brief note about sps and problems rectified in the past 3 to 4 years accomplishments difficulties...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Salesian Publishing Society

Brief Note about

SPS and Problems

Rectified in the past 3

to 4 years






Roots of the ProblemSolutions neededSteps taken / to be taken




News Letter

Salesian Publishing Society

Arumbu Publication

Don Bosco Publication





To ensure no-foreign tie-up before the legal


To follow societal ownership of our



1998* More than 180 titles are published until now

* The books of secular and specially those that

are in regional vernacular (thamizh) are


* Arumbu Publication is a member in BAPASI

(Booksellers And Publishers Association of

South India), an association with 459 publishing

and distributing members in Southern India.

* The contributors for Arumbu Magazine

automatically become authors as their regulars

stand out to be a good book by itself.


2009* More than 30 titles are published until now

* The books of Christian and sometime secular

if the content is in English language.

* It is a budding publication.

* The contributors for Salesian Bulletin

Magazine in tamil automatically become

authors as their regulars stand out to be a good

book by itself.


Year of Establishment : 1955

Peroidicity : Monthly

Price : Rs. 10

Circulation : 15,000

RNI number : 11807/66

RNP number : TN/CCN/477/15-17

WPP number : TN/PMG(CCR)/WPP-400/15-17

Salient Features : Only youth magazine of secular nature but

owned and maintained for 60 years by Catholic Religious (we



Year of Establishment : 1978

Peroidicity : Monthly

Price : Rs. 10

Circulation : 5,000

RNI number : 33652/78

RNP number : TN/CCN/373/15-17

WPP number : TN/PMG(CCR)/WPP-398/15-17

Salient Features : The Salesian Bulletin in Tamil Language. It’s

a more a catholic family magazine like SB india.


Year of Establishment : 1956

Peroidicity : Monthly

Price : Rs. 15

Circulation : 5,000

RNI number : 1459

RNP number : TN/CCN/478/15-17

WPP number : TN/PMG(CCR)/WPP-359/15-17

Salient Features : It has taken a South Asian Region form due

to its many authors from various places of South Asian



* INM Province Newsletter

* Printed version of INM BIS service done through

- Website

- Mail


- Whatsapp

- INM Videos

* There is no collection of subscriptions involved in Newsletter.

Hence, it is an expense for good. The publication department

as of bears them.

Roots of the Problem

Solutions needed

Steps taken / to be taken


1. Mr. Pritish – with the contract of Rs.25,000/month for a year (job undone due to pending payments)

1. Close the contract2. Complete the Accounts

1. Appointed a staff for A/cs and Admin through Vazhikatti.

2. Trained and made all entries into Acme+

3. Audited the accounts of 2011-2012 and completed the society registration

Accounts and Administration

Cf. Auditor’s Report

1. Magazines not sent due to freezing of postal concession2. No staff to maintain the Subscription entries and

properly reply to queries of the subscribers

1. Post the magazines by all means2. Train somebody on Subscription and proper knowledge

about the content queries and subscription queries 1. Posted the single copies with 2 rupee

stamps2. Directly delivered the bulk by Tempo

Travellor3. Made the admin get used to the

subscription s/w and attend to the works in the department


Freezing of Postal Concession

1. Non-availability of proper certificates (RNI, RNP and WPP)

1. Get all the certificates

1. Availed all needed documents for the RNI2. closely followed-up Delhi RNI office over the

telephonic calls3. Finally got all the certificates

Financial Sustainability

1. Improper costing and Excess of expenditure on paper and printing

2. Pending payments from others

1. Work out cost and workings2. Collect the pending payments

1. Updated the current cost of paper and printing in the market

2. Got maximum of payments settled through constant reminders (phone calls and letters)

3. Increased the income through advertisements

4. Made the cost price feasible to Selling price

Lack of Publication Policy and ISBN

1. Confusion on Language and Religion2. Non-availability of viable book stalls3. Lack of ISBN for DBP

1. Specify the subject on print for the publications.2. Rent a bookstall in Chennai first and other prominent

places of TN1. Specified Tamil and Secular titles only for AP

and Tamil Christian and all English titles for DBP

2. got 100 ISBN for DBP3. Got the catalogues of many publications for

a good book stall where we don’t incur loss.

Less Popularity of Arumbu

1. Arumbu is not known among the public

1. Create gateways for common people to get familiar with the name ‘Arumbu’

1. Organise public functions and activities like Awards, camps, book-fairs, young artist clubs etc.

2. Participate in all book-fairs at state-level and if possible also at national-level




1. RNI, RNP and WPP for all the magazines obtained legally with no bribing involved as it is against press ethics. [RNI certificate is also sent for Renewal in adherence to the law to file annual statement of the magazine with Rs. 500 DD attached (it is to be filed every year)]

2. A/cs properly audited and the Monthly Abstracts are regularly submitted

3. Proper Documentation done – referring to Economer’s remarks during PV 2015

4. Financial Sustainability of Arumbu Magazine from April 2013 and other two magazines from November 2013 was ensured for the province with the added expenditure for Intercom (now monthly). Thus saved more than 40 lakhs for the province.

5. Annual Arumbu Awards initiated to encourage socio-cultural motifs and services of various people on 5 categories.

6. Annual Sociological features of our state is published in Arumbu (2013 – Beggary, 2014 – Alcoholism and 2015 – Unemployment) and the magazine is sent to all the collectors of TN.

7. 100 ISBN for DBP obtained to ensure universal identity of the publications.

8. From March 2012 until now 42 new titles have been printed.


Difficulties1. Marketing the books

printed.2. Big chunk of history and documents lost due to the absence of chronicles.4. Non-constancy of Salesian Director to learn and lead farther.

3. Salesians seldom read or write to our magazines – one salesian stops the magazines wherever he goes.5. We are lagging behind in e-publishing due to undue apprehension in the leading council and also due to non-professionalism in e-marketing in India.

Activities & Plans

Purposes – Why?

Strategies – How?




Parish Book Stalls* To make the Catholics benefit from our magazines and publications* To market our books

* On feast days with the permission of the Parish Priests the stall is put up.* The books are sold at 20% discount* The religious articles and CDs and DVDs are also sold for the sake of the variety

* The sale brings excellent result when the editor presides over the mass in the parish else we have reached back empty.* As there are no separate staff for sale Sundays also become working day.


* To be part of BAPASI, an association of all publishers and booksellers.* To get to know other publishers and strategies and also their qualitative output.* To reach the general public and their expectations.

Getting the books of other prominent publications that suits the interest of the public.* Meet the good and prominent publications to invite them for our activities.

* The place of book fair is quite far.* There are only two Christian publications in BAPASI still. (Vaigarai and Arumbu)* Arumbu should attend all the book fairs like Vaigarai.

Chennai Book Fair


* To bring to light the good present in the Tamil society.* To encourage the goodness present in our tamil society.* To elicit the purpose and the service Arumbu Publications had been doing all these years.

* Well-accommodative areas for awarding were selected (Ilam Sadanaiyalar, Thamizh Aarvalar and Mann Kapalar)* Sponsors were sought* Participants were short-listed

* The Name Arumbu is quite familiar to many.* New suggestions and proposals of activities from the real public.

Arumbu Awards


* To make the faithful and others in the parishes to know and love our holy father

* Special stalls and social media advertisings were made

* around 6000 english and tamil calendars were sold.

Pope Calendar


* To make the Don Bosco Publication and its catalogue grow by new books and some more ISBN.* To Design and print other related magazines in DB Publication’s name.

* Took up books printed under DB Publication* Parisal and Lourdes Shrine Magazines will have DB Publications with its logo imprinted under designed and printed.

* 100 more ISBN numbers are obtained* Many titles are waitlisted due to the non-focus on marketing.

Focus on Don Bosco Publication


* To increase the market value of the book* To sustain the department’s expenses on the magazines (extra copies, additional pages, free copies etc)

* A person by name John Bosco is appointed on 30% commission basis.* Non-commercial advts. Like Province’s Don Bosco Foundation, New Bishop’s elect, New Church’s Initiatives are made without money.

* The advertisements for Arumbu and SSM has grown dull as Salesian Bulletin got separated (simultaneous advts)* Inspite of it we could gather 2.5 lakhs for this year.* One or two full-time staff for marketing, Advt., Book-sale need to be appointed


PLANS – For the Future

Thamizh Pechum Eluthum (Workshop in Learning

Tamil)* To facilitate the students who are interested in speaking and writing Tamil in proper grammar and fluency.* To help the students who are academically weak in Tamil* To emphasize on the worth and richness of our native language

* Get tutors who are knowledgeable in tamil language structure and grammar.* Advertise in the schools about the week-end workshops with proper fees structure.

* We can create a taste for the tamil language in the young.* We can uphold the richness of tamil language

PLANS – For the Future

Education Institutional Book-fairs* To create opportunities for the students, teachers and parents to get to know value-based books and academic books.* To make our schools and colleges to create opportunities for more knowledge and learning.

* Get books from varieties of standard and cost-effective publications.* Fix dates with the concerned Principal and/or correspondent and put up the stall with the publication staff.

* We can begin with Don Bosco owned institutions and slowly go to other schools and colleges

PLANS – For the Future

Workshop for NSS and Others on ‘Medicine and

Medicinal Plants’ and/or ‘Eco-Spirituality’* To create an awareness and respect for the Environment.* To make an eco-conscious culture in our institutes.* To encourage waste-management culture among the students.

* Fix convenient dates with Dr. Arjunan, the Resource person and the NSS co-ordinator of our institutes.*collect a nominal fee from the participants for the remuneration and work materials.* Grand certificates for those who complete the course

* A small group can create an awareness among the many others in the institution.

PLANS – For the Future

All Book-fairs Attendance* To clear the stocks to the maximum* To increase the income from the books and go for printing the pending titles* To maintain our credibility in BAPASI

* Recruit two staff for book sale, book-fair and Advt. along with the driver.* Update and make quick move to register for all the state level book-fairs.

* Best titles with latest marketing need and best printing quality could dreamt of only when there is a good bank balance in Publications.

PLANS – For the Future

Convergence of BIS and INtercoM

* To activate and regularize the News Agency* To provide advanced reminder and immediate dissemination of the news story about every events of our province

* Create a space in Publication office/Citadel for Bosco Information Service where a staff is employed to gather and spread the news at the earliest.* Maintain a telephonic and mailing updates with a separate mobile number for BIS

* Prompt SMS service and regular monthly publishing of Intercom could be done with ease and comfort.

PLANS – For the Future

Chronicles of SPS and Minutes of Monthly Staff

Meeting* To keep record of all the activities and plans with open evaluation* To ensure more growth and clarity about the service of the publications.

* Maintain two notebooks (Chronicles and Minutes)*Create two e-mails chronicles and minutes and upload photos and text

* Proper recording of events will show great output in future.

PLANS – For the Future

Youth Library in Youth Centres* To encourage the youth for leisure reading habit* To make the youth to express their views and concerns through writing

* Request the Youth centre Director to make a space for reading in the centers* Supply useful books to the centre with Library cards and record book

* We show another right way for growth for our young people


* Publishing needs content-focus, financial-focus, legality-focus and lay-out focus. Hence, extra time and extra interest qualifies the job.* One should adhere to the legal requirements demanded by the government. Hence, constancy and regularity need to be maintained. * Sustainability and International-reach is possible only through proper customization with the latest initiatives of print media.* Lot more to do and achieve through our press identity. Our mission in print media over 60 years and more should have opened many more avenues than what we are now.

Hence, let us think BIG and ACT big just like Don Bosco who himself was a journalist and publisher.


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