business website analysis

Post on 20-Mar-2017






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PowerPoint Presentation

Unit 34P3Lewis Appleton

Use of colour The Howard SchoolA colour scheme of blue is used on the website to try and appeal to visitors and is used with white to create a background. The use of colour is darker for headings and the menu so that they stand out more. The school badge in the corner also uses white and blue for the majority which shows the colour scheme of the school.

Use of colour TescoTesco use a consistent colour scheme of red blue and white even in their images, such as in this image they use red blue and white coloured products which, although not everyone is able to notice is an effective use of their colour scheme. Tesco has a specific use for each of their colours, the red is often used for the prices or offers, the blue is used to fill a box around the menu headings and the white is used as a background.

Use of colour They work for youThey work for you only use a simple colour scheme, the majority of their website is grey scale colours such as white and grey.

Font The Howard School The font used is very simple, its a standard font that comes pre-installed called Verdana. For the drop down menus they just use a standard size 12 and in the menu headings this is slightly larger, the font in the menu has a shadow, this is actually saved as an image with an onmouseover function to swap the image and an onmouseout function to replace the image when the mouse is moved again.

Font Tesco Tesco use a standard Arial font with a sans-serif typeface, what this means is it eliminates lines that are on the end of letters such as g which you can see is made to appear to join so instead it would appear as g. The reason they may use the standard font is because it is the default font in programs such as Microsoft Word and therefore it is highly recognisable.

Font They work for you They work for you just use a simple font, there is no variation in different fonts

Graphics The Howard SchoolThe badge in the corner is used to represent the school as its symbol. The Howard School do not use many images on their website except on a slideshow, there are around 5 images that loop. The images are preloaded so they do not have to load each time they change. In the photos there are focus effects used to give the photo more perspective which can appeal to viewers. As you can see here the focus is on the students. They also blend some photos together which may be to save space.

Graphics TescoTesco have managed to use their colour scheme in their advertisements and graphics, even this one which appears to be a partnership offer still includes the red white and blue. However the majority of Tescos graphics appear to be simple, the downside to this is it may not be as appealing but the positive is that it may be less confusing the customers.

Graphics They work for youThey work for you uses hardly any graphics as it is mainly information based, however on the overview page there is an image as well as images for some of the MP's on the correct page.

Multimedia transitions The Howard SchoolRight away as you load up the website images are preloaded and use a slideshow function to transition between them, this is effective because it makes the website look more interesting because it is not static or frozen. These transitions are also used to switch images on the dropdown menus.

Multimedia transitions TescoTesco make really effective use of multimedia transitions. They make use of mouseover functions which create an event of a certain section changing, however the disadvantage to this is that the way Tesco has done this is using JavaScript and if the person does not have a compatible browser it may appear weird or distorted, and also may not function. As you can see another issue is that many headings overlap the selection box.

Multimedia transitions They work for youThey work for you doesnt use any multimedia transitions but the closest they have to the use of these is their drop down menu for choosing the parliament.

Page transitions The Howard SchoolPage transitions are fast and the same slideshow is shown at the top, therefore the whole top half of the webpage is kept loaded. Some links go to the old version of the website which is slow and doesnt look as good.

Page transitions TescoPage transitions on the Tesco website take up to 10 seconds, on a modern browser, 3 seconds, which is not fast but this may be due to the amount of information on certain pages. To try and avoid people getting fed up with waiting forever to find the right page they can also search what they are looking for or they can use the drop down categorised menus.

Page transitions They work for youWhen changing from one page to the next the same menu section is the same as well as highlighting the current page you are on.

A unified style The Howard SchoolThe style used on the website is appropriate for the homepage however some of the other pages are made to make the information appear to be spread out, this makes it look slightly messy and it may be easier to use less information and group some of this information together instead.

A unified style Tesco The style that Tesco uses is appropriate and the use of it has made the website become well known and well used. The fact that different styles are used dependant on the purpose of the page helps the visitor to understand the section they are looking at.

A unified style They work for youThe style used by They work for you is not fully appropriate, the use of white space can certainly be improved as there are many sections of the website with blank space where text could just be inserted into side by side columns to save space. There are also some parts where additional links can be added such as on the MP page where you cannot sort by position.

Consistency across webpages The Howard SchoolThe Howard School are consistent through their website as they use the same colour scheme, each different page still has the same top half, some of the pages have little content so this makes up for the blank space. The website is also consistent with headings as they are all centred the same applies to the content. However the site isn't consistent as its still a work in progress and many links lead to the old website.

Consistency across webpages Tesco Tesco are consistent with the use of their colour scheme and what links appear on each page, every page has a link to information such as terms and conditions, pages that link away from the main Tesco site such as Tesco realfood have a link back and the colour schemes used remain the same throughout. Although to some people this can look boring, the majority of people will look at this as recognisability.

Consistency across webpages They work for youThey work for you are consistent at keeping the same format, colour scheme and style throughout their pages, although this is most likely because of the simplicity of what they use.

Use of white space The Howard SchoolThe Howard School has made it so that the white space fits in with their colour scheme, as they have a blue and white colour scheme, on the homepage the top half of the website is a blue background whereas the bottom half is the white. The blue background doesnt change when going to a different webpage so it acts as a header. As seen in the two images only the bottom white part changes.

Use of white space Tesco Tesco make efficient use of their white space by collating things together rather than listing them in just one column, this makes it easier for the visitor to see the products as well as not having to scroll down.

Use of white space They work for youThey work for you do not make efficient use of their white space, there are pages that have large chunks of emptiness where it would be possible to list more information, on the bill committee page it would be possible to put the information into two columns rather than one large column.

Appeal to target group The Howard SchoolThe Howard School appears to students by highlighting certain traits such as high grades and the possibilities that can happen from succeeding. By doing this the site hopes to attract potential hardworking students.

Appeal to target group Tesco Tesco has many target groups based on the type of products they require this is why they have different sections on the website to meet this. This is a highly efficient way to meet the visitors needs, if they require books then they can go to the entertainment section, if they require groceries they can go to the grocery section. If the person wants a combination they can go to the Tesco Direct section.

Appeal to target group They work for youThey work for you seems to be a plain website which to some people may appear to be boring and therefore it may not fully appeal to the target group, as the website is a non profit website they have to rely on donations but it would not be difficult just to add a few more graphics, change the layout and add some colour.

Consistency with brand The Howard SchoolThe Howard School is consistent across their webpage in highlighting the success that previous students have had and in the fact that these statistics are improving. The website is also consistent in using the same colour scheme throughout the website.

Consistency with brand Tesco Tesco are consistent with the layout of their pages and base them off what the page is for, the pages that list stocked items use the same table format, the front page uses its own layout and informational pages use a list format. This is effective in meeting the needs of the person using the website based upon what they are looking for.

Consistency with brand They work for youThey work for you are consistent with their website in terms of information, all of the information is relevant to one specific group of people and contains the latest updates. This is good for people that just want information however a bit more colour may attract more viewers.

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