building a case power point updated slide 4

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Habitat For HumanityWhy We Do What We Do

We must take action to erase sub-standard housing from our community; in doing so, we strengthen the community for us all.

What We Believe

Every child should have a place to call a home. Every man, woman and child in our community should

have a sound roof to shelter them from all kinds of storms.

No one should be forced to pay half of their income to rent a shack home

No child should be forced to sleep on a cold, hard floor in unhealthy and unsanitary conditions.

We Believe That…

According to the City of Mankato Consolidated Plan 2010-2014…

Households with an annual income below 30% of the median income experience the greatest difficulty securing affordable housing. Of more than 1,300 renter households with an annual income below 30% of the median, 76% had a cost burden in 2000. Overall, 59% of these very low income household were paying more than 50% of their income for rent.

The Case for Support

95 million people in the United States- one-third of the nation- have housing problems, including lack of affordability, overcrowding, unsafe conditions, and homelessness.

When individuals and families pay too much for housing, it does not leave enough for other necessities like good nutrition, health care, transportation, education or saving for the future.

When families have a stable, affordable home, they can:-Provide stability for their children-Gain improved health, physical safety, and security-Increase educational and job prospects-Be engaged in their communities

Facts to Support Case Statement

Health: Inadequate housing impacts health, especially the health of children. After moving into

Habitat homes, asthma and allergies are two conditions that dramatically improve in children.

Economic prosperity A healthy housing market attracts businesses that depend on a range of housing options for

their employees. Education: Stable, healthy housing is one of the most effective strategies for improving school

performance in low income children. Transportation When people can find good housing that they can afford near work, it improves our

transportation system by decreasing congestion and reducing commuting costs. Environment Habitat’s commitment to green building produces energy-efficient homes that are more

affordable to maintain. Additionally, building housing near public transportation and thriving job centers results in diminished air pollution and congestion.

Benefits of Decent Housing

Education: Stable, healthy housing is one of the most effective strategies for

improving school performance in low income children. Transportation When people can find good housing that they can afford near

work, it improves our transportation system by decreasing congestion and reducing commuting costs.

Environment Habitat’s commitment to green building produces energy-efficient

homes that are more affordable to maintain. Additionally, building housing near public transportation and thriving job centers results in diminished air pollution and congestion.

Benefits of Decent Housing

Peers pressure is powerful

80% of money raised typically comes from 20% or less of donors

Spend 80% of fundraising time, staff and money on identifying, cultivating and soliciting the top 20% of donors

PD Solutions Inc. Habitat Training Materials 2010

Pertinent Points to Ponder

I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to Habitat for Humanity of South Central Minnesota, Minnesota Inc.

  You may make a specific bequest as follows: the sum of $___________________ or  the property described

as_________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 

Provisions under the will can also be structured in such a way as to utilize and fund additional life income gifts or deferred arrangements

Bequest Form

You may make a residual bequest of assets remaining after all other specific bequests have been satisfied:

The rest, remainder and residue of my estate or   ______________% (or fractional interest) of the rest,

remainder, and residue of my estate You may make a contingent bequest to take effect only if

those named as primary beneficiaries do not survive me, then I hereby give the share that otherwise would be (his/hers/theirs) to the charitable organization. 

Bequest Form

  Designations: (If for a specific project, program, or

use) It is my desire and instruction that is bequest to the

charitable organization be used for the following purposes:


Bequest Form

Every major gift prospect is a campaign in itself Research is critical◦Know your prospect◦ Take time to educate and involve your prospect

The best prospect is one that has had good experience in making previous gifts

PD Solutions Inc Habitat Training Materials 2010

Research Prospects





$308 Billion

2008 Source of Revenue?

Religion; 35%

Education; 13%Foundations; 12%

Human Services; 9%

Public Benefit; 8%

Unallocated; 6%

Health; 7%

Arts; 4%Int'l Affairs; 4%Environment; 2%

Where Contributions Went

Contribution Destinations

Estate giving

Major giving

• 20% donors

• 80% gifts

Annual giving(80% donors

20% gifts)

Basic Giving Pyramid

Actualized donor


committed donor

Local, frequent donor

Established donor

Repeat donor

First time donor


Relationship Pyramid

In Kind donations◦Warehouse space◦Windows◦ Landscaping◦Master Gardeners◦Boulevard trees◦ Shrubs

In Kinds HFH is in need of…

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