busy developers guide to vuejs - jax london · – angular: •angular is much ... – typically...

Post on 20-May-2020






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Busy Javascript Developer's Guideto VueJS

Ted NewardNeward & Associates

http://www.tedneward.com | ted@tedneward.com

VueJS: An Overview


What is VueJS?"An incrementally adoptable ecosystem that scales between

a library and a full-featured framework.""Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces.

... Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. The core library is focused on the view layer only, and is easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries."


But how is it like....?– React:

•runtime perf is a wash (for the most part)•in React, everything is JS; Vue "embraces classic [Web] technologies"•Vue supports JSX (but suggests it's a touch simpler)•both scale up (code-wise) well; Vue "scales down" better•native rendering (ReactNative) doesn't really match well to Vue (yet)•React has larger/richer ecosystem (for now)


But how is it like....?– Angular:

•Angular is much more opinionated than Vue•Angular's learning curve is much steeper•Angular requires TypeScript; Vue can use it or not as you choose


In this presentation, we want to:– take a quick pass through VueJS– see how it differs from React or Angular

Getting Started

Bringing VueJS into your life

Getting Started

For the simplest use possible...– incorporate Vue directly as a script-tag href– this brings Vue onto the page on a per-page basis

Getting Started

Simplest Vue usage<html><head><title>VueJS simple HTML use</title></head><script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue/dist/vue.js"></script><body><h1>This is a straight HTML page!</h1>

<div id="app">{{ message }}


var app = new Vue({el: '#app',data: {

message: 'Hello Vue!'}


Getting Started

If you know you want to do Vue as a SPA...– ensure you have Node v8.x (or later) installed

– install the Vue CLI tool

npm install -g @vue/clivue --version (should be 3.x or newer)

– NOTE: vue-cli tool (2.x and older) uses different npm package

•uninstall vue-cli before installing @vue/cli•these slides assume @vue/cli (3.x and newer) only

Getting Started

Use the CLI to scaffold out your project– vue create {project-name}

follow the interactive prompts– vue ui

use the launched web GUI to create the project– each has "presets" of configurations for the project

or you can make manual choices, and save those as a preset

Getting Started

Vue CLI– vue serve: compiles and hot-reloads

particularly useful for per-component execution– vue build: compiles and minifies for production– vue inspect: inspect the resolved configuration/build– fully documented at https://cli.vuejs.org

Getting Started


<div id="app"><img alt="Vue logo" src="./assets/logo.png"><HelloWorld msg="Welcome to Your Vue.js App"/>


<script>import HelloWorld from './components/HelloWorld.vue'export default {

name: 'app',components: {



Getting Started

App.vue styling (CSS)<style>#app {

font-family: 'Avenir', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;text-align: center;color: #2c3e50;margin-top: 60px;


Getting Started


<div class="hello"><h1>{{ msg }}</h1>


<script>export default {

name: 'HelloWorld',props: {

msg: String}


Getting Started

HelloWorld.vue styling (CSS)<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --><style scoped>h3 {

margin: 40px 0 0;}ul {

list-style-type: none;padding: 0;

}li {

display: inline-block;margin: 0 10px;

}a {

color: #42b983;}</style>

Vue Template Syntax

Vue Views


Two means of providing views– HTML templates

this is the usual path– hand-written render functions

for those familiar with Virtual DOM concepts and the raw power of code


Declarative rendering<div id="app">

{{ message }}</div><script>

var app = new Vue({el: '#app',data: {

message: 'Hello Vue!'}



Declarative rendering– use {{ }} to declaratively render data– binds to a Javascript data element (object, variable, etc)– reactive: if the data changes, the rendering will as well


Binding attributes<div id="app-2">

<span v-bind:title="message">Hover your mouse over me for a few seconds

</span></div><script>var app2 = new Vue({

el: '#app-2',data: {

message: 'You loaded this page on ' + new Date().toLocaleString()}



Binding attributes– mustaches ("{{ }}") cannot be used inside of HTML

attributes– use v-bind: to bind an attribute to a Javascript expression

without this, can't determine literal value from expressions– also reactive– v-bind is a directive

all directives are prefixed with "v-"– some directives take an "argument"

•denoted by a colon after the directive name•for example, v-bind:href="..."


Conditional<div id="app-3">

<span v-if="seen">Now you see me</span></div><script>var app3 = new Vue({

el: '#app-3',data: {

seen: true}



Conditionals (v-if)– v-if binds to a Javascript expression

•if true, displays the attached element•if false, hides/removes the attached element

– again, reactive, so changes after definition are rendered– v-else-if provides "else-if" functionality

must immediately follow v-if– v-else provides "else" block

must immediately follow v-if or v-else-if


Iteration<div id="app-4">

<ol><li v-for="todo in todos">

{{ todo.text }}</li>

</ol></div><script>var app4 = new Vue({

el: '#app-4',data: {

todos: [{ text: 'Learn JavaScript' },{ text: 'Learn Vue' },{ text: 'Build something awesome' }




Iteration (v-for)– v-for binds to a Javascript expression

typically a "for-in" expression– element is repeated for each element in the iteration– frequently combined with v-bind:key to obtain key for loop– or use tuple-style syntaxv-for='(item, index) in collection'– also works to iterate properties of an object


Event-handling<div id="app-5">

<p>{{ message }}</p><button v-on:click="reverseMessage">Reverse Message</button>

</div><script>var app5 = new Vue({

el: '#app-5',data: {

message: 'Hello Vue.js!'},methods: {

reverseMessage: function () {this.message = this.message.split('').reverse().join('')




Events– v-on directive binds events to Javascript expression

expression can either be inline or call to a Javascript method– original DOM event can be accessible via $event object– v-on:keyup has suffixes to track only specific key codes

".enter", ".tab", ".delete", ".esc", ".space", ".up", ".down", ".left", ".right" or the numeric key code


Form input<div id="app-6">

<p>{{ message }}</p><input v-model="message"><br/><input type="checkbox" id="jack" value="Jack" v-model="checkedNames"><label for="jack">Jack</label><input type="checkbox" id="john" value="John" v-model="checkedNames"><label for="john">John</label><input type="checkbox" id="mike" value="Mike" v-model="checkedNames"><label for="mike">Mike</label><br><span>Checked names: {{ checkedNames }}</span>

</div><script>var app6 = new Vue({

el: '#app-6',data: {

message: 'Hello Vue!',checkedNames: []



Forms and models– v-model binds object to user input– the Javascript object/property as the single-source-of-truth– most of the time, this will "do the right thing"

but in cases where strings aren't desired, Vue has customizations


Raw HTML binding<div id="app-7"><p>Using mustaches: {{ rawHtml }}</p><p>Using v-html directive: <span v-html="rawHtml"></span></p></div><script>var app7 = new Vue({

el: '#app-7',data: {

rawHtml: `<span style="color:red">This shold be red</span>`}



"Raw" HTML binding– v-html informs Vue to interpret expression as HTML– without it, HTML is just displayed as raw text

Vue Components

How Vue views the world


VueJS suggests organizing concerns into components– a Vue component has:

•a template•code•style

– organized into a single named concept– instantiatable into distinct/separate instances

reusable Vue instances– often organized into ".vue" files for convenience– ... or define using Vue.component() method


Defining a component– three sections

•template: HTML layout and organization•script: Javascript code/structure definition•style: CSS styling

– component must be registered before use


Defining a component: .vue file– typically lives in src/components– <template> section

uses template syntax for HTML "extensions" and declarative syntax

– <script> sectionexports JSON object with predefined names

– <style> section


ButtonCounter component: src/components/ButtonCounter.vue<template><button v-on:click="count++">You clicked me {{ count }} times.</button></template>

<script>export default {

name: 'ButtonCounter',data: function() {

return {count: 0



<style scoped></style> <!-- No styling -->


ButtonCounter component: usage from src/App.vue<!-- {{## BEGIN usage ##}} --><template>

<div id="app"><Message msg="Welcome to VueJS Components"/><button-counter></button-counter>


<script>import Message from './components/Message.vue'import ButtonCounter from './components/ButtonCounter.vue'export default {

name: 'app',components: {


}}</script><!-- {{## END usage ##}} -->

<style>#app {

font-family: 'Avenir', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;


Defining a component: Vue.component() method– typically used for non-scaffolded Vue apps– Vue.component() takes a name and JSON object

•name: the 'kebab-named' name to use in the HTML•object: anonymous JSON object with named properties defining the component's behavior

– object property names•data: function returning a data object used for the component instance•template: HTML template for display


ButtonCounter component: Vue.component registrationVue.component('button-counter', {

data: function() {return {

count: 0}

},template: `<button v-on:click="count++">You clicked me {{ count }}

times.</button>`})var app = new Vue({

el: '#app',data: {

message: 'Hello Vue!'}



ButtonCounter component: Usage<div id="app">

{{ message }}<button-counter></button-counter>



Components form a parent-child relationship– App component uses components, which each use

components, which...this is how we decompose an application into smaller, manageable parts

– parent components need to pass data to child componentsthrough props

– child components need to pass events back up to parent components

through custom events


Initial component state: Props– custom attributes registered for a component– passed in on instantiation (usually in HTML template)– can be of any Javascript type (strings, objects, or others)

•Vue recommends the more detail and typing, the better•user-defined types are acceptable here too

– becomes part of the component's datado not attempt to modify props, however; Vue will warn if you do


Content body: Slots– "body" of the component tag can be obtained as a "slot"– the template will replace "<slot></slot>" with the body

inside the usage– slots can be named if it's important to distinguish different

content typesthink "header", "body", "footer" in certain HTML elements


BlogPost component: Definition<template>

<div><h3>{{ title }}</h3><slot></slot>


<script>export default {

name: 'BlogPost',props: {

title: {type: String,required: true

}},data: function() {

return {}



Usage (template)<template>

<div id="app"><Message msg="Welcome to VueJS Components"/><blog-post v-for='post in posts'

v-bind:key="post"v-bind:title="post.title">{{ post.content }}</blog-post>

<blog-post>You should not see this since title was missing</blog-post>



Usage (script)<script>import BlogPost from './components/BlogPost.vue'import Message from './components/Message.vue'

export default {name: 'app',data: function() { return {

posts: [{ title: "Hello world", content: "This is a post" },{ title: "Hello again", content: "This is another post" },{ title:" Hello yet again", content: "You get it" }

]} },components: {




Custom events– use $emit() function (of each Vue instance) to emit an

eventfirst parameter is the name, second is any value for the event

– parents can then capture the event using v-on:


Wrapping up


VueJS is...– a progressive Web framework– slightly opinionated– scalable both up and down (in terms of code size)


Some additional VueJS resources– https://vuejs.org

canonical reference for VueJS


Who is this guy?– Principal -- Neward & Associates

– Director, Smartsheet.com

•Developer Relations•Solutions Engineering

– Microsoft MVP; Java Expert

– Author

Professional F# 2.0 (w/Erickson, et al; Wrox, 2010)Effective Enterprise Java (Addison-Wesley, 2004)SSCLI Essentials (w/Stutz, et al; OReilly, 2003)Server-Based Java Programming (Manning, 2000)

– Blog: http://blogs.tedneward.com

– Twitter: @tedneward

– For more, see http://www.newardassociates.com

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