The first step that should be taken in order to amend this service quality problem, is the

proper training of staff. If staff is trained correctly to a high standard of customer service,

this would improve consumer perception and brand image of Burger King as a whole. This

would also contribute to the Burger King experience as when consumers receive a positive

quality of service, it would enhance their experience and perception of Burger King.

Lack of awareness of healthy products

From the focus group, it was evident that many of the customers who eat Burger King

Products were not aware of the healthy options on the Burger King menu. This is due to the

under promotion of the products by the Burger King franchise.

Only two members of the focus group were aware of the healthy options on the menu

because they were active in sports. They said that the healthy food offered by Burger King

was ideal for eating fast food while staying within their dietary restrictions. From the focus

group, it is clear that the healthy options on the menu would be more popular with people

who are health conscious if they were made aware of its existence and it was better


The other members of the focus group were surprised to learn of the existence of a

healthier section of the menu. They said they had seen no advertisements or promotion

campaigns to make customers aware of these products on the menu. The other members of

the focus group said they would consider the healthy options on the menu in the future and

probably would have considered them when in the restaurant in the past had they been

aware of the options.

Due to the lack of promotion of this section of the menu, Burger King has been missing out

on revenue since they introduced the healthy menu and will continue to do so if it is not

correctly promoted to their target market. As the health conscious segment of the market is

increasing in recent years, it is appropriate that Burger King promote their healthy option

menu in order to keep up with the changing consumer trends.

Utilise all marketing opportunities available to the franchise

Burger King have had successful advertisements in the past to promote their products such

as “The Whopper”, but have neglected to do the same for the other products on their

menu. They have used television advertisements in the past in order to promote their

products but have avoided using other types of marketing such as social media.

All members of the focus group said that Burger King Advertisements were good at

displaying the products that they offer but fell behind in comparison to their competitors by

not portraying the experience that is to be offered in store. The focus group said that the

television advertisements only showcase the products but gave no indication as to what is

to be expected within the premises of Burger King. This gives the indication that Burger King

are not using the full capabilities of television marketing to attract customers to the

restaurant and may be a reason why they are falling behind the competition.

Burger King are also falling behind in terms of social media marketing. In comparison to

their leading competitors, Burger King do very little advertising through social media. The

focus group said that they had seen very few Burger King Advertisements on social media

sites when compared to McDonalds or Subway. As social media marketing is a growing

trend and a new way of contacting the customer, it should be utilised to its full extent in

order to increase brand awareness and market share for the franchise, something that

Burger King have failed to do up until now.

The Burger King franchise currently do very little in store promotion of their products. Many

members of the focus group said that the restaurants always appeared very plain and very

little promotion of their products were displayed in the stores. From this evidence it is clear

that Burger King are lacking heavily in terms of in store promotions of their products and

many people are unclear as to what they offer until they get to the till and see the menu.

There is also very little promotion of new items on the menu within the restaurant and

because of this, many customers are unaware of their existence when they enter the


The drive thru service at Burger King is one of their most profitable services that they offer

to the customer. It is also the most heavily under promoted service that Burger King offers

which was evident in the focus group where only three members said that they had used

the drive thru in the past but the other members said that they would use it more often in

the future. The lack of promotion of the drive thru means that Burger King are not

capitalising on a profitable service nor are they gaining the revenue that they could be

receiving. The drive thru service needs to be promoted as a part of the Burger King

experience in order to attract the most a larger part of the market.


Drive-thru’s have become a huge a part of the fast food industry and now account for

approximately 60-70% of transactions that place (, 2015). Apart from

being used primarily from a sales points of view, drive-thru’s also give brands a huge

opportunity to promote the products available within the store before the consumer

actually makes their purchase.

Currently Burger King does not have a high number of drive-thru’s in place when compared

to other leading fast food competitors such as

McDonalds. Currently Burger King have drive-

thru’s at approximately 20% of their stores

(, 2015).

It would be recommended that Burger King

tries to increase their rate of drive-thru’s to

stores ratio as they are missing out on one of

the biggest consumer segments in the industry

by not having them in place. Also they are losing out a lot of business.

It would also be recommended that Burger King avails

of their current drive-thru’s in order to promote their

current product offerings. Other brands are using their

drive-thru’s in their promotional campaigns and

reaping the rewards. Clear and vivid images of the

products on the menus help the consumers to decide

what products they would like to purchase and in some cases encourages them to purchase

products on impulse that they had not intended on purchasing when first arriving.

Brand Strategies


Focus Group findingsDate: 18/03/15

Location: LRC at IT Carlow

Duration: 40 minutes

Number of participants: 11 (8 female, 3 male).

Participants: Aoife Doyle, Aishling Brennan, Alma McGovern, Noelle Hughes, Deirdre

Murphy, Joan Foley, Caoimhe Crossan, Lorraine Henderson, Tom Morrin, Karlo Vasquez,

Kaelem Donovan.

1. What is your favourite brand of fast food? Mcdonalds, Subways, Supermacs, Dominos and Eddie Rockets main ones

mentioned. Burger King was mentioned but not at the same level of popularity.

2. How often would you visit a fast food establishment? As the focus group was primarily made up of students living away from

home, takeaway’s are commonly consumed. Students do not have time to prepare their own meals as they are busy

meeting project deadlines. After a night out, fast food is usually consumed. For consumers living at home they generally avail of fast food services

about once a week. However the group did also mention that the elderly sections of society do

not consume fast food as regular as younger consumers.

3. How health conscious are consumers nowadays about the products provided within the fast food industry?

Younger consumers are not overly concerned about their calorie intake. Also consumers who partake in regular actives are not concerned about the

health aspect of the food they are consuming as they feel they are going to burn calories anyway as they are partaking in activities.

The focus group felt that females and in particular mothers are the segments of society that are most concerned with the consumption of healthy goods.

Men are not as concerned with how healthy their food is. Men are primarily concerned with taste and having a filling meal.

4. What does burger king represent? (Low calories, products, price) Burgers, flame grilled, the whopper, man food and value for money Tasty food and offers more food per meal than competitors Affordable prices however it was stated that McDonalds provides cheaper

meals. It is perceived as high calorie foods. The service being provided by staff is not of the same high standard being

pitched by competitors. Not many of the focus group members were aware that Burger King

actually provide health options on their menus and were very shocked to discover that they actually have more healthy options than McDonalds.

5. What do you think of Burger King’s current drive- thru service? What improvements could be made to this?

One of the main things mentioned was that a lot of Burger King restaurants do not actually have a drive-thru.

Those that do, do not actually use the space available to promote what products are available, like McDonalds do.

Two members of the group found it to be very slow moving and badly designed and managed.

6. When we say the name Burger King, what words come to mind? (If Burger King was a person, what traits come to mind?)

Burgers, flame grilled, the whopper, man food and value for money High quality food. High in calorie food Man food

7. Who do you perceive Burger King’s main competitors to be? (Noted as competitors because of price, quality, similar consistency and advertising?)

On an international level McDonalds, Dominos and Subway were mentioned as being the primary competitors.

In Ireland however Supermacs, Eddie Rockets and local takeaways are always in competition.

On price levels, it was stated that there is little difference between the different brands. However when value for money was mentioned, local takeaways and Dominos were talked about most.

Out of all the competitors mentioned, McDonalds was mentioned as being Burger King’s primary competitor as they provide a similar product and service.

McDonalds, Subway and Dominos were said to be the leaders in regards to advertising.

It was also said that Burger King has a lack of brand promotion in regard to their products and services.

8. What do you currently think of Burger King’s marketing campaigns? Are they targeting the consumer segments that avail of fast food services/products?

Burger King’s marketing campaigns are primarily focused towards the male section of society.

Their marketing is concentrated around promoting the quantity and taste of the food provided in their meals

Also they are failing to promote the healthy sections of their menus. This is a major flaw in Burger King’s marketing.

Burger King are failing to advertise to large segmenst of society such as women, children and health conscious people.

9. What would you recommend Burger King do to increase their brand awareness/positioning?

Promotion towards all segments of society including women and kids. Promotion of the health benefits of their products

Utilise all marketing opportunities available to them in their premises including their drive-thru

Improve the services provided by staff. Should benchmark this against service provided by McDonalds and Eddie Rockets.

Improve the overall experience that consumers receive as they avail of Burger King’s services.

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