bronze age

Post on 13-Apr-2017



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Bronze Age(2300BC-700BC)

By: Ashley Dayan


The bronze age is a time period characterized by the use of bronze, photowriting and early features of urban civilization.

Bronze age is the second part of the three-age system (stone age, bronze age, iron age)

Bronze was used widely to make tools, weapons, and other implements.

The bronze age lasted roughly three thousand years , saw major advances in social, economic, technological.

War time

About the making of bronze

Bronze is a combination of tin/cooper

Bronze is a harder material then the previously used stone.

You could manipulate the melted metal into sharper points/edges for swords and axes.

How the bronze age was effected politically

Ancient kings sent servants on journeys to find copper. Kings had more confidence with better weapons.

How the bronze age was effected socially

The need for bronze tools and weapons made stone workers obsolete. New professions being create in the field of metallurgy, bronze


How the bronze age was effected economically

Cities that didn’t have the natural resources needed to obtain bronze were forced to trade with societies that did bring goods to societies.

How the bronze age was effected cultually

Bronze tools allowed for cities to achieve more successful warfare and defenses.

About the chariot

Chariot was a light vehicle, usually on two wheels drawn by one or more horse, often carrying two standing persons, a driver and a fighter using bow-arrows or javelins.

Used in battle. One of the most useful weapons in the bronze age. Invention Moving platform which solders could shoot enemies. No explanation why humans invented it. Supreme military weapon

How the chariot was effected by the economy

The chariot was effected by the economy. Chariot got money flowing as they traded to more primitive civilizations in exchange for natural recourses.

How the chariot was effected culturally

Enable empires to conquer other cities and expand there boundaries. Allowed them to grow culturally by adapting to the culture of the

conquered city

How the chariot was effected socially

The chariot was used for hunting purposes and in sporting events such as the Olympic games and in the roman cirrus maximus.

Chariot effected politically

Military advantage, cities without them feared the cities that did have them.

Kings of stronger city leverage and an opportunity to create a treaty with the nation.

About bronze weapons

Weapons made out of bronze. Bronze is made when cooper is heated and mixed with tin, creating a

strong metal, then cooper. The bronze weapons were far superior to those of the Neolithic age

that came before. Weapons more harder/durable Innovation

How Bronze weapons/tools effected cultural

Tools allowed for cities to achieve more successful warfare and defense.

Weapons durable/harder. Less time repairing like Neolithic age.

How bronze weapons effected socially There were new professions being created in the field of

metallurgy/bronze working.

How bronze weapons were effected politically Ancient kings sent servants on journeys to find copper. Kings given more confidence during the time of war knowing that

they had advanced weapons.

How bronze weapons are effected economically Cities that didn’t have the natural resources needed to obtain bronze

were forced to trade with societies that did. This brought goods to societies or the bronze.


"Main Page." SJS Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2015

" Provides Free Math Worksheets, Free Math Games, Grammar Quizzes, Free Phonics Worksheets, and Games. Worksheets and Games Are Organized by Grades and Topics. These Printable Math and Phonics Worksheets Are Auto Generated." /bronze Age. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2015.

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2015

"Bronze Age." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2015.

"Ancient History Encyclopedia." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2015.

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