breakfast around the world how does the rest of the globe wake up?

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Breakfast Around the World

How does the rest of the globe wake up?

Breakfast in North America

It seems as if breakfast in North America has been exploited by name brands and advertisements.

A typical American breakfast usually involves some kind of bread/flour product, (pancakes, waffles, French toast) eggs, and bacon, ham or sausage. American breakfast is heavily influenced by European tradition.

Canadian breakfasts are similar to American breakfasts, but usually have a bigger emphasis on ham and potatoes.

Breakfast in Mid-Asia

China- Congee is very popular. It is basically a watery porridge.

Korea- Most Koreans eat Kimchi for breakfast. Kimchi is cabbage based and very pungent.

Breakfast in the Middle East

Iraq- Most Iraqis enjoy bread products for breakfast like this Khubz. Usually they spread honey, butter, or jam over it.

Coffee and tea are the breakfast drinks of choice. Middle Eastern coffee is usually thicker and stronger than that of elsewhere.

Breakfast in Middle America

In Guatemala, people generally eat tortillas and rice or beans for breakfast.

The tortilla is a defining part of Mexican breakfast as well. Although, most Mexicans enjoy a sort of breakfast burrito with eggs and beef inside. The Chili pepper is used to spice up the morning meal.

Breakfast in Europe

In Germany, varieties of Bread and pastries are a favorite for breakfast. Most are complemented with sesame, poppy, or caraway seeds.

A traditional English breakfast consists of Ham, beans, sausage and eggs.

You can’t have breakfast in Europe without enjoying Tea or Coffee.

Traditional African breakfast

Variations of dates are popular all over northern Africa

Boerowors is a sausage Eaten in Southern Africa for breakfast

Firfir is a common Ethiopian breakfast dish

South American Breakfast

Breakfast in brazil often consists of fruit or vegetable based items like avocado dishes and fresh slices of papaya and pineapple.

People of South America enjoy some of the finest coffee in the world.

Rice and Beans are a big part of morning meals everywhere in South America.

South East Asian Breakfast

Pho Bo - beef noodles is a breakfast favorite in Vietnam

Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice) topped with an eggBalinese coffee is a great way to wake up in Bali

Johk is a popular pork and rice dish in Thailand

Russian’s Love black bread in the morning

Porridge is widely eaten in Russia

Russian Tea is a very popular for breakfast

Mongolian yak milk is used in all kinds of breakfast dishes in Northern Asia

Northern Asian Breakfast

Common Breakfast themes

Most cultures tend to shy away from alcohol in the morning.

Breakfast tends to be a quicker meal than others.

Most cultures tend to use scaled down versions of larger meals for breakfast.

Most cultures tend to drink other beverages besides water for breakfast.

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