burwood bulletin issue #116

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The Community Newsletter for Burwood & DistrictsIssue no. 116 Autumn 2010

Exploring the Track

CNAV Winner of Best Community Content 2009

Great Courses at your Local

Neighbourhood House

Take stock of the Stocks

- Burwood Pioneers


� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

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�March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Burwood Bulletin Inc. ABN 90 904 070 125PO Box 87 Burwood 3125 email info@burwoodbulletin.org www.burwoodbulletin.orgThe Burwood Bulletin wishes to advise that the views or remarks expressed in this publication are not necessarily the views of the Burwood Bulletin editorial or production staff and no endorsement or service is implied by the listing of advertisers, sponsors or contributors. Although every effort is made in reproducing and printing advertisements correctly, we can take no responsibility for errors.

This Issueautumn 2010

Community notices

30-1 lOcAl churches

32-3 ArT & crAfT, hOBBIes

33 BOwlINg cluBs

33 chIldreN’s AcTIvITIes & chIldcAre

34 cOmmuNITy & sPecIAl INTeresT grOuPs

35 dANce

35-6 educATION / self ImPrOvemeNT

36 flOrAl ArT/ gArdeNINg

36-37 frIeNdshIP ANd AcTIvITy grOuPs

38-39 heAlTh ANd suPPOrT grOuPs

40 hIsTOry grOuPs

40 musIc grOuPs

40 cOmmuNITy shOPPINg

41-3 cOmmuNITy ceNTres & AcTIvITIes

44 vOluNTeerINg OPPOrTuNITIes

45 mArkeTs, feTes & fesTIvAls

46-47 ArTs & eNTerTAINmeNT

Features4 the Stocks family — Burwood Pioneers still leaving their mark

7 On ya bike — Exploring the tracks around Burwood

8 Samarinda Lodge — Communication Champions

11 StOP. telegrams. StOP

13 not Soy Wicked — all about Soy Candles

14 a new home for Burwood automative and Exhaust

16 Lifecare — Caring Beyond Boundaries

20 aJ2010— Scouts test their limits

21 the Changing Face of ashwood

22 Head on down to the Highway


Cover Photo

Principally Plants in Ashburton offer a great range of garden ornaments guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.


23 BurwOOd vIllAge TrAders’ rePOrT

24-5 BusINess & smAll BusINess dIrecTOry

25 INfOrmATION fOr AdverTIsers

27 scrIBe’s scrIBBles

Hello from the Editor

what a team effort this Bulletin has been. Our desktop publisher, cheryl, has done a great job working on the Bulletin whilst holidaying in the uk. stojan has nobly stepped up to the plate to manage it from this end and of course all our great writers have taken time out from their January holidays to bring you some interesting stories and I haven’t even mentioned the distribution team yet. And why do we do it? Because volunteering makes us feel good. If you’d like to feel the warmth your get from doing something for your community, check out the volunteering opportunities in our community Notices section.




Deadline for next issue 1st may


your Local





� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

By MarJo Angelico, Waverley Historical Society

People living in the Burwood area could hardly help being familiar with the Stocks name.

here is Stocks Avenue in Ashburton, with Stocks Retirement Village nearby. hen there is Stocks Rd of Huntingdale Road. he post oice in Cleveland Road Ashwood was called Stocksville Post Oice and of course people who have grown up around here remember their parents talking about “Old Mr Stocks” or “Stocksy” or even “Bumpy Stocks.” hey remember seeing the various Stocks’ market gardens, farms, orchards and dairy.

he Stocks family arrived in this area at the dawn of recorded history. Edward Stocks ventured out to the colonies, aged 20, in 1851 on a ship named Lord Ashburton. En route he celebrated his 21st birthday, and also heard about the gold rush. hus, on arrival he bought a horse and dray and supplied provisions to the gold ields. He wanted to save enough to buy some good undeveloped land to settle on.

he irst land sales ever in this area were in 1853. Many people bought the large tracts of virgin land for the equivalent of $3.50 an acre, but most were city speculators. Edward Stocks was arguably the irst one who bought here to settle. He bought what is now the Alamein area, and got busy clearing some light scrub to plant his vegetables for the Melbourne markets. He left standing the beautiful eucalypts - they became the Ashburton Forest.

he day his iancée, Ann Westaby, arrived in 1854, he married her and brought her back to his two-roomed wattle and daub hut.

he day his iancée, Ann Westaby, arrived in 1854, he married her and brought her back to his two-roomed wattle and daub hut. Eventually Edward and Ann had ive sons and three daughters, most of whom stayed in the area and worked the land, as well as building the community. hey bought land in the general area, regardless of municipal boundaries, and were involved in everything. Four Stocks were on the Shire of Mulgrave council, three as Shire Presidents.

Many helped establish churches, schools, and railways. When the Outer Circle railway arrived in 1888, Ashburton station was named in honour of Edward Stocks (the ship he came out on) and another councillor who had grown up in Ashburton Terrace, County Cork, Ireland.

In 1914, when Mt Waverley had a population of only 75, Burwood could boast 1150 residents. It was a food production hub, and the Stocks family were in the centre of it. During both World Wars, their services in food production were considered more important than combat service.

Time went on and a third Stocks generation grew up, settled and served the local community. he Ashwood area developed, and Vic Stocks had a lower farm there. he roads got muddy in poor weather, and people would wear gumboots as far as the main roads and change into shoes at the bus stop.

Mr & Mrs Stocks with their children and grandchildren. Circa 1905.

Celebrating the

�March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Writing Team

Penny Alberts Jean HadlerPriya Mohandoss Jeff SargeantKeith Smith Margaret warlandYoshanthi wellawa Sonia Prasel


Margaret rockow Susan websterCharles Hui rex Condon

Bulletin PeoPle iSSue 116

the Burwood Bulletin is produced by volunteers who provide a range of talents freely for the beneit of the communityPresident Bob StensholtVice President Herbert ederTreasurer Hartley Beer ph 9802 3312Secretary Sonia Prasel ph. 9808 0159Editor Carrie Simmons ph 9888 9865carrie.simmons@optusnet.com.au

Advertising robert Kay ph.9836 5520Layout/Design Stojan Stojanovic Cheryl GrantGraphic Designer laura tynanGraphic Artists linda Hii (Kwik Kopy) Jan HarrisonProofreaders Kathy Soumprou natalie FilmerPrinting BPA Print Grouptom Markovski ph: 9808 6622

It was at Vic Stocks’ place that they left their boots till their return from town. It was after him that Stocksville PO was named.

Local people have told of the sight of Stocks’s horses making their way along High Street Road alone. Graham Stocks would bring them to Fishers Forge to be shoed, and when all were ready, the oldest horse would lead the whole team home.

Bob Stocks did the City of Waverley a wonderful turn when on Council. He discovered Frank Bales and recommended him for Town Clerk, a role he illed magniicently for many years.

Now there are fourth and ifth generation descendants of Edward Stocks, many still in the general vicinity, and still community minded.

hey wanted a small remnant of Stocks land, recently acquired by Monash Council, to stay as public open green space. his is the site of a plaque in honour of the family, which is to be unveiled soon.

I have given you only short snippets, and probably missed worthy others out, but I think you get the idea. he Stocks family have contributed so much to our community. Like Burwood they cross municipal boundaries, but have a strong sense of community and are happy to give as well as receive. We are lucky indeed to have the Stocks family.


INVITATION If you would like to attend the Stocks Plaque

Unveiling on Saturday 27th March, please RSVP to Waverley Historical Society, email whs@kepl.

com.au, or phone 9544 8792. It will be an outdoor bring-and-share occasion.


Graeme Stocks’ family home, c. 1928, which was on Warrigal Road(then called Boundary Road), Ashwood, situated between George and Douglas Streets. Graham’s aunt, Stella Stocks, is standing by the horse and his mother, Winnie, is sitting in the jinker.

The recently laid plaque commemorates the Stocks family’s contribution to the area.

g the Stocks FamilyZ

�March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin �

E x p l o r i n g t h e T r a c kBy Jef Sargeant

Our area is blessed with many parks and outdoor spaces, and one of Melbourne’s most popular bike paths which links many of our larger parks.

Kicking of at the Burwood campus of Deakin University, I ride around Gardiner’s Creek Reserve in an anti clockwise direction. here are dozens of dogs being walked, children learning to ride bikes, joggers and a wide variety of native birds circling the trees and grass. It’s a cloud free spring afternoon, and it seems every man and his dog is out to enjoy it. he park is well used, but the wide paths make for smooth lowing traic, allowing a comfortable ride around the park to Burwood Highway.

he trail rapidly descends through the site of the old Drive In Cinema after crossing Burwood Highway. Now a park, Australia’s irst drive in cinema opened on this site in 1954. he park which now stands in place of the cinema features a gentle hill sloping to the southeast. With development in the decades since, it’s hard to see how a drive in cinema once existed here. he Skyline Burwood as it was known was large enough for 650 cars and was very popular. he movies stopped showing in 1983, replaced by oices for an electrical company. he park is dotted with orchard trees, with a small plaque explaining that apples, pears, cherries and peaches were once grown in the area.

Although one of the trail’s smaller and quieter parks, this park (which extends from Burwood Highway to Highbury Road) is the most interesting from a historical perspective. Just metres from the site of the Burwood drive in cinema lies a replica hut. his hut forms part of the local community garden and provides a sobering reminder of what life was like for the irst settlers who made their way through what now makes up Melbourne’s eastern suburbs.

Linking the hut to the path is a wooden trestle bridge, a recreation of one which spanned the creek near where the present highway lies.

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Once across Highbury Road (heading south) the path snakes through native plantations full of the sound of native birds whistling. Birds lutter through the leaves and across the path. he path here is sealed concrete and very smooth – great for bikes, kids learning to ride and roller blading.

Within a few minutes, the path narrows and runs alongside the creek once more, before opening out and allowing views of houses set among regenerated

lakes. hese ponds are surrounded by native fauna and recreate the environment seen in the area long before suburbia arrived.

On the other side of High Street Road, the path takes you by some of our area’s busiest sporting arenas. Among Ashwood Reserve’s open spaces a wide variety of team sports are ofered. First up is a large soccer pitch, which always seems busy, especially on weekends.

he Waverley Hockey Club calls Ashwood

Reserve home. On most weekends competition heats up between rival teams, with loud,

cheering crowds supporting their favourites. On other days, it’s also quite common to see teams training or to catch the odd game. But be quick – it’s a fast moving game!

Once through a few native trees, you arrive at a large expanse of ovals and rugby pitches. he Rugby Union team, Harlequin, have had their base here since the 1980s and on weekends a large and emotive crowd surround the ield’s borders to cheer on the local boys.

Further along this stretch of parkland are more recreated ponds and native vegetation, recently completed by the City of Monash.

he path continues to Warrigal Road, where it meanders through residential streets before resuming after the Monash Freeway overpass on Waverley Road. From Waverley Road, the Gardiner’s Creek trail meanders along Gardiner’s Creek through Glen Iris and Hawthorn before meeting the Yarra in Burnley. It then continues into the city and is well used be commuters, joggers and those enjoying a nice relaxing afternoon ride!

The bike track, seen here between Highbury Road and High Street, offers some wonderful places to picnic and enjoy the local birdlife.

� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

Embracing new technology is a way of life for residents and staff at Samarinda Lodge, as NATALIE FILMER discovers.

It seems rather apt that the Star Trek catchphrase “Live Long and Prosper” is among the messages staf at Ashburton’s Samarinda Lodge Aged

Services may hear while using the centre’s voice-activated communication system.

he popular science-iction TV show motto could very well sum-up the ethos of the aged care facility.

he centre’s CEO, Tanya Gilchrist, certainly did a double-take when she stumbled across the Star Trek order while testing the new whiz-bang hi-tech communication device. And when she jokingly suggested to the tiny machine “Beam Me Up” it answered with a very convincing whirring sound.

Funny, but true.However, Ms Gilchrist stops laughing when she

explains the very practical way these small devices have changed how Samarinda Lodge operates – allowing staf to spend more time with the centre’s 40 residents to provide the best quality of life.

he wearable Vocera communication system – developed in consultation with the nurse call service Questek and technology providers IBM, Cisco and the US-based AeroScout ¬– uses simple voice commands to instantly connect staf to residents and each other while they continue to work hands-free. his has cut back enormously on time wasted searching for staf who often work behind closed doors while tending to residents in their own private rooms.

he wireless communication also allows residents to alert staf by simply pressing the button on a badge worn around their wrist, attached to their bed, in their bathroom or attached to their wheelie-walkers. Staf can then respond hands-free on their voice-activated communication badge straight to the resident’s portable speaker phone to determine what they need.

he system is linked to a central computer that shows exactly where residents are within a one kilometre radius of Samarinda Lodge, allowing them their freedom and piece of mind that help is not far away whenever they need it.

Ms Gilchrist said the technology helped give people their independence back.

“We’re taking away a little bit of the fear that people have about ageing,” she said. “People don’t want to think about getting old a lot of the time and they don’t ever want to think about the fact that they might end up in an aged care facility. But aged care facilities are homes these days. People come and go and they are out and about and they are shopping, and if they can’t shop we bring shops here.

“If we can take the pressure of some of those areas that they’re not so strong in then that gives them the freedom to be independent in the areas that they can be. We cook and clean for them so they have the energy to go out and play bridge and participate in the things that they want to rather than be exhausted from day-to-day jobs.”

Ms Gilchrist said older people often thought they wanted to be in their own homes, “but the reality is that we don’t live in those four walls.

Speaking acrZ

�March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

From the time we are born to the time we are not able to leave our four walls we are in the community with other people. So people who are not able to get out any more lourish when they come here.”

Harry homas, 86, has been a resident at Samarinda for three years. Each morning he takes an hour-long walk and often meets friends for a cup of cofee at nearby Ashburton Pool. He treats his communications badge like a watch.

“I can do anything I like,” Mr homas said. “I’ve never been able to do that.”

Samarinda has received Federal Government praise for implementing the communication system with an “Innovation in Information Technology” gong in the 2009 Minister for Ageing Awards for Excellence in Aged Care.

Ms Gilchrist said the $225,000 it cost to implement the system was recouped within 10 months. An independent evaluation shows an annual return now of $298,000 in terms of productivity improvements.

And the press-of-a-button technology is certainly a huge improvement on the colourful conversations between truckies that were often intercepted on the walkie-talkies that Samarinda staf previously used.

*he Centre has recently been approved as a venue for the Federal Government’s Broadband for Seniors program.

he centre is now looking for a computer-literate volunteer to spend a couple of hours one morning and one afternoon each week to teach seniors how to send and receive emails and swap iles and photos. Volunteers are also welcome to visit Samarinda for a game of scrabble, gardening or administration.

Contact the centre on 9885 0062.

The centenarian club at Samarinda Lodge are (from left) Desma Wallis, 100, Neva Sayers, 101, Annie Harding, 100, Dorothy Coleman, 100, Syd Taylor, 101, and Muriel Dod, 101. Absent: Eleanor Macintosh, 104.

g across the ages

10 Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

By Susan Cover

Congratulations to Glen Waverley resident, Joe Hopkins, who received an OAM on Australia Day this year for his community

work. Joe was the founder of the Monash Aires, which is a voluntary entertainment group for the “young at heart”. he Monash Aires entertain with music and song from yester-year and perform in aged care facilities, retirement villages, senior citizens clubs, church groups, etc.

hey perform throughout Melbourne and its metropolitan areas and also some country areas. Since it was formed in 1995, the Monash Aires has given approximately 240 performances each year. It is a self funded group and any surplus donations are given to charity. Last year Joe was able to donate $9000 to diferent charities.

If you can sing or play a musical instrument and would like to join the Monash Aires, Joe would like to hear from you as he needs more volunteers for his group. You would be free to present your own choice of music and people only perform when it suits them. Travel expenses are paid (petrol/ public transport) from the donations that are received. he Monash Aires perform on weekdays, plus some evenings and occasionally on weekends. For more information contact Joe on 9803 7045.

A Breath of Fresh Aire

11March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

By Keith Smith

TELEGRAMS, a name translation from two words, “Tele” afar and “Grapho” I write, were at top of the must use list for special occasions

just like greeting cards are today. Telegrams recognised a marriage and were read out by the best man along with other advice and comments such as, “there will be more than palings running around the back yard in future if I know Fred.”

Telegrams were lodged at the local post oice, buildings of style in their day, particularly in country towns. he cost was about 15 cents for 15 words. You could hear the clatter of the Morse code equipment in the background as you carried out your other business; money orders, stamps or banking. he Telegraph Operator had two main items of equipment, the Morse Key, and a Sounder, the design of which concentrated the signal - a bit like a sea shell made of wood and brass.

All the messages from the Post Oices arrived at the Central Telegraph Oice on the 4th loor of the Elizabeth St. Post Oice in Melbourne. It was a noisy and large area with many staf. Telegrams were then sent to the Post Oice nearest to its destination. Delivery was made by a messenger boy or girl in uniform and mounted on a red post oice bike. hese were sturdy machines of some weight. In those days the postman used them as well to do his twice daily and Saturday rounds. Remember, few homes had telephones.

UNdersTANdINg The sIgNAls

Long distance telegrams to parts of Australia needed to have the signal ampliied along the way. Repeaters were required. his meant the signal was detected at a Sounder, typed out by an operator then, using a local Morse Key, retyped the message.

At the South Australian Border the operators sat opposite the West Australian oicers, decoded the message and passed the Telegram across both ways to be repeated. he place was Eucla. It is now abandoned but, at the time, had a large number of employees living on site. here is nothing so permanent as change and the communication industry was always a target. A new system in Telegraph working was introduced called TRESS; Tape Re-perforated Exchange Switching System. his punched paper tape put many out of work.

Besides speeding up the process, a maximum use of transmission lines was achieved by cutting out any gaps. he tape was stored in a wire basket next to the operator in loops and was automatically recalled in any clear circuits.


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Member of


1� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

Three old guys are out walking. First one says,

“Windy, isn’t it?” Second one says, “No, it’s

hursday!” hird one says, “So am I. Let’s go

get a beer.”

Hearing is one of the most precious senses for

communication with loved ones, socializing with

friends or simply watching TV. Living with or trying to

communicate with someone that has a hearing loss can be

diicult and frustrating. Try some of the communication

tips below

Make it easy for them to read your lips

Face the person you are talking to. Don’t try to

converse from a diferent room or with your back

turned. Before you start speaking make sure you have

their attention. It is easier to hear what people say

when you can see what they are saying.

Stand where your face is well lit. his makes it easier

to see your facial expressions and read your lips

Try not to talk while chewing or smoking - it makes it

harder to understand what you are saying, and almost

impossible for others to read your lips

If you talk while reading the newspaper, or lean your

cheek on your hand while talking this will also make

lip-reading diicult.

Speak at a natural pace and level

You don’t need to shout. Speaking at a normal

conversational level when talking with someone who

wears a hearing aid is perfectly ok. Most instruments

are programmed to amplify a normal level of speech,

so if you shout, it may be too loud for the listener

Try not to talk too fast. Speak naturally, but try

to pronounce your words more clearly. his will

naturally slow your speech, but be careful not to

overdo it

If you are having trouble being understood, try

re-phrasing your sentence rather than just repeating

yourself. Some words are more easily heard or lip-read

than others

Try to reduce background noise

For someone who is hard-of-hearing, the most

diicult listening environment is background noise.

Voices are diicult to hear because they are in

competition with all the other noise, so: Try to eliminate background noise when holding a

conversation. Turn of the television and close any

open windows to reduce any noise from traic

Move closer to your listener so your voice is louder

than the background noise. his will also make your

face and lips easier to read

Alternatively, try to ind somewhere quieter to talk

Better communication tactics are only part of the

solution. he best help you can provide is to encourage

the individual to seek treatment for their hearing

loss. A qualiied audiologist can provide professional

advice on how to manage their hearing loss. See www.

audiologyultra.com.au or call 1300 787 353 for more


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1�March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

By Priya Mohandoss

Candles have been around for centuries. hey fulil many purposes such as improvement in emotion or wellbeing, ambience or a sense of

ceremony and spirituality.Wax was irst made from animal fat or ish oil. Also,

bayberries from bayberry plants produced a wax that was sage green with a spicy aroma. Beeswax was used often too. Afterwards, parain, a wax that came from petroleum was discovered and became the main source for candles and melts.

Since parain is an artiicial wax, it has many limitations. As it is petroleum-based, it produces soot (which is hard to remove) and can let out toxins into the air. It is cheap to buy, however is likely to smoke and easily hardens. At present, it is easily available but is a inite resource.

Soy wax, being a natural alternative, proves to be ideal for candles and melts. It is vegetable-based and is made from the waste of harvested soy products. It is ininite, biodegradable and water-soluble. It has a low melting point, therefore the wax is soft which in turn allows the candles to last longer and overall, be less expensive. It is non–toxic so it can be rubbed on if it goes on ones’ skin. he containers that hold the soy candles can be washed with soapy water after being used and then can be reilled yet again.

Other natural waxes, such as beeswax, can be expensive, quite sticky and leave residue in the container. Beeswax burns rapidly and at a high temperature due to its’ high melting point. Also, it is not approved by vegans.

Although parain and beeswax candles are still readily used, they are either not as morally sound or of a low quality when compared to soy wax. he only drawback with soy wax is that candles, such as pillar candles, cannot be made as the wax loses its’ shape due to its low melting point. herefore, soy candles need to be placed in containers, for example, glass jars.

Some people, like Tabitha Dougall make and sell their own soy candles. She started her venture two years ago called ‘Lightly Scentred Soy Candles’. “It’s meditative to make candles and is also beautiful to create something that someone else can enjoy,” she said.

To obtain soy wax, the oil is extracted from the soya bean chaf during soy production and then turned into wax chips.

In terms of the soy candles, Tabitha lets people request the colour, fragrance and container.


Plain soy wax is cream but chips can be used to obtain colour. Some of the colours of the candles or melts are peach, yellow and light green.


People can choose from 20 fragrances. Some of these are individual therapeutic essential oils while others are blends. “People usually buy it (the candle) by scent. Lemongrass, vanilla and lavender are quite popular. he‘Stress Away’ blend is well liked too,” she said. “he

‘Stress Away’ blend has seven types of essential oils - orange, ylangylang, palmerosa, cinnamon, clove, lavender and cedarwood.”


People have a wide selection of containers for their candle such as mosaics, tealights, votives (short containers), travel tins or glass jars. Otherwise, they can bring their own container to see if it can be used. Tabitha has also illed larger objects with soy wax. “Once I made a big vase candle that was auctioned of,” she said.

She can also add intentions but it is up to person to decide whether they want to have one and what they want mentioned for their candle. Intentions may be expressed as a speciic word such as ‘happiness’ or be a blessing with a few lines.

he candle process is relatively easy. Soy wax chips are melted over a stove. If colour is desired, a colour chip is added. he wax then has to cool. Once it reaches a lower temperature, fragrance is hand poured throughout the candle. In doing so, the strength of the fragrance is maintained. hen the wax is cooled again. In the last stage, it is illed into the appropriate container. he wick that is placed to make the candle is lead-free. It is made from cotton dipped in soy wax.

All types of soy candles and melts can be bought at candle shops, gift/homeware stores, markets, fetes, some lorists or online. People can also attend workshops or hold parties to make them speciically. So when you next have to look for a suitable candle to add warmth to that dinner party or to simply indulge your senses, you may like to consider soy.

Courses will be held at these neighbourhood houses:

Boroondara - CanterburyWhitehorse – Box Hill South, Mitcham

Soy Candles Naturally

Assorted display of candles and melts in soy wax.


1� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

By Jef Sargeant

They’ve survived ire and lood, and seen plenty of change, but even the boys at Burwood Automotive & Exhaust can’t ight

redevelopment.In coming weeks, the business will relocate to new

premises in Burwood while the landmark site on the corner of Toorak and Summerhill roads undergoes its single biggest change.

he landowners have not yet conirmed what will be built on the soon-to-be vacated site, but a mixed-used development is likely given Hartwell’s relatively close location to the CBD and high-demand suburbs. A large three-storey oice building replaced a doctor’s surgery in the shopping strip only a few years ago and a 2600sq metre supermarket is due to open there shortly. Needless to say, there have certainly been a few changes at the corner site that Burwood Automotive & Exhaust and its predecessors have operated on since the 1930s.

he current site was once a dealership selling and servicing Austin Morris cars in the ‘50s. During the 1960s the shop operated under the name of “Greg Smart Motors” and specialised in Mercedes Benz vehicles. In 1967 the business was sold to Bruce Wilkinson and the site became one of the earliest Datsun dealerships in the country.

In 1978 Surrey Motors took over the business and the current association with the site began. In 1985, Bob Eslick, then a director of Surrey Motors, purchased

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New owner, Stuart Edwards, Is excited about the move to their new premises at Duffy Street, Burwood.

Burwood Automotive & Exha

1�March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

the business and changed the name to Burwood Automotive & Exhaust.

he Hartwell garage has seen many changes in ownership, the most recent in May last year when, after 25 years, Bob sold the business to Stuart Edwards. Stuart, who has 22 years’ experience in the industry, has worked at the garage for the past 11 years. Bob still works for the business, and will make the move with all existing staf to the new Burwood address just after Labour Day.

Stuart insists that, despite such a long association with Hartwell, it’s only the location that will change.

Stuart explains that after being at the site for so long, a close association with customers is formed.

“Parents come in with their young kids then, before you know it, the kid is coming in with their irst car, then a few years later, their own kids are with them.”

In these days of corporate domination, focusing attention on the customer and providing a diference to dealerships is something Stuart and Bob are committed to.

“We always focus on customer service,” Stuart says. “Call it old fashioned, but it’s just that little bit extra that you don’t get from the dealerships. You’re not a number. We know most of our customers by name. We’ll give customers a lift home, or pick them. It’s the bit that makes us stand out.

Stuart says the business has always relied on word of mouth. “Once people ind us, they’re usually long term customers.”

He says the high standard of customer service extends from the shop front to the workshop loor.

“Our mechanics are always approachable. It’s very easy to tell someone that we’ve change their brakes, but quite

often the customer will have a blank face. We often have charts and carefully explain what we’ve done.”

his rapport with customers often sees them dropping by to report on how their car is travelling, although such familiarity almost ended in disaster one time.

Bob recounts how a motorcyclist pulled in under the business’s large awning complaining of intense heat coming from his bike. Moments later, Bob says, the motorbike erupted in lames, burning much of the awning, but thankfully not the shop.

And then there was the time the business was looded after a torrential downpour…

But Stuart is positive about the move to Burwood, saying the new workshop has been itted with the best equipment available.

“We’ve been limited here with what we can do. Our new building is a much better set up,” he says. “We’re going that extra mile to make the customers happy.”

*Burwood Automotive and Exhaust will now operate from 21 Dufy Street, Burwood. Phone 9888 7000

The Garage was built in the 1930s

Exhaust keeps Motoring Along

1� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

Imagine Church Celebrates 20 years of Serving the Community

Imagine Church, formerly Burwood Christian Life

Centre (BCLC), began serving meals at church

for the needy and handed out sandwiches at the

station in the mornings until research indicated that the

needs of the community had changed and they were no

longer required. Further research indicated that the needs

of the community were deined by the gaps that the local

agencies were not providing. he local agencies’ help was

limited by their location and did not crossover into other

council areas. Being located in Evans Street, Burwood

which is on the borders of Boroondara, Whitehorse

and Monash City Council regions the issue of borders

became relevant for the staf of Lifecare. Lifecare is the

Community Care arm of the Imagine Church. When

Lifecare began 18 years ago, the staf decided that they

would not be limited by borders. Lifecare would address

and care for the whole person with a ‘holistic’ approach to

meeting the needs of the people who approached Lifecare,

rather than be limited by borders.

Warmth for Winter is born

Lifecare staf wanted to be able to meet the needs

of people in the community and allow them

to retain their dignity in the process, without

treating them as if they were receiving charity. Lifecare

is predominantly run by our willing volunteers and is in

close proximity to schools and housing in the area, which

enable s Lifecare to try to keep pulse with the changing

needs in the community. Currently, Lifecare is operating

a Counselling Department from their Burwood oice

which has just recently begun to operate on two nights

per week. Imagine Church and Lifecare have programs

in local primary and secondary schools and a variety of

programs including Imagine Rhythm and toddler and

youth friendly programs, e.g., the Mainly Music program

and Warmth for Winter in Inverloch.

Lifecare has been operating for over a decade to try

to help connect socially isolated people by running

community lunches and more recently opening a Care


Continuity in Caring for the Community

Largest Independent Travel Agent in Victoria Proudly Serving the Community for 25 Years

Airfares Cruises Rail Coach Groups

Holiday Packages Accommodation Car Hire Insurance

Reliable friendly service with knowledgeable staff providing personal attention and competitive travel.

East Burwood Travel Pty Ltd

Shop 6, Cnr Burwood Highway and Middleborough Rd

East Burwood VIC 3125

email: info@eastburwoodtravel.com.au

Telephone: (03) 9808 1177

Travel Agents Licence No: 30257







Camberwell Sports & Spinal Medicine


1 4 3 1 T o o r a k R o a d C a m b e r w e l l 9 8 8 9 1 0 7 8


1�March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin 1�

Lifecare will be hosting Warmth for Winter on

Saturday May 22nd 2010 between 11am and 3pm.

Doona and hamper recipients must hold a current Health

Care or Pension Card.

•Lifecare also serves a two course Community Care

Lunch every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at

12:30pm starting February 12th.

• Lifecare Counselling appointments can be made by

phoning 9888 7900.

•h e Lifecare Care Centre operates each Wednesday

and Friday from 11am to 1pm. People can come for a

friendly chat, a food hamper or use the computer for job

searching or resume writing.

Lifecare operates from Imagine Church located at

17 Evans Street, Burwood. If you can assist with good

quality second hand clothing to be delivered to the church

in early May or sponsorship please make further enquiries

by phoning 9888 7900, or logging onto the Lifecare

website at www.life-care.org.au. Further information

about Imagine Church can be located at our website on

www.mychurch.com.au or by phoning 9888 7466.

Warmth for Winter


239 Burwood Hwy

East Burwood

9803 6420

TED HADDRICKDental Prosthetist

(Advanced Dental Technician

For complete Denture Services


Dentures Repairs


Established 25 years

Member Dental Pros. Assoc. Vic.

Vietnam Vet’s Assoc.

29December—February 2009–10 BURWOOD BULLETIN

marlbro@mavd.com.au Tel: 0400 259 798

Suskia’s StoryLast year, it was Suskia’s i rst time to experience Warmth for Winter. Suskia shared some thoughts with Lifecare on Suskia’s StorySuskia’s Story

whatwhat was happening to her and how she had arrived at Warmth for Winter. “h is time last year, I was ready to give it all up. I was depressed and abused after being in a relationship that ended

after months of pain. I was three months pregnant with his child when I l ed in fear of not only my life but my unborn child’s life. I decided that enough was enough…it was time to l ee!”

After a few years, Suskia came to live in Melbourne with her young child. In May last year, she received a postcard for Warmth for Winter in her mail box and thought that she would come along and see what it was all about.

“Last year, I had felt as though I had put my life on hold, but that all changed when I came to Warmth for Winter, it was a turning point for me. After receiving a haircut, a food hamper, free clothing, two doonas, free lunch, fairy l oss, popcorn and children’s rides all for free, I had to start giving back. h at week I enrolled in classes that I had been thinking about for a while and have now graduated. Warmth for Winter made me feel as though someone appreciated and cared for me. I felt valued and that I was worth the ef ort to get up in the morning and put on a nice dress, do my hair and get on with my life by making a valuable contribution to society. I thought if these people can do this for all these other people, including me then I was going to change my attitude. Lifecare made me feel like a Princess.”

1� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

Celebrating CommunityCome along to the Burwood Heights

Festival on Saturday 20th March 2010 for free

entertainment for the whole Family! he festivities will be

on from 10am to 2pm.

he Festival aims to bring the community together for

a day of celebration. he jumping castle, face painting and

treasure hunt will entertain the kids while the adults can

enjoy music and giveaways, plus wine and cheese tasting.

Sparkles the Clown and her balloon animal antics will

keep you amused while the free sausage sizzle takes care of

those grumbling tummies.

Get to know your local community groups and support

the local schools and browse at a range of stalls. For

enquiries about booking a stall or general enquiries, please

phone Dawn on 0409 501 172.

Burwood Heights Shopping Centre is located on the

corner of Burwood Highway and Middleborough Road.

here are over 350 car parks around the back, as well as

Safeway and 30 shops and professional businesses aiming

to meet your daily requirements.

Burwood Heights Festival

Alitalia Pizza & Pasta (1/2) 9808 0000

All People Chinese Restaurant (12/2) 9889 8182

Baker’s Delight (8/2) 9808 0440

Body & Bronze (2/2) 9888 9122

Burwood East Newsagency (16) 9808 7284

Burwood Heights Dry Cleaners (13/2) 9808 0232

Burwood Heights Medical Centre (12) 9808 7900

Burwood Heights Podiatry Clinic (14/2) 9808 4162

Centre Management (6/2) 9808 1177

Chookstar Charcoal Chicken (14/40) 9808 1858

Commonwealth Bank (40) 9808 9988

Creature Comforts (9/2) 9808 2641

Burwood Highway Asian Grocery (36) 9808 9570

East Burwood Fruit Market (32) 9808 5300

East Burwood Quality Butchers (22) 9808 5095

East Burwood Travel (6/2) 9808 1177

Elite Laser & Skin Clinic(11/40) 9808 0666

Flower Trends Cafe (3/2) 9808 7599

Frank’s Deli (11/2) 9808 9943

Happy House (7/2) 9808 6888

Pulse Pharmacy (26) 9808 9962

RSPCA Op Shop (10/2) 9808 2641

Safeway (42) 9808 0200

Senator Helen Kroger (14) 9888 0091

Spectacles Plus (10) 9808 2691

Ultimate Hairworks & Beauty (4/2) 9808 3334

Upstairs (Cnr Burwood Hwy & Middleborough Rd)

AMR Accounting (Suite 4) 8831 3333

Arthur Kyriacou & Co Accountants (Suite 1) 9808 7377

Fong & Co, Barristers & Solicitors (Suite 3) 9808 1211

Mian Phillips & Co, Lawyers (Suite 5) 9808 9133

Rejoice Chinese Christian Centre (Suite 7) 9888 7422

Synergy Publishing (Suite 6B) 9888 9588

Breadmaking & Baking Supplies & Cooking Classes

Tel 9809 4327 1387 Toorak Rd, Burwood Village

Classes include bread loaves, French sticks, rolls, scrolls, pullaparts, plus lots of other bak-

ing treats. We stock high quality bread flours, bread

mixes, seeds, yeast, grains, bread tins & accessories.

Gluten free bread mix & Spelt floursrTimetable available by post or on net


1�March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Says Alzheimer’s Australia Vic

Friends and companions of people with dementia

in the Eastern Metropolitan Region are being

called upon to ‘be a friend’ and learn more

about how to support someone with a diagnosis.

Alzheimer’s Australia Vic, the peak body for people

living with dementia in Victoria, will run a free interactive

program for friends and companions of people living

with dementia on Tuesday 23rd March, 10am – 1.30pm

at Alzheimer’s Australian Vic, 104 Riversdale Road,


“Sadly, many people with dementia and their carers

tell us that after their diagnosis, friends often drift away

because they simply don’t know how to cope with the

changes dementia brings,” Laurel Gourley, Community

Education Coordinator at Alzheimer’s Australia Vic says.

“But after a diagnosis, people with dementia, their

carers and family members need the support of their

friends perhaps more than any time before in their life.

“he reality is that life doesn’t stop when dementia

starts and ‘being a friend’ continues to be important to

people with the illness and those who care for them.

Remember your friends in Hawthorn

Graham WATTLiberal for BURWOOD



PO Box 409, Burwood 3125 | Ph. 0422 922 322

E. graham.watt@vic.liberal.org.au | W. www.grahamwatt.com.au

Liberal Victoria

Working hard to improve

local services.

Authorised by Tony Nutt, 104 Exhibition Street, Melbourne.

“Just as they have in the past, being included in social

activities and connected to life in the community is vital

to ensure people with dementia continue to feel loved

and valued as they learn to cope with their illness.”

Ms Gourlay says the free interactive program is

designed speciically for friends and companions of

people with dementia who are not in a direct caring role

or who are not a family member of someone with the


“During the program our qualiied educators will give

practical advice and communication tips to help friends

and companions continue to play an active and valuable

role in a person with dementia’s life.

“It will help people in non-caring roles understand

and learn to cope with the behavioural or psychological

symptoms of dementia. We will also talk about how

friends can play a key role to assist a person to enjoy

everyday activities and overcome some of the diiculties

the illness brings.”

For more information or to register your attendance at

the Hawthorn program please contact Danielle Farley on

(03) 9815 7849 or email companions@alzvic.ans.au.

�0 Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

Congratulations to the many Scouts in our District who were part of the Victorian Contingent who attended the Australian Jamboree (AJ2010) at Cataract Park in NSW.

In total over 13,000 Scouts & Leaders from Australia and overseas joined in the January fun.Planning for the Jamboree took three years and on

a local level, Scouts have had to prepare by achieving a certain level of badge work and camp craft before being allowed to attend. And judging by the feedback I got from Mikaela and Marcello of 2nd 7th West Waverley (Jamboree Troop 622) and Emily and Matt from 1st Bennettswood (Jamboree Troop 604) it was well worth the efort.

For Mikaela, Marcello and Emily, the highlight was the ofsite activity at Jimberoo Water Park, particularly the water slides. Matt really enjoyed Challenge Valley, an endurance/ obstacle course.

Confronting her fear of heights, Emily climbed to the top of the 12 metre abseiling tower, made from stacked shipping containers, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to abseil down. In her down time she enjoyed meeting lots of new friends and spending her “jamboree” dollars at the market, a collection of stalls set up by the scouts. Marcello reckons that Victoria had the best stall in the Mall as it had fairy loss.

Despite a few visits to the Jamboree hospital and a pair of crutches added into her kit, Mikaela also had a great time hanging out with her friends and meeting up with her 2nd cousin.

Other activities included Water Activities at Middle Head, City Tours, Skills Village which

incorporated Circus skills and laser force which involved shooting one another with food dye. Awesome! he night entertainment included opening and closing ceremonies, pyrotechnic shows and music concerts.

From another source I heard this amusing anecdote but I won’t name the source or the scouts in question. Four scouts sharing a tent, decided to ignore the warnings about funnel web spiders and the need to keep a tidy tent with clothes packed away in zipped up bags. Sure enough, they were greeted by an eight legged friend in their tent. he leader didn’t actually state it but may have inferred that food may attract the spiders into the tent. Apparently the amount of contraband that suddenly emerged was staggering and I heard that the tent remained tidy, well at least for three days.

After 10 action packed days some very weary children arrived home. Unanimously, they all had a great time and look forward to keeping in touch with all the new friends they made.

he next Australian Jamboree will be held in 2013 at Maryborough, Queensland.

For more information about scouts, visit www.vicscouts.asn.au

Jamboree Fun Hello OperatorActual call centre conversations!

Customer: ‘I’ve been calling 700-1000 for two days and can’t get through; can you help?’

Operator: ‘Where did you get that number, sir?’Customer: ‘It’s on the door of your business.’Operator: ‘Sir, those are the hours that we are open.’

Samsung ElectronicsCaller: ‘Can you give me the telephone number for Jack?’Operator: ‘I’m sorry, sir, I don’t understand who you are

talking about.’Caller: ‘On page 1, section 5, of the user guide it clearly

states that I need to unplug the fax machine from the AC wall socket and telephone Jack before cleaning. Now, can you give me the number for Jack?’

Operator: ‘I think it means the telephone plug on the wall.’

RAC Motoring ServicesCaller: ‘Does your European Breakdown Policy cover

me when I am traveling in Australia ?’Operator: ‘Does the policy name give you a clue?’Caller: (inquiring about legal requirements while

traveling in Europe )‘If I register my car in France, and then take it to

England, do I have to change the steering wheel to the other side of the car?’

Directory EnquiriesCaller: ‘I’d like the number of the Argo Fish Bar, please’Operator: ‘I’m sorry, there’s no listing. Are you sure that

the spelling is correct?’Caller: ‘Well, it used to be called the Bargo Fish Bar but

the ‘B’ fell of.’hen there was the caller who asked for a knitwear

company in Woven...Operator: ‘Woven? Are you sure?’Caller: ‘Yes.. hat’s what it says on the label -- Woven in

Scotland ...’

On another occasion, a man making heavy breathing sounds from a phone box told a worried operator: ‘I haven’t got a pen, so I’m steaming up the window to write the number on.’

Tech Support:‘I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop.’

Customer: ‘OK.’Tech Support: ‘Did you get a pop-up menu?’Customer: ‘No.’Tech Support: ‘OK. Right-Click again. Do you see a

pop-up menu?’Customer: ‘No.’Tech Support: ‘OK, sir. Can you tell me what you have

done up until this point?’Customer: ‘Sure. You told me to write ‘click’ and I wrote

‘click’.’Tech Support: ‘OK. At the bottom left hand side of your

screen, can you see the ‘OK’ button displayed?’Customer: ‘Wow! How can you see my screen from there?’

Caller: ‘I deleted a ile from my PC last week and I just realized that I need it. So, if I turn my system clock back two weeks will I get my ile back again?’

21March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

By Yoshanthi Wellawa A trip down memory lane with Judyth and Geoff Kerr...Geoff and Judyth Kerr have lived in Closter Avenue in Ashwood

for 52 years and have seen the area go through quite a few generations of change.

Ashwood, which is now

a very popular residential precinct, had only a few houses with most of the neighbourhood having lots of vacant blocks of land at the time Geof and Judyth moved into the area.

Until the early 1950s when residential development commenced in the area Warrigal Road had formed the boundary with market gardens, poultry farms and unmade roads.

“At the time we had no sewage systems like today”, laughs Judyth, “we had a ‘night man’ who used to go round the back and empty the pans. And there were no footpaths. he road was partially made, but stopped at Morton Road.

“All the children used to play in the paddocks.” Geof and Judyth talk about their own younger days.

Geof attended Scotch College and on his 18th birthday he was drafted in the R.A.A.F. and became a pilot and lew the Wellington Bombers out of England.

After 3 years of serving in the World War, at his return Geof got extensively involved in tennis.

Geof had been a member of the Tournament Committee for about 50 years, which involved tournaments at Kooyong and Melbourne Park. He was a linesman and referee for some tournaments and received he Australian Sports Medal in year 2000.

***At this time the freeways were being made, says Geof. “he

tennis courts were given a big grant and asked to move.” “he Riversdale tennis courts were subsequently built and that’s where I met Judyth.”

Judyth attended school at Melbourne Girls’ Grammar in South Yarra. She was also a member of the club and was a very good tennis player. She had won a subscription at the tennis club and she continued to play there.

hey got married in 1953 and lived in Chadstone for a while before moving to Ashwood.

“hree weeks after we sold the house in Chadstone, they announced that the Chadstone Shopping Centre was going to be built,” says Judyth. he proposal for the new shopping centre

Trip Down Memory Lanehas resulted in an instant boom in property values, more houses being built and people moving into the area.

he site of the current shopping centre was once extensive paddocks of the Convent of he Good Shepherd on which cattle grazed until the mid 1950’s. Opened in October of 1960

the Chadstone Shopping Centre was the irst self-contained regional shopping centre in Melbourne.

Earlier there had been only a few shops in the surrounding area: 3 green grocers and a small garage outside the metropolitan area (near Warrigal Road) where people came to pump petrol.

Gradually, Geof and Judyth say, they saw more roads being developed along

with traic lights being built at

locations and more and more vehicles on the road.Statistics reveal that by early to mid 1950s the population of

the Ashwood area alone had risen to an estimated 1500 persons.In the late 1960s, the Safeway supermarket was built to

the south of High Street Road, to cater for the increasing population and their demands. he small garage which occupied the premises earlier was taken down to build Safeway. “Safeway was not open for business until very late during those days,” says Judyth. “And we used to play tennis on the Safeway wall after hours”.

“Life was very simple then and playing tennis was one of the biggest social and recreational activities,” say Geof and Judyth who have three sons and a daughter and grand children. At the time they didn’t have the Internet and the myriad of other options that their children and grand children presently have.

Another very popular activity had been square dancing. Square dancing is a folk dance with four couples arranged in the shape of a square with one couple on each side. Each dance begins and ends in the square formation. “We had dance competitions,” says Judyth and the girls used to take supper”.

Having lived in the area for more than half a century Geof and Judyth have seen many pros and cons introduced by development and population growth.

Children used to play in the paddocks then, they say, but now parents are afraid to let their children out of their own yards. here’s also graiti on the walls and there are gangs, things that were almost unheard of during their younger days.

However, Geof and Judyth are happy about the development and the many good things that have resulted from it as well.

Judyth & Geoff have lived in Ashwood for over 50 years.


�� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

��March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Burwood Village, Toorak Road is the easy, convenient and quick way to do your Christmas Shopping this year. here are a huge array of gifts in the centre from ladies fashion, kids wear, home wares, the very freshest food and much more. Parking is so easy – why spend time ighting the crowds and the big shopping centres when you can get all you need in one convenient place.

he Burwood Village Traders Association has this year decorated our centre with Red and Silver lags for Christmas. We are in the Christmas spirit and have all you need for this festive season.

Welcome to Santucci at 1392 Toorak Road who have recently joined us in Burwood Village. Visit this restaurant/café and

check out this new business in our centre.In Burwood Village our businesses want to exceed your

expectations of a shopping experience. Shop local in Burwood Village, Toorak Road.

BUrwood Traders

Thurs, Fri & Sat - 7pm till 10pm

Junior Jamming (9 to 12 yrs)

Sat & Sun - 3:30pm till 5:30pm


For bookings call: 9889 1669

or go to: artjamming.com.au

1395 Toorak Road Camberwell



Sales, Service, Repairs & Spares

33 Burwood Hwy, Burwood

Call Brendan or Jason

9808 5370

Lioli Gallery offered fun, festive themed activities for the kids.Our favourite street performers

sailed into the Burwood Festival

�� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

Accounting & tAxAtion

G H o’Brien & Assoc. 4 Burwood Hwy 9808 4245tax on trak rear 1423 toorak rd 9889 6680

Acupuncture & nAturopAthy

Joseph Ferraro B.nat, d.Acu. 1337 toorak rd 9889 6777

Art gAlleries

lioli gallery 1395 toorak rd 9889 1669

Automotive service & repAir

Kryton Automotive 3 Alexander dr 9888 8797


Jurgens Swiss Bakery 1376 toorak rd 9809 4138Burwood Bakery Shop 3, 1405 toorak rd 9889 7157

bAthroom & kitchen

Shelron Bathroom Centre 23-25 Burwood Hwy 9830 6111


Barry waddell 18 Burwood Hwy 9888 8286

breAd mAking - clAsses & supplies

Mixing Bowl 1387 toorak rd 9809 4327

butcher And gourmet Food products

Carl’s Culinary Cuts 1398 toorak road 9889 1010


the Cake Cafe Shop 8, 1405 toorak rd. 9809 1243


Jagers Carpets 1350 toorak rd 9889 1111

cAsh converters

Cash Converters 1360 toorak rd 9889 9633


Hartwell Chiropractic 1337 toorak rd 9889 7889

community house

Burwood neighbourhood House 1 Church St 9808 6292

dAnce lessons children/ Adults

BdC dance 13-15 Yertchuk Ave 9888 3354

doctors -- generAl prActitioners

dr Susan Schlicht 303 warrigal rd 9808 3988

dry cleAning

Care Fresh 1408 toorak rd 9889 4129

Fish & chips

A&C Fish‘n Chippery 1380 toorak road 9889 0500

Fuel & Fodder

Burwood Fuel & Fodder 315 warrigal rd 9808 2130

FunerAl services

w d rose Funerals 339 warrigal rd 9808 8888

giFtwAre shop

Zinc 1396 toorak rd 9889 4763


d’Alton Hairdressing 1423 toorak rd 9889 5152

homeopAthic nAturopAthic services

Anthony J Von Moger B.Hlth Sc. 20 trent St 9889 9835


rick watkins P/l 4 Burwood Hwy 9880 8300

kitchen bench tops & doors

designer laminates 74 Highbury rd 9888 7400

lAndscAping supplies

decor Pebble (Aust) P/l 84-90 Highbury rd 9888 9888

lAwnmower & gArden mAchinery sAles & service

Burwood Hwy Mowers 33 Burwood Hwy 9808 5370

leAdlights & etched glAss

ACe leadlight Studio 2 Sixth Ave 9808 4760

legAl services

oates, rennick & Assoc 4 Burwood Hwy 9808 6922

liquour store

Burwood Cellars 1340 toorak rd 9889 4643

oFFice Furniture new & used

Adco Ofice Furniture 119 Burwood Hwy 9808 4404optometrist

dr damien Smith Assoc. eyecare Plus 1414 toorak rd 9889 9859

outdoor power equipment, sAles & service

Ashburton Mowers 397 High St 9885 3199

pAckAging & Freight

Pack & Send 1374 toorak rd 9809 4333

penFold motors burwoodAUDI

new and used Sales, Service & Parts www.penfold.com.au130 Burwood Hwy 9268 1555HOLDEN www.penfold.com.aunew and used Sales 142 Burwood Hwy 9268 1333Service 21 Mc intyre St 92681307Parts 11-17 Mc intyre St 1300 858 084MAZDA www.penfold.com.aunew and used Sales- 59-63 Burwood Hwy 9268 1222Service & Parts 2 Somers St Burwood 92681294MITSUBISHI www.penfold.com.aunew and used 71 Burwood Hwy 92681488Service & Parts 7 evans Street Burwood 9268 1488

pet shop

Jock Hobbs Burwood Pets & Birds 1415 toorak rd 9809 1212


national Pharmacy 1429 toorak rd 9889 0800


Shot, Framed & Hung 250 warrigal rd 9808 9827

picture FrAming

Creative Framing 115 Highbury rd 9888 8225Framed & Hung 250 warrigal rd 9808 9827


Burwood Plumbing 9 tudor St 9808 7211

printing & copying

Kwik Kopy Printing Centre 6 Burwood Hwy 9888 7906

reAl estAte

Biggin & Scott 1351 toorak rd 9809 1111exceland Camberwell 1373 toorak rd 9889 1666exceland Burwood 65 Station St 9888 8883J A Cain First national 1156 toorak rd 9805 2900Mackintosh First national 1388 toorak rd 9889 2266

solAr energy equipment

Solazone Solar Specialists 242 warrigal rd 9808 7337


Frank Bertucci 1379 toorak rd 9889 0061Klooger Forbes Hassett 1/1395 toorak rd 9809 1555oates rennick Associates 4 Burwood Hwy 9808 6922


iGA Plus liquor 1424 toorak rd 9889 5120

yogA - stress mAnAgement

Burwood Yoga 1-3 Bardolph St 9889 0684

BuSinESS DiRECtORy Burwood Village & District

burwood village & district directoryAs a service to the Burwood Community, the Burwood Bulletin has established this traders and Business directory so that local residents can easily contact their local traders and to inform residents of the variety of shops and services located in the Burwood area. the cost is $55 per annum, inc.GSt. Any business that is located within the Burwood area and would like to be included in the directory should contact robert Kay on 9836 5520.


��March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

BuSinESS DiRECtORy Small & Home Business

Advertising inFormAtion

Full page w1�.� x h��cm $���.00special Full pages p.o.A.

half page $1�0.00–Horizontal w18.5 x h13cm

–Vertical w9 x h26cm

quarter page w� x h1�cm $��.00quarter column w� x h�cm $��.00mini ads w� x h�cm $��.�0

Classiied Ads–4 lines $12.60Prices per issue and include GSt and subject to alteration.discount available for 4 issues booked in advance. details on application.

Small / Home Based Business Directory

this directory has been established by the Burwood Bulletin to assist small and home based businesses to promote themselves in the local community. the cost for a business listing as per this page is $22 for four lines plus $5.50 per line to a maximum advertisement of six lines. Prices include GSt.


robert Kay Ph. 9836 5520Artwork must be ready for print.Please ask about speciications. or visit www.burwoodbulletin.org

Cost of any necessary alterations to artwork or copy will be an additional charge to the advertiser.All copy to be forwarded to:Burwood Bulletin Association, Po Box 87, Burwood 3125or email info@burwoodbulletin.org

deadline for next issue advertising & copy 1st Feb


indrans residential servicesA local business specialising in handyman work, painting and plastering. For an obligation-free quote, phone Jan on 0422 168 228

post oFFice

Hartwell Post Ofice1166 toorak road, Hartwell 3124

Ph: . . . . . . . 9889 1132

open Saturday 9–12 noon


Frank bertucci1379 toorak road, Burwood 3125Ph: . . . . . . . 9889 0061/68Fax: . . . . . . 9889 0407

klooger Forbes hassettP.o. Box 97 Burwood 3125Ph: . . . . . . . 9809 1555Fax: . . . . . . 9809 2373email: graeme@kloogerforbes.com.au


tax workshopregistered tax AgentsAll types of taxation returns6 tooronga Court, Ashwood 3147Ph: . . . . . . . 9885 1435 or 0405 435 480Fax: . . . . . . 9888 2224

Audit Accounting tAxAtion

ian grant FCA FCPA13 edwards Street, Burwood 3125Ph: . . . . . . . 9813 3599Fax: . . . . . . 9813 2732Mob: . . . . . 0418 317 818email: igrant@acctweb.com.au

civil mArriAge celebrAnts

sue green JP, CMCwarm and caring CelebrantMob. . . . . . 0419 353 839email sgreenjp@bigpond.net.au

sylvia harris,BA, dip Cvl CerModern, romantic weddingsno obligation meetingPh . . . . . . . 9889 8272Mob . . . . . 0403 406429email: gerrysylvia@bigpond.com

dAnCe ClAsses– Adultlindy hop swingAt Ashburton & MitchamPhone . . . 0412 016 780email pat@lindyhop.com.auwww.lindyhop.com.au

Food sAFety speciAlists

Agb solutions pty ltdlocal business working Australia wide: HACCP Programs, food safety audits and food safety training. Ph Gavin 0422 922 883Subscribe to free online food safety newsletter www.agbsolutions.com.au

glAss merchAnts & glAZiers

Jacob waverley glass2 Sixth Avenue, Burwood 3125Ph: . . . . . . . 9808 4722Fax . . . . . . 9808 3816Broken windows, Mirrors etc.

home mAintenAnce

man Around the houseCarpentry repairs/replacementsweatherboards, fascias, decks,pergolas, fences, lattice, etc. Free quotesPh: Martyn 0407 477 740AH/Fax: . . . 9885 1150 Glen iris


renble landscaping & pavingYoung Street, Ashburton 3147Professional, Qualiied, Reliable, Local.Ph/Fax:. . . . 9885 4233Mob. . . . . . 0411 460 997


Ace leadlight studioStudent Supplies2 Sixth Avenue, Burwood 3125Ph: . . . . . . . 9808 4760Fax: . . . . . . 9808 4736

Assistant Editor

Due to other commitments, our editor is looking for someone

to share the load. Tasks are varied and may include;

�Following up leads, stories, writers & advertisers

�Layout of the magazine

�Photo captions and cover page text

�Taking photos

�Managing “traffic” of articles and ads between writers, proof readers and desktop publishers

What do you need;

� Good internet connection (broadband or ADSL)

� A good computer with current Microsoft software

� Strong PC skills (Word, Excel, Publisher)

� Knowledge of Adobe InDesign and Photoshop an advantage

� Ability to juggle multiple jobs & work to deadlines

� Good communicator

� Ideally live in Burwood or a surrounding area &

have your own transport

� Prepared to make a long term commitment

Email your details or questions to

info@burwoodbulletin.org.au This is a voluntary position


�� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

New CEO for WavecareBy Penny Alberts

Wavecare Counselling Service, Inc., Glen Waverley, has recently welcomed Grant Holland, formerly Deputy CEO of WEAC,

Waverley Emergency Adolescent Care, as its new CEO. Grant’s new role will be to assist the Wavecare community steer the organisation towards its next destination.

Wavecare, which has served the Monash community for more than 30 years, comprises counselling and administrative staf, volunteer staf and is managed by a volunteer Committee of Management. In gaining the prominence it has today, Wavecare has had excellent long term inancial and in-kind support from the City of Monash and Department of Human Services, as well as many individual and business supporters.

Grant joins Wavecare with a long history in the not-for-proit sector working, volunteering and sitting on Boards and Committees in many diferent areas including foster care, philanthropic charities, public health, foundations and trusts, child protection, youth justice, family crisis and many more. Grant, in addition to his role at Wavecare, is a founder and Executive Director of the Holland Foundation. he Holland Foundation was set up in 2004 in honour of Sir George and Lady May Holland to continue their charitable work with under privileged adults and children.

he Holland family and his ancestral links have clearly inluenced Grant’s career direction. he connection to WWI/Gallipoli and Sir George and Lady May Holland’s support to returned serviceman and war widows (Sir George was the Victorian and later, Federal President of the R.S.L.) left an imprint on Grant that remains to this day. Grant recalls a quote from Sir George when asked what made him dedicate his life to serving the disadvantaged – he replied; it was not just his desire, he felt it was his duty to assist those less fortunate than himself. He had been lucky enough to return from the War, whereas his older brother, Vernon had been killed serving next to him in the battle of Krithia on 8th May, 1915.

Grant’s formal qualiications include Diploma of Business, Master of Social Science, Family herapy, Bachelor of Social Work, Mental Health Specialist Clinician, Workplace Assessment and Training,

WavecareMediation, Youth work and Sports Coaching. Grant is supported in his private life by his loving family, wife Tina who works in Child Protection and his two children.

Grant enjoys working with people from all walks of life and cultures and the challenge of assisting people to take control of the management of their lives. He is a irm believer that people should learn to work their way out of

a problem and works to assist individuals to achieve this. “I have a passion for empowering and teaching others how to help themselves.”

WAVeCAre serVICes:WAVECARE offers a counselling and group

program open to all people; regardless of their age, faith, country of origin or economic status. Services Include:

• Counselling to individuals, couples, families and children

• Group programs facilitated by professional staff• . . . . . . . . . . . . . Consultancy and training• . . .School and workplace based group programs• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Professional supervisionFor more information please contact the Wavecare

Oice on (03) 9560 6722 or email: admin@wavecare.org.au

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��March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Welcome to 2010, the International Year of Biodiversity. his will prove to be a most important year for all of us because we all need to care for our environment. Please put water out for our birds and animals.

Several things have changed around the Ashburton shopping strip since the last issue. he irst change is major. It is the move of our landmark post oice. Our post oice is now operating from two shops on the opposite side of the street beyond the railway bridge. I hope this move will prove a successful one. he other major thing is the opening of a Salvation Army shop in the former Resurrection Radio shop; perhaps this change may increase the life in that block.

Our Arcade. All the shops are in full swing for another year. Walk

through the arcade: get a gift from Patches, have your nails done, book a trip or get some sushi, drop into Beautiful Me and buy something new for your wardrobe, call in and check out Your Health or choose some lovely new jewellery to celebrate the new year.

Bargain stop. After about ten years of wonderful friendly service and

support of the community festival Dale and his team have moved on. A new, young couple have moved in which we hope will prove just as great a pair to continue this shop’s good record.

he new shops near the station are recently inished and at this time still awaiting tenants. Hopefully they will be let and they will inject even more life into our shopping strip.

he Ashburton Festival By the time you read this column our Community

Festival will have been staged successfully once again. I can only hope we have a ine and coolish day so all can enjoy the activities.

Remember to come, shop and give all our business in our strip a chance before going further aield to do your shopping. he local jewellers can supply a new battery for your watch or go to our nurseries for new plants for your garden. here is plenty on ofer in Ashburton.

Scribe’s Scribbles

Canterbury Funerals778 Riversdale Road Camberwell

Call now for advice or to PrePlan

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$2,495 Fixed price

�� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

After 20 years as an icon on the Monash arts scene, Mt Waverley’s Highway Gallery is proving the motto, “Good things come to those who persist.” For a long time the area was something of a visual arts desert, but with the formation of the Waverley Arts Society in 1969 things began to change. However, it was not until the early 1980s that the situation made a great leap when the (then) Waverley Council established two bodies relevant to the arts: the Art Acquisition Committee,which was allocated funds to acquire art for the city, and Arts Waverley, an advisory body to foster all of the arts including visual and performing.

he Arts Acquisition Committee persuaded Council that a property it had acquired due to road widening at 14 he Highway, Mount Waverley, could be used to accommodate a community gallery - the Waverley City Gallery. A committee of management included representatives from Arts Waverley and the Art Acquisition Committee.

Artists exhibiting at the gallery were provided with professional guidance in presentation and promotion, and appropriate community activities were undertaken by the “Friends of the Gallery”.

In the latter part of the 1980s council commissioned a major new exhibitions gallery (renamed the Monash Gallery of Art in 1999) in Jells Road, and the future of he Highway premises was in doubt. However, in the face of strong support from the community and various arts groups, the council gave conditional approval for the

20 Years of the Highway Gallerygallery’s continued operation. A committee comprising of individuals who had fought for the gallery’s retention was formed and the gallery opened its doors as “he Highway Gallery” in 1990.

Over its 20 years the Highway Gallery has been the venue for a wide range of exhibitions by individual artists and groups. Many exhibitions have been sponsored by the City of Monash and by the “Friends of the Highway Gallery”. he Committee of Management has comprised of many volunteers who have contributed years of valuable service that has been greatly appreciated by exhibitors.

Well attended exhibitions have been opened by prominent citizens including Weary Dunlop, Cathy Freeman, Mirka Mora, Dacre Smyth, Tim Bowden, Lady Sotherby, and the Lieutenant Governor.

In keeping with the aim to present a continuous program of quality, temporary exhibitions, including both emerging & established artists and community groups & organisations, 2010 will see a string of special exhibits and events. From 27th February to 28th March an anniversary exhibition will feature works by major exhibitors from the past 20 years.

For more details of the 20th anniversary celebrations phone the gallery on 9807-7261 between 11:00am and 3:00pm from Wednesdays to Fridays.


��March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

For You & Your Car, We

Customers Are Really Everything

�0 Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

When you lose someone close, having sensitive and understanding support is vital.

339 Warrigal Road, Burwood Phone: 9808 8888

Anglican Churches

AngliCAn PARish oF Box hill

St Peter’s: 1038 Whitehorse Rd, Box HillSt Aidan’s: Surrey St, Box Hill SouthVicar: Rev Harry Kerr (Locum) . . . . . . . . . . .9890 2721Church Oice: Fri 9am – 2pm . . . . . . . . . . 9899 5122www.anglicansboxhill.org.au

sT FAiTh’s

4-8 Charles St, Glen IrisVicar: Stephen Pash . . . . . . . . 0403 273 486, 9889 2761Church Oice: Tues & Fri 9am -12 noon . . . . 9889 5086www.stfaiths-burwood.org.auSunday services 8am and 10amLabyrinth Walk irst Tuesday at 7.30pm

sT ThoMAs’ BURWooD

Bennettswood Centre: 44 Station St, BurwoodWattle Park Centre: 107 Broughton Rd, Surrey HillsVicar: Rev Chris Appleby . . . . .9808 3250, 0422 187 127www.stthomasburwood.org.au

sT MATTheW’s

334 High St, Ashburton (cnr Warrigal & High St roads)Services: 9.30am Sundays, 10am Wednesdays– Holy Communion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 3701

The ChURCh oF The AsCension

Cnr Blackburn Rd & Witchwood Cres,East Burwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9802 4863

Australian Christian Churches

iMAgine ChURCh

17 Evans St, (cnr Evans & Dufy streets) BurwoodPastor: Melinda DwightService Times: Sunday 9.30am & 5pm . . . . . . .9888 7466

Baptist Churches


8 Y St, Ashburton. Senior Pastor: Rev Ken LuscombeSunday morning service: 10am (includes Kids’ Club)hursday evening service: 7.15pm.Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 8210info@ashburtonbaptist.org.au or www.ashburtonbaptist.org.au

Box hill BAPTisT ChURCh

Cnr Station St & Ellingworth Pde, Box HillRevs Anne & Richard MallabyService:10am Sunday.Or pop into the Chapel on Station Gallery at the front of the church - open every day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 1275


Cnr Whitehorse & Parring Rds, Surrey Hills. . . 9836 9455Sunday service at 10am, followed by morning tea.

inDonesiAn BAPTisT FelloWshiP

We meet on the corner of Whitehorse and Parring roads each Sunday at 4.30pm. Our service is followed by a meal together.Pastor: Litha Heshusius . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0414 826 169


2 Vision Dve, East Burwoodadmin@crossway.org.au www.crossway.org.auSenior Pastor: Mr Dale Stephenson . . . . . . . . .9886 3700Sunday Morning & Kids Church 9am & 11amMandarin Service 9am, Cantonese Service 11amKorean service 1.15pm, Indonesian service 4pmSunday evening service at 6pm


Cnr Highield & Hunter Rds, East CamberwellPastor: Murray Hogg . . . . . . 9807 7232, Oice 9830 4842

Catholic ChurchessT BeneDiCT’s

299 Warrigal Rd, BurwoodVigil 6pm Saturday; 10 am & 5pm Sunday.Daily services and many parish activities. Information on foyer notice boards or phone . .9808 2492 or www.saintbenedicts.org.au

sT sCholAsTiCA’s

348 Burwood Hwy, BennettswoodMorning service daily, Sunday 9am, 11am & 5.30pmVietnamese Mass 7.15pm the third Saturday of each monthPhone. . . . . . 9808 1006 or www.stschpar@bigpond.net.au

Local Churches

�1March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Local ChurchesChristian Science ChurchChurch & Reading Room, 41 Cookson St, CamberwellServices: Sunday 10.15am, Wednesday 8pmChurch & Reading Room, 256 Stephensons Rd, Mt WaverleyServices: Sunday 9.30am, Wednesday 12.30pm and 8pmAll welcome. Further information can be found in the Business section of the White Pages phone book under Christian Science. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9882 6209

Church of ChristhARTWell

Cnr Milverton St & Highield RdPastor: Anthony Risson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9889 3484

MT WAveRley

280 Highbury Rd

We are a friendly, family centred Church of our Lord Jesus Christ

catering for all ages, from infants to seniors.

All age worship on Sundays at 10.30am and 5.30pm

For infants: playgroups, creche. For Preps and primary aged

children: weekly activity groups including Bible-based stories,

gymnastics and craft. Men’s and women’s fellowship groups.

Bible study groups for all ages.

Pastor: Peter Wing-Tang . . . . 9808 1613 or 0408 032 277

Cross-PurposesChilDRen’s DisABiliTy sUPPoRT gRoUP

St Dunstan’s Anglican Church, 163 Wattle Valley Rd, CamberwellCross-Purposes is a support group for families that have a child with a disability, providing opportunities for parents and children to enjoy inclusive, sensitive family worship together with music, stories, participation and fun. Contact Ian Whitehill on 8711 3472 or Charmian Wright on 9889 1978.Cross-Purposes is a program of Uniting Care Community Options

Crossroads VictoriaBURWooD heighTs BRAnCh

(Christian Fellowship with Disabled Persons)An interdenominational church-based organisation providing leisure activities for people with disabilities meets at Burwood Heights Uniting Church 3rd Saturday of each month.Enquiries: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 3677

The New Christian Church426-434 High St Rd, Mount WaverleyWe welcome people looking for a new look at the Bible and spirituality. Sunday Service 10.30amSpiritual Growth and discussion groups held regularly.Minister: Rev Chris Skinner . . . . . . . . . . . . .9888 2850www.newchurch.org.au

Presbyterian Churches


Junction of High St & High St Rd,(near Warrigal Road), Ashburton.

BURWooD Chinese PResByTeRiAn ChURCh

Cnr Greenwood & Tennyson streets, BurwoodRev Dr John Elnatan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9801 7645

The Salvation Army

7 Bowen Street, Camberwell . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 2468

Oicers: Majors Brian and Jenny Pratt

Services: 9.30am, 11am & 6pm every Sunday.

Sunday School 11am—12.15pm school terms only.


Uniting Churches

AshBURTon UniTing ChURCh

3 Ashburn Grove, Ashburton

Minister: Rev Graeme Harrison . . . . . . . . . . .9809 1795

10am Sunday Worship Service and Sunday School

BURWooD UniTing ChURCh

Cnr Warrigal Rd & Hyslop St, Glen Iris

Rev Peter Whitaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9888 9435


10am Worship and Children’s program

10am Worship in the Round 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month

8pm Taize service 4th Wednesday of each month

Hall/rooms available for hire.

Contact: Pam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9809 2917

BURWooD heighTs

Cnr Burwood Hwy & Blackburn Rd, Burwood East

Minister: Ojitha Goonetilleke . . . . . . . . . . . .9803 7631

sT JAMes UniTing ChURCh

1201 Riversdale Rd, Box Hill South

Minister: Rev Denis Hawkey. . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 2307

10am Sunday Worship Service

sT lUke’s UniTing ChURCh MoUnT WAveRley

94 Essex Rd, Mount WaverleyRev Judith WatkinsOice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9807 2656 or 0408 580 880Worship and Sunday School 9.30 amYoung people (15-30 years) meet informally fortnightly Sunday evenings for discussion and sharing.For details contact David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9807 3630

Unity of Melbourne

(Unity School of Christianity Melbourne Inc.)4 Renown St, Burwoodunityofmelbourne@optusnet.com.auUnity welcomes all spiritual seekers to our Sunday Service, 10.30am every Sunday. Personal and Spiritual Development classes. Rev Bill Livingstone . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 8503

Wattle Park Chapel234 Elgar Rd, Box Hill SouthServices: Sunday morning at 10amSunday at 2pm bilingual service in English and Chinese.First Saturday in the month: 3pm French serviceInterim Pastor: John Reeder . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 2728Email: oice@wpchapel.org

�� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

loCAl ChURChes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-31

ART & CRAFT, hoBBies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32-33

BoWling ClUBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

ChilDRen’s ACTiviTies AnD ChilDCARe . . . . . . . 33

CoMMUniTy & sPeCiAl inTeResT gRoUPs . . . . . . 34

DAnCe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

eDUCATion / selF iMPRoveMenT . . . . . . . . .35-36

FloRAl ART/ gARDening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

FRienDshiP AnD ACTiviTy gRoUPs . . . . . . . .36-37

heAlTh AnD sUPPoRT gRoUPs . . . . . . . . . .38-39

hisToRy gRoUPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

MUsiC gRoUPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

CoMMUniTy shoPPing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

CoMMUniTy CenTRes & ACTiviTies . . . . . . . .41-43

volUnTeeRing oPPoRTUniTies . . . . . . . . . . . 44

MARkeTs FeTes & FesTivAls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

ARTs & enTeRTAinMenT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46-47

• Art & Craft, Hobbies

The Box Hill Community Arts Centre470 Station St, Box HillArt: Painting, Drawing and Ceramic classes ofer an afordable way of tapping into your creativity. Day, evening and weekend classes available.Cost: $95. All materials included. Enrolment essential.he Centre also has a beautiful art gallery showcasing the work of our many regular users as well as the City of Whitehorse collection and special exhibitions throughout the year.Call 9895 8888 or visit www.bhcac.com.au for information.

Box Hill Handweavers & SpinnersBox Hill Community Arts Centre470 Station St, Box HillWe are a non-proit group of women and men who meet weekly to share our knowledge in spinning, weaving and allied crafts. We meet Wednesdays and hursdays 10am to 2pm and Wednesday nights. If you would like to learn more about the group contact Margaret Dimelow . . . . . . . . . .9898 1474

Camberwell Camera Club

RSL Hall, 403 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell (Melway 59 K2) Meets 8pm on the fourth Monday of the month.We have interesting speakers, competitions and outings.For more information contact our Publicity OicerGaynore Robson on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9818 6601or visit www.camberwellcameraclub.org.au

Camberwell Afternoon Slide GroupMeets 2pm last Friday of the month at Chambly Community Centre, 405 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell.Seniors and retirees interested in travel and photography.Our guest speakers will take you to various parts of the world, visually relating their travel experiences for about one hour. Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 7509

The Abbey Girls of VictoriaBennettswood Neighbourhood House7 Greenwood St, Burwood.A club based around the books of Elsie J. Oxenham, most famously the Abbey series. Like-minded book-a-holics with a love of old school girl novels who enjoy a bit of a chat are invited to meet for lunch, afternoon tea, an interesting activity and some occasional English dancing.Enquiries: Margaret on 9898 4369 or Mandy on 9337 3212

Wordsmiths of Melbourne Poetry Group

neW MeMBeRs AlWAys WelCoMe

his is a group of poets with a Christian ethos which meets on the second Saturday of every month from 2–5pm.Members meet to airm each other as poets and to critique each other’s work. Well-known guest poets are often invited to lead poetry workshops with the group.Enquiries: Jean Sietzema-Dickson . . . . . . . . . .9890 5885www.poeticachristi.org.au

Australian Philatelic SocietyMeets bi-monthly at Memorial Homes Hall152 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury.Interesting displays at all meetings.Visitors and new members welcome.For more information call John Young . . . . . . .9889 1385

Community Notices

People who volunteer give their valuable time, energy and expertise to assist non-profit organisations to provide community services for a few hours a week, fortnight or month.

People choose to volunteer for many reasons; to meet people, have fun, try something new, gain experience, practise English, or to become more involved in their local community.

For more information, call

The Boroondara Volunteer Resource Centre

9882 5860or email: bvrc@boroondara.vic.gov.au

or visit our website: www.bvrc.org.au


What better wayto spend the day?

��March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Community NoticesSociety of Folk & Decorative Artists of Victoria(SFDAV) he society meets at the Craig Centre, Samarinda Ave, Ashburton on the 4th Sunday of the month and caters to the needs of folk and decorative artists.Visit www.sfdav.com.au for more information.

Waverley Gem ClubWe are a local club with members from the eastern suburbs, with activities covering a wide range of lapidary interests. We teach gem cutting and silversmithing and a mineral group for those intrigued by the details of crystals and their structure. Our clubrooms in Mt Waverley have facilities for training in our activities, and are open three days and at least one evening each week.Further information phone Gwen on 9808 7510 or 9830 8046 or visit www.waverleygemclub.googlepages.com/home

Craftworkers Social ClubBurwood Neighbourhood House, 1 Church St, BurwoodBring a craft project, share ideas, techniques and resources and chat over a cup of tea or cofee.All skill levels and ages are welcome.Cost: $2.50 a session plus a $7 annual fee.Every 1st, 3rd & 5th (if there is one) Wednesday of the month.Time: 10am–1pm or just come for an hour or two.Enquiries: he Burwood Neighbourhood House 9808 6292 or Cathy Weaver (group leader): 9808 4069

• Bowling Clubs

Burwood District Bowls Club

Men AnD WoMen WelCoMe

Two sites: grass and syntheticCoaching available by experienced coaches.Ladies and men’s pennant sidesSocial bowls, indoor carpet bowls in winterPhone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9889 5931

Camberwell Central Bowls ClubCnr Bowen and Trumper Sts, CamberwellWe have both regular & occasional bowls activitiesSaturday & Tuesday pennant sides. Free coaching available!We bowl ALL year round on our two grass greens.Facilities for hire: barefoot bowls & other social functions.We are a small friendly club. www.ccbc.candyit.netPhone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 4456

Ashburton Bowls Club

neW & exPeRienCeD BoWleRs inviTeD To Join

1-3 Samarinda Ave, AshburtonPhone Peter . . . . . . . . . 9802 1660 or David 9560 9598

Bennettswood Bowling Club

CoMe AnD Join Us

179 Station St, Burwood.Regular Open Days.Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 4373

• Children’s Activities and Childcare

Camberwell Childcare AssociationCnr Aird St & Riversdale Rd, Camberwell

ACTiviTy gRoUP

Wednesday 12.45pm – 3.15pmCamberwell Childcare Association Inc. is now ofering a supervised Activity Group for toddlers and pre-schoolers.All sessions are run by experienced staf. For enquiries or enrolments phone Anne Marie . . . . . . . . . . .9889 6002

Uniting Care ConnectionsSt James Uniting Church Wattle Park, Forsyth Hall1201 Riversdale Rd, Box Hill South (Melway 61 C3)


10–11.45am Mondays. Contact Margaret Ashby .. ..9808 5657


3-year-old - Tuesday, hursday.4-year-old – Monday, Wednesday, hursday . . . .9808 4495Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9871 0233

Hartwell Occasional CareCnr Milverton and Highield Roads, CamberwellSessions: Tues, Wed, hurs, Friday mornings3-year-old: Tue, Friday afternoonsPhone Ros or Jenny on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 6622

St Matt’s CatsA ChRisTiAn PlAygRoUP FoR CAReRs AnD ToTs

St Matthew’s Anglican Church, 334 High St Rd, Ashburtonhursday during school terms from 10.30am–12.30pmEnquiries . . . . . . . . . Leonie 9802 6406 or 0414 547 952

Children’s Activities

The Box hill CoMMUniTy ARTs CenTRe

We ofer a wide range of children’s after school programs including drama, pottery, drawing and painting.Phone 9895 8888 or visit www.bhcac.com.au


Community Notices

�� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

Combined Probus Club of BurwoodEley Park Community Hall, Eley Rd, Burwood. (Melway 61 H5)New Members Always WelcomeOur very friendly club for male or female semi or full retirees, meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month from 9.45 am until 12 noon. We have monthly speakers, theatre trips, outings, dine-outs and many special interest groups, amongst other activities. Phone President Les Napper . . . . . . 9807 5764.We have easy parking and lots of fun, so give us a try!

National Seniors Australia

WhiTehoRse Box hill BRAnCh

Meets at 1.30pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at he Arbour Arts Centre, 470 Station St, Box HillMeetings include guest speaker, forum for concerns and afternoon tea ($3 at the door).

Contact Ian Mathers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9801 3131

Association of Independent RetireesMelBoURne eAsTeRn BRAnCh

he Association of Independent Retirees is an Australia-wide voluntary not-for-proit advocacy group for people who are fully or partially self-funded in retirement.he Melbourne Eastern Branch meets at 10am on the 1st Friday of the month (except January) in the Senior Citizens Centre, Silver Grove, Nunawading. here is a guest speaker at each meeting. Visitors are welcome.For details phone . . . . . . . . . . 9874 3143 or 9894 1989.

Association of Independent Retirees

MelBoURne soUTh eAsT BRAnCh

Meets bi-monthly at the Mt Waverley Youth CentreMembership is open to any retired person who is self-funded or receives a partial government pension.he Association is non-party political and is stafed by volunteers. It is continually making submissions to Federal and State governments on a range of issues afecting retirees who fund their own retirement.Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 8050

3WBC: 94.1 FMyoUR loCAl CoMMUniTy RADio sTATion

dedicated to local communityWhitehorse Boroondara FM Community Radio Inc.Tune in to 94.1FM 3WBC for the best locally based information and music programs.Free publicity for local non-proit organisationsContact us for an on-air interview or to promote your meetings, functions and activities.We are always on the lookout for on-air presenters, sponsors and program production assistance.Become a sponsor/member/presenter/volunteer.Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9285 4846, Fax 9285 4849Email info@3wbc.org.auPO Box 159, Box Hill 3128 or visit 3wbc.org.au

• Community & Special Interest Groups

Burwood Evening View ClubVoices, Interest, Education for WomenMeets on the second Wednesday of every month at the Box Hill Golf Club, 202 Station St, Box Hill at 7.15pm, for dinner and a guest speaker.For more information call Helen Messer . . . . . .9889 9681

Camberwell & District National Seniors

neW MeMBeRs WelCoMe.

Phyllis Hore Room, Kew Library,Cnr Cotham Rd and Civic Drive, Kew10am on the 3rd hursday of each month.Meet new friends and enjoy our interesting guest speakers with refreshments. Cost $4. Enquiries: Don . . . . . . .9833 4514

Lions Club of BoroondaraA group of men and women of varying ages meet over a friendly dinner the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm at the Tower Hotel, 686 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn.Enjoy fellowship and discussion of community projects.For further information contact Pauline . . . . . .9836 0541

Camberwell City RSL Sub BranchClub rooms are at 403 Camberwell Rd, CamberwellWe meet the 1st Monday of each month at 1.30pm. with very good guest speakers. From May to November, soup and a sausage sizzle available at noon, prior to the meeting.Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9882 5580

Kiwanis Club of Whitehorsehe Kiwanis Club of Whitehorse conducts dinner meetings twice a month to organise its numerous community and social functions.-Guests are welcome, so if you care about your local community and want to enjoy yourself, phone Brian Mates. . . . 9894 1257

Rotary Club of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills (afectionately known as MASH)A group of like-minded people “like you and me” serving our local community. Regular Tuesday evening meetings held at the Box Hill Institute.For more details contact Jenny . . . . . . . . . 0407 689 777

The Australian Shareholders AssociationWheelers Hill Library, cnr. Jells Rd & Ferntree Gully Rd, Wheelers Hill.he Monash Group meets from Feb. – Nov. on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10.00 am.he Australian Shareholders’ Association (ASA), a not-for-proit organisation, has been protecting and advancing the rights of shareholders in Australian listed companies since 1960. With a focus on good company performance and governance, the ASA has been successful in raising the standard of corporate behaviour in Australia.he ASA is also a strong campaigner for improving the inancial knowledge of members and shareholders generally. We provide access to value for money, independent education seminars and workshops. Most meetings we have a guest speaker, speaking on investment topics.Visitors Welcome. Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 7166

��March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Community NoticesBoroondara ToastmastersBoroondara Toastmasters Club promotes conidence and self-development through the medium of public speaking.Meetings at Burwood Neighbourhood House, 1 Church St, Burwood (Melway 60 H6)1st and 3rd hursdays of each month at 7.45pmEnquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9888 8061Visit www.boroondara.toastmasters.org.au/

University of the Third Age

(U3A) hAWThoRn, A CoMMUniTy selF-helP oRgAnisATion

26 Sinclair Ave, Glen Iris (formerly Glen Iris Bowling Club)he University of hird Age (U3A) Hawthorn is a community self-help organisation, which provides a range of educational and creative courses based in Boroondara for retired and semi-retired people. here are no entry qualiication requirements, no exams and no formal certiicates. Currently there are approximately 90 courses and activities ofered over a broad range of topics such as history, current afairs, modern languages and science or practical skills such as jewellery making, painting and Tai Chi. Courses are conducted during the daytime, Monday to Friday. U3A Hawthorn supports itself mainly through a low annual membership fee that entitles members to attend as many activities as practical.For more information on courses and enrolment, phone 9821 0282 10.30am to 1.30pm weekdays, or visit www.u3ahawthorn.org.au

Baha’i Community Of BooroondaraPO Box 32 East Kew, 3102

TRAnqUiliTy Zone:

Every Sunday at 11am.

Venue: Hidden Words Bookshop, 351 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn. Spend some time to let go of the activities and demands of the week and regain focus and strength for the new week to come. Relect on inspirational and uplifting words accompanied with beautiful and soothing music to relax the body, centre the mind and refresh the spirit.Admission is free and all are welcome. . . . . . . .9815 2020

Soul Food

1st Sunday of each month at 10.30am.Village Roadshow heatrette, Melbourne State Library, Entry 3, LaTrobe St, (Parking available on LaTrobe Street)An opportunity to relax in a tranquil environment and relect on diferent themes. Soul Food features music, audio-visual pieces and inspirational readings from various faiths: indigenous, ancient and modern from the north, south, east and west. Soul Food is a free community event open to all. We invite you to take some time out and join us.

inFoRMATion nighT - inTRoDUCTion To The BAhA’i FAiTh

Hidden Words Bookshop, 351 Burwood Rd, HawthornCome along for a relaxing Friday evening. Learn more about various aspects of the Baha’i Faith, an opportunity to ask questions and browse the selection of books and gifts.Admission is free and all are welcome . . . . . . . .9815 2020

• Dance

Scottish Country Dancing

visiToRs AnD neW MeMBeRs AlWAys WelCoMe

We meet every Tuesday evening from March to November at St homas’ Hall, 107 Broughton Rd, Surrey Hills (cnr Beech St & Broughton Rd) (Melway 60 K2)Just 4-5 minutes’ walk from No. 70 Tram route.A beginners’ session is held from 7pm to 7.45pm. Following a 15 minute tea break, a mixed session is held from 8pm to 10pm. A social dance night is held every 4th Tuesday.Admission by donation, $5.People can come alone, with a partner or in a group and of any nationality with no, little or much dancing background.Best to wear a pair of lat, soft shoes. Enquiries to Ian or Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 2546

Welsh Dance ClassesSunday afternoons, St homas’ Hall107 Broughton Rd, Surrey Hills (Melway 60 K2)Admission $5.For information on the forthcoming sessionscontact Ian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9878 2414

Dance for FitnessBox Hill Community Arts Centre.470 Station St, Box HillMondays, 1.30pm – 2.30pmHave fun and get it at the same time! A low impact dance class for those who are looking for an informal dance class or simply don’t like the gym.Enrolments essential. Please phone . . . . . . . . .9895 8888or visit www.bhcac.com.au

Education / Self Improvement

Computer Savvy Seniors

ARe yoU inTeResTeD in leARning CoMPUTeR BAsiCs?

A peer training program for seniors- no experience required. You will be matched with a peer trainer who will start with absolute basics, teach you about word processing and about using the Internet and email.Training is free and can be held at a Boroondara library, in an aged care facility or your home.For information contact Ellen Caswell . . . . . . .9278 4674or email Ellen.Caswell@boroondara.vic.gov.au

Power Talk International

PeRsonAl DeveloPMenT

POWERtalk International (formerly Toastmistresses) can help you increase your self conidence in speaking efectively in public, giving presentations as well as developing leadership skills. Our club ofers a supportive and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow. We meet at 7.30pm every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in Balwyn. Visitors will be welcomed at our friendly club. Enquiries to Margaret . . . . . . . .9857 7813

Community Notices

Community Notices

�� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

Community Notices• Friendship and Activity Groups

Ashburton Support Services

gReAT WAys FoR oveR 50s To enJoy TheiR DAy

296 High St, AshburtonBallroom dancingClasses are held every Tuesday, 10am–11am. Cost $4.You don’t need a partner, just come along and meet new friends.Cards & Board gamesAre you interested in playing cards?On Tuesday at 1.30pm we have the card game Bolivia in action, but if you would like to play Solo or another card game please contact Jenni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 3815A charge of $2.00 applies, afternoon tea included.excursionsSit back and let someone else do the driving. Our bus excursions run twice weekly.All enquiries to Jenni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 3815

Burwood Country Women’s AssociationBurwood Neighbourhood House, 1 Church Street, Burwood.For information call Hon. Sec, Julie Weaver. . . . .9808 4069

Camberwell Senior Citizens405 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell. For information contact the club Mon & hurs on 9882 6947 or Debbie Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 3019

Life Activities Club, BalwynGeneral meetings are held at 7.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of June, August, October and December at the Baptist Church Hall, 136 Doncaster Rd, North Balwyn.A social club and meeting place for active people in retirement that ofers opportunities to participate in a wide variety of interesting and enjoyable activities.For information contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9857 7128

Burwood Community CentreCoMPAny AnD enTeRTAinMenT in A CARing ATMosPheRe

Burwood Uniting Church,Cnr Warrigal Rd and Hyslop St, BurwoodWe are open from 1.30pm till 3.30pm every Wednesday.All WelcomeFor information contact Dorothy horpe . . . . .9808 2200

Golden Age Senior Citizens Centre47 Miller Cres, Mt WaverleyOpen to senior citizens over the age of 55. Operates each weekday, except Fridays.Activities include carpet bowls, cards (Solo and 500), craft, table tennis, snooker and scrabble.Outings are arranged monthly.Our comfortable clubrooms are open from 9.30am–3pm.Drop in or call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9807 7003

• Floral Art / Gardening

Ashburton Floral Art GroupDeMonsTRATions, helPFUl hinTs AnD FRienDshiP

Uniting Church Hall, Ashburn Grove, Ashburton3rd Monday of the month at 12.30pm until NovemberFees: $15 annually, plus $2 per session.Contact Hazel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9802 4462

Box Hill Floral Art Group1st hursday of the month in the Whitehorse Room, Box Hill Town HallFree classes at 11am and demonstrations by leading loral designers at 1pm

gARDen gRoUP

3rd Tuesday at 10amEnquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 6080

Camellia VictoriaCamellia Victoria Inc meets on the second Wednesday of the month from March to November at 8pm in the East Burwood Uniting Church Hall, cnr Burwood Hwy and Blackburn Rd, East Burwood. Visit www.camelliasvic.org.au

Waverley Garden Club Floral Art GroupMeets 3rd Tuesday at 7.45pmMt Waverley Youth Centre, 45 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley

FloRAl WoRkshoPs

Come and enjoy a free demonstration by a leading loral art designer. Join us at our regular workshop and gain experience to make your own arrangements.Prospective new members are always welcome.For further information please contact Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9560 4804Maree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9887 2074

Waverley Garden ClubWaverley Community Centre, Miller Cres, Mt WaverleyCome to our meetings and enjoy guest speakers, trading table and a friendly atmosphere.We meet at 8pm on the 1st Friday of the month.For further details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9807 3507

Barinna Garden Club, South Blackburnhe club meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1.30pm.Call Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 6448

Camberwell Morning Garden Club‘Chambly’, 405 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell. Meets on the 2nd hursday of every month, between 10am and 12noon for fellowship, morning tea and to hear expert speakers on a range of topics about gardening.Membership is open to all and involves an annual subscription of $10.he club also organises interesting day trips during the year, including a Christmas outing to Montsalvat in December.For further details, call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9884 9060.


��March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Community NoticesBoroondara Life Activities Clubhe club meets at the Salvation Army Citadel, Bowen St, Camberwell.Monday: table tennis, swimming, card games (Solo), billiardsTuesday: card games (Bolivia)Wednesday: golf, luncheon (1st of the month)hursday: table tennis, scrabble (1st and 3rd of the month)Friday: dancing, day tripsEvery six weeks: Dine Out.Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9889 7458 or 9836 8027

Golden Wattle Day ClubAt East Malvern RSL Club, Stanley Grose Dve, East MalvernEvery hursday at 10am. Cost $2Everyone welcome.Light excercises, games, outings and meeting new friends.Contact Pat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9807 4994

War Widows & Widowed Mothers’ Association


Our group meets at 1pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month in the RSL Hall, cnr Myrniong & Hyslop Sts, Burwood.We have a variety of speakers, demonstrations and outings.Contact helma Dalrymple . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 5568 or Noni Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 7458

Box Hill Senior Citizen’s Club Inc.Carrington Centre, 79 Carrington Rd, Box HillMonday: Gentle exercise, cards, snooker, bingo 1.45pm, ($3 per book)Tuesday: Chinese MahJongWednesday: snooker, Chinese MahJonghursday: snookerFriday: cards, snooker, concert or speakers (cost $3)Lunch in the dining room Monday – Friday at 12noonAnnual Subscription: $8Enquiries: Hon. Sec. Shirley Crossley. . . . . . . .9890 4979

Nieuw Holland Social Club

FoR DUTCh sPeAking PeRsons AnD TheiR PARTneRs

A group for 50+ meets every hursday morning in the Blackburn Senior Citizens Club, “he Pines”, at Central Rd, Blackburn(A few minutes from the station.)Weekly meetings 9.30am-1.15pmFor more information phone Inge Van Hoek . . .9877 1523

Burwood Evening VIEW Club

voiCe, inTeResTs AnD eDUCATion oF WoMen

Meets at 7pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Box Hill Golf Club, 202 Station St, Box Hill South, for dinner and a guest speaker.Come along and meet new friends and enjoy our interesting speakers. Visitors welcome.For more information call heresa 0403 992 569 or 9836 1867

Home League (Women’s Group)

The sAlvATion ARMy CAMBeRWell CoRPs

7-11 Bowen St, Camberwell (Melway 59 K3)We invite you to Home League which is an oasis in the middle of the week for women of all ages. As life continues to race by, the group ofers enlightenment and encouragement to each other, while at the same time teaching us and leading us to search for the deeper meaning of life.Our meetings are varied with speakers, bus trips, brunches and musical mornings, all with the aim of giving us a good quality of life. As a branch of the Salvation Army, we ofer something more than most groups– faith and hope in a practical way.hursday morning tea is from 10am, meeting at 10.30amCost: $1 a week, to cover most activities and morning tea. Contact Jane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0414 451 228he Corps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 2468

Community Notices


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Community Notices

�� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

• Health and Support Groups

OverEaters Anonymous

Do yoU hAve A PRoBleM WiTh FooD?

Rowville Uniting Church, cnr Fulham Rd and Bridgewater Way (Melway 82 A1)Overeaters Anonymous meets each Saturday, 8.30am–10amMeetings are free and there are NO weigh-ins.For more information . . . . . . . 5986 2768 or 9874 5527

Parkinson’s Victoria Inc.


Meets at 10am on the last Monday of each month at St Mark’s Church Hall, corner Burke & Canterbury Rds, Camberwell.For information contact Ruth Harrop . . . . . . .9889 3499

Require Adult Day Care?

DAy CARe CenTRe FoR DeMenTiA sUFFeReRs

Elsie Salter House, 11 Marquis St, AshburtonDementia is a term used to describe an illness which can afect a person’s memory, intellect and personality. We ofer: • Professional care and encouragement • An interesting variety of activities.Enquiries to the manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 6426

Obsessive Compulsive & Anxiety Disorders

Foundation of Victoria Inc.Support Groups for suferers of Obsessive Compulsive, Panic, Social Anxiety Disorder and other anxiety disorders, along with their family or friends.1st & 3rd hursdays of each month at 7.30pm atPeppercorn Club, 584 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn(next to the library).Further details, phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9886 9377


sUPPoRT gRoUP FoR FAMily AnD FRienDs oF AlCoholiCs

Meets Monday mornings at 10.30 (including public holidays) in the hall at the rear of Wesley Uniting Church on the corner of Station and Oxford Sts, Box Hill.


PAniC & AnxieTy DisoRDeRs AssoCiATion viCToRiA

PADA in Victoria operates the Panic and Anxiety Disorders Treatment Centre. Individual and group counselling for all anxiety disorders is provided by experienced and caring psychologists. Specialist child psychologists are available for children and young people.For a free information brochure or for further information, please ring PADA on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 7355

Warm Water Exercise ClassesMUlgRAve–MonAsh selF helP gRoUP

Peter James Centre, Mahoneys Rd, Burwood EastMulgrave-Monash Self Help Group holds warm water exercise classes under the strict supervision of a physiotherapist. Presently there are three classes each Monday and hursday evening. For further information phone . . . . . . 98014758

Personal Helpers and Mentors ProgramLevel 1 / 12 Hamilton Place, Mt WaverleyPHAMS Monash provides community-based outreach support for people who are living with a mental illness and reside in the City of Monash. he program is delivered by Prahran Mission and aims to build on people’s existing strengths and increase personal capacity and self reliance, in areas such as:• maintaining or acquiring independent living skills• help with accessing transport• support to access other local services• support to access community activities and courses.Agencies and GPs or other services are welcome to refer people and interested people are also encouraged to self refer. he program is free, open-ended and sets goals to measure aspirations with outcomes.Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9807 1846

Kara House Outreach ServiceKara House is a Domestic Violence Support Agencyproviding support to women and women with children, experiencing domestic violence.Kara House also provides specialised support to women from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.For assistance please phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . .9877 9711

Blackburn Take Off Weight Naturally

(T.O.W.N.) ClubloW CosT sUPPoRTive ClUB To AssisT yoU To lose WeighT

T.O.W.N. Clubs Victoria. Established 40 years. 130 clubs state-wideA not for proit organisation. he very friendly Blackburn Club meets Monday mornings 9.30 – 11.30 at Eley Park Community Centre, Eley Rd, Burwood (Melway 61 H5)Contact Leoni Frew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9802 5044

Cancer Council Victoria - Relay For Life

CoMMiTTee MeMBeRs neeDeD

Cancer Council Victoria is seeking members of the local community to join the committee in organising our Relay For Life event in Hawthorn. he committee meets regularly throughout the year to plan the event including facilities, entertainment and administration.For more information please contact Amy on 9635 5378 or amy.mckee@cancervic.org.au

Healthy Bones Group

The soUTh eAsT MelBoURne osTeoPoRosis sUPPoRT gRoUP

We ofer information and support through newsletters and meetings every second month.Even if you can’t attend a meeting (held at Mt Waverley Youth Centre) you can be involved by registering for the newsletter.For information on this friendly and informative group, ring Carole on 95688727 or email: bonesgroup@hotmail.com,

Community Notices

��March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Community NoticesBoroondara Lupus Support GroupBalwyn Library meeting room, 2nd Wednesday each month at 1.30pmhis group is for people living with Lupus and associated auto-immune conditions.It also welcomes their family support members and friends into the group.here are regular guest speakers and the group provides information support and seminars for our members.Arthritis Victoria (which is the oicial organization for Lupus Victoria) also provides ongoing advice support and speakers.he meetings are free and afternoon tea is provided.For further information please contact:Maggie Kandi on 9817 2316 or maggiekandi@mail.comOr Clare Hopkins on 9809 4998 or clarehopkins@dodo.com.au

Seniors RegisterMonAsh volUnTeeR ResoURCe CenTRe

A Seniors Register, which is a joint initiative between Monash Volunteer Resource Centre, the City of Monash and the Mt Waverley and Glen Waverley police, has commenced in the Mt Waverley and Glen Waverley areas.Contact Monash Volunteer Resource Centre. . . 9562 0414

Tai Chi ClassesAt Ashburton Support Services. Tai Chi for Osteoporosis, Advanced Group, Intermediate Group, Beginners Group for Arthritis. $4 per session. For details call Jenni . . .9885 3815

Health Promotion Unit

MAssAge seRviCe AT Box hill hosPiTAl

We ofer trained massage therapist services at reduced costs.1 hour $50 ($45 conc.); ½ hour $35 ($30 conc.);Workcover $44–$80 (initial consultation), $10–$30 (standard consultation).

neeD helP To give UP sMoking?

Our trained facilitators conduct Tobacco Free Clinics at both Box Hill & Maroondah Hospitals for those that would like to give up smoking. Our small one-of fee is dependant on income.

heAlTh FoR liFe CoURses

All courses are conducted by qualiied professionals. Overthe next few months courses commencing include:Reducing Road Rage, Massage Courses, Sleep Solutions, Anxiety Management and Anger ManagementWe have ongoing courses in:Gentle Exercise for Seniors, Yoga, Walking Group.Cost varies from course to course.For more than 20 years, the Health Promotion Unit at Box Hill Hospital has ofered the “Health for Life” course programme to the community. Our quality courses are afordable and aim to support people in managing their health and well being.For further information please visit the website at:www.easternhealth.org.au/healthpromo/courses.shtmlBookings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9895 4947

Falls Prevention Program

ReADy, sTeADy, go!

Ashburton Support Services, 296 High St, AshburtonAn evidence based program combining exercise and education with the aim of reducing your risk of falling. Program includes professional speakers, (GP, Physiotherapist, OT, Dietician, Vision specialist, Specialist nurse and Podiatrist).For more information please call Fay . . . . . . . .9885 3815

Men’s Groupa mEn’S SuPPORt GROuP

Meets fortnightly on Monday evenings at Camcare in Camberwell. Men’s Groups encourage men of all kinds and ages to discuss issues such as relationships, fathering, personal growth, work stress and health in supportive, conidential and friendly surroundings. Gold coin donation.For further information or to register interest, please contact Des 0402 522 261 or email camensgp@yahoo.com.au

Community Notices

Centre for Child and Family Development Camberwell

Director: Ruth Schmidt Nevenformerly Chief Psychotherapist Royal Children's Hospital

The Clinic offers:

•Under Fives Counselling•Adolescent Counselling•Parent/Family Consultation•Experienced child and adolescent psychotherapist for emotional, social and behavioural problems

Medicare Rebates and Private Health Insurance Rebates

Appointments and Informal Inquiries: Phone 9830-0422


Community Notices

�0 Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

• History Groups

Burwood History GroupMeet at the former Burwood State School,172 Burwood Hwy, Burwood.First Wednesday of each month at 1.30 pmA book on the history of the Burwood State School isavailable for $10 from the Group.For more information contact Valma Fell . . . . .9808 5482

Waverley Historical Society IncorporatedIf you have a question about the history of the Waverley area,you are welcome to visit our rooms in Mt Waverley on a Wednesday afternoon.For information about meetings and membership,Phone the secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9544 8792Email: whs@kepl.com.au or visit www.vicnet.net.au/~whsvic

• Music Groups

Treble Tones

esTABlisheD lADies ChoiR seeks neW MeMBeRs

Join a friendly group of ladies who enjoy singing and bringing the pleasure of music to others. Rehearsals Wednesday mornings, Burwood area. Come and see what we do.Contact musical director Lorraine Pollard. . . . 9802 9239

Bentleigh Organ ClubEast Bentleigh Sporting & Recreation Club,62 Mackie Rd, East BentleighMeets1st Monday of each month at 8pmAdmission fees - $3 members, $6 non-membersAnnual membership - $11. Visitors always welcome.Contact Jenny and Clif Restarick . . . . . . . . . .9528 2539

Sing Australia ChoirCamberwell Baptist Church, cnr Riversdale Road and Wills St, Camberwell Junction.Sing Australia Choir is a community-based choir. Rehearsals are on Tuesday mornings from 10am-noon. Cost: $6, plus membership. No auditions, just singing fun.Further info: Wendy 9886 9405 or www.singaustralia.com.au

Oakleigh City BandA brass band in the City of MonashPlayers of all ages and experience welcome.Instruments and tuition available.Phone Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9807 9624

Box Hill Community Arts Centre Community Choir470 Station St, Box HillOur choir continues to meet on a Sunday afternoon from 2 – 4pm in our lovely Arbour hall.Members of the choir require no singing experience – just a desire to sing as part of a community choir. Enjoy the casual atmosphere, variety of songs and a cup of tea!Enrolments essential. $54 per term.Please phone 9895 8888 or visit www.bhcac.com.au

A Pianist is needed for a small group of ladies who enjoy singing and entertaining at Ashburton Support Services, on hursdays, 1.15–2.45pm. If you would like to join this friendly group, phone Ila 9807 4606

• Community Shopping

Benlion Op-Shop192 Elgar Rd, Surrey Hills. All funds go to the community. Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 9559

Amaroo Op-ShopAmaroo Neighbourhood Centre, 34 Amaroo St, ChadstoneFor information contact, Joan Garde . . . . . . . .9807 0570

Opportunity ShopHave you discovered the Golden Opportunity Shop yet? It’s just by Ashburton Station.You can shop to your heart’s content knowing that all you spend will go directly to the Ashburton Support Services.hese services include Meals on Wheels, and many social events. So come on, Shop at the Op!

Friends of SameThe sAMe CoFFee PRoJeCT (eAsT TiMoR)

Friends of Same sell delicious Timorese blended cofee at about 25 outlets in the city of Boroondara. It is available from Council oices at Camberwell, Hawthorn and Kew and locally at • Corner deli, 229 High St, Ashburton • Monaco’s deli, 525 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell • Riversdale Cellars, 191 hrough Rd, Camberwell • Surrey Hills Cellars cnr Canterbury/Union Rds, Surrey Hillshe Friends of Same are partners in Timor Friendship cofee with 13 other churches, schools, service clubs and community groups who use the cofee to support their work in Timor Leste (East Timor).For more about us, see www.friendsofsame.orgor ring Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0430 305 200

The House Of Books508 Whitehorse Rd Mitcham(Next door to St John’s School & Church)he House is a not-for-proit organisation stafed by volunteers with all books being donated. Funds raised are returned to various local community services including St Vincent de Paul and families with special needs. Average prices $1–2.Open Mon–Fri 10am–4pm, Saturday 10am–1pmClosed: Sundays & Public HolidaysEnquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9874 2389

The Salvation Army Thrift Shop 401-403 High Street, Ashburton (near corner Warrigal Road).8.30am–4.30pm Mon–Fri and 9am–1pm SaturdaysWe are in the Ashwood shopping centre and are run by he Salvation Army Camberwell; proits from the shop go back into the local community of Ashburton. Phone 9885 4965We are in need of more volunteers to help at the shop. If you are interested, please call in and see Helen or Chris.Please leave donations at the shop during business hours only, at the rear entrance of the shop in the Poulter Street car park.

Community Notices

�1March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Community NoticesAmaroo Neighbourhood Centre34 Amaroo St, ChadstoneOur centre has a wide range of programs on ofer that include Kids Karate, Art, Basic Computers, Basic Cooking for 1 or 2, Community Lunch, Family Violence Support Group, Occasional Child Care, Garden Club, Tai Chi, Walking Group, ESL, Ballroom Dancing, Creative Writing, Homework Support Group and much more. Programs will be mailed out on request. Our premises are wheelchair friendly and we welcome all people, with no exceptions.We also ofer the services of a Justice of the Peace.Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9807 2624 or 9807 0570

Bowen Street Community Centre102 Bowen St, Camberwell

We oFFeR DAy AnD evening CoURses FoR ADUlTs AnD ChilDRen

Playgroups and childcare throughout the week.For details and enrolments please ring the oice on 9889 0791, email us at enquiries@bowenstreet.org.au or check out our website www.bowenstreet.org.au

Box Hill Community Arts Centre470 Station St, Box HillWe ofer a range of art and lifestyle courses for adults and children at low cost.Classes include: Introduction to Drawing, Acrylics and Oils for Beginners, Fun and Functional Ceramics, Pot Luck Pottery, Dance for Fitness, Hatha Yoga, Community Choir and more.he centre also has a beautiful art gallery with an extensive art program, showcasing the work of our many regular users as well as the City of Whitehorse collection and special exhibitions throughout the year.

Bennettswood Neighbourhood House7 Greenwood St, BurwoodCome along anytime Monday to Friday, 9am–3pm, and take a look at what is happening at your Neighbourhood House.

loW CosT CoURses AnD ACTiviTies.

Library Day (Read & Borrow), Lunch ‘n’ More, Mah-jong, Parent/Child Groups, Solo, Social Events, heatre OutingsArt & CraftBalloonology Workshops, Beaded Jewellery, Community Craft Group, Craft Group for Uninished Projects, Drawing & Watercolour Painting, Felting Workshops, Leadlight, Stamping & Card MakingMusic & DanceEnglish Country Dancing, Harp Group & Tuition, Music for Tinies, Singing Tuition in Group or IndividualHealth & WellbeingGentle Exercises to Music, Massage, Seniors on the Move, Strength Training, Walking, YogaSkillsAsian Cooking Demonstrations, Computer & Internet Tuition and UsePhone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9888 0234Email: be24584@bigpond.net.auWebsite: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~bennetts/

Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning Centre

(ANLC)49 Ashburn Grove, Ashburton (opposite Alamein Station)We ofer a wide range of adult education and leisure classes as well as friendship and community support services.* hese classes are ACFE funded


We ofer Basic Literacy for English speakers and Adult Literacy through Computers.

english As A seConD lAngUAge*

Learn and improve your English skills. We ofer classes from Monday to Friday both morning and afternoon. hese classes utilise the Certiicate for General Education for Adults (CGEA).

WoRkPlACe skills AnD TeChnology*

his is a great course for people wanting to enter or return to work or wanting to volunteer in a workplace. his is a nationally accredited qualiication (Cert 1 in Vocational Preparation).

CoMPUTeR TRAining*

Introduction to Computers classes run for 20 weeks.A range of fee for service classes are ofered including Computer Conidence for Mature Adults, Internet Workshops, Powerpoint, Computers and Your Camera and MYOB.


Learn how to identify and grow plants in this course.

leisURe ClAsses

Yoga, Art, Walking Group, Mosaics, Pilates, Beaded Craft, Gentle Exercise to Music, Discussion Group, Garden Club.

CoMMUniTy sUPPoRT seRviCes

Dial a Bus Shopping Service, Wednesday Club – Never Too Old to Learn, Bus Trips – fortnightly, Community Bus for Hire, Community Garden, Drop in Lounge, Community Lunches, Room Hire, Tool Library and Men’s Shed.A detailed program of our activities is available– call in at the Centre or contact Mim Markovic . . . . . . . . . .9885 9162

Box Hill South Neighbourhood House47 Kitchener St, Box Hill South


Exercises with weights, painting, cards, individual computer classes, Ebay workshop, gardening, English as a second language, Spanish, craft, jewellery making, childcare, Friday morning playgroup, Italian and three-year-old kinder groups.


Pilates, exercises with weights, Spanish, Italian, watercolour, EBay workshop, belly dancing, folk art and bookclub.


Latin dancing, pilates, Bollywood dancing, writers group, mothers and daughters group and Sunday walk.New programs each term. Closed school holidays.Please contact manager, Geraldine Farrell, for more details!Phone. . . . . . . . . . . 9898 8270, Fax 9897 1893Email: bhsnh@netspace.net.au

Comunity Centres & ActivitiesZ

�� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

��March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Waverley Community Learning Centre5 Fleet St, Mt Waverley

ClAsses inClUDe:

Art, Creative Writing, CPR and First AidEnglish for migrants, Introduction to ComputersSpanish, French and German, Pottery - Adult and Children’sLiterature Studies, Digital Photography, Dressmaking, Crochet, Mosaics, CalligraphyGentle Exercise, Strength training, Pilates, Hatha YogaGroups - Walking, Cycling, Craft, Laughter, Community Singing and lots more.Oice Hours 9am–4pm, phone . . . . . . . . . .9807 6011Email: waverley@vicnet.net.auWebsite: www.waverleycommunitylearningcentre.org.au

Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre171 Canterbury Rd, CanterburyContact us for a detailed program guide and further information between 9am-4pm, Mon, Tue, hur and 9am-1pm Wed and Fri. Below is a sample of our program. We welcome all your enquiries and interest.Structured PlaygroupsStructured fun activities for children with art, music and constructive play. A great opportunity for parents to meet others. 9.30am-11.30am Monday, Tuesday, hursday, Friday and 9.45am-11.45am hursdays. Cost: $68 per term, $44 for second child (no charge for babies).Occasional ChildcareWeekday mornings, three and four hour sessions for children six months to school age. Competitive fees, generous discounts for siblings and concession holders. Term bookings and casual bookings available.Italian and French Language classesMost levels catered for including Italian for beginners and VCE French conversation. Phone for time, dates and costs.Fit for You classesFocusing on core strength, resistance training and stretching along with body balance and some cardio-vascular conditioning. Be it, have fun, stay younger! Wednesdays 10–11am. Cost: $100 (10 weeks).he Anglo-SaxonsLearn about the origins, culture and society of the Anglo-Saxons. hursdays 1–3pm commencing 18 February. Cost: $82 (6 weeks).Understanding Today’s WorldGain a better understanding of domestic and international political afairs; learn country proiles, both historical and present day. Examine Australian foreign policy and the efects of globalisation. Interesting and informative tutorials and discussions. Wednesdays 10am-11.30am, fortnightly. Cost: $49 (5 sessions).Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9830 4214 Email: admin@canterburynh.org.auwww.canterburynh.org.au

Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre Inc157 Union Rd, Surrey HillsshNC urgently needs volunteersWork on reception, lead walking group, create lyers on computer and deliver the Surrey Hills Neighbourhood News Bulletin every two months.

Physical Fitness–Will help you to maintain a high quality of life by focusing on core strength, lexibility, bone density and endurance. Suitable for under 60s.

Upholstery–Learn to make new items or repair old ones. Also available are bed head and foot stool making classes. Suitable for beginners and advanced students.Call us for our latest programPhone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 2467Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 8906Email: . info@surreyhillsnc.org.au www.surreyhillsnc.org.au

Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Funk, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Creative Drama

Adult classes in Pilates, Ballet, Jazz and Tap& Creative Kids Integrated Arts

(catering for special educational needs)

13-15 Yertchuk Avenue, Ashwood(next to Parkhill Primary and Ashwood

Memorial Kindergarten)

Email: info@bdcdance.com.au Ph 9888 3354

Principal since 1994 Joanne Watt BA Dance, GradDipMovement&Dance,

DipDanceTeaching & Management


Level 1, 971 Burke Road

Camberwell Vic 3124

P 03 9861 6100

F 03 8678 3997

PO Box 8161

Camberwell North Vic 3124


Lanyon PartnersChartered Accountants

Community Centres & Activities

�� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

Melbourne City Mission

The CoMMUniTy FRienD PRogRAM

Volunteers are needed to donate a couple of hours a week to spend with a person who has a disability and really needs a friend. If this interests you, call the Program coordinators,Shane or Tracie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9488 1203

MS Society Community Visitors SchemeWe would like to hear from volunteers who would appreciate becoming a friend to an older isolated resident in an aged nursing home by visiting on a fortnightly basis. Training and support provided. Areas covered: Camberwell, Canterbury, Balwyn, Ashburton, Surrey Hills, Kew, Hawthorn and Box Hill. Please contact the program Coordinator,Jackie Godhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9845 2753jgoodhead@mssociety.com.au

Are you able to lend a hand?

ABle AUsTRAliA seRviCes is seeking volUnTeeRs

Activities include: • Art, craft, cooking, gardening and music therapy programs. • Recreation programs, fun days and social outings into the community. • Assisting people with sensory impairments and other disabilities with daily chores, reading newspapers, exercising or accessing local shops or amenities. • Support in fundraising, administration and events.If you are willing and able to help support people with deafblindness and other combined disabilities, Able Australia ofers volunteer positions in many areas of creative and professional interest.Contact: Emely McCord . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 225 369or emely.mccord@ableaustralia.org.au

Seniors Register Volunteers

AssisTing senioR MeMBeRs oF The CoMMUniTy To Feel sAFe

Would you like to volunteer with the Seniors Register? he Seniors Register has commenced in the Mount Waverley and Glen Waverley areas of the City of Monash.Further details can be obtained by phoningMonash Volunteer Resource Centre . . . . . . . .9562 0414

Alzheimer’s Australia

Thinking oF volUnTeeRing?

Alzheimer’s Australia Vic. Hawthorn.Join our team of volunteers who provide telephone support and information about memory loss and dementia.Training provided. For further information phoneJudith Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9815 7847

Volunteer Alliance

oP shoP volUnTeeRs URgenTly neeDeD!

he Golden Opportunity Shop (located next to Ashburton train station) raises money for programs and activities provided by Ashburton Support Services (who ofer a range of support services to frail, aged people and people with a disability). Your involvement in the Opportunity Shop would help to promote sales whilst at the same time providing a service of afordable goods to the community.Your support for just a day a week will make a tremendous diference to the community and you’ll be surprised at how much you’ll enjoy yourself as well.

CAlling All MeAls on Wheels DRiveRs

Ashburton Support Services and the Marwal Centre (North Balwyn) are each seeking volunteers to help deliver meals on wheels. Meals on Wheels is a vital community service which helps elderly people maintain their independence and remain in their own homes by providing a nutritious meal, a friendly chat and a way to monitor their well-being. You can volunteer once a month, once a fortnight or once a week – you chose. Own car required.

CAn yoU DRive A BUs?

Marwal Centre and Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning Centre are each seeking a volunteer who can drive a minibus to transport clients for centre-based activities or trips. he Marwal Centre bus does not require an endorsed licence to drive, whilst the Alamein Neighbourhood Centre one does.For more information on any of the above roles or to explore other ways you could help, please call Mira . . . .9885 3815or email: volunteeralliance@ashburtonsupportservices com

Volunteers - The Vital Link

volUnTeeRing enhAnCes yoUR liFe AnD iT’s FUn

You meet new people, you’re doing an important job and you are making a diference. Find out more about volunteering, contact Monash Volunteer Resource Centre Inc.5 Myrtle St, Glen Waverley. Phone . . . . . . . . .9562 0414

Safety House Association of Victoria

BeCoMe A sAFeTy hoUse volUnTeeR

Wattle Park, St Benedict’s Safety House CommitteeTo become a Safety House Volunteer you’ll need to have an adult at home (over 17) between the hours of 8am and 9am and 3pm and 4pm on most school days. You will also need a telephone.Every time a Safety House is used the police are called.All Safety House applications are vetted by the Victoria Police.If you would like further information please phone Senior Sergeant Alan Badrock, Committee Secretary . . .9888 8377

Eastern Volunteer Resource Centre

volUnTeeR DRiveRs

Volunteer drivers are being recruited to assist with various community transport tasks.If you live in the City of Whitehorse, there are opportunities for you to help. Please phone. . . . . . . . . . . . .9870 7822

Volunteering OppurtunitiesZ

��March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Mrkets, Fetes & Festivals

• Farmers’ MarketsBoroondara Farmers’ Market

ThiRD sATURDAy oF The MonTh 8am–1pmPatterson Reserve, Auburn Rd, HawthornTaste and purchase fresh pasta, organic fruit and vegetables, gourmet spreads, antipasto, new season olive oil, gourmet jams, sourdough breads, pate, cheese, organic meat, chocolate coated and plain licorice and more. he produce comes fresh from all over Victoria and is sold from 60 stalls.Entry is a $2 donation from adults, which funds local community projects. Phone Elisa Grassa . . . . . .9278 4814

Whitehorse Farmers’ Market seConD sUnDAy oF The MonTh 8am–1pmWhitehorse Civic Centre, 379 Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading. Fresh produce from farm straight to you. Proceeds from market are used by the Rotary clubs for community projects in the City of Whitehorse. Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . .9539 2443

Mulgrave Farmers’ Market

eveRy sUnDAy 8AM–1PM

Cnr Jacksons & Wellington Roads, Mulgrave (in the grounds of he Body Shop Headquarters, enter from Jacksons Road) he Mulgrave Farmers Market hosts a lively selection of more than 40 stallholders selling everything from seasonal fruit and vegetables to fresh-cut lowers and the inest home-made edibles every Sunday from late March.

Second Hand and Rare Book Sale296 High St, Ashburton. Phone 9885 3815 Saturday April 17 and Sunday 18, 10am–4 pm.Ashburton Support Services is experiencing the effects of the economic downturn and urgently needs to raise funds to continue providing vital services to frail, aged people in the community.Donations of books and comics before 31st March would be very much appreciated. Magazines pre-dating 1970 are also sought after but please, no textbooks.It would be helpful if you could bring your contributions to the Ashburton Support Services oice at 296 High St, Ashburton. If this isn’t possible, please ring one of the telephone numbers below and a pick up will be arranged.We would enthusiastically welcome anyone who could assist with this project. here are varied tasks to be done. If you would like to be involved we will try to match your skills and time availability to a task that will suit you. Please call to discuss how you might be able to help.All enquiries to Adrienne .. .. .9885 1817 or 9889 4251.

Ashburton Primary School Grand FairFakenham Rd, Ashburton. Sunday, March 14,10am–4pm.Come along to the Grand Fair for great rides and activities –he Cyclone, Giant Super Slide, Chair-O-Plane, Croc fun tunnel, Cup and Saucer, GI Jane Eliminator and the Octopus ride. We also see the return of he Snake Handler who will bring along a collection of venomous snakes, Pythons and crocodiles. Other favourites include face painting, used toys and clothing, books, sporting goods and fantastic silent auction items. Great food and drink, free entertainment and lots more! Contact 9885 2559 or visit www.ashburtonps.vic.edu.au

The Great Fete

sATURDAy 13Th MARCh, 10am–4pmHoly Family Primary School, Mt Waverley250 Stephensons Rd, Mt WaverleyMany stalls, including; Cakes, Jams, Second-hand books, Trash and Treasure, Fairy, Craft, Art, Beauty Pavilion and Massage, Plants and MASH tent. Also available Devonshire teas, hot food and great entertainment; bands and student performances. Fantastic rides, suitable for all ages.See www.holyfamilyfete.wordpress.com

Treasures @ Trinity

ThiRD sATURDAy oF The MonTh 10am–1pm.Holy Trinity Anglican Church,177 Union Road (Cnr Montrose Street), Surrey HillsAn indoor monthly boutique craft market and sausage sizzle. Handmade (or home grown) items: home accessories, embroidered and smocked craft, jewellery, baby goods, cards, cakes and Butterield Farm produce, wine, and a large range of plants and lots more. Also Treasure’s Tearoom serving espresso cofee and Devonshire tea and featuring Ivor on piano. Friendly

atmosphere. Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98080323.

Hawthorn Craft Market

FiRsT sUnDAy oF The MonTh 10am–3pm.Hawthorn Town Hall, 360 Burwood Rd (parking at rear)Enjoy the ambience of the beautiful Hawthorn Town Hall and browse among 100 stalls of hand crafted original goods. he Hawthorn Craft Market ofers a unique selection of original handcrafted wares including quality jewellery, designer clothes, children’s and baby wear, toys, fresh produce and much more! Entry is free. Spoil yourself at Melbourne’s best makers’ market.

Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre

Community Market

seConD sATURDAy oF The MonTh (except Jan) 9am–1pm157 Union Rd, Surrey Hills & 1 Bedford AveCraft stalls, fresh vegetables, plants, books, gifts, cards, babywear, car boot sales.Devonshire teas, light lunch, tea, cofee. Stalls available.Why not catch up with your friends and enjoy morning tea in the friendly atmosphere of our monthly market?For further details phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 2467

�� Burwood Bulletin March—May 2010

• ArtHighway Gallery14 he Highway, Mt Waverley

CeleBRATing 20 yeARs.

February 27–March 28. An anniversary exhibition will feature works by major exhibitors from the past 20 years.For more details of the 20th anniversary celebrations phone the gallery 11am–3pm, Wednesday–Friday.Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9807 7261

MGA – Monash Gallery of Art860 Ferntree Gully Rd, Wheelers Hill Melway 71 J10Wheelchair accessible. Tue-Fri: 10am-5pm, Sat-Sun: 12pm-5pmMon & Public Holidays: closedPhone.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .9562 1569 or www.mga.org.au

Art Exhibition and Sale

sTRAThDon CoMMUniTy 7Th AnnUAl ART exhiBiTion

Strathdon Community Centre, 17 Jolimont Road, Forest Hill(enter via Commemorative Pathway)Showcasing a variety of contemporary and traditional works by Australian artists, including guest artist Jan Long. All works for sale at reasonable prices.Opening night Friday April 16, 7–9pm, Admission $15. Wine & savouries. Presentation of Prizes at 8pmSaturday April 17, 11am–4pm, Sunday April 18, 12noon–4pm Admission $6. All proceeds will help fund projects and programs for the frail aged at Strathdon Community.Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9845 3105 or 9845 3104

Arts & Entertainment

��March—May 2010 Burwood Bulletin

Concerts at the JunctionCamberwell Uniting Church, 314 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell(between Camberwell Junction and the Civic Centre)We are a non-proit organisation, dedicated to presenting an exciting array of classical music performed by national and international artists of the highest calibre.

MoMenTs in TiMe

March 20, 7.30pm.Nilusha Baeder, jazz vocal, Alex Pertout, percussion,Andrew Jones, piano. Engaging and impressive performers from the Melbourne jazz scene, Nilusha & Alex with associate artist Andrew Jones, present a fascinating evening featuring music from Latin America as well as showcasing original works incorporating global rhythms and improvisation.

Ae FonD kiss - songs FRoM The AUlD AlliAnCe

May 4, 10.30amVivien Hamilton, soprano, Len Vorster, piano, two of Melbourne’s most popular artists, present artsongs from their most recent CD, Burns and Beyond: Songs of Robert Burns, and a selection of French chansons inspired by the Parisian revels of the 1920sFor more information. . . . . . . . 9889 2363 or 9882 4560Email mscamberwell@gmail.comWebsite: www.home.vicnet.net.au/~music/


Est.1951 A0003254J

Principal: Jan Turner

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Enrolments 9434 3368 Website: www.boxhillballet.com

Email: boxhillballet@optusnet.com.au

Arts & Entertainment• Music

Melbourne Tramways Band


Sunday March 14 – Stage SensationsSunday April 18 – Spirit of ANZAChe concerts are scheduled to commence at 2.30pm, weather permitting. If a concert is cancelled, Parks Victoria will be advised by midday and can be contacted on 13 19 63.For more info visit www.melbtramband.org.auIt is the seventieth annual season of the Melbourne Tramways Band recitals at Wattle Park.Congratulations from all at the Burwood Bulletin for this wonderful effort.

Surrey Music CaféBox Hill Community Arts Centre, 470 Station St, Box Hill

The FABUloUs sTileTTo sisTeRs

Friday April 30 at 8.00pm Admission is $16, with tickets available through Whitehorse Ticket Oice . . . .9262 6555 10.00am - 4.00pm or online at www.surreymusic.com

Under 25s Jazz Improvisation WorkshopVictorian Jazz Archive, Koomba Park15 Mountain Highway, WantirnaEvery Sat from March 20–June 12, 1–4pmTotal cost $60 (includes $15 membership to Victorian Jazz)Open to all musicians under 25 and proicient in their instrument.For more details contact Marina Pollard . . . . . 9781 4972,or email info@vicjazzarchive.org.au

Haydn’s Creation Hawthorn Town Hall, Burwood Rd, Hawthorn.Sunday April 18 at 2.30pmCamberwell Chorale, together with the Camerata Orchestra and guest soloists, present Haydn’s Creation.Tickets $30/$25 www.camberwellchorale.org.auPh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9561 2531

• TheatreThe Camberwell Film SocietyCamberwell Community Centre, 33 Fairholm Grove, Camberwell. Melway 59 J1(he street behind Target and Safeway)

inviTATion To neW MeMBeRs

Joining a ilm society is often the irst step towards a deeper understanding and appreciation of the complex art of the cinema. he Camberwell Film Society Inc. meets on the third Wednesday of each month from February to November (second Wednesday in December). Screening starts at 7.30pm.All enquiries to the Secretary, Bill Kerr, PO Box 142, Parkville, 3052 or phone 9347 6969 and talk with Bill. Enquiries from people wishing to join our Society are always welcome.































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