by simon cohen. (but still good) floral and geometric design design is a completely irrelevant...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Muslim Contributions By Simon Cohen


HISTORY(But still good)

Floral and Geometric DesignDesign is a completely irrelevant

accomplishment. Besides that it acted like a hobby there were no long term benefits to their design

CalligraphyThe art of calligraphy hardly helped the

Muslims. The one way it did was by uniting them and helping the people they conquered become Muslims even more so expanding their empire

Book Making By making the books and paper the Muslims

were able to keep records. This still would be possible with out books but they are more efficient and neater

PoloPolo is an interesting sport and as it is known

from the Romans without an activity or sport, they turn rebellious and gain a hunger for violence and death. Despite that Polo was usually only played by the upper class restricting its entertainment effect from the poor

ZoologyZoology was the first science of its kind. The

zoo provided an activity to the people and the science provided so much of what we know today about animals

MusicThroughout time music has been known to

unite people. It is a profession as well as a way to entertain people. It unites the empire together. The concept of music in an empire is amazing but Muslim music was not that huge despite that they made a huge point about it in royalty. The one great accomplishment is the combination of music and poetry to create a song.

Banking SystemThe entire Muslim empire was hugely based on

trade so having a banking system helped traders by adding checks so they could easily exchange money in a neutral currency uniting the many empires surrounding Islam.

AlgebraAlgebra is one of the most commonly used

math methods today and it also served as an entertainment method the the Muslims by making magic squares and challenging each other.

ChessChess provided entertainment to all classes

and it was an intellectual game rather than a violent one, like the gladiator battles in Rome, so it encourages strategy and deep thinking.

The House of WisdomThe House of Wisdom helped to preserve

writings from other parts of the world that had fallen to help preserve them and most of these we still use today as they assist us in many of our own discoveries.

Astronomy Astronomy was incredibly important in the

Ancient world because it allowed travel and navigation based off of the stars. The invention of the Astrolabe told astronomers that the Earth rotated on an axis rather than every thing rotating around the Earth this huge discovery would lead to many more in the future

Herbal Medicines and Pharmacies Herbal Medicines were in use for hundreds of

years but never before had they been used to kill germs during surgery. Normally having a surgery left you a very painful experience and most likely death but being able to kill the germs and sedate the patient allowed much safer more effective surgery. The Pharmacies built in Baghdad were used to give people their daily medication easily.

Libraries of Cordoba The Libraries of Cordoba is a great

achievement because the scholars of Islam bought books from all over the world and translated them and collected them in a huge library offering them to all of the people promoting knowledge. People became more motivated to be education. This affect became so wide spread that is was considered a sign of wealth to have a mini library in ones home because knowledge symbolizes wealth

HospitalHospitals were great buildings and did much

more than cure diseases. They were a symbol of health and cleanliness. Inside students were trained to be doctors. The doctors increased the life expectancy and the population of the empire.

IrrigationWater is necessary for life but in the desert it

rains less than 10 cm per year making it very difficult to survive. The water piped out of the ground was sent to crops providing a food source and the rest was sent to the people using various water control methods, they harnessed water from the various rivers throughout the empire making life comfortable for them but nearly impossible for enemies to attack them

The City of BaghdadThe city of Baghdad was a great city. It served as

the center of the economy for the empire being located on two rivers and intercepting major trade routes. With out the strong economy the poor would be overwhelming and the entire empire would collapse. This city was the main support behind the empire as it held up every contribution in addition the city was nearly impenetrable having the palace in the center surrounded by the army officers and the people and an entire circle designated for defense.

The Greatest Muslim Accomplishments

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