bringing safe water to a thirsty world

Post on 06-Feb-2016






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Bringing Safe Water to a Thirsty World. “Water washes everything, but it is not easy to wash water.” – African Proverb. the. problem. More than a billion people do not have access to safe water. Contaminated water is the. #1 CAUSE OF DEATH. in developing countries. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


© New Life International, 2007

Bringing Safe Water to a Thirsty World.

“Water washes everything, but it is not easy to wash water.” – African Proverb

© New Life International, 2007



© New Life International, 2007

More than a billion people do not have access to safe water.

© New Life International, 2007

Contaminated water is the #1 CAUSE OF DEATH in developing countries.

© New Life International, 2007

On average, every 8 seconds a child dies of a waterborne disease.

© New Life International, 2007

Wells are often contaminated by seeping surface water and pit latrines.

© New Life International, 2007

Midway through the rainy season, the water table often rises into the pit latrine zones contaminating wells.

© New Life International, 2007

Without a sanitation program,

all kinds of waste enters the water supplies.

© New Life International, 2007

Bottled water is too expensive for the poor.

© New Life International, 2007



© New Life International, 2007


Chlorination has protected the United

States and other countries for over 90

years and has saved more lives than perhaps any other technology!

© New Life International, 2007

The New Life International Water Purifier:

How do you bring this life-saving technology to those people who

need safe water the most?

Provides simple on-site chlorination from salt.

© New Life International, 2007

How it Works:

1. Generates Chlorine by an electrolysis process.

2. Separates the salt (NaCl) into its components Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl).

3. Sorts the sodium ions from the chloride ions using the 12 VDC charge from a car battery or other source of direct current.

© New Life International, 2007

24 Hour Bacteria Test

Even city water may be unsafe (the yellow color on the right is from a chemical used in the test.)

Water from an African city

Water treated with the New Life Purifier

© New Life International, 2007


Engineered to be robust, user friendly, easily transported and cost effective!

Designed and constructed for use in third world environments with harsh conditions and minimal resources.

© New Life International, 2007


• Generates chlorine from water, table salt, and a 12-volt battery• A pound of salt disinfects 70,000 gallons of water.• Treats 55 gallons of water per minute• Operational in a short time upon arrival at the site.• One water purifier per 1,000 people.• Easy to use. Training material is included.

© New Life International, 2007

Independent Laboratory Testing of the New Life International Water Purifier:

“The device produces chlorinated water at a rate that is more than sufficient to destroy, with proper contact time (as instructed in the manual), illness-

causing microorganisms in the water.”

17 November 2005 Pentair Inc. Water Report

© New Life International, 2007

what we do

© New Life International, 2007


Training nationals in the use and maintenance of the purifier is vital to long-term success.

© New Life International, 2007

Disaster Relief

After a natural disaster, a lack of safe water can become just as dangerous as the disaster itself. The New Life International Water Purifier can provide safe, affordable, and sustainable water solutions for drinking and other essential purposes.

© New Life International, 2007

A Report from Uganda

One of the water committee members is also the local health worker responsible for a number of settlements in the islands. Her report was that prior to the installation of safe drinking water in

Lingira, 90% of all families suffered from diarrhea during the rainy season. Since the system has been in use, she hardly sees diarrhea-related


© New Life International, 2007

New Life International seeks to bring safe water to all people everywhere – from the largest cities to the smallest villages.

© New Life International, 2007

The New Life International Water Purifier is highly adaptable. It can become part of a permanent water treatment system or be transported from place to place depending upon the need and facilities available.

© New Life International, 2007

Safe water is a desperate need in all areas of developing countries. The New Life International Water Purifier can bring safe water to villages, medical clinics, hospitals, schools, churches, orphanages, disaster relief, and refugee camps.

© New Life International, 2007

The New Life International Water Purifier provides Safe water for potentially less than $1 per person per year.

© New Life International, 2007

New Life International Water Purification System

More than a “Product”, but rather a MISSION DRIVEN VISION.

A vision that water purification is a pathway to Community Development by bringing safe water and a future to the under served; whether they are in the rural remote areas or the crowded slums.

© New Life International, 2007

What is Needed?

“What good is it my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith

save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him,

‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what

good is it?” James 2:14-16

© New Life International, 2007

Since 1998 New Life International has helped place more than 1000 purifiers in 62 countries

Thousands of lives touched

© New Life International, 2007

Examples of Water Purifier Installations

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© New Life International, 2007

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© New Life International, 2007

© New Life International, 2007

© New Life International, 2007

© New Life International, 2007

© New Life International, 2007

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© New Life International, 2007

© New Life International, 2007

© New Life International, 2007

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© New Life International, 2007

© New Life International, 2007

© New Life International, 2007

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