buddhism. world population -approx. 376 million followers buddhism is the 4 th largest religion in...

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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World Population-approx. 376 million followers

Buddhism is the 4th largest religion in the world.

Buddhism: world distribution

Basic Information:• Began in India

• Branched off and developed from Hinduism

• Goal of Buddhism is to reach enlightenment (nirvana)• points to a way of life that avoids self-indulgence and

self-denial.• no supreme god or deity—it is neither Polytheistic or

Monothesitc• Founder is: Siddhartha Gautama (BUDDAH)

founder• Siddhartha Gautama, or Buddha which means

“enlightened one”• lived in the 5th century BC• born into the Warrior Caste-led a luxurious lifestyle.

• Became troubled by the human misery that he saw around him everyday.

• He believed that desire was the root cause of all suffering

• Focus is on Peace & Harmony• not considered a god by his followers

What is the fundamental cause of

all suffering?

What is the fundamental cause of

all suffering?

Desire!Desire! Therefore, extinguish the Therefore, extinguish the

self, don’t obsess about self, don’t obsess about yourself.yourself.

-Major Beliefs of Buddhism-The 1st major belief is: The Four

Noble Truths

The 2nd major belief is: The Eightfold Path

The 3rd belief is: Reincarnation

The 4th belief is Karma:

Eightfold PathEightfold Path

NirvanaNirvana Being at one with the Being at one with the ultimate spirit.ultimate spirit.

Escape from the cycle of Escape from the cycle of

rebirth (reincarnation). rebirth (reincarnation).

There are two main Everyday practices to follow:

1. Live by a moral code:– Do not kill– Do not steal– Do not lie

2. Meditation: – training the mind to empty all of it’s thoughts.

When this happens what is important becomes clear

Spiritual leaders

• Monks

• Significant leader today: Dalai Lama (Tibetan Buddhism)

The Many images of Buddha

• Statues of Buddha may include up to 32 symbols.

• Any # of these symbols can be used on statues.

• (For example, the Buddha is often shown with a bump on on the top of his head. This is a symbol that he had special talents. He is often seen with a round mark on his forehead, which is his third eye. This is a symbol to show that he could see things ordinary people cannot see. He may be shown with curled hair, which is a symbol that he was a very holy man. Sometimes he has long ears, which is a symbol that he came from an important family, and also that he could hear things that other people could not.

Buddha – 19c Thailand

Buddha – 19c Thailand

Buddha’s head :


Buddha’s head :



• Who is the founder of Buddhism?

• What are the 4 Noble Truths?

• Who is considered “God” in Buddhism?

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