buffy the vampire slayer - transmedia

Post on 17-May-2015






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Buffy The Vampire Slayer 1-0-1

Brainchild of American Writer/Director Joss Whedon.

Synergistic storytelling; Joss at the helm.

Led to TV spin-off, comics, novels, video games.

Intercompositional transmedia artifact.

The ‘Buffyverse’ & Canon BuffyWhat is the Buffyverse?

BTVS is regularly cited as one of the most popular cult shows of all time.

‘good transmedia campaigns should anchor core fans into their campaign.’ - Dan Light

“Speaking of Darkhorse Comics, they are starting a new Buffy comic...and Angel and be canon in the Buffy world. And I understand it that way 'cause I'M WRITING IT.” - Joss Whedon

Reboot = FAIL.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1992)

Point of entry for the transmedia franchise.

Established the storyworld.

• Retroactive transmedia artifact.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)

Primary medium of the transmedia franchise.

Considerably enhanced the storyworld established in the movie.

Themes: Shifting nature of good and evil.

Angel (1999-2004)

The first major point of view shift.

Many characters caRry over, many new ones are introduced.

Buffyverse is expanded, both in L.A and Sunnydale.

Crossover episodes.

Buffy the vampire slayercomic books/season 8-9

Produced by joss wheden & Published by dark horse comics on march 14 2007Continues after the 7th season of buffy tv series (2007-2011)Season 8 comic book series followed by season 9 comic book seriesIn season 9 comics a major character dies, significantly advancing the plot in the comic book platform and creating a narrative gap for those who did not read this series.

BTVS: Xbox game (2002)

Set in a narrative gap in the TV show.

Relied on typically wry Buffy-style humour.

Features voiceover work of many of the show’s principle actors.

Buffy the vampire slayerpiecework cards

Released for buffy the vampire slayer’s 10th anniversaryMakes the storyworld tangible to the userSubsets

Exclusive information about characters/storyworld by creator joss whedenExclusive “season 8” cards with new storylines for buffy season 8

“In the ideal form of transmedia storytelling, each medium does what it does best-so that a story

might be introduced in a film, expanded through television, novels, and comics, and its

world might be explored and experienced through game

play.” Henry Jenkins, “Transmedia Storytelling,”


SHAW, B. 2010. Interview with Dan Light, Part I: engaging online communities [Online]. BBH LABS Available: http://bbh-labs.com/interview-with-dan-light-part-i-engaging-online-communities/ [Accessed 7th April 2013].

ULABY, N. 2003. 'Buffy Studies' End of TV Series Clouds Future of Odd Academic Discipline [Online]. NPR. Available: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1262180 [Accessed 5th April 2013].

• JENKINS, H. 2003. Transmedia Storytelling [Online]. MIT Technology Review. Available: http://www.technologyreview.com/news/401760/transmedia-storytelling/page/3/ [Accessed 1st April 2013].

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