bugils bi-weekly #18

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Bugils Bi-Weekly #18


You can enjoy french style crepes, or really good home made ice-creams. In the evening Aaltje is focussed on wines and cheeses. The chef is plan-ning to launch daily specials starting next week. Why smoke-free? Bartele explains. "I want to watch my own health a bit as well. I've inhaled enough smoke over the years, even though I am a non-smoker. It is just pleasant to enjoy Van Morrison music

and a good wine, and then to realise, when you come home, that your clothes still smell fresh!". The smokers do not really mind, so far. They go outside to light up a cigarette. An expat customer: "I am a smoker, but after a few evenings in Aaltje, I actu-ally appreciate it that my eyes do not hurt on my way home!" Another, local customer: "No worries. We will get used to it".


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Life in Indonesia, it’s always getting better!Issue #18 - 18th October - 2010Every first and third week of the month


The Regional Initiatives for Gover-nance, Human Rights and Social Justice (Rights) of ASEAN indicates that around 1,000 islands in the Riau Islands have yet to be named. The situation is said to have the potency of causing territorial con�icts between Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia.

"The islands are bordered with Johor (Malaysia), Singapore and Riau Islands," said ASEAN Rights Regional Director, Ellena Florance Manambe, yesterday, Oct 12.

According to Ellena, the 1,000 islands are fully situated in the Indonesian territories. It is the right of the Riau Islands administration to name the islands as stipulated in Law No.32/2004 on Regional Autonomy.

The Riau Islands administration is appealed to take the measure as soon as possible in anticipating the future e�ects. "There are �sh �our and high marine resources due to its archipelagic site," he said.

Ellena also reminds about Indonesian children living in the nameless islands and are mostly working in Malaysia.

1,000 Nameless Riau Islands

May Be Claimed

Bartele has opened another typical cozy, Dutch style cafe, right next door to the German bar The Stube. Aaltje Cafe (named after his mother) is open for breakfast starting at 7am, and stays open till midnight.

Send us your comments and stories to : readers@bugilsnews.com

2 BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #18 - 18th October 2010

Eastern Promise business hours : 10 am ‘till late l. Kemang Raya 5, Kemang Phone: (021) 717.901.51 lens.ep@bugilsnews.com S 6°15’17 - E 106°48’33

De Hooi business hours : 9 am ‘till late Pondok Indah Plaza 2 Phone: (021) 750.07.42 dehooi@bugilsnews.com S 6°17’11 - E 106°46’51

The Cazbar business hours : 7 am ‘till late Kantor Taman E3.3 unit A1 Jl Mega Kuningan Ph: (021) 576.45.82 ray@bugilsnews.com S 6°13’52 - E 106°49’40

BuGils Bali business hours : 10 am ‘till late Jl Dewi Sartika 1 BB, Tuban, Bali Ph: (0361) 758.322 widi_bugils@yahoo.com S 8°44’24 - E 115°10’01

Aaltje Bakery Jl. Kemang Raya 5, Kemang Ph: (021) 717.901.51 bartele@me.com S 6°15’17 - E 106°48’33

Bartele Gallery Kantor Taman E3.3 unit A1 Jl Mega Kuningan Ph: (021) 576.45.75 bartele@me.com S 6°13’52 - E 106°49’40

Newspaper Direct - Jakarta Jalan Raya Kemang No. 5 Ph: (021) 719.44.05 edo@newspaperdirect-jakarta.com S 6°15’17 - E 106°48’33

BuGils WeeklyLife in Indonesia, it’s always getting better!


Issue #18 - 18th October 2010

Publisher: BuGils Group E-mail: newsletter@bugilsnews.com

Editorial Coordinator: Wirawan Herdyanto

Design Consultant: Wirawan Herdyanto

Contributors: Bartele Santema, Lens Ter Wee, Jasper Bouman, Edo

Frese, Harry McMechen, Ray Attree, Daniel Ayoub

Printing: NewspaperDirect ™ edo@newspaperdirect-jakarta.com www.newspaperdirect-jakarta.com

All BuGils bi-Weekly materials copyright 2010, Newspaper Direct - Jakarta. No re-use may be made in any form without prior written permission and payment of applicable fees, if any. This includes, but is not limited to, print, tape, film, CD-ROM, computer online services and merchandise logos.

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3Issue #18 - 18th October 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly


JAKARTA - Thousands of students have been given the chance to learn business skills through a recent government program to boost entrepreneurship in the country.

The state has been working with the International Labor Organization to implement the project, which stresses the need for business training in schools.

So far, a network of 250 teachers have been trained to teach a module called “How to Start and Improve Your Business” to students across the country.

Under the joint program, the ILO works with Vocational Education Development Centers (P4TK) in Cianjur and Bandung, West Java, as well as in Malang, East Java, to train teachers.

The Ministry of National Education has also replicated the ILO’s “Know About Business” curriculum and has trained 10,800 teachers in more than 4,500 schools since 2008.

The government wants to address the alarmingly low rate of entrepreneurship in Indonesia and help boost 70 percent of businesses nationwide that make up the informal economy.

Peter van Rooij, head of the ILO’s mission in Jakarta, said he was optimistic the program would succeed. “People here are actually very creative, but the issue is that they lack business skills,” he said.

ILO’s programs were in line with the state’s drive to support creative indus-tries, he said.

Suwadi, a trainer from the P4TK in Malang, said Indonesia should maximize its abundant human resources.

“Our problem is only that we do not have enough spirit or knowledge about business and the courage to start one. [We do not] take risks as entrepreneurs,”

Indonesian Youths Get Trained in Business Skillssource : thejakartaglobe.com Nur�ka Osman

source : en.vivanews.com Agus Dwi Darmawan

The Ministry of Finance recom-mends the increase in tobacco tax tari� by �ve percent next year in line with the in�ation rate which is estimated to rise 5.3 percent. According to acting head of the Fiscal Policy Agency, Agus Supri-jadi, the increase is suggested to improve the targeted state revenue at Rp 2 trillion. "We've calculated that [the tobacco tax] would rise �ve percent," he said in the Ministry of Finance today, Oct 12. Director General of Custom and Excise, Thomas Sugijata, said the increase is realistic. According to the agency, the tobacco tax will not yet be subjected to 57 percent of rise. "The increase will be estimated in mean number because we're taking into account such aspect as employment," said Thomas. The cigarette industry, he said, involves around two million work-ers in its production phase while six million others are bene�ted indirectly from the industry.

"Our aim in restricting production is achieved and employment is not directly a�ected," said Thomas.

The tobacco tax will not yet be subjected to 57 percent of rise.

Tobacco Tax to Rise 5% in 2011

he said.

Suwadi has been training teachers on entrepreneurship for several years, including 378 teachers at vocational schools and high schools in West Papua and Papua provinces.

He said the entrepreneurship skills that �lter down to trainees could help them address the country’s chronic unem-ployment problem through job creation.

“If all Indonesians, regardless of their interests, age or gender, are provided with entrepreneurial skills, Indonesia will become a great nation,” he said.

The joint education program is part of the ILO’s Education and Skills Training for Youth Employment (EAST), a four-year livelihood initiative funded by the Netherlands, which focuses on South Sulawesi, West Papua, East Nusa Teng-gara, Maluku, Papua and Aceh.

Patrick Daru, chief technical adviser of the EAST project, says one of the challenges his team has faced is working with various state ministries that have di�ering standards on the quality of education programs.

“Quality assurance here is very impor-tant, and how you can make sure the practical skills are implemented,” Daru said, adding that it was vital to start teaching entrepreneurship as early as grade school.

The ILO curriculum included case studies and instructions on carrying out games and business simulations. Parents are also encouraged to get involved in developing the students’ business skills.

Budi Maryono, EAST’s national program o�cer for entrepreneurship, said the program has already helped around 9,000 youths.

“The program has given [the students] a lot of skills and self-con�dence,” Budi said.

A landmark decision striking down an Indonesian book-banning law that has been used since the days of ex-dictator Suharto to clamp down on dissent was welcomed Thursday by historians, authors and rights activists.

For more than four decades, the attor-ney general's o�ce could unilaterally prohibit publication or distribution of books deemed "o�ensive" or a "threat to public order."

But the Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday such power should rest with a judicial court.

"It's great," said historian Hilmar Farid. "It symbolizes the end of a period of darkness for all of us. It will allow future generations to learn the truth about everything, from science to history."

Suharto stepped down in 1998 after 32 years of dictatorial rule, leading to reforms in the predominantly Muslim nation of 237 million that freed the media, vastly improved human rights and gave citizens the right for the �rst time to directly pick their leaders.

Though the country is now seen as one of the most democratic in the region, some authoritarian policies remain in place, such as a continuing ban on communist and other left-wing organi-zations.

A group of authors and publishers

The Indonesian government claims that the four main targets of macro economy attached in the 2010-2014 National Mid-term Development Planning for the year 2010 has been reached. They are economic growth, in�ation rate, unemployment rate and poverty rate.

In the development planning, the targeted economic growth in 2010 is set at 5.6 percent, in�ation rate at six percent, unemployment rate at 7.6 percent and poverty rate at 13.5 percent.

Indonesia Revokes Book-ban Law

Poverty Rate Falls 0.8 Percent

source : en.vivanews.com Bonardo Maulana Wahono

whose books were banned last year asked the Constitutional Court to review the 1963 regulation that allowed it.

Their books - and others - touched on sensitive topics like separatist-torn Papua province, inter-religious con�icts, the role of the military and even scienti�c research.

In striking down the law, Judge Mohammad Mahfud told the court: "Any banning of books must be done through the legal process in a court."

Hundreds of books have been banned since the 1960s, including almost all 34 books and essays by late Indonesian author Pramoedya Ananta Toer, an outspoken democracy advocate who spent 14 years in jail during Suharto's reign.

In the last year alone, the government banned "Pretext for Mass Murder," a book about the role of the military in Suharto's rise to power by John Roosa, a professor at the University of British Colombia, and four other books written by Indonesians.

Artist and illustrator Alit Ambara said he was thrilled.

"It will give students the change to learn about the past from di�erent perspectives," he said, noting that history books continue to blame the Communist Party for an apparent abor-tive coup in 1965 that helped Suharto rise to power.

The economic growth in the �rst semester of this year reached 5.9 percent.


4 BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #18 - 18th October 2010

Dos Hermanos Royal Collection

Each masterfully hand-rolled cigar is wrapped with the rare deli tobacco leaf, a fine ingredient that can be harvested on the northern region of Sumatra. Better known as the famous Sumatra wrapper, this fine tobacco will show o� Its silky color and texture while delivering a mild, medium - bodied smoke with a tender mix sweet, spicy notes. This is an excel-lent choice for all cigar loversType and Size: Churchill “50X7.5”,Toro “50X6”, and Robusto “50X5.5”

Dos Hermanos Premium Collection

You will discover the well-balanced fla-vor that is complemented by its famous Besuki wrapper, found solely on the east-ern coast of the island java. It will deliver satisfaction for any occasion.

Type and Size: Churchill “50X7.5”,Toro “50X6”, and Robusto “50X5.5”



The Russian government plans to advance its partnership with Indonesia on energy sector particularly nuclear power plant.

Deputy Chairman of Russian Parliamen-tary, Yasev Valery, in a discussion with Indonesian Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives (DPR), Marzuki Alie, said, "several companies in Russia are ready to discuss the matter with Indonesia. Today, Russia has won four tenders on nuclear reactors in China and to nuclear reactors in Vietnam," on Wednesday, Oct 13.

He went on to say that Russia is prepared to socialize on nuclear energy issue to the Indonesian people. 'We're ready to be invited to make people know of nuclear energy. We'll convince them that nuclear is safe," said Yasev.

With regard to the power plant tender in

Indramayu, West Java, he said that Russian investors have been on the process. However, no clarity as to this day on the tender winner of the power plant.

DPR Chairman Marzuki Alie said the relations between the two countries will be better in the future. "We're grateful of the support provided by the Russian parliamentary," he said.

House, he said, must prioritize parlia-mentary duties. In principle, Indonesia �t out chances for foreign investors to out in investment especially on energy sector.

Therefore, said Marzuki, Russia must �nd local partners in supporting businesses to update the latest progress.

According to Marzuki, nuclear issue in Indonesia must still be socialized more optimally because most people still consider nuclear as hazardous.

Russia Ready to HelpIndonesia Build Nuclear

Bali Police Still Unraveling Case Involving Stolen Sacred Objects


5Issue #18 - 18th October 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly

source : en.vivanews.com Ar� Bambani Amr

Denpasar. Bali is known for sun, sand and �ve-star resorts. Apparently, you can now add to that list international syndicates dealing in stolen sacred objects.

Police on the island have already arrested six Balinese and one foreigner on charges of dealing in sacred objects thought to have been stolen from the hundreds of temples that dot Bali.

They have recovered hundreds of pieces believed to have been stolen, and have also contacted Interpol to help track down any objects that may have already been transported o� the island.

Bali detective Adj. Comr. Benny Murji-anto said on Monday that police had arrested �ve Balinese on charges of stealing the sacred objects.

They have been identi�ed as I Komang Oka Sukaya, Gusti Putu Oka, Wayan Eka Putra, Komang Gede Pariana and I Gusti Komang Suardika.

Another Balinese, I Gusti Lanang Sidemen, and Italian national Roberto Gamba have been arrested on suspicion of buying the stolen items.

Benny said Gamba had planned to sell the sacred objects overseas. “We are still investigating where he planned to sell the sacred objects.”

He said the group had operated in Badung, Gianyar and Karangasem districts, and that police had received 29 reports of thefts involving sacred objects from these districts.

Police have recovered 23 sacred items, known as pratima, and hundreds of

source : en.vivanews.com Ar� Bambani Amr

ritual objects made of silver. Gamba allegedly bought the objects for between Rp 250,000 and Rp 7 million ($30 to $780) each, depending on the age and design.

Police also seized one car, two motor-cycles and two cellular phones from the suspects. “The police also con�scated Roberto’s laptop to try to track the trade network,” Benny said.

Meanwhile, an emotional Gamba, who was presented to the press with the other suspects, denied all of the charges. He said he had no idea the objects he bought were stolen.

“I did not know they were stolen goods, and I had no knowledge at all that they were also sacral objects. I only bought them from an art shop,” he said.

6 BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #18 - 18th October 2010

BUGILS FCThe �rst game of the new league season....and it’s not the most auspicious start......Japan at Sentul on a pitch we could have been sharing with the �shing �eet. We certainly ended up looking like a bunch of stunned mullets. Seriously, the amount of water on that pitch could have supplied the bathwater for a week for a medium sized French town......(?). *ahem*........Boris the keeper (aka King) made the most of the conditions to practice his sliding interceptions in an attempt to dominate his area, though it was never clear if he got the intended target. Aside from Boris, none of the BuGils team adapted as well to the atrocious, farcical conditions as our Japanese opponents and we all agree they deserved their victory for some �ne skills and athleticism. The three chaps wearing yellow had problems with the conditions too, although it is di�cult to see the connection between dealing with the swamp underfoot and missing a blatant bloody hand ball on a goal bound shot!!!....which should have seen us one man up from late in the �rst half (albeit still two goals down). Anyway, we’re not bitter.........or twisted......and we know it’s not nice to criticize the refs..... but we also know that if we’d come anywhere close to victory that would have been cited as a crucial turning point on which the result of the match (and maybe the entire season) depended. By no means did we ever come close to sharing the spoils in this match so let’s forget it huh? So never mind those o�cials........after the game our own o�cial (Ray, Googly Goggs....league secretary and BugIls’ ‘Enforcer’) made an o�cial announcement, in his o�cial capacity,....as an o�cial ....and did well to handle a substantial amount of heckling...not least from a street smart nine year old....girl. It was beer o’clock so no-one remembers the o�cial subject of the o�cial announcement except it was something to do with not allowing someone to play in their own back yard. A little later a mysterious, nay suspicious, aroma of strawberries in the dressing room created some confusion. The mystery was �nally, satisfactorily (?) explained by the fact that two players had brought along Body Shop Strawberry Body Polish with which to carry out their ablutions*. Having sorted that one out it was time to head o� to Eastern Promise with brief stops in Star Deli and Mariyahs for eats......Unusually and unfortunately noth-ing of note occurred for the rest of the evening – let’s hope BuGils FC gets back to winning ways, in the bars at least, very soon, or this newsletter will have one of those pages which says ‘this page has been intentionally left blank’. As a �nal note, the follow-ing morning one of the watching WAGs summed up the di�erence between the teams with a very astute tactical observation – the Japanese won because they were slimmer...!

*note - only one claimed he had ‘inherited it’ from a ‘girlfriend’

Another Saturday afternoon and another defeat for BuGils. This time to another pub team – Murphy’s – whom we thought before (and after) the game should have been beatable. There had been a lot of talk about whether Murphy’s could raise enough players. To their credit, and to BuGils discredit, Murphy’s turned up with more players than us.....including one who had apparently been persuaded mid-drinking session to come along and play. He did well overall, albeit picking up a yellow card in the process for a scything tackle which left the victim (Yvon) covering at least 50% of his body with Dettol and Betadine in EP after the game. BuGils being the team it is, Yvon didn’t get much sympathy – in fact much laughter ensued when we heard that he was heading back to work in Italy the following day...�ying economy, or classe vache as they say in Yvon’s lingo. That must have been a tres, tres uncomfortable trip, non? Many of the BuGils team were heading to functions later in the evening so there was not much chance for the usual apres game and associated noteworthy happenings . This was compensated for on Sunday though as many of the team gathered to see ‘King’ o� on his three month (or so) trip to Perth. King had o�ered to buy a few pitchers which always guarantees a good turn out and those of us who turned up were most grateful – thanks King, see you soon..........now where do we �nd another goalie willing to stand a round or two (rather than just stand around)?. We were also grateful that our friends from Guadeloupe* joined – one all in black and the other all in white. John, in white, stole the show with his white shorts and white, buckled loafers. Huggy Bear would have traded his fur jacket and Danny Zuko might have traded Sandy for a pair of those! John and Gio (aka Jonathan) also entertained with their attempted explanations of their antics during the game on Saturday – on several occasions the pair were engaged in heated exchanges in French accompanied by animated �apping of shirts around the midri�. Was this some form of insult, focusing on the male genitalia? Was it Guadeloupe sign language for “mark your man”? Or was it simply an attempt to cool down? We’ll never know as the explanations were inter-rupted by a need to join in yet another rendition of “Aicha, Aicha ecoute moi...” and to initiate a dance competition. The only other memory from the evening was the after e�ect (eurgh!)...oh, and the conclusion that George should have passed.

*please note our friends are actually from Cameroon but apparently Guadeloupe sounds more exotic and has more pulling power. Please also

note that Jasper got his �rst ‘assist’, allowing PEB a nice �nish and a faint temporary hope of salvaging something from the game.

7Issue #18 - 18th October 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly

BUGILS BALIRegular Events




Quiz Night Starts at 8 pm

Winner gets their bill paid for.

Ladies Night(6 pm ‘till close)

Buy one drink and get one free (except wine)



BBQ Night On The Terrace(6 ‘till 9 pm)

Pasta Day

Wings and Beer. Happy Hour!10% o� Bintang Draught and chicken wings for 1000/pc (dine in only)

Bali Pictures


With US

Contact us at :


8 BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #18 - 18th October 2010

CazbarAre you or your best friend having a Birthday? Maybe you or some one you know is leaving? Need some where for co�ee mornings or club meetings? Let us make your occasion a success, upstairs in the Cazbar sport bar where we cater to your needs. Give us a call now or if your close by, pop in and speak to one of our sta�. We are here to help.

e v e r yS u n d a y

f rom 15 .00 - 18 .00with P IMM's No. 1 and Sangria promos

9Issue #18 - 18th October 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly

CAZBARCazbar Jokes

Participants:Ray Attree, Road gallon

Messages:Road gallon: Guts and Balls. We've all heard about people having Guts or Balls. But do you really know the di�erence between them?

In an e�ort to keep you informed, here are the de�nitions:

GUTS - Is arriving home late after a night out with the guys,being met by your wife with a broom, and having the Guts to ask:'Are you still cleaning, or are you �ying somewhere?'

BALLS - Is coming home late after a night out with the guys,smelling of perfume and beer, lipstick on your collar, slapping your wife on the butt and having the Balls to say: 'You're next, Baby.'

I hope this clears up any confusion on the de�nitions. Medically speaking, there is no di�erence in the outcome.

Both result in death.

General Knowledge

Next General Knowledge Quiz will be on Thursday, October 28th starts at 8.30pm and quiz master will be Ray Attree and Gadsya.

Featuring six round of ten questions. Teams of four only.

Free draught Heinekenfrom 7.30pm - 8.30pmfor all quiz participants.

The winners of the latest quiz, Unclogged posing with Ray Attree GM of Cazbar.

10 BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #18 - 18th October 2010



Great FoodCold Beer

Friendly FacesEquity Tower

Lower Ground - Unit E & G, SCBD lot 9Jl. Jenderal Sudirman kav. 52-53

11Issue #18 - 18th October 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly

DE HOOISo often I hear people say, “Hey Harry, why is the newsletter always about you? Why don’t you write it about De Hooi?” And I’m like, “Probably because I write the damn thing.” But OK, why don’t I try to make this one about De Hooi. This one will be about the customers and a typical week of them in De Hooi.I guess our �rst regular customer of the day would be Mr. Townsend. He’s of a better vintage, the only way I remember his name (because you know how bad I am with names) is because of The Who and Pete Townsend. He comes in, checks the paper and tips a few cold ones back.Then comes Ross, he comes in mid afternoon to have a wined down from a stressful day of work and to catch up on his programs. He’s usually in the front somewhere with headphones on. Most of the time he’s happy enough to pause his ipod long enough to tell you to f#ck o�. LOL. No, but seriously great guy and fun to talk to.Then comes our regular older natural resource industry men and such and lots of kids from the local international schools around late afternoon. They don’t seem to get along that well but usually tolerate each other. They buzz o� right around sunset.

de Hooi in Pics

Then on most occasions it gets a little quiet, a few people will come for dinner, maybe one or two people will come in to get an early start on the night to come. And then people start slow coming one by one, two by two, etc… and by 9, 10 o’clock De Hooi is a rockin so don’t bother knocking.Mostly younger people but some older, mostly well educated and/or wealthy and mostly Indonesian but some people from all over the world. You can always �nd Girry here Monday thru Friday. He’s the Chinese guy with a fancy hat and lots of bling bling on drinking beer with ice in it. And regularly we have the Brainwash gang, I could name all of them but they know who they are.And there you go. But what I’ve come to notice about De Hooi is you never know what kind of night you’re going to have. It’s really a lot of fun.

Thanks for making De Hooi Southern Jakarta’s favorite beer joint.

Here's that guy Ross I was talking about. He likes his beer.

Here's some of those people I was talking about that come in for the Brainwash regularly.

And here's a Brainwash.

Here's Nunu the guy who's putting together my website for me and that guy Girry who puts ice in

his beer.

Here's a cute chic I just I'd add Some of my hot sta�

12 BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #18 - 18th October 2010

DE HOOIRegular Events






Live Music9.00 pm onwards

FridayLive Music9.00 pm onwards

Get Brainwashed!95/glass 450/pitcher

Quiz Nightstarts at 8 pmMax 4 to a team. Winners drink for free.

Ladies Night(5 pm ‘till close)50% all drinks for ladies

Chicken Wings(6 pm to midnight)1000/piece Hot & BBQ

Bloody Mary Bar(9 am ‘till noon)Free �ow of bloody mary with purchase of breakfast.

Open Mic(8 ‘till late)A free beer for each song.

13Issue #18 - 18th October 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly


Live Music9 pm onwards

Live Music9 pm onwards

Regular Events




Quiz Nightstarts at 8pmEvery last Tuesday of the month

Acoustic with Okta and Irvan (The Icons)(9 pm to midnight)

Pressure Hour(5 ‘till 6 pm)Free beer will be served until anybody, man or woman, visits the toilet or leaves the bar!

FridayThe Lights(Starts at 8pm)Live in our beer garden!


Live String Trio4 ‘till 7 pm (front bar)

EVERY FRIDAY from 11.30 – 14.30 we put on an Indian bu�et!

Eastern Promise Food

Check out our special Menu! Yeah!

Don’t miss our delicious weekend roasts!

22/23 29/30

Roast Porkwith crackling and apple sauce!

A deliciousRoast Lamb with mint sauce!

Please Note that we o�er:FREE WIRELESS Internet Connection (password : epromise) and The Guardian Newspaper daily and Sunday Times!!

Lens ter WeeEastern Promise Kemang 021 7179 01510813 806 30700

EP Live Musicin our Beer Garden!

All live music starts at 21.30With retractable roof!!


Arguably Jakarta's best BritPop band, Flying Syrup (Coldplay, Killers, Oasis, Kaiser Chiefs, Muse etc...)!!!

Live in Our Front BarEvery SundayEvery Tuesday

Okta & Irvan (The Icons) brings you some popular sing-along hits!

The Live String Trio and their pub classic and Irish folk tunes!


Their 1st EP performance last month blew everyone away... Yes, these guys can play. Ladies and Gentlemen: SOS Band!


Centerstage Centerstage Centerstage Centerstage!!!!!!!

14 BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #18 - 18th October 201014


The exhibition is entering its �nal (and discounted!!)2 weeks!!KaleidoscopeA wonderful exhibition of photography by long-term Jakarta expatYusaf KhalilBeing held at the Eastern Promise Gallery

The artist behind the caricatures by the way is : Armen

and if you’d like to order your own caricature you can call him on:

0856 972 932 45

EP Caricature

This caricature drinks free beer every 2nd Monday of the month . Can you guess the man behind the moustache?

Last week's caricature couple was of course Tom 'The Stripper' Elliott and 1st to reply the correct answer was fellow stripper and rugby buddy Dan McNally. Well done Dan!

Tom (left) during a Danger�eld performance in our beer garden a few months ago... We have yet to identify the guy in the blue wig....

Becky’s Window

BuGils FC player John (middle, and carried by Boris and Sergio)) wins this week's window model award for his 'Miami Vice' super white moccasins... Well done John!

15Issue #18 - 18th October 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly





EP in Pics






EP is pleased to announce the opening of its upcoming exhibit: the watercolor painting of Eran Fraenkel, that opens on Thursday, November 4th, 2010, at 19:00.

Born in Jerusalem, Eran Fraenkel has lived all over the world: in the US; the Balkans; Western Europe; the Middle East; and since 2005 in Indonesia. Eran’s story has always been rooted in music. In his early teens, he discovered Balkan folk music and since then has been immersed in traditional musical cultures from SE Europe, the Middle East, and now Indonesia.

Eran founded and played in various Balkan bands, including MERAK in Los Angeles. For him, MERAK, meaning “passion” in the Balkans, is where music and painting intersect.

As a self-taught artist, Eran is inspired by all his diverse musical experiences that he fuses to create rhythm, texture, and timbre in paint. Eran has also been in�uenced by the calligraphic traditions of Islam and the geometries of Islamic art, as is evident in his pen and ink drawings.

So -- come, have a wonderful meal, and go home with a unique work of locally created art.

They brightened up the whole bar.... How has he managed to keep them this white??

Grand Opening:The Watercolor Paintings of Eran Fraenkel 4 November 2010, at 19:00

16 BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #18 - 18th October 2010

BARTELE GALLERYWillem Gerard Hofker (1902 - 1981)

Bartele GalleryKantor Taman E3.3 Unit A1 4th Floor (Via Cazbar)Jl. Mega KuninganJakarta, IndonesiaTel: +62 21 5764575Fax: +62 21 5764576Email: bartele@me.com

(Fig 1) Premie ETS. Ni Asoeg with Ardja Headdress, 1944, etching available in the gallery.

This extremely influencial artist was born on 2nd May 1902 in The Hague, the Netherlands. His father, Gerrit Jan Hofker, a public servant with the postal services, was also an amateur artist and writer. As well as attending the Haagse Academie and the Rijksacademie voor Beeldende Kunsten, he was also educated by Willem Witsen and Isaac Israel who were friends of his father.

In 1927 Willem Hofker won the 2nd prize at the Prix de Rome and in 1930 he married Maria Rueter, also a painter, daughter of Georg Rueter who was a painter and lecturer at the Rijksacademie voor Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam.

In the 1920s Hofker concluded a number of monumental decorative assignments, one of which was for the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomvaart Maatschappij, for whom he made a few mural paintings of ships. His reputation as a portrait artist was such, that he received the assignment in 1936 to paint a portrait of Queen Wilhelmina for the head office of the Koninklijke Pakketvaart Maatschappij (KPM) in Batavia in the East Indies.

In 1938 the couple accompanied the painting to the Dutch East-Indies and concluded with a trip through the colonies. During this trip they made drawings and paintings of Indonesian subjects which could be reproduced and used by the KPM.

The Hofkers settled in Bali where Willem made popular drawings of Balinese landscapes and people. They socialised with many painters including Spies, Strasser, Meyer and their good friend Rudolf Bonnet. In 1940, the couple moved to Ubud and in the period between 1938 to 1944 most of Hofker’s work in Indonesia was created. His art pieces were refined and flowing, as well as poetic. His paintings were idealised, but never overly romanticised, portraits focusing on real people.

In the Second World War, Hofker was forced by the KNIL (Royal Dutch East-Indies Army) in Surabaya to join the services, upon which his wife and he were interned by the Japanese occupier in different camps, he himself in Tanah Toraja, in central Celebes (Sulawesi). During this period, most of the sketches of Maria Hofker were lost. At the end of the war, the couple decided not to join the Indonesian nationalists and returned home to the Netherlands.

Back home in the Netherlands, Hofker still continued to record people and landscapes of Bali on paper and canvas. In the latter part of his life, Hofker published his works and his Balinese pieces were very much in demand and drew

(Fig 2) Charming & Beautiful Bali. Bali Hotel, 1948, lithograph poster available in the gallery.

international attention.

Willem Gerard Hofker died in Amsterdam on 30th April 1981, but he lives on in his art. He will be remembered for painting the ultimate icons of Bali’s extraordinary pre-World War II “Golden Age”.

17 Issue #18 - 18th October 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly


ITHF The 5th IndonesiaTravel and Holiday Fair 2010

Time : Thu, 28 Oct 2010 - Sun, 31 Oct 2010

As the largest consumer travel and holiday fair in Indonesia, ITHF 2010 will feature the most complete and comprehensive travel needs with extraordinary travel bargains. Advancing from last event, this year ITHF estimates more than 30,000 quality visitors with total transaction up to IDR 60 Billions.

Location : Grand Indonesia Shopping TownWeb Site : www.indonesiatravelfair.com

Gadgetry & Rites @ Yuzm Museum

Time : Sun, 01 Aug 2010 - Mon, 01 Nov 2010

Li Hui's works are best understood as a set of

relations and processes, from interactions

with the display environment to the mecha-

nism within each work. The �ve stories of the

Yuz Art Museum serve as a continuous space

manifested as mechanical, spatial and emo-

tive relations which have been activated by

the seven artworks. Location : Darmawangsa Square Web Site : www.yuzf.org

A contemporary Typography Exhibition by 36 Indonesian Young Artist

Location : Smarta Gallery, Jl Bend Jatiluhur no 26 Jakarta Pusat

In the exhibition of The Lazy Dog Jumps Over The Quick Brown Fox, we bring together young artists and designers who are accustomed to experimenting to create new forms of work to use their imagination to respond to the form of typography that they have chosen in this exhibition, thus expected in the exhibition This perspective can be found new, more creative and incisive in exploring the artwork in the form of typography.

Participating Artists : Adityayoga, Adri Tirtoarrazaq, Arya Mulawarma, Abinara, Astronautboys, Diela Maharanie, Dimas Indra Pramana, Des-ignani, Eno-Freshfordeath.com, Griksa Gunadarma Astrawi-nata, Indriasari Purbadjaja, Lidia Puspita Dulam, Yona Yunistia Web Site : www.smartaindonesia.com

18 BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #18 - 18th October 2010

PUZZLE OF THE WEEKSee if you can �gure out what these words all have in common:1. Banana 2. Dresser 3. Grammar4. Potato 5. Revive 6. Uneven 7. Assess

Are you peeking, or have you already given up?Look at each word carefully. You'll kick yourself when you discover the answer. No, it is not that they all have at least 2 double letters...



Easy Sudoku









46 9








Sudoku, known as well as südoku or su doku is a logical kind of Japanese puzzle.

RULES ARE simple, it consists of a 9x9 grid, divided in 9 blocks of 3x3, that have to be �lled up so all rows, columns, and blocks (3x3) contain numbers 1 to 9 without repeating,

YOU OBVIOUSLY start out with some spaces already �lled in. There’s only one possible solution for each sudoku, so be careful!

Di�cult Sudoku










8 79





Got A Puzzle You Want to Share?

Send us the hardest, most confusing puzzle and we’ll put it on the next issue of the BiWeekly.



32 8






19 Issue #18 - 18th October 2010 - BuGils bi-Weekly

SPORTSPuzzle Of The Week (page 20):In all of the words listed, if you take the �rst letter, place it at theend of the word, and then spell the word backwards, it will be the sameword. Did you �gure it out? No? Then send this to more people and stump

Tuesday 19 October

-Wednesday 20 October


Thursday 21 October

Friday 22 October

02:00 04:00 EPL Blackburn Rovers - Sunderland

01:45 03:30 Eredivisie Ajax - AJ Auxerre01:45 03:30 UEFA CL Rangers - Valencia CF

Golf PGA Justin Timberlake Open Day 1

Golf PGA Justin Timberlake Open Day 2Saturday 23 October


Golf PGA Justin Timberlake Open Day 313:00 14:00 F1 Korean GP Qual18:45 20:45 EPL Tottenham Hotspur - Everton 21:00 23:00 EPL Chelsea - Wolverhampton Wanderers 21:00 23:00 EPL Birmingham - Blackpool 21:00 23:00 EPL Liverpool - Blackburn Rovers 21:00 23:00 EPL Sunderland - Aston Villa 21:00 23:00 EPL Wigan Athletic - Bolton Wanderers 21:00 23:00 EPL West Bromwich Albion - Fulham 23:30 01:30 EPL West Ham United - Newcastle United

Sunday 24 October


Golf PGA Justin Timberlake Open Day 414:00 16:00 F1 Korean GP17:30 19:15 Eredivisie Excelsior - Ajax18:45 20:30 UEFA CL Celtic - Rangers19:30 21:15 UEFA CL PSV - Feyenoord19:30 21:30 EPL Stoke City - Manchester United 22:00 00:00 EPL Manchester City - Arsenal

Thursday 28 October


-00:00 01:45 Eredivisie Ajax - sc Heerenveen02:00 03:45 Eredivisie Feyenoord - VVV Venlo02:00 03:45 Eredivisie Vitesse - PSV

Saturday 30 October


14:30 16:15 Rugby Australia - New Zealand18:00 19:45 SPL St Johnstone - Celtic21:00 22:45 SPL Rangers - Inverness CT21:00 23:00 EPL Everton - Stoke City 21:00 23:00 EPL Blackburn Rovers - Chelsea 21:00 23:00 EPL Arsenal - West Ham United 21:00 23:00 EPL Fulham - Wigan Athletic 21:00 23:00 EPL Wolverhampton Wanderers - Manchester City 23:30 01:30 EPL Manchester United - Tottenham Hotspur

Sunday 31 October


00:45 02:30 Eredivisie Heracles Almelo - Ajax01:45 03:30 Eredivisie PSV - FC Twente19:00 21:00 EPL Aston Villa - Birmingham 20:00 21:00 MOTOGP Portugese Moto GP20:30 22:15 Eredivisie AZ - Feyenoord20:30 22:30 EPL Bolton Wanderers - Liverpool 23:00 01:00 EPL Newcastle United - Sunderland

20 BuGils bi-Weekly - Issue #18 - 18th October 2010

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