bucky the boar bullies no more publisher

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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Bucky the Boar was a blissful being.

He wallowed and wandered freely through the willows. He jogged jubilantly through the jungle.

He had his family, Mama Boar, Papa Boar, Billy

Boar, and Beatrice Boar. Together they were


But then one day, Bucky was playing in a pit, preoccupied with his pleasure. Then, “BAM! POW! KAZAM!” Bucky the Boar was abducted.

When Bucky awoke, he was dazed and disgrun-tled. He called out for his mom, but no response came. He then saw a sign that read, “Indiana Forest Nature Preserve.”

Bucky scratched his head, scared and stumped,

for he was more than a stone’s throw away from

home. He was on the other side of the world!

In a raging rampage, Bucky ran and

roared rapidly.

He stomped down all of the flowers, and kicked

the other animal’s houses apart. The forest

animals were scared of Bucky.

Just down the path was a little school house.

There was a commotion, as they heard a mighty

holler. Bucky flew through the door, furious and


The school animals tried talking to the tyrant, but he just tossed them aside. He made fun of them and made a mess. If one of them got in the way, he pushed them away.

Fred the Frog tried being friends with the foe. He offered some oreos, but Bucky said no and stomped on his toe.

“That’s it! I’ve had enough! Quit being a bully! We were here first, and now you come and stomp down our homes and food, kick us around, and hog all our food. Now be nice or go away!” Yelled Dor-othy Duck.

Bucky the Boar had steam coming from his tusks. With a quiver and a shiver, Bucky walked out. The other animals sighed in relief.

Bucky the Boar had steam coming from his tusks. With a quiver and a shiver, Bucky walked out. The other animals sighed in relief.

“You did it Dorothy! He’s gone!” They all cheered. Bucky the Boar walked back to his lonely home. Dorothy felt bad and followed him home to say sorry.

Bucky entered his lonely home. He missed his family and the home he loved. He missed playing in the field out back. “I want to go home!” Bucky cried out, and he began to weep.

Dorothy the Duck heard this and was surprised. “Bucky, are you okay?”

Bucky looked up. “No, I do not belong here. I

miss my family, and my home is no where near.

It’s on the other side of the world.”

Dorothy Duck tried to think of a plan. “Maybe we can figure something out. We can get you home!”

Dorothy and Bucky walked back to the school together to figure out a plan. When they walked through the door all of the other animals went silent

“Listen! We need to get Bucky home. It’s why he’s been so mean. He’s not in the right environment, and he misses his family.” Dorothy Duck announced.

All of the animals stared at Bucky, waiting for him to blow up in a fit of rage. “I just want to say how sorry I am for being so mean to you guys. I have a bit of an anger issue. If there’s anything I can do to make it up to you guys, I will do it.” Bucky said. “It’s okay, Bucky. Now let’s get you home!” Ralph Raccoon yelled.

So the animals got to work sawing, nailing, measuring, and estimating. Everyone pitched in to help. Bucky was excited to finally go home

When the animals were finished building, they un-covered it to show Bucky. They had built a cata-pult! Dorothy patted it and said, “Hop on in Bucky. It’s about time you stopped eating all of our food anyways!” she laughed.

Bucky was mesmerized. He hugged all of the animals to say thank you. He got in the catapult and got ready for take off.

“On the count of three!” Dorothy yelled.




Sally the squirrel cut the rope, releasing the


WEE! WEE! WEEEEEEE!” Bucky squealed all the way home!

Bucky soon landed and found out that the catapult worked! He was home and happy to see his family. The animals cheered, they could live in peace again.

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