by: pastor dan sermon title: “not so modern family”

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Pastor Dan


In what decade did teen pregnancy

reach its highest rate in American


a) 1850

b) 1950

c) 1980

d) 2000

In what century did common-law cohabitation see its highest rates in the world?

a) 100 BCb) AD 1700c) AD 1900d) AD 2000 (given the average so far)

In Roman Law you could get

married if…

a) You had a lot of money

b) You’re family agreed

c) You knew your father’s name

d) You were a Roman citizen

In what century did the average marriage last 12 years?a) 20th

b) 18th c) 17th

d) 5th

In what year was marriage declared

“holy canonical law” by the church?

a) AD 107

b) AD 518

c) AD 1547

d) When Paul said, Husbands

love your wives.”

What was the most common form

of birth control in Jesus’ day?

a) The pill

b) Abortion

c) Abstinence

d) Hanging babies in trees

Marital unfaithfulness was the most socially acceptable during which century?

a) AD 400b) AD 700c) AD 1700d) AD 2000

Based on what really happened in history the family unit has “traditionally” been

A socially recognized entity, sometimes legal, sometimes blessed.

A blending of generations and mixed children due to divorce and death

A partnership based on mutual gain not mutual love

Not routinely monogamous

• The idea of the traditional family became the half-way point between a community based society (pre 1900s) and the post-modern “me-first” society we know, live in, and embrace today.

• The Traditional family as it is preached is a social idea not a Biblical one.

• The NT has no word for family

The Bible and Family (households):

1. God made people to be in relationship with people.

2. Marriage is for life.

3. Children obey parents – mostly.

4. Family is the third most important relationship in your life.

5. Faith makes better families

If your faith is not more important than your family you will fail God and probably your family.

Redeemed people…

• Love better

• Forgive better

• Live better

Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matt 6:33

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