britain and south africa since the boer ·...

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The Lion and the SpringbokBritain and South Africasince the Boer War

Ronald Hyam and Peter Henshaw

published by the press syndicate of the university of cambridgeThe Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP, United Kingdom

cambridge university pressThe Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, AustraliaRuiz de Alarcon 13, 28014 Madrid, SpainDockHouse, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa

C© Ronald Hyam and Peter Henshaw 2003

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ISBN 0 521 82453 2 hardbackAfrican edition ISBN 0 521 53769 X


Frontispiece pageiiList of illustrations viiList of tables ixPreface xiAcknowledgements xivList of abbreviations xv

1 The uneasy special relationship: dynamicsand divergencies 1

2 Breakdown: into war, 1895–1899 37

3 Post-war: the myth of magnanimity, 1905–1907 57

4 African interests and the South Africa Act, 1908–1910 76

5 ‘Greater South Africa’: the struggle for the High CommissionTerritories, 1910–1961 102

6 The economic dimension: South Africa and the sterling area,1931–1961 118

7 Britain, the United Nations, and the ‘South African disputes’,1946–1961 146

8 The political consequences of Seretse Khama and Ruth,1948–1952 168

9 Containing Afrikanerdom: the geopolitical origins of the CentralAfrican Federation, 1948–1953 198

10 Strategy and the transfer of Simon’s Town, 1948–1957 230

11 The parting of the ways: the departure of South Africa from theCommonwealth, 1951–1961 254


vi Contents

12 Enfeebled lion? How South Africans viewed Britain,1945–1961 273

13 Springbok reviled: some British reactions to apartheid,1948–1994 307

Epilogue The relationship restored: the return of the new SouthAfrica to the Commonwealth, 1994 343

Select bibliography 351Index 372



5.1 Plans for a ‘Greater South Africa’ page1045.2 The Tomlinson Commission’s threat to the High

Commission Territories and the creation of Bantustans,1955 109

9.1 Central African Federation 199


1.1 The evolution of Afrikaner political parties 201.2 The institutional structure of Afrikanerdom 246.1 British gold imports, 1931–72 1226.2 South African gold production by prices realised and

quantities, 1931–72 1236.3 British reserves of gold and convertible currencies,

1931–72 1246.4 South African imports from and exports to Britain

as a percentage of total South African imports andexports of produce (excluding gold), 1931–72 125


Frontispiece: Nelson Mandela in Cambridge, 2001 ii1.1 Cartoon:Dienswillig die uwe: Smuts as ‘your willing servant’

of Britain (Die Burger, 1942) 292.1 Boer prisoners in St Helena:

(a) Broadbottom Camp and Boer enclosure(b) General Cronje and his officers 55

11.1 Cartoon: Britain aligns with the Asians at the United Nationsafter South Africa’s departure from the Commonwealth(Die Transvaler, 1961) 271


viii List of illustrations

12.1 Cartoon: The ‘enfeebled lion’ and the riddle of the Sphinx(Suez Crisis) (Rand Daily Mail, 1957) 295

13.1 Cartoon: Verwoerd: a nation mourns (Private Eye, 1966) 32413.2 Cartoon: The campaign against the Springbok cricket tour

of 1970 (New Statesman, 1 May 1970) 326


1.1 Trade between Britain and South Africa, 1946–1961 page136.1 South African exports to Britain, 1931–1963 1196.2 External capital investment in South Africa, 1913–1972 1206.3 The sterling area ‘dollar pool’, 1946–1956 1219.1 Immigrants into the Rhodesias, 1946–1950 226


1 The uneasy special relationship: dynamicsand divergencies

Of all the regions of the world where imperial Britain sought to exert influence,none exhibited more contradictions, and therefore such intractable dilemmasand frustrations, as South Africa. Cape Colony was conquered from the Dutchin 1806 and retained in 1815 because of its strategic importance on the routeto India. Control of the hinterland inevitably followed. Britain thus acquired aforeign settler community of some 40,000, who resenteda more intrusive gov-ernment than they were used to and doctrines of race relations which seemed tothem wrong-headed. Many Boers trekked into the interior from the 1830s, deter-mined to assert their right to a quiet sweet life (lekke lewe) of their own choosing,free from interference, and to preserve what they regarded as ‘proper relationsbetween master and servant’.1 The fundamental constitution (grondwet) of theSouth African Republic (Transvaal) made their intransigent Bantu policy all tooplain (clause 9): ‘The people will admit no equalising (gelijkstelling) betweenthe white and coloured inhabitants whether in church or state’ (February 1858).It was not simply that the Boers would not accept or admit blackequality(forwhich the word would have beengelijkheid), but, more uncompromisingly, noassimilation, nomaking equalor treatingas if equal.2 Treks enormously en-larged the area of contact and potential conflict on the highveld with spirited andsometimes highly mobile African chiefdoms determined to resist subjection. In1879 at Isandhlwana the Zulu inflicted humiliating defeat on a contingent of theBritish army, although the Zulu were unable to prevent the destruction of theirkingdom. The threat of a major African uprising thereafter loomed ominouslyin the background and further complicated relations between barely compati-ble white communities. Africans were seen overwhelmingly as ‘the Other’, butdespite this some Africans sought imperial support or protection against localoppression.

Although British settlers had arrived in the Eastern Cape in 1820, SouthAfrican conditions were not attractive to emigrants in the decades which

1 G. M. Theal,History of South Africa, from 1828 to 1846(London, 1904), pp. 266–7 for man-ifesto of Piet Retief, 22 Jan. 1837; for the latest account, N. Etherington,The Great Treks: thetransformation of Southern Africa, 1815–1854(London, 2001).

2 P. Mason,An essay on racial tension(London, 1954), p. 85.


2 The Lion and the Springbok

followed. Until the discovery of diamonds in 1867 and gold in 1886, SouthAfrica’s economic future looked bleak, and even the maintenance of viableEuropean-style states in the interior was in doubt. British policy-makers werealways perplexed as to what to do. Withdrawal without first providing some sortof collaborative structure (perhaps through federation) would imperil strate-gic and humanitarian interests. Gladstone came to the conclusion that SouthAfrica was an insoluble problem. In these circumstances, it is hard not to ac-cept the validity of Jan Smuts’s critique of British rule and intervention inSouth Africa as a perfidious record of duplicity and fraud, violence and vacilla-tion, by an alien, remote, and, in its ‘native policy’, quite possibly hypocriticalgovernment, a record which he summed up in the title of his polemic asAcentury of wrong(1899). Many well-informed English observers agreed withhim: men like the Anglican archdeacon Augustus Wirgman, who described theBritish handling of the Transvaal as‘a series of miserable blunderings and tact-less ineptitudes’.3 There were in fact five formal changes in British relationswith the Transvaal in a little over fifty years (six if you include an adjustmentmade in 1884): recognised as independent in 1852; annexedin 1877 (as aprelude to a projected federal reconstruction of South African states); self-government restored (subject to a notoriously undefined British ‘suzerainty’)in 1881; annexed again in wartime, 1900; responsible self-government restoredagain in 1906. Similar patterns of maddening uncertainty can be traced, forexample, in relations with the African kingdom of Basutoland, of particularconcern to the neighbouring Orange Free State: protection status refused in1866; granted in 1868, transferred to the Cape government in 1871; resumed in1884.

British and Boer communities had always sat uneasily together. In 1880 theBritish blundered into a Transvaal war, and in 1881 the Boers defeated them atthe battle of Majuba Hill (‘the hill of the doves’, beautifully onomatopoeic), andforever thereafter taunted their opponents about it. Relations got worse as themineral revolution brought in more money-making British immigrants. Thesethrusting Uitlanders (outsiders, denied the vote), who created Johannesburg andthe Witwatersrand mines, gave deep offence to highly conservative, religiousBoers, ‘whose standards could not be measured by those of Birmingham orThreadneedle Street’.4 The Boers were essentially unsophisticated Calvinistfarmers, who had few schools and no higher education as yet. President Krugerrefused to allow postal pillar-boxes in Pretoria on the grounds that town-dwellersshould not have facilities denied to those in rural areas – an attitude the Britishfound incomprehensible. Boer trust in imperial government was irretrievably

3 A. T. Wirgman,Storm and sunshine in South Africa, with some personal and historical reminis-cences(London, 1922), p. 79.

4 C. W. de Kiewiet,The anatomy of South African misery(Oxford, 1956), pp. 10–11, 24.

Dynamics and divergencies 3

destroyed by the Jameson Raid of 1895 (an ill-considered incursion into theTransvaal meant to spark off an uprising against Kruger’s regime), and thecover-up which followed it.

A land with such a complex history of interaction between Black, Coloured,and Indian communities, and two diverse white groups, was never going to befree of controversial historical interpretation, not least in its external relationswith the British overlord, six thousand miles away. And so we begin withan analysis of the modern historiography, and the ways in which this can bechallenged.


Historiographical approaches

Since the 1960s, the dominant revisionist historiography has written an overalleconomic determinism (and several varieties of Marxism) into South Africanhistory. The distinctiveness of twentieth-century South Africa has been at-tributed by one of its leading historians to the‘imperatives of South Africa’scapitalist development’, to a history dominated ‘to a very large extent’ by thehistory of mining; and we are invited to believe that ‘gold linked South Africato the British empire’.5 The fundamental tenet of this type of approach is thatBritish policy towards South Africa was mainly directed to the formation andpreservation of a modern industrial infrastructure, in order to maintain vitalBritish economic interests.6 Even historians who do not subscribe to this versionof neo-Marxist analysis are inclined to ascribe governmental action, whetherBritish or South African, to definite material interests, and underestimate therole of non-economic motives.7

5 S. Marks, ‘Southern Africa’ in J. M. Brown and W. R. Louis, eds.,Oxford history of the Britishempire, vol. IV (Oxford, 1999), ch. 24, pp. 547 and 550; A. Atmore and S. Marks, ‘The imperialfactor in South Africa’,JICH vol. 3 (1974), pp. 105–39. Two articles, S. Marks, ‘Scrambling forSouth Africa: a review article’,JAH vol. 23 (1982), pp. 97–113, and S. Marks and S. Trapido,‘Lord Milner and the South African state reconsidered’ in M. Twaddle, ed.,Imperialism, thestate and the Third World(London, 1992), represent a considerable retreat from the excesses ofearlier formulations, as in S. Marks and S. Trapido, ‘Lord Milner and the South African state’,History Workshop Journalvol. 8 (1979), pp. 50–80, but the central contention remains the same:‘focus on the nature of the British economy’.

6 H. Wolpe, ‘Capitalism and cheap labour power in South Africa, from segregation to apartheid’,Economy and Societyvol. 1 (1972), pp. 425–56, partly repr. in W. Beinart and S. Dubow, eds.,Segregationandapartheid in twentieth-centurySouthAfrica(London and New York, 1995), ch. 3,pp. 60–90; F. Johnstone,Class, race and gold: a study of class relations and racial discriminationin South Africa(London, 1976).

7 G. R. Berridge,Economic power in Anglo-South African diplomacy: Simonstown, Sharpevilleand after(London, 1981) andSouth Africa, the colonial powers and ‘African Defence’: the riseand fall of a white entente, 1948–1960(London, 1992).

4 The Lion and the Springbok

To make a contribution to the challenging of these simplistic propositions isthe aim of the present project. It is based on testing them against an intensiveexploration of the British archival record. Once this is begun, it becomes im-mediately obvious that such notions bear little relation to the way governmentsthink, or to the actual preoccupations of British policy-makers. Our alternativeapproach to the complex and uneasy special relationship between Britain andSouth Africa provides a place for the economic dimension, whilst wideningthe perspective to restore political, strategic, geopolitical, diplomatic, ethical,and socio-cultural considerations to their appropriate place. Thus we find our-selves taking issue with two historical approaches: (1) those which are basedon economic determinism, but also those which neglect or over-play and thusmisinterpret the economic dimension, and (2) those which are based on overlyspeculative or theory-bound work which neglects essential archive evidence andthus misinterprets the way the Britishgovernment behaved. We are not attackingmethodological diversity, only interpretations which are plainly wrong.

No doubt this stance makes us ‘empiricist’ historians, a label which is notusually employed in a complimentary sense. But while we are uncommitted toany of the grander theoretical positions, this does not mean that we have anyclaim to be free of presuppositions or bias. Realistically, no historian can copesimply by hoping high-mindedly to go ideologically unencumbered ‘wherethe evidence leads’, since the bits of evidence which get investigated are sub-jectively selected. It is a complete delusion to suppose ‘that any given bodyof material would suggest all the concepts necessary to interpret it’, and it isimpossible to expect to ask only such questions as ariseout of the evidence,since no-one can ever discover what all the evidence is.8 For no historians is thismore true than those working on twentieth-century imperial history and interna-tional relations, where the quantity of surviving British evidence is so massive.Accordingly, all any of us can do is to put questions of our own choosing to apart of the evidence, the portion which, speculatively, seems likely to be inter-esting or significant. Our own particular interest is in issues of ‘high policy’at the ministerial level of government, and our theoreticalbias is towards abelief in ‘the primacy of geopolitics’, the importance of strategy and prestigein policy-making and inter-state relations.9

Such a position arises, of course, out of our understanding of the natureof British government – perhaps of all government. State decisions are nottaken by trends, or abstract phenomena, but by a few individuals acting in verysmall groups. Governments – whether village elders, oligarchs, politicians, or

8 See the trenchant criticism of G. R. Elton’sThe practice of historyby Betty Behrens,HJ vol. 12(1969), pp. 190–3.

9 R. Hyam, ‘The primacy of geopolitics: the dynamics of British imperial policy, 1763–1963’,JICH vol. 27 (1999), pp. 27–52, repr. in R. D. King and R. W. Kilson, eds.,The statecraft ofBritish imperialism: essays in honour of Wm. Roger Louis(London and Portland, OR, 1999).

Dynamics and divergencies 5

fighting-service chiefs, and their various advisers – are by definition elites.All elites – again, almost by definition – have their own particular ‘cosmolo-gies’, ways of looking at the world and interpreting their responsibilities withina bureaucratic tradition. In Britain the relevant training of most governmentministers for ruling an empire or playing the world stage has always been min-imal. The members of the British elite, drawn in part from the aristocracy andupper classes for a long period of time, and mostly with an Oxbridge educa-tion mainly classical in emphasis, were amateurs. Many had some experienceof large-scale farming and local administration, and Lord Palmerston was notalone in trusting to the simple homely principle that looking after world-wideBritish interests was merely a problem of estate-management writ large. Mostlythis elite understood the basic principles of survival-politics, but not the eco-nomic technicalities of say, monetary policy. They were frequently disdainfulof business and industrial interests, highly resistant to the attempts of pressure-groups to persuade them. Some government decisions might coincide with whatcommercial lobbies or miningmagnates or‘gentlemanly capitalists’ wanted,but this emphatically does not mean that they were genuinely influential, stillless instrumental, in bringing those decisions about. (This point has an impor-tant bearing on the interpretations of the outbreak of war between Britain andSouth Africa in 1899, and we shall return to it.)

It is worth reminding ourselves that ministers of the Crown do not think inor talk the language of social sciencetheorists, and are unlikely to know theirFoucault from their Weber. It is important not to overestimate the sophistica-tion of their decision-making. J. A. Spender, an astute and well-connectedEdwardian journalist, the biographer of two prime ministers, believed that‘the motives of politicians are few and simple, and the action they will andmust take in given circumstances can nearly always be deduced with certaintyby those who know the rules of the game’.10

Unfortunately Spender did not spell out what those ‘rules’ were. However, wemay be sure that government is mostly about response to immediate problemsrather than the implementation of preconceived or long-term plans, and in theface of crisis ministers must concentrate on the essentials. Apart from holdingon to office, these are primarily concerned with protecting ‘the national interest’.This is most obviously interpreted to mean the security of the state against attackor collapse. This is the realm of ‘high politics’, the most serious preoccupationof ministers, concerning especially their relations with other states, also pursu-ing their own national interests. The dynamics of this rarefied world – the veryessence of what constitutes international relations – are frequently driven bysomething called prestige. What is prestige? Harold Nicolson, a British writerand diplomat, usefully defined it as ‘power based on reputation’, an amalgam of

10 J. A. Spender,Life, journalism and politics(London, 1927), vol. I, p. 113.

6 The Lion and the Springbok

the two, something which has to be acquired by power but can only be retainedby reputation; prestige is thus more durable than power alone.11 Estimatesformed by rival states of another’s power may determine action taken, and so allgovernments worry about prestige. This calculation had a particular relevanceto the way the South African government evaluated whether from the mid-1950s Britain still had what Bismarck calledBundnisfahigkeit, the qualitywhich makes for a worthwhile ally. And while it may at first sight seem implau-sible to ascribe to an Afrikaner nationalist regime any concern with internationalreputation, in the end they found they had to concede its imperatives in the faceof sanctions andthe increasing difficulties experiencedin performing its desiredrole as a regional power (see Epilogue).

Almost all decision-making is a contested business. Advisers seldom agree.There can never be in ‘the real world’ any automatic application of theoreticalsolutions. People change their mind. Jockeying for position, personality con-flicts or loyal allegiances, gut reactions and private moral belief-systems, canall modify expected outcomes. In ‘the real world’ the complexity of the variousfactors and factions to be taken into consideration make clear-cut, overwhelm-ingly supported conclusions difficult. Even prime ministers find themselvesconstrained, and with surprisingly little freedom ofmanoeuvre‘at the top’.12

One of the most striking features of British Cabinet minutes is the rehearsal (sel-dom, alas, attributed to the individual ministers) of arguments put ‘on the onehand’, but ‘on the other’, or ‘as against this’. Conclusions were often reachedin the form ‘the balance of advantage lies . . .’. Sometimes the Cabinet had todecide between different positions taken up by ministers advised by differentgovernment departments. Even when officials agreed, the Cabinet might reject,on strictly political grounds, what had been submitted inter-departmentallyas objectively desirable. This happened in May 1950, when recommendationswere made for dealing with the South-West Africa dispute at the United Nations(see chapter 7, pp. 156–7).

Ministerial understanding of South African personalities and politics reliedheavily on reports from the high commissioner on the spot. When we speak of‘the British government’ in respect of South African policy, the high commis-sioner must be understood as playing an essential role as part of that government.This is true whether we are looking at Sir Alfred Milner and the origins of theSouth AfricanWar, or Sir John Maud and the construction of prime ministerMacmillan’s ‘wind of change’ speech sixty years later.13 The extent to which

11 H. Nicolson,Themeaning of prestige(Rede Lecture, Cambridge, 1937). Compare an Americansecretary of state’s definition: ‘prestige is the shadow cast by power’ (Dean Acheson,Presentat the creation: my years in the State Department, London, 1969, p. 405).

12 P. Hennessy,The prime minister: the office and its holders since 1945(London, 2000), p. 54.13 For a detailed analysis of Maud’s contribution to the speech, see R. Hyam and W. R. Louis,

eds.,The Conservative government and the end of empire, 1957–1964(BDEEP, London, 2000)intro., pp. xxxviii–xl.

Dynamics and divergencies 7

a high commissioner might effectively influence the metropolitan government,however, depended largely on the degree of trust reposed in him. A high com-missioner appointed by a previous government might be regarded with suspicionby his new political masters, and this might circumscribe his ability to carry hisideas into action. This happened with Lord Selborne from 1906 (see chapter 4).Interestingly, not a single high commissioner was ‘captured’ by local politicalsociety, in the way that successive governors of Kenya were seduced by thesettlers; in South Africa there were no proconsular converts to apartheid. Thehigh commissioner was essentially an intermediary, a proconsular link betweenmetropolis and periphery. Before the Union, the high commissioner ‘workedas a half-way relay station that could charge up, or scale down, the impulsestransmitted in either direction’.14 Thereafter, with South Africa becoming moreand morean Afrikaner state, the high commissioner’s role becameincreasinglyrestricted to that of an imperial agent.

Any study of government policy must accept the ‘human agency’ of indi-viduals, and not only consider carefully the input from the high commissioner,but also grapple with the detailed work of Whitehall departments. Disparagingscepticism about the value of studying ‘what one clerk said to another’ is tobe deplored as the product of an unsound historical sense. Understandingtheinwardness of a situation or policy in fact depends upon it. The power of thecivil service to formulate or frustrate policy was something the National Partyin South Africa after 1948 (or the African National Congress after 1994) wasacutely aware of, hence the reconstruction of its senior levels. It is vital to studywhat policy-makers themselves thought they were trying to achieve. Anythingelse is but idle speculation, however clever or intellectually elegant in itself. Nodoubt it is tiresome (and at times boring) month after month, year after year, tomake the trek to archives remote from home-base or inconveniently situated,15

to pore for hours over muddled batches of paper, disentangling rusty paper-clips from musty sheets, deciphering bottom-carbon-copies on flimsy paper, orto endure the miseries of churning the microfilm machine. For some scholars,no doubt, archival research is logistically too difficult or temperamentally un-congenial. Such must survive by their theorising, and hope to invent a conceptwhich catches on. But history is too important to be left to the stay-at-hometheorisers. Intensive primary research is absolutely essential if history is not tosuccumb to the dangers of relying on abstract formulations, the prescriptionsof theoretical models constructed around purely secondary literature. All toooften theoretical analysis assumes that there is a precise set of static ‘givens’,when in ‘the real world’ all is fluid and confusing.16 On the other hand, the

14 J. Benyon,Proconsul and paramountcy in South Africa: the High Commission, Britishsupremacy and the sub-continent, 1806–1910(Pietermaritzburg, 1980), p. 335.

15 An observation which applies with some force to the British Public Record Office at Kew.16 As powerfully argued by Dan O’Meara,Forty lost years: the apartheid state and the politics ofthe National Party, 1948–1994(Randburg and Athens, OH, 1996), pp. 429–31.

8 The Lion and the Springbok

limitations of the archives have also to be recognised. Empathy with the dilem-mas of government must not result in seeing things uncritically only from thegovernment’s point of view; nor must it be supposed that the written recordwill yield all the answers we should like. We have accordingly devoted twochapters (12 and 13) to media opinion and the ‘representation’ of public atti-tudes. Nevertheless, in-depth archival research such as we have undertaken isthe fundamental, unavoidable, unrivalled, and only safe starting-point for allsustainable historical analysis.

Economic historians have exercised a powerful grip over all branches of his-tory since the Second World War, and nowhere has this been more true thanwith respect to South Africa. A suspicious and sceptical generation was per-haps bound to look to material self-interest and entrepreneurialconspiracy forexplanations in history. Concurrently, too, any alternative approach to empirehistory through ‘geopolitics’ – more or less invented by a Britishhistorical ge-ographer, Sir Halford Mackinder, in the years before the First World War – hadbeen fatally discredited by its association with Nazi and Fascist expansionistprogrammes in the 1930s, in which ‘geographical imperatives were used tolegitimise imperialism’.17 From the vantage-point of the early twenty-first cen-tury, however, it is high time to explore the explanatory potential of ‘the primacyof geopolitics’. It is no part of our purpose to replace ‘economic determinism’with ‘geographical determinism’. Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out thatSouth Africa’s history and integration into the wider world has been at leastas much shaped by its geographical location as by its Transvaal gold-mines.South Africa stands at the intersection of major global sea-routes, providing avital link in ‘the routes to the east’ – which is why the British went there in thefirst place – and it commands access to two oceans, the Atlantic and the Indian,with an unrivalled surveillance of both, and it was of increasing importance asan air-transport base. These were factors of considerable significance through-out the Cold War, which formed the background to the Afrikaner nationalistregime of 1948 to 1989.18 Moreover, control of the hinterland, far to the north,has remained a salient geopolitical theme in South African history.

Our approach is both comprehensive and unusual. Most imperial historianssince 1945 have not been preoccupied with South Africa, and most histori-ans of South Africa have paid even less attention to the British connection.One notable exception in the latter category has been Shula Marks and hercollaborators. We cannot, therefore, avoid commenting upon their interpreta-tion of the relationship between Britain and South Africa. The first thing tosay is that they have never succeeded in proving one of Marks’s basic originalclaims: that there was a historically determinant link between the demands of

17 M. Bell, R. Butlin, and M. Heffernan, eds.,Geography and imperialism, 1820–1940(Manch-ester, 1995), and G. Parker,Western geopolitical thought in the twentieth century(London,1985).

18 O’Meara,Forty lost years, p. 476.

Dynamics and divergencies 9

mining magnates and British policy-making. Magnates might indeed supportSir Alfred Milner in the run-up to the South African War, but they did not in factmanipulate him. He used them, not vice versa. Both Chamberlain and Milnerwere antipathetic to the magnates, whose concerns they recognised were purelyself-interested. They were not a monolithic group of British patriots, not a setof ‘ideal prefabricated collaborators’, but a cosmopolitan and heterogeneouscollection, including many European Jews, who found their funds not just inBritain but throughout Western Europe. In 1906, the biggest group of twenty-sixcompanies, known as ‘Corner House’ and including Wernher-Beit, held only 17per cent of their share capital in Britain; perhaps 30 per cent was in France, and9 per cent in Germany. Some were purely financial speculators, more interestedin market operations than in gold production. Essentially they functioned asan international group of developers and speculators. The last thing the min-ing magnates wanted in 1899 wasa war, least of all a war instigated and wonby Britain. Their desire for political power was strictly limited. Their politicalstance was wholly unco-ordinated.19

The truth is that some sort of war might well have broken out in 1899 even ifgold had never been discovered in the Transvaal in 1886.20 The historic long-term causes driving the two sides apart pre-dated the discovery of gold. The warwas above all a regional geopolitical conflict with international ramifications(‘the estimate formed of our power and influence in our Colonies and throughoutthe world’, as Chamberlain expressed it in 1899).21 These issues are examinedin detail in chapter 2.

19 R. V. Kubicek,Economic imperialism in theory and practice: the case of South African goldmining finance, 1886–1914(Duke, NC, 1979), esp. pp. 177–204; A. A. Mawby, review ofA. H. Duminy and W. R. Guest, eds.,Fitzpatrick, South African politician: selected papers,1888–1906(Johannesburg, 1976) inJSASvol. 5 (1979), p. 257; M. Fraser and A. Jeeves, eds.,All that glittered: selected correspondence of Lionel Phillips, 1890–1924(Cape Town, 1977);J. Butler, ‘The gold mines and labour supply: a review article’,SAHJno. 18 (1986), pp. 93–7;R. V. Turrell, ‘ “Finance . . . the governor of the imperial engine”: Hobson and the case ofRothschild and Rhodes’,JSASvol. 13 (1987), pp. 417–32.

20 For sound expositions of the ‘role of gold’ see A. Jeeves, ‘Control of migratory labour in theSouth African gold mines in the era of Kruger and Milner’,JSASvol. 2 (1975), pp. 3–29;P. Richardson and J. J. Van-Helten, ‘The gold mining industry of the Transvaal, 1886–1899’in P. Warwick, ed.,The South African War, 1899–1902(London, 1980), ch. 1, pp. 18–36; andJ. J. Van-Helten, ‘Empire and high finance: South Africa and the international gold standard,1890–1914’,JAH vol. 23 (1982), pp. 529–48.

21 J. S. Marais,The fall of Kruger’s republic(Oxford, 1961), p. 318. Essential reading on theorigins of the war now also includes G. Cuthbertson and A. Jeeves, ‘The many-sided strugglefor Southern Africa, 1899–1902’,SAHJ no. 41 (1999), pp. 2–21 (special issue: centennialperspectives on the South African War, 1899–1902); Iain R. Smith,The origins of the SouthAfrican War, 1899–1902(London, 1996); A. N. Porter, ‘The South African War (1899–1902):context and motive reconsidered’,JAH vol. 31 (1990), pp. 43–57, and ‘The South African Warand the historians’,African Affairsvol. 99 (2000), pp. 633–48; J. Butler, ‘The German factor inAnglo-Transvaal relations’ in P. Gifford and W. R. Louis, eds.,Britain and Germany in Africa:imperial rivalry and colonial rule(New Haven: Yale University Press and London, 1967),pp. 179–214; N. G. Garson, ‘British imperialism and the coming of the Anglo-Boer War’,SouthAfrican Journal of Economicsvol. 30 (1962), pp. 140–53.

10 The Lion and the Springbok

Post-war, the basic position remained the same: the British government wasnot mesmerised by gold, and magnates and governments were frequently atcross-purposes. The Randlords were dependent on government rather than ableto dictate to it. The London government, and the Botha–Smuts elite which suc-ceeded it in the Transvaal, both disliked the magnates, and neither was manip-ulated or intimidated by them. Governments might arrive at some conclusionswhich suited the mine-owners, but they did so by different routes. Some deci-sions were fundamentally against the wishes of the mining magnates, such asincreases in rates and taxes, and, most important of all, the curtailment in 1907of the importation of Chinese labour, which had come to represent some 27 percent of the total work-force in the mines. The reasons for its suspension wereexclusively ethical: the taint of slavery. The Liberal government also tackledthe problem of mining monopsony, that is, the collective recruiting monopoly,the Witwatersrand Native LabourAssociation (WNLA), and for no other rea-son than an ideological objection to monopoly in all its forms. Nevertheless,magnates and politicians had to live together. Any government would be boundto have some working relationship with the leading industry of a country, andno South African government has ever wanted the mining industry to contract.If the British authorities up to 1910 were keen to build up mining, industrial,and commercial development, this was not anend in itself, but rather the meansto a larger political objective. Milner needed to increase the revenues of growthindustries,especially gold, in order tofinance,as he hoped, a massive immigra-tion of British settlers who would numerically swamp the Boers and throughdemography ensure British supremacy.22

The ‘Marks-ist’ picture of Briton and Boer conspiring through and after theintroduction of responsible government in the Transvaal and Orange Free Statein 1906 and 1907, in an alliance of ‘maize and gold’ – enshrined as apparentorthodoxy in theCambridge history of Africa– has to be rejected.23 Trapidofirst suggested a commonality of interest between British Rand financiers andBoer farmers now beginning to grow maize for the export market in a big way.He postulated as an essential link in forging this alliance the granting of Britishgovernment loans. Botha’s new Transvaal government received £5 million, half

22 D. Denoon, ‘The Transvaal labour crisis, 1901–1906’,JAH vol. 8 (1967), pp. 481–94, and‘ “Capitalist influence” and the Transvaal government during the Crown Colony period,1900–1906’,HJ vol. 11 (1968), pp. 301–31, andA grand illusion: the failure of imperial pol-icy in the Transvaal Colony during the period of reconstruction, 1900–1905(London, 1973);Benyon,Proconsul and paramountcy in South Africa, pp. 300–1; A. A. Mawby, ‘The politicalbehaviour of the British population of the Transvaal, 1902–1907’ (PhD thesis, Witwatersrand,Johannesburg, 1969), andGold mining and politics – Johannesburg, 1900–1907: the origins ofthe old South Africa?(2 vols., Lampeter, 2000).

23 S. Trapido, ‘Landlord and tenant in a colonial economy: the Transvaal, 1880–1910’,JSASvol. 5(1978), pp. 26–58; S. Marks, ‘Southern and Central Africa, 1886–1910’ in R. Oliver and G. N.Sanderson, eds.,Cambridge history of Africavol. VI: 1870–1905(Cambridge, 1985), p. 488.

Dynamics and divergencies 11

of it to be used for the establishment of a Land Bank, and the rest to be used forrehabilitating farmers, and for improving public works, irrigation, and railways.Yet this is to be properly understood as a Britishimperialgovernment alliancewith Boer maize – if you wish to put it in those terms – expressly designedto break the possible link betweenlocal gold magnates and maize farmers.The chief British aim in making this loan – paid for by British taxpayers,not gold-mining magnates – was to release the new Transvaal governmentfrom dependence on the magnates. Without it the credit of the new Transvaalgovernment would otherwise depend on the gold magnates and their goodwill.The British government was determined to secure for the inheritor governmentcomplete independence of actionvis-a-vis the magnates. Nor was this withoutstrings: the deal seems to have been that as a quid proquo the Boer part of thebargain would be to soft-pedal its discriminatory policies towards Indians. Ofcourse Trapido is right to say thatthe effect of the loan was useful in calmingdown the anti-Britishness of the main Afrikaner political party, Het Volk. Buthe appears completely to have misunderstood its purpose.24

A further misreading of the evidencewas made in‘Volkskapitalisme’ byDan O’Meara, who, relying upon the work of Marks and Trapido, argued thatin 1906 Smuts proposed to thehead of the largest mining house an alliancewith the Het Volk party, partly on the grounds that their interests were in manyways identical; and political co-operation betweenthe wealthier farmers andthe mine operators is said to have developed from this point.25 But all that hap-pened was that Smuts suggested action on a specific point: the good sense ofgetting a uniform labour recruiting system. The upshot was that the renegadeJ. B. Robinson Group rejoined the Witwatersrand Native Labour Associationin January 1908. In no sense did this make Het Volk the ‘willing ally of themining industry’ (Marks and Trapido).26 Magnates had to make their peacewith the Botha–Smuts government in 1907.27 And the Act of Union in 1909represented the entrenchment of white rural voting power (through a rural per-centage variation-weighting of otherwise equal constituencies of voters), andnot of mining capital. Only when in the early 1920s Smuts’s South African Partyabsorbed the old true-blue magnates’ party, the Unionist Party, can the phrase‘alliance of gold plus maize’ be said to have acquired some real meaning.

A more general point may now be made. There is no necessary connectionbetween industrialisation and racial oppression, or between white supremacyand economic growth. It is now increasingly admitted that one of the basic neo-Marxist contentions of the 1970s, that ‘apartheid was functional to capitalism’,

24 R. Hyam,Elgin and Churchill at the Colonial Office, 1905–1908(London, 1968), pp. 262–8.25 D. O’Meara,‘Volkskapitalisme’: class, capital and ideology in the development of Afrikanernationalism, 1934–1948(Johannesburg & Cambridge, 1983), pp. 166 and 258 n. 4.

26 Marks and Trapido, inHistory Workshop Journal(1979), p. 70.27 Butler, ‘The gold mines and labour supply’,SAHJ(1986), p. 97.

12 The Lion and the Springbok

that the two were integrally linked together if not indistinguishable, was anahistorical suggestion. We now have it on the authority of Dan O’Meara that:‘as its many critics, and indeed some of its own (and erstwhile) protagonistswere quick to point out, this approach suffered from a number of theoreticaldeficiencies, which rendered its ability to explain the demise of apartheid morethan somewhat problematic’.28 It may well equally be the case that ‘capitalism’is an inadequate explanation of the origin of apartheid (‘apartness’). Throughoutthe 1950s the bulk of ‘capitalists’ regularly expressed opposition to apartheidpolicies, especially the rigid controls in the labour market; even during the blackurban uprising of 1984 to 1986 the government obstinately refused the demandsof major business groups to dismantle apartheid. There was nothing new in this.In fact for decades, white South African industrialists had put continual pressureon government and white workers’ trades unions to be allowed to use more blacklabour and to get more blacks into skilled jobs. The mining magnates resistedthe application of the government’s so-called ‘civilised labour’ policy of 1924because of what Johnstone has called its ‘extreme incompatibility with profitmaximisation’.29 In other words, because it did not pay. Indeed the whole ofthe ‘civilised labour’ policy, the replacing of black labour with ‘civilised’ whiteworkers, was part of a political rescue of the Afrikanervolk, the poor whitebywoners, reversing a tendency to blurring the line between black and white atthe working-class level, a policy introduced atthe expense of the economy. Itsimply made no sense economically to have to pay white men more to do anunskilled job, such as railway portering, less well than an African had beendoing it.

As for the priorities of the British government, the most recent statementfrom Shula Marks acknowledges that belief in the strategic importance of theSimon’s Town naval base, substantial trade, and the fate of the High CommissionTerritories were all of ‘some significance’. But: ‘Far more vital to Britain’s pre-eminence in the world, however, was the unimpeded flow of South Africangold to the City of London, as was starkly revealed during both world wars’; itwas this which made the stability of the region of ‘critical concern’ to Britain;trusteeship was ‘not of the essence’.30 This formulation completely reverses thepriorities as successive British governments would have seen them. We address

28 O’Meara,Forty lost years, pp. 424–5; the whole of O’Meara’s ‘Theoretical appendix: under-standing politics in the apartheid state’, pp. 419–89, is essential reading. M. Lipton,Capitalismand apartheid: South Africa, 1910–1985(Aldershot, 1986) remains a valuable guide, togetherwith C. Saunders,The making of the South African past: major historians on race and class(Cape Town and Johannesburg, 1988), esp. pp. 186–91. It is to be hoped that another importantstatement by O’Meara will be widely noticed: ‘I agree that it is essential to avoid the crudereductionism and/or economic determinism of some of the 1970s marxist writings on SouthAfrica’ (Forty lost years, p. 447).

29 Johnstone,Class, race and gold, p. 71.30 Marks, inOxford history of the British empire, vol. IV, p. 546.

Dynamics and divergencies 13

Table 1.1.Trade between Britain and South Africa, 1946–1961

British imports British exports S. African imports S. African exportsfrom S. Africa % to S. Africa % from Britain % to Britain %

1946–8 1.4 7.9 30 251948–58 2.3 5.7 34.2 27.51959–61 2.2 4.2 29.6 28.6

the particular point about gold head-on in chapter 6, and it is surely clear thatit is all too easy to fantasise about the importance of gold. Trusteeship for theHigh Commission Territories is examined in chapters 4 and 5, and found to be,on the contrary, very much ‘of the essence’. Criticisms of the thesis in chapter4 recently offered by Torrance are not found to be of much substance.31


The dynamics of the relationship

What were the links which tended to bind Britain and South Africa together?The most persistent were the economic connections. The general trade links areindicated in table 1.1.32

As an export market, South Africa was important to Britain as a buyer ofengineering products, motor cars, and tractors. Britain was South Africa’s chiefsupplier of lorries, trucks, and locomotives. South Africa was usually one of thetop five export markets for Britain between 1945 and 1970, and always so until1961. Before 1955 South Africa was regularly in second or third place. Onlyabout 5 per cent of the total of British exports went to South Africa, however.As to imports, in 1961 South Africa supplied Britain with 10 per cent of its fruitand vegetables, 28 per cent of its wood-pulp, 15 per cent of its asbestos, and 24per cent of its manganese ore. About a quarter of British diamond imports camefrom South Africa, especially the industrial variety. Gold imports accounted for64 per cent of the total in 1960. South Africa was not only the world’s largestproducer of gold, but dramatically increased her production in the 1960s, soalternative sources were harder to find. Thus although the sum total of British

31 D. Torrance, ‘Britain, South Africa and the High Commission Territories: an old controversyrevisited’,HJ vol. 41 (1998), pp. 751–72.

32 D. J. Geldenhuys, ‘The effects of South Africa’s racial policy on Anglo-South African relations,1945–1961’ (PhD thesis, Cambridge, 1977), pp. 96 and 446–7; D. Austin,Britain and SouthAfrica (Oxford, 1966), pp. 151–4; F. Wilson, ‘Southern Africa’, table 6.10 in M. Crowder, ed.,Cambridge history of Africa, vol. VIII: c. 1940–1975(Cambridge, 1984), p. 276.

14 The Lion and the Springbok

imports from South Africa was not large – an average of about 2 per cent – theycontained several items of significance.

If gold is left out of the equation, South Africa consistently ran a huge annualtrade deficit with Britain. South Africa always needed to use a substantial partof its gold output to cover this deficit, in other words, to pay for its imports fromBritain. This deficit averaged £58m in 1946–8, £62m in 1948–58, and £35m in1959–61. In normal circumstances Britain would eventually have acquired andaccumulated a significant proportion of South African gold production whetheror not South African gold wasmarketedin the first instance in London. (Thisis something which has frequently not been properly understood.) Thus theaccumulationof South African gold in London did not depend on its beingshipped directly from South African ports to London. Moreover, it augmentedBritain’s hard currency reserve, helping Britain to sustain its own, and a largepart of the world’s trade on a multilateral basis. Additionally, theflowof SouthAfrican gold through the London gold market greatly assisted the managementof sterling as an international currency (see chapter 6).

South Africa received between about 7 per cent and 10 per cent of Britishinvestments, which made it as important as the USA, with only Canada andAustralia more important. These investments were profitable and yielded returnsabove the global average return on capital.Even in 1982, 10 per cent of Britishdirect investments were still in South Africa.33 The figures for British capitalas a percentage of the total external capital invested in South Africa were: 91per cent in 1913, 62 per cent in 1956, and 50 per cent in 1972 (see chapter 6).

Strong economic links had their manifestations in everyday life. SouthAfrican shops were full of imported British magazines and comics, goods andbrand names, with local products, such as Joko tea and Baker’s biscuits, verymuch the exception. But beyond this, there were profound cultural influencesat work. As the Foreign Office briefing for the new high commissioner put it in1963: ‘more broadly the two countries, though now foreign to each other, havepreserved a special relationship flowing from their historic ties and the exis-tence of a population of British speech, descent, and in some cases nationality,who comprise some 40 per cent of the Republic’s three million Europeans’.34

(The percentage of British South Africans was formerly even higher: 45 percent in 1911.) The British commanded great wealth, dominated the higher ech-elons of the military, and they retained very considerable influence on cultural

33 Berridge,Economic power in Anglo-South African diplomacy, passim; R. Ovendale, ‘The SouthAfrican policy of the British Labour government, 1947–1951’,International Affairsvol. 59(1983), pp. 41–58.

34 Hyam and Louis, eds.,The Conservative government, part 2, p. 463, document no. 463, LordHome to Sir H. Stephenson, despatch, 28 June 1963; John Lambert, ‘South African British? OrDominion South Africans? The evolution of an identity in the 1910s and 1920s’,SAHJno. 43(2000), pp. 197–222, esp. 208–11. See further below, pp. 275–7.

Dynamics and divergencies 15

life and ways of doing things. Freemasonry and boy-scouting took root. Civicarchitecture and organisation followed British models. Parliamentary proce-dures stuck closely to those of Westminster. Nelson Mandela has declared thatfor South Africans of all backgrounds and persuasions, Britain is the countryoutside Africa where they felt most at home and which they could best relateto.35 The English press in South Africa was much larger and more influentialthan the Afrikaans press. TheCape Times, Natal Mercury, andPretoria Newsactively promoted a sense of British identity. Education was British-orientatedat all levels, from primary schooling upwards, especially among black commu-nities, until well into the 1960s. Missionary work throughout southern Africawas almost entirely the preserve of the British churches.

Sporting links were also important. The dissemination of British sports wasone of the more conspicuous legacies of British rule and caught the imaginationof peoples throughout the globe. Whilst some, notably soccer, became inter-nationalised, others remained distinctively British. Rugby and cricket were inthis category, though both became the ‘glamour sports’ of the countries whichplayed them. Cricket became the ‘sporting lingua franca of the entire Com-monwealth’, except in Canada.36 Rugby had a narrower appeal, but conqueredSouth Africa. The triangular rugby contests between Britain, South Africa, andNew Zealand had great popular significance in those Commonwealth countries.Cricket in South Africa, as the epitome of English empire, became confinedat the national level to English-speaking South Africans, although there wereplenty of keen schoolboy Afrikaner cricketers, and interested Coloured andSouth African Indians. The black majority played mainly soccer. Rugby tookoff in South Africa in the 1880s, but became the Afrikaner’s game, although itwas played in the Eastern Cape by Coloureds and also some Africans. Britishteams toured South Africa in 1891, 1896, and 1903. Colonials generally fromabout 1900 used sport to assert their nationalistic sense of equality with and po-tential superiority over the old mother country. The Afrikaner choice of rugbyfor this purpose has a certain irony, since in Britain the ‘union’ rules gamewas firmly associated with, and for long restricted to, public-school circles.Afrikaners, however, perceived it as a ‘macho’ sport, responding to its requiredphysical resilience and collective discipline. The South African rugby teambeat the British in 1903, and in the United Kingdom itself in 1906, and again in1912–13, when the name ‘Springbokken’ was invented for the British press –who anglicised it to Springboks. From the 1930s the Afrikaners ‘co-opted rugbyas part of their nationalist project’ and as an expression of power in white SouthAfrica. ‘Rugby’, it has been said, ‘is the Afrikaner’s second religion’. The

35 Magdalene College Archives, P/30/2, address by Nelson Mandela on the occasion of admissionto an honorary fellowship, 2 May 2001.

36 Hyam and Louis, eds.,The Conservative government, part 2, pp. 649–50, document no. 535,‘The British Legacy’, CRO confidential print, 9 Aug. 1960.

16 The Lion and the Springbok

Broederbond made active attempts to gain control of the game, eliminatingBritons from management and administration. By the 1950s and 1960s manySpringbok captains were members of the National Party and the Broederbond;and nearly all the managers were members of the latter from the 1960s.37 Theloss of rugby internationals, especially with the New Zealand ‘All Blacks’, asa result of international sanctions against the apartheid regime, was a painfuldeprivation, which proved to be perhaps the most powerful of the cultural in-fluences on the decision to abandon apartheid.38 Sporting links were easilyreactivated after 1989.

One other common interest between British and South African governmentsmight have been a powerful link after 1945: their mutual concern to combatglobal communism.39 Defence co-operation to this end did indeed at one timeseem to be on the cards. However, not even a shared anti-communismcoulddeliver an active co-ordination of military and naval effort in Africa beyondSouth Africa’s borders and territorialwaters. South Africa’s anti-communistlaws were so bluntly and broadly drawn that they seemed to buttress apartheid.Indeed, ‘communism’ seemed idiomatically to be defined as anything seekingchange through disturbance and disorder, and a ‘communist’ was anyone whohad ever done so.40 Thus it came to seem to British politicians that apartheidwas itself a cause of communism’s becoming attractive to African nationalists.The sub-text of Macmillan’s ‘wind of change’ speech in February 1960 was thatSouth Africa had become an actual liability to the West in the global east–weststruggle for men’s minds. The South African government urged the formation ofan African Defence Organisation, but since they would not agree to countenancethe arming of their Africans, the problematics of apartheid were underlined forthe British government. For the British it was axiomatic that Africans shoulddefend Africa, and it was equally obvious that a Russian invasion would comevia the Middle East. South Africa’s equivocal attitude towards Middle Eastdefence was therefore another source of exasperation, giving rise to sarcastic

37 D. R. Black and J. Nauright,Rugby and the South African nation: sport, culture, politics andpower in the old and new South Africas(Manchester, 1998), pp. 1–29, 60–9, 93; P. van derSchyff, ‘Lions versus SA: “The ultimate of Rugby in SA” ’, SARFU’sOfficial Guide to 1997Tour, pp. 104–9 (‘History’).

38 Alongside its rugby-players and dentists, South Africa has also produced a world-class boys’choir, its international emergence being held back by sanctions. Founded in 1967, the Drak-ensberg Boys’ Choir from KwaZulu-Natal has undertaken many international tours since 1981(though never in Britain), singing a mixture of classical Western choral music and African mu-sic. In 1992 it was acclaimed one of the best in the world at the Triennial World Boys’ ChoirsFestival at Poznan in Poland, and in the following year four boy soloists took top honours inan international competition at Des Moines, Iowa, USA. In 1995 the choir sang at the openingmatch of the Rugby World Cup in Cape Town.

39 Berridge,South Africa, the colonial powers and ‘African Defence’, and review by P. J. Henshawin SAHJno. 30 (1994), pp. 164–7.

40 F. Welsh,A history of South Africa(London, 1998), p. 444.

Dynamics and divergencies 17

observations about South Africa’s parochial obsession with ‘hedgehogs alongthe Limpopo’. It had long been the case that Britain wanted South Africa’s co-operation in war, but found it difficult and embarrassing to co-operate militarilyin peacetime. South Africa was torn between her desire to avoid even the ap-pearance of being a cog in the British war-machine and recognition of the needfor British help. The result was that peacetime governmental co-operation be-tween the two was largely restricted to disease control, agricultural marketing,and scientific and technical matters. Anything which signalled South Africa’sinvolvement in political issues elsewhere in Africa was studiously avoided byBritish planners.41

In any analysis of the nature of British governmental concern for its relationswith South Africa, the defining statement to be considered is the Cabinet mem-orandum of 25 September 1950, jointly agreed between the CommonwealthRelations Office, the Colonial Office, and the Foreign Office, and issued underthe name of P. C. Gordon Walker, the Labour government secretary of statefor Commonwealth relations. This paper set out thefundamentals of Britishpolicy as they persisted for at least the next thirty years. Echoes of it were ap-parent in official papers through into the 1990s. Its conclusions were endorsedby the Cabinet at a meeting on 28 September 1950, one of the most seriousdiscussions of South African policyever held in Whitehall and Westminster.The preservation of good relations was held to be important for four reasons. (1)From the strategic and defence point of view, the naval base at Simon’s Townwas of vital importance (it being assumed that the Suez Canal would be closedin war), and other South African ports were indispensable to shipping and asstaging-posts for troops. The Union might also contribute military and civilianmanpower and uranium, and had already contributed assistance in the Berlinairlift and Korean War. (2) South Africa was an important export market, andseveral hundred millions of capital were invested there; it was also of ‘the ut-most importance’ to the viability of the sterling area to obtain a substantial partof the country’s gold output. (3) The High Commission Territories ‘could at anytime be economically strangled by the Union Government withholding essen-tial facilities’. (4) Britain had obligations to South Africa as a fellow-memberof the Commonwealth; 40 per cent of the white population was of British stock;it was to be hoped South Africa would remain in it, even as a republic.42

The Cabinet as a whole was apparently impressed mainly by the strategicargument: the importance of South Africa’s support in the struggle againstcommunism. In other words, for most ministers, South African policy had to

41 PRO, FO 371/70195, no. 37, high commissioner Sir E. Baring to secretary of state, 15 Oct.1948; A. Seegers,The military and the making of modern South Africa(London, 1996).

42 Hyam, ed.,The Labour government and the end of empire, 1945–1951(BDEEP, London, 1992),part 4, document nos. 429 and 431.

18 The Lion and the Springbok

be attuned to the overall geopolitical imperatives of the Cold War. Maintain-ing the integrity and prestige of the Commonwealth itself was also a weaponin this struggle. However, the civil servants and Gordon Walker himself wereprincipally concerned with trusteeship obligations and the protection of theHigh Commission Territories against South African expansionistic tendencies;equally important with maintaining some co-operation was ‘containment’ – pre-venting the spread of apartheid northwards, beyond South Africa’s boundaries.It was thought that the South Africans could in theory ‘march in’ at any timeto effect incorporation; but short of that they had a whole battery of economicsanctions they could apply, through control of the running of railways, buses,customs, currency and banking facilities, mail and telecommunications, foodsupplies and job opportunities. Sanctions thus applied tothe three Territorieswould make British administration almost impossible, and maybe only at a fi-nancial cost which Britain could notpay. If that happened, the Territories woulddissolve into chaos, which would then provide the ideal excuse and opportunityfor South Africa to ‘march in’. A gloomy scenario indeed.43

These considerations formed the backgroundto the conduct by the Britishgovernment of the biggest issues of the day in its relations with Afrikanerdom:Seretse Khama (chapter 8), the disputes with the UN, including South-WestAfrica (chapter 7), the formation of the Central African Federation (chapter 9),and the Simon’s Town Agreements (chapter 10). Consistent underlyingthemesrun through all of them, and demonstrate that British policy was essentially anambivalent and paradoxical mixture of containment and co-operation, a policyworked out mainly by civil servants and high commissioners, and endorsed byministers mainly on the basis of strategic and geopolitical considerations.44


The Afrikaner Nationalist perspective and identity

The inauguration of a republic in May 1961, after a referendumnarrowly votedin its favour, represented the attainment of a historic Afrikaner objective, theresolution of an age-long debate about the British connection.

A sweeping and much quoted generalisation has it that white South Africanpolitics from 1910 to 1961 was essentially a debate among Afrikaners aboutwhat to do with the South African British. According to one authority, the re-lationship between the two white communities was in this period ‘the principal

43 PRO, DO 119/1172, no. 6, despatch from high commissioner to secretary of state, 8 July 1954,with memorandum, ‘The transfer issue: probabilities of retaliatory measures by the Uniongovernment’.

44 The Labour government and the end of empire, part 4, document no. 433, pp. 310–15, Cabinetmemorandum by P. C. Gordon Walker, 16 Apr. 1951.

Dynamics and divergencies 19

issue of South African politics and the chief determinant of partisan align-ments’. Or, as O’Meara puts it: ‘The victim mentality of Afrikaner nationalismrequired a demonised external enemy.’ Thus appeals to the British bogeymanhelped to mobilise thevolk, and the vote for the republic (1960), reinforced bydeparture from the Commonwealth (1961), left a vacuum which revealed justhow important this defining focus had been.45 By 1961 the historic argumentbetween Britain and Afrikanerdom was largely superseded – the popular gen-eralisation runs – by an almost total preoccupation with black racial issues; andwhite South African politics became a debate among the whites about what todo with the blacks. Wags predicted that one day there would be a third phase:a debate among the blacks about what to do with the whites.

There is thus ample evidence of an Afrikaner preoccupation with ‘the Britishproblem’. South African perceptions of Britain are described in chapter 12.Although internal personality conflicts were vicious and endemic, sharp divi-sions and party splits in Afrikanerdom (fig. 1.1) often sprang from disagree-ments about relations with Britain. In 1914 a rebellion fundamentally dividedthe old South African War comrades, with Botha and Smuts in favour of sup-porting Britain against Germany in war, and De La Rey, Beyers, and De Wet op-posed. The rebels considered entry into the war and a campaign against GermanSouth-West Africa as a great betrayal. Botha and Smuts put them down withouthesitation. But a South African general election in October 1915 indicated anaccelerating drift in Afrikaner allegiance into National Party ranks; and onehalf of all Afrikaners appearedto be opposed to the war. In 1939 prime ministerJ. B. M. Hertzog took his stand on neutrality, again reviving memories ofthe South African War: why should Britain (the only power ever to have attackedSouth Africa) be supported against Germany (who had shown only friendship)?Smuts opted for supporting Britain, rejecting the neutralist argument that par-ticipation was a denial of South African independence. The Union parliamentdivided 80:65 in favour of Smuts and war. This crisis led to the downfall ofHertzog and then his eventual brief reunion with Malan.46 If Hertzog hadpreached a two-stream white development, and Smuts ‘conciliation’ (betterregarded as a policy of using the imperial connection for the furtherance ofAfrikaner ends), Malan was unequivocally for ‘Suid-Afrika Eertse’. This sloganis to be understood idiomatically not simply as ‘South Africa First’ but as‘Afrikanerdom first and only’. The more extreme Afrikaners under Dr J. F. vanRensburg continued their flirtation with Nazi symbols and trappings.

After 1948 anti-Britishness reached new heights, and in some respectsseemed to take precedence over the imperatives of implementing white

45 N. Stultz,Afrikaner politics in South Africa, 1934–1948(California, 1974), p. 2; O’Meara,Fortylost years, p. 476.

46 T. R. H. Davenport, ‘The South African rebellion, 1914’,English Historical Reviewvol. 78(1963), pp. 73–94, andSouth Africa, a modern history(4th edn, London, 1991), pp. 295–7.

20 The Lion and the Springbok

Orange R.C. Transvaal Cape C.

ORANGIA UNIEFischer/Hertzog


HET VOLKBotha1905













PARTY(Purified)D. F. Malan


HERENIGDE N.P.(Reunited)

Malan + Hertzog1940

HERSTIGTE(Re-established) NPDr Albert Hertzog






VOLKS FRONTGen ViljoenAVF 1993



Fig. 1.1 The evolution of Afrikaner political parties.

Dynamics and divergencies 21

supremacy. This can be seen in the curtailment of immigrants from Britain,whose numbers plummeted from 25,513 in 1948 to 5,094 in 1950, and furtherdeclined to 3,782 in 1959, a mere fifth of the total. By 1960 there was a netloss of 2,823 whites from South Africa.47 And this at a time when the prior-ity might have been building up the size of the white community. Getting ridof ‘the British connection’ was the object of the republican movement. Thereferendum produced a turn-out of 91 per cent. It demonstrated overwhelmingAfrikaner support, even if the actual overall majority was only 52 per cent.Like apartheid itself, perhaps, republicanism was designed in part to produce agreater harmony in a white society rent by conflict.48

The departure from the Commonwealth did not mean the removal of theBritish problem. The response of Britain to deepening apartheid, to the imple-mentation of ‘grand apartheid’ through bantustans or African homelands, andto international calls for sanctions against South Africa, meant that Afrikanerswere still compelled to take an attitude towards British ‘interference’. This isthe subject of chapters 12 and 13.

So, clearly, the debate about the British connection mattered. But from atleast the mid-1920s, there were in fact two great simultaneous debates inSouthAfrican politics, not one: the debate among Afrikaners about what to do with theBritish, certainly, but also the debateamong whites about what to do with theblacks. The two debates interlocked and complicated the situation, embitteringit in a fateful way. For example, although the hugely divisive and acrimo-nious dispute about adopting a new national flag (1926 to 1928) – the mostprominent issue of the 1920s – might at first sight look like a straightforwardintra-white debate, the wider implications became apparent when Afrikanersstarted burning the Union flag at public demonstrations, providing a poten-tially dangerous precedent for black protest.49 Conversely, the removal of CapeAfrican voters from the common-roll franchise in 1936 – the most significantevent of the 1930s – which at first sight seems a simple black/white issue,was probably intended by Hertzog to deal with a white/white problem, byeliminating some 14,000 pro-British voters. The Cape Afrikaners had neveraccepted the Cape African franchise, resented as ‘an incubus saddledupon [them as] a subject people’ in 1853 and preserved in the Act of

47 Geldenhuys, ‘The effects of South Africa’s racial policy on Anglo-South African relations’,pp. 146–7, 337; J. Barber,South Africa’s foreign policy, 1945–1970(Oxford, 1973), p. 51;H. Brotz,The politics of South Africa: democracy and racial diversity(Oxford, 1977), p. 78;F. G. Brownell,British immigration to South Africa, 1946–1970, Argief-Jaarboek vir Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedenis/Archives Yearbook, 48th year, vol. I (Pretoria, 1985), pp. 1–192; S. A.Peberdy, ‘Selecting immigrants: nationalism and national identity in South Africa’s immigrationpolicies, 1910 to 1998’ (PhD thesis, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, 1999).

48 A. W. Stadler, ‘The Afrikaner in opposition, 1910–1948’,Journal of Commonwealth PoliticalStudiesvol. 7 (1969), p. 209; O’Meara,Forty lost years, pp. 105–9.

49 H. Saker,The South African flag controversy(Oxford, 1980).

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