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British Journal of Industrial MedicineEDITOR W. R. LeeASSISTANT EDITORS D. F. Heath C. B. McKerrowCURRENT AWARENESS SECTION K. S. WilliamsonEDITORIAL COMMITTEIW. Melville ArnottD. E. BroadbentR. C. BrowneE. A. CheesemanRichard Doll

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T. S. ScottA. A. B. SwanJ. S. WeinerEditor,British Medical Journal

Notice to contributorsThe British Journal of Industrial Medicine is intendedfor the publication of original contributions relevant tooccupational medicine, including fundamental toxico-logical studies of industrial and agricultural chemicals.Short papers relating to particular experience in occupa-tional medicine will be considered.Notes and miscellanea will deal with brief observa-

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Brit. J. industr. Med., 1969, 26, 253-264

Current awareness

Grateful acknowledgment is made to the U.K. MEDLARS Center and to the National Libraryof Medicine for their help with this project.

The references cited below have not been checked by the publisher.

1. Historical, legislative, and general

Prevention of pneumoconiosis. (English)W.H.O. Chron., 22, 381-5, Sep. 68.[Disability Evaluation, Europe, Human, Pneumoconiosis,Prevention and Control, W.H.O.]

Human work and diseases: occupational tumors and pre-tumors. (Italian)Chiurco, G. A. Minerva Med., 59, 4171-98, 3, Oct. 68.[Bone Neoplasms, Carcinogens, Eye Neoplasms, Human,Neoplasms, Occupational Diseases, Precancerous Con-ditions, Respiratory Tract Neoplasms, Skin Neoplasms,Urogenital Neoplasms]

Control of toxic hazards. (English)Davies, T. A. Proc. roy Soc. Med., 61, 911-2, Sep. 68.[Absorption, Benzene Metabolism, Environmental Ex-posure, Hemoglobinometry, Human, Lead PoisoningBlood, Mass Screening, Occupational Diseases Diagnosis,Phenols Urine, Poisons Metabolism, Porphyrins Urine]

Perils of poisoning. (English)Butler, J. Postgrad. Med., 44, 119-22, Oct. 68.[Environmental Exposure, Human, Industrial Medicine,Poisoning]

Studies of the problem of coniotic (dust induced) disease in theUkraine during the years of the Soviet regime. (Russian)Liubomudrov. V. E. Gig. Tr. Prof. Zabol, 12, 3-6, Feb. 68.[Historical Article, History of Medicine 20th Century,Pneumoconiosis History, Ukraine, U.S.S.R].

Changes in driving licences. (English)Brit. med. J., 4, 69-70, 12 Oct. 68.[Accidents Traffic, Automobile Driver Examination,Disability Evaluation, Hospitalization, Human]

Caisson disease and coal mining (Pol and Watelle, 1854).(English)Jarcho, S. Amer. J. Cardiol.. 22, 863-6, Dec. 68.[Atmospheric Pressure, Coal Mining, DecompressionSickniess, France, Historical Article, History of Medicine19th Century, Human]

Occupational dermatoses. (German)Proppe, A. Berufsdermatosen, 16, 61-84, Apr. 68.[Disability Evaluation, Environmental Exposure, ExpertTestimony, Forensic Medicine, Insurance Accident,Insurance Liability, Occupational Dermatitis, OccupationalDiseases Etiology]

Work risks in the rubber industry and their prevention.I. Technological notes. (Italian)Fenoglio, S., Meo, G., Bonza nino, A. Arch. Sci. med.(Torino), 125, 163-70, 5 May 68.[Accident Prevention, Accidents Industrial, Human,Occupational Diseases Prevention and Control, Rubber]

Panel discussion on occupational diseases of the respiratorysystem. (English)Bruce, T., Nystrom, A., Ahlmark, A., Linderholm, H.Scand. J. resp. Dis. Suppl. 63, 73-94, 1968.[Asbestosis Occurrence, Carcinogens, Dust, Farmer'sLung Etiology, Gases Toxicity, Human, Hypersensitivity,Lung Neoplasms Etiology, Occupational Diseases,Pneumoconiosis Occurrence, Precancerous ConditionsEtiology, Respiratory Tract Diseases Etiology, RespiratoryTract Neoplasms Etiology, Siderosis Occurrence, Silicosis,Sweden]

2. Organization of medical and nursing services and education (None)3. Physiological, psychological, and organizational aspects of work and rehabilitation

Experimental studies of shift-work. II. A comparison ofrotating and stabilized 4-hour shift systems. (English)Colquhoun, W. P., Blake, M. J., Edwards, R. S. Ergo-nomics, 11, 437-53, Sep. 68.[Adult, Body Temperature, Circadian Rhythm, Efficiency,Human, Human Engineering, Male, Work]

The ergonomic evaluation of two jobs in an iron foundry.(English)Grieco, A., Sartorelli, E. Ergonomics, 11, 467-72, Sep. 68.[Adult, Electrocardiography, Heart Rate, Human, HumanEngineering, Industrial Medicine, Middle Age, Telemetry,Work]

Lumbago and diminishing efficiency in female employees.(German)Erkrath, F. A., Strauch, W. Dtsch. Gesundh., 23, 1125-9,13 Jun. 68.[Absenteeism, Backache Occurrence, English Abstract,Female, Germany East, Human]

A study of motivation and satisfaction in industry. (Dutch)Boon van Ostade, A. H. Ned. T. Psychol., 23, 347-70,Jul. 68.[Human, Motivation, Netherlands, Personnel Manage-ment, Psychology Industrial, Psychometrics, SociometricTechnics]


254 Current awareness

Survey of the food habits of workers on shift work. (French)Debry, G., Girault, P., Lefort, J., Thiebault, J. Bull. Inst.nat. Sante, 22, 1169-202, Nov.-Dec. 67.[Adult, Food Habits, France, Gastrointestinal Disease,Human, Industrial Medicine, Male, Nutrition Surveys,Personnel Management, Smoking]

The capacity for physical work of white miners in South Africa.II. The rates of oxygen consumption during a step test.(English)Wyndham, C. H., Sluis-Cremer, G. S. Afr. med. J., 42,841-4, 17 Aug. 68.[Body Weight, Disability Evaluation, Exertion, Heart Rate,Human, Industrial Medicine, Male, Mining, OxygenConsumption, South Africa]

Reducing absenteeism resulting from upper respiratory com-plaints. (English)Kamperman, C. Penn. med. J., 71, 89-90, Oct. 68.[Absenteeism, Adolescence, Adult, Aged, Cresols Thera-peutic Uise, Human, Imidazoles Therapeutic Use, MiddleAge, Oxymetazoline Therapeutic Use, Respiratory TractInfections Drug Therapy, Vasoconstrictor Agents Thera-peutic Use]

Tbe influence of the group of individuals with long and frequentillnesses of the general index of sick-absenteeism. (English)Indulski, J. Sante publ. (Buc.), 8, 31-46, 67.[Absenteeism, Adult, Human, Occupational DiseasesOccurrence, Poland, Sex Factors, Socioeconomic Factors]

Studies on the effect of assembly-belt work on the healthstatus of workers at a national enterprise. (German)Fritze, G., Starke, H. Dtsch. Gesundh., 23, 1001-6, 23 May68.[Disability Evaluation, English Abstract, EnvironmentalExposure, Gastrointestinal Disease, Human, IndustrialMedicine, Nervous System Diseases]

On the methods about a careful study of morbidity with tem-porary disability to work. (English)Shekerova, N. Folia med. (Plovdiv), 9, 390-4, 1967.[Absenteeism, Bulgaria, Disability Evaluation, Human,Industrial Medicine, Medical Records, Morbidity,Tobacco]

Problems of the occupational suitability of adolescents andthe means for its development. (Russian)Kartsev, I. D. Gig. Sanit., 33, 30-4, Mar. 68.[Adolescence, English Abstract, Human, IndustrialMedicine, Occupations]

Reactivity to noise and personality. (French)Dongier, S. Rev. Mid. psychosom. (Paris), 9, 283-5, Oct.-Dec. 67.[Adult, Electroencephalography, Fatigue Mental, Human,Hysterical Personality, Noise, Relaxation]

Off work. (English)Lancet, 2, 1228-9, 7 Dec. 68.[Absenteeism, Disability Evaluation, Economics, GreatBritain, Industrial Medicine]

Demographic and job characteristics as variables in absencesfor illness. (English)Backenheimer, M. S. Pub!. Hlth Rep. (Wash.), 83, 1029-32,Dec. 68.[Absenteeism, Adult, Age Factors, Family Characteristics%Human, Occupations, Sampling Studies, Sex Factors,Socioeconomic Factors]

Comfort and efficiency of the driver's seat. (Italian)Dal Monte, A. Minerva med., 59, 4038-50, 26 Sep. 68.[Accident Prevention, Automobile Driving, HumanEngineering, Posture]

Economic losses connected with the morbidity of cellulose andpaper sorters. (Russian)Burtsev, A. M. Sovetsk. Zdravookh., 25, 31-2, 1966.[Absenteeism, Cellulose, Economics, EnvironmentalExposure, Human, Industrial Medicine, Paper, U.S.S.R.]

Considerations on the need for production of an anatomicallycorrect seat. (Italian)Fiorani, R. Minerva med., 59, 4062-4, 26 Sep. 68.[Accident Prevention, Automobile Driving, Human,Human Engineering, Posture]

Behind the industrial fasade of the sheltered workshop.(English)Cohen, M. Rehab. Rec., 9, 1-4, Sep.-Oct. 68.[Handicapped, Human, Rehabilitation, Vocation, Shel-tered Workshops]

4. Traumatic conditions, accidents, and accident prevention

Ambulatory care of knee lesions in mining. (German)Pfeil, E. Dtsch. Gesundh., 23, 842-4, 2, May 68.[Ambulatory Care, English Abstract, Human, Knee InjuriesTherapy, Male, Mining, Occupational Diseases Therapy]

Longitudinal study on the causes of accidents in a large factory.(German)Hempel, E., Kneist, W., Petermann, A. Dtsch. Gesundh.,22, 948-52, 18 May, 67.[Accident Prevention, Accidents Industrial, EnglishAbstract, Human, Statistics]

Hand injuries caused by high-pressure machinery. (German)Koneczny, 0. Mschr. Unfallheilk., 70, 204-18, May 67.[Accident Prevention, Accidents Industrial, Adult, HandInjuries Etiology, Human, Male]

On the legal insurance evaluation of occupationally causedulcer (cicatrix ulcer) in older scar areas. (German)Probst, J. Mschr. Unfallheilk., 70, 227-9, May 67.[Cicatrix Complications, Disability Evaluation, GermanyWest, Human, Insurance Accident, Male, Middle Age,Occupational Diseases, Skin Ulcer Etiology]

Prevention of acute purulent diseases of the fingers and handsin workers. (Russian)Belkevich, V. S., Stepanov, R. S. Klin. Khir. (Kiev), 9,70, Sep. 66.[First Aid, Human, Industrial Medicine, Suppuration,Wound Infection Prevention and Control, Wounds andInjuries Therapy]

Recognition and evaluation of occupational spinal stresslesions. (German)Schroter, G. Z. Aerztl. Fortbild., 62, 719-22, 1 Jul. 68.[Adolescence, Age Factors, Diagnosis Differential, Male,Occupational Diseases Diagnosis, Occupations, SpinalDiseases Diagnosis, Spondylolisthesis Diagnosis, StressDiagnosis]

Low back disorders: an examination of a stereotype. (English)Collette, J., Ludwig, E. G. Industr. Med. Surg., 37, 685-7,Sep. 68.[Backache Diagnosis, Diagnosis Differential, DisabilityEvaluation, Eligibility Determination, Emotions, Motiv-ation, Social Security, Workmen's Compensation]

Occupational bursitis in miners. (Russian)Oleksa, A. P. Vestn. Khir. Grekova, 97, 97-9, Nov. 66.[Bursitis Prevention and Control, Human, Mining,Occupational Diseases Prevention and Control]

The low back problem-an evaluation. (English)Kosiak, M., Aurelius, J. R., Hartfiel, W. F. J. occup. Med.,10, 588-93, Oct. 68.[Adult, Backache, Disability Evaluation, Human, Indus-trial Medicine, Lumbosacral Region, OccupationalDiseases Prevention and Control, Physical Examination,Spinal Diseases Radiography]

Dropped finger. (English)Flindt, M. L. Lancet, 2, 1189, 30 Nov. 68.[Fingers, Human, Occupational Diseases]

Current awareness 255

Diagnosis and treatment of acute low back disorders. (English)Gordon, E. J. Industr. Med. Surg., 37, 756-61, Oct. 68.[Acute Disease, Backache Diagnosis, Human, IndustrialMedicine, Intervertebral Disk Displacement Compli-cations, Lumbosacral Region]

The importance of general personality features and situationalconflicts as accident factors in traffic and industrialaccidents. (German)Heiss, H. W. Hefte Unfallheilk., 94, 111-3, 1968.[Accidents Industrial, Accidents Traffic, Conflict,Personality]

5. Effects of inorganic substances and minerals

Tumors and porphyrin metabolism disorders in rats withexperimental chronic lead poisoning. II. Fluorescencemicroscopic studies of kidney porphyrins and initialqualitative studies of the urine and organ porphyrins.(German)Zbl. allg. Path., 111, 185-91, 1968.[Adrenal Glands Analysis, Animal Experiments, Chro-matography, Kidney Analysis, Lead Poisoning Pathology,Microscopy, Fluorescence, Microtomy, Porphyrins Urine,Rats]

Diagnosis of asbestosis by needle lung biopsy. (English)Walton, M., Skeoch, T. Thorax, 23, 556-62, Sep. 68.[Adult, Asbestosis Pathology, Biopsy, Human Methods,Pulmonary Fibrosis Pathology]

The clearing factor and several other indices of lipid metabolismin silicosis and silico-tuberculosis. (Russian)Babushkina, L. G., Godelman, A. G., Zeleneva, N. I.Ter. Arkh., 39, 84-9, Jun. 67.[Fasting, Fatty Acids, Nonesterifi Blood, Human, KetoneBodies Blood, Lipids Blood. Male, Middle Age, SilicosisMetabolism, Silicotuberculosis Metabolism]

Comparative merits of the tests of lead exposure. (English)Williams, M. K. Proc. roy. Soc. Mod., 61, 915-6, Sep. 68.[Amino Acids Urine, Basophils, Blood Cell Count,Comparative Study, Costs and Cost Analysis, Human,Lead Poisoning Blood, Methods, Porphyrins Urine]

The enzymatic blockage of delta-ALA dehydratase bylead. (French)Bruin, A. de, Jong-Heisterkamp, G. T. de. Ann. Biol. clin.,26, 717-23, May-Jun. 68.[Animal Experiments, English Abstract, Erytbrocytes,Enzymology, Human, Hydro-lyases, Antagonists andInhibitors, Lead Poisoning Diagnosis, Levulinic Acid,Porphyrins Urine, Rabbits]

Clinical studies on the effects of cadmium on the teeth andoral mucosa. (Polish)Kobylanska, M., Rajewska, D., Strzvzowska, U. Czas.stomat., 21, 913-8, Aug. 68.[Air Pollution, Cadmium Adverse Effects, Dental CariesChemically Induced, English Abstract, EnvironmentalExposure, Human, Occupational Diseases, Poland,Taste, Tooth Discoloration Chemically Induced, Xero-stomia Chemically Induced]

Serodiagnosis in the evaluation of silicosis and silicotuber-culosis. (German)Maas, G., Hudemann, H. Dtsch. Gesundh., 23, 172-6, 26Jan. 68.[English Abstract, Hemagglutination Tests, Human,Serodiagnosis, SilicoFis Diagnosis, SilicotuberculosisDiagnosis]

On the clinical features and pathophysiology of pulmonaryasbestosis. (German)Hany, A., Burckhardt, P., Buhlmann, A. Schweiz. med.Wschr., 97, 597-603, 13, May 67.[Asbestosis Diagnosis, English Abstract, Human, LungPhysiopathology, Prognosis, Switzerland]

Working with precious metals in an industrial plant, workingconditions and pathology. (Italian)Cocuzza, C., Lenzi, R., Massari, L. Atti Accad. Fisiocr.Siena sez. med.-fis., 15, 453-62, 1966.[Air Pollution, Dust, Environmental Exposure, Gases,Human, Metals Adverse Effects, Occupational Diseases]

Pneumoconiosis morbidity in the coal mines of Great Britain.(Russian)Baron, L. I. Gig. Sanit., 31, 71-3, Dec. 66.[Coal Mining, Great Britain, Pneumoconiosis Occurrence]

The clinical differentiation of lead gout from primary gout.(English)Emmerson, B. T. Arthr. and Rheum., 11, 623-34, Oct. 68.[Human, Alcohol Drinking, Body Height, Body Weight,Child Behaviour Disorders Complications, Diagnosis,Differential, Environmental Exposure, Euphoria, GoutEtiology, Housing, Hypertension Familial and Genetic,Kidney Calculi, Kidney Diseases Complications, LeadPoisoning Familial and Genetic, Medical Records,Menopause, Mental Disorders Complications, NephritisComplications, Paint, Sex Factors, Uric Acid, Urine]

Experimental contribution on the question of lead decorpor-ation by chelating agents. (German)Catsch, A. Arzneimnittelforschung, 17, 493-5, Apr. 67.[Animal Experiments, Bone and Bones Analysis, ChelatingAgents Toxicity, Depression Chemical, DTPA Pharmaco-dynamics, Femur Analysis, Kidney Analysis, Lead Blood,Lead Poisoning Metabolism, Liver Analysis, Mice,Radioisotopes, Rats]

On the significance and clinical value of some spirometric andelectrocardiographic indices in pyrite miners. (Italian)Braida, E. G., Perna, L., Retali, R. Atti. Accad. Fisiocr.Siena Sez. med. fis., 15, 1015-26, 1966.[Electrocardiography, Human, Minerals Adverse Effects,Mining, Occupational Diseases, Silicosis Diagnosis,Spirometry]

Caplan-Colinet syndrome: apropos of a case. (French)Remadle, P., Ruelle, M. J. belg. Med. phys. Rhum, 22,21-36, Jan.-Feb. 67.[Caplan's Syndrome, Case Report, Male, Middle Age]

Heparin activity in the presence of synthetic polymers withprotective action against silica toxicity. (Italian)Marchisio, M. A., Sbertoli, C., Farina, G. Med. d. Lavoro,59, 136-45, Feb. 68.[English Abstract, Heparin Antagonists, Human, In Vitro,Polymers Toxicity, Silicosis Prevention and Control]

On two cases of chronic pulmonary granulomatosis causedby beryllium. (Italian)Ambrosi, L., Sartorelli, E., Sbertoli, C., Secchi, G. C.Med. d. Lavoro, 59, 321-33, May 68.[Adult, Beryllium Poisoning, English Abstract, Environ-mental Exposure, Female, Granuloma Chemically Induced,Lung Diseases Chemically Induced, Male, OccupationalDiseases Chemically Induced]

The blood properdin system in patients with anthracosilicosisand conio-tuberculosis. (Russian)Lesnichii, A. V. Gig. Tr. prof. Zabol., 12, 50-1, Feb. 68.[Adult, Anthracosilicosis, Blood, Human, Male, ProperdinAnalysis, Silicotuberculosis]

On the osseous changes in the skeleton of female grinders inmetallurgic plants. (German)Gassul, R., Babitschewa, I., Reizin, A. Radiol. Diagn.(Berl.), 9, 71-3, 1968.[English Abstract, Female, Human, Kyphosis Radi-ography, Metallurgy, Occupational Diseases, ScoliosisRadiography, Skeleton Pathology, Spinal OsteophytosisRadiography]

256 Current awareness

The effect of Freund's adjuvant on the development ofexperimental silicosis. (Russian)Gerasimenko, A. A. Gig. Sanit., 33, 102-4, Apr. 68.[Animal Experiments, Freund's Adjuvant Pharmaco-dynamics, Hydroxyproline Metabolism, Lung Analysis,Male, Rats, Silicosis Immunology]

Characteristics of the development of pneumoconiosis duringthe administration of various dusts (experimental study).(Russian)Rodkina, B. S. Arkh. Pat., 28, 20-6, 1966.[Animal Experiments, Coal, Dust, Environmental Ex-posure, Lung Diseases, Chemically Induced, Methods,Pneumoconiosis Chemically Induced, Pulmonary FibrosisChemically Induced, Rabbits, Silica]

The role of the lungs in fat metabolism and its disturbance insilicosis. (Russian)Babushkina, L. G. Arkh. Pat.. 28, 3-9, 1966, 126.[Aging, Animal Experiments, Cholesterol Metabolism,Fatty Acids, Biosynthesis, Fibrin Biosynthesis, HeparinPharmacodynamics, Human, Hyperlipemia, Lipase Physi-ology, Lipids Metabolism, Lipoidosis, Lipoprotein LipasePhysiology, Lung Drug Effects, Lung Diseases, Macro-phages, Phagocytosis, Phospholipids Metabolism, Review,Silicosis Blood]

Certain characteristics of the clinical aspects, manifestationand development of silicotuberculosis. (French)Tsolov, C.. Micheva, M. Med. d. Lavoro, 58,98-107, Feb. 67.[Human, Adult, Blood Sedimentation, Cough Etiology,Dyspnea Etiology, Hemoptysis Etiology, LeukocyteCount, Pulmonary Emphysema Etiology, RespiratoryFunction Test, Silicosis Complications, SilicotuberculosisPathology]

Calcified pulmonary silicosis. (Italian)Moreschi, N., Farina, G., Chiappino, G. A'ed. d. Lavoro,59, 111-24, Feb. 68.[Adult, Calcinosis Etiology, Diagnosis Differential,English Abstract, Human, Lung Diseases, Radiography,Male, Silicosis Pathology]

Preliminary data on some aspects of iron metabolism insilicosis. (Italian)Dobrilla, G., Dusi, U., Lechi, A., Innecco, A., Cavallini,G., Dalla Vestra, P. Med. d. Lavoro, 58, 122-30, Feb. 67.[Adult, Blood Proteins Analysis, Deferoxamine Pharma-codynamics, Human, Iron Metabolism, Male, Silicosis,Transferrin Blood]

Further observations on the experimental pulmonary changesinduced by chronic inhalation of ceramic dusts. (Italian)Bisetti, A., Bellei, M., Loschi, G. C. Med. d. Lavoro,58, 131-7, Feb. 67.[Animal Experiments, Ceramics, Dust, Guinea Pigs,Lung Pathology, Pneumoconiosis]

The effect of lead poisoning on the level of certain amino acidsin the blood and liver of white rats. (Russian)Boiadzhiev, V., Khalacheva, L., Nikolova, P. Gig. Sanit.,33, 84-8, Mar. 68.[Amino Acids Blood, Animal Experiments, CysteineMetabolism, Glutamates Metabolism, Lead PoisoningMetabolism, Liver Metabolism, Methionine Metabolism,Rats]

On the importance of the accumulation of dust in the lymphnodes and increase in their weight in experimental assess-ment of the coniosis hazard of various types ofdust. (Russian)Katsnelson, B. A., Babushkina, L. G. Gig. Sanit., 33,108-10, Mar. 68.[Animal Experiments, Dust, Lymph Nodes Pathology,Organ Weight, Pneumoconiosis Etiology, Rats]

Activity ofprotoheme ferro-lyase in rat liver and in bone marrowin experimental lead poisoning. (German)Otrzonsek, N. Int. Arch. Gewerbepath., 24, 66-73, 1967.[Animal Experiments, Bone Marrow Enzymology Ery-throcytes Analysis, Iron Chelates, Lead Poisoning, LiverEnzymology, Male, Porphyrins Analysis Rats]

Th, effect of low air temperature on the development ofexperimental silicosis. (Russian)Katsnelson, B. A., Babushkina, L. G., Elnichnykh, L. N.,Gerasimenko, A. G. Gig. Tr. prof. Zabol., 12, 17-23, Feb. 68.[Animal Experiments, Cold, Dust, English Abstract,Environmental Exposure, Injections Intrathecal, Male,Rats, Silica, Silicosis Etiology]

Dust examination in lung in silicotuberculosis. (German)Rothig, W., Wehran, H. J. Int. Arch. Gewerbepath.,24, 1-11, 1967.[Coal Mining, Human, Lung Analysis, Lymph NodesAnalysis, Male, Silicon Analysis, Silicotuberculosis]

Studies on the long-lasting prophylaxis with Ca Na2-EDTA inlead-exposed workers. II. Behavior of iron and coppercontent in serum. (German)Reinhold, R., Holzapfel, G. Int. Arch. Gewerbepath.,24, 116-20, 1967.[Copper Blood, EDTA Therapeutic Use, EnvironmentalExposure, Human, Iron Blood, Lead Poisoning Pre-vention and Control, Occupations]

On the problem of the intermittent action of dust. (Russian)Borisenkova, R. V., Kochetkova, T. A., Kozlova, A. V.Gig. Tr. prof. Zabol., 12, 6-13, Feb. 68.[Air Pollution, Animal Experiments, Dust, EnglishAbstract, Lung Pathology, Pneumoconiosis Pathology,Rats, Time Factors]

The special characteristics of bronchial cancer in asbestosis(apropos of 3 further cases). (French)Dousset, G., Desbordes, J., Tayot, J., Duwoos, H.,Ernoult, J. L., Manouvrier, R., Veret, J. Poumon, 24,583-606, 1968.[Adult, Asbestosis Complications, Bronchial NeoplasmsEtiology, Environmental Exposure, Human, KidneyNeoplasms Etiology, Neoplasm Metastasis, OccupationalDiseases, Sex Factors]

Reflections on the carcinogenic effect of asbestos. (French)Desbordes, J., Tayot, J., Dousset, G. Poumon, 24, 607-23,1968.[Asbestosis Complications, Bronchial Neoplasms Etiology,Environmental Exposure, Human, Mesothelioma Etiology,Occupational Diseases, Pleural Neoplasms Etiology, TimeFactors]

Bronchial cancer and pleural mesothelioma in asbestosis(2 further cases). (French)Turiaf, J., Chabot, J., Basset, F. Poumon, 24, 559-82, 1968.[Adult, Asbestosis Complications, Bronchial NeoplasmsEtiology, Carcinoma Bronchiolar Etiology, Human,Mesothelioma Etiology, Pleural Neoplasms Etiology]

Lymph node findings in asbestosis. (German)Roitzsch, L. Zbl. allg Path. path. Anat., 111, 73-7, 1968.[Asbestosis Pathology, Human, Lung Pathology, LymphNodes Pathology, Mesothelioma Etiology, PeritonealNeoplasms Etiology, Silica, Spleen Pathology]

On the problem of radiographic demonstration of dust depositsin the lungs. Studies on the Alderson-Rando phantom.(German)Gobbeler, T., Klosterkotter, W., Lohr, E., Magnus, L.,Scherer, E. Beitr. Silikose-Forsch., 97, 1-21, 1968.[Coal Mining, Dust Analysis, Human, PneumoconiosisRadiography, Tomography]

Contribution to the knowledge on chromate contact allergy.(German)Eberhartinger, C., Ebner, H. Berufsdermatosen, 16, 97-109,Apr. 68.[Chromates Adverse Effects, Dermatitis Contact, Environ-mental Exposure, Human, Hypersensitivity ChemicallyInduced, Occupational Dermatitis Etiology]

Pneumonoconiosis of metal polishers. (Italian)Foa, V. Med. d. Lavoro, 58, 588-602, Oct. 67.[Adult, English Abstract, Human, Iron Adverse Effects,Lung Pathology, Male, Oxides, Pneumoconiosis, Res-piration]

Current awareness 257

On the differential diagnosis of intrapulmonary calcifications.(German)Bohlig, H. Munch. med. Wschr., 110, 1657-9, 12 Jul. 68.[Asbestosis Diagnosis, Calcinosis Diagnosis, DiagnosisDifferential, Human, Lung Diseases Radiography,Mesothelioma, Pleural Diseases Diagnosis, Pleural Neo-plasms Diagnosis, Pneumoconiosis Diagnosis, Talc]

On the differential diagnosis of intrapulmonary calcifications.(German)Manns, K. J., Bolcskei, P., Bopp, K. P. Mfdnch. med.Wschr., 110, 1659-60, 12 Jul. 68.[Asbestosis Diagnosis, Calcinosis Diagnosis, DiagnosisDifferential, Histoplasmosis Diagnosis, Human, PleuralDiseases, Silicosis Diagnosis]

Frequency and persistence of persulphate allergies. (German)Forck, G. Berufsdermatosen, 16, 84-92, Apr. 68.[Ammonium Compounds Adverse Effects, ChronicDisease, Follow-up Studies, Human, HypersensitivityEtiology, Occupational Dermatitis Chemically Induced,Potassium Adverse Effects, Skin Tests, Sulphates AdverseEffects]

On the correlation of radiographic, pathologico-anatomicaland dust analytical findings in coal miner pneumoconiosis.(German)Worth, G., Muysers, K., Einbrodt, H. J. Beitr. Silikose-Forsch., 96, 1-41, 1968.[Aged, Anthracosilicosis Diagnosis, Coal Mining, DustAnalysis, Human, Lung Pathology, Male, Middle Age,Pneumoconiosis Radiography, Pulmonary EmphysemaDiagnosis, Silicosis Diagnosis, SilicotuberculosisDiagnosis]

Ciliary activity in the intrapulmonary airways of the ratfollowing long-term dust exposure. (German)Iravani, J., Weller, W. Beitr. Silikose-Forsch., 96, 43-52,1968.[Animal Experiments, Anthracosilicosis Pathology,Bronchi Pathology, Cilia, Coal, Lung Pathology, Male,Pleura Pathology, Rats]

The mechanism of formation of asbestos bodies. (English)Botham, S. K., Holt, P. F. J. Path. Bact., 96, 443-53,Oct. 68.[Animal Experiments, Asbestosis Etiology, BronchiPathology, Guinea Pigs, Hemolysis, Hemorrhage, IronAnalysis, Lung Pathology, Macrophages, Microscopy,Microscopy Phase Contrast, Pulmonary Alveoli Pathology,Stains and Staining]

Particle accumulation in the lung as a possible factor in theaetiology of lung cancer. (English)Blenkinsopp, W. K. J. Path. Bact., 96, 297-304, Oct. 68.[Aerosols, Animal Experiments, Carbon Administrationand Dosage, Cicatrix Physiopathology, Dust, InjectionsIntravenous, Lung Physiology, Lung Diseases Compli-cations, Lung Neoplasms Chemically Induced, Pneumo-coniosis Complications, Rats]

Experimental contribution to the study of asbestos pneumo-coniosis. Pneumoconiotic activity of chrysotile asbestos inrats. (Italian)Donna, A., Cappa, A. P. Med. d. Lavoro, 58, 1-21,Jan. 67.[Animal Experiments, Asbestosis Pathology, BronchiPathology, Lymph Nodes Pathology, Macrophages,Microscopy Electron, Rats]

Data on the problem of the mechanism of the fibrogenic actionof asbestos dust. (Russian)Kogan, F. M., Troitskii, S. I. U., Udilova, N. N., Gig.Sanit., 31, 10-4, Nov. 66.[Animal Experiments, Asbestosis Etiology, Dust, LungPathology, Pulmonary Fibrosis Etiology, Rats]

Etiologic data concerning 15 cases of malignant mesotheliomaof the pleura. (French)Chretien, J. Delobel, J., Brouet, G. Poumon, 24, 549-57,1968.

[Adult, Animal Experiments, Asbestosis Complications,Collapse Therapy Adverse Effects, Hamsters, Human,Mesothelioma Etiology, Pleural Neoplasms Etiology,Pneumothorax, Artificial, Rats, Tuberculosis PulmonaryComplications]

Mesothelioma and asbestos bodies in the expectoration ofworkers in a naval dockyard. (French)Planteydt, H. T. Poumon, 24, 545-8, 1968.[Asbestosis Complications, Environmental Exposure,Human, Male, Mesothelioma Etiology, OccupationalDiseases Complications, Pleural Neoplasms Etiology]

Asbestos bodies in the pleura of patients dying of diffusepleural mesothelioma. (French)Basset, F. Poumon, 24, 537-43, 1968.[Asbestosis Complications, Human, Mesothelioma Path-ology, Pleural Neoplasms Pathology]

Experimental histochemical studies on mucopolysaccharidesin silicosis. (French)Barhad, B., Rotaru, G., Petrescu, L. Arch. Mal. prof., 28,767-78, Oct.-Nov. 67.[Animal Experiments, Histocytochemistry, HistologicalTechnics, Lung Pathology, Mucopolysaccharides, Rats,Silicosis Pathology, Stains and Staining]

Pleural calcification in the course of asbestosis. (French)Lesobre, R., Hadengue, A., Avril, J., Legrand, M. Arch.Mal. prof., 28, 749-66, Oct.-Nov. 67.[Adult, Asbestosis Radiography, Calcinosis Etiology,Diaphragm Pathology, Human, Pleural Diseases Etiology]

On the chelating action of caDTPA Na3 (trisodic and mono-calcic salt of ethylene-triaminopentacetic acid) in experi-mental and human saturnism and in comparison with theaction of caEDTA Na2. (Italian)Rossi, A. Folia med. (Napoli), 50, 39-51, Jan. 67.[Adult, Animal Experiments, Antidotes, ComparativeStudy DTPA Therapeutic Use, EDTA Therapeutic Use,Human, Lead Urine, Lead Poisoning Drug Therapy, Male,Rabbits]

On inhalation therapy by intermittent positive pressure inspastic bronchitis caused by sulfur dioxide. (Italian)Agati, G., Lo Coco, A., Castello, A. Folia med. (Napoli),50, 24-38, Jan. 67.[Adult, Bronchitis Chemically Induced, BronchodilatorAgents Therapeutic Use, Bronchospirometry, Environ-mental Exposure, Human, Inhalation Therapy, Male,Occupational Diseases, Positive-pressure Respiration,Sulfur Dioxide Adverse Effects]

Fibrosis in coal workers. (English)Gough, J. Arch. environm. Hith (Chicago), 17, 836, Nov. 68.[Coal Mining, Human, Male, Pneumoconiosis Etiology,Silica Adverse Effects]

Quartz content in fibrosis. (English)Pratt, P. C. Arch. environm. Hlth (Chicago), 17, 836-7,Nov. 68.[Coal Mining, Human, Pneumoconiosis Etiology, Pul-monary Fibrosis Chemically Induced, Silica AdverseEffects]

Cancer and asbestos. (English)Beattie, J. Brit. med. J., 4, 123-4, 12 Oct. 68.[Adult, Air Conditioning, Asbestosis Complications,Great Britain, Human, Lung Neoplasms ChemicallyInduced, Male]

Apropos of certain experimental results with regard to thetheory of the immunologic pathogenesis of silicosis. (French)Jouglard, J., Versino, A., Mosinger, M. Arch. Mal. prof.,28, 813-22, Oct.-Nov. 67.[Animal Experiments, Autoantibodies, Dogs, GuineaPigs, Rabbits, Silicosis Physiopathology]

Diagnosis of inorganic lead poisoning: a statement. (English)Brit. med. J., 4, 501, 23 Nov. 68.[Amino Acids Urine, Environmental Exposure, Human,Lead Blood, Lead Poisoning Complications, LevulinicAcid Urine, Occupational Diseases, Porphyrins Urine]

258 Current awareness

Morphogenesis and variety of precancerous lesions induced byarsenic. (Germany)Hundeiker, M., Petres, J. Arch. klin. exp. Derm., 231,355-65, 9 May 68.[Arsenic Adverse Effects, Carcinoma Epidermoid Path-ology, English Abstract, Environmental Exposure,Human, Keratosis Chemically Induced, OccupationalDermatitis Pathology, Precancerous Conditions Pathology,Skin Neoplasms Pathology]

Screening lead workers for the presence of stipplederythrocytes. (English)Clark, R. L., Jones, J. H., Jones, J. F. J. clin. Path., 20,166-9, Mar. 67.[Anticoagulants Pharmacodynamics, Erythrocytes DrugEffects, Human, Lead Poisoning Blood, Male, MassScreening]

Epidemiological study of silicosis among gneiss stone-cutters.(Italian)Meo, G., Pisani, W., Nosenzo, C. Med. d. Lavoro, 58,603-8, Oct. 67.[Adult, English Abstract, Human, Italy, Male, SilicosisRadiography, Silicotuberculosis Occurrence]

Asbestos bodies in lungs at necropsy. (English)Roberts, G. H. J. clin. Path., 20, 570-3, Jul. 67.[Adenocarcinoma Pathology, Adult, Asbestosis Occur-rence, Bronchial Neoplasms Pathology, CarcinomaPathology, Health Surveys, Human, Lung Pathology,Occupational Diseases Pathology, Scotland, Ships]

Research on the respiratory exchanges in pulmonary silicosis.I. On the behaviour of PAO2. (Italian)Casula, D., Nissardi, G. P., Sanna-Randaccio, F., Torrazza,P. L. Boll. Soc. ital. Biol. sper., 44, 858-61, 15 May, 68.[Adult, Human, Oximetry, Oxygen Metabolism, SilicosisMetabolism]

Contribution to Caplan's syndrome. (German)Peukert, W. Deutsch. Gesundh., 22, 1803-7, 21 Sep. 67.[Caplan's Syndrome Etiology, English Abstract, Human,Silicosis Complications]

Demyelination and remyelination in lead neuropathy. Electronmicroscopic studies. (English)Lampert, P. W., Schochet, S. S. Jr. J. Neuropath. exp.Neurol., 27, 527-45, Oct. 68.[Animal Experiments, Axons, Demyelination, LeadPoisoning Pathology, Microscopy, Microscopy Electron,Myelin Sheath, Nerve Degeneration, Rats, Schwann Cells,Sciatic Nerve Pathology]

Experimental studies on the treatment of silicosis. (Spanish)Bermejillo, Martinez, D. M., Ruiz Gijon J. An. Acad.nac. Med. (Madrid), 84, 399-428, 1967.[Air Pollution, Animal Experiments, Human, Rats,Salicylic Acid Therapeutic Use, Silica Pharmacodynamics,Silicosis Chemically Induced]

Experimental acute silicosis. (English)Ross, P.,Treville, R. T. de, Arch. environm. Hlth, 17,720-5,Nov. 68.[Animal Experiments, Cholesterol, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters,Inflammation Complications, Lipids, Lung Pathology,Lymph Nodes, Papain Administration and Dosage,Pulmonary Alveolar Protein Complications, PulmonaryAlveoli Pathology, Rats, Silicosis Etiology]

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and metallic toxins. (English)Currier, R. D., Haerer, A. F. Arch. environm. Hlth(Chicago), 17, 712-9, Nov. 68.[Adult, Agricultural Workers Diseases, AmyotrophicLateral Sclerosis Drug Therapy, Arsenic Urine, ChelatingAgents Therapeutic Use, Environmental Exposure, LeadUrine, Lipoic Acid Therapeutic Use, Mercury Urine,Metals Adverse Effects, Human, Mississippi, OccupationalDiseases Chemically Induced, Penicillamine TherapeuticUse, Pyruvates Analysis, Toxins]

Absorption and excretion of lead in gasoline burns. (English)Wood, M., Price, W. R., Childers, D., Cook, F. Amer. J.Surg., 116, 622-6, Nov. 68.[Adult, Bums Mortality, Human, Intestinal Absorption,Lead Analysis, Lead Poisoning Blood, Lung Metabolism,Middle Age, Petroleum, Porphyrins Urine, Skin Analysis,Skin Absorptio.i, Spectrophotometry]

6. Effects of organic substances

Apropos of occupational diseases of workers who clean fueloil burners. (2). (French)Laurent, P., Guyotjeannin, C., Thin, D. Arch. Mal. prof.,28, 789-92, Oct.-Nov. 67.[Benzopyrenes Poisoning, Carbon Poisoning, Environ-mental Exposure, Human, Occupational Diseases Chemi-cally Induced, Petroleum Poisoning]

Sulphur and heart disease. (English)Brit. med. J., 4, 405-6, 16 Nov. 68.[Carbon Disulfide Poisoning, Coronary Disease ChemicallyInduced, Human, Male, Occupational Diseases Chemi-cally Induced, Textile Industry]

Alterations of the smell acuity caused by menthol. (English)Naus, A. J. Laryng., 82, 1009-1 1, Nov. 68.[Candy, Female, Food-processing Industry, Human,Menthol, Occupational Diseases Etiology, Smell]

Motor polyneuritis in the manufacturing industry. (Italian)Bessero, C. Minerva. med., 59, 4077, 29 Sep. 68.[Cresols Poisoning, Human, Motor Neurons OccupationalDiseases, Phosphates Poisoning, Polyneuritis, Shoes]

Our experience with pathology caused by cresylphosphates.(Italian)Maugeri, S., Candura, R. Minerva med., 59, 4076-7,29 Sep. 68.[Adolescence, Adult, Cresols Poisoning, Human, Occu-pational Diseases, Phosphates Poisoning]

Clinical observations on 47 cases of motor polyneuritismanifested in workers handling adhesives and glues. (Italian)Vigliani, E. C. Minerva med., 59, 4075-6, 29 Sep. 68.

[Cresols Poisoning, Motor Neurons, Muscular DiseasesEtiology, Occupatioaal Diseases, Phosphates Poisoning,Polyneuritis Etiology, Rubber Toxicity]

Pathology caused by tri-arylphosphate in the shoe manu-facturing industry. (Italian)Crepet, M., Gaffuri, E., Picotti, G. Minerva med., 59,4073-5, 29 Sep. 68.[Adolescence, Adult, Cresols Poisoning, Human, MuscularAtrophy Etiology, Nystagmus Etiology, OccupationalDiseases, Paralysis Etiology, Paresthesia Etiology, Phos-phates Poisoning, Polyneuritis Etiology, Shoes]

Attempted analysis of hearing disorders in carbon disulfidepoisoning. (Polish)Kuzniar, A., Ekert, R. Otolaryng. pol., 22, 537-41, 1968.[Adult, Audiometry, Carbon Disulfide Poisoning, HearingDisorders Diagnosis, Human, Occupational DiseasesDiagnosis]

Sequelae of poisoning from phosphate ester pesticides. (English)West, I. Industr. Med. Surg., 37, 832-6, Nov. 68.[Anoxia Etiology, Blood Coagulation Disorders Etiology,Brain Diseases Etiology, Child, Esters, Human, InsecticidesPoisoning, Kidney Diseases Etiology, Mental DisordersEtiology, Occupational Diseases Complications, PesticidesPoisoning, Phosphates Poisoning]

On the skin-resorptive activity of the insecticide methyl-nitrophos. (Russian)Matiushina, V. N. Vrach Delo, 6, 102-6, Jun. 67.[Agricultural Workers Diseases Etiology, Animal Experi-ments, Pesticides, Phosphates, Rabbits]

Current awareness 259

Manifestation of a toxic disorder of the liver by a complex ofsubstances used in the technology of synthetic rubber.(Russian)Ivanova-Tikhvinskaia, E. L. Vrach Delo, 6, 100-2,Jun. 67.[Human, Hyperbilirubinemia Etiology, Liver DiseasesEtiology, Occupational Diseases Etiology, Rubber]

On certain polyneuritic manifestations connected with probablepercutaneous absorption oftri-orthocresylphosphate. (Italian)Ambrosetto, C. Minerva med., 59, 4078, 29 Sep. 68.[Cresols Poisoning, Human, Occupational Diseases,Phosphates Poisoning, Polyneuritis Etiology]

Toxicity of nitraphen and preventive measures in workingwith it. (Russian)Ivanova, T. P. Vrach Delo, 6, 107-10, Jun. 67.[Agricultural Workers Diseases Etiology, Human, Pes-ticides Toxicity]

Lesions due to epoxy resins in Switzerland. 2. (French)Marti, M. C. Praxis, 57, 1229-34, 10 Sep. 68.[Adolescence, Adult, Dermatitis Contact Occurrence,Epoxy Resins Poisoning, Eye Diseases Occurrence,Gastrointestinal Disease Occurrence, Human, Occu-pational Diseases Occurrence, Occupations, RespiratoryHypersensitivity Occurrence, Rhinitis Occurrence, Statistics,Switzerland, Time Factors]

Reflections on the hemopathic disorders caused by benzene inthe general field of hemopathies. (Italian)Paterni, L. Minerva med., 59, Suppl. 75: 9-11, 6 Sep. 68.[Benzene Poisoning, Hematologic Diseases Etiology,Human, Occupational Diseases]

Amine flux sensitization dermatitis in electricity cable jointers.(English)Crow, K. D., Harman, R. R., Holden, H. Brit. J. Derm.,80, 701-10, Nov. 68.[Aluminum, Amines Poisoning, Dermatitis ContactPathology, Electricity, Engineering, Hand Pathology,Human, Male, Occupational Dermatitis, Skin Tests]

Cancer of the urogenital tract: bladder cancer. Comment:an occupational disease. (English)Rubin, P. J. Amer. med. Ass., 206, 1775-6, 18 Nov. 68.[Bladder Neuroplasms Prevention and Control, ChemicalIndustry, Human, Legislation, Occupational DiseasesPrevention and Control, United States]

Cancer of the urogenital tract: bladder cancer. Carcinogensand chemical causes. (English)McDonald, D. F. J. Amer. med. Ass., 206, 1774 Passim,18 Nov. 68.[Amines Adverse Effects, Animal Experiments, BladderNeoplasms Chemically Induced, Carcinogens, CarcinomaTransitional, Human, Occupational Diseases ChemicallyInduced, Tryptophan Metabolism]

Epidemiological and clinical features of occupational nitro-glycol poisoning in Italy. (English)Bartalini, E., Cavagna, G., Foa, V. Med. d. Lavoro, 58,618-23, Oct. 67.[Adult, Glycols Poisoning, Human, Italy, NitratesPoisoning, Occupational Diseases, Raynaud's DiseaseChemically Induced]

Occupational toxic factor in mortality from coronary heartdisease. (English)Tiller, J. R., Schilling, R. S., Morris, J. N. Brit. med. J.,4, 407-11, 16 Nov. 68.[Adult, Age Factors, Aged, Arteriosclerosis ChemicallyInduced, Carbon Disulfide Poisoning, CardiovascularDiseases Mortality, Coronary Disease Mortality, England,Male, Middle Age, Occupational Diseases ChemicallyInduced, Retrospective Studies, Textile Industry, TimeFactors, Wales]

Determination of phenylhydrazine base in the air. (Russian)Krylova N. A. Gig. Sanit., 33, 46-8, Apr. 68.[Air Pollution, Colorimetry, Industrial Medicine, Phenyl-hydrazine Analysis]

Polymer fume fever, possible relationship to smoking. (English)Welti, D. W., Hipp, M. J. J. occup. Med., 10, 667-71,Nov. 68.[Environmental Exposure, Fluorocarbon Polymers AdverseEffects, Human, Occupational Diseases, Smoking]

Some obstetric and gynecologic diseases in women workingwith organic solvents and nitrocellulose lacquers. (Bulgarian)Panova, Z. Akush. Ginek. (Sofia), 6, 39-44, 1967.[Environmental Exposure, Female, Gynecologic DiseasesChemically Induced, Human, Occupational Diseases,Paint Solvents]

On occupational diseases of workers employed in the productionof aminonaphtholdisulfonic acid (H acid). (Italian)Armeli, G. Med. d. Lavoro, 59, 366-9, May, 68.[Adult, English Abstract, Environmental Exposure,Gastrointestinal Disease Chemically Induced, Human,Naphthalenes Poisoning, Occupational Dermatitis, Occu-pational Diseases, Respiratory Tract Diseases ChemicallyInduced, Sulfonic Acids Poisoning]

Episode of collective poisoning by acetic anhydride andacetic acid. (Italian)Capellini, A., Sartorelli, E. Med. d. Lavoro, 58, 108-12,Feb. 67.[Acetic Acids Poisoning, Adult, Aerosols, Air Pollution,Anhydrides Poisoning, Burns Chemical, ConjunctivitisChemically Induced, Explosions, Human, LaryngitisChemically Induced, Lung Diseases Chemically Induced,Male, Occupational Diseases, Pharyngitis ChemicallyInduced]

Toxic and allergic eye and skin manifestations due to workingwith plastic materials. (Czech.)Medkova, L., Malis, L. Cesk. Oftal., 24, 260-2, Jul. 68.[English Abstract, Environmental Exposure, Eye Mani-festations, Human, Hypersensitivity Chemically Induced,Occupational Diseases Prevention and Control, PlasticsAdverse Effects, Skin Manifestations]

Comparative studies on the ovarian function in women exposedto organic solvents and nitrocellulose lacquers. (Bulgarian)Paiova, Z. Akush. Ginek. (Sofia), 7, 167-73, 1968.[Environmental Exposure, Female, Human, MenstruationDisorders, Occupational Diseases, Ovary Drug Effects,Paint, Solvents Toxicity]

Solvents with reference to studies on the pharmacodynamics ofbenzene. (English)Hunter, C. G. Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 61, 913-5, Sep. 68.[Air Analysis, Benzene Analysis, Creatinine Urine,Environmental Exposure, Human, Occupational DiseasesDiagnosis, Phenols Urine, Respiratory Function Tests,Solvents Pharmacodynamics]

On the danger of diseases caused by DDT preparations.(Russian)Polchenko, V. I. Gig. Sanit., 33, 80-3, Mar. 68.[Agricultural Workers' Diseases, DDT Poisoning, Human)

Qualitative reactions in the diagnosis of poisoning by certainindustrial liquids. (Russian)Tsupikov, M. T., Grigorenko, A. I. Lab. Delo, 8, 481-3,1966.[Acetates Poisoning, Alcohols Poisoning, Human, Hydro-carbons Poisoning, Ketones Poisoning, OccupationalDiseases Diagnosis, Solvents Poisoning]

Neurologic picture in chronic exposure to carbon disulfide.(Czech.)Klimkova-Deutschova, E. Acta Univ. Carol. Med.(Praha), 12, 547-59, 1966.[Carbon Disulfide Urine, Chemical Industry, ChronicDisease, Environmental Exposure, Higher NervousActivity Drug Effects, Human, Neurofogic Manifestation,Occupational Diseases Chemically Induced]

Occupational dermatitis from plastics. (English)Key, M. M. J. med. Ass. Ga, 57, 421-4, Sep. 68.[Human, Industrial Medicine, Occupational DermatitisEtiology, Plastics]

260 Current awareness

On the maximum permissible concentration of divinyl vaporin the air in work areas. (Russian)Batkina, I. B. Gig. Sanit., 31, 18-22, Dec. 66.[Air Pollution, Animal Experiments, Butadiene Toxicity,Environmental Exposure, Industrial Medicine, Polymers,Rabbits, Rats, Rubber]

HIeavy products appearing during the fabrication of polytetra-

fluarethylene: toxicity-physiopathologic action: therapy.(French)Paulet, G., Bernard, J. P. Biol mfd. (Paris). 57, 247-301,May-Jun. 68.[Animal Experiments, Dogs, Eosinophils, FluorineToxicity, Guinea Pigs, Industrial Medicine, LeukocyteCount, Mice, Polymers, Rabbits, Rats]

7. Effects of animal and vegetable substances

The pathology of the acute and chronic stages of farmer'slung. (English)Seal, R. M.. Hapke, E. J., Thomas, G. O., Meek, J. C.,Hayes, M. Thorax, 23, 469-89, Sep. 68.[Acute Disease Adolescence, Adult, Bronchial DiseasesPathology, Chronic Disease, Farmer's Lung Pathology,Granuloma Pathology, Human, Hypertension, PulmonaryPathology, Lung Pathology, Male Pulmonary FibrosisPathology, Vascular Diseases Pathology]

Farmer's lung: a study of an early acute fatal case. (English)Barrowcliff, D. F., Arblaster, P. G. Thorax, 23, 490-500,Sep. 68.[Acute Disease, Adolescence, Animal Experiments, ArthusPhenomenon, Case Report, Farmer's Lung ImmunologyHuman Lung Pathology, Lung Diseases Fungal, Male,Moniliasis, Rabbits]

Farmer's lung, a clinical radiographic, functional, andserological correlation of acute and chronic stages. (English)Hapke, E. J., Seal, R. M., Thomas, G. O., Hayes, M.,Meek, J. C. Thorax, 23, 451-68, Sep. 68.[Acute Disease, Adolescence, Adult, Chronic Disease,Diagnosis Differential, Farmer's Lung Blood, GelDiffusion Tests, Human, Lung Diseases Diagnosis,Respiratory Function Tests]

Liver affection in ornithosis. (Czech.)Poljak, V. Cas. Lek. ces., 107, 972-5, 9 Aug. 68.[Adult, Agricultural Workers' Diseases Etiology, Anti-biotics Therapeutic Use, Environmental Exposure,Gastrointestinal Disease Etiology, Hepatitis InfectiousDiagnosis, Human, Liver Diseases Etiology, OrnithosisDrug Therapy, Pigeons. Poultry]

New aspects in the evaluation of baker's eczema. (Is it aninhalation allergy?) (German)Heyl, U., Reinert-Dilthey, I. Berufsdermatosen, 16, 204-14,Aug. 68.[Air Pollution, Alkalis, Aspiration, Corn, DermatitisContact Diagnosis, Environmental Exposure, Flour,Human, Male, Occupational Dermatitis, Skin Tests]

Hypersensitivity to bethabara-wood. Case report contributionfrom the industrial medical service. (German)Weitbrecht, U. Berufsdermatosen, 15, 183-4, Jun. 67.[Case Report, Environmental Exposure, Human, Hyper-sensitivity, Male, Middle Age, Occupational Dermatitis,Wood]

Occupational contact eczema due to Kambala teak wood.(German)Jung, H. D. Dtsch. Gesundh., 22, 2141-3, 9 Nov. 67.[English Abstract, Germany East, Human, OccupationalDermatitis Prevention and Control, Wood Toxicity]

Farmer's lung. (German)Morawetz, F., Mlczoch, F. Wien. Klin. Wschr., 80, 313-20,26 Apr. 68.[Adrenal Cortex Hormones Therapeutic Use, Adult,Antibiotics Therapeutic Use, Antigen-antibody Reaction,Biopsy, Diagnosis Differential, Farmer's Lung Diagnosis,Human, Hypersensitivity Complications, RespiratoryFunction Tests, Seasons]

Clinical and immunobiological study of an unusual case ofbyssinosis. (Italian)Gallo, D., Romeo, V. Policlinico Sez. prat., 75, 1221-5,16 Sep. 68.[Antigens, Blood Protein Electrophoresis, Cotton, GammaGlobulin Analysis, Human, Male, Middle Age, Occu-pational Diseases, Pneumoconiosis, Skin Tests, TextileIndustry]

Immunology of pulmonary mycoses. (French)Haller. R. de. Schweiz, med. Wschr., 98, Sep. 68, 72.[Aspergillosis Immunology Blastomycosis Immunology,Coccidioidomycosis Immunology, Cryptococcosis Im-munology, English Abstract, Farmer's Lung Immunology,Gel Diffusion Tests, Histoplasmosis Immunology, Human,Lung Diseases Fungal, Moniliasis Immunology Review]

On the pathological anatomy of byssinosis. (Russian)Kochetkova, T. A., Fedotova, L. L. Arkh. Pat., 28, 9-15,1966.[Adult, Aged, Bronchi Pathology, Cotton Dust, Environ-mental Exposure, Human, Lung Pathology, Male.Pneumoconiosis Pathology, Pulmonary Emphysema Eti-ology, Textile Industry]

Clinical observation of bronchial asthma in workers whoculture oysters. (English)Wada, S., Nishimoto, Y., Nakashima, T., Shigenobu, T.,Onari, K. Hiroshima J. med. Sci., 16, 255-66, Dec. 67.[Adult, Asthma Occurrence, Fisheries, Health Surveys,Human, Japan, Mollusca, Occupational Diseases Occur-rence, Skin Tests]

Bullous dermatitis after contact with common rue. (Czech.)Hanslian, L., Kadlec, K. eesk. Farm., 17, 293-5, Jul. 68.[Alkaloids, Coumarins, Environmental Exposure, Female,Human, Occupational Dermatitis, Photosensitization,Plants Medicinal, Skin Tests]

Bagassosis. 3. Isolation of thermophilic and mesophilicactinomycetes and fungi from mouldy bagasse. (English)Seabury, J., Salvaggio, J., Buechner, H., Kundur, V. G.Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N. Y.), 129, 351-60, Nov. 68.[Actinomycetales Isolation and Purification, Methods,Moniliales Isolation and Purification, PneumoconiosisImmunology, Streptomyces Isolation and Purification]

Cotton dust exposure during lint removal. Airborne dustconcentrations and effect of the ventilatory capacity ofexposed workers. (English)Simpson, G. R., Barnes, R. Arch. environm. Hlth, 17,807-10, Nov. 68.[Adult, Australia, Cotton, Cottonseed, Dust Analysis,Environmental Exposure, Human, Lung Physiology,Pneumoconiosis Etiology, Spirometry]

Incidence of neoplasms in farm workers with enzooticleukemia. (Polish)Aleksandrowicz, J., Wolska, A. Pol. Tyg. Lek., 23,1468-70, 23 Sep. 68.[Agricultural Workers' Diseases Occurrence, Cattle,Cattle Diseases, Human, Leukemia Veterinary, Male,Neoplasms Occurrence, Zoonoses]

8. Effects of physical agents

Sieve-audiometric studies of workers exposed to noise. [Acoustic Trauma Prevention and Control, Adult(German) Audiometry, English Abstract, Germany West, Human,Jonsson, M. Dtsch. Gesundh., 22, 2286-9, 30 Nov. 67. Male, Mass Screening, Mining]

Cuirent awareness 261

Experience in organization of the work of a radioactive wasteburial dump and data of medical observation of the healthstatus of the service personnel. (Russian)Sobolev, I. A., Khomchik, L. M., Gorbarenko, N. I.,Sokolina, L. L., Kangina, N. G., Ostapkovich, V. E.,Gabuniia, R. I. Gig. Sanit., 33, 91-4, Apr. 68.[Erythrocyte Count, Industrial Medicine, LeukocyteCount, Radiation Protection, Radioactive Waste]

Observations upon the relationship of loudness discomfortlevel and auditory fatigue to sound-pressure level andsensation level. (English)Hood, J. D. J. acoust. Soc. Amer., 44, 959-64, Oct. 68.[Acoustic Trauma Physiopathology, Auditory Perception,Human, Meniere's Disease Physiopathology, Pressure,Sound]

Hearing hazard from small-bore weapons. (English)Acton, W. I., Forrest, M. R. J. acoust soc. Amer., 44,817-8, Sep. 68.[Acoustic Trauma Etiology, Auditory Threshold, Human,Sports]

Nitrogen and helium as factors affecting decompression stressseverity. (English)Hale, H. B., Williams, E. W. Aerospace Med., 39, 1178-81,Nov. 68.[Adaptation Physiological, Aviation Medicine, Decom-pression Sickness, Helium Pharmacodynamics, Human,Hyperbaric Oxygenation, Male, Nitrogen Pharmaco-dynamics, Stress, Urine]

Injuries by air pressure to the internal organs. (German)Burkhardt, G. Munch. med. Wschr. Suppl. 36: 4, 6 Sep. 68.[Accidents Industrial, Atmospheric Pressure, Human]

Atypical forms of disorders of the nervous system of de-compressive etiology in divers. (Russian)Panov, A. G., Elinskii, M. P. Zh. Nevropat. Psikhiat.Korsakova, 67, 1791-5, 1967.[Adult, Cerebellum, Decompression Sickness, Diving,Eye Manifestations, Human, Nervous System DiseasesDiagnosis, Neurologic Manifestation, Occupational Dis-eases, Paralysis Etiology, Pyramidal Tracts, ReflexAbnormal Etiology]

Cataract secondary to microwave radiation. (English)Kurz, G. H., Einaugler, R. B. Amer. J. Ophthal., 66,866-9, Nov. 68.[Adult, Cataract Pathology, Environmental Exposure,Human, Lens Crystalline Radiation Effects, Male,Microwaves, Occupational Diseases, Radiation Effects,Radiation Injury Pathology]

On the problem of visual field reduction due to acoustic trauma.(German)Grohmann, U. Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk., 152, 600-2, 1968.[Acoustic Trauma Complications, Audiometry, EnglishAbstract, Human, Male, Occupational Diseases Etiology,Vision Disorders Etiology, Visual Fields]

The pathologic effects of vibrations in a cold and humidenvironment. (Italian)Rosso, M., Dughera, L. Folia med. (Napoli), 50, 13-23,Jan. 67.[Adult, Cold, Environmental Exposure, Human, Humidity,Industrial Medicine, Male, Mining, Vibration]

Radiodermatitis of the hands and their surgical treatment.(French)Simon, G. C. Arch. Mal. prof., 28, 792-5, Oct.-Nov. 67.[Hand Dermatoses Surgery, Human, OccupationalDermatitis, Radiodermatitis Prevention and Control]

Psychological and physiological as well as organic damagedue to the effect of noise and high sounds. (German)Jatho, K. Off. Gesundheitswesen, 29, 293-8, Jul. 67.[Acoustic Trauma Prevention and Control, EnvironmentalExposure, Hearing Tests, Human, Neuroses Post-traumatic, Occupational Diseases Etiology, Psycho-physiology, Sleep Disorders Etiology]

Influence of repeated 4-hour, intermittent, so-called mufflednoise on catecholamine secretion and pulse rate. (German)Hawel, W., Starlinger, H. Int. Z. angew. Physiol., 24,351-62, 1967.[Adrenal Medulla Secretion, Analysis of Variance,Epinephrine Secretion, Human, Noise, NorepinephrineSecretion, Psychophysiology, Pulse, Stress Physio-pathology]

Detection of changes in minute blood vessels of hands inpersons with vibration disease. Preliminary report. (Polish)Kozminska, A., Zawadzka, M. Przegl. derm., 55, 471-3,Jul.-Sep. 68.[Blood Vessels Physiopathology, Electrosphygmography,Human, Occupational Diseases Physiopathology, Vi-bration Adverse Effects]

Acoustic trauma caused by shooting at shooting ranges.Attempts at prevention. (French)Rigaud, A. Rev. Cps Sante ArmeYs, 9, 39-60, Feb. 68.[Acoustic Trauma Etiology, Adult, Audiometry, HearingDisorders Prevention and Control, Human, Male,Military Personnel, Noise]

On functional changes in the thyroid gland in persons subjectedto the action of microwave irradiation. (Russian)Fofanov, P. N. Probl. Endokr. Gormonoter, 12, 16-7,Sep.-Oct. 66.[Adaptation Physiological, Adult, Environmental Ex-posure, Human, Iodine Isotopes, Diagnosis, Male,Microwaves, Occupational Diseases Physiopathology,Radiation Injury Physiopathology, Thyroid GlandPhysiopathology, Time Factors]

Noise effects on health, productivity, and well-being. (English)Cohen, A. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 30, 910-8, May 68.[Acoustic Trauma, Environmental Health, Human,Industrial Medicine, Noise]

Clinical and dosimetric study of a case of accidental irradiationin the use of a cobalt 60 source. (Italian)Strambi, E.,Tagliati, S. Med. d.Lavoro,58, 573-87, Oct. 67.[Chromosome Aberrations Radiation Effects, CobaltIsotopes Adverse Effects, English Abstract, Human,Lymphocytes Radiation Effects, Male, OccupationalDiseases, Radiation Effects, Radioactive Waste]

Two cases of extensive fourth degree burns of the skull causedby electric current. (Russian)Vitchenko, A. I. Vestn. Khir. Grekova, 97, 81-2, Jul. 66.[Accidents, Industrial, Adult, Burns, Electric, Surgery,Case Report, Head Injuries, Human, Male, Parietal Bone]

9. Methods of investigation of body function

Lung scintigraphy in the silicosis expert evaluation. Results of dynamic respiratory function diagnosis in silicosis.(German) (German)Hennig, K., Fritz, H., Woller, P., Franke, W. G., Gummert, M. Dtsch. Gesundh., 22, 1808-12, 21 Sep. 67.Kemnitz, H. P. Fortschr. Roentgenstr., 108, 303-13, [Adult, Disability Evaluation, English Abstract, Human,Mar. 68. Male, Middle Age, Respiratory Function Tests, Silicosis[Adult, Diagnosis Differential, Expert Testimony, Human, Diagnosis]Radioisotope Scanning, Respiratory Function Tests, Large lymphocytes in the peripheral blood in cases of saturnism.Serum Albumin, Radio-iodine, Silicosis Physiopathology, (Italian)Silicotuberculosis Physiopathology, Spirometry] Ambrosi, L., Vimercati, F., di Nunno,C. Med. d. Lavoro, 59,

262 Current awareness

125-35, Feb. 68.[Adult, Basophils, Coombs Test, English Abstract,Human, Lead Poisoning Blood, Lymphocytes Analysis,Male, Stains and Staining]

Importance of compliance in occupational bronchopneumo-pathies. (Italian)Vecchione, C. Minerva med., 59, 4089-90, 29 Sep. 68.[Bronchitis Physiopathology, Compliance, Elasticity,Human, Lung, Physiopathology, Occupational DiseasesPhysiopathology, Silicosis Physiopathology]

Respiratory exchanges and acid-base equilibrium in chronicbronchopneumopathies. (Italian)Casula, D., Nissardi, G. P., Sanna-Randaccio, F. Minervamed., 59, 4086-7, 29 Sep. 68.[Acid-base Equilibrium, Acidosis Respiratory Etiology,Blood Gas Analysis, Bronchitis, Chronic Disease,Human, Pulmonary Emphysema, Silicosis]

Lung scintigraphy in asbestosis. (Italian)Sulotto, F., Coscia, G. C., Meo, G., Cardellino, G.,Donofrio, M. Med. d. Lavoro, 58, 609-17, Oct. 67.[Adult, Asbestosis Diagnosis, English Abstract, Human,Male, Radioisotope Scanning, Serum Albumin, Radio-iodine Diagnostic Use]

Rapid and sensitive precipitin test for the diagnosis of farmer'slung using immuno-osmophoresis. (English)Jameson, J. E. J. clin. Path., 21, 376-82, May 68.

[Agar, Antigens Analysis, Bacteria Immunology,Farmer's Lung Diagnosis, Gel Diffusion Tests, Human,Methods, Osmosis]

Changes of the lesser circulation in pulmonary asbestosisstudied with scintigraphy. (Italian)Donofrio, M., Curino, G., Pagano, P. G., Nosenzo C.Boll. soc. ital. Biol. sper., 43, 1874-7, 31 Dec. 67.[Asbestosis Physiopathology, Human, Pulmonary Circu-lation, Radioisotope Scanning, Serum Albumin, Radio-iodine]

Cytomorphology of sputum in pulmonary asbestosis (com-parison between Papanicolaus and Sirtoris technics).(Italian)Pennarola, R., Eliseo, V. Folia med. (Napoli), 50, 1-12,Jan. 67.[Adult, Asbestosis Diagnosis, Cytodiagnosis, Human,Lung Neoplasms Diagnosis, Methods, PrecancerousConditions Diagnosis, Sputum Cytology]

Contribution to the spectrophotometric determination ofcarbon monoxide and hemoglobin. (German)Kostler, D., Otto, H., Rittig, J., Polster, U. Dtsch.Gesundh.- Wes., 22, 1740-3, 14 Sep. 67.[Carbon Monoxide Blood, Carbon Monoxide PoisoningPrevention and Control, English Abstract, EnvironmentalExposure, Hemoglobinometry, Human, Industrial Medi-cine, Methods, Spectrophotometry]

10. Environmental measurement, control, and protection of the subject

Values of maximum tolerable concentration of industrial toxicsubstances. (Italian)Med. d. Lavoro, 58, 138-47, Feb. 67.[Air Pollution, Environmental Exposure, EnvironmentalHealth, Industrial Medicine, Toxicology]

Underground hydraulic coal mining and the problem ofprevention of pneumoconiosis. (Russian)Eskin, P. I., Gokhman, B. M. Gig. Tr. prof. Zabol., 12,14-7, Feb. 68.[Coal Mining, English Abstract, Human, IndustrialMedicine, Pneumoconiosis Prevention and Control,Technology]

Hygienic assessment of working conditions in argon arc weldingof titanium alloys. (Russian)Polonskaia, F. L. Gig. Tr. prof. Zabol., 12, 46-8, Feb. 68.[Alloys, Argon, Industrial Medicine, Ozone, Titanium,Ultraviolet Rays, Welding]

A chemical-sanitation study of polyvinylchloride-base plastics.(Russian)Petrova, M. S., Kosterina, E. I., Shevkun, 0. N. Gig.Tr. prof. Zabol., 12, 48-50, Feb. 68.[Carbon Monoxide, Chlorides, Formaldehyde, Heat,Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen, Industrial Medicine, PhthalicAcid, Polyvinyls]

On skin-protective ointments. 3. On the practical exam-ination in the working place of a new skin-protecting oint-ment on the base of stearate, provided with a solids grating(German)Mierzecki, H., Schneider, W., Tronnier, H., Huber, M.,Kwoczek, J. J., Popp, W., Rietschel, E., Schiller, H.Berufsdermatosen, 15, 146-63, Jun. 67.[Environmental Exposure, Human, Male, OccupationalDermatitis Prevention and Control, Ointments Thera-peutic Use, Skin, Stearic Acid]

On the problem of the use of protective ointments in workingwith radioactive substances (Russian)Tarasenko, N. I. U., Khodyreva, M. A. Gig. Tr. prof.Zabol., 12, 29-33, Feb. 68.[Casein, English Abstract, Environmental Exposure,Hand, Human, Industrial Medicine, Ointments, RadiationProtection, Silicones]

UICC standard reference samples of asbestos. (English)Timbrell, V., Gibson, J. C., Webster, I. Int. J. Cancer, 3,406-8, 15 May 68.[Asbestosis Etiology, Carcinogens, Standards Geology]

Symposium on air quality criteria-Lead. (English)Stopps, G. J. J. occup. Med., 10, 550-64, Sep. 68.[Adult, Air Pollution, Child, Preschool, EnvironmentalExposure, Human, Industrial Medicine, Lead, Urine,Review]

Study on the penetration of phosdrin through protective gloves.(English)Locati, G., Cavagna, G., Bugatti, A. Med. d. Lavoro, 59,342-5, May 68.[Clothing, Human, Insecticides, Occupational DermatitisPrevention and Control]

A study of the protective efficiency of fabrics for coveralls ofpersonnel working under conditions of pollution of the air byradioactive and bacterial aerosols. (Russian)Chetverikova, Z. S. Gig. Sanit., 33, 39-42, Apr. 68.[Air Microbiology, Air Pollution, Radioactivity, Clothing,English Abstract, Industrial Medicine, Polymers, Radi-ation Protection, Textiles]

Aerometric Techniques. (English)Clayton, G. D. J. occup. Med., 10, 441-5, Sep. 68.[Air Pollution, Human, Industrial Medicine]

Physiology of the horny layer of the epidermis as a fundamentalresearch in occupational dermatology. (German)Carrie, C., Spier, H. W. Berufsdermatosen, 15, 121-46,Jun. 67.[Human, Hydrogen-ion Concentration, Lipids Analysis,Occupational Dermatitis, Regeneration Physiology, SkinAnalysis, Sweat]

Occupational hygiene in the grading and concentration of coal.(Russian)Lagunov, S. I., Gig. Sanit., 31, 14-8, Nov. 66.[Audiometry, Coal Mining, Dust, Environmental Expos-ure, Human, Industrial Medicine, Noise. Silica]

Air pollution-the industrial viewpoint. (English)Eckhardt, R. E. J. occup. Med., 10, 577-83, Oct. 68.[Air Pollution, Environmental Exposure, EnvironmentalHealth, Human, Mortality, Technology, United States]

Current awareness 263

Longitudinal measurement of individual exposure to benzenewith the aid of a portable apparatus. (French)Truhaut, R., Boudene, C., Nguyen-Phu-Lich, Catella, H.Arch. Mal. prof., 28, 783-8, Oct.-Nov. 67.[Air Pollution, Benzene Poisoning, Environmental Ex-posure, Equipment and Supplies, Human, IndustrialMedicine, Male]

On the problem of establishing hygienic standards for carcin-ogenic substances. [Russian]Shabad, L. M., Gig. Sanit., 31, 18-24, Nov. 66.[Carcinogens, Environmental Exposure, Human, IndustrialMedicine]

Experience in improving working conditions in the productionof persol. (Russian)Litvintsev, A. N., Urbanovich, L. I. A. Gig. Sanit., 31,75, Nov. 66.[Carbonates, Chemical Industry, Environmental Ex-posure, Human, Industrial Medicine, Sodium]

On radiation-hygiene assessment of underground dump sitesfor radioactive waste. (Russian)Bashmakova, T. A., Sukalskaia, S. I. A. Nikiforova, 0. A.,Permiakov, A. A. Gig. Sanit., 31, 78-81, Nov. 66.[Environmental Exposure, Human, Industrial Medicine,Radiation Monitoring, Radioactive Waste]

Air-conditioning comfort and the upper respiratory tract.(English)Archard, J. C. J. Laryng., 82, 995-1007, Nov. 68.[Absenteeism, Air Conditioning, Common Cold Occur-rence, Heating, Human, Humidity, London, RespiratorySystem, Respiratory Tract Infections Occurrence, Seasons,Temperature, Time Factors.]

Occupational hazards in x-ray analytical work. (English)Lindell, B. Hlth Phys., 15, 481-6, Dec. 68.[Accidents, Human, International Agencies Standards,Occupational Diseases Occurrence, Radiation InjuryOccurrence, Radiation Protection, Radiography, X-rayDiffraction]

11. Miscellaneous

Influence of harmful chemical agents on the oral mucosa inworkers in the chemical industry. (Polish)Pinska, E., Syrynska, M., Wlodarczyk, H. Czas. stomat.,21, 887-92, Aug. 68.[Adolescence, Adult, Air Pollution, Chemical Industry,English Abstract, Environmental Exposure, Human,Hydrogen-ion Concentration, Leukoplakia ChemicallyInduced, Mouth Diseases Chemically Induced, MouthMucosa Drug Effects, Occupational Diseases, Pigmen-tation Disorders Pathology, Poland, Saliva Analysis]

Occupational diseases of the oral cavity. (Polish)Pekker, R. J. Czas. stomat., 21, 869-75, Aug. 68.[Animal Experiments, English Abstract, EnvironmentalExposure, Histocytochemistry, Human, Mouth Diseases,Mouth Mucosa Drug Effects, Occupational Diseases]

A procedu/e for cardiovascular evaluation application inindustry. (English)Riland, W. K. J. Amer. osteopath. Ass., 67, 1363-72,Aug. 68.[Cardiovascular Diseases Diagnosis, Human, IndustrialMedicine, Middle Age, Musculoskeletal System Anatomyand Histology, Physical Examination, Preventive Medicine,Socioeconomic Factors, Statistics, United States]

Present status of cardiovascular disease control in industry-an example in an iron foundry. (Japanese)Sato, K. Jap. clin. Med., 26, 850-9, Apr. 68.[Adult, Age Factors, Blood Pressure, Body Weight,Cardiovascular Diseases Mortality, Follow-up Studies,Human, Hypertension, Industrial Medicine, Male, MassScreening, Multiphasic Screening, Obesity, Time Factors]

Traumatic bursitis in miners. (Russian)Vishnevskii, V. A., Poberezhnyi, V. A. Klin. Khir. (Kiev), 9,67-70, Sep. 66.[Bursitis, Surgery, Human, Mining, OccupationalDiseases]

Significance of chronic liver diseases in industrial medicine.(German)Schuttmann, W. Dtsch. Gesundh., 23, 651-7, 4 Apr. 68.[Adult, English Abstract, Fatty Liver Etiology, HepatitisEtiology, Human, Liver Cirrhosis Etiology, Liver DiseasesEtiology, Male, Occupational Diseases]

Social and industrial medicinal aspects of the chronic,unspecific respiratory syndrome. (German)Valentin, H. Med. Klin., 63, 1281-4, 16 Aug. 68.[Adult, Bronchitis Occurrence, Chronic Disease, Dis-ability Evaluation, Germany West, Male, OccupationalDiseases Occurrence, Pneumoconiosis Occurrence, Pul-monary Emphysema Occurrence, Socioeconomic Factors,Workmen's Compensation]

Photodermatoses. (German)Ippen, H. Ther. Umsch., 24, 469-75, Nov. 67.[Dermatitis Etiology, Dermatitis Contact Etiology,Dermatitis Medicamentosa Diagnosis, Diagnosis, Differ-ential, Human, Occupational Dermatitis Diagnosis,Photosensitization Complications]

Scheuermann's disease as a social problem in heavy manuallabor occupations. (German)Reinhold, H., Tillmann, R. Dtsch. Gesundh., 23, 1469-72,1 Aug. 68.[Adolescence, Child, English Abstract, Human, Male,Occupational Diseases, Osteochondritis Occurrence,Scheuermann's Disease Occurrence, Social Problems,Spine Pathology]

Trichophytosis of nails as an occupational problem. (German)Alkiewicz, J., Sowinski, W. Mykosen, 10, 463-6, 1 Oct. 67.[English Abstract, Human, Humidity, OccupationalDiseases, Tinea Unguium Etiology]

The importance of dermatoses in sailors. (German)Zorn, E. Berufsdermatosen, 16, 215-27, Aug. 68.[Dermatitis, Contact Etiology, Dermatomycosis Etiology,Environmental Exposure, Human, Naval Medicine,Occupational Dermatitis Prevention and Control, SkinAppendage Diseases Etiology, Skin Diseases InfectiousEtiology, Sunburn, Tropical Climate]

Prognostic and diagnostic patch tests (with synthetic resins).(German)Malten, K. E. Berufsdermatosen, 16, 231-42, Aug. 68.[Co-enzymes, Dermatitis Contact Diagnosis, Human,Industrial Medicine, Occupational Dermatitis Diagnosis,Prognosis, Resins Diagnostic Use, Skin Tests]

Experimental studies on the drying of the skin after industrialcleaning (German)Tronnier, H. Berufsdermatosen, 16, 181-9, Aug. 68.[Disposable Equipment, Human, Hygiene, IndustrialMedicine, Paper, Skin Physiology, Soaps, Textiles]

Development of chronic bronchitis in streetcar employeesduring 10 years. (Czech.)Vyskocil, J., Sklensky, B. Vnitfni Lek, 14, 729-39, Aug. 68.[Adult, Air Pollution, Bronchitis Etiology, ChronicDisease Etiology, Czechoslovakia, Electrocardiography,Environmental Exposure, Human, Methods, Mining,Occupational Diseases Etiology, Pulmonary EmphysemaEtiology, Respiratory Function Tests]

Practical use of stress testing in industry. (English)Call, R. W., Clyman, B., Kaserman, D. R. J. occup. Med.,10, 649-54, Nov. 68.[Coronary Disease Diagnosis, Exercise Test, Human,Industrial Medicine, Male, Middle Age, Telemetry]

264 Current awareness

Stress testing, safety precautions, and cardiovascular health.(English)Hornsten, T. R., Bruce, R. A. J. occup. Med., 10, 640-8,Nov. 68.[Exercise Test, Heart Diseases Etiology, IndustrialMedicine]

Malignant tumors of the pleura. Anatomo-clinical study.(French)Sors, C., Poumon, 24, 493-503, 1968.[Asbestosis Complications, Fibrosarcoma Pathology,Human, Mesothelioma Pathology, Pleural NeoplasmsEtiology, Sarcoma Pathology]

Primary pleural tumors. (French)Molina, C., Delage, J., Mercier, R. Poumon, 24, 487-92,1968.[Asbestosis Complications, Diagnosis Differential, Fibro-sarcoma Diagnosis, Human, Mesothelioma Diagnosis,Pleural Neoplasms Etiology, Sarcoma Diagnosis]

Alcoholism in industry and family. (English)Lancet, 2, 1179, 30 Nov. 68.[Alcoholism Occurrence, Family, Great Britain, Human,Industrial Medicine]

History of an occupational asthma. Allergy to sericine inhairdressers. (French)Sidi, E., Gervais, P., Bourgeois-Spinasse, J., Gervais, A.,Morault, A., Planat, P. Rev. fran9. Allerg., 7, 193-202,Oct.-Nov. 67.[Adult, Allergens, Environmental Exposure, Human,Occupational Diseases]

Incidence of lymphatic leukemia and methylcholanthrene-induced cancer in laboratory mice subjected to stress.(English)Kaliss, N., Fuller, J. L. J. nat. Cancer Inst., 41, 967-83,Oct. 68.[Acoustic Trauma, Animal Experiments, Body Tempera-ture, Body Weight, Electroshock, Leukemia Occurrence,Methylcholanthrene, Mice, Neoplasms Experimental,Stress]

Several characteristics of the skeleton of ballet artists.(Russian)Lepibov, E. B., Rokhlin, G. D. Arkh. Anat. gistol. Embriol,53, 42-7, Nov. 67.[Adolescence, Adult, Bone and Bones Radiography,Bone Diseases Etiology, Dancing, Female, Foot Radi-ography, Hip Radiography, Joint Diseases Etiology,Leg Radiography, Male, Occupational Diseases, SpineRadiography]

Occupational nummular eczema. (German)Behrbohm, P. Berufsdermatosen, 16, 93-6, Apr. 68.[Dermatitis Atopic Etiology, Dermatitis Contact Etiology,Eczema Etiology, Environmental Exposure, Human,Hypersensitivity, Occupational Dermatitis Etiology,Skin Tests]

Carbon monoxide and human health. (English)Goldsmith, J. R., Landaw, S. A. Science, 162, 1352-9,20 Dec. 68.[Accidents Traffic, Aged, Air Pollution, Anemia HemolyticMetabolism, Carbon Metabolism, Carbon Isotopes,Carbon Monoxide Blood, Carbon Monoxide PoisoningOccurrence, Central Nervous System Drug Effects,Coronary Disease Mortality, Environmental Exposure,Environmental Health, Epidemiologic Methods, GlycineMetabolism, Hemoglobin Metabolism, Human, MiddleAge, Myocardial Infarct Mortality, Partial Pressure,Smoking, Time Perception Drug Effects, United States,Urban Population]

An alert. Narcotic usage among employees in industry.(English]O'Connor, R. B. J. occup. Med., 10, 619-20, Oct. 68.[Adult, Drug Abuse, Drug Addiction, Human, IndustrialMedicine. Occupational Health Service]

Industrial dermatoses. (English)Lester, M. G. Appl. Ther., 10, 516-8, Aug. 68.[Human, Occupational Dermatitis]

On the epidemiology of precancerous conditions and malignanttumors of the skin. II. Carcinomas of the skin. (German)Jung, H. D., Kolzsch, J. Hautarzt, 19, 151-7, Apr. 68.[Adult, Age Factors, Carcinoma Occurrence, CarcinomaBasal Cell Occurrence Environmental Exposure, FacialNeoplasms Occurrence, Germany East, Human, Mel-anoma Occurrence, Occupational Diseases Occurrence,Precancerous Conditions Therapy, Sarcoma OccurrenceSex Factors, Skin Neoplasms Therapy, Smoking]

Examination of occupational health data with regard to specifichealth hazards of present day deep sea fishing. (German)Kersten, E. Sante'publ. (Buc.), 8, 361-4, 1967.[Fisheries, Occupational Diseases, Poland]

Early cerebral atherosclerosis in people engaged in mental andphysical work. (Russian)Goldelman, M. G., Drobinskii, A. D., Bovenko, T. V.,Lavretskii, I. G. Zh. Nevropat. Psikhiat, Korsakova, 68,992-4, 1968.[Adolescence, Adult, Cerebral Arteriosclerosis Etiology,English Abstract, Human, Occupational Diseases Etiology,Work]

Occupational disease caused by gas inhalation, pulmonaryfunctional impairment and neurasthenic symptoms followingindustrial gas injury. (English)Wessel-Aas, I., Vale, J. R., Schaanning, J. Scand. J.resp. Dis., Suppl. 63: 95-9, 1968.[Comparative Study, Gas Poisoning Blood, Human, LungDiseases Etiology, Mental Disorders Etiology, Neur-asthenia Etiology, Neurologic Manifestation. Occu-pational Diseases Etiology, Oxygen Consumption,Spirometry]

Some aspects of work in sterile cubicles in a factory producingantibiotics and the effects of the confined space on the body.(Rumanian)Silion, I., Teodorescu, E., Ignat, E., Sandulescu, G.,Serban, M., Dumitrescu, M. Rev. med.-chir. Ia#i, 72,717-25, Jul.-Sep. 68.[Air Pollution, Anemia Etiology, Anoxia Complications,Carbon Dioxide Adverse Effects, Drug Industry, Gastro-intestinal Disease Etiology, Human, Occupational Derm-atitis Etiology, Occupational Disease, Otorhinolaryngo-logic Disease Etiology, Phenols Adverse Effects, Res-piratory Tract Diseases Etiology]

Apropos of a systematic study on spasmophilia in an industrialsetting. (French)Bisschop, G. de, Muller, G., Luccioni, R., Putz, C.,Noesen, R., Mosinger, M. Arch. Mal. prof., 28, 805-12,Oct.-Nov. 67.[Human, Industrial Medicine, Male, SpasmophiliaDiagnosis, Tetany Diagnosis]

Skin tests in occupational allergy to antibiotic and chemo-therapy drugs. (English)Gavrilescu, N., Popa, V. Med. d. Lavoro, 58, 32-40, Jan. 67.[Adult, Antibiotics Adverse Effects, Drug HypersensitivityDiagnosis, Drug Industry, Environmental Exposure,Female, Human, Occupational Dermatitis Diagnosis,Skin Tests]

The importance of the previously existing condition andinterfering diseases in the evaluation of occupationaldiseases. (German)Ulmer, W. T. Hefte Unfallheilk, 94, 178-82, 1968.[Adult, Bronchitis Complications, Disability Evaluation,Expert Testimony, Human, Male, Occupational DiseasesComplications, Workmen's Compensation]

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