brand management module 2 notes

Post on 23-Jan-2015






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Brand architecture is the structure of brands within an organizational entity. It is the way in which the brands within a company’s portfolio are related to, and differentiated from, one another. The architecture should define the different leagues of branding within the organization; how the corporate brand and sub-brands relate to and support each other; and how the sub-brands reflect or reinforce the core purpose of the corporate brand to which they belong. Often, decisions about Brand Architecture are concerned with how to manage a parent brand, and a family of sub-brands - Managing brand architecture to maximize shareholder value can often include using brand valuation model techniques. Brand architecture may be defined as an integrated process of brand building through establishing brand relationships among branding options in the competitive environment. The brand architecture of an organization at any time is, in large measure, a legacy of past management decisions as well as the competitive realities it faces in the marketplace.


Brand Management 2013

Module 2

“Branding isn’t about logos, slogans, or advertising — those are just tools. Branding is about making people remember your organization, service or product and what’s unique about it.”

Your brand resides in the minds, and hearts, of your customers, clients, connections, and prospects.  It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, and can be influenced by a plethora of factors.  Branding provides true social and revenue-based value in a crowded marketplace where emotions rule our purchasing decisions on a subconscious level every day. Your brand is a promise to your customers.  Its fabric is woven with your personal brand statement and should be threaded through all other aspects of your social and professional contact. Brand architecture is the structure of brands within an organizational entity. It is the way in which the brands within a company’s portfolio are related to, and differentiated from, one another. The architecture should define the different leagues of branding within the organization; how the corporate brand and sub-brands relate to and support each other; and how the sub-brands reflect or reinforce the core purpose of the corporate brand to which they belong. Often, decisions about Brand Architecture are concerned with how to manage a parent brand, and a family of sub-brands - Managing brand architecture to maximize shareholder value can often include using brand valuation model techniques. Brand architecture may be defined as an integrated process of brand building through establishing brand relationships among branding options in the competitive environment. The brand architecture of an organization at any time is, in large measure, a legacy of past management decisions as well as the competitive realities it faces in the marketplace.

There are three key levels of branding:

Corporate brand, umbrella brand, and family brand - Examples include Virgin Group and Heinz. These are consumer-facing brands used across all the firm's activities, and this name is how they are known to all their stakeholders – consumers, employees, shareholders, partners, suppliers and other parties. These brands may also be used in conjunction with product descriptions or sub-brands: for example Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, or Virgin Trains.

Endorsed brands, and sub-brands - For example, Nestle KitKat, Cadbury Dairy Milk, Sony PlayStation or Polo by Ralph Lauren. These brands include a parent brand - which may be acorporate brand, an umbrella brand, or a family brand - as an endorsement to a sub-brand or an individual, product brand. The endorsement should add credibility to the endorsed sub-brand in the eyes of consumers.

Individual product brand - For example, Procter & Gamble’s Pampers or Unilever's Dove. The individual brands are presented to consumers, and the parent company name is given little or no prominence. Other stakeholders, like shareholders or partners, will know the producer by its company name.


Brand Management 2013

Verbal Identity embraces every use of language, from establishing and bringing a brand’s personality to life, to creating and maintaining an identifiable tone of voice, and ensuring clear and consistent messaging.

Brand language is the body of words, phrases, and terms that an organization uses to describe its purpose or in reference to its products. Brand language is used in marketing to help consumers connect specific words or ideas to specific companies or products.[1] When developing a brand language word choice and tone are the two fundamental components. Word choice is the vocabulary that is used in the marketing or advertising, while tone refers to the attitude of the advertisement. Tone is not limited to language, it can also be incorporated through visual elements as well as delivery.[2]

Brand language is a part of verbal brand identity, includes naming of both corporation and the products they sell as well as taglines, voice, and tone.[3] Another benefit of developing a brand language is the ability for a corporation or product to be recognizable across international borders, while other advertising codes can be misinterpreted, words can be translated to ensure brand unity

As a part of the advertising world brand language's primary function is to identify a company or product and also differentiate that company/product from competitors. The language is used to get the attention of the consumer and then to relay information about what is being advertised. It is also used to ensure that when people communicate about the product there are less misunderstandings and more clarity about purpose and the role that this commodity wants to play in the lives of the consumer. The brand language can also be associated with competing for investors, recruiting talent, or acquiring business partners

Brand language is also often used internally within a company. For motivational and leadership situations, branding language helps to promote the brand values and is treated as a commodity alongside the actual products and/or company.

Other campaigns that have powerful brand language recognition are Kellogg’s and Gillette. Part of the idea with branded language is to go beyond just a slogan and to imbue ordinary words with the idea or essence of a particular brand. With Kellogg’s the word that is associated with them is “crunch”. With Gillette the word that consumers see as synonymous with the brand is “masculine.” In this case the word masculine also conjures socially constructed ideologies, which helps the brand become a more stable construction the mind of consumers


We are taught very early that we have five senses that include sight, hearing, taste,smell and touch.  When brands leverage these other senses along with visual/sight, it can add another subtle but powerful connection with its audience and circumvent the ‘filters’ so many of us have developed.  In fact, studies show that when combining multiple sensory stimuli, you get a more powerful impact on consumers than you would using a single sensory experience, e.g. graphics.   For example:  taste (the tang and fizzle of original Coca Cola),  touch (Isotoner gloves – a snug fit and now you can touch your ‘touch screen’ with them), smell (Cinnabon – have you ever smelled it in a mall before you ever saw the kiosk/store?) and sound (the comforting start-up sound of an Apple MAC, recognized even when you don’t see the computer). When creating, refreshing or extending your brand, consider a multi-sensory approach where reasonably possible. Some people may not know that we also


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have other senses, that include temperature (thermoception), kinesthetic sense (proprioception), pain (nociception), balance (equilibrioception),  time , acceleration (kinesthesioception), and magnetoception(direction).  Innovative companies may take advantage of these as well – things could get interesting….The key to leveraging the senses, other than sight, in branding is to be open and adopt opportunities which can establish a multi-sensory experience.  Doing this in unexpected ways can also create additional impact.  For the particularly unusual combinations, market testing would be highly recommended.  However, whether the idea is a scented appliance, textured packaging, flavored toothbrushes, or singing fresh-smelling dishwashers, by creating unique sensory ‘mash-ups’,  your brand will stand out in the eyes of your audiences.

Sensory branding is a type of marketing that appeals to all the senses in relation to the brand. It uses the senses to relate with customers on an emotional level. Brands can forge emotional associations in the customers' minds by appealing to their senses. A multi-sensory brand experience generates certain beliefs, feelings, thoughts and opinions to create a brand image in the consumer's mind.[1]

Sense: Any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body.[2]

Sensory marketing: Marketing techniques that aim to seduce the consumer by using his senses to influence his feelings and behaviour

Sensory branding is used to relate to the customer in a more personal way than mass marketing. It is a technique that does what traditional forms of advertising cannot.[4] It is used in retail design, magazines, showrooms, trade-fair booths, service centres, and corporate headquarters.[5] A multi-sensory experience occurs when the customer is appealed to by two or more senses.

According to Rieunier (2002), the sensory marketing approach tries to fill in the deficiencies of the "traditional marketing" which is too rational. Classic marketing is based on the idea that the customer is rational, that his behaviour is broke up in defined reasoned steps, according to the offer, the competition, the answer to his needs…By contrast, sensory marketing put the experiences lived by the consumers and his feelings in the process. These experiences have sensorial, emotional, cognitive, behavioural and relational dimensions, not only functional. It aims to create the adequacy of the products with their design and their packaging, and then to valorise them in a commercial environment to make them attractive. There, the consumer is behaving according to his impulsions and emotions, more than his reason.[6]

Marketers mostly appeal to sight and sound.[7] 99% of all brand communication focuses on sight and sound. However in many instances, sound and smell are more effective than sight when branding a product or organisation. Also, visual images are more distinctive when matched with a second sense.[8]

The main use for sensory branding is to appeal to the consumer's senses. It is also used to understand the emotions and experiences of the consumer when being drawn to, purchasing or using the product, penetrate and dominate market share, increase profitability and to ensure initial and repeat purchases.[4] Sensory branding is used to create an atmosphere that encourages the customer to pay money and can be influenced by sight, noise, touch, taste and smell.


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Sensory marketing is defined as a way of: • measuring and explaining consumer emotions • spotting and capitalizing on new market opportunities • an opportunity to maximize product profitability • ensuring first and repeat purchase (loyalty) • ensuring long-lasting product success [9]

The senses


Sight is the most used sense for marketing because it is the one most responsive to the environment.[4] We can appreciate logos, corporate colors, characters and other graphical tools with which one can identify a specific product. According to fashion retailer Gina Tricot, 'the eyes buy 70 or 80 percent of what people buy.' Sight is how the customer knows the product offering, quality, changes, store layout, materials, lights and colours. Shapes and colour are the first aspects of a brand that is noticed by the customer.

Colour is a big influence on visual branding because it can affect people emotionally. According to the Seoul International Colour Expo, The colour of a brand logo improves brand recognition by 80%. And 84% of people believe that colour amounted to the major consideration when they choose a brand. Different colours affect people differently, for example, red 'is the highest stimulation hue. It increases pulse and heart rate, raises blood pressure and stimulates appetite.' This can be used by sensory branding in restaurants to stimulate hunger or in bars to because of its exciting properties.[10]


Sound is used in branding to evoke emotions and feelings to influence brand experiences and interpretations.[1] Perhaps the second most used variable by marketing and advertising is the sense of hearing. Sound when matched with a message is a powerful way to make the customer remember it. Background music is an effective way to influence customer behaviour at the point of purchase. If used properly, music can create a mood for the consumer that encourages them to buy, for example playing rock and roll music in a guitar store.


Smell is used in branding because it increases the customers' remembrance of the brand.[1] The human nose can distinguish over 10,000 different odors, besides being the most sensitive of the senses; it has a tremendous evocative power of memories and experiences over the years. Smell is the sense most linked to our emotional recollection. It can create instant connections between a brand and other memories. Neuromarketing studies show that 75% of emotions are triggered by smell. Smell is linked to pleasure and wellbeing, emotion and memory. Therefore it can influence customers' emotional state and mood to make the customers more susceptible to impact customer behaviour. Restaurants sometimes send artificial smells into the areas around the venue to increase awareness of their product.

Research by the Sense of Smell Institute indicates that while people's visual recall of images sinks to approximately 50% after only three months, they recall smells with a 65% accuracy after an entire year. Similarly, a study carried out at the Rockefeller University shows that in the short term we remember just 1% of what we touch, 2% of what we hear, 5% of what we see, 15% of what we taste and 35% of what we smell.[11]



Brand Management 2013

Taste fuses all the different senses together to create a holistic brand experience. Therefore name, presentation, environment, scent, sound and texture must all be considered when branding with taste. Taste is linked to emotional states, and so it can alter mood and brand perception. Gustative marketing is usually used (for obvious reasons) especially for food and beverage brands.


Touch strengthens brand identity and image by appealing to this sense. Touch considers physical and psychological interaction between the customer and the product. Touch is a way to control the 'unconscious of the consumers, their perceptions, feelings and tastes'.[4] Touch can be manipulated through materials, weight, softness, and comfort of the product.


Apple has been providing consumers special experiences by stimulating human's senses, galvanizing the Apple brand, and intensifying communication with the consumers. The factors that stimulate senses are not only limited to apple products, but throughout the concept store, that consumers can experience and learn more about the brand, Apple. Apple concept store is a place where consumers can 'experience' Apple. Consumers are able to see, touch, listen, and experience Apple comprehensively. It was designed to maximize the sensuous value and contribute to creating an image of the Apple as 'state-of-the-art' lifestyle.


Starbucks' philosophy is to give satisfaction to consumers not only in realms of taste, but also olfactory, visual, tactile, and auditory sense. In order to purse such goals, Starbucks is making an effort to consistently create a sound, perfume, font, and taste that can appeal to consumers. All background music at Starbucks is selected and released from Hearmusic, from the main office of Starbucks. Hearmusic provides 2~3 CDs per month that contain approximately 100 songs to 9000 Starbucks shops worldwide. From this, consumers were able to enjoy coffee at a refreshing and comfortable environment. Regardless of countries and places. consumers are share the similar experience at atmosphere at Starbucks.

Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines is an example of a successful olfactory marketing company. Singapore Airlines introduced Stefan Floridian Waters, an aroma. An aroma which has been specifically designed as part of Singapore Airlines. Stefan Floridian Waters formed the scent in the flight attendants' perfume, was blended into the hot towels served before take off and generally permeated the entire fleet of Singapore Airlines planes. The patented aroma has since become a unique and very distinct trademark of Singapore Airlines.

Audio logos

Music in advertising is an intensely used social engineering technique and a commonplace to today’s customers. From an advertising perspective, the benefit of music is that it is a strong vehicle to convey a memorable message to the target group. Mainly used as jingle in radio andtelevision commercials or as background component in shopping environments, sounds were put in the context of interaction in the internet and digital outdoor media. Yet, there have been only very limited attempts to control music within the interactive experience. The functions of music


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in advertising are manifold. Sounds are used to gain or hold the attention of the listener [9,10], to influence the mood of consumers, to structure the time of an ad or to persuade consumers by using rhetorical elements like rhythm, repetition, narrative, identification or location [14]. The benefits are a more effective information reception, memorization and an enhanced user experience by the use of multisensoric branding [15], as well as the fact that the acoustic sensory channel is harder to ignore by the audience. But brand melodies are also subject to specificrequirements. For example, the characteristics of an effective sound logo can be listed as distinctiveness, memorability, flexibility, conciseness and brand fit [15]. These are strong constraints an interactive advertisement has to conform to.


Visible elements of a brand, such as color, form, and shape, which encapsulate and convey the symbolic meanings that cannot be imparted through words alone. In a broader (corporate) sense, it may include elements such as building architecture, color schemes, and dress code.

In a culture that is information rich and time poor, it is often the creative visual expression of a brand that delights, inspires and moves people. In fact, people tend to form their opinions about who you are and what you're about even before they hear what you have to say.A carefully crafted visual presence is essential to differentiate effectively, build trust and advance your strategy Let’s be real.

While cultivating character and personality are critical for success, it is equally important to dress the part. Being real with your image will ensure that you attract and connect with the right people for your business. If you walk like a duck and quack like a duck, it’s best if you also look like a duck. Logo usage, choosing the right fonts and colours, as well as photos and illustrations. Layout templates are also included to help shape future communication

Brand design

1. Branding and design are, to a large extent, inseparable. "A brand is not your logo or ID system," says Brunner. "It's a gut feeling people have about you. When two or more people have the same feeling, you have a brand. You get that feeling via smart design, which creates the experiences people have with the brand. Everything you do creates the brand experience, ergo design IS your brand."

2. If design is the brand, stop thinking of branding and design as distinct disciplines."It's all about integrating design and brand," says Doucet. "We need to cease thinking of them as different disciplines. The essence of the Apple brand comes through its design. Take the logo off a BMW and you still know it's a BMW."

3. Brands need to create an emotional relationship with people. "We are all emotional beings and we have emotional relationships with brands we trust," says Brunner. "Designers need to make that happen. A designer must take the values and assets of a company and transform them in a special way that connects with people emotionally."

4. Designers need to "get" the essence of the brand. "For designers to build a great brand, they have to understand it," Hill points out. "You need to understand its history, its values, and what it


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means to people. Can you imagine designing the latent Jeep without understanding the brand archetype of what it means for a product to be a Jeep?"

5. Design needs to be strategic from the outset. "For design to have a major impact, it's got to get involved at the strategic level," said Hill. "It can't be an afterthought or superficial trappings to be put on post product creation. Samsung's brand became powerful only after they put a Chief Design Officer in place and made it a priority for the company."

6. Integrate design early in the process to drive innovation and create solutions. "Good designers approach design as an opportunity to ask questions," says Doucet. "Solution generation starts by questioning initial assumptions. Rather than ask myself 'How should I design Widget X?' I need to be asking 'Do we really need Widget X or is there a better solution to this customer problem? So a designer needs be there at the beginning and be connected to the decision-makers. For example, at Braun, Dieter Rams sat across from the owner of the company."

7. Don't overdesign. "With the increasing emphasis on design in the world today, it's important to avoid the 'over-designed syndrome,'" says Hill. "A simple, well-thought-through, authentic design is often the best. Everything doesn't need to be redesigned; sometimes what we have in hand is better than what we seek. It's not all about being different; it's about being better. If Levi Strauss wanted me to redesign the patch on the back of their jeans, I would look in their archives for the original."

8. Use design to continually reinvent the brand. "Some folks think they know branding," says Doucet. "Figured it out long ago. 'Hi. I'm someone you'll like. You'll know it's me because I always wear a red polo shirt (pantone 185 to be exact) with blue pants and a yellow belt.' You can't think that way today. Brands need to allow themselves to constantly update, and be much more fluid. Look at Google; they morph their logo for special occasions. Constant change is a big part of who they are."

9. Use design to make a difference. "Design can make a difference in how we live," says Brunner. "Take sustainability. A lot of what is done in that area is 'making bad, better.' We're taking wasteful things and seeing how we can make them not so bad. We need to start thinking about how we can use our design tools to encourage people to change. You do that by making 'doing better' also be fun, interesting and (importantly) the path of least resistance. And you do it in an encouraging, not controlling, way. Design needs to do that in order to reach a larger audience than just the small group that is socially driven.

Brand story : Great stories make for memorable movies, books and TV shows. Similarly, arresting tales and compelling narratives help us remember iconic brands.

Rise above problems and offer meaningful solutions.

Build credibility and interest for your business by demonstrating how it overcame challenges through applied effort and ingenuity. Consider presenting problem- and solution-based content, for example, whitepapers, post-mortems and case studies, which – like client testimonials and behind-the-scenes examinations – can narrate how your brand tackled real-life problems through ingenuity and insight. When paired with video clips, quotes and commentary from actual customers, testimonial videos and other personal details, the practice helps put a more human face on your organization.

2. Take viewers behind the scenes.


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Add a personal element to your online brand by highlighting the people and teams that make your business so successful. Consider letting an employee with an authentic tale share his or her story, whether it involves personal insights, humorous anecdotes or recent professional exchanges that relate to your company’s mission or core competencies. Doing so not only helps put a more memorable and human face on your organization; it also communicates that your employees share similar interests, trials and triumphs as its consumers.

3. Act as an industry insider.

Another effective way to tell your brand’s story is to reinforce your expertise by offering industry advice, insight and innovation. Providing employees with a public voice – by letting them pen industry-related blogs, film Q&A videos with leading experts or author whitepapers that showcase new developments and insights – creates value for readers, listeners or viewers.

Bonus: doing so can build a compelling content library that establishes thought leadership. Demonstrate your team’s unique perspective and talents, but also reinforce its position on the cutting-edge of your chosen industry. Showcasing key data, research and findings, or providing headline-grabbing articles, video clips and visual assets will add substance and credibility to your business’ outreach efforts.

4. Find unique ways to recount your origins The Tide Story: Storytelling to Reinforce Market Leadership

The Story of “Product X

Tide’s story began in the 1930s, when a group of P&G scientists were quietly working on a mysterious cleaning agent they believed had great potential as a heavy-duty synthetic detergent. Behind closed doors, it was known as Product X.But after 200,000 hours of slow, painstaking tests to get the formula right, they couldn’t make it work. One by one, all of the scientists were reassigned to other projects, and were instructed to abandon their heavy-duty detergent research.

One man refused to walk away from Product X.

The use of storytelling in brand communication by P&G is spot on. They tell us their story of firsts to reinforce their market leadership:

The first detergent to advertise on TV The first to provide new samples inside washing machines The first US detergent to be formulated with enzymes to thoroughly breakdown protein and

carbohydrate stains The first without perfumes The first detergent with colour-safe bleach The first compact powder and liquid detergent

Nicely done P&G.  Yet another example of storytelling brilliance to support your brands.

What are you talking about?


Brand Management 2013

Well they tell a short story from capturing your attention with some light-hearted humour. To moving to benefits. To concluding how much better your life would be, without them having to tell you. That’s right, you have worked it out yourself.

This is storytelling and how Apple tells their product stories is fantastic.

So why have more than one short story?

Three reasons, Fans, Conversation and of course Product benefits.Its for these three reasons excitement is built. The short stories around the product fuels the fans, the early adopters, the ones who are happy to camp in a que to get the product before anyone else. This buzz and conversation then filters down through the different communities in which the fans and the brand touch.

Product benefitsThere are more than one story, because their is more than one product benefit. Apple remain focused on displaying the benefits while keeping the typical 30 second slot intact by using focused messages.

Clearing the way to communicate one benefit of the device effectively. Concentrates the audiences time on how the device actually helps them, to show them,

demonstrating the ease of use. Allows the customer to go in and replicate the experience making the experience seem intuitive.

This seamless transition from hard buttons to touch screens, understanding which way to swipe and how to interact with the device.

FansThe Apple Fanboys will seek out and share these short stories within their community. These individuals are powerful, reaching evangelical status for the brand. Talking and expressing the excitement on behalf of the brand spreading the message through word of mouth. Or the modern equivalent Social Media.

ConversationIts not just the Fanboys, the wider audiences will talk about the different product stories they have seen. With YouTube and other video services at the fingertips. It doesn’t take long to find and extend the experience.

How do these stories succeed in informing the audience without forcing it upon them?There are 3 points that Apple get right about storytelling in today’s advertising space. They are Entertaining, Educating and Inspiring. Apple tie these three elements together to bring their story alive.Think of Apple as a mentor within their brand story. Here to help assist you to become better. The conflict within the story surrounds the fact of keeping audiences aware of the products and keeping them intuitive. The mentor shows the main character (You the audience) how it can solve your problem. But more than that, how to use the devices.


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In Carmine Gallo’s book “The Secret Presentation tips of Steve Jobs“ he identifies three areas that Steve Jobs uses in his presentations. They can also be applied to the short stories that Apple tell of their products.They are:

EntertainingLight humour is common amongst Apple advertising and its no difference for the product short stories.

By showing the aesthetically pleasing product, with touch of humour such as “how can something get bigger, yet smaller?” or “more of it but less of it”.

EducationalI believe that the clean design of the Apple brand allows you not only to focus in on the products. But also learn. These videos not only show the audiences that the new product has arrived but show them how to use it. They demonstrate the Show Not Tell Philosophy, showing the benefits, how to use and simplicity of the product. Rather than the traditional message of telling of the benefits. Though traditional messages could show the product in use it does not how ever go demonstrate the steps in doing so. The focus of the short stories around a different product benefit shows the audience why they should have it. Where most TV spots usually are cluttered with multiple benefits and try to fit everything into a mere 30 seconds.

InspiringThe Entertainment + Educational elements allow Apple’s product stories to become more than a commercial. Why? the tone is more conversational, and jargon is minimal if at all. Its like a friend was talking to you advising and assisting. When both Entertainment and Educational elements come together it brings context to the story and a purpose to the product. With this in mind it allows you the audience to figure out the possibilities of the device for your personal life.

In summary

Apple will continue to push to develop interesting stories around their products. This also is a massive differentiator from competitors who are still on cluttered messages talking about the what and how of a product. Rather than why should I be buying into the belief and use of a certain product over another. Like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg and Craigslist creator Craig Newmark, look for new ways to recount your company’s humble beginnings.

Don't be afraid to reveal some of the personal and professional struggles you’ve encountered. It not only puts a more personal face on the business, but also helps viewers empathize and boosts likeability. Just be sure to remain positive, straightforward and self-aware – the point isn’t shameless promotion or self-aggrandizement, but rather, telling a story others can learn from.

5. Explore interactive solutions

To make your business or brand’s story truly stand out, translate its ideals into more than mere words. Providing interactive options – e.g., apps, video games, customizable visuals or videos, surveys, quizzes or user-generated content programs – will boost audience engagement and enhance learning and retention.Allow fans to contribute to the conversation by entering their own


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submissions (via voice, video, votes, visual contributions or otherwise) and allow commenting/sharing to heighten interest and uptake.

6. Discuss your future.

Sometimes, it’s not enough to cover where your business has been. Share where you want to go and what’s next on your business agenda. Likewise, consider soliciting consumer input and feedback – public opinion is the best focus group money can’t buy. All reinforce the point that you’re listening to customers, value their opinion and create the impression that the best is yet to come.

7. Salute your community and your heroes.

Everyone has someone he looks up to – businesses are no different. Take some time to highlight key community members and fans that have supported your journey, and discuss the organizations and leaders who’ve influenced the way you operate. Make sure to point out why you admire the individuals, companies or leaders in question, and how you’ve worked hard to adopt some of their principles into your operations today.

8. Speak about topics close to your heart.

Touch upon something that drives or inspires you and use it to explain your brand’s positioning. For example, TOMS donates a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased — this seed idea generated an entire company. Its philanthropic mission not only drives the business’ core values, but the tale behind it indelibly wound its way into the public vernacular, where it’s become one of today’s most memorable case studies. By speaking passionately about values and causes that are important to you and your organization, you gain more than a few new admirers; you'll inspire others to take action and support causes they believe in, as well.

Customer contact point

Another problem is that customers may interact with organizations at different contact points. A contact point is the method a customer uses to communicate with a company. For instance, consider the different ways customers may interact with an organization:

In-Person – Customers seek in-person assistance for their needs by visiting retail stores and other outlets, and also through discussion with company salespeople who visit customers at their place of business or in their home.

Telephone – Customers seeking to make purchases or have a problem solved may find it more convenient to do so through phone contact. In many companies a dedicated department called a call center handles all incoming customer inquiries.

Internet – The fastest growing contact point is through the Internet. The use of the Internet for purchasing (called electronic commerce) has exploded and is now the leading method


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for purchasing certain types of products including music. The Internet is also a key area where customers look for help with their purchases.

Kiosks – A kiosk is a standalone, interactive computer, often equipped with a touch-screen, that offers customers several service options including product information, ability to make a purchase, and review of a customer’s account. Kiosks are now widely used for airline check-in, retail job applications, and banking.

In-Person Product Support – Some in-person assistance is not principally intended to assist with selling but is designed to offer support once a purchase is made. Such services are handled by delivery people and service/repair technicians.

Financial Assistance – Customer contact may also occur through company personnel who assist customers with financial issues. For instance, credit personnel help customers arrange the necessary funds to make a purchase while personnel in accounts receivable work with customers who are experiencing payment problems.

The challenge of insuring that customers are handled properly no matter the contact point they use is daunting for many companies. For some organizations the customer contact points cited above operate independently of others. For instance, retail stores may not be directly connected to telephone customer service. The result is that for different contact points many companies have developed different procedures and techniques for handling customers. And for some firms there exists little integration between the contact points so customers communicating through one point one day and another point the next day may receive conflicting information. In such cases customers are likely to become frustrated and question the company’s ability to service its customers.

How brand communicates

The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a "name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers. Therefore it makes sense to understand that branding is not about getting your target market to choose you over the competition, but it is about getting your prospects to see you as the only one that provides a solution to their problem. The objectives that a good brand will achieve include:

Delivers the message clearly Confirms your credibility Connects your target prospects emotionally Motivates the buyer Concretes User Loyalty

To succeed in branding you must understand the needs and wants of your customers and prospects. You do this by integrating your brand strategies through your company at every point of public contact. Your brand resides within the hearts and minds of customers, clients, and prospects. It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which you can influence, and some that you cannot. A strong brand is invaluable as the battle for customers intensifies day by day. It's important to spend time investing in researching, defining, and


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building your brand. After all your brand is the source of a promise to your consumer. It's a foundational piece in your marketing communication and one you do not want to be without.

Brand building

In order to build an irresistible brand, you need to take what you learn about yourself, your audience, and your competition and blend that research with your own personality to create a style that attracts your audience.Branding is more than just design and corporate identities. Branding is about the experience your audience has when interacting with you, in addition to the identity elements like your logo, colors, etc. Don’t just stop at developing the logo, build an experience if you want an irresistible brand.77. Be accessible. Nothing frustrates your audience more than not being able to reach you when they have a need for what you offer. Make it easy for them to get in touch with you.Build goodwill. If you want to build referrals and word-of-mouth advertising for your brand, you need to foster goodwill with customers and your general audience. This involves delivering positive experiences and being a good “corporate citizen” with your brand.79. Create positive experiences. You can’t please everybody, but try anyway. Always do your part to give your audience the very best experience you can each time they interact with you. Give them the “rockstar treatment” and make them feel special.80. Keep your word. If you promise something to a customer on a certain date, make sure you deliver on or before that date. Following through on your promises is important if you want a positive reputation for your brand.81. Deliver more value than they expect. What can you do to surprise them with added value they weren’t expecting? It doesn’t have to be anything big. Making your customer smile is the goal. For example, I once ordered a pair of shoes from Zappos with standard shipping, and received an e-mail about an hour later saying they had upgraded me to express shipping at no extra charge.82. Be a good “citizen”. Don’t be the type of brand that people only hear from when you’re selling something or want something from them. Contribute to the larger community by being a “giver” as well.83. Show up. Don’t get lazy about your brand. If you want to build a brand that your audience respects as an authority, you need to put the work in to earn that respect. Be there when your audience expects you to be, and put your best effort into everything you do.84. Try to help people. One of the most powerful ways to connect with people is to help them. If you can incorporate this into your brand, you’ll find your audience much more receptive to you. But your efforts must be based on a genuine desire to help. People can spot selfish generosity in a heartbeat.85. Be generous. Don’t be stingy with how you share your time or talents. Incorporate a little generosity into your branding and it will help you build trust and goodwill with your audience.86. Be gracious. You will encounter people who are rude, irate, or misunderstand your intentions. Be gracious in how you respond. By taking the “high road” you’ll gain the respect of your audience, and might even convert that rude naysayer into a true fan.87. Cultivate relationships. Don’t think of your brand as a facade or decoration to what you do – that’s what paint is for. Build relationships with your audience if you want to foster brand loyalty.


Brand Management 2013

88. Seek feedback. Let your audience know, in no uncertain terms, that you want their feedback so you can improve and serve them better. And when you get feedback, don’t be shy about letting your audience know you’ve acted on it.89. Be honest. Most people instinctively know not to lie outright, but many more are willing to conceal facts or bend the truth to suit their needs. Once your brand’s reputation is damaged, it’s time consuming and costly to repair. Be honest with your audience and maintain their trust.90. Encourage participation. Acting on the feedback of your audience in a public manner helps them feel like they’re involved. For example, Conan O’Brien recently made a public change to the opening credits for his show based on a YouTube video from a fan. You can check out the story here. Get your audience involved and they’ll quickly become fans.91. Keep the big picture in mind. Always consider your overall brand in everything you do. Make sure that what you provide your audience, whether content, services, products, or free stuff serves to build your brand, not detract from it.92. Relax. Avoid presenting yourself in a stiff, formal manner unless your audience is also stiff and formal. You want your brand to seem human and approachable, not cold and aloof. So relax a little and let your audience see your human side.93. Have fun. Victor Borge used to say, “a smile is the shortest distance between people.” The same is true for your brand. If you’re having fun, your audience will sense it and start to have fun themselves.94. Connect with people who can promote you. Tooting your own horn will only get you so far. If you want to gain exposure, build authority, and get more people interested in your brand, take the time to connect with people who can promote you.95. Take the lead. Your audience doesn’t always know what they need from you, they just know they have a problem they need solved. Guide them. Help them understand how you can solve their problem or meet their need.96. Always give your best. To help build positive experiences, always put forth your best effort. I once hired an attorney at the rate of $250/hr who kept overlooking important information I had already provided him because he was rushing through his work. Bring your “A game” to everything you do for your audience.97. Be informative. Help your audience see you as a resource by providing them with information that is useful to them. Keep them informed of your progress on their project. Help them understand your niche and what you do. Educate them about what you offer.98. Be accommodating. Everyone’s life is hectic these days. Sometimes the best way you can create a positive brand experience for a customer is to just be accommodating to their situation. Maybe they can only meet after hours, or need a few extra minutes with you to understand how to use what they purchased. Regardless of their need, if you make it easy for them to do business with you, they’ll remember it and tell their friends.99. Be reassuring. Understand that when your audience buys something from you, they’re vulnerable to a certain amount of buyer’s remorse. Help them feel good about their decision by reaffirming the reason they bought it in the first place.100. Avoid hard sell tactics. No one likes those “in your face” salesmen. If you get pushy about your sales, your audience will back away. Stay away from hard-sell tactics if you want to keep your audience interested and buying.Be consistent. A key component to any successful brand is consistency. Always present yourself and your brand in the same manner in whichever media you’re using. That means using the same imagery, tone, style, and message in print, on air, in person, and online.


Brand Management 2013

102. Develop a logo. Your brand needs an identifying mark. It can be artwork, nicely styled text, or a combination of the two – but create a logo so your audience can visually identify your brand.103. Create a corporate identity package. You may never use them, but develop a business card, letterhead, and envelope design for your brand anyway. Doing this step will help you solidify the design style for the rest of your brand, and you’ll have the designs ready to go if you ever need them.104. Use colors that convey the message you want to send. Each color of the rainbow conveys a specific meaning, and affects how people respond. Make sure the colors you choose for your brand will have the desired effect with your audience.105. Use a design style your audience relates to. Your audience is likely to respond better to one design style over another. Use the research you’ve done on your audience to craft a style that resonates with them.106. Choose a design style that enhances your credibility. In addition to creating a style your audience likes, you need to make sure your design strengthens your brand and its position in your niche.107. Develop design elements that can be used on all your marketing. As you create your design style, develop specific design elements that will work across your whole brand to tie it all together visually.108. Be original. Don’t try to copy what someone else did with his or her brand. Create your own style based on your research and your personality if you want to build a brand that’s interesting to your audience.109. Let your “freak flag” fly. Don’t be afraid to infuse your brand with your personality. Your individual personality is what will make your brand unique and interesting.110. Create a web presence that is consistent. Make sure your Internet marketing is inline with the rest of your brand. Build your website using the same design style and colors as the rest of your brand. Customize your social media profiles and avatars in the same way.111. If you struggle with creativity, find help. Your brand will be central to your marketing, and will be at the forefront of your audience’s attention. If you’re not good at creative thinking, invest in some outside help. You’ll enjoy better response to your brand with a professionally designed style than something you settled for because it was the best you could do on your own.112. Keep your audience at the center of all you do. Never lose sight of your audience and their needs. Without them, your brand is worthless.113. Get specific with your style, right down to fonts. The style you craft for your brand needs to be specific and detailed. You should drill it right down to the specific colors, fonts, and even paper stock you plan to use. Being that specific will help you maintain your branding down the road.114. Create a “creative standards manual”. A creative standards manual is a simple document that spells out the design details of your brand. This manual becomes indispensable for making sure your branding is consistent when you need to hire a different designer, printer, or other creative services company.115. Be mindful of your stage presence. Whenever you’re in the public eye (in front of your audience), make sure you present yourself in a manner that’s consistent with your overall brand. Never make the mistake of diminishing your brand or damaging your credibility by getting careless with your actions.


Brand Management 2013

116. Use the language your audience uses. If your readers use industry jargon, you should too. On the other hand, if they’re confused and annoyed by industry buzzwords, shape your copy accordingly. Make it easier for your audience to understand what you do by using the same terminology they do.Never roll out a new brand in stages. Conducting business with part using your old brand, and part using your new brand will confuse your audience. Wait to roll out your new brand until you can rebrand everything with your new look.118. Don’t try to promote more than one brand to the same audience at the same time.Again, promoting multiple brands to the same audience will only serve to confuse that audience. Pick one brand to move forward with and promote that.119. Develop brand ambassadors. Put extra effort into encouraging, educating, and supporting members of your audience who send you lots of referrals. They are your brand ambassadors and are better at developing quality leads for your business than a sales team.120. Never settle for good enough. Mediocrity is the cancer of branding. As soon as you start to settle for “good enough” instead of your best, your brand will begin to decline. Always insist on excellence.121. Be informal. Remember that people buy from people, even in the business-to-business world. Make sure your brand doesn’t distance you from your audience. Instead, focus on building a brand that’s warm, informal, and inviting to your audience.122. Don’t go overboard. Some people take the advice to “be unique” too far and create things like business cards that don’t fit in any Rolodex or cardholder, or promotional mailers that can’t be saved for later reference. Make sure your uniqueness is balanced with usefulness.123. Adapt. Over time, your audience will grow and change. Make sure the brand you build will be able to grow with them if you want it to remain relevant.124. Give your brand a face. There’s a reason corporations hire spokesmen and create mascots. Your brand needs a “face” your audience can connect with. That might be you, an employee, or a mascot you create, but you need to give your audience someone that can be the face of your brand.125. Infuse everything you do in your brand. Your brand needs to permeate every aspect of what you do in order to have the desired effect. Make sure nothing slips through the cracks unbranded or displaying an old style.


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