bucket list

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Holly's Bucket List


{Holly’s Bucket List

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” ~Walt Disney

#10 Be an extra in a movie

I’ve been a guest on a talk show, been in the studio audience for a late-night TV show, but I have yet to be in a movie. Like I said before, I have lackluster acting skills.But it doesn’t take much skill to be an extra in a movie. Plus you usually get lunch and maybe even a little bit of cash.

I’ve always been fascinated by the old Hollywood glitz and glamour. I want to be a part of it!

#9 Write a book

I’m not going to attempt to write the next NY Times Bestseller. Also as a child, I used to write books (with crudely drawn illustrations, of course). I actually had a series. It was called “The Lizzie Diaries.” Once I started junior high school, I had much less time to dedicate to my endeavor. I stopped writing, which saddens me. It used to be a huge part of me that’s been lost. That doesn’t mean that I can’t gain my writing skills back. I just need to keep improving them. Because of my strong interest in a travel, a travel book would be ideal but a healthy-living book would also be a consideration.

#8: Star in a musical (community theater)

I’m being realistic here. I know I’m not Broadway material. I’ve been singing since I was 7 years old, and acting since I was 12. While I starred in two high school musical productions, I knew that my acting was not stellar so I decided to give up when I went to college. But hey, musicals are a huge part of my life. I want to improve my acting and get involved in community theater.

#7 Go on a road trip across the U.S.A.

While I want to see more of the world, we often overlook many of the amazing things there are to see in our country. I haven’t seen Mt. Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, New Orleans and so on.

Yes, I’m perfectly aware that I could fly to all of these destinations, but you don’t really get the full experience. While it’s true that I get restless sitting in a car for so long, I have always loved to plan things. And I love trying new fast food places. So I could always mix it up by adding some sideshow attractions and new food options to the trip.

Besides, what’s more quintessential American that the road trip?

#6 Work in Another Country (For awhile)

While I have studied abroad, I have never had the opportunity to work abroad. Equally important to learning a language abroad is learning to work with others while abroad. Learning the cultural differences from a work setting is an opportunity I don’t want to pass up on. Plus, I’ve been born and raised in the U.S.A. Why not try something new? I could benefit from a “siesta” (if I went to Spain) quite a bit.

#5 Own my own business

When I was little, I owned my own little business: Hol’s Co. I made poorly made little artwork and sold it to my relatives through a monthly newsletter created on Microsoft Publisher. I even started my own “restaurant” in our kitchen where I would design a fancy menu and ask my parents to pay me so that I could cook them food that they had paid for. Ah, childhood. But seriously, the entrepreneurial spirit inside of me has not gone away. I still have that passion. I just have to figure out what my niche or creative idea would be. I know I will find it.

#4 Run Disney’s Princess Half Marathon

Just two and a half years ago, I weighed nearly 35 pounds heavier than I did now. I primarily relied on a horrible diet and barely left the couch. When I made a vow to myself to start running, I kept it. I used to be able to only run 5 minutes. Now I can run up to an hour. While I am slow, I am slowly working my way up. I am confident that with training, I will be able to accomplish this race.

Oh? And why Disney Princess? Because I’ve been obsessed with Disney for my entire life! It brings so much magic to my life.

#3 Go on a world cruise

I did not even know these existed until recently. But when I did, I knew that it had to be on my bucket list. For the tiny price of around $25,000, you can travel the world on a Princess Cruise. Every year, they typically have two different round the world cruises. This January, the 111-day cruise takes you from L.A. to Hawaii to New Zealand to Australia to Malaysia to China to Vietnam to Thailand to Singapore to India to Dubai to Jordan to Egypt to Italy to France to Spain to Portugal to Bermuda to Curacao to Bermuda to Ft. Lauderdale to Columbia to Panama to Costa Rica to Mexico and ends in Los Angeles. So perhaps saying “traveling the world” is very vague…but this is an achievable way to do it……if I can find the money, that is.

#2 Become 100% fluent in Spanish

I would estimate that I am anywhere between 60-75% fluent in Spanish. But, I am not completely there. After all of the years and effort I have invested in learning the language, I want to be able (for once and for all) be able to call myself bilingual. Language learning and proficiency is a key component that is sadly lacking in our school system in the U.S.A.

#1 Have a FamilyMy whole life, I have known that meeting the right person to start a family with will be important to me before I “kick the bucket.” I have always been a family-oriented person. I am extremely close with my family. I know that starting one of my own is something that I want.

(Side note if she sees this: NOT ANYTIME SOON, MOM – DON’T WORRY!)

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