by isabelle ellis-reeves.. hello welcome to my slideshow on the four seasons[not the book or movie...

Post on 30-Mar-2015






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By Isabelle Ellis-Reeves.

The Four Seasons

Hello welcome to my slideshow on the four seasons[not the book or movie but the actual four seasons]. The four seasons are like weather, each season occurs once a year. The weather changes are determined by the four seasons, when it’s autumn the leaves turn beautiful golden’s and browns and yellows. In summer and spring the weather is hot and the flowers blossom and the world is covered in a wonderful blanket of colour. In winter the temperature drops and the world becomes cold. I will be doing my P.H.P on each season.

Summer is the season where flowers blossom, bees buzz and the world is nice and hot. Summer starts in December and ends in February. Summer is often marked as the season to provide the longest days and shortest nights. Summer is the warmest of all the season and some schools and universities often have “Summer Break” to take advantage of the warm weather. In tropical places summer is also known as ‘wet season’ because it is most likely to hail when it rains during summer.

Autumn is the season the leaves change from green to gold, the world gets a little colder and summer ends. Autumn marks the transition from Summer to Winter. Slowly it starts to get colder, leaves start to change to golden brown and then fall and the days get shorter and night starts to come earlier. Autumn starts on the 1st of March and ends on the 31st of May. The word Autumn originally came from the word autompne in the 12th century but gradually changed to the word autumn although in northern America some people still call autumn fall because in autumn leaves fall of trees.

Winter is the season of bundling up in layers and layers and clothes to keep warm. Winter is after Autumn and before Spring. Winter starts in June and ends in August. Winter is the coldest season of them all. Winter is the coldest season because during winter the axis is tilted furthest away from the sun. If it is cold enough snow can occur during any season but as winter is the coldest it often occurs in Winter.

Spring is the season fresh leaves grow flowers bloom and the world warms up again. Spring starts September 1st and ends November 30th. Spring is the season the days start getting longer again and the nights get shorter. Spring is named Spring because Spring is the season snow melts, frost disappear, days get longer, and flowers spring up from the ground.

Did you know some aboriginal cultures have six seasons? Here is a list of the Yolngu [ a tribe of native Australians] seasons.

Gurnmul- January, February, March. Mirdawarr- late March, April. Dhaarratharramirri- late April, May, June,

July, August. Rarranhdharr- September, October. Worlmamirri- late October, November,

December. Baarramirri- late December, Early January.

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