cal wor/{fp journal of... · the journal of ~ tt't\\\ cal wor/{fp ~v and operators tis...

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~ tt't\\\ CAL WOR/{fP ~V AND OPERATORS tiS


II -r t:S 1;.\ II


August, 1919


------- ---------- - --------------






Pat. Jail' 1906

Oon .. enlent to calT}' and to WH!. Will not ...,Ueet dust and dirt nor eel; on toola in kit. Yon can .. at the solder­Ina- flux just wlNn 1'00 want It and In just the deelred quantlt;,..

~ ,wo~~;~~fo~

UNI~AMP Factory

BLAKE Signal &. Mfg. ~o.

251 Caulewal' St.



Blake Insulated Staples K3 ~5

TT 4Sizel rT

Pat. No ... 1900.

Named shoes are frequently made In non-union factories


No matter what ita name. unleu it bean a plaba aDd readable impression of the UNION STAMP

All shoes without the UNION STAMP are alway. Non-UDloa Do not accept any excuse for absence of the UNION STAMP

BOOT AND SHOE WORKERS' UNION 246 Summer Street. Bo8ton. MaslI.

Collis Lovely. General Prell. Charles L. Baine. General Sec.-Treas.

When writing mention The Journal of Electrical Worker. and Operatara.

The Journal of

Electrical Workers and Operators



International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor and all Its Departments.





Thill Journal w111 not be held responsible for views expressed by cOrTel!lponcleat&.

The tentb of each month ill tbe closinc date; all copy mUllt be 1n our b&ad8 OB or Itef_


PAGE. Classified Directory .............................. ' ...... 54, 66

Correspondence ........................................ 18, 37

Editorial ............................................. ' .. 11, I!

In Memoriam .......................................... 5, 7

International Federation of Unions ...................... <I

Labor Day, 1919 ........................................ 3

Local Union Official Receipts ............................ 13, 15

Local Union Missing Receipts ........................... 15, 16

Local Union Void Receipts .............................. 16

Local Union Directory .................................. 39, 63

Notices ................................................. 9, 10

The Strike Breaker Lady ............................... <I


BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS Entered at Springfield, Ill., as Second Class matter "accepted tor matling at special rate elf

postage provided for in Section 1103, Act ot Oct. 3, 1917, authorized on July 2, 1911."



By FRANK MORRISON Secretary American Federation of Labor.

$aale Copioo, 10 e-2Se per Year, in aelvue.

Labor Day, 1919, the organized work- cational system be revised that ,this ers possess greater intelligence and con- illiteracy menace to a government "of, fidence in themselves than at any other by and for the people" be removed. period. Another policy that would make this

The trade union movement was true country safe for democracy is organized to its historic mis·sion in the great wilY-labor's demand tliat immigration· be that defeated a military autocracy and stopped until such time as those aliens it has not forgotten the plea, "Make the who are now in this country can be as­W()rld Safe for Democracy," that so similated. Sentiment must give way to succesl!!fully united the people of our the dictates ()f self preservation when country in one purpose. national needs and social aspirations are

The organized workers will continue threatened by waves of immigration their efforts to make our country safe that are stimulated by cheap labor em­for democracy, though certain other ployers. elements of our citizenship have aban- The proposed plan to '"Americanize doned this plea in their desire for ma- the alien" will not be successful while terial gain, regardless of effects on the industry is conducted along autocratic nation's life. lines.

The workers' determInation is indi- The attempt to solve this question by cated in their demand that the pur- company "unions," welfare work and chasing power of their wages permit beneficial features will not suffice. None them to meet present living costs. The of these contain the element of funda­workers have not forgotten praises mental democracy. showered on them during the war and they now insist that living standards The alien must be Americanized, but shall not be lowered. They point to industries like the steel trust, that make government statistics which show that the alien possible, must first be Ameri-

canized. These business men must be over $1.80 is now necessary to purchase goods that were priced at $1.00 before Americanized. The American spirit of the war. freedom and equality can not be aroused

The railroad solution offered by or- in a worker who is denied the right of ganized railroad shopmen and the rail- free speech or who has been discharged road brotherhoods, and supported by the because he does a lawful thing-joins a American Federation of Labor as a trade union, whole, and the declaration of the Policy On this fundamental the trade union Committee of the United Mine Workers movement stands. It is idle to talk of of America for the nationalization of Americanizing the alien or of establish­coal mines under democratic manage- ing democracy in industry while an in­ment are also indicative of the workers' dustrial oligarchy ignores guarantees in determination to make our country safe the Declaration of Independence and the for democracy. Federal Constitution.

Government reports show that there The trade union movement stands for are 8,500.000 persons over 10 years of the highest order of Americanism and age in this country who can not read it believes that the first step in Ameri­nor write the English language. It canizing the alien is to Americanize seems unnecessary to urge that our edu- the job.




In May, 1918, a number of draftmen's unions throughout the country came to­gether in convention and organized the International Federation of Draftsmen's Unions. Recently the jurisdiction of this body was extended and its title changed to the "International Federation of Technical Engineers', Architects' and Draftsmen's Unions", under which name it is now flourishing with a membership of about 4,000.

This organization has accomplished the JIollowing results since its inception.

It has established a wage scale for marine draftmen throughout the whole shipbuilding industry and the Navy De· partment of the United States Govern­ment, securing about a 32 per cent in­crease for all draftsmen engaged in this class of work; a forty-four hour week and the recognition of representative committees elected by the men.

Its officers have re-written and modi­fied this scale and presented it with substantiating data to the Board of Rail­road Wages and Working Conditions of the United States Railroad Administra­tion, and after hearings on May 12th and 13th, have very good reasons to be­lieve that it will be substantially put into effect by direction of the Regional Di­rectors throughout the entire Railroad Administration. This would mean about a 30 per cent increase for all engineers and draftsmen. Should this effort on the part of the International result as favorably as expected, it would be rec­orded as another victory for organized labor.

All civil engineers and draftsmen within the railroad service should either form locals or become affiliated with those already formed, so that the or­ganization may be put in a position to assist them in obtaining the benefits of the work we have so nearly completed.

About 2,300 engineers and draftsmen working on railroads are now affiliated with us, and we welcome all those who have not yet taken advantage of the opportunity to join with us in a move· ment which means so much to us all.

Any further information desired will be promptly furnished on application to the Corresponding and Financial Secre­tary of the above organization, A. F. of L. building, Washington, D. C.

Anthony J. Oliver, President.

THE STRIKE BREAKER LADY. The swellest lady job I know of is

being a telephone operator during a strike. Bonus pay, to the office and home again in an automobile, luncheon the best caterer can otter, and no need to worry if the telephone subscriber kicks at slow service. Then there are the stylish operators brought from out­side the city, living at the best hotels and putting on all kinds of dog,. And all the petty telephone company official young men are so attentive, so considerate, so shielding. It's so much nicer to be loyal and sheltered than to be walking up and down with a "DON'T WORK" placard hung about your neck or waist, in front of -an exchange ent· rance, on picket duty, shoutmg "yellow" and other unlady-like words at girls who continue on the job. Yes, the strike­breaking phone operator's life is a happy one, while it lasts. It's real elegant in fact. Working under strike conditions is such a pleasure. There's money for nice clothes, for you don't even have to pay car fare. There are policemen to watch you and prevent any striking "Bolshevixen" from jabbing a hatpin into you as you get Into or out of your car-which of course is pronounced "cah". Then there are the auto joy­rides, for the fresh air, twice a day. That is the life. Of course, "common" girls you used to go with cut you in your home neighborhood, but who are they? Just common, that's all. Gee, but it's nice to be like a girl in one of those Saturday Evening Post novels-a work­ing-girl queen. And yet fellows talk to you about oppressed labor. I don't see anything like that in my job. Every­thing and everybody's just lovely-ex· cept those "tacks" with placards on them that cry out "Scab!" But who would demean herself by noticing such as they? Huh!

From Reedy's Mirror, St. Louis, Mo.



BROTHER L J. HANLEY. Whereas, Local "Union No.9, I. B. E. W., has been called upon to pay its best

tribute of respect to the memory of one of its most worthy members, Brother 1. J. Hanley, who passed away June 16th, 1919.

Brother Hanley was electrocuted while in the preformance of \lis regular duties as a lineman. .

Stricken down while still in the flower of useful, vigorous and glorious manhood. His many noble qualities, buoyant spirits, his light heart and deep affeetions will

e,'er remain fresh in the memory of those who knew him best. 'Yhereas, "\\'e recognize in his untimely taken away, Local Union No. 9 has lost

an esteeined and worthy member, the country a good and loyal citizen, and the Rome a faithful and de\'oted son; therefore, be it

Resolved, That we bow our heads in prayer to the Almighty God that his soul may rest in eternal peace; and, be it further

Resolved, That the members of Local Union No. 9 extend their deepest sympathy to the family, relatives and friends in this their hour of grief; and, be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes, that a copy thereof oe forwarded to his bereaved mother and that a copy be forwarded to our official Journal for publication. Harry Slater, Recording Secretary.


R. A. Brehman, Geo. Allen, W. Glass,


'Yhereas, By the will of Almighty God, our Brother and fellow workman, E. K. Techinor, was suddenly called to that great unknown, from which no traveler has yet returned, and though he was not long among us, he was diligent in his duties, faithful to his fellows and respected by us all, the membership of Local 132, I. B. E. W., is deeply touched by his loss and wish to express their dl'ept'st and heartfelt sympathy to his friends and relatives; therefore, be it

Resolved, That for a period of thirty days our charter be draped in mourning, out of respect to his memory, that a copy of this re>,olution be sent to his relatives, a copy be placed on the minutes of our Local, and a copy be furnished our Journal for publi· cation therein. Earl P. Callrom.

Clifton, Ariz., June 26, 1919. -----------------BROTHER WILLIAM EDWARDS.

Resolution on the death of William Edwards, member of Local "Union No. 286, of New Albany, Ind., who was electrocuted July 24, 1!)lH.

Whereas, It has pleased our Supreme and Heavenly Father to call from our midst our dear beloved and constant Brother, 'Yilliam Edwards, and has seen fit to have him side by side, with his companions that know nothing other than purity; and,

Whereas, Brother William Edwards was a true and loyal member of our union, honest and faithful workman; and,

Whereas, The calling of this Brother has made a vacancy in L. U. No. 286 tha't will be looked upon with deep and sincere remembrance, as we loved him and will miss him; be it,

Resolved, That we hereby express our heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved family in their hour of grief; and, be it further,

Resolved, That our charter be draped for a period of thirty days and that a copy be sent to the bereaved family, and one to the official journal for publication, and that they be spread on the minutes of Local Union No. 286, I. B. E. W.

Francis H. Weleh, Secretary-Treasurer. -------

BROTHER J. M. CURTIS. Whereas. Local Union No. 584, I. B. E. 'V., has lost its second member by death

in the service of our country, and Whereas, The Almighty God in His Infinite Wisdom has deemed it wise to call

from our midst Brother J. M. Curtis, and Whereas, Local Union No. 584 has lost a true and loyal member; one always ready

to do his part to forward the cause of the Brotherhood; therefore, be it Resolved, That the members of Local 1Jnion No. 584 extend to his family and rela­

tives their deepest and heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of sorrow; and, be it further.

Resolved. That our e'harter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days. that a copy of these resolutions be sent to his family, a copy sent to the I. O. for pUblica­tion in the official journal, and a eopy spread on the minutes of our local.


J. J. Cease, R. E. Reese, J. B. Lear,


Whereas, It has pleased our Hea\'enly Father to call from our midst our esteemed Brother, C. 'V. Carver; therefore, be it


Resolved, That the members of Local Lnion No. 611, I. B. E. "\\'., express to our late Brother's ramily our deepest sympathy in their hour of bereavement; and, be it further

Resolved, That our charter be draped for thirty days, that" a copy of these resolu­tions be sent to the berea vcd family, and a copy to tne otlicial journal for publication, and that these resolutions be entered upon the minutes of this Local.


J. G. Fishburn, Carl Hitchcock, J. II. .!\lohn,


Whereas, On June 26th, 191~, our Heavenly Father deemed it best to call from our midst and duty, by electrocution, our beloved Brother, William A. Jacks; and

Whereas, Brother Jacks was a firm believer in our principles and a worker for our cause, he was also one who when the call for duty came, was never found missing. He was a true husband and futher, one who will be missed by all who knew him.

Whereas, Once more OUr Heavenly }o ather has seen best six days later, to take with Him, Hobert, inlant son of our late Brother Jacks, to that country, eternal in the Heavens, from which none return. Be it,

Resolved, That L. U. No. 763, Omaha, Neb., take this means of extending the union's sincerest sympathy to the bereaved wife and mother, brothers and sisters in this hour of afiliction; be it, further,

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the family, one to the o1flcial journal for publication and one be recorded upon our minutes.


H. B. 'Wood, S. H. Walker, I. B. Harshburger,


Whereas, On July 26, 191H, Local 89~, 1. B. E. W., of Huntington, W. Va., lost one of its most highly esteemed brothers, Brother Frank Carron, who was electrocuted while working in Ashland, Ky. Brother Carroll was a willing worker and was liked by all who came in contact with him; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the members of Local 898, I. B. E. W., extend their deepest sym­pathy to his bereaved family in this hour of sorrow; be it further,

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this Local, a copy to be forwarded to his family, and a copy to be forwarded to our official journal for publication; it is also

Resolved, That our charter be draped for thirty days in


memory of our late Brother. L. S. Abbott, A. C. Singer,


Brother George work.

Vignovlch was shot by unknown thugs while coming home from

Whereas, Almighty God In His wisdom. has deemed it best to remove from this earth our e",teemed and beloved Brothel', Geo. Vignovich, therefore be it

Resolved, That we, the members of L. U. No. 12 of the 1. B. E. W., extend our heartfelt sympathy to the relatives and friends of the deceased brother, and further be It

Res01ved, That we "pread a copy of these resolutions on the minutes of the Local and forward a copy to the Worker. And that it be further

Resoived, That we drape our chartQr for 30 days. Fred Swinger, J. J. Takarski, A. B. Griffin,


Whereas, Local No.2!. I. B. E. W., mourns the loss of one who was a true and loyal member, the country a good, loyal citizen, the home a faithful husband and brother, therefore be it

Resolved, That· the members of Local Union No. 21, I. B. E. W., extend their deep· est and heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved familyy in this, their hour of bereavement, and be it further

Resolved, That our charter -be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days as a token of respect to his memory, a copy of these reslutions be sent to the bereaved family, a copy be spread upon the minutes of the Local and a copy be furnished our official journal for publication.

May his soul rest in peace.


H. Weber, B. Chambers, F. Pinder,


Whereas. Local No. 298, I. B. E. W., has bel'n called upon to pay our last tribute of respect to the memory of Carl Bicke, who succumbed to typhoid fever In France, while In the service of his country,

Resolved, That the members of Local 298 extend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved brother In his hour of sorrow, and be it further

Resolved, That our charter be draped In mourning for a period of thirty days, a gold star be added to our service flag, and a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved brother, a copy to the Official Journal, and that a copy be spread on the minutes of this Local.

O. Cook, C. Leets, B. Jellison,


Whereas, Local 298, I. B. E. W., mourns the loss of one of its young but true and loyal members, a good citizen and devoted son and brother, be It


Resolved, That we bow our heads in prayer to Almighty God for the repose of his soul, and be it further

Resolved, That we drape our charter for a period of thirty days, in due respect to his memory, and be It

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the bereaved family. a copy to our Official Journal for publication, and a copy be spread on our minutes.


O. Cook, C. Leets, B. Jelllson,


Whereas Local No. 425 of Ollean, N. Y., mourns the loss of Bro. Wm. Knapp, who was taken through an accident while In the performance of his duties, be it

Resolved, That our charter be draped for thirty days as a token of respect to his memory, a copy of this resolution be sent to the bereaved family, a copy placed on the minutes of the Local, and a copy be furnished our Official Journal for publication.

T. F. O'Toole, B. E. Coyle, R. Ford,



,Vhereas, Local No. 868 of New Orleans, mourns the loss of one who was true ane! loyal member, to the country a good loyal citizen, the home a faithful and devoted father, therefore be it

Resolved, That the members of Local Union No. 868, of NElw Orleans, La., extend their deepest and heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved family in this, their hour or bereavement; and be it further

Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days as a token of respect to his memory, a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved family, a copy be spread upon the minutes of the Local, and a copy be furnished our Official Journal for publication.

May his soul rest in peace. A. J. Dupuy, J. Hein, J. Senae, W. Jacob,

- -----eommfttee.


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O,"olal Journal of the INTERNATIONAL


F. J . McNulty, Superrising Editor CHAS. P. FORD, Editor.

Reisch Bldg., Sprinrfleld, ID.


!bternatlonal President F. J . McNulty 402·434 Reisch Bldg., Springfield, III

!btemational Secretary aha •. P. Ford 402·434 R~i8Ch Dldg., Springfteld, Ill.

!burna tional Treuur..,r W. A. Hogan 214 Reliance Bide., 8J Union Sq., New York, N. Y.

!bternational Vice'Pr~ldent G. M. Bugniuet 402-434 Reisch Bldg., Springfteld, DL

International Vic~Pre.ident J. P. NOODan 402·434 Rellch Bldg., Springfteld, Ill.

International Vice· President L. O. GlUe .. 2158 High St., Oakland, OaL

international Vice· Preaident • • . . . E. Inel .. 10 London Loan Blk., London, Ontario, Oanada


- J'lnrt-Dlstrict------ ·- ·- (t;-W;-Whftford S14 ~I1ance Bldg., 32 Union Sq" N ... YGrk, JI, Y.

Second District • • • • . • F. L. Kelley 96 Beacon St., Hyde Park, Mus.

ThJrd District M. P. Gordon 807 McGeacb Bldg., Pittoburg, Pa.

Fourth District • • • . Edward Nothnagel 110 R St., N. E., WuhJncton, D. O.

ruth District . . . . • . . Y. J . Boyle 4923 Grand Blvd" Obicago, Dl.

Sixth District . . . . . . Frank Swo< 2822 For~"t An., DalIa., TUII8

88Yentb Di.trict . . . • . T. O. Vlckl!n Wellton , Arlzonn.


NOTIOES. Owing to the difflculty in our jurisdic·

tlon It will be necessary to place In effect Article 14, Section 8. of the Constltu tion.

Fraternally yours, E. C. Watson, Rec. Sec.,

L . U . No. 32, Lima, Ohio.

If Bro. Hildebrand of So. Bend, Tnd. see~ this notice kindly cor. with Bro. D. C. Bach . ('are of Local No. 21, of Philadelphia, Pa .. 707 N . Broad St., as the latter would like to renew old :l.cquainta nce.

(How's the i'ed cabbage.

Owing to difflculty in our jurlsiction in having the constitutional number ot mem o bers unemployed. It Is necessary to place In torce Article 14, Section 8 of the Constltu· tlon .

(SI~ned) E. C. Jones, Financial Secretary, L . U. 150 .

Notlce it anyone should happen to knotr the whereabouts of Bro. F. M. Mlcheal. please teU him to communlcat.. with Roy Johnston or Tom l!l1rchfield, 29 Green St., D ay ton, Ohio.

Members ot the I. B . E. W . wUl please take note that the rate of pay for eleo-

Th&-a-bove-is a IIkeness-&f--ene-Ha-I'l'Y­Koon, who recently w ent Into business in Birmingham, Ala., with a member of the Birmingham local union, who defrauded the Brother out of approximately $1,000 and forged many checks In the Birmlng· ba m district. He also left owing a board bill.

Anyone knowing the whe reab outs o f this pe rson, kindly communicate same to S . L. Whiteh ead , Box 205. Birmingham, Ala.

trlcal workers on the Canal Zone. Isthmus of Panma, is one dollar ($1.00) per hour .

Members contemplating e mployment on the Canal Zone will please bear this f a ct in mind and will not accept a lower rate of pay. C. F. Van Steen be r g, C. S ..

P edro Mig u el, Canal Zone.

This is to notify the Brotherhood that Local 978. Elkhart. Ind., has taken out a charter. All Brothers com,ng In this juris· diction please deposit traveling cards b e· fore going to work. Yours truly.

Chas. J . COQper, P. S .

Anybody knowing the address of N . C. Davis, better known as Red Davis, have him write Brother ' IV. W. Hanold. 1836 N. Ohapel St., Baltimore, Md., as I have ~ome important Information for him.

Fraternally ~'ou I"S, Brother W. W . Hanold.

To all Local Unions: Kindly be on the lookou t for a former

member of Local 52, Vincent Liberty, who Is no longer a member, but continues to pose as such. This has been brought to our attention several times during the past few years. Last heard of was from D e-troit, Mich. Edw. A . Schroeder,

Fin. Secy., Local 5a .

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Frank A. Dempster. formerly of Republl· can City, Neb., will please notify this offlce.



Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Chas. E. Blue, lineman, please communI­cate with A. Short, 138 W. Washington f't., IndlanapoIls, Ind.

:lg-ainst the Bell Telephone Company. A. B. Touchette, R. S. 309,

East St. Louis, Ill.

Owing to difficulty with the Cates Elec­trical Co. shop of this city, and having the required number of men out of employ­ment, It has become necessary to place in force Article 14, Section 8, of the Consti-

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of (~has. E. Emery, kindly have him com­municate with E. J. Kingsley, 618 Mission St .. San Francisco. Cal.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of "\Vm. Hildebrandt. kindly have him com­municate with the home office of tho Prudential Insurance Company, Newark. N. J.

tution. Fraternally your", C. E. Munn, Rec. Secy.,

Local 661, 727 E. 9th St.

We desire to Inform all nwmhcrs that E. Davidson, card No. 440060. and J. B. Nowland, card No. 440061, are Working un­fair In our jurisdiction and are scabbing­upon the members who Ilrl' (lll "tril,~

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of I<'rcd Dehne will ('on fer a favor If he will Idndly communieate with Pearl Salsberry. 1327 'Washing-ton _\VI' .. X .• :l1Inn('apol;". Minn.

POODSTUPP ADVANCES. that some relief besid"s increasd wages ;,~ A report recently issued by the VniJ<od necessary if we hope to keep the necessl-

states Department of Labor. ('overing il!- tips of life within reach of the wag-" creased cost of food stuffs l'ellresenUng- earners. twenty-two principal articles of food, Is a The report is reproduced below 3.11<1 \'ery conclusive piece of e"iden"c to sho\\' surely pro\'idf's ple.nty of food for thought.

r. ~. })epartment of Labor RU'REAr OF IJABOR STATISTIC'S

"\Vashington Average cost per familY per year ()f ~2 prillcipal articl('s of [uu<1 for the years 1 !)J::

and 1918. and for Jum', 19111, in 3!J eiUes. =======-~~=-.----------


Providence ........... / Boston ............... . New Haven .......... . Fall River ............. / Charleston, S. C ....... . 'Washington .......... . Manchester ........... . Birmingham .......... , Richmond ............ . .Tacksonvllie .......... . New york ............ . Atlanta •.•............ Philadelphia .......... . Pittsburg ............• Scranton .............. . Dallas ................ . Newark .............. . Memphis ............. . Baltimore ............ . Little ROck .... ·· ...... 1 Los Angeles ........... . Cleveland ............. . Reattle ............... . New Orleans .......... . Detroit ...•••.......... San Francisco ......... . Louisville ............ . Buffalo •............... Omaha ............... . Cincinnati ............ . Kansas City ........... . Denver .............. .. Salt Lake City ....... . Portland, Oreg. . ...... . Indianapolis .......... . St. Louis ............ .. Milwaukee ........... .. Chicago .......•....... Minneapolis ........... .

Average cost pcr family pI'r year for 22 articles of

foo<1 in specified cities, hased on prices in-

1913 (Average for year)

$384.59 392.65 381..16 379.83 360.33 348.66 370.21 356.04 315.19 :177.n 359.48 354.69 356.80 354.74 339.69 357.62 368.77 340.61 330.01 356..1(1 370.71 343.68 351. 3 4 340.66 324.29 350.97 335.58 321. 72 324.56 327.04 330.70 325.6~ 347.60 350.56 334.66 316.82 318.03 327.92 311.37

1918 (Average for year)

$667.71 615.62 654.15 633.40 600.21 620.93 632.63 594.84 G98.40 [)99.24 601.99 600.71 614.08 606.23 :;78.15 ;;86.·10 618.2" 573.10 601.54 fi86.57 571.00 571. R 1 576.07 ;'59.27 563.24 568.67 561.~9 :;70.81 548.58 !l46.87 555.4-1 54R.~1 547.47 559.69 546.82 549.30 536.90 1i44.74 509.73

June. 1919

$707.36 fln.11l 686.78 684.84 675.60 670.6;' 669.95 669.32 666.59 665.86 662.77 660.3!) 659.09 654.87 654.36 6:;2.7:1 f)~2.53 fl47.72 ~4l.§~ 637 .. '.) 630.99 628.8;' 627.21 624.19 623.35 623.2;; 622.5n 611.36 609.4ii 608.40 607.49 6()4.19 663.23 602.31 596.38 595.46 591.26 582.02 577.71

Per cent of increase from

1913 to-


74 64 71 li7 67 7R 71 67 73 59 fl7 69 72 71 70 64 68

82 6;; 54 66 64 61 74 6~ 07 77 6~ 67 68 69 08 60 63 73 ~~ 66 64

June. 1919

R4 77 80 ~o 88 92 III 88 9R 76 84 86 85 85 93 83 77 90 94 7!l 70 83 7!l R3 92 78 R6 90 88 H 84 86 71 72 78 R8 86 77 86

The articles upon which the abewe costs are based, weighed according to quantity used, are: Sirloin steak, round steal" rib roast, chuck roast plate boiling beef, pork chops, bacon, ham, hens, fresh milk, butter, cheese lard, eggs, bread, flour, cornmeal, rice, potatoes, sugar, tea and coffE'e.


EDITORIAL • H. C: L. AND From every city, town and hamlet is heard the rnmule DISCONTENT of discontent. Expressions of dissatisaction are more

noticeable day by day, indicating the hnman family is grappling with the serious problem of how to obtain life's necessities. 1t seems next to impossible to find a remedy for the present intolerable and ever-increasing cost of commodities that constitute the necessities of life. Wage increases are granted one day, only to be wiped out the next through additional increases of commodities cost, demonstrating the in­adequacy of wage advances to entirely correct the situation. Just why it should be so, no one seems to know. In a vague way we all believe the ,var has something to do with the inflation of prices. This is no doubt true. However, the war is over. Production is again reverting back to normal and useful things, crops are above the average, and there seems no reasonable cause for the present high prices.

The question of H. C. L. overshadows everything else, and it is very reasonable that it should, as it means hunger for the masses, and where hunger exists contentment is impossible.

It is encouraging to note that at last the Federal Government has recognized the acuteness of the situation,. and made some move that we hope will be productive of results.

Investigations by the Federal Trade Commission of two basic in­dustries, the packing and shoe industries, which are both closely related, as the packing industry controls the leather trade, disclose that unreason­able profits have been earned in both these industries, and that profiteer­ing on an extensive scale exists at this time.

If the report is based upon facts, and it is reasonable to suppose that it is, those responsible for the situation could be guilty of no graver crime, and it is to be hoped that the Government proceedings will result in those guilty receiving suitable punishment, and it would go a long way toward restoring confidence, which seems to be a very necessary thing at the present time.

RIGHT TO Thinking men of all stations in life who are alive to condi­ORGANIZE tions, are conscious that a great change or turn Over is

about to occur in our industrial life, and see two ways by which this change may be brought about. The vast majority are deter­mined a change shall occur, and that the democracy men fought and died for shall be established, not alone politically but industrially as well.

The spirit that established the right of people to gOn'rn themselves is alive today, and the people are determined to extend to industry the principles of Democratic Government. The movement is a part of the onward march of civilization. Industrial monarchs are marshalling their forces to defeat the movement. Their efforts will be as futile as were the efforts of the recently deposed political despots. Industrial tyrants are conscious of the fact that their employees are determined to establish the principle of collective bargaining, and have a say as to what wages they shall receive, and under what conditions they will labor.

It is amusing to see the last line of defense such employers have established, which is the employer-controlled organization of employees,


they foolishly thinking that free and liberty-loving working men and women will ever be satisfied to accept a substitute for something they desire and are determined to have, namely, the right to organize. Such employers are to be pitied for their ignorance ·of human nature. They should know that employees with intelligence enough to produce the pru­ducts of this age, surely know enough about economics to determine ",rhat is best suited to improve their conditions.

The great steel corporations are employing every method to defeat the efforts of their employees t6 organize. Free speech and the right oj peaceable assemblage would be suppressed, if the steel trust could hay,· their way. The representatives of these great corporations are beginning to realize that each effort made to deny constitutional rights to their employees results in strengthening the determination of the employees to organize and obtain industrial democracy, a condition that is right, just and humane, therefore, bound to prevail, by peace if possible, by force if necessary. Open-minded peace loving citizens, both employers and em­ployees, prefer the former. Capitalistic saboteers and industrial vandals in general prefer the latter. In our judgment the former will prevail, and even though conditions are serious, and the situation extremely aggra­vating, we still have sufficient confidence in the American public to believe that no qusetion will confront us that cannot be solved by peaceahlc methods.


1.. U. Numbers. 199 781581 781584 200 807325 807408

LOCAL Union Official Re- 201 122889 122905 202 137119 137352

ceipts up to and including 205 513764 510840 207 354501 354590

10th of the current month 209 111611 111653 211 151426 151537 212 78972 79107 213 553831 554140 214 479994 480090

Numbers. L.U. Numbers. 215 640123 640135

L.U. 217 710572 710700 1 6255~4 625650 89 9761 9770 217 61501 61543 1 884401 884682 92 51001 51105 218 721552 721618 3 19505 21150 92 809731 810150 219 5567 5592 4 282134 282150 93 32512 32556 220 845001 845100 4 • .•.. 940651 940721 94 717208 717235 221 693043 693065 6 • .••. 534035 534150 96 647084 64V203 223 416294 416367 6 418801 41~n8 97 201823 201835 224 524597 524651 7 280351 280460 98 826651 827410 225 59847 59968 8 360421 360604 98 295571 295650 226 657239 657277

8a 854Z01 854400 99 810501 810605 227 431140 431151 8a 5251 5420 101 608631 608730 229 526061 526068 11 574832 574844 102 251333 251400 230 469439 469493 13 212965 212990 102 215251 215378 232 242021 242050 14 44301 44337 103 698193 698221 237 347441 347473 15 431606 431631 103 669955 670510 238 698544 698630 16 ••... 872573 872630 105 883671 883789 240 645448 645469 17 • •• " 830678 831150 106 835304 835340 242 100656 100658 20 • •... 6,12757 643038 107 260921 260980 243 105730 105808 21 502401 502520 108 695859 595927 244 836761 836894 22 680681 680839 110 506230 506400 246 488608 488692 23 798516 798670 111 838811 838997 250 455361 455400 25 729922 729939 112 621891 621900 250 174751 174784 27 537145 537150 112 906901 907110 254 635921 636093 27 206251 206363 113 · ... , 400327 400355 255 222381 222424 28 465781 466650 116 · .... 887410 887484 256 172839 172859 28 933151 933209 117 · .... 858480 858510 259 482438 482480 31 738301 738305 121 40102 40122 261 529589 5296511 31 424421 424500 122 626532 626613 261 48751 48781 32 512639 H2640 125 848491 8491fiO 262 803024 803080 32 512710 512862 127 200011 200040 265 86661 86711 33 728730 728745 128 487157 487345 266 833383 833396 35 927901 927915 129 667717 667749 267 859996 860261 35 147774 147900 130 486027 486328 268 228058 228135 36 854401 854620 132 401437 401450 273 774441 774463 36 350392 350394 135 678261 678280 275 744964 744986 37 542526 542570 136 · .... 770731 770850 276 658191 658220 39 797751 798000 136 · ...• 801641 801730 277 876203 876220 41 821781 821941 137 835708 835767 277 611097 611100 42 606477 606517 139 444425 444470 278 497381 497389 43 330377 330480 142 344102 344397 279 31374 31412 44 586046 686080 14.2 708001 7o,s265 281 697313 597330 46 117148 117185 143 152341 152366 282 128871 128980 46 548631 648950 144 454527 454650 283 633691 633900 46 549151 549720 146 993552 993564 283 843151 843161 47 725401 725450 149 334074 334090 284 175832 175879 48 680210 680400 150 585444 585453 285 828276 828296 48 926401 926463 151 665508 666047 289 583828 583845 51 200937 200958 152 349431 349565 290 712996 713034 52 641643 641965 153 630432 630476 291 312631 312690 53 418502 448634 154 1856'76 185706 292 878596 878890 54 667211 667412 155 628301 628440 295 700678 700720 56 504632 504783 156 879925 879965 296 248963 248981 56 225665 225699 158 744~01 744326 298 846910 847120 57 n6151 936204 159 729085 729124 300 221584 221629 57 591069 591150 160 620769 621006 301 777343 777363 69 514459 514536 161 4Fi8R15 4Fi8636 302 704261 704322 60 811717 811790 IG2 722142 722186 304 778171 778192 61 893473 893574 163 120200 120268 3G6 420441 420495 62 241362 244525 164 558682 5"8764 307 435421 435440 63 7Fi9nt8 759540 16" fi29865 629934 308 805093 805102 64 153011 153028 167 695758 69Fi792 309 545626 646774 65 9436"1 943704 172 143039 143063 311 748991 749004 65 603768 603900 175 8163"3 8,16416 312 390281 390300 67 "23101 523140 176 880lfi9 880260 313 796895 7969711 68 2,,1904 251997 178 602543 602621 314 695227 695262 71 4~2111 432177 179 142024 142056 315 66n3U 669613 72 7r.8981 768990 181 523750 523806 316 776081 776100 76 Sn241 873370 182 888935 889075 316 944401 944440 80 871740 872069 183 305863 305901 317 806878 806895 81 677R5" 677790 H4 104901 104940 318 843923 813986 82 "93n09 593400 185 222477 222491 320 822441 82 214/i01 214523 188 501954 501979 323 484199 484224 83 812455 812805 191 13/i684 135731 326 384600 83 539?78 539400 192 598024 598057 326 74/i501 74"539 84 613096 613358 193 ~78752 378770 328 690917 690947 S4 3Rfi077 385111 195 8/iHi72 8"1688 329 398519 398590 85 632885 633082 196 778791 778823 330 187061 187069 86 87/i419 875586 197 692745 692766 333 266199 266255 88 336543 336573 198 163726 153772 334 453361 453436


L. U. Numbers. L. U. Numbers. L.u. Numbers. 335 198426 198H2 485 430921 430999 638 574038 5740H 337 929401 929414 488 311092 311150 1>42 · .... 808691 808720 337 278362 278400 !90 535785 535793 643 · .... 563550 563552 339 450348 450382 t91 186711 186755 644 · . '" 684406 684554 340 681191 681236 492 733501 733793 646 · .... 819321 819336 343 423101 423150 493 865773 866961 647 · • '" 648916 648941 345 313335 313372 494 866591 866804 648 · .... 465697 465716 346 526312 526338 495 572925 572998 649 · .... 283956 283997 347 739399 739500 500 584739 584844 652 · .... 575787 576150 347 773701 773772 501 75 190 652 576991 577489 348 604231 604359 503 886113 886141 652 577651 577742 349 44917 44970 505 128031 128100 654 703001 703028 350 518523 518540 506 94747 94753 658 396459 396510 353 646279 646471 :'07 425143 425150 659 538051 538090 354 574138 574270 508 352382 352434 660 547981 548050. 357 102776 102802 511 26561 26600 661 868997 869018 358 15743 15750 ;;11 26691 26726 663 874088 814219 358 ...... :: ~17201 217246 513 562273 562412 664 478021 478490 364 237787 237810 514 535088 535140 666 668631 668662 368 897954 898030 516 531122 531150 667 503187 503238 369 355395 355460 fi16 912972 913096 668 277597 277610 370 296664 296962 ii17 473631 473700 G70 804946 805060 371 846160 846164 518 884312 884320 679 569017 569025 372 762289 762401 520 801551 801565 680 · .... 257945 257970 374 96850 96856 521 29393 29442 683 · .... 697535 697546 376 127009 127Q19 522 483341 483381 684 833373 833411 377 874727 874775 524 641396 541512 686 418255 418266 381 271446 271598 527 733220 733240 688 214196 214200 382 889778 889845 528 351531 351565 688 938401 938447 386 715282 715306 531 366263 366290 694 718065 718197 389 863092 863100 532 353693 353718 695 699227 699292 389 177001 177032 533 28129 28190 697 5075 5174 390 818823 818836 535 870503 870519 698 703893 703920 391 855539 855560 536 810998 811039 701 721801 721812 392 481203 481433 536 811040 811046 704 288281 288295 394 469270 469280 537 700562 700637 706 821526 821530 395 674461 674472 538 358869 358890 709 213261 213276 396 650883 651003 541 30289 30370 711 194141 194172 397 38840 38882 542 37645 37648 712 645197 645232 400 489198 489208 543 412341 412380 713 823811 824UO 401 429119 429203 548 18615 18668 713 497241 497330 402 656695 556711 551 391453 il6 803401 803880 403 615313 616343 f,53 670244 670291 717 540023 640150 405 54259 554 718233 817269 719 713382 713398 406 830736 830749 ii56 633951 633968 720 476319 476400 409 291786 291863 557 550751 550773 720 937651 937749 411 804196 804233 558 842811 842961 722 79"6391 796400 412 ..... 823401 823411 559 57863 57867 723 · . '" 169358 169379 413 • .... 435609 435630 563 570095 570147 725 · . '" 226747 226771 414 643674 643703 564 548941 548945 726 53278.1. 532830 415 795328 795340 567 904051 904081 727 764201 754202 416 134139 134144 57~ 827009 827020 727 701041 701100 418 174353 174401 571 57351 57385 729 124301 124320 423 292104 292120 573 56701 56714 730 426961 426996 424 433949 434011 574 537821 537898 731 125371 125384 4.26 560437 560438 578 441440 441461 732 436054 436108 427 202008 202012 579 556497 556506 733 664370 664530 428 813901 814020 580 560742 560765 734 · . '" 507344 507525 429 861251 861350 581 394971 395020 735 · .... J.49726 149763 430 213454 213467 582 720601 720621 736 148947 148950 434 378236 378260 582 809994 810000 737 197512 197516 435 663491 664100 583 ..... 181118 181139 741 529996 530024 435 666401 566488 585 ..... 505103 505114 742 595354 ;;95460 436 141630 141657 ~87 396800 396848 714 273511 273606 437 242827 242876 588 468561 468596 740 2()0579 200628 439 753647 753739 ,,89 478308 478347 746 201503 201318 441 433021 433050 fi91 433647 433674 747 · .... 203536 203537 442 673821 673950 ~92 333280 333303 748 · .... 202918 202931 446 • .... 540578 540590 'in 811261 ~11271 749 203929 20394'3 447 • .... 202662 202680 "94 436855 436880 750 605272 60;;330 448 · .... 688139 688150 "95 322191 322350 752 914420 914498 449 • .... 910845 910886 ,,96 132411 132436 753 644951 645086 451 · .... 739811 739849 ~97 811984 811994 754 525416 fi20462 452 ..... 864151 864718 !j99 812620 812632 755 211482 211500 452 328534 328625 CO2 716158 716170 750 760501 760511 452 864878 865227 604 261692 261711 756 328950 3~8!188 453 301439 301444 604 942151 942166 757 212172 2'1.2365 458 403178 403200 607 259857 259861 760 · .... 215174 125184 458 691201 691215 608 470322 470367 761 · ...• 214837 214880 461 ..... 178989 179001 611 815669 81568! 763 735952 73f;009 465 • .... 474743 474900 615 556778 556787 764 560861 560900 466 • .... 461971 462053 619 439249 439251 766 759601 759639 467 597361 597425 f;20 472712 472721 769 223174 223182 468 41134 41194 622 654177 655211 770 867151 8~7279 470 925651 925663 623 511111 511143 770 480791 480800 470 416083 416100 625 881468 881582 770 480801 480900 472 448828 448835 626 716719 716747 771 541868 541890 473 837988 838013 627 36495 36560 ;7~ 624299 624318 474 636270 636408 629 194844 194890 773 375141 875169

'477 683461 683503 630 832645 832653 774 639487 639559 479 594371 594457 634 559378 fi5938:l 77:' 381253 381259 483 254131 254263 635 720976 721068 ~76 706527 705550


L. u. Numbers. L. U. Numbers. L.U. Numbers.

779 831926 832045 844 412173 412200 907 728401 728476 782 382687 382730 846 412641 412659 908 696931 696953 783 385321 385412 817 414109 414135 909 698448 698454 784 906291 906465 848 414392 414408 912 418596 418640 786 379648 379670 SSO 676n2 676760 914 712574 712585 787 380038 380073 851 898731 898886 917 713733 713785 'i88 380222 380260 853 416230 416261 919 714317 714330 'i90 · .... 513396 513430 854 416528 416607 !l20 714657 714674 .91 · .... 638741 638799 855 418103 418150 921 715567 715586 'i93 · .... 915925 915944 860 862081 862255 ~122 715926 715948 794 · .... 622301 622453 861 423367 423369 92:1 716438 716443 796 729683 729755 864 900204 900236 926 719222 719275 797 719445 719510 86, 799241 799430 927 719701 719783 798 387442 487463 866 427411 427440 928 7200:l2 720047 800 388329 388378 867 427581 427629 !131 722731 722750 803 {i62600 662650 868 632359 632400 93!"i 724234 724258 805 676098 676163 868 945901 946029 936 724529 724547 806 392596 392635 870 428306 428329 940 744611 744625 80S 822286 822342 872 939151 939188 !141 727531 727570 809 395824 395848 R72 431989 432000 942 729319 729329 810 8~1277 831456 P.74 432741 432771 947 731401 731416 811 397001 397090 878 436663 436776 %1 735301 735471 814 398331 398400 879 436306 436333 H52 831366 831462 814 45751 45760 880 818676 818914 95f> 737701 737727 816 398759 398768 881 701719 701745 957 741001 741026 817 609911 610149 ~82 706383 706401 !158 7407:l5 740754 81R 400873 400885 883 705994 706060 960 741301 741362 S20 402459 402482 884 705171 705202 962 741901 741911 821 403973 403981 885 710792 710822 n6~ 742201 742212 823 691178 691200 886 711028 711048 9H7 745201 745220 823 942901 942936 887 · .... 711427 711443 969 753901 753938 824 403660 403675 888 880762 880806 970 752701 752725 826 795225 795233 890· 699979 699992 972 753301 753312 828 840228 840294 895 671631 671760 973 754801 754850 831 406626 406687 897 855305 855456 975 755101 755136 832 406871 406905 898 703543 703572 978 756001 756020 834 699732 699824 901 657185 657199 979 756601 756611 838 40S339 409365 902 877123 877336 982 758101 758116 839 409570 409594 903 657973 657989 984 758701 758721 840 409978 410000 904 694650 694654 986 75n01 841 895696 895718 905 · .... 694878 694927 990 771001 771026 842 411522 411543 906 · .... 696350 696352 991 771301 771315 844 517831 517835 907 · .... 802031 802130 9n3 772501 772504

MISSING RECEIPTS. 20-6-13001-010. 27-206255. 258, 305, 322-325, 331-342, 344-

345. 347-3:10, 3;;2-355, 357-360, 362-365, 367-370, 372-375, 377-380, 382-385, 387-39~ 392-395, 397-399.

a 46. 348-349, 353-36l. 32-512834. 36-854528-530, 558. 591-600. 54-667395. 80-871931-872068. 84-385099-100. 89-9760. 67-68.

110-506276, 280. 128-487296-300. 132-401449. 136-770746, 801691-720. 143-152363-366. 158-744322-325. 162-722176-185. 163-120249-260. 183-305871-875, 877-892, 896-897, 900. 192-598036. 209-111610. 217-710666. 254-636091. 255-222387-390, 396-398, 420. 259-482455, 460, 466, 470, 477. 262-803076-0?7. 266-833395. 275-744973-974, 984-985. 278-497380. 282-128721-870. 289-583830-831, 834-835, 837-838, 840, 842. 307-435406-420. 315-669490-516, 519-520, 596. 330-187066-067. 334-4533fj2. 383, 392, 403, 408. 410, 417. 340-681193, 206, 222, 224, 232-235. 368-898021. 370-296655-663, 667-670, 673-675, 677-696,

698-702, 704-768, 770-779, 781-787, 789-809, 811-822, 824-850, 852-861, 863-873, 875-88~ 884-892, 894-912, 914-917, 919-953, 955-961.

~71-846159. 372--762303, 307-308, 312-313, 317-318, 322-

3~3. 327-330, 332-335, 337-340, 342-

392--481260, 336-337, 351, 353, 362, 364. 394-469276-278. 400-489202. 401--429127-155, 157-162, 186-187, 190, 194-

195, 198. 405-54256-258. 406--830738-739, 741-745, 747. 411-804177-195. 412-823393-400. 452--864879-880, 883, 887. 901-903, 905-908,

917-927, 929-933, 935-937, 939-865002, 004-005, 007, 009-010, 014-048, 050-177, 180-182, 184-205, 209-2101, 217, 219, 225.

453-301438. 466--461966-970, 462041. 467-597376, 383, 386, 399, 421. 470-416082. 491-186751-754. 492-733635-790. 507-425145, 146. 511--26696, 26713. 531-366285. 536-811042-045. 556-633961-967. 557-550772. 573-56710. 589-478344-345. 593-811255-260. ,,96--132416, 425-426. {;26-716718, 741-743, 746. 646-819320, 331-33.5. S"4-703000. r,S6-668627-630. 670-804976-979, 805023-024, 026-628, 030-

057. 709-213274-275. 741-529997. 744-273592. 761-214876. 770-480850. 774-639555.


782-382716-717. 720. 783-385362. 380-384, 386-397, 400-409. 788-380231. 790-513418. 810-831347-350. 814-398361-370.. 817-610141-145. 818-400870-872. 823-942932. 935. 828-840281-290. 834-699734, 739, 753, 756, 758-759, 762. 771,

774. 776, 778-785, 787-788. 795-802. 805-806. 808, 810-811. 699813, 815-816. 818-820.

839-429590-591. 846-412656-657. 847-414107-108. 110. 113, 116-134. 854-416531-560. 855-41812n. 146-149. 866-427410. 867-427582. 591, 601. 879-436320. 881-701729. 882-706387. 389. 392, 394-396. 398. 884-705197. 895-671629-630. 903-657974-975, 978. 904-694649. 651. 905-694924-925. 907-728471-475. 908-696937. 943, 946, 948. 912-418621-630. 931-722746. 935-724231-233, 243, 245, 249, 255. 936-724544-545. 941-727501-530. 942-729318. 947-731406, 412-415. 957-741011, 024-025. 958-740734. 967-745202, 206, 211-215. 972-753310-311. 973-754832. 975-755113. 984-758715-720. 990-771024-025. 991-771314.

VOID lUlCEIP'l.'S. 4-940712. 7-280355, 398-399, 416, 8-360443-493.

14-6020R1. 17-830578. 20-64281)5, 824, 833, 853, 901, 999, 643012,

017. 28-465835, 912, 466379, 577, 606. 36-854402. 39-797896, 975-976. 43-330421, 447. 46-fi48752. 786. 47-72~401-402, 406, 421. 54-667253. 62-244448. 65-94~r,74-675, 811, 884, 893. 71-432163. 80-871844. 627589. 82-214505. 84-385077. 085, 277542. 613153. 96-1>47090, 113, 155, 200.

102-251358. 103-670337. 101;-,,95885. 111-838929-933, 935. 116-887443. 117-858485. 125-848508, 849087, 091, 106, 144. 136-770752. 801647. 151--665532, 887, 958. 155-628399, 405. 317, 319. 163-120211, 228. 175-846402. 176-880171-175, 179-180. 188-501969. 202-137195. 218-721600. 238-698562. 242-100657. 244-8:\6583. 250-174756. 265-86675. 686. 282-128943. 955.

290-712991-992. 298-847009. 846975. 306-420442. 308-805096. 309-545654-655. 315-669416, 427, 430, 465. 345-313319. 347-739455. 353-646296, 358. 354-574154. 368-838003, 013. 369-355429. 372-762315. 381-271446-450, 488, 544, 560, 571, 583, 597. 382-889794, 821. 389-sro3094, 097. 397-38858. 424-4340:)4. 428-813910, 814011. 429-861301. 435-564093. 437-242~32, 842, 845, 875. 439-753684. 452-328576-578, 864266. 467-5973n. 479-594399, 320. 492-733518. 494-866705. 500-584822. 513-562374. 524-541427, 475, 482. 587-396843-845. 599-812623. 604-261409-410. 611-815677. 622-655205. 626-716728. 652-576882, 577167, 259, 400. 659-538084. 663-874179. 694-718129. 697-5108, 120. 127, 158. 716-803557, 648. 730-426973. 73:\-664451, 481, 483. 750-605235. 7r6-32~n62, 970. 757-212189, 190, 236, 250, 267, 334, 336. 770-480791. 773-375151. 782-382697, 703. 791-63~784. 798-387442, 458. 809-395828. 811-397036, 081. 817-609939, 610053. 058, 137. 828--840252, 265, 275. 844-412185. 850-418113. 865-799283, 309. 868-945967, 632367. 883-706025, 027, 039. 895-671663. 902-877276. 905-694921. 92F.-719231. 927-719745. 941-727;'67. 942-729328. 9:'1-735453. 458. 973-754801.


14-602098, 44283-290. 17-8 :10521-671. 27-537046. 058-060, 079, 082-083, 103, 107-

118, 122-123, 125-126, 130-134, 138, 140-U2.

67-523077-080. 82-593185-190. 85-355922. 99-810289-200.

104-832851, 975. 143-1')2330. 192-597084-985. 223-416218-228, 449073. 244-836539. 255-222249. 298, 325-326, 333, 337, 370-371. 265-8 S6 5 3 -6 5 7. 267-859072-994. 277-876189-201.


!89-683812. 320-822436-438. 330-187051-059. 334-453319. 338-564281-353. 345-313319-320. 364-237782-785. 372-762251. 256, 259-261, 264-266, 269-271,

274-276, 279-281, 28.-286. 392-481150. 394-469263, 265-266. 400-489195-196. 406-830709. 727-729, 731-734. 439-389699. 453-301435. 474-479817. 479-594320. 511-26487-488 535-8704Q8. 536-810993-995. 542-37601. 558-~4280r.-807. 679-556487-490. 593-811255. 604-2614(\8-420, 436-440. 638-574033. 18-E. W. 646-819305, 311, 315. 659-5380~1-040, 046-049. 663-874083-085. 667-503136-140. 706-821521-523. 720-372379. 723-169281-305, 30T-310, 351-355. 750-6052~5-269. 757-212156-157.

774-6~9405, 409, 435, 437-463, 466-468, 482. 782-382676-677, 679-685. 787-380011. 808-822284. 817-609902-905. 821-403957-960. 826-795222-223. 834-699722. 729-730. 844-517763-765, 767-810, 813-815. 848-414384-386, 389-390. 853-416225. 864-900158. 867-427576-578 870-428303. 874-432653. 736. 882-7(·6373-376, 378, 380. 887-711423-425. 902-87113-121. 904-694619, 622-624. 626, 628-629, 631-632,

638, 641, 643-647. 907-6%850, 865, 871. 873-874. 879-884, 886,

893-894, 896, 801992, 998-802000, 002, 007-010, 023-026.

920-714653. 936-724525.

BLANK RECEIPTS. 28-466626-466630.

211-151491-500. 307-435439-440. 428-813926, 971-974, 814016. ,429-861342. 571-57281-57290. 663-874190.

NOT VOID. 6-533559.


Correspondence • L. tT. :NO.1, ST. LOtTXS, KO.

Editor: Yes! St. I..ouis is still on the map and

doing very nice, thank you, and at pres­ent the Electrical Worker members of Local No, 1 are all working.

July l;;th saw the end of our old agree­ment which was 87'hc an hour, so we had our new one sig-ned up calling for $1.00 an hour.

Our boys are mostly all back from the service. 59 in all and most of them had service oversea, but no one was killed.

'Ve are having trouble with the Bell Telephone Company in St. Louis. They have imported scabs both men and women from out of town, but with the help of Brother O. E. Jennings, our District Organ­izer and last but not least our able sister May Mathews and the striIdng employees and financial aid of Local No. I, we shall beat them to H--.

At our June election we electer! all new officers and I think they are doing firHt rate so far although I was on the losing side, that's nothing new for your truly to be on the losing side because the only winner I have been on in the past ten years was the American Army.

Brother :r.fcGinn our retiring Business Agent did fine work and I was more than surprised to see him defeated. but he was, and is now getting it the hard way, using his arms and back instead of his head.

The weather is sure warm in ~t. Louil'< at present. One hundred in the shad" if yOU can find any.

No doubt this letter is a riot of mis­takes and funny stories, but I shall try to do better tll(: next time.

Fraternally yours, Bro. Lee Killian.

Press Seeretary. L. U. No. 1. St. Louis. M·o.

L. tT. :NO. 2, ST. LOtTIS, MO.

Editor: St. Louis has been on the move again,

full of fight, like the barber's cat, pulling all men and operator" on Kinloch and Bell telephone job. It did not take the Kin­loch people long to find out that old No. 2 meant business, so they hung out the distress signal. calling for help from No. 2 and 1I6A, who responded by settling difficulties and returning to work. The Bell Company are putting up a fight, but the odds are against them, and we loolt for settlement soon.

Jefferson hotel has been charged with letting strike-breakers use their placc and It has be<.-n picketed since tit., H"l1 lrilllhie.

All union men in St.' Louis and vicinity have been ordered to have Hell phones disconnected, an(1 from all reports a great many have done so.

A new 'wage f!'~ale h:ls hnen pre~nnted tf"J the Puhlic Service Commission for men of the 1:nited Railways Co. and if It Is allowed will makc a fair scale at that job.

Brother Springer was much alarmed the other morning to find he w"" (lizzy and had a headache trying to tf>ll us he was threatened with the "flu". Well, it may be so, hut.

Our ene hig paper lwre published an a('­. cvunt regarding a large, sum of mon(:),

that will be rf'cpive<l by a couple of Brothers. so we· ('x]Jed mo"t any day to

see a fieet of Pierce-Arrows In front of their office. We will not mention any names. but beli.,ve they will be town cars.

If Brother Dickinson continUe6 to dress in white we will have to give him space on the fashion sheet along with Brother Springer and his pea green sport suit.

Resignation of Brother Creedon as pres­Ident was received awhile back an,l Brother Jack DeVoe was eleete<l to finish the term. Brother Jack is some kid-­well liked, and everybody is with him on the job.

Forgot to mention Brother Jennings, but don't forget he is here and always on the job fighting for all that is right.

Our B. A., Brother Knoll, Is a busy man. Says he could stand a couple of assist­ants any time, and really does things, as he went over the river the other day and closer! a job for $1.00 an hour. More power, Dan.

Regret to report Brother Edward Arnold on the sick list. Nothing serious and will be O. K. in a couple of Clays.

Bill Howell, Rec. Seey., 5935 Cote Brilliante Av~.

L. tT. :NO.4, :NEW OB.LEA:NS, LA, Editor:

During the inability of Secretary E!. Smith-on account of illness from which he is gradually and fortunately recovering -I am serving in his stead and cheerfully furnish the Worker with a few tidings from Local No.4.

Although somewhat under the weather, Brother John King summons sufficient courage and strength to preside at all our meetings incompliance with his duty as president. and manifests that deep inter­est in the Local's affairs that wins the deep felt appreciation of all our brethren.

Our Local has submitted a new contract for the coming year to the New OrleanI'< Railway & Light Co. for investigation of its provisions, hy the company's manage­ment, and the outlook for its approval is promising.

Quite a number of workers in the dif­ferent departments of the company's plant, such as meter testers, meter installers, metcr repairmen. underground cable spllc­"rs. arc lamp repairers, and sub-foremen, have obtained memhership in Ollr Local. end others will be ('ontinually adrled to the list, judging oy the many promises that have been made.

'Ve regret to see the absence from the Worker of any items of interest from the other locals in New OrleanH-Nos. 120, 823 and 868. Surely they cannot con­Hider a monthly contribution of that char­acter to your popular journal-our loyal mouthpiece-too laborious a taslt. We will be rejoiced to sec them take this gentle hint.

The members of our Local Rre looking forward with joyous anticipation to thE' great convention of Electrical Workers to be held in this ('ity during R<>ptember, and are busy in preparing- for the royal enter­tainment of the dele1~at"s. l're~irlent King of Local Xo. 4 has been chosen as Its delegate.

The financial condition of our Local is n'ry satiHfactory. inrleed, and the soci­ability of the brethren continues to evoke \ pry favorable comment in general.

Fraternally yours, J. Ros(mthal, 42~ S. Hennesy St ..

New Orleans, La.


:r.. V. ]10. 12, PVBBLO, COLO.

iOOltor: Local Union No. 12 sends g.,.edings t" all

the members. and brothers whe"e\'"r they may be, as we feel that we an, getting closer together every day. There is more

Ufe now existing and brotherly love shown than has been for years. All craftsmen are doing better and living closer to one another than ever has been done before.

We believe that there should be It great many changes made in September wl .. :n all the local delegates get together at New Orleans. One in particular that the eleetric­al bodies all over the United States take a

hand in politics and see at the poles that good and honest union men get in office. Ditl you brothers notice the speeches made in Congress on the th by the senatorR from Colorado and Texas after the railroad repre-80ntatives had asked Congress and President "'ilson to do something to cut down prices of food or they would have to have more monp.y. These gentlemen claimed that they would not stand for this class of mpn to tell them what they had to do. But they do not mind taking orders from 'Yall ~t. 'Vhy?

We will have two mighty good boys at the Convention; Ed Carlson amI Richard Clee. Meet them brothers and you will find them O. K., but be careful of them; they

are both married. We are sending Bro. C. L. Griffin as

delegate on August 11 to Ft. Collins to repre­sent us before the State Federation of Labor, and brothers there is going to be some hard fighting there, as politics on the outsille has ruled labor In this State for years but her day is over.

Brothers how about you, have you a lizzy? Most all the wire pullers here have. 'rhere was a car load of new ones come in a few days ago and it takes all the cops in Pueblo to handle the fixers but they pay the fine like men. Work 8 hours and out for a ridp the next 8. Great sport. Come down and we will take you around.

We have three shops in the city with about 18 men busy all the time. The ~t .. eI plant has about 150 electricians and linemen they keep going so when we all get together there Is always something doing. There is a few at the mill that has not come in the local yet but will, we think soon. There is talk of opening the charter and if we do, there Is no doubt but what we will get the majority of them.

One of our brothers working at the steel plant returning from work few eVCJl.ings ago was shot to death by some unknown parties. There was more than one as the brother had nine bullet holes in him and we have been unable to find out who or the cause.

Best wishes to all the locals and brothers. Come and see us as No. 12 is glad to meet anyone with the green ticket.

Fraternally yours, J. L. Scany

R. S.


Editor: Another line from Local No. 21. I don't

know what to write as things are at a stand­still here In Philadelphia and the neighbor­hood. There Is going to be all kinds of trouhle In and around here which is liable to break out any old time against the big companie:!! and the shipyards and also on the railroads.

We have also elected our dele!',"ates fo,' the Convention at New Orleans. They are our financial secretary and recordin§ sec­retary, but we hope our financial secretary goes as he Is acquainted with the eonven­tions of the past and with other condi­tions at which to fight and which way.

We ha'lle one of our brothers running for councilman. we wish him success in his new position if he lands it as he is a union man all the way through so there may be hope>!

p·t for a union city fo,' ullion men. This is all for a month or until the next

i"~ue of the 'Yorker. H. Weber,.

R. S,

L. V. NO. 34, PEOBXA. :ILL,

Editor: They elected me Press Secretary be­

("a use they did not have it in for anybody ph«', "0 .Hop got it wished upon him,

Well, Local No. 34 is up and a coming and we do not think there is a local under the sun that has anything on us. We have a closed shop proposition here and all Brothers are welcome in all the shops any time, and they are not looked at as if they were thieves or moochers, as the boso;es and employes are just the same as one large family at a Thanksgiving din­ner scrapping over the dark and light meat. The P. S. thinks it is a 50-50 split on the "light and dark".

Work is exceedingly good here and has been for the last three years, and still on the incline.

'Yell, Df'ar Editor, I will call this oft with these few lines, but I will drop you a line again in the Worker and tell you all I know and then some.

If I could hear from our old Brother. "Shorty" W. W. Wade. If he was In Peoria he would never leave it, I say, and I will bet when poor old Shorty gets down on his prayer bones he forgets God and prays to Peoria instead. because he knows she is the biggest and best city in the world. L. J. H.

L. V. NO. 38, CLEVELAND, omo. Editor:

The telephone operators' situation has about taken up all the work that the of­ficers of this Local has had the chance to devote to it in the last few weeks.

In my last letter I spoke about th" seriousness of the Operators' union as lleing opposed by the officials of the Bell Telephone and the Ohio State T,,]ephon .. companies. On July 16 the opera.tors and all male employes of the two telephone companies went out on strike and they were out for about ten days, and a few are still out. as the company has refused to take them back up to this time, claim­ing that they were guilty of overt act!!, The Ohio State Telephone Co. wa!'l almost put out of commission as far as labor was ('oncerned during the strike. They had a few old women and young girls that didn', know any better than to scab. In fact. they didn't know the meaning of the word "!'lcab." but there was a few that workeo for the company and slept in their in-a­door beds that the company provided for them during the strike, The Bell company succeeded in hiring some from Chicago and scabs from other cities and they kept about a 45 per eent service going during the Htrike, but their line and cable gangs were 100 per cent union and there was no repairing on the outside, only when about twenty of the strike guards would take (lut a couple of scab repairmen, and then they might succeed in working for five minutes, but when any union men would come around their jobs they immediately e"a('uated their positions, anti as we knew llln"t of their jobs that they intended going to one can imagine how much work wa9 being done by their line gangs.

All sorts of charges and intimidations were made against the girls and the men trying to discourage them from staying on strike and some of the union employes were arrested, but nothing was done to any of them for lack of sufficient evi­dence to convict them of the felonies that the telephone companies charged them with,

Th" ('it)" council appointed a special com-


mlttee to look Into the affair and determine the cauae of the strike, as public senti­ment was going against the companies and everyone was In favor of the strikers and were working hard for the girls to obtain their condltlons and the recognition of their union.

The city council was convinced beyond any doubt of the rights of the telephone workers and they found conclusive evi­dence through their co-operation with the uRlon offlclals that the girls and the men were In the right and they should receive the proper consideration from the tele­phone companies that all organized work­ers reccive from their employers, the tele­phone companies and the city council en­tered Into an agreement with the telephone workers whereby all men and girls would be taken back on their jobs at their former' wages and positions and such Questions as needed arbitration would be taken care of by the postofflce inspectors on the job at the time on the day after this agreemen~ was reached the girls and the men re­ported for work at their respective ex­changes and offlces and some of them were taken back at their former standing, but there were 150 others that did not get their jobs as the company claimed that they were guilty of overt acts and In doing thi!! the telephone companies abrogated their agreement made In good faith with the city council's committee. Since this time there ha@ been repeated efforts on the part of the workers to call another strike, but the union oillcials believing that It would be the best poliey to work out their dif­ficulties In a more diplomatic way opposeQ any such Idea, although realizing the jus­tice of the whole affair. Up to this time some of the girls and men have been taken back on their jobs, but there Is still SOme that arB awaiting the Investigation of the postofflce Inspectors, who will insist upon their reinstatement that they receive their back pay from the time that the strike was called off, and we feel while there are a good many that believe that a strike would be the only remedy to make the companies come to their senses quicker. that it wOl1lil he heRt at this time to await the judgment of the representatives of the U. S. Government. But If there Is not an amicable adjustment within a reasonable length of time Cleveland Is liable to have another telephone strike on hf>r hands. and it Is up to the government offlclals to seB that the employp.s of these companies are treated as real human beings.

The Maintenance are still coming along fine In their organiZing campaign and new members are coming in at every meeting. Shops that we have workeil On for the last two years are being organized now and the men are kicldng themselves that they were not In here before as they realize after they are in what they have missed In the line of benefits and their union conditions. We are very proud of the way our old members are working among their friends trying to get them Into the union and It only goes to show that a little perseverance on the part of the memhers count for a whole lot when it comes to organizing these men that claim they have as good .condltlons as the union has.

On the fOl1rth Wednesday of this month there will be a big mass meeting and smoker for the Maintenance electricians all over the city and we expect a large crowd at the meeting and there will be some of the beRt speakers In the labor mOVf>ment to address the men.

Press Secretary, Maintenance Section No. 38.


Editor: As you have not heard from this Local

the past month will try and give you what little I know of the present conditions In

and around Cleveland as our regular Press Secretary has gone In a higher life ana has given up his position as secretary.

'York in and around the sixth city has been fairly good this summer, as most all of the traveling brothers have gone to work for the C. E. 1. in order to get the sheckels to continue their journey. They don't seem to anchor long on the job. Sorry to say as it seems to be somewhat of a hit the ball job. Through a little ef­fort on the part of some of our present offlcers we were able to land a fairly good position for some of the brothers with the city fire alarm at a fixed price of $16(1 a month. We qave also been able to land a new wage Bcale with an increase, the Municipal Light & Power Co. making a jump from 78'h cents to 90 cents an hour for linemen and other crafts In compari­son. I must say that when the C. E. 1. got the drift they stepped from $5.75 to $6.25 per day. It was very near a. volun­tary raise on the company's part.

Must say that the employees of the two telephone companies just finished a two weeks vacation and are back to work, w" ich one of the other locals will explain the situation more perfect. We were as­sisted by Miss Sullivan and Brother Broach. Some seemed to call it a strike but In as much as I understood the sltua.tlon would give It another name. Hoping this will pass the censor, I am

Fraternally Yours, W. :T.

Press See'y. -----------------


Editor: Just a few lines before I am too late

for the press. It appears to me as though our worthy press secretary, Theoretical Covena has lost his pen as he has the first writing to publish in the Journal since his election. It's the same old story boys. The buck is passed along to the few work­ers who try to hold the interests of the organizations together, but it seems to me that there has to be one hundred per cent efflclency in our organization in the near future or the skids are liable to be pulled from 'underneath us unless we get together and work for a betterment of the organization in general, so let us all get out and attend to our duties and the committees and offlcers attend to their assignments or resign from their offlces. It is the same old story when time comes for their reports. All kind of excuses. n appears to me that the majority of our members are only card men. not union men, as they only attend meetings or show their faces when out of employment. They don't even have the interest of the organi­zation at heart. When we elect offlcers or negotiate with the bosses on wages I would rather see an organization of a hundred good loyal union men than one of four hundred mostly card men. So its time to wake up. As things here in Buffalo are beginning to look brighter and look for plenty of work In the near future. The T. Livingston Co. have three good jobs in our city. The Ley Co. of Boston have work coming off here soon and our City Contractors predi('t plenty of work so I think we have prospects of a busy fall and winter. Our scale here ranges from eighty to ninety cents per hour with prospects of getting more. Let us hope so, as we need it to combat with the high cost of living. I will state that Brother Jack Holzer leaves Friday to start a good size job at Jamestown. New York for Lord Electric Co. More power. Jack. So I guess Jack will use some of the reliable bovs on this job.

Brother King is putting the National Lamp job through in good shape. The boys are getting in plenty of overtime on this job, which resembles war time hours.



Brother Weitig is pushing Livingston's work with great success under the Super­vision of Bro. Saunders of the Syracuse office.

Brother Hanl{s is still running the wild cat work with about seventy-five men to keep him busy. Bro. Frank Joyce has' been with us for the past week, having a week's vacation. He is with the Virginia Shipyards. Located at Alexandria, Vir­ginia. Pretty soft Frank.

Well Brothers I will now touch on the outing held on August 2nd, given by Buf­falo, Rochester and Syracuse Locals at Island Cottage, Rochester, New York. The Buffalo delegation journeyed to Rochester on a special train which indeed was neces-

. sary as they were as wild as young bulls. I will state that our worthy organizer H. H. Broach was a guest at the outing, accompanying the Buffalo delegation to and from Rochester. I will state Bro. Broach was the guest of honor and after the din­ner was served Brother Broach gave a brief but touching speech, touching on 01'­ganiziation, welfare and Brotherly work and interest. after which a handsome charm with the Emblem of the I. B. E. W. attached was presented to Brother Broach in honor and remembrance of Local No. 86 of Rochester. There were other speakers in attendance such as Mr. Matt, Supt. of the Wheeler. Green Electric Co. of Roches­ter, a real live wire, also Brother Sherman who was a member of the Brotherhood when only a membership of fourteen hun­dred and also our humble servant, Brother George C. King. I must state there were plent of good things to eat and drink and amusements and races of all sorts to keep us busy. The base ball games resulted with Buffalo beating Syracuse and Roches­ter beating Buffalo.

Brother Hank O'Connell's Beef Trust Tug of War Team beat the Buffalo lean team. Bro. O'Connell then decided to have his helpers oppose the Syracuse team in the tug pulling and the pulling was so keen that the rope parted ending the con­test.

In the Rochester-Buffalo ball game, Bro. Broa.cl1 was st>leciell as umpire, but finished the game pitching for Buffalo. Lookout Harry! or Muggzy McGraw of the giants will be after you. I will state that the outing broke up in a sad way. as while everything was going along in fine shape in the evening a young lady was drowned in the lake, which was the sad ending of a Perfect Day. As the 1;0)'s stripped off their clothing like trojans and went to thn rescue, but it was to late when our worthy President Brother Seitz rescued the body. The boys worked over her and used the Pull-motor, but of no avail, as God's will was done.

Then about thig time it was train time and we had to hurry back to Rochester to get the train. I will state we have a movement on foot to have a clam bake in Buffalo in the near future and will have Rochester and Syracuse here as our guests and also hope to have Brother Broach with us also. In concluding I will state we have a movement on foot for a telephone work­ers campaign which will begin with an open mass meeting to be held at Engineer's hall, 667 Main Street on August 13. 1919. ,\Ye expect to have Brother Broadl and Rose Sullivan of the Telpphone Operator's Department with us on this evening, as the weather is wa'rll1, I will close.

Respeetful1y and fraternally yours, Bgroge.

L. U, lifO. 45, BUFFALO, lIf, Y.

Editor: Just a line to the brothers thanking

them for their assistance in disposing of our Ford automobile, I am sorry that I cannot give you the name of the winner at this time as the drawing does not take

place till Aug. 13, for some unknown reason the drawing was postponed till that date.

I have learned just recently who th" most unappreciative wire twisters in th.­country are.

I went to work on the Penna. R. R. found 30 men working there and only three card men, all of these have only corne there within the last 6 months. The other fellows a couple of years ago were Poot get­ting more than 35c per hour. But when organized labor went out and got 57e and then 68c they were right there to hold out their hands for some. .

They all got back pay, one, I know per­sonally got $751.40 and he still has no card and I asked him if he was not ashamed to look a union man in the face, I asked one if he had a card and he did not know what I meant. A card man reprE'sents these men on grievance com­mittee... But we are going to get afte!" these sizzer Bills, (it's a dandy name for them) and make them come across.

Some of our brothers made a burn job out of what might have been a good one at Niagara Falls, our B. A. had a fair chance of making it 85e an hour job when what did they do but go to work for 65e. Iron workers and painters on same tower.< are getting nearly a dollar per hour, then along comes the broad back who has the worst work of all and ta1<es 65c which shows that base ball does not contain all the bone heads in this country.

The Buffalo General Elect. is delng lots of work, but still the price is only $4.90 for 10 hrs.

The Depew & Lancaster are busy and pay $5.00 for eight hours 2 ways on com­pany.

Again thanking the brothers for interest in Ford car, I am

Yours Fraternally, Robt. W. Zimmerman, Ebenezer, N. Y., BOK 153.

L. U. lifO. 56, EBIE, PElfl!fA,

Editor: It is with pleasure that I devote a few

moments time writing this letter inform­ing every electrical worker of the actions taknn by I. B. E. W. No. 56.

The first of May we prcsented Our agree­ment to the contractors and had the ex­perience of having it returned without any encouraging information but that action didn't give us weak knpes and as per arrangements on the first day of April we stopped work until the signiftg of the agreement which was on June 27. Our members were very ord"rly during the entire strike and I look back with pleasure to see how mannerly the whole tiling was handled.

0,,,· I"hor tro11h'",; are all settled but I wigh to state to brother electrical work­ers, if any of you are thinking of visiting Erie, you had better stop, look and listeD. because work is very scarce at present.

In reading the April Journal I saw an article written by Bro. 'V. W. wade, of Local 83 in which he mentions an Elec­trical Workers Horne. Brothers, take it from me, 'Vade sure is on the right track. ''''hat a pleasure it would be to us to know that when we are gone we will have pro­vided for our wives and children, a home in which they would be contented and taken care of just as good as if we were still with them. There is just one thing in which I differ with Bro. Wade and that is Los Angeles is too far from Erie ano so I will take the great privilege of placing Erie, Pa. in nomination, come on brother" giYe a "hoye. Our members have wel­comed back our fighting brothers, who showed Willie Hollenzoler how to kick th" dust and in this tribe of True Blue Ameri­cam;, we find. Our Old Friend, Bro. Fred Hoth," a friend of every union man."


Bro. (Slim) Roth who saw service o.n the battle tlelds of France was Our presI­dent when called to the colors.

'Wnen Slim reached home he came face to face with as nice a labor strike as you have ever laid eyes upon, but did he grow discouraged after thinking his tlg~ting was done? Nothing- ooing, he peeled hIS coat off at once and fought by the side of our business agent, doing everything within reason to bring a settlement in favor of his Local. That's the kind of members we want and need. Three cheers for "Big Slim."

'Vhen "Big Slim" reads this he is going to say ''E. S. Mayerhoefer" but don't you believe him brothers.

Yours truly, C. H. Mayerhoefer,

Press Sec'y.

L. '0'. BO. 60, SAl!!' AlifTOmO, TEXAS.

Editor: . My last letter to the Worker wrItten

for the .June Issue, did not appear, so I suppose It was too late and will appear In the .July number. This is written for the August number .and is to mform the brotherhood of our present situation, al­though we expect that OUr strike will be ended before this is read by the member-ship, I

Our strike, called on .June 1st, is st II in progress, after two months have gone by, and we are still holding out for our original demands the most important f?! which is an Increase of $1.00 per day In wages. As we had three or four of the shops already closed before the strike, we did not demand this of the contractors, for we knew that if we could get the money we could close the shops ourselv~s. It was our Intention after we got the In­crease in wages to bend our effo,rts toward closing the remaining shops, WhICh at that time were working only enough of our members to do work which demanded the card. But one of these ratty con­tractors got wise, because somebody 'milled the beans, and he immediate~y got busy organizing an open shop a!?!!ocIation. This of course was .to enable hIm to get the support which he knew he would have to have if hp was to hold out. The oI!en shop propaganda at tlrst was very. mIld. and many business firms were led mto it without !mowing it" real purpose. But after sufficient members were secured to make a showing, the screws were put on, and these members found that .they hw been hoodwinked into somethIng that meant a disruption of their satisfactor~' relations with union employees. Many of them tried to withdraw, and a few ha(' the courage to do so, but many. others am! unfortunately our buffaloed fall' contract­ors among the number, let the fear of boy­cott hold them to their pledge, and now thev want someone to show them a way out' of the di'licnlty. In the meantime, we are going ahead with our shop, securing enough work from our friends and the public to keep m. goin~ and estabJishin~ the new scale which the contractors are bound by their foolish pledge not to pay. Thpv ~ilP1it Wf' are not asking for too much and would pay it if they had not already a~reed otherwise among them­RelvPfl; so it Is a case of one of them break­ing his pledge firllt, and none of them have the courage to be the fir~t to do it. ,V" have had ~ome support fro~ the buildin<r trades an(l thf' trades counCIl, but the crafts there repreflented do not care to be drawn into the affair too deeply. fearing to lose more than would be gained by so doing: so the electricians have con, ducted the fight pretty much on th"ir own ground, although they can see that the Earne tronhlf' 'win lw. mf't hv other crafts as soon as they make an effort to renew their contracts. We have been repeatedly

asked by other crafts here why we did not secure financial assistance from our International ollke, and seem greatly sur­priowd to learn that no such funds are available. Here is a condition of affaire that should be remedied at the next eon­vention, and the time is not far distant when the memlH'l'ship will have a chance to place our defense fund in such a shape that it will do some good. There are few local unions in our organization that nave not at some time felt the need of financial assistance to win a strike, and the fa.ct that there Is a fund for this purpose ha:. led many locals to venture on a strik .. , only to find out after they are out that the joke is on them. This local union did not expect aid from this fund, knowing it cannot be had; but after a two month!> strike it would be very acceptable, and we are strong for a plan that will open up this fund and make It available when needed to help fight our battles. 'We hoped to win our fight without making an appeal to our sister locals; but we have reachetl the pOint where we find it necessary, and we hope that when you receive it you will be prompt in oomlng to our assistance. We also ask all brothers to stay away from this jurisdiction until our trouble Is over. for we have all we can handle without having to take care of members who might as well go In some other direction as to come here.

We note with satisfaction the work that some loeals are ooing in organizing the telephone operators, and wish that w .. could report the same success here. But the 'company here has a female instructor in their school who has so far managed to block every effort made to organize these girls. The time may come when the operators here will awake to their needs, but at prpspnt they have not the backbone to withstand the threats which the com­pany has held over their heads.

With best wishes to all members, and hoping that we may have a good report tu send In by next month, we are

Fraternally, Otto Dean,

Press Secretary, Local Union No. 60.

L. '0'. lifO. 61, LOS Al!!'GELES, CAr..

Editor: Local 61 still In the fight for right.

After using every means in our power to get an increase in wages from the L. A. Street Ry. we were forced to pull the job. The first time In the history of Los Angeles I believe. the line came off 100%, line foremen, truclc-drivers, and ground­men. This was on the 7th of .June. Two of thelle weak kneed fellows went back a few days ago, and are now working for M.40 the same as before they went out, but cut out the time and one half, over­time, just straight time, and that is too much for that kind of people.

Any how we got the real men off of the job and most of them on much better jobll now. Those boys that came off and stuck >,ure (le"erv" great credit. as some of them had been there for as long as 18 years, few of them under six yenrs, I believe our only llalvation in a locality where the l\f. and l\f. has the foothold it· has her" is to get in the City Charter a clause whereby an outside electrical worker must be lieensed and have had four years experi­ence, so as the life and limb of the public will be protected. What I mean by that is at least four to one must have had four yearll experience. Had that been In our charter her" we could not help but win the Rtrikp, but as it was they even went to the high schools and got boys from there.

After about three months nf'gotiation" with the city we were successful in get­ting a new wage scale, We refuspd to represent any dept.-that was not 75% In


the local. The meter setters for example were only 50% In so we did not ask for ali increase for them. and they did not get it. The line foremen, linemen, troublemen, patrolmen. and truck drivers as helpers were better than 75% in our local so we asked for them the 20% Increase and got It. The scale now for linemen. troublemen and patrolmen Is $6.00 for eight hour day Saturday afternoon off with day, double time for overtime. So now some of the boys that could not see fit to join us have found the Dear Boss don't love them as much as they thought he dId.

'Ve asked for a 11at six dollar scale for this District. But owing to the telephone situation we said nothln&' when they gav the employees a 60c raise that Is the Edison and L. A. Gas and Elec. Co. But we are not through with the L. A. Gas ant' Elec. Co. as their policy Is to give our boys the wor"t of it at all times. And as far as the Edison the bonds carried for the city to take them over, so of course we will be getting the above city scale then, for that job. Trust this Inform~t~on will be of benefit to some other 10calItles. The International vice-president of the Carmen's Organization. told me only yesterday that he would advise all m",n working at elecrical work who are now m the Carmen's Locals to transfer to their respectivo organizations, as per supple­ment No. 4 of the System of Federation. Best Wishes to all locals.

Fraternally Yours J. C. Tobin,

B. A. and P. S. Local No. 61. P. S. The linemen SCADDIN on the

L. A. 'Ry are Frank Main, and Otis Rue. Rue came In here on Traveler from 763, Omaha, Nebraska. -------

L. 11. NO. 82, DAYTON, OJD:O.

Edlt~r:have falled to send my write-ups to the Journal for the past two months. sO I thought it was about time to hear about No. 82. d . . We have made a big stride forwar SInce

last spring. Our w~ge scale is ~O cents an hour and double tIme for overtIme. We are ninety percent strong now and are looking for a closed town next year.

Two of our memhers went back to .the McCook A viation Field to scab the Job, Louis Weikert and O. J. 'Veltesser. who are suspended with a $500 fine.

Trusting this wiII reach you for the September number, and thanking you, I am.

Yours very truly, P. D. Breidenbach, P. A.

L. 11. NO. 86, BOCHES'rEB, N. Y.

Editor: Being about three months behind the

times In regard to an editorial to the Worker.

Will give an Idea of events as they have been going on in this city for the last nine months, or since the sIgnIng of the armi"Uce.

Will Atate the Electrical Workers, BrickmaAons and Plasterf'rs. Sheetmetal Workers. Structural Iron Workers, Plumb­bers and Steam Fitters; laborers. and the old oganlzation of Hoisting Engineers, Local No. 483. which had Its charter taken away from them by their international for upholding real unionism, through the local Building Trades Councn. have been acting as one complete organization.

To verify the unity of the BulIdlng Trades of this city. witness the strikes at the Eastman Kodak Co .. BauAch. Lomb, Optical Co., whpre the contractors affili­ated with the Buililers' Exchange. Insisted on employing non-union men. There seems to have been a good deal of hatred of unionism by the contractors of the

Builders' Exchange when they Insisted that the electrical workers, masons and plasterers, sheet metal workers and labor­ers dismiss their business agents, whom they termed the "willful four". and ap­point others whom would perhaps be more servile to the bosses' Interests. This the unions refused to do. The result was a general lockout against the BuUding Trades. The Building Trades held a pro­test mass meeting to which the publlc was Invited, This was done to show who was responsible for the lockout. The Building Exchange contractors were in­vited to this meeting; seats reserved for them on the platform, and to be given fuB opportunity to discuss who was re­sponsible. Full protection was guaran­teed them, as there were about sixty po­licemen at the meeting. Not a contractor appeared. International officers of the various unions involved came to Roches­ter. and practlca!1y settled In one day what the unions were not able to do in nine months. We do not know who were the most satisfied. the Builders' Exchange or the unions, possibly the contractors.

We stiB have our old business agents, and the men are behind them against any­one who Insists they must go.

In regard to the agreement of the electrical workers with the electrical con­tractors, which had a few weeks to go when the lockout occurred. On May 1st, the agreement having expired, and the lockout stIlI In force. The electrical work­ers' agreement committee decided on the following, which were the main demands: Nine do!1ars for a six-hour day, all over;, time double time, working in Inclement weather double time. This agreement caused quite a stir among the contractors and our local received quite a number of radical titles handed to them by the con­tractors. The contractors and electricians met and discussed this agreement. We were offered 25-cent raise, which would make our scale of wages' $6.25 for an eight-hour day. We refused such an of­fer. Then our committee, with the sanc­tion of our union, compromised, and ac­cepted $7.00 for an eight-hour day. We still beIleve In the $9.00 for a six-hour day, wishing to improve our living condi­tions, to compare with any other useful human; also shortening the work day to prevent unemployment.

At the present time there are thirty electricians out of work out of a total of 275 membership, which Is about 9 per cent unemployed. This condition does not tend to keep these boys satisfied.

Local No. 86. In justice to all Brothers, has created an unemploypd list. which means the first man out of work Is the first to go to work. This Is clone to pre­vent discrimination, and to kill th~ black list. also to try and give justice to all. Our reconstruction and dpmocracy con­tractors, so-called durIng the lockout. do not like this arrangement; also some of our local boys who believe in survival of the strongest; also do not seem to know that men grow old In age or speed meth­ods, and who do not know that a union is an organIzation for co-operation and not competition.

We want to Inform all electrical work­ers that there Is a real spirit of unionism being formed by Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse locals, that the men in these locals when in the jurisdiction of a local union, on depositing their travellng card, do not have to come acro"s with the customary one or two dollars permit money, or more. which has been levied on some of our Brothers who worked along the Atlantic coast and milldle west by unions who seemed more after the gold than real unionism.

There are a number of Brothers of this local who followed the electrical line as war workers, who have been up against


this levying game, and have been made to feel like outlaws, with long standing membership In the I. B. E. W. These same boys paid more permit money than some unions charge to come in as a new member, yet new men in these localities come in on an open charter for $5.00.

Rochester, ButIalo and Syracuse are going to hold a joint picnic to be held at Rochester, N. Y.. during August.

Akron, Ohio. local, please take notice: We have a Brother her .. whom you are deSiring to locate, Brother F. McCabe, who will some day accept a position with the Electric Drop Cord, Bell & Buzzer Co, of this city. Press Secretary,

L. l1. :NO. 103, BOSTO:N, MASS.

Editor: A few lines from the almost forgotten

No. 103 Boston. Having received the Jour­nal for the first time in months, it sure was a treat. The boys of Boston are now retarded to a minimum Rlllvunt of work for this sec­tion of the country. Having completed ail major tasks which were placed under con­struction during the war, there Is practially no big jobs under way now.

After having a get-together of the Build­ing Trades, we expect things to boom very S0011.

Our new agreement has gone into effect outside of a few incidentals, which our Business Agents, Smith and Queeney are slowly, but surely working out. And "By the way" Jacl( Smith has many admirers for an International position when he leaves the Convention in New Orleans.

Our membership has increased consider­ably in Ole last year, and it is certainly surprising to meet all the "Twentieth Cen­tury" electricians that has been made in a few days while our good hearted local issu,~d permits.

Some of Boston's foremost Clarinet players and first-class barbers, say Elec­trician if "THE" job, and they are elec­tricians even though No. 103 knows differ­ent, We ha\'e had two very warm elec­tions since you last heard from us, and both "Tool Bag Candidates", funny as it seems, were defeated.

Our new Financial Secretary is filling Frank Kelly's position in A-I form. You just watch Sec. Fennell build his fences. We have a Czar in Boston, lIIartin Lomas­ney, that Jack exceeds when it comes to Politics. Our young and noble Recording Secretary is a delegate to the Convention and I am going to inform the Brothers that they will find one congenial upright fellow in Franl( Sheehan. Watch him Brothers, he is aces in No. 103.

I will close now with promise of a long Interesting letter In the near fu ture, as I will be better equipped with exact con­ditions which will be final in Boston.

Fraternally yours, Steve Mealey,

Press Secretary. P. S.-'Ve would like to hear how our

new organizer Jimmie O'Donnell is pro­gressing.

L. l1. :NO. 109, BOCK ISLAl'I'D, ILL.

Editor: Well Brothers things are going so fast

I hardly got the time to write lots of news this time. At present 109 has a strike against the Central Union Telephone Co. On July 17th we were forced to go out, and I can say it has becn a clean one and every lineman and repairman came out and so the little biue bird did not stop at that he fiew liP to the Hello girls and 260 came out almost putting Mother Bell out of business and not one has gone back. The Company has tried almost every way to get the rank of them broken, but noth­ing doing. On last Sunday a big mass

meeting was called on July 27th in protest of the altitude of the Central Union Tel. Company and I can say that the Tri-Clty Federation went on record that they give all the full moral and financial support and that ever'J union rna!} be taxed $1.00 per week which will mean $4.00 per month and I can say that $2,000 has at the pres­ent time been turned into the strike funds, The girls had a dance and from what I can learn they took in almost $1,000, so yoU can see how we are to carryon thl!! strike. ",Ve are going to win it. If we can not lose it this is one of tpe greatest Labor movements of the Tri-City. The Central ·Union Telephone Company has no lineman and at the Rock Island exchange they claim about twenty scab girls; at "',f0line exchange, 4 scab girls; at East M'o­hne 1, so they do not give much service. On Nugust 1st, if the strike was not set­tled every union man was to put his phone out of service, so it will mean al­most 8,000 phones will come out. I can say as for mine it I is out of service and no scab can come in my house to fix it either.

Brother H. D. Smith of No. 485 has done some good work and I believe if given a chance he will put a complete victory. ",Ve alsp have a strike against the Tri-City Railway. The streetcar men were forced to go out August 1st. Also a strike on the Silvis Railroad Shops. About 3,000 men are out now, so I guess we wil1 get all the strikes we want, but if we have to strike we can do it. Well as I want to mall this right away. so here is hoping that next month I can say that some of these stril<es have been won. With best wishes to I, B. E. ",V.

I am respectfully, E. M. Gilmore,

Local No, 109, Press Secy,

L. tJ'. :NO. 112, LOtJ'ISnLLE, KY,

Editor: So far as Local 112 is concerned "There

ain't no such Animule as a Press Sec'Y." So I am taking the privilege of telling you that we are still in the game, On July first all members of Locals 112, 90-A and 286 working for the Home and Bell Tele­phone Co·s. walked off of the job. Till!! action completely tied up service with tne Home Co. and not a call was put through from any of the 22,000 home telephones from 7 a. m. Tuesday 'till 9 a. m. Saturday. From that time on only 20% service was gIven from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. With the Bell Co. we had five s<:abs left on the job; of the flve

four were SWItchboard men and the OtIler was a superannuated old fossil with a 25-year ,service button. Of the operators we were only able to pull about 50%. But that was enough to cripple old Mother Bell so that she had to send a hurry call for her professional strikebreaking operators to use as a crutch. Our pickets were on the jOb and forced the officials to get their autos out to haul the scabs to and from work as the taxi-drivers r('fused to haul them 'but al­lowed our pickets to use their cars frpe of charge to chase the scabs home and adver­tise them around their homes. After several counter proposals were exchanged through 1\1r. BruUngame, Mayor pro. tern. of LOUl"­ville. the Home Co. agreed to all employes to return to their places and all scabs brought here from other cities to be sen. out of the city, and all questions of wage. hours of work and conditions to be left to an arbitrathn board selected before Aug. 15 as follows: One by the employees one by the Tp\. Co. and these two to select the third. This proposal was rejected in a joint mt'cting Friday evening, July 25 but was considered in joint meeting Sunday a. m., July 27 and was accppted and the Home Tel. Co. employes returned to work at T a. m., July 28. Old other Bell refused to abide by any orders from the P. O. Dept. or


deal collectively with the employes In any way so are stili out (Aug. 8) and Intend to stay out untU old Mother B ell changes her mind. We have had no desertions from the operators but regret to say we have had several so-cal\ed men that let Mother Bell pull the wool over their eyes but we have shown some of them the error of their ways and soon came out again. So Mother Bell and her slave drivers are having quite a time getting any slaves to drive. Organizer Jos. Lyons and our B. H . Henderson are some hustlers and we are backing them up with 60 men and 65 operators that are stickers and Gen. Mgr. Turnbul\ and Chief Opr. Carrie Minton will find out that their kind wfll not be tolerated by working men and girls any longer.

I am sending a list of scabs and their card numbers and want them pUbllsh<:d I .. the Journal so all the brothers and srster" will be on lookout for the rats If they light In your territory. Some of these scabs drew their strike-benefits one day and went to scabbing the next 80 look out for these klncI as they are worse than rats.

Goodbye, William Carnell, Foreman,

1st Assistant Chairman., Strike Com. Approved. H . Henderson, B . A. and Chair­

man. Editor:

publication in the " Worker" the fact that Chas. W. Hurd, until recently president of Local Union No. 125, C. M. Francis, R . M. Barrett and V. E. Beal, scabbed on the Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co's job during the re­cent strike. We cnclose pictures of Hurd, Francis and Barrett and request that they, togethe r with the rcc'ord of these four men, be published In the "Worker" for the edification of the membership.

The case of Hurd Is particularly aggra­vating. This man has, for years been an active and prominent m em ber of Local 126. H e was our principal d elegate to tho conference which settled the 1917 strike, was elected president last winter and was delegate to the conference In San Fran­cisco at the start of the recent trouble and until the Northwest was called out. On his return from San Francisco, be used every means to keep Local 1!5 from obeying the order of the International Vice President to strike the Job, en deavored to emasculate the strike in this section by his appointments on the strike committee and in every way possible . tried to discourage the membership. From the day the job was pulled, he used every means of persuasion to Induce members to return to work, announcln.; that he was going to do so and trying to start a stam­pede. The climax was when he volun-


I am sending you a list of scabs and their card numbers that are working for Cumbo Tel. Co. whl1e strike Is on. Publish these names In the Journal so al\ members will be on lookout for them. R. H . Williams, Cable-

splicer ... . .. .. .. .... .... Card No. 241592 M. E . Thompson, Lineman .. Card No. 241497 Ed. Harrison, cablespllcer .. Card. No. 241594 Abe Hartley. Con. Foreman. Card No. 241630 J . C. Brown, lineman .. ..... Card No. 2U488 P. H. McCrory, P. B. X.

man .................... Card No. 2414b4 C. Downard. Troubleman .... Card No. 241513

These men drew strike benefits on Monday and Tuesday a nd went to work on Wednes­day so don't forget this If you come across them anywhere.

Yours fraternally, William Carnel\, Foreman, Local 112,

1st AsSistant Chairman Strike Com. Approved. :Ej:. H enderson, Chairman Strike


L. V. l'f0. 125, PO:BTLAl'fD, OB.EGOl'f,

Editor: We are herewith reporting to you for

tarily appeared before the State Board ot Conciliation, which was Investigating the strike, and made statements to the effect that It was an Illegal strike, that the members were coerced Into going out and many other statements calculated to In­jure our position In the eyes of the public. The day following his appearance before the Board, he r eturned to work for the telephone company after having spent the previous evening in trips around the city in acompany hired automobile, visiting the homes of numbers of our members and en­deavoring to persuade them to follow him bac lt to work. We especially urge that this man's picture be published in the "Worker."

The case of Barrett also deserves special mention. This man who recently returned from overseas was not in the best of financial condition when the job was pulled but when the operators w ent out his wife stayed and scabbed on them as she had previously done In 1917. Barrett how­ever went out and when prevailed upon to pulJ his wife off, gave as an excuse, that one of them had to work In order to live. Various overseas men In our ranks went to him and offered him financial aid and the


Strike Oommlttee went to the trouble of securing him a job with a power company at more money than he had bee n maldng with the telephone company. He refused both the job, the financial aid and to pull his wife off and finally returned to work himself.

Francis and Beal are just ordinary scabs. The former scabbed on the prom­ise of a wlrechlef's job and the latter be­cause he Is feebleminded.

All four have been expelled from Local Union 125 and a fine of One Thousand Dol­lars, ($1,000.00) levied against them.

"WIe ask that this reoord of these ex­members be published In the "Worker," to­gether with their pictures, that of Hurd in particular.

Fraternally yours, O. McCann,

President Local Union 126, I . B. E. W. C. LeRoy Brown, Recording Secretary. W. E. Curtis, Sec'y. Strike Committee. E. F. Dodson, Publicity Agent.

L. 11. NO. 130, NEW OBLEAlfS, LA.

Editor: Herewith enclosed photo of th e e nter­

tair.ed committee of Local Union No. 4,

130, 823, 868 and 882. This photo does not show full committee as some being absent on account of work. Reading from left to right the names are as follows:

Seated-First Row, W. Authement, D . .J. Byrne, Geo. Lorrlck.

Sjlated-Second Row, .J. Stoltz, Dr. P, B. Autrey. R L . Reiley.

Seated-H. M. Muller, .James Howley. Standing-Geo. Sell, L. Baessler, .John

P. King, Frank Bulger. In the distance to the extreme left can

be seen an electric truck of the New Or­!eans Railway and Light Company. Their t ruck Is used for the sole purpose of trans-

porting Brother King from place to place. The white substance in the distance Is not snow, but is the beautiful (and hot) south­e rn sun shining on the dewy grass. The committees are very' busy perfecting plans to entertain the de legates who at­tend the convention and in this respect will again call your attention to the special notice In the .July Worker In reference to notifying Brother Byrne of your intention to attend. Brother King of Local No. 4 Is in receipt of a letter from Brother Davis, President of the R. A. R. Club, notifying him to prepare the banquet hall and has taken steps to seize all wet goods in the possession of the New Orleans members of the I. B. E . W. In order that the dele­gates may not be disappointed after re­ceiving the cartoon In the .July Worker. Brother Byrne has caged an army of mo­squitoes and in training them to attack only visiting delegates he has also arranged with the hotel management to have the steam h eat turned on in the convention hall for a few hours dally. One thing about Byrne he believes In be ing thorough and If he carries out all his plans I am sure the Fifteenth Bie nnial will be a never to be forgotten conve ntion. In conclusion I wish to again call your attention to the Import-

.. n~A 'If notifying the' committee herein mentioned of your Intention to attend, as lhe month of Sept ember is going to be a r egular convention month and room will b e at a premium. The I . B. E. W. con­vention. will convene S eptember 15th. The Advert iSing Clubs of the world on the 19th to 23rd an Industria l Exposition by the New Orleans Teocall will be held Septem­ber 21st to 28th, and the shrine rs will hold a conclave the last four days of the month. Brother Frank Swor of the International Executive Board is here now making the final arrangements for the Official head­quarters which will b e In , the St. Charles


Hotel. I am requested by the committee to notify all locals holding tickets for the Dodge automobile award to kindly make returns as early as possible.

With best wishes to members, I am fraternally yours.

H. M. Muller, Local Union No. 130.

L. 11. NO. 136, BIBlIIIXNGHAl!II:, ALA.

Editor: As it is time for another article in the

Worker, will try to let the Brotherhood know how we are progressing in this part of country.

I stated in last month's worker that we had some fisherman out trying to catch scrne big fish, will state that they were very successful In their attempt, and will explain what they were fishing for. It was for an increase in wages and closed shop conditions, while the lines are still out for a few more fish can say we got an Increase of 10 cents on the hour for thirty days and another increase of the same amount Is due on the first of the month.

Practically all the Inside Shop here are complying with our agreement and here Is hoping that they always will and am sure our committeemen have made them see that way. We still have our Blzzy Izzy Agent on the job and he shot after them all and from the looks of applica­tions and Initiations at each meeting night it makes us think that he Is the best In the country to line them up.

There is no big rush of work on here at present and would not advise any brothers to come this way, while we are always glad to see visiting brothers and are al­ways glad to help them think It Is best to notify them of conditions which will save them lots of disappointment and ex-

pew:· are planning on a very big Labor Day Celebration and know It will eclipse any that has ever been held here for some time. All the brothers seem to be anxious and are willing to co-operate to make La­bor Day here a big success.

As this seems to be all the dope I have for this time will come to close wishing the whole Brotherhood success, I am

Fraternally yours, .John A. Braun, P. S.


Ed~~rhave been having meetings of more Interest of late than usual. 'We have elec­ted Brother M. R. Gallion to look after the Interests of the local at the big camp meeting to be held at New Orleans. And this is one of the minor details compared

. to the amount of work we have been put­ting forth In getting the telephone employ-ees organized. It Is said that "a faint heart never won a fair lady" and we did not faint nor did we take any anesthetic but It was some task and we are still busy on some parts of the organization. We have won a number of fair ladles and for good measure secured a lot of mascu­line scalps that we consider valuable tro­phies.

N. I. Sommers, Press Secretary.

L. 11. NO. 156, l)BN~ON, ~XAS.

Editor: .Just a line to let the members know

that I am still here. This part of Texas is experiencing some very hot and dry weather just now, and said hot weather Is about to cook ye scribe, but our anguish Is somewhat lessened by the fact, that we are able to eat some of the finest mel­ons, cantaloupes, and peaches, (the last

named being the kind that grows on trees) that you ever stuck a tooth into.

Union Labor is preparing to have a grand parade and celebration on Labor Day in Old Ft. Worth, and I hope to be able to "jine" the boys as of yore.

The 011 fields of North Texas are creat­Ing a strong demand for all kinds of La­bor, and at this time nearly every body is at work and longing for the reduction (promised) in old H. C. O. L. Here Is hoping for the fullest success of our com­Ing convention. May harmony and tran­quility reign supreme.

Fraternally, "Old Crip".

Denton, Texas, August 7, 1919.

L. 11. NO. 1M, GALBSB11BG,ILL.

Editor: A few lines to the .Journal to let the

Brothers know that this place Is still on the map. Although things are moving along pretty slow, especially myself this hot weather, but I manage to keep in touch with the labor movement throughout the country. which seems to be about one strike after another, due to the H. C. O. L. The bosses will slip you a small paltry sum and then up goes the necessities of life about double or triple that amount. I see the president Is looking into the high costs and etc. Some one had better get wise pretty soon or It may be too late to right a wrong. It seems to be the case In Russia at present. "Oh" they say nothing so radical could take place in Civilized Amer­Ica. Well this get rich quick crowd that are juggling the markets these days are laying a good foundation of something to happen. I would not venture to state what I think It will be, but anyone who will stop long enough to study the unrest throughout the land, can plainly see the hand writing on the wall. I see Rock Is­land and Moline are out against old Mother Bell. Operators and men. 'Vould have liked to have been there during the trouble, but having the misfortune to break a slnall bone in my heel I could not get over there much as I would have liked to. but here is hoping they give old Mother a good trimming, for she has It coming a~ all times. Thel'e Is a gpod fi.e.1d In Illmols for Telephone Operators locals and I would like to see the men of various locals take up the job as I realize that the Opera~ors' International can not handle such big a job throughout the country. as their fi­nances will not allow them. So put your sho.tldcr to the wt.eel and see If we cannot help the operators to get a just and living wage and thereby whip M.'>.ther Bell to a stand still and make her like it. Well I will close for this time wishing the Brotherhood continued success, I remain,

Yours for the cause, Archie Maze, Press Secretary.

L. 11. NO. 225, NOBWJ:CH, CONN.

Editor: At our last meeting we lost our faithful

Recording Secretary, U. P. Hill. He hav­Ing taken up other work that takes him out of the Journeyman class. He has been our Recording Secretary since we got our charter and we will certainly miss him. Brother H. M. Beebe has been elected in his place. We have also lost our President. Not seeing him for four meetings, we elected Brother Henry Nichols and as far as he has gone It looks as If he will make a good one.

. We have an agreement before the Con­tractors for 86 cents per hour and a closed shop for .Journeyman and expect we will have a litle trouble getting It Signed up.

Our Business Agent is doing fine work getting In all the lineman and operators. They have an agreement out to the Power






Company for 70 cents per hour for line­men.

Th", Grotom Iron Works employs a lot of our brothers and as this place is under the Macey board ruling. yet in regards to wages and working conditions we are getting the boys in line as fast as they come to work. But there are a few Blood Suckers that are hanging out so when our Metal Trades Council gets going good we will put the screws to them. Everybody Is working at present and we have a few large jobs to start soon. Most of our Brothers are back from the Service, the last being Brother Rowley who put In over a year "Over There." Not wishing to overload the circuit this time with best wishes. I am

Fraternally yours, Press Secretary, L: U. No. 225.

r.. V. BO. 238, ASBEVXLLE, B. O.

Editor: Having just been elected Press Secre­

tary, will try to give a little Information concerning Local No. 238. We have re­cently added Sixty-three members to our old membership of thirty-seven. After years of hard work we have at last suc­eeeded In getting the employees of the Asheville Power & Light Co., and the North Carolina Power Co. organized. We have also succeeded In getting a few of the Bell Telephone linemen. Our Local has Increased so rapidly lately that we have outgrown our present quarters and unless a larger hall can be found, will be compelled to hold our meetings in one of the parks. Perhaps some of the brothers would be Interested In knowing that Asheville Is a fully organized town with the exception of the Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., and we are at work on them now expecting to soon have every thing closed.

Work here at present Is not very lively and a good many of the boys have their grips packed ready to gO south for the wlntel" If business does not Improve. Any Brother passing this way will find a hearty welcome at our Local on any Thul"sday night.

This Is a new job to me telling our business to the public through the maga­zine, but hope to do better next time.

Fraternally. :T. F. Van Valkenburg.

Press Sec'y. Local No. 238.

r.. V. BO. 245, TOLEDO, omo,

Editor: One of our Brothers. "Casey" G. W.

:Tones was electrocuted while at work for the Toledo Railway and Light Company on the first day of August. He did not use any protection furnished by the Com­pany while work on 2300 and being on the pole alone It was not possible to get up the stick quick enough to knock him clear. Our agreement with the T. R. and L. Co. pl"ovldes for two journeyman, or a journey­man and apprentice to both be up when working on anything ovel" 550. Rubber gloves and shields (pigs) wel"e on No. 4 tl"uck at the time. Our Business Agent, Oliver Myel"s has the l"esult of this acci­dent, had the T. R. & R. Co. put out an order compelling the men to use protection furnished by the Company.

"Lutch" Williams Is Superintendent of Electrical Construction and DestructiOill at the Ordnance Salvage Depot No. I, formerly Nitrate Plant No. 3 and doing fine, and getting larger every week.

All linemen here are Interested In lower­Ing the cost of food so that the few nickels they obtain. will be stretched to the next pay day and In order to pay the 60c Overland assessment.

Brother Ames got tangled up with Fed-

eral Judge Killets and is out on a $1 000 bond. He and others printed a paper and asked on the headline "Is Injunction Slav­ery"? He Is charged with contempt of court. and stopping the production of Over­land automobiles.

The only reconstruction the T. R. and L. Co. do~s Is when a lead or pole rots off, and thIS Is true of the two telephone Com­panies. The Overland is producing scab made cars since May 2nd. The stock hold­ers are calling a special meeting August 14th. Some of us think they have learned a lesson and that it has hit them In the pocket book. Very few linemen are com­ing through Toledo at present.

Brother Oliver MyerS our Business Agent Is President of the Central Labor Union and that helps both locals here In several ways through his power In the Cen­tral Labor Union and on dll'lerent commit­tees,

Yours for Industrial Freedom, Frank Ames,

Press Secy., Local No. 245.

L, V. BO. 258, PBOvmEllOE, B. :1:.

Editor: I am writing a few lines for the present

time to let you see that Local No. 258 Is stili doing business and wishing that the other locals are working full time and In­creasing the I. B. E. W. membership.

The light linemen of the B. V. St. E. Co. are drawing up an agreement and as you all know that It means that a pre­sentation will be taking place soon and the honor Is going to fall upon our good na­tured Brother Organlzor O'Donnell 80 the high feeling Is that good results are be­ing looked for and the Brothers are wish­Ing such will be the case.

Local 258 had the pleasure of having Brother O'Donnell at Its last meeting and he spoke on several dll'lerent subjects, which was received by the members as a good treat for It Is not very often that we have any visitors calling on local 258, but there Is a standing Invitation for any brothers for I can tell YOu that It changes the meetings and the attendance If the members know that some brother Is calling on the local to give them a little talk on something different from what they are hearing every meeting. so If by chance that any of the Inter offices coming this way Local 258 would be very pleased to have them pay us a visit.

I suppose that It Is a pleasure to write and say that Local 258 Is going to send a delegate to the convention and the honor was awarded to our honorable President Brother E. Gill, and the Brothers feel that he Is the right man In the right place to go to the convention.

The Brothers have voted to parade on Labor day which Is expected to be a big day here for all of the organized labor In Providence Is very Interested over the al'lall". which was started by the C. F. U. of Providence, and Local 258 has a dele­gate on the parade committee.

Rhode Island has just had a very crit­Ical period, which lasted for three weeks and that Is It has had a street car strike: which was a 100 per cent walk out and they got the best end of the fight before they had gone back to work.

I want to say that Local 258 Is doing a good business with new applications and they have raised the monthly dues from $1.20 to $1.50 per month. So yOU can see that we mean bUSiness. Wishing the Brothers of the I. B. E. W. the best of good uck, we remain as ever. Local 258, and hope to see you at the convention.

Fraternally, F. :T. Bayher,

Presa Sec'y.


L. '0. ]f0. 269 .. ]f. J.

Editor: Local Union 269 has been dilatory in the

matter of correspondence with the worker for the past two months and from the compliments the writer has been receiving from all parts of the country and includ­ing Philadelphia it must have been missed.

Things are about the same as before in Trenton. except that the work on the boats at the Bristol ship yards has been subcon­tracted to the Comstock Co. and is now a fair job and taking care of a good size gang. Nothing of any importance has broken about town except some of the "Gontlfs" have started cutting each others throats and as a result a number of men are engaged in cracking knobs.

L .. 269 will be represented at the Nf'w Orleans convention by Louis Marciante, who is well known from coast to coast and no doubt will tell his story in his own quite way.

All of the 269 men who answered the lountry's call have returned. none having made the supreme sacrifice or seriously wounded. The event was celebrated by,' picnic held Saturday, June 28th. The day was spent in athletic events. All but one of the picnic casual list have return.e~ to work. This bein~ formet: Lieut. WII~Iam Tallan. who is sUll carrymg an arm In a sling he having dislocated his collar bone as the result of a fall in a race event. Lieut .. Tallan had just returned from Georgia the Saturday previous, bringtng home a wife. .

One noticable event of the last electIOn was the popularity shown Brother George Cole, he having received every vote cast for Treasurer and one of every vote cast for the executive board from a field of twelve. This shows that efforts. and at­tention shown to business by bClng pre!'­ent every night by Dean George Cole are appreciated by the men.

Since the last writing Brother John has succeeded in signing up two more con­tractors leaving but one of any Imporl-ance on the unfair list'Lester Dunn.

Press Sec.

L. '0, NO. 271, Wl:CKrl'A, KANSAS.

EdL~oB. No. 271 is still doing business at the same old stand. Business is not good. We are sending messages to our ~enators at Washington, D. C. that we are In sym­pathy with the four brotherhoods In their effort to reduce the high cost of living. The following officers werc elected at our last election:

President-O. Mann. Vice President-L. K. Bobbit. Recording Secretary-A. R. Hanson. Financial Sec,-etary-R. G. Miller. AddreRs Box 458, Wichita, Kansas. Bro.

Arthur Wheeler is recovering slowly from severe burns while at work on pole when he was burned by 12.000. Bro. L. K. Bob­bitt was elected delegate to convention at New Orleans. Lots of discontent among telephone men.

FraternallY your!'. O. Mann, Press Secretary.

L. '0. NO. 283, OAKLAND, CAL.

Editor: In our strike bulletin dated July 8th

a n error appeared whereby B rot her William Heyne of Local Union 283, Oak­land. was reported as scabbing for the Tf'lephone Company.

This was a typographical error. It !'hould have read Bill Haynes instead of Heyne.

We deeply regret that this mistake was

made, but we were greatly rushed in ou" work, and the error was not discovered until after the bulletin had been mailed The error was corrected In several bulll'­tins of later date.

Being fully aware of the position this Brother Heyne In, in the eyes of th .. Brotherhood, we take this means of offer­ing our apology.

Fraternally, Frank A. Mylor.

Secretary General Strike Committee.

L. '0. ]f0. 292, JUl'NEAPOLZS, IIDI'B'.

Editor: Since my last letter things have moved

rather rapidly In our litlle burg. Our membership has grown, and we have seen some results In our two Business Agent schemes. 'Ve have signed up two non­union shops. One was an old shop known as the Noble Electric with fifteen men. the other was the Grosse & Langford Electric Co. with six men. The latter having been signed up by our old brother Anderson, where he was n. A. Work has picked UP someWhat, but is not altogether over­rushed. We had a very successful State Federation of Labor convention and put the I. B. E. W. and 292 on the map once more by getting Brother Paul S. Jeffries as one of the vice-presidents on the federa­tion. Our boys had a fine old time down there too. I can now make public our new officers. President Brother W. E. Fesh; vlCe-pl'eRident, Brother Sturman; Recording Sec., Brother Fred Lestico; FI­nancial Sec., Brother G. W. Alexander, wh. is also our office boy and assistant B. A. Yours truly as Press secretary. On Exe­cutive Board, Bros. Paul Jeffries, H. H. Skeldon, Todd Hoban, Tom Flatty, Oscar Coover; Fist. Insp.. Bro. Shedeen; Sec. Insp., John (Pat) Edmonds; Trustees are Rrothers Carl Velis, Art Gaushed and Fred Hurley.

Our meetings are attended on an average of 85 per cent. We are moving to new headquarters on the 15th of August to the Richmond Halls. which Is the head­quarters leased by the Minneapolis Build­ing Trades and we are gofng to get down to real live business, because all the build­ing trades are going to be housed under one roof. We are determined to cooperate more than ever before and expect to get this old town lined up 100 per cent before the next spring. Our new offices are to be modern and up to date in every re­spect and a credit to any la,bor organiza­tion. Our finances are now in real fine shape and we are going to use it to do some pretty tall organizing. We are working pretty hard now on our Electric light corporation known as the Minne­apolis General Electric Co., with more or less success. We have quite a lot of our boys working for the Minneapolis Board of E:ducation as the schools are being re­modeled and rewir.ed this summer and we believe these boys will be pretty steady at work till the snow flies.

Quite a few of our service boys are back now and more still coming every day, and let me say this, If these bOY8 ever were good union men, they certainly are 500 per cent more so now. All in ail we have the right bunch of boys now to do any doggone thing that has to be done and they are going to do it too, "By gosh!"

There's no grass or moss growing around old 292 now by any means. "No Sir!" The main topic right now is how to make the Labor Day celebration a "Boomer." Because we intend to show our "Arch Enemy" of organized labor The Citizens Alliance that we defy them to do their worst. Because we are al­ways ready to throw Our hats into the ring and take up the fight for "Justice."


Wishing the Brotherhood every success .... ·ill close now.

FraternallY yours, Ed Lawrence, P. S.

L. '0'. NO. 321, LA SALLE, ILL.

Editor: Just a word or two to let you know that

we are still alive and that all our brothers are back from France and working again. The boys have great tales to tell of their experience of building pole lines in France.

Work is good at present and all the boys working and some shops are looking for men.

Bro. Thomas IIefferman our president will be in New Orleans to the conventiOl; if nothing goes wrong. Bro. Hefferman is a good and worthy brother to represent us. If any of the brothers comes our way you will find some old timers here yet.

Old Mother Bell has some hold on he~ line men here you could not get them in the local for a farm of Illinois land.

,,{hen local 321 signed the agreement with the contractors, the superintendent gave the linemen three cents an hour where w" got ten cents we have tried hard to get them in but it's always the same old story, I can't see where it will get me any­thing. We have a good attendance at all our meetings and are all working hard for Labor Day celebration in this city.

I will try and get in next month witn • narc ..

Yours truly, G. W. Green,

P. S.

Entered an agreement with the con­tractors taking effect July IS, 1919 to .JUly I, 1920 for 75 cents an hour, 8 hours a day, half day on Saturdays, time and a half overtime, double time Sundays and Saturday' afternoons and good shop con­ditions, had no trouble whatever.

G. 'Y. Green, P. S.

L. '0'. NO. 369, LO'UISVILLE, KY.

Editor: Local 369 have a strike on at the Jas.

Clark Jr. Electric Co. There are twenty­five shopmen employed and about forty machinists.

This firm had a government signed agreement with the men for eight hours and sixty-eight cents. Time and half over­time.

But before the whistles stop blowing the day peace was declared the firm posted the following notice:

"Beginning next week this firm will work nine hours straight time."

The committee waited upon the firm with no saitsfaction so the men walked out 100% with only one electrician and one machinist returning to worlt during three weeks they were off.

This tirm manufactured the ",YILL Y MOTJ<:RS AND TOOLS."

Secretaries of locals please mail us copy of agreements with electrical manufactur­ing shops in their localities.

Trusting to be favored with copy of ag-reemcnts, I remain with best wishe~.

}<'raternally yours, W. H. Blume,

Business Agent and Press Sec.

L. '0'. NO. 424, DECAT'UR, ILL.

Editor: As L. U. 424 has not been in this' column

of the ,Vorl,er for so long I will try and "scrib a few lines to let everybody know \ve ar<3 lIot all d._'ad by all means."

Well. we have again had our election of officers and re-eleded 'Vm. Lasko, presi­dent, newly elected James Cooper, Vice-

president, "Fat" Coover, recording secre­tary, James Withgett, financial secretary and treasurer, Frank Dresser Sam Wolfe. Arthur Johnson. trustees, Jess Duncan, delegate, "Checkers" Smith. foreman.

About all of OUr boys have returned from the Army. James Cooper was in the Navy for fifteen months and returned with a high rank of officer. Jess Duncan Floyd Cazel, James McDonald also helped eat some of Uncle Sam's beans. August Volk­man is still in France and he has no as­surance when he will get back but when gets back we will have them all baclt without a single gold star.

W1ell, No. 424 is out on a strike with the other railroad shop men have not got nothing but wildcat news about it to give out but do believe we will be back to worlt before long. We all know we waited long enough for some word on this but it seems after the war was over our work was done with them. We are not asking anything out of reason. 85 cents an hour.

Well brothers must close for this time. wishing you all success.

Yours truly, O. Campbell,

Press Sec'ty -----------------

L. '0'. NO. 465, SAl!!' DIEGO, CAL.

Editor: San Diego has 'just about settled back

to normal peace time activities. albiet not prices. We only have one small ship yard . and the many service camps in this localit)' are either entirely or almost entirely abandoned. At least, electrical work is no longer stimulated by war activities.

The Inside wiremen have a new scale effective July 1st, and a closed shop here with the exeception of one or two sma unfair contractors. However, work is very quiet and there are several inside m"] walking the streets or pouring concrete at the shipyard.

The inside wiremen (not including inside telephone men) have just started a move­ment to secure a separate charter, but it is not expected that same will be installed until after the convention.

A five weelts "argument" with the tele­phone company stopped July 21st--or rather the "fight" stopped. The argument still continues, but we are guaranteed certain concessions and are working for a few more. The government gives up con­trol the 31st day of July. and we were given retroactive pay by them which we believed the company would be unable to give if we stayed on the street until after August 1st. The telephone operators Local (127-A) here, which we organized a week or two before the strilte, went out with 28 charter members and grew to 167 during the week. This prosperous young organization meets every Wednesday eve­ning at Eagle's Hall. Local 465 meets <'"ery :Monday evening.

'Ve have not maintained a private bUSI­ness agent since the flu took our treasury down the line last fall, but just at present Brother Carter. business agent of the car­penters, has extended us the courtesy of handling several matters for us. For the information of strangers in San Diego, Brother Carter has credentials from our local and is wide awake. His headquarters are at the Labor Temple.

We are certainly indebted to Brother Carter as well as many other good union men and women in San Diego, too numer­ous to mention, for the co-operation. sup­port and financial assistance given u .. during the telephone strike.

'The Cooks' Waiters' and Waitresses Local donated the use of their hall for our strike headquarters during the entire five weeks. and their business agent. Larry DuVal, was untiring in his work with our strike committee and entertainment com­mittees. The Cooks' and Waiters' hall is


more centrally located than Eagle's HalI. although the latter was kindly offered us for headquarters.

The following officers were elected and Installed into Local 465 for the term ending June 30, 1920:

C. T. Lewis, President. J. H. Lodewyck, Vice-President. R. ,V. Savage, Recording Spcretary, Glen Lilly Press SecrctarY. Frank Mahanna. Foreman. H. Allen. FlrsL Im.ppctor, R. L. 'Rayburn Second Inspector.

The first day of the telephone men r"­turned to work a number of the female strikebreakers wpre still at the switch­board Trnubleman Harry Allen called for the ",ire chl"f and the operator said, "'Vhat Is his number?"

The same week a main office switch­board man called In on a line and a"ked for the panel and jack. He was referr(>d to the supervisor (a strike breaker) ano thence to the information de"k, finally being Informed that "We havo no one listed by that name."

Glen Lilly. P. S,

L. l1. 111'0, 476, SAGI1II'AW, MICHl:GA1II'. 'a few llnes to let the Brother'S' know that Saginaw has at last "woke up"

'Ve have Increased our memhershlp to about three hundred and have also joined the Building- Trades Council, which was recently organized.

Insirle m·e" have been out since June 1st. However we have been ahle to keep busY at something, even to digging cisterns.

A II contractors have shmed up but six and they want Brother Broach from the I. O. to come and settle the trouble as our BUi'llnpss Agent who is a live wire got In "Dutch" with his "picketing stunts."

They hflve also been granted an Injunc­tion prohlhtling the boys from carrying banners and ptc.

Some of the fellows got "cold feet" and went back on the job, but you know ".every dog has his dav" and ours is commg. The scale presented is as follows:

.Tourneyman, 871f., cents. Helpers, 3 years. 75 cents. Helpers, 2 years. 65 cents. Helpers. 1 year, 55 cents. All overtime at the rate of double time. Telpphone workers have al"o hpen In "hot

water" hut things look favorable at the pres"nt time. If thpv do have to pull out. the girls of 129A will be with them.

(;ranemen are also out at the time of writing hut will soon be back to ·work.

"?'ell Brothers, I thank yoU for rpading this jumhle thru and I will hang up and give "omehody plse the line.

With hest wi"hes. I am, FraternallY yours,'

L. U. No. 476.

Irwin L. M('Coy. Recording Secr·etary.

-----------------L. tT. 111'0. 543, CHABLEST01ll', S. C,

Editor: The time sure does fly from one month

to another. but I'll always try to let our fellow craftsman know how we are mak­Ing out. The mosquitos are having a large time these hot nights, but I guess we can Sltand It a few more wepks.

The lo('al electrical work of Charlpston Is still holding Its own. Some few of our brother>! seem to be tired of working with some one else, and have started a ('on­tracting hu>!lness of their own. We wish thpm suc('ess.

Rome of the contractors have slg-ned the a~rpempnts but others seem to be slow about the sl~ning. We are stilI working to get all contractors to sign, so we may have a closed city.

We have been having a little dlssatls-

faction about the local contractors be­longing to our local, 80 in order to settle It we are making a bylaw to take care of it It will give them a withdrawal card.

I will knock off while the way is clear. Fraternally yours.

E. E. Thomas, P. S. L. U. No. 543.


Editor: All the excuse I offer for not having a

let tf'r In the paRt 'Vorker was no news at that time. All is well and everybody working- pretty much the some now. Bro. .Jack O'Neal waS badly bruised about the hands and arms on July 17th at the Pierce Oil Refinery Sand Springs, Oklahoma. Sand Rprings Is in 584 jurisdiction. He is g-et­ting along fine back at work now. Bro. 'Villiam 'Vertz was ele('trocuted in June while working for the Public Service Co. and resolutions were sent to the grand omee but failec to reach the press for some reason. 'Ve have done a good job organ­izing- Mother Bell's boys the past two months. We have about all of them. We ha\'e a few more In the district and the linemen will be at the front. The linemen are more than on hundred strong in 584 now, with our new by-laws in effect the linemen will have a $2;;.00 local with $1.50 dues. The wiremen are all working and making money but spending same. At our reg-ular meeting July 23 we elected our ,lelegate3 to the International Convention. Brother O. M. Anderson. lineman and Bro. G. C. Gilmore inside wireman, a g-ood dele­g-ation and we ; sure 584 will be well represented for the best of the order.

We are going out for a better convention this year. At all meetings we need & better attendance and more Interest taken by the memhers. Brothers don't wait for the other fellows to do it, if you are ap­pointpd on a committee serve to the best of yur ability. If some one objects to the way you serve which is often the case, just tell him to make a noise like he wanted to do something for the brotherhood and he wiII soon get a committee job. If we could gct more members to serve at com­mittee work, all the husiness would not fall on just a few brothprs and we would not have so many kick and objections.

Fraternally yours, O. L. Woodall.

Card No. 109685. -----------------L. tT. 111'0. 585, EL PASO, TEXAS.

Editor: At our last meeting I was elected Press

Recrptary and Instructed to get a letter in the next issue of the Worker. The fol­lowing officers were elected for the en­suing YE'ar:

President-Brother Claud Blair. Vice Presidpnt-Brother Will Fulton. Recording Secretary-B rot her C. W.

Mangam. Financial Secretary-Brother William

Blair. Brothers Claud and William (Tim) Blair

were reelected unanimously. These two Brothers have worked hard for 585. It's too had we can't all measure UP to their standard.

Conditions are none too good in Jill Paso at present. but we expect an improvement "hortly. There are five Brothers working for the Bell and two for the Light. Four are employed and gone to work at Ft. Eli"". The others are out of town. There is no work being done here eXf'ept main­tf'nance and no prosppct of anvthlng new hefore the first of next year, when we ex­pn('t work to he plentiful over West TexlUl, Ari;mna and New :Mexico.

We are prf'paring for the Labor Day celebration which promises to be the best one ever held in El Paso. A parade in the


morning, picnic and sports in the after­noon, and a ball at night with forty organ­izations represented. It will surely be a success.

As this is my first effort of this kind I will close w1th best wishes to all, I re­main,

Yours fraternally, C. \V. Mangam, p, S.

L. U. No. 585, EI Paso, Texas.


Editor: Since my last letter to the Worker the

bottom seem& to have fallen out of things here for 5~6. Quite a few of the boys are loaling most of the time and but very few getting full time. There is a good deal of building going on but unfair shops have copped most of the worl< through the lax methods and working rules of the Carpenters. The contractors get the cheap­est labor. They can procure regardless of quality of work done, particularly Is this true In Electrical work.

'Ve have some hope of the city adopting a buihling code through the influence of our central bodies. If this is done the cheap skates will have to toe the mark or beat it. (The sooner it happens the better.) There is quite a litle labor unrest par­ticularly in factories surrounding the city. None of our members however are in­volved, but part are members of the Cen­tral bodies here. We have the advantage of having a city mayor who is a union printer and other men under the mayor who are union men. So there is no danger of anything happening here like what has happened our brothers in Texas Local 69.

The contractors in this town do not believe in union labor, but they believe in contractors organizing to pre v e n t the worker from earning enough in a reason­able number of hours per day to live. On for the time when all classes of labor will be one hundred per cent organized and every man on every job must have his card before he works. Then if !\fr. Con­tractor wants to play with us, he'll have to play fair.

H. H., P. S., 596.


Editor: The members of our Local Union desire

to call the attention of the Brotherhood to the fact that the products of the Cald­well Electric Corporation are unfair to Organizdd Labor. Until June 1st, 1918, this firm was entirely fair but on that date started as an unfair concern and is now the worst scab infected organization in the fair city of Champaign.

This firm manufactures a line of compo fixtures under the trade name of "Com­polux". Brothers beware!" "90mpolux" means "scab" products at starvatIOn wages.

At the present time the Caldwell Corporation is erecting a new plant winch has been declared to be unfair by the Building Trades Council of Champaign­Urbana as aU crafts employed are non-union. _

Trusting that the Brotherhood will give us their support in our action against this firm, I beg to remain,

Fra ternall y, R. E. Kuster, R. S., Pro Tern.


Editor: Having been elected Press Secretary of

L. U. No. 697, I will attempt to make good, by sending a few lines and if the censor sees fit, all Local Unions will have an equal chance to give it the O. O.

Everything is pretty In Lake County

with the narrow backs and I hope to be able to give a good report regarding the increase in the next issue, that is the best way of thinking, while from a calamity Btandpoint here are some obstacles which wiJI have to be righted in order to keep the wire pullers busy. The carpenters are locked out (by the Contractor's Asso­ciation) and the Standard Steel Car Co. are on strike, this naturally will retard build­ing for awhile but the condition I hope will be settled in a regular way for the bet­tennent of all. Brother F. Watts better known as "Slim" was present at a couple of regular meetings and did some work for the Standard Electric Co., but under­stand he left for somewhere. Good luck slim", put me a few lines in a container and send.

Brother "Ensign" Carl Dilger just re­cently discharged from the U. S. Navy is with us again. Carl not only went from Coal Passer to Ensign, but he received a (5) month's course at Annapolis which titles him as a Steam and Electrical Engi­neer. Brothers ,\Vm. Boyden and Fred Keil­man are now in the Calumet region, after enduring a two-year hardship over there. That puts the pep in the boys to see your pals go to the front and come back just as good if not stronger union men, ready and willing if need be to fight for better conditions, then again we must bow our heads in reverance and recollection of those departed.

Now with this slogan "Stick by each other." If a Brother has a fault (or more) try and help him, go to the man himself tell him, don't tell others. Be a booster and some day we will be rewarded, with best wishes and respects.

Fraternally yours, Shorty Hedden. p, S.

L. U. NO. 720, CAl'lrIDl::N. l'I'. J.

Editor: Just a few lines to let you and our

brother electrical workers know of the activities and progress of our local the last month. Since my letter to you in July we have taken in about fifteen new members, eight of them being initiated last meeting night, and from week to week we are continually getting the new ones Into our fold. This coming week we are going to take in three men from off the Trenton di­vision, as the local from that division seems to be quite slow and more than one have previously stated their willingness to join up with us. We are glad to have them for we are striving for that 100 per cent mark.

At the present time we all are looking forward with Interest and anxiously await­ing the outcome of Brother Jewell's efforts at '\Vashington, in trying to have the Na­tional agreement accepted and also trying to secure the 85 cents an hour rate for me­chanics. We all know and agree that the railroad mechanic Is today under paid, re­ceiving only (i8 cents per hour. It is well nigh impossible for him to live as a man should. and if he has a family of any size, his pennies to call his own are few, Our present high prices are predicted for some time and many articles are rising, so what elge can be done except to demand as a body and increase in wages to keep face with the present conditions of prices.

A certain representative at \Vashington has termed the railroad men as highway­men, stating that from time to time they have come along with abnormal requests for higher wages, "holding up" the admin­istration and demanding increased wages or threatening to tie up the Railroads of the country. I wonder if this Congress­man realizes the actual buying value of the American dollar today? Does he rea­lize that foodstuffs and clothing have in­creased 200 to 300 per cent and that wages have increased hardly 100 per cent? And


lastly I wonder if said Representative doesn't think that the Railroad man who has in most cases served his company faithfully for a number of years, is not en­titled to a fair scale of wages as our war industrial workers and etc., are receiving. 'Ve were urged to stay with the Railroad to help carry troops and supplies. We did. Does not faithfulness count and are we not entitled to an income enough to provide our familles with the things which they are rightfully entitled to?

I am very glad to state that our local has at last affected a settlement with the attorney representing our former brother and treasurer, Mr. Keiser, who was found to be short in his accounts to the amount of about S300. This case has been a most obstinate one and looked for some time as if it would cost the local more than the amount short. in; obtaining judgment. However, Mr. Keiser has agreed to make good the shortage providing we can prop­erly prove the amount of funds missing.

One outstanding feature of this case has come to light and is one that I wish our Brother locals throughout the country to take note. That is the attitude and stand taken by one bonding company. This Bonding Company (a Baltimore firm) is the one through which the majority of the lo­cal unions are bonded. To this firm you are paying money and so are we to have our officers bonded to insure against just such a case as we have experienced. Now then when we notified our Bonding Com­pany of this man's shortage and oITered to give them our proofs of said shortage, they made no eITort to make good, nor to prosecute this man, but left the case to us to fight, and they took a back seat and looked on.

We have notified our International office of this attitude and I wish to take the liberty of informing our brother locals. It seems as if we are paying for a pro­tection and a guarantee which we are not getting or at least we did not get, and I think this Bonding Company should be in­vestigated and reprimanded and that other locals should benefit from the experience we have just had. We are paying money to a company as a safety precaution, and are certainly deserving to the right of our contract.

"Brother locals" stand up for the gov­ernment ownership of the railroads, talk it up and influence your neighbor to do likewise. I wish to quote here an article in behalf of government ownership.

"Three classes will be benefited, two classes injured by Government ownership.

The employes will be benefited; they will be properly classified and paid, be properly treated, wh!'e they will do more and better work.

The entire public will be benefited; it will get good service. and every dollar spent on transportation after paying what ever dividends may be decidcd upon-will be spent on the railroads or paid to the workmen.

The shipper will be benefited for he will not be put at the mercy of men juggling prices, charging for half a dozen terminals instead of one, and for fifty sets of presi­dents and vice prellidents with their pri­vate cars, a large part of their occupation being fighting each other for business, whi<'h automatically ought to go via the shortest and best road.

The two classes injured will be the gen­tleman of high finance whose business is gambling with the property of the people, and prmting press parasites who weep and wail when privilegp. is threatened, and are protected in return." 'Vrite your Senators and Congressman that yOU expect them to support the bill for Government control of railroads as advocated by the American Fpderation of Labor.

All true blooded union men should when­"\'er possible refrain from purchasing any

Overland automobiles. and also try ao..d infiuence your friends to do likewise. It is scab labor that is now manufacturing these cars, and the Overland people ab­solutely refused recognition to one brother union men at that plant. Don't forget them.

Our local has passed and accepted our revised by-laws. They having been sent to the International office for approval. A very interesting talk was given us on the 23rd of last month by our Recording Secre­tary. Brother Hart was a delegate at the Convention in Columbus. Brother Saylor has been elected as one of our candidatClil to the convention at New Orleans in Sep­tember.

Brothers Weber and Harvey are Tery thankful to their shop committee and the local for obtaining their back pay for them.

Everyone here is well and busy and aJl are looking forward to a successful ter­mination of our demands at 'Vashingtoa with as little trouble as possible.

Wishing you and dur brother loca& the best of success.

I remain, Fraternally yours.

H. L. Rainear. Press Sec), .• L. U. No. 71l ••

L. 11. lIrO. 75.6, FAmlIIOllrT, W. VA.

Editor: After working two weeks on our agree­

ment with the Traction Co., came to II. settlement at a substantial increase amounting to approximately twenty-fire per cent and fair working conditions.

We are now working on an agreement for the inside men and hope to have it completed in the near future.

Work is not so good as it might be b1lt about all of our brothers are working a-t this time.

The Traction Company have just taken over the new power plant at Ruiesville and that will give us a new field to work in

Our attendance has been small but think the brothers will come out better as soon as we get located in our new hall.

Quite a number of our members has been working on the new power house have taken out,. traveling cards and Loc&l 756 hopes they land good jobs and keep their cards paid up as that is the .:>nly way to have good working conditions. We started here just a little over one ye~ ago and have been growing fine having a membership of about one hnudred anf1 associated with our sister Local 755 • Clarksburg. That it makes us practically one local as far as working conditions are concerned .

. Well brothers I will not tire you longer, WIsh success to every brotherhood ma.n will close. '


H. Childs, Press Sec.

L. 11. lIrO. 817, :NEW YORE.

Critical times are now at hand and die rapidly increasing of living has made it at.­solutely necessary to insist on demands 1Ior increas"d salaries. The previous ralse~ granted the railroad workprs during the McAdoo regime has more than been eaten up by the greedy food profiteers, rent boos .. ers and other scalawags of the same caliber. and the presc"t scale of wages is wholly in­adequate for the needs of the workingmah and his family. It has been tried and found wanting, and the only answ .. r to the problelll is, "It can't be done." Both ends refuse ~ meet "nel the b1'ee<:h mu~t b" Illled by a liberal increase in the wnge of the railroad worker. Drastic action has been tnke. by some branches of the crafts. and it ia hoped that It will not be allowed to go ao far as to compel action of unity. It would be a very serious situation to face and


1'ather embarassing for the country, but IL aeems to be the only outlet from their diffi­cultie~ should their demands not be granted. Let us hope for the best and accept what­tver may come with a cheerful mien.

The Plumb Plan of tri-party control of the railroad properties by the public, the operating management and the employees, which was intoduced in the lower House of Congress by Representative Sims, was lIrought up at the last regular July meet­ing and was accepted with strong approval, numerous subscriptions for its support being )·eceivcd. It undoubtedly will prove to be a good plan of railroad operation, because of the interest of the employee being placed whole-heartedly in his work which will effectively result in a much higher efficiency and greatly improved service for the public.

We held our smoker on Tuesday, July 29, and can say that everyone who attended left in a m1lch better mood than when they arrived. It was a huge success. We had .everything; singers, story-tellers, boxing bouts and everything that goes to make a good smoker complete. All the boys want to know when we are gOing to have another one, which proves that they were all salts­fled, and that is OUr aim to satisfy the boys. Always bear In mind that L. U. 817 is out for complete satisfaction for the boys con­nected with it and just like a baby that eraves for a toy and they won't be satisfied until they get It, fight though they must, and they will fight to the end. So. when the crucial moment arrives L. U. 817 will be there In lirie ready to shoulder the burden, bitter though It be.

With best wishes and success for the Brotherhood,

Fraternally yours, C. H. DeSanto,

Press Secretary.

L. V. Jll'0. 823. Jll'EW OBLEANS, LA..

Edf,~~~~e have this little article published in the Worker from 823 deserted but still in the ring. Just a little Information for the benefit of the brotherhood in general to keep tab on some of our yellow streak ex 'brothers. E. Pewyea a fullfiedged scab leading the cable splicers in the company also with a promise of an increase in salary and of course they fell for it but they have not got the increase yet and it will be a long time before they get it. Now I will give list of names that will be a good thing to rtlmember. These are cable splicers that are the yellow streaks and weak kneed. L. Kamalade, the boy that was a good union Wlan until the boss heard of it and then he got cold feet; next, E. Eumlec, he almost .. aised the roof off the hall when we were • rganizing but the same old story, cold feet; another one, O. T. Stafford, this is not a ftip off the old block, he used to boast that als father put 18 months in jail during a mrike that he was innocent of; next, J. Bobison, one of the boss' boys and a false alarm; next, ,V. Jeneven .. W. E. 'Villiams, W. C. William: now the next one is another -'-6874-ELECT. WORKER. l16ab, J. L. Thorpe, a false alarm; now !lext we have a beauty, J. L. Freear. the boy that has to stay home and maise drink with ihe girls in his rooming house. So you can 8SC what kind we have to contend with. 'Well the last one Is a good actor, M. E. "Baldwin, our ex-business agent. He order"d • 1. B. E. W. buttons from L. U. 130, sold tilem 12 5c a piece cash but never paid for • em; also 37 raffie tickets at $1.00 a piece, .ever paid for them so we have to make it good. Also he borrowed $:;.00 from Brothf'r •. RaheJich and never paid him. With all ~ desertions from the ranks, things look IoJiight for us yet.

With best wishes from, Local Union 823.

I. L. S.

L. V. Jll'0. 868, Jll'EW OBLEAJII'S, LA..

Editor: Again I take the pleasure of writing to

let you know that Local 868 Is wide awake and fighting for our rights. We are going strong just now and having good attendance at our meetings, most of the boys seem in­terested, except a few who never take inter­est in anything, although at present time things look good for Local 868 of New Orleans. Tn addition to Article VII, Section I of contract with the Receiver of the New Orl"ans ;Railway & Light Company, the fol­lowmg mcrease has been granted to all· monthly paid men at the rate of $5.00 per month and all hourly paid men at the rate of 2 cts. per hour. And eight hours con­stitutes a day's work,

ARTICLE VII. The minimum wage for all workmen in­

cluded in this contract, belonging to Local No. 868, shall be as follows:

Watch Engineers, Central Station, One Hundred and Seventy ($170.00) DoJlars per month.

Assistant Watch Engineers, Central Sta­tion, and Watch Engineers, for Edison and Claiborne Stations, On Hundred and Sixty ($160.00) Dollars per month.

Alternating CUrrent Switchboard Operat­ors and Electrical Maintenance Men, Cen­tral Station, One Hundred and Fifty Dol­lars (150.00) per month.

Direct Current Switchboard Operators, Central Station, Edison Station, Claiborne Station, Valence SUb-Station and Canal Sub­Station, One Hundred and Thirty-five ($135.00) Dollars per month.

Direct Current Switchboard Operators Magazine Sub-Station, Bourbon SUb-Station and constant current arc lighting equip­ment operators at Dryades Sub-Station and Central Station. One Hundred and Twen­ty-five Dollars ($125.00) per month.

Boller Room Foremen, Central Station, One Hundred and Forty-four Dollars ($144.00) per month.

Water tenders, Central Station, Edison Station and Claiborne Station, One Hundred and Twenty-five DoiJars ($125.00) per month.

Night Foremen Boller Room Auxiliaries, Central Station, One Hundred and Forty Dollars ($140.00) per month.

Oilers, Central Station, Edison Station and Claiborne Station, One Hundred and Ten Dollars ($110.00) per month.

Boller Feed Pump Tenders, Air Compres­sor Operators, and Fuel Oil Pump Tender .. , Central Station, One Hundred and Ten Dol­lars ($110.00) per month.

Valve and pipe repair men, boiler repair men and furnace repair men, Central Sta­tion, each One Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars ($175.00) per month .

One extra Sub-Station Switchboard Oper­ator, One Hundred and Thirty-five Dollars ($135.00) per month. Boil~r Room Electricians, Central Statton,

One Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00) per month.

Generator Cleaners, Central Station, Edi­"on Station and Claiborne Station. One Bun­drl'd and Twelve Dollars ($112.00) per month.

Eleetrical Maintenance Men, Claiborne Stntion. One Hundred and Forty Dollars ($110.00) per month.

Electric Construction Mechanics, Eighty Cents (80c) per hour.

Ekctric Construction Mechanic Helpers, Fifty-four Cents (54c) per hour .

C;oal Elevator Operators, all stations, Fif­ty-four Cents (54c) per hour .

All workmen not included in the above clagsifkation. Thirty-Eight Cents (38c) per honr .

WageR will be paid not later than the sixth (6) and twenty-first (21) of each ll'!.onth.

Let us get together and work for the bpnf'flt of our standard, bring electrical worK


to the top by doing our work right. along with our organizing. Brother there is a lot ot difference between a union man and just a plain card man. Some do not stop to think what a great result It would be it every man would put his shoulders to the wheel to build up his Local and the Brother­hood ot the 1. B. E. W. No doubt I have taken up too much room In the worker this month and perhaps this will see the waste basket. but I will try again if the editor will tlnd space for this In our otHclal Work­er, which no doubt some members never read. Local 4 and 130 please take notice.

Trust r have not taken up too much space and that the local will not find fault with me. If so they have a press secretary that never attends to his otHce.

I'll dead end and put my books aside tor a few spare moments.

Yours Fraternally. A. J. Pupuy,

Financial Secretary.

L. V. lfO. sao, PXTTSB'UBG, PA.

Editor' Now that Local 880 has been organized

six full months and has by hard work got every thing running smooth think it is about time that some of the brothers to get hep and help keep things up to the high mark all the time:

What is needed more than anything else Is a little co-operation by all. EverybodY help just a little. Attend as many of the meetings as you possibly can. Help the otHcers make a success for you. Help se­cure jobs for some of the boys that are out of work. Several of the brothers are out of jobs just now, so brothers give a little hand. Some have been placed upon the blacklist by different firms for being a worker In the organized labor movement here. While some of the brothers have stood by and seen so call men come in shops and get the best thru relationship to the foreman. "The writer knows of one case and dares anyone to disprove it." What is needed Is a little more of this "Stick together" pull a bit for the brothers with a card. Things are quite dull around Pittsburg yet and the conditions are un­bearable or darn near the breaking point Wages have been reduced to the lowest Umlt, hours of work made longer. One case where cranemen are compelled to work dinner hour without pay. What i;; next no one knows. The writer is glad that some of the boys are getting the bene­fit. and the decent wages because they belonged to the I. B. E. W. I hope that all who have a drop of red blood in them will be ready when the tlme comes to fight for better conditions will stand U' like men. For that time is not far off now. Last night we had our ever busy Brother Bennett with us, who gave a mighty good talk. and BOrne very good pointers in re­gards to the future. The writer also re­ceived a nice letter from Brother A. T, Wooldrlge. who is up In Canada recovering from burns received while at work here In Pittsburg. June 4. Well Editor I hope that these few lines will escape the blur pencil. I will close tor this time.

Yours, Jack Keeling.

Press Secretary, Local No. 880. P. S. Local 880 has elected that great

fighter Brother John E. McCadden to re­present us at the New Orleans Convention.

L. V. lfO. 895, OAELAJWD, CAL.

Editor: On July 1st, 1.919, I was elected "Press

Secretary of Local Union No. 895. I. B. E. W. and as such I shall try to inform the members of the I. B. E. W. what is of interest in this jurisdiction.

On the above date President Robert Martin installed the following otHCel'S to

handle the bUSiness of Local No. 895 to­""t· Ja"",,~ Himmel. President: E. H. Elston, Vice-President; F. B. Breck, Jr., ltecording Secretary: F. W. Edwards, Financial Secretary; C. W. Russell. Tr68.8-l1rer: M. R. Winsatt. Press Secretary; Harry Westphal, Foreman; M. Mathews, J.' n. Murry. and L. W. Cammack, True­tees; E. W. Swindell, and J. D. Landon, Inspectors: J. O·Leary. M. Mathews. R. S. Brown. Wm. G. Higgins. E. H. Gelston, C. Gerns. and F. Smith members ot the Executive Board.

The union meetings are held every Tues­day evening at 12th and Alice streets in their new hall. While the struggles of the union at times has been a little discourag­ing never-the-less through the tfforts ot some of the members. especially President HImmel. we are getting things on a sys­tematically and orderly basie and are gain­ing members at each meeting.

President Himmel Is a promising young lawyer as well as a master electrician and thIs fact probably accounts for the apparent ease with which he presides at our meetings and dispatches the business thereof with alacrity.

At our last meeting President Himmel appolntE'd a committee of five members to devise ways and means of putting on an entertaining and instructive Initiatory ceremony at the meetings.

Local Union No. 895 is a railroad local and we would be pleased to hear from othp.r unions of the I. B. E. W. in our class ot work. We would also be pleased to hear from any of them in the "Worker."

Our hrothers and sisters of Locals No. 283 and No. 93 have just won their strike againSl the Pacific Telephone Co. and It "'~q a nohle vll'torv when you consider how bard It was for them to win with certain 01' 1 he International otHcials doing appar­ently all they could to hurt the cause.

Very soon our Local is going to start a f\~ht to kpep the railroads under Govern­ment con~rol. We would like to see the ''Worker'' give this subject all the pub­licity possible.

It is hoped that at the CONVENTION some good laws will be passed and that we will try and improve our International conditions.

Fraternally yours, I M. R. Wlnsatt,

Press Secretary. Local No. 895.

L. V. lfO. 970, CKABLOTTETOWlf, P. B. L

EdHor: This my first epistle to you will be to

beg of you to pardon me and my Local 970 for any mistakes I may have made either In the making out of receipts or t~ ~dll1E'''S In corresponding to yoU before this late date, as the work of organizing a IInion of electrical workers was new to me and to all ot us we simply had to go "low and work hard to get results and further I may say if It was not for the appearance of our much esteemed Brother John Noble. organizer, I am afraid our charter would of never increased as YOU will S'*l by the return we have 10 new members since our charter arrived and II more to initiate at next meeting and pro­snects looking bright for about 10 more this, so you see we are working the telephone so hard our aim is to make P. E. I. 100% union and I have every con­f\ilence In six months to do so. Brot"'er Noble will keep you posted on our work as we mean to have him again with UI!I In thA neal' future.

Now brother the per capita dues and initiation are gone on ahead. Check cov­ering amount. Mr. Noble told me the per capita was raised from 40 to 60 cents a month. Your instructions only call for 40 cents. but I am sending you 60 cents tor each charter member, also U.60 cov­ering my bond. It the per capita is only


40 cents you can give us credit for the balance on August dues . Would you kindly send me working cards and about twelve traveling cards, also constitution for new members. I believe you furnish same free, also send me about 50 application blanks. As yet we have not r.ecelved the pass word



Editor: I am enclosing a picture of the Electri­

cal Workers that attended the Pennsyl­vania System Federation convention In Co­lumbus. Ohio July 14 to 18 inclusive. We would like to see It reproduced In the Jour­nal.

for this quarter. Would like to have lI&l1le and oblige. Hoping everything Is satisfactory to you In the working of our Local, I remain with best wishes for good results at your coming vacation, I beg to remain,

Fraternally you rs, Stephen McIsaac, F . 8.

166 Weymouth St., Charlottetown, P. Eo L.

There were inatten dance at this COJl­ventlon 78 Carmen deleg-ates, 58 Machll'l­ists, 39 Boil e rma\<ers, 30 Sheet Metal 'Vork­ers. 29 Blacksmiths, and 21 Electrical Workers representing about 53,000 mem.­bers.

With best wishes, I am Fraternally yours,

Geo. W. Woomer, Pres. System CounciL

P. O. Box 50',


Left to JUght, Bottom Bow~Jos. Lyons, Int. Pres.; R . J. Lindsay, 779, V. Pres.; L. B. Webb, 608. Sec.-Treas.; G. W. Woomer, 733, Pres.; P. R. Borchert, 784.

lIItlddle Bow.-R. E. Gonsolas, 744; D. Hummel, 781; 1. I . Gottschall, 239; O. W. Ben­dorf, 750 ; F. E. Martin, 274; J. F. Reardon, 742; M. J. Connell, 425.

Top Row.-A. W. Norwood. 473; J. A. McKeon. 217; F. L. Petrlkln, 761: F. P. Me­Brearty, 753; A. E. Hart, 720; H. W . Losey, 628; O. L . Markey, 608; C. C. Downs, 260.

D elegates not on picture, J. Kern, 752; C. U. Bowen, 964: E. R. Klinger, 837.


Is It Worth ONE DOLLAR To You To Have The Railroads of the United States Operated Not For PRIVATE PROFIT But For PUBLIC SERVICE?

The Plumb Plan League (


Proposes that the Railroads Shall be Managed by Human Beings for Human Beings, and Not Solely for Money

THE PLUMB PLAN LEAGUE seeks the co.operalion of all .. ho dosire public o';'ner.ship and dom.xracy in the' control of the railways.

THE PLUMB PLAN LEAGUE is an organization by me.ns of ""hich .11 ",ho .re opposed to the r<?tum of the- railroads to private ownership and operation can have expression of their views.

THE PLUMB PLAN LEAGUE propo~es, by educational methods. to organize the tremendous se-ntitnent opposing a return to (o'nditions which unquestionably will. be injurious 10 .:orkers. the puolic and to industry, and which favors a plan of reorganization that is scientific and business-like-a plan that ~iII contribute vastly to the happiness, prosperity and ""ell.being of all the people of the United States.

WHAT THE PLUMB PLAN IS: THE PLUMB PLAN MAY be briefly described as a very carefplly devised method of:

1. Securing public ownership of the railroads by judicial procedure at a fair value. 2. Creating a corporation consisting of a board of directors. official employes ana classified Imployes. 3. The board of directors to represent equally the public, the 'iJ"age earner and the official manaie ..


4. Operation of 'foads not for private profit hut for public service. 5. Division of savings resulting from economy and efficiency in management equally betw~n em­

ployes, in wage dividends, and the public, in reduced ratt' charges.

IS THIS WORTH WHILE TO YOU? It is predicted that the adoption of th. PLUMB PLAN will result in a reduction in passen2er fa",! 10 •

ceont and a half per mile and a reduction in freight charges of from 35 to 40 per cent. That would be a great public benefit, but in addition there "Quid be peart>. harmony and 20od •• m in the

management of the railroads. freedom from wage struggles and improved operating servin'. IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THE PLUMB PLAN IS THE LOGICAL SOLUTION OF THE RAILROADS, '




THE PLUMB PLAN LEAGUE 447·453 Munsey Building




.. 0 ...... " ,.III ... IO.NT OftD~1II RA,lLW,,"' CONDUCTOIII.





tf '01 •• , ...... 1.11 C"'" 1'1 a Flit" •• hIE Ittl T ..... L

Cut Out and Hail Today ---II

: The Plumb Plan League. ; 4-17.453 Mun.ey Building, . Wa.hington, D. C.

~ Thi. i. my application for .aemberthip . in THE PLUMB PLAN LEAGUE. ''''00 1 one dollar for one :"·ear'. due. and "Y Alb· ; .cription 10 ... Railroad Democrocy."'

Nam.· ______________________ __

No. and S,. __________________ _

, Ci'y or Town




(i) Insidemen. (t) Trimmers.

(c) Craneman. (mt) Maintenance. (si •. ) Cable Spli(·ers. (8) Shopmen.

(t.o.) Telephone. (r.r.) Railroad Men.

(b. 0.) Bridge Oper&torI. (p.o.) Picture OperatoR.

(f) Fixture Hangers.

1~ •• ~: ____ L_G_C_at_l_o_n_. __ ~ ____ R_e_c. __ s_PC_'_Y_. __ ~ ____ A_d_d_r_eB_s_. ____ ~ ___ F_in_._~ _____ A_d_d_r_e_~_. ____ ~_y __ ep_t_in_.~ __ p_l_a_ce_. __ ~H_e_e_t_in_r __ Da __ te __

(l)l! ~t. Limi., Mo ...... Walt O~hca ........ 113lXaturalllritl~e I.Jno. )!ae,kay ........ 2629a Cll'S Ave ...... 2651 Locust St .•. 1 Every Tueedar. A'oe.

(1)2: '4t. Lollis, Mo ...... W. H. HowelL ..... ,5935 Catce Brillan· Dan Knol!. •.....•. 3000 Eastor AH' ..... 3000 ~;astor Ave.... ~;"ery Friday. teo

(I)' :\ew YOTk, N. Y.. Geo. W. Whit fort! .. 214 Reliance Bid!': .. W. A. liogan ....... 214 Reliance Bldg .. Labor Temple..... r·: .. ery Thurl. 132 UniOll Sq. 32 Union Sq ........

!I/4, New Orlean", La .. O. W. Mason ...... 1202 Soniat St ...... 1 o. Lorrick ...•....• 2369 Laurel St., 715 Union St.. ..... 2,1 Wed. care Jas. Howley.

(05' Pittsburg, pa..... F. ,J. ~!orris ........ 607 Webster Ave .... S. D. Young ........ 607 Webster Ave ... McGeagh BMg ..... I':very Frida,.. (1)6: San i'rancil;co ...... /as. )!cl\night.... 200 Guerrero St ...... J. H. Clover ........ 200 Guerrero St .•.• Bldg. Tr'd~s T"ml' ~;very Wed. (1)7: Springfield. Ya,," .. ,1. L. Hchmitt ...... 222 Pearl St ........ ,I. A. Beauchemin .. 21 Sanford St ...... Moose Hall. IV Ly· Every Monda,..

t man St. (i)8\ Toledo, 0 .......... Ohas. Potts ........ 1055 Orchard St .... n. W. Fisher ....... I ~~:. ColJinb'Wood Kapp's Hall ...... .

(1)9, Chicaw>, IIL. ...... Harry Slater ....... "S. Sang-amon St .. L. M. Fee .......... 5 S. Sangamon St.. 5 S. Sangamon St.. I':very Frida,..

I':"ery Monda,.

(m}IO: Butler, 1'3 ......... IV. P .. Flack ........ 115 Third A,·e ...... J. T. Shaffer ........ Box 533 ............ Unit'd Lab'r COUD. 2d &: 4tb Tuea. ('!)11!.· Paterson, N. J ..... lIaniel Kane ........ 157 'YaYliu Ave ..... Geo. B. Townley ... 142 Paterson Ave ... 1 Labor L y c e u 01 1st &; 3d Tuetl.

Bldg. (m)12: Pueblo, Colo ....... f,,". T" Sparr ....... Rox 70 ............. E(I Carlson ......... Box 70 ............. Labor Temple ..... Hl'ery Tburi. (mJ131 [Jover, N. J ........ (JaI'l Xewm~n ...... 22 Central Ave ...... )1. 1>1. ('umono ...... Box 86 .............. Bldg. Trades Tern. 2<1 &: 4tb Fri.

(1)14 I'ittsbul')(, l'a ...... E. L. Huey ......... 1223 Reddour St. tx .. ~. Stockdale ..•. 007 Webst .. r Ave .•. 3d ~'Ioor, 605 Web 1st &: 3d Fri. ; N. S. ster Ave.

(1)16: .rersey City, N. J ... H. C. Croucll ....... 137 Lafayette Ave .. E A. Richter ...... 258 Barrow St ...... 642 Newark Ave .... ,ew Brighton, N. J

\',t &. last Tuesday.

(1)16: F:vansvilk>, In,\.. .. . (1)17 i iletroit, Mich ..... .

Frank Smith ....... 1300 E. Ore~on St .. J. G. Brill .......... 604 4th Ave ......... 306 Up 1st ....... .. 1". \\'e~tlake ........ 333 Cass Ave ....... Wm. F)·ost ......... 333 Cass Ave ........ I3ricklayers' Hall.

E'·ery Sunda,.. Every Thura.

(1)20 1 ,ew York, N. Y... Leon C. Irving ...... 52 7th Ave .......... H. Haggstrom ...... 4282 Park Ave ...... Central Opera HOllO Every Friday.


Brooklyn, N. 'Y. (1)21, I'hilaileIphia, l'a ... II. Weber .......... 2545 Turner St.. .... W. T. McKinney ... Westville, N. J ..... (I)fl

l tlmaha, Nebr ....... Sidney Slaven ...... 1009 Dorcas St.. .... J. M. Gibb ......... 4732 N. 36th St.. .•.

Bricklayers' Hall.. Friday. Labor Temple..... Tuesday.


St. Paul, Minn ..... 11'. ll. Tubbesing ... 212 Dakota Bldg .... Leo Mitch.ll. ...... 212 Dakota Bld~ .. .. (m)24

1 'Iinne. & St. Paul.. F. II. Sei!.> .......... 3527 36th Ave. So ... E. M. Stanchfield .. MO Andrus Bldg ... .

75 W. 7th St....... I,t &. 3d ThW'L A. O. U. W. HaiL.. 1st & 3d TuM.

Mino. Minneap., Minn .. (1)2511'err~ Haute, lnll.. Oeo. Thomas ....... 2137 Cleveland Ave. J. D. Akers ......... 231 N. 15th St.. ..... 624'h Main St...... 1st &: 3d Wt!d. (1)26: Washington, I). C .. Wm. F. lieUv ...... 122 Raleigh St., lB. A. O'Leary ...... 1204 Penn Ave ...... SW. cor 12th &: Pa. Every Tbura.

• C~~C~ss Heights. I Ave., N. W.

~:. J. l'derson ..... 617 S. Stree~er st..l Walt Elmer ........ 632W. LO~bard St. Old Town Hall ..... F'riday.

F. J. Moeder ........ 20 N. EastA'e ....... T. J. Fagan ........ 31 Franklm Bltlg ... 715 N. Eutau Ave ... Friday. St.

,'~~i ·\renton, N. J ...... T. Toomen ......... 52 W. End Ave ..... .' H. J. Manley ....... 673 Stuyvesant Ave. Broa,1 and Front. Friday. \0 . I':ne, Pa ............ W. O. McEnteer .... 1133 E. 10th St .... " 1 Leroy Cross ........ 1616 Sassafras St... C. L. U. Hall..... 2d &: 4th hI.

(m)31, Iluluth, Minn.... .. T. A. Berry ........ 620'h E. 5th St.. .... , Wm. Mnmian ...... 915 E. 4th St.. ...... Ea~les H" 11........ 1st &: 3d Fri. <m)82j Lima, Ohio ........ Edw. C. Watson ..... \51/ S. West St.. ... I'C. F. Mallory ....... 765 S. Broadway .... 219'h S. Main St ... Monday •

• (m)33 :\ew Oastle, Pa .... R. J. Do!.>bs ........ 705'h Cleveland Av. J. B. Merrllees ..••• 519 Summer Ave Trades Assembly .. L~very Frida,. (034 ('eoria, 1lI .......... Wm. Bnrns ........ 207 Clark St.. ...•.. France. Roche ..... 114 Greenleaf St... Labor Temple..... 2d &: 4tb Tburo.

{l&f)3S, Hartford, Conll.... I\'alt G. Cramer .... 104 A"ylnm St.. .... \ Cha •. H. Rall.. .... 104 Asylum St..... 104 Asylum St..... Every Friday. (m)36: ":acramento, CuL H P. Meigs ........ 3915 U St.. .......... J. Noonan .......... 1120 20th St ........ Labor Temple.... Every Tbun. (1)37, ~ew Britain. Com. Edw. Lawrence .... '138 mell Rt ......... Thos. Stanton ...... 352 N. Burrett St... Machinists HaIL ... 2d &: 4th 1'hUD.

(w,as (,Ieveland, Ohio ... Clarence Sickman. i2182 E. 9th St.. •.•.. J. A. Grovea ........ 2182 E. 9th St ...... 2182 E. 9th St...... EI'ery Tuetl.


Browning Bldg. I Browning Bldg. (ru)a~i, t'leveland, Ohio.. J. A. Lynch ........ 1031 W. 50th St.:.. Herman Derolph ... 2182 E. 9th St ...... 2182 E. 9th St .. 3d .. Every Thou.

Floor. H; C. 'rhofT'pson ... 1 ?4~ Far!:o A,·p ...... G. O. Ki~g ......... 732 Glenwood Ave ... 270 Broadway ...... 1:uesda,. .. II. T. Gardmer ..... : ,025 Mohawk St ..•.. J. GarveJ ....• , .••. Central Fll'e Stabo., Lahor Temple ...... (,very Friday. r .. J. O'Brien .... ) P. O. Box 416 ...... j F. A. Handlin..... P. O. Box 416 ...... 316 Jame" Rt.. ..... I'rillay. F. Miller .......... i~7a Garson Ave ..... R. Tan'.'er .......... 262 Ravenwood Ave.,42 Exch"It'.!e Rt.. ... bt & 3d Fri. O. K Brock ........ i :126 Woodward A.-e. I 'to N. ZImmerman. ~;benezer. N. Y ..... / Keystone Hall. .... 2" & 4th Wed.

! Box 153. (i)40: ~eattle, Wa"h..... n. W .. Jobnson... i ':01.317 Lab. Temp. \1. Whitten ........ Rm. 317 Lab. Tent" r,abor Temnle ...... 1st &; 3d TuH.

(0)47: ":ioux City, la ..... i ~,. S. Yiolt't ........ : Box 102 ............ S. O. Sarcleson ..... Rox 102 ............ (,ahor Temple ...... 1st &: 3d Tuell. (;)48 Portland, Ore ...... , W .. A. HamnJ.OI,rl ..... 319 Lumber Ex. ;.T. D.1>I. Crock welL ·319 L u m b e r Ex. I 386'h Wash St.. .... Wednesday.

1 i BI,lg. I Bldg. . (t)4\L 1. 'hicago, Ill ...•... '11(,hOIf-.' rOHlf" .......................... I \Vrn. Hickev ........ 2327 S. RadltP Av .. 1180 W. Wash. St.. 1st Fn. Ev~.

.. I" I' 3rd l'-"ri. after-I noon.

311: 13cll-:ville, 111..... Wm. Neil....... ; 109 N. Jackson .... i:::. Frederick...... 1105 Bristow St.. .. flyers Hall. ........ I"t &. 3<1 Wed. (1)61' PeorIa, In ......... IF. Burrell..... 106 Groveland SL.I Fred V. Klooz ...... 109 Kettelle St. .... I <'nrnellters' naIL .. I,t &: 3d lion. ti)52: X(>\Var~ N. J ...... ,Daniel Borgstn1l1l .. t Hawthorne Ave ... I R. Schroeder .....•. 20 Hawthonl(, A\e. I 282 \\'ashin~ton 8t l<~very TueedtPy.

(m)S3 Kansas City, Me .. tl C. W. Emery..... : 41'. Bocke ........ 10. B. Roberts ...... 240 N. 22d St ...... 'I Labor Temple..... ['uesda,..

I· Kas. City, Ka.. I . Kas. City. I\as.

(m)54 1 Columbus, 0..... . ....................................... F. A. DaVIS ........ 1542 Oak St ........ 21'h N. Front St .... Tuesda,.. (1)551 Des Moin"", la... Il. B. Hnllin~N .... 1805 Grand View ..... fos. Han-cry .......................... i Tra,le" &. Labor A. ~'riday.

, I I' . "ombl" Hall. {I)M. F:rie, Pa......... 'I': H. Bro,·b. .. . i'1805 Cascade St. ... ' F. W. Rathbun... 1701 ~t.. ..... : 17th an,i State..... id &: 4tb Wed.. (1)57: :-\alt Lake City.. 1 Fretl Taylor ... ,D n. Box 402 ....... R. Avis ............ P. O. Bo, 40'l .... ! Lahor Temp!"... Every ThU1'L rnas OptYoit, Mich.... ! 'Q ~ \Vahcc.... I ~31 C.i8B Ave ....••. IF. K.. BarriB. •.. ,~3 (1ali"- "te .. ". ! 'i3.'i CR~" .'"'' . i ruesday.

(e)27: Ilaitirnore, MIl, .. .

(1)28 1 Baitimore, Mtl. ... .

(041: Iluffalo, N. Y ..... . (1)42; Utica, N. Y .... " ..

(\)::: Syracuse, N. Y ... . ~) ,Rochester, N. Y .. . (1)45: B·"ffalo, N. Y ..... .


~. Rec. S~c·,.. Addr~ .. FIn. Bec'y. Addr~ ... )l eeting Placo!. I )leetin, Oat..

• o.uu. Tex ......••. W. L. Kelsey .••..•. 8 Labor Temple ..•• J. A. Hooper .....•. Rm. 8 Lab. Temp .. I!,abOr TempI~ ...•. Every )lond.., . .. ~ A"tonio, Tex •. J. H. Brown ........ 1202 N. Floret! St. •. Ren J. Crowther .•. 407 E. Myrtle ..••.•.. rrade Coun~11 Hall Every Wed. o~ r.o. Aogel8, Cal... W. C. Hall ......... 112 Labor ~emple .. W. E. H.ouston ..... 112 J.alJor Temple. I ~,aho~ Temple..... Friday. o Yo_atowD, 0 ..... E Hughes......... 150 E. Manon Ave .. \~ J. FItch... ••••. 133 Welendorf Ave. c23 Y;. Federal St .. 1st & 3d Tbma.

(.. Warren. Pa ........ F. M. Seheatler •.•. 6 W. Wayne St ...•. A. A. Keller ........ 116 Main A'·e .....•. lIart~nd~rs· Hall .•. 1st & 3d )lon. (I 14 \youngstown, 0. ... Bert Walsh ....•.•. P. O. Box 195 ...... Lee Steuerwalrl ..•. P. O. Box 195 .•..•. Reis~h Hall. ....... 1st & 3d TbUD. (0 Bullte. M'*'t.. ..... C. S. Littlelleld •.•. Box 846 ............ W. O. Medburst .•. Box 846 ............ K. of P. Hall ....... Every Friday.

(a Houston. Tex ....... O. E. McQuillian ... 1218 Dallas Ave ..... W. P. Boger ....... ;02 Walker Ave .... Houston Lbr T~mp. Every Wed.. 8p. m.

(m~ Quincy. TIL ........ W. E. Hertzell ..... ~Ol A<lams St ....... E. O. Smltb ........ ~33% Hamp St ...... Quincy Lbr. T'mple 2d & 4th )lon. (l Denyer. 0010 ....... W. J. Hackett ...... 1517 Larimer St. .... O. A. Gramcko ..•.. 471 S. Gilpin St .... 151i Larimer St .... Every Monda:r. o Dallas, Tex .•..•••. G. H. Coghbum .... 1'.00 Box 827 ...... H. Warrington ..... P. O. Box 827 ...... Labor Temple ...... Every Monda~. (II "Ill DonDnl. Pa ......... Mike Pado ......... 217 Castner A'·e ............................................................................... . (lin Columbu». 0 ....... ~' .. d Back ......... 928 Hilbert St ...... O. C, Gilbert ....... P. O. Box 315 ..••.. Iii',!, N. High St ... Every TbU1"6. (i 12 Waco. Tex ......... F. B. Womack ..... Box 418 ............ CI~ud Doyle.. ..... P. O. Box 814...... I.fibor Hall ......... 2d Monday. (i Spok'!ne. Wasb ..... C. G. La,"!" ............. :: .............. B. H. Metzger ...... 1.916 N. llt~ ~ve .... ? .. I1'~nt~r.· Hall ... Every Tuesray.

(rr 74 o.nyllle. III ........ Revell \\ I1gus ...... 301 KImball St ...... H. Sa"'er ........... ,n S. Venmlhon ..... > 1111001. Aye ...... 2d &; 4th Wed. (1)71 Or'd Rapid •• MICh. A. A. Nelson ....... 1027 Dorchester Av .. Chas Ander.on ..... \36 Oak.l.le :-it ..... Carpellters' hall ... Tuesday.

(w)7I Tacoma. Wash· ..... Fred Askew ........ 448 S. Broadway .... Bert Noll ........... S027 S. Yakima Av. Lahor Temple ...... Tuesday, (.,.)78 OIeYeJand. 0....... W. J. Montague... 13023 Ramona Blv<l. I.eo A, Conners.... 14016 Ca8tallia Av. JIMl E. 9th St...... Friday,

S E. (1)79 Syracuoe. N. Y ..... J, E. Dibhle ........ 319 Craddock St.. .. Roht. Taylor ....... 1121 3rd North St.. \lyers Hall ........ .

(m)88 SOrfolk, Va ........ O. O. Rohert ....... 371 Hamilton Ave.. T J, Gates........ 846 41st............ Bunting Hall. ... .. Friday. Wednesday •. l.t &3d Mon. Every Mond~y. Every Wed, Every Tbor •. 3d Friday .

(m~1l 'icranton, Pa ....... Wm Egoan......... Wm. Dailey ........ ~22 Prospect Ave ... 1~3 Penn. Av ..... .. (I 82 Dayton. 0 .......... I W. Howe~I. ...... 122 Stillwater Ave .. A. J. Broadnlp.... QOR Epworth Av~ .... Labor Temple .... .. (181 Los Angeles. Cal ... H. W. Corwm ...... 3036 Upper Blvd .... ,T, Fierdingstad ..... 1431 Santee St ...... I.ahor Temple ..... .

(m 84 Atlanta, Ga ........ .I. H. ~tew"rt ...... Rox RR9 ............. /. H. Chilliress ..... Rox 669 ............ Lahor Teml'le .... . (.)811 Schenectady. N. Y. M. L. Salsl.ur'! ..... i53 State St ........ C. V. Platto ....... 32 Front St.. ....... !46 ~tate ~t.. ..... .

• Rochester. N. Y .... Geo. Ballinger ..... U Wilmington St.. A. L, Knauf ........ 34 Wilmington St, 32 South Ave,. Rm.

(m) Ohillicothe. 0 ..... J. O. Jones ......... 774 Madison Ave .... W, E. Richards ..... 400 S. Mlllberry St.. (m)81 Crawt·deville. Ind .. Prank Priest ........................... J. R. Stevena ....... ,07 Illinois St ..... .

R. R. No. 10.

Ev. other Wed. 2.

Tralnmen's Hall, .. 2d &; 4th Tu.a, Rm. 13. K. ot P. 2d &; 4th Tbura.

Bldg., Market & Wasbington,

(J)18 New Haven. Oonn .. Wm. Dedrick ...... 215 Meadow St .... , B. Weymer ........ 215 Meadow St ..... 215 Meadows St .... 1st & 3d Tu ... (m~1 BrownWOOd. Tex ... I. E. McKinney ........................ Geo. W. McLean ... 720 Milton A'·e..... .. ................. 2d & 4th )lon. (to III San Francisco. Oal. Frank J. Kane ..... 13fl Guprrero St ..... n. H. McGillicuddy 112 ValenCIa St.... 112 Valencia St .... Every Wed, (m 1':. Liverpool, 0 ..... DolI.R (1Jap"adel ... Rox 475 ............ ,Joe Hayes .......... 113 Monroe St ...... Fowler Bldg ....... 1st.,. 3d Frt.

illl M Kewanee, III.. ..... E. C. Rapier ....... 513 Rockwell St .... O. G. Smith ....... q52 Pine St.. ....... raylor Hall ........ 2d & 4th Fri. m t6 Joplin, Mo ......... 'I. Or.ham ......... 713 Moffett Ave ..... W. E. Hough, ...... 2222 Connor Ave .... 112% W 6th St ..... Every Frida" m 1ft Worce~ter. Mass... H. S Ross ......... 22R n.y BM" ....... O. R. Racklitle ..... 22~ !lav Bldg ....... 1 Walnut St.. ...... 1st & 3d !lon. (1 97 Waco. Tex ......... Iluy Robinson ...... 1110 Wash. St ...... L. O. Niles ......... Rox 1128 ............ 102% S. 4th St.. .... 1st & 3d Fri. (i 18 Pbiladelphia. Pa ... .I S. ........ 123 N. 15th St ...... W. S. GonRR.II .... 123 X. 15th St...... Broad &; Cberry ... Every Tue •. (I)tt Provi<lencl'. It. I... ChaR. F Smith .... 72 Wevbo •• et St... Frank P. Maguire .. 72 WevhnR,et St.. '2 "'evhoRset ...... Every Mon.

(1,)108 P'reeno, Cal.. ...... O. D. Fincher, ..... 1139 EYe !'t...... C, R. Ru.sell ...... 213 The'ta ......... 1139 ~~ye St. ....... Every Tu~ •. 0)101 Cincinnati, 0 ...... Aen Llc~d ......... 86 W. M<,MiIlan St .. ~ ,T Stayton ...... Ifl29 Herhert Ave.. 1313 Vine St.. ...... Wed. (1)1112 Patterson. N. J .... Roht, Sigler ....... '154 Straight St ..... Arthur Rockwell ... 94 Lineoln A'·e ...... 1,,9 VanHouten St.. Every Tbura.

Totowa, Boro. (!)188 BOIIton. Mas....... Prank R. Sheeban •. ~O Faron St ... , ••.... J. T, Fennell ..•.•.. 987 Washlllgoton St. ~R7 Washington St, Every Wed.

E. noston. (m)I04 Boston. Ma....... H. W, Sbivers ...... 10 A.hland St...... I. H, Mahoney ..... 18 Woodbridge St .. 987 Washing"ton St .. Every Wed.

Malflpn.Muss. r.Rmhrirlg-e, Mass. (1)106 Hamilton. Ont" C. 0)1011 Jamestown. N, Y .. (1)197 !h'd Rapids, Mich.

188 Tamp", Fla ..... .. O)IOU Rock Islan<l. fll. .. . 0)116 st. Paul, Minn ... .. 0)111 Denver. 0010 ...... . (I) 1U Louisville. Ky .... .

S, Bond ............ 130 YOllnll: St ....... · O. S. Farley ........ Q3 Gore St.. ..... .. E L. Hllrley ....... 19 W. 8th St ........ P. J. KMlger, ...... "69 Sprin" St .... .. \. A. I •• wton ...... 923 f'.innont St.. H. T. Rathtum .... 112 Colfax St. N.E.

J. A. Arnold ........ Aox 662 ............. R. L. Carpenter .... flo, 662 ......... .. W J Prank ....... ~nth Ave. til 2Mh St \ A.f,lund .... " .. 007 29th <:t ....... . M. Voela\'ek ........ 2~4 ". D.le St.. .... ,/. J, Purcell. ....... ~.1 W. ith St.. .... .. Frank AnderRon .... 722 E. Florida st ... L fl. K .. I,".,' ....... 1515 Larimer St ... . W. D. Tucker ...... St. Matthews. Ky. A. Hornbrock ...... 1629 Gall,,)!her ::;t.

ROllte 20.

Orange Hall.,..... 1st &; 3d Mon. 'I W. 3.1 St .......... Alternate )lOL ~29 \1onrop Av~ ..••. Tuesday. RnRR & Nehr. Av .... Friday. ~1"t & 3.1 Ave ....... 2d & 4th )loL '.i W. 7th 8t ........ I.t & 3d Thva. !517 Larimer St.. .. Every Tbmw. Iloo,e Hall ......... Every Wed.

(a)111 0010. Spga •• 0010 ... D. H. Walrlron ..... 1526 W. Pikes Peak Tom Mackey ..••.•. 605 K Wmrrmeth 313 Hagenoan Bldg. Every Frida,. Ave. Avp.

(m)114 Fort Do<lgp. Ta .... lU Amhe1"l!t. N. S.. ...................... ................. .................... .................... .................... .. ............. ,


las. Eychaner ...... 716 N. 16th St ...... W. Sanford ....... ~166thAve.,N ..... 'loo~eHall. ........ l.t&3dT_

(~1l8 Ft. Worth. Te" ..... Cha •. Shryoc ...... 1101 HOlloton St .... Pr:mk Ewell. ....... 2003 Clinton Ave.. J.ahor T .. mple ..... Every We •. em 117 Rlgin. 111.. ......... I CORlello ......... 723 redar Ave ...... A. H. Adamo ....... 273!'. Channing St I~R Chiea!!o St ..... 1st Thora. (m lUI Temple. Tex.. ..... I ••. R. O·" .. a l ..... In2 S.8th St ........ H. S. ~ewlanrl ..... \06 S. 11th....... !lln 203 Rllfia Hldg. 1st & 3d FrL (a 120 London, Ont .• 0... W. CMtello ........ IQ7 Q"phe~ ......... C Bnrth,,;rk ...... 1\43 T omp A'Ve..... '/id,mnnd St.. ..... 2<1 & 4th Tbura. ( .. )121 AuguRta. G ....... L. D. Rehhpr~ ...... 1211z Ellis St ........ F. A. S.·hn .. ler ..... 323 Walker St..... '.ahnr Hall ......... Every TueB, (miD Great Falls, Mont. T. F.. :oi;hlork ...... ~o, :lS5 ............ C. E. Scott ......... ilo, 3~.1.......... r 0.0 F Hall ..... Evpry Tuelida1. ( 123 Wilmington. N. 0 .. T. J. Pow.lIs ...... floo r.he"tnnt St.. .. W.1.. W .. ocls ...... ql.; Prinr .. ," ~t... I 0.0 F Hall .... Friday. (11J4 K.nsas Oit,.. Mo ... Irthnr Erirk-nn ... ?610 (']pVeland Ave G. W. ........ 2923 Walnut St.. .. '."hor Temple ...... E"ery Tuoed&!,

125 Pnrtlan<l. Ore ... r:. LeRo.' Rr"wn .... 110' fl44 ........... O. D. Phillip ....... Box 644.......... :86". Wa.lI. St ..... Every Friday. (rr)12G Manchester. N. Y ... Samuel Magee ..... 75 state St.. ........ " ................ , ... , .. , ..... , ........... , ...... ,' ...................... . (m) Ken""ha, Wh ...... P .1 p"r"., ... "n 1. Pork r.t.. .. F. J. Forhes....... "0. 1 Park ('"t.... H"",land & Elizah']o 2d & 4th Wed. (to)l28 Portland, Me ....... Ralph M, West" ... 339 Cnmberland Av. Earl G. Bean ....... 13'1 rllmhorl •• ,n.. ;00 Pythia» Temple 1st & 3d )lOll. ( .. )1Jt Elyria. 0 ........... t:a,'lnrrl Tnrker .... tlherlin R<I........ I., J. Fanner ....... 111 Highlan.I Ct .... I'.'nte .. Hall ...... 1st &; 3d Tuea. (i~1IO New Orleanl, La ... D. J. Hyrne ........ 71.; lTnlon St....... H. Y. Mllller ....... 715 Un;"" !'t...... 715 Union St ........ Friday.

(a 111 Kalamazoo. Mich ... Tas. Frpdprirkoon .. ~:t~ 2nd Rt.. ........ Bert G. ....... 602 S. Park At..... J"radp.·L .. bor Hall. 2<1 '" ,th Tilts ... (m 112 Olifton, AriIlOIla ... W O. M.r.hell ..... "orpnri. Ariz ....... Paul G. Coates ..... Bo~ 1045 ............ t·ar"."ters· Hall ... 2d &; 4th Wed.

Rn.721 (UJI Middletown. 'iI. Y .. Wm. JaR. Snell, Jr .. 53 Watkins Ave .... . (O~ Chicago. TR ........ Robprt Brook's ..... ,inn S. Stat. St ... ..

(a)l loa On\eee. Wis.... Roy Hill........... 720 No. tth St .... ..

T. E. HodJ1:e....... 10 Watkin. Ave .. Oeo. O. Johnson... ;00 S. Statp St ... Theo. Strau ........ 62t N. eth St ....

HUJlther RIn. ..... 1st Tblllll, ;(If! S. State St.. ... 1st Tbura. .17,lav At. ......... IIt .. 3d Thtl ... .


Rec. Secoy. Address. Fin. Sec·y. Addr .... ~eeting Place. I MeetiDc 1Ia*e.

(l)UI Illnnmgbam. A:-.. John Braun .••.•••. J200 7th Ave. No .... W. 1'. Reynolds .... Box 205 ............ Ben Hur'Temple •.. TueadaJ'. (I)U7 Alban,-. N. Y ..•••• ·J110. l,~I1(·"erlllg... U Morton Ave .••••. /oseph Crinigan •.. 103 Jefferson St ..... ,;. Pearl St ......••. 4th .H .... dq.

(m) 'atmam, ArlzOBlI .. I{. L. Shipp ........ Hox 315 ............ C. A. Nott ......... Box 315 ............ Union Hall........ 2d &; 4th W .... (JD)laI Rbuira, N. Y ...... Geo. E. Turner ..... 717 Walnut ......... E;mil W. Moclerbrak 443 W. 5th tSt ...... 200 E. Water St .... 2d &; 4th We4.. (1)1" Sclmectady. 1<1. Y ... /ohn Sommers ..... 23 Moyston St ...... ~'. A. Hartnck ...... 1 Linden st ......... 248 State St ........ IsL & 3d Wed.. (1)141 Wheeling. W. Va ... ~;. H. Hagan ........ 048 Market St ...... '1. S. Gould ......... l2~ ~~th St ......... Odd Fellows Hall .. Thursdq. 0)142 Boston. Mas ....... G .• J. Hutchinson ... 294 WaKhin!'ton St. lohn A. Donoghue .. 294 Washington St. 987 Washington St.. ~'riday. WI .. Harrisbure. Pa ..... Geo. Miller ......... 709 N. 6th Ht ........ Ch ••. Gerbig ....... 1232 Market St ...... ~J1 l.m·lI.t I'>t ...... Monday.

(to)l~ 'vw H··,lf',1 ...... ~'rank Orabtree ..... 74 Parker St ........ KuOL. S. Ureeuya ... HU1 300............ (Jurllell Hldg ....... L .... ' Weel. 145 New Ulm, Minn .... ,

(1)14« U.,.,.tm. Ill. ........ U. 0, Ko .. ie,'k ..... Box 431. .......... " F. W. Knau.e •...•. Box 431 ...••........ Powers Bldg .• Rill. tOO.

(.~l~ Ohicago. m ........ ,John Gumln ........ 175 W Wa.h. St ... Jas. McAndrew ..... 175 W. Wawh. St ... 412 Masonic TempI< (Il' Waabington. D. 0 .. P. J. Shanahan.... SO 0 St. N.E ........ J. A. Cronin ........ ,)20 9th St .. N. E .... Northeaot Temple .. o 1 \uror., Ill ......... Edw. E. Green ..... 618 Benton St ...... John Smith ........ 302 Oak Ave ......... ";chalerlim Hall .. ..

Fox St .. (m)IM Waukegan. Ill ...... W. 'F. Vetter ....... 401 McDaniel Av .... E;rnest O. Jones .... 425 S. Sheridan Rd .. 221 Wash. St., ......

Highland Park. Ill.. Waukegan. ilL Waukegan. Ill. 0)161 San Francisco. Oal. H. S. Walker ....... 503 34th Ave ........ W. F. Coyle ........ 1726~ LaSalle Ave. Il2 Valeria St.. .. ..

(rr)15 Deer Lodge. Mont .. W 1. Uzzader ...... Box 220 ............ John Ward ......... Box 230 ............ I. O. O. F. Hall .... . (1)1 South Bend. Ind ... B:J. Brehmer ...... 804 N. Notre Dame O. W. Davis ........ 726 W. Oak St ...... O. L. U. Hall ..... ..

Ave ............. .

I.t & 3d Frt.

l.t&adTu ... 1st & 3d Wed, 2d & 4th Wed..

Ist&ad Wed..

Every Thun. 1st &; 3d Fri. 2d & 4th Thm ..

(l}1i4 Oa ... nport. Ia ...... Wm. Thompson .... 621 E. 12th St ....... E. E. Koontz ...... . 1140 W. 14th St •••.. 5th Brady St ........ 2d.ll; 4th Wed. ( .. )1.61 Okla. Oity.Okla .... Wm. Nelson ....... 1609 W. 9th St.. .... O. A. Wal1~r ..... .. 908 W. 23 .. 1 St ...... Musicians. 128% W Friday.

Grand. (1)lJ8 Ft. Worth, Texas .. J. P. Roberls ....... Box 251. ........... J. W. DawlIOn ...... Box 251. ............ Labor Temple ...... Thun.

U7 DuQuoin, 111........ .................... .................... .................... .. .............. :... .. .................................. . (111)158 Green Bay. Wise ... J. C. Messenger .... 912 E. Mason St .... P. J. Christman .... 1100 Cherry St ...... Bldg. Trades Hall .. 2<1 & 4th Wed. (_)161 ltadison. Wis ...... H. J. Ross .......... 152 E. John"on St ... Jas. Braith ......... 3111 N. Barrett St ... 27 N. Pickney St... 2d & 4th ThUl1l. (to)UIO 'Jpringlleld • .Has ••• Cha •. J. Dian ....... 56 Vermont St..... .Jas. Macdougall .... 252 Walnut St ...... Uoose Hall ......... 2d & 4th TuN. (.)111 Greeoftel~. Mas .... E. S. Hen~er80n .... 272 Ch~p!"an St .... J~s. W. Halligan ... 82 Fe,'~eral, St.. ..... \fohawk Chambers. 1st & 3d Thura. (rr)l82 Kansas Olty. Mo ... L.'B. White ........ 2539 GIllIam rd ..... h. E. Eldred ........ 1326 lhe I asco ..... Rm. 3011·813 WaI· 2d &; 4t1l MClIl.

nut St. (-till Wilkes·Barre. Pa .. Stephen Hatriek ....................... Chas. Betzler ...... 20 Columhus Ave ... 24 Simon Long bldg (i IN .Jersey Oity. N. J ... Frank X. Belanger. 1089 Summit Ave ... Arl Wichman.... 176 Hopkin. St ..... 642 Newark Ave ... . (0186 SuperlM. Wis ...... Wm. Tuttle ........ 1.05 Cummings Av. Jos. Hellnessy ...... 1311 11th St ........ Hammond Blk .... .

(til 187 Bangor. Me ........ A. B. Willard ...... 195 Garland St ..... L. J. Shaw .......... 43 Holland St ....... 57 Maiu St ......... .

Every Thun. Every Fridq. 1st & 3d Tu .... 1st & 3d Fri.

(1)1. Fresno. Oalif.. ..... I. E. Bartlett ....... Box 153 ............. G. M. DeVore ...... Box 153............ 1139 1St........... 1st & 3d. Weel. (.}178 Pittsfteld. Mas ..... Henry A. Cote ..... 97 Lincoln St ....... J. M. Clarkson ..... Marcella Ave ....... Eagle Hall ......... lot & 3d Tu .. .

171 Watertown. N. Y ... H. Schultz ......... care W. J. Green ............................................................................... . Court St............ alI'l1i -

(_)112 Newazk. Ohio ...... Ralph Bradley ..... 673 Maple Ave ...... S. C. Alsdorf ....... 115 Ash St ......... Ph N. 3d St ........ 1st & un. (In)I7I Ottumwa. Ia....... C. E.Nichol ........ Box 158............ L. C. Stiles ......... Box 158 ............. Labor Temple...... I.t &; 3d Tue ..

E~175 Chattanooga. Tenn. Burl Blaclt ......... 30,6 Long St ......... W. N. Stilwell ...... 420 Flynn St ........ ('~lItral Labor Hall. Eve..,. Tuead.,.. 170 Joliet., III: ........... R. V. Allen ......... S. Ottawa St.. ..... jF. E. Barr .......... 107 N. Joliet St.. ... 101 Jefferson ....... Every Thun. m .JacksouVIlIe. Fla ... Wm. Secrest ....... 2054 Pearl St ....... S. B. Ketchen ...... lOll E. Ashley St ... 27 W. Ashley ....... Wednellday. 178 CantOll. 0 .......... Wm. Weida ........ 8 Verna Ct.. ....... yas. Strow ......... 614 Alexander PI. Moose Hall ......... 1st &; 3d Moo.

\IaRsillon. O. I N. E ............. . (1)1 Norristown. P ..... Russell Weber ...... Route 2 ............. ,.Jas. Deckner ....... 1030 W. Airy St .... Norristown Trust lot.ll; 3d TueL

Bl<Ig. (~180 Vallejo.Oal ........ A. C. Gilkey ....... Box 251 ............ jf). H. Conner ....... Box 251. ........... Labor Temple ...... Every WH.

lit Utica. N. Y ••••••••. A. R. Kearney ••.... 1004 Blandina St ... L. D. Lacy •••..•••• 938 Elizabpth At .... Labor Temple •••••. "2d & ~th Frl. . IB2 OhiC8&"o. m ........ Robt. W. Du Mais .. 2567 Emerald Ave ... ,John Eva» .......... 1514 N. Fairfield 128 W. Randolph ... 2d 011 Uh Fri.


~Ja r,ezington. Xy ...... O. J. Stallard ...... 323 Oolumbia Ave .. O. J. McOullough .. 636 W. Main St ........................ . e tM Galesburg, Ill ...... Geo. John.on ....... 773 E. 3d St ........ Harry S. Gri.ffee .... Y. M. C. A. Bldg ... Tr'd's A.sem.Hall .. lIS fJelena ... ant ...... SJ,. Beckwith ..... Box 267 ............ S. L. BeckwIth ..... Box 267 ............ Labor Temple ..... .

a 187 lBhkoeh. Wis ...... Ells Nichols ....... 562 High St ......... Patk Joy ........... 11 Oakland Ave ..... Labor Hall. ...... .. (1188 'harlp.too, S. 0 ... W. E. Kin" ......... Box 914 ............ W. H. Johnson ..... Box VI4 ............ 9 Wolfe At ........ . <-)118 Newark. l'l. J ....... Cha •. Egler ........ 178 N. 15tb St ...... Jos. ScbnJuck ..... 2500litton Ave .... \urora Hall ....... .

E. Oranl/:e. N. J. Chu. Kennedy ..... I,abor Temple ...... H. H. Pile ......... Edward O·Cormor .. 70 N. Main St ...... Andrew Thomp.on. O. E. Colden ....... ~05 W. Oalhoun Ave W. H. Sammon ....

(alIOI therett. Wash ... .. (11ft Pawtucket, R. L .. . (l ttl 'l}mnglleld, Ill .... .

Labor Temple ..... 20 1\{.nrh""tpr At .. 1018 W. Edwarda


Labor Temple..... Evpry Mond.y. 21 N. Main St. ..... I.t & 3d Tues. Painters Hall...... 2d &; 4th Wed.

il14 "IhreTepori. La ..... H. C. Ro""er ........ 517 Milam St" .... .

(M 106 '1ilwankee, Wia ... Joe. B. Veit ........ 479 14th Ave ..... .. 1 .. Rockford. III ....... M D. Dorcor.n .... 105~~ So. Dourt St. 117 Blooniington. m ... \fallrirp Kaloban.. 1.~21 A. MAin At. •.. Itlll 'Ibany. N. Y ....... H J. Levy .......... 28 Ma!(nolia Ter ... .

(a)1Ot Anaconda, M .. nt ... Wm U."""ly ...... Ho. 4X3 ........... .

Ohao. Serwich ...... 517 Milan St ....... \fajPRtir R1dg ...... 1\{on. nlcbt. Louis Brande...... 105 A Ihio •• t...... 3003rd St ..•..•••••. 2d Wed .. 8 p. m Henry Fortune ..... 914 Elm !'It........ 304 E. !'It&te At.... F.vpry Friday. L. E. Reed......... ft20 S. ('linton ..•••. 208 W. Front St.... 21l 011 4th Wed. W. J. HAnawa,. ..... 42 Eli7.abeth St.. ... Rrill.m RlrI".. .... 2r1 '" 4th Voo.

(a)lll Conner.ville.lnd.. 01vlle W .. bster ..... 209 R. 2nd St. .... .. A. S. Jont"R ....•••. r~'l~ 4X3 _ ("arl'Hlltpra Hall. ,_ F.v~ry Wed. Claurlf' Mi11pr. .••• ~n7 WPflltprn Avp I'lri ... klavpl"R Hall.. Thunulay. John T. Danehy •••. 48 Arlamo !'It .. nor· Pilgrim· Hall....... tot.t 3d Moe. 102 Booton. Vas...... Win.Orane ........ 57 Mt. Vernon St .. .

Rraintree, Muo •..

!)IM "Ipringlleld. 0 .... . (fio)t15 'maba. N pbr .... ..

toe Jackoon. Mirh. ... . (1). itockton, Oal. .... .

(_)JIt Logansport. Ind .. . rolte Ulantir Oity, N. J

Frank Rr~nnan.... ~1l.1 K PI .... ant St ... 108. Perry ........ . . Iohn Jacobsen ...... ~049 S. 19th St ....... 1nhn 1':. Loone ..... . Bell Hawley ........ 313 W. Mason ...... n. B. Saltsgaber .. . O. F. Swan ........ Box 141. ........... Rd I. Cail. ...... .. W •• ley Willlrick.. 123 Hanna St. Harry MrDooald .. R. O. Luken ....... 17 S. Kpnturk,.... It L. St&If .. rd .....

tOlt.1 Atlantic Otty.·N. J H. H ... reed ....... 2225% Atlantic Av .. ~. OInMnnati. 0... W 8 Slater..... '718 Denham 8t .. " •• _ om"

I. S. Benn .. tt •... , .;:In.N',u.beDrood

~ y~. B. 0 ... W. IL .......... 64t "-'4fII' flt.. .... Il .•. v.m-...

cheder, MaoB.

149 FOFltonp ""e.. f ahOf' Tpmole •••••. «I~ "1 Hil Rt..... Eo!!"lp" H.Il ....... . 716 Fran'·; •....•.... I.ahor Hall ........ . Mantet'a, Cali...... ('"nt. LA b. Co"nMI Il F n No 8.... "'""rI .... AMm. Hall '1111! PA.';l\r AY..... 11M! Tnrlil"" St ....

"'A. 12 ·ftOll PaclfIe AYfi. '1!20 Atllllltft! Aft.. ..ct'Vf,,_ CI_ 1Q WOw At ......

1st &; 3d 1(011. l.t 0\ 3d W'" Thursday. Frid.y •. hit" 3d N. T1,eadaYL

64tP .. nd ... At r, ........ "'-'e ...... .......,..


Loll "ddr.,... Fin. Sec',.

(rr)lt4 Chicago: Ill ....•..• Wm. J. Larsen .•.•• 619 N. 8th St., .•.••. J. A. Cruise ........ M2 N. Troy St .••••. Rebman Ho.ll ....••. 1st &; ad Fri. Maywood, Ill.

(1)1\1 Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Clarence Fay ...... 16 Lagrange Ave .. Chu. Smitb ...•..•. 14 Delalleld St ..•.•. Columhus Inst ..... 2d &; 4th Mon. Arlington, N. Y.

(1)111 Owensboro, Ky ..•..•••••••••••.•••••••..••..••.••••.••••••• E. L. Mitcbell .•••• 10 Sycamore St ..•.. 1.eahman's HaU ... 1st & 3d Tues. (rr)l17 Trenton, N. J ...... J. McKeon Cook ..•. Y. M. C. A. .• .••••••• O. E. Lawton ...•.•. 362 Walnut Ave ..... Broad and ~'ront.. I.t & 3d ~'ri. ( .. )218 Sharon, Pa ...•..•.. fred Neal. ......••. U 1>. OaklaNd ATe •. r., L. Butler •••• 121 1st St ........... (J .. rl'~llte1"8' Hall .. .

(1)21' Ottawa, Ill ......... A. R. Wilson ....•.. fackson &: Poplar Llo~'ol llutterlleld ... Illinois Ave ......... Union Hall ....... .

(1)220 (1)221


Akron, 0 .......... . ReaUlnont, TO-I ... . Medicine Hat.

Alta., Can.

St. R. D. 8ilkuitter. " 5 E, Burhte!. ...... f. M. Shepherd .•••• 5 E. Bucthel. ..•... C. L. U. Hall ..•.•. ....••.••••• .• •••• . ...•.•..•...•••••. Knox Lee ........•. Box 524 ......••..... I. O. O. F. Hall ..... Robt. L Towhey ..•. 541 B. Allowance Robt. I. TaWIl.., •••. 541 B. Allowance Trades Hall. ....•.

Ave. A~e.

2d &4th Fri. ~d Monday. Every Mund,<y. 2d & 4th Wt'd. 2d Wed.

Erneet Bri.llr'!wood. ~24 Prospeet St .•••. A. B. Spencer ....... CresceRt St., Weot Rm. 211, 125 Main... B~ery Wed. Bridgewater,Mass

Brockton, Ma ....... (1)223

(I)m "'ew Bedford, Mass. Prank O. Chaoe ... 97 Highland St ..••• Karl A. Gunde.-... n .. 184 Kpmpton ilt ..... Theatre Bldg ..••... (m)225 l\;orwich, Conn ..•.. W. P. Hill ...... 134 Proepect St .... W. E. M .. y • .•••••• '. 113 Shaw St.. ...... Oarpenters Hall ... .

Nt!w London, Conn

Monelay •. 1st Monday N. London. 3rd MOllllny. Norwich.

(1)321 Topeka, Kan ....... C. J. Ya ... nsell ..•.. ,222 E. Euclid Ave .... J. L. Lewis .....•.•. 314 Park Ave ....... 418 Kanoa. Ave. ... lot & 3d W~d. (m)227 Sapulpa, Okla ...... Wm. Rogers .....•.. P. O. BO:l 981. .••••.. T. 1'. Schiffhauer ... 19~ S. Main St ..... Lallor Hall ......... ","ulay.

(1)228 St. Albans, Vt ....... Tas. 10'. BrotlJl ...... 14 Farrar St .•............•........•...................•.........................••••...••....... (e)~29 York, 1'8 .....•..•.. Herbert Sutc·hliffe. 100 W. Boudary Av. Raymond Spohr ... 110 N. Broad St .... Moul Bldg..... .... 1st & 3d 'l'hun.

(m)230 Victoria, B. 0 •••..• F. Shapland ..••••. ,28 BrQughton St ••. W. Reid ............ 273~ _'.quith St. .... I. I. O. F. Hall .... - Every'l'lIe •. (i)231 Sioux City, Ia ....•. O. S. Las.en ..••.•. Box 557 ............. E. Russdl. ....•.... Box 557 ............ 6th & Nebraoka .... 1st & 3d Tu" •.

(m)232 Kaukama, Will ...•. Otto Hes8 ...•...•• Kaukauna, Wis .•... E. C. Driessen ...... S. Kaukauna, Wis .. Oorcoran Hall ...... 2d & 4th Mon (m)234 Rrainard, Minn .... ~;. L. DahL .......• 302 I"t Ave ......... F:. r,. Dahl. ...•. _ ... 302 l.t Ave .....•... Tr'd's & Labor Rail lot Tues. (m)235 Taunton, Mass ..... H. S, Janes ........ 22 Newcomb PL. •.. \10'. C. Sartoris ...... U Olinton St ..••... Bartender's ITall •.. I.t & 3d Fri.

236 Streator, III •••...• , It. W. HulIe"kc'r .... 12~~. Eo Broadway .•.....••.......•.•..•.....•.......•.•...•••••.••••.••.••... 1'-_ .......... . (1)137 Niagara Falls, N.Y. R. B. Rosenburg ... 1134 Whiting Ave .. 'Ic' A. Weber ........ 729 Willow Ave ..••. Trade. &; Lab 0 r Fovery Friday.

Hall ....•.....•.. (1)238 AshevHle, N. C ...•. J. M. Barber ....... 2 Battery Pk. PI... G. W. Webb ........ BO:l 724 •..••••..... Centl. Labor Hall. Every Thun

(m)239 Williamsport, Pa ... Ottis Gartholl ...•. ~40 Cemetery St ••.. r. I. Gottscball ..... 907 Park Ave ....... Labor Temple..... Wednesday_ (m)240 Muscatine, Iowa .•. O. Stevens ....••.. 407 Van Horne .•... Max Oldenburg .... 892 Newell Ave ..... Labor Assem. Hall. 2d & 4th Thurs. (m)242 Pittslleld, Mass .... F. J. Rusepll ...... 206 Woodlawn Ave. Gustave Reill ..•.. , 24 Harold St .••..•• Pi}l~~~=nY:~i~~J~ lillt & 3d 1'0 .. .

(0)243 Savannah, Ga ....•. L. L. McWatty .... 127 Abercom .•..... O. T. Rober.on ..... 416 Macon St. E .•. DeKalb Hall ....... Friday. (te)244 Lynn and Salem, W. J. Williamson ••. 105 Essex St ........ Ralph Johnson ..... 34 Hollingsworth Odell Hall......... 1st Frirl~y.

Mass. Salem, Mass....... . St. Lynn, MaBs.

(1)245 Toledo, Ohio ....... D. N. Matbeson ... 1206 Front St ...••.. Oliver Myers ....••. 314 Church St ....... Swiss Hall. Monr"" Friday Ni!{ht .. St.

(m)246 Steubenville, Ohio. g. K. Ruckman ... \{axwell Elec. 00 .•. J; D. Call ...•....•.. no Pittsburgb St ... 5th &. Market ...•... Every 2 Weeko. :e)247·b Schenectady, N. Y •. Herbert M. Verrill 128 Liberty St ..•••. .fai. Oameron ..••... 1213 4th St., Scotia, I':lec. Wkrs. RaIl... 1st & 3d Thun

I N. Y.

(m)250 San Jose, Cal. •.•.. O. C. Rodgers ..•••. Box 577 ............. J. J. Rector ....•... Box 577 ........•.... Labor Temple ••.••. (",)248 Gulf Port, Miss ..•. W. E. Garrett ..•.•. , BO:l 290 .••.•••••••• W. E. Garrett ... '" Box 290 .....•..•••.. City Hall .••••••••.. 1st & 3d Thura.

Every Friday. 1st & 3d Wed. 2d & 4th Wed.

("!)2511 Pine Bluff, Ark: ..•. D .. R. Clements ..••. 702 E. 2nd St .....• "' .r. L. Boynton...... 1221 E. 2nd Ave ..... Build. Trades I~all .. (1)252 Ann Harbor, MlCh .. Cllllord Wood .•••• : IIl3 E. Waoh. St ..•. Frank Beardsley ... 325 Braun Ot ...•.•. rrad.R CounCIl

Hall, Main St. (m)254 Schenectady, N. Y. M. T. Northup .••. I Forest Rd .•••••••. .f. J.Callahan ..•.... 720 Rattie St ...•... 246 State Elt .•.•.•.. 1st &; 3d Mon. (e)255 Ashland, Wis ....•• S. J. Talaska .•... R. No. 1. •..•....... Ii;. W. Bruce ..•.•... 1118 Willis Ave .•... EaJ(les' Hall ..••••. 2d Werl. (1)254 Fitchburg, Mass ..•. E"Nett Lacey ...... 14 1It. Vernon St ... Harry Frye ......... 1 Oaklaml St .... '". C. L. U. Hall ..••... 1st & 3t! T,,~,. (1)258 Providence, R. 1.. •. F, J. Bayha ..••.•.. ~9 James St., East la8. HarrIgan ...••.. 198 Summit St.. E. 153 Weybossett St. 1st & 3d Fri.

Prov., R.I. Providence, R. T. (i)259 Salem, Ma." ....••. G .•. Smith •••••• t30x 251. .•..••.•.••• E. L. Sargellt ....•. Box 251. .........•.. ;a W •• h St ......... Twice Every

(rr)260 Baltimore, lid ..•. Carl Beller ...••••• 117 Freda A.~e ..•... R. B. Evans ........ 1117 W. 37tb St..... ..•.....•........•.. month. Lauraville, Md.

(1)2111 Pet!"",,boro, O .. t., C W. L. Abbott ..•••. j69 Patterson ilt ..•. O. W. Saunders .••• 117 Romaine St .•.. L .. bor Hall. ........ 2d &; 4th We" <m)282 Plamtleld, N. J ..... ltalph Eat ......... '51 Midway A~e.... .. nay man d ;;3 W. 4th St ....... lIl<\g. Trades Rail .. 3d & 4tb Mon.

(m)265 (e)266 (c)2.67

(m)208 (1)259

(m)271 (m)272 (m)273

(r)274 (m)275 (m)270


278 (to)27i

(e)280 (m)281 (m)%82 10" \11U «(0)284

Strayer. Lincoln, N .. br...... R. H. Cr" ••........ ~314 Randolph St .•. Oscar Schon ....... Labor Temble..... Lahor Temple ..•.. Sedalil\, Mo ........ .f. T. Phillip •...... <01 E. l1tb St ..... IF. B. Miley ........ 20tb and '''ash. Rt. Labor Temple .... . Scbenfftady,!I; Y. A. T. Gould....... . ..••.••••••••••.... r. w. Oain ....•..•.. Rotlte No. 0 ........ 246 State St .•••... Newport. R. I Harry Lounaes ..... 20 I.t St ....•....•.. , F. C. (lumptt ....•.. 70 Thir<l St........ M".ic Hall •...•... TrentoJt. N. J ...... Rupert Jahn .....•. 121 Park Lan ......... f"s. Powprs ..•..... 205 S. Broael St.... (':,mora Rail ....•.. Wicbit", Kan...... A. R. HanRon ....... i30 S. Water St ..... R. n. Miller ....••.. 1345 So. Waco..... 122 R. Market St. .. . Sherman, Te:l ...... Rnv Rmith......... . ................ E. F. Jurges .•••••.. 127 J,ee St .......... Labor Hall ...••..•. Clintov, Iowa, ..... Olaf Carlsen ........ 22,j ~f:lple Ave ...... ' Paul J. Clark .•..... 704 6th Ave ....... ,. 'doose Hall ....••.. Colum"us, 0...... P. A. Hardman ..... 555 Hill Ave .•...... !. C. DeMuth ..•.•.. Columbll" Hotel. .. 199% S. Bigh St ... Mu.kegon, Mic h .•.. W. E. Gerst....... :;7 Mnrquetpe Ave ... Fl. Danninge ....•.•. t3 JirO<'h St........ Trrl •. III I",hor nail S~peri.or, W!s ...... '! K Tiltnn ....•.. 11929 T!".-."., Aw ..... O. O. Rnswell .•••••. 1915 15th St........ Labor f!:all ..•••... Wh .... hng. W. Va. Earl Tuttle ......... 1033 LIncl St.. ...... I. E. Hunt ..••.••... 2402 He •• e A..... 1516 Mam St ...•..

I I I Wan.-oorl. W Va

Pari., T""a •....... W. C. Wekh.... . .................. 1 '·hoa. O. Martin .... flox 4OG ...•...•...•. \{OO!'e .Hall ...•.. Fitehhurg. M,·~"... fl.,ole' :<Iimp"nn... !\4 Mt. f:Jnhe St .... ,Arthu,:J; Nourp.... . ................... !04 Mum FIt ..... . Hammond, wi ... ft E. Wbeatun ••• 303 Oak St ..••••••. -! A r,nIn!10t0n ..•. !13 Hoffman St.... ,00 Holman ....... . And .. ,son, ImI ...... n. g. Garrett •.••.•. I"r.; w. 9th St ...... ' Ct Mllrray ....... 124 F.. 10th St ....... r.arpente,,' Han Ohlc.go, TIl. "' .. _ !Wm. J. Barrett .•. 5445 S. OaklaJ'rl avo Robt. Ryan.... ... 932 W. 54th PI.... ;(45 S. A.hland A. n,.kblrwt (lAl 1" " Jordan ....••. '1 Hi qt . :N"' W'''III~'' fW VItW1l<l1ffl qt · .... nrlnthl"TI 'Rlrl.,

1st & 2d Thurs. 2d &; 4tb Fri. lot & 3d Sat. 1st tI: 3,j Fri \Vednt>Rday. Every Mf,l\. 2rl &; 4th T,,,,,, 2d Il. 4th Wed. 1st &; 3d Wed 1st ~ 3d Thun 1st & 3d Tue. Every Frida,

Friday Nh<ht. lot" 3,1 Tn .... E~ery Fri.l~y nll1r~,jay. l"ft ,'0: 811 'Fr.. W"'11TIHlriR¥

IRt k 3n Tu~. Pitt-I1elrl, M.o" I' r:i1bprt W .. f,·hn.",. 13,5 Rra,jforil FIt ... H ming .. ort"..... 136 Reymour FIt.. I V.t .. ran Ji'irpmar'. ITall.

Peru, Ind...... .... .r. .\. Roacl. ....... '1266 W. 6th St ....... 1 Fred Barth........ 103 E. R4ver....... Lahor Trnd .. Han 2d & 4th MOD. "i'ew Albany. h,<I Alhert Wel~h .. , . !JII. E. 1':lsin A~ ..... "'. H ..•.... 2115 Elm St., E. IState &; Yarket .... "' .. 4th 'Tn ... .... ot ... lne. 10'" I R A Vnpr ... _ ".\5 W 1M <II. I'" H W..tM> ..• , fl4 A......... i..h,.. ,.."'l.l..... j bt'l'}' Tbvra


L. U. I Locatio. a ... ·. ~.. '·'11....... "111 H""., i •. 101...... u .... t ..... Pia"" I ilM-tin. Defo<

--~~------~~--------~--------~-----------.----~--------~--------(to)289 No. Adama, )( .... W. lA. Scribner ..... Meadow St ........ R. H.Harvie ....... 8 Mltgnolla Terr ... hQ MHih St ......... I.t FrIday.

Williamstown. Mass.

(m)2DO Bartlemlle. Okla. K II. Parsons ...... Castleberry E I e c. D. W. Eaton ....... Care Sun EI.c. Co .. Oaq,ellter. Hall... Monda,. Co.

(DI'1281 Boise, Idaho...... W. C. Griffith..... 1605.N. 8th St ...... II. F. Clyne ........ BOI 625 .......... ; ""bor Ueadquarten l.t &; 3d ThllJ'a. (1)282 MinneapoliS. MinD ~'red Lestico...... 13 S. 4th St........ G. W. Alexander ... 43 S. 4th St........ 225 5th st. So ....... 2d '" 4th )(oa

(1)292 Minneapolis, Millll 1(, R. Dept......... •••• O. L. Hansen...... . •••••.. .• .• •••• 1st & 3d Tuee, (1)293 SPrin&lIeld, lias.. !~. Swaine......... 43 .. i..~·Tho,.p.;· St.:' Walt Hiegins ...... 249 ·TYi~~·St:::::::. Centrai L~bo'; Hali, Last Wed.

W. Spgfld., Mass . • m)294 Hihblni, Milln ..... Arthur Kalibalky .. 323 Sellers St ...... Arthur Kalibalky .. 323 Sellers St ...... 3d Ave .. Public Li· 2d &; 4th J'rt.

(1)295 Little Rock, -'-rk ... E. V. Ross ......... 318 W. 21st St ...... J. C. Parr .......... 1001 W. 15th St ... . brary ............ .

We.t Hall. loth anc 1st & 3d Wed. Center. Little Rock, Ark ... .

Im)29G Berlin, N. B....... Arthur Greivain... Ua"cade. N. H ...... Ora A. Keith ..... 759 2d Ave ........ . m)288 Ilichiean City, Ind, James Welcher ..... 222 Halliday St ..... Ed Timm ........... 214 N. Baltimore

Stall Blk.......... 2d &; 4th Wec 4th &; Franklin St.. 2d '" 4th FrI.

(I)2ii9 Camden, 'N. ~ .............................................. A. G. Watkins..... 81~~rant St.. .... .. Mozart Hall Bro.d· Every Wed. way and Wash.

(1)100 Auburn, •• Y ..... J M. Barrette .... .. 101 Texarkana, ·fexaa.. . ................ ..

(m)ao~ Martinez, Oalit.... G. H. Armstrong .. . (m)303 St. Oatherine., n. McFarlane ..... .


31 Mattie St ...... A. Dickens ......... 62 Walnut St ....... Cent. Labor Hall.. 2d &; 4th Fri. .. .................. T. A. Oollins...... 2209 P e can St., Labor Temple ...... 2d & 4th Fri. Box 574 ............ L. L. Warren ....... BOI 545 ............ Moose Hall ......... Saturrla,. Hydro SUb. Station C. Walters ......... 118 Louisiana St... Carpenter's Hall... 1st &; 3d Mon

(m)304 GreenrtIle, Texas .. O. A. Duck ........ 231G Walsworth St. O. A. Duck ......... 2813 Lee St ......... Municipal Shop .... 1st &; 3d Wed. (i)306 Ft. Wayne, Ind ..... A. H. Heyer ....... 724 Riverside Ave ... M. Brann.......... 1525 TaylOl' St... Machinists Hall... Every Wed.

(m)306 Anniston, Ala ...... C. Arthur Frost ..... 1230 Wilmer Ave .... A. T. Clark ......... 700 Wilmer ......... Cent. Labor Hall ... ~'riduy. (m)307 Cumberland, Md .... 1. E Resley ....... 366 N. Mechanic St.!Jos. Birmingham ... 15 N. Johnson St... Millers Hall ........ Thursday. (m)3OS St. Petersbure, Fla IV. A. llrin"on ...... Box 522 ............ T. A. Broun ........ Box 522 ............ Moose Hall ......... Every Thurs.

(1)308 E. St. Lonis, Ill .... A. B. Fonchette .... 209 S. 4th St ........ B. S. Reid ......... 506 N. 22d St.. ..... 537 CoHliisville Av. Every Thura. (m)311 Santa Ana, CaL ... R. L. Freeman ......................... C. H. Adams...... 438 South Grand, 4th and Birch Sts .. 3d Monday.

(rr)312 (m)31a (m)314 (ca)3IS (m)318


(m)a18 (m)310

120 (i)321

lm)W (m)a23 (m)324

(1)135 (1)128

Orange, Oali. Spencer, N. 0 ...... D. P. Linebarri'er .. Salisbury, N. 0 ..... G. N. Cooper...... Box 77...... ...... Woodman Hall .. .. Wilmington, Pela .. (;. L Brown ....... 614 Pine !'It ......... W. J. Outten ...... 3302 Wash. St..... 604 Market St .... .. Bellingham, Wash. C.A. Shephard ...... 1815 34th St.. ....... O. M. Parris ...... 1002 Larrabee..... Lahor Temple .... . Chicago, IlL ...... C. H. Noble....... Glen Ellyn, III ...... W. O. Wilson..... 4433 Monroe St. W 234 N. Clark ...... . Oeden, Utah ....... Wrank Barrie ....... Box 44 ............. Geo. F. Kalis ....... 350 Franklin St.. ... Hurst B1clg ....... .. Huntlnetor: W. Va. J. W. Wallace ...... 22 Oarter St ........ J. E. Payton ....... 1009 Adams Ave .... Caldwell Bldg ..... .

Ashland, Ky. Kno:rville, Tenn .... [,ewis Spurgeon .... 109 Scofield Ave .... , E. B. Turner ....... 305 Caldwell AVE> ... Gay St ........... .. Danville. IlL ....... fohn Desmand ...... 505 W. Fairchild St. H. G. Martin ....... 205 Walnut St ...... 46y" N. Vermilion .. Yanito .. "c. W18C .. W. 1i:outnik ....... 1012 Madison St. Edw. Kralnik ...... 815 N. loth St ....... Union Hall ...... .. L.Salle, 01. ........ Albert M Piper .... 945 7th St .......... Edw. R. Blain ..... ~36 Creve Oouer St. 1st and Crosart ... . Casper, Wyom ..... Eo R. 'frollope ...... 640 School St ....... Wm. Gauntt ....... 153 N. Jackson St... Moose Club ....... . W. P. Beach, Fla .... Joseph E. Bell.... 1222<1 Ave .......... Stephen L. BarmO!, 135 Okeechabee Rd. Clematis St ...... .. Brazil, hid........ Wred Lisch........ !22 E. Shattuck S; H. W. Reed ........ 716 SI Walnut St ... 8y" W. Nat. A .... .. Bingharuton,.N. Y. T. I. Tabor....... 245 Conklin Ave .... A. D. Barnes...... 6 Bevier St. ...... State St ........... . Lawrence, Mass .... O. W. Norton ...... 117 Elm St .......... Wm. Todd........ 40 Camhridge St ... Lincoln Hall ...... .

Andover, Mass. (m)327 Pensacol •• F'!a. .... W. E. Timn";n" .... Box 1316 ............ W. W. Smith ....... Box 1316 ........... l'ity Hall. ........ . (m)328 O.wego, N. Y ...... E. C. Bough...... 144 W. Brirll(e ...... Frank W. GullagheJ 79 E. Sth St ........ Lab. Hall, W. 1st B (m)U8 ::;hreveport, L ...... C. A. LOllg .......... U01 Fair 1'1.. ....... Edw. Olwell ....... Box 740 ............ Majestic Bldg .... .. (m)330 Lawton, Okla ...... M. F. McOarty ..... 70, B Bt ............ C. H. Stephens ..... 1111 Mt. Scott Av ... I. O. O. F. Hall .. ..

(1)332 San Jose, Oal...... ~,dw. A Stock ...... 528 S. 2nd St. ........ 1. O. Hamilton ..... 745 Morri. St ....... Labor Temple .... . (1)I3B Portland, Ite...... H. S. Newcomh .... 75 Elm St .......... M. E. Crossman... 1142 Congre.s St ... Eagles HalL ..... .

(m)334 Pittobu1'l, Kan.... S. D. Kemp ........ 113·15 W. 5th St.. .. Don French ........ 113·15 W. 5th St... Clerks Union Hall. (m)3M Spring1leld, Mo... U. M. Lyle ......... i51 Kinlbrough ..... F. S. Leidy ........ 210 E. Pacific ...... Dingledine's Hall. (m)338 Manhattan, Kan... .John Lund......... 1114 Fairchild AYe. John T. Steele, Jr. 810 Humboldt St. 215 Poyntz Ave .. .. (rr)137 Parsons, Kan ...... E. G. McGinnes .... ;910 Stevens Ave ... G. A. Fitchner ..... 30~ N. 31st St ...... 1816~ Main St .... . (m)338 Dennison, Teus.. B. W. Baldwin.... W. Herron ......... W. L. Porter ....... R. R. No.4 ........ , Labor Hall ....... .. (m)338 Ft. Wm., Ont., 0 ... ~'. Ryden ........... Flox 203 ............ U. Doughty ........ 137 W. Francis St .. Labor.Temple ... .. (c)140 Sacramento,Oal .. )1. 1' .• Cnon ........ 2908 K St.. ......... L. T. Weber....... 2724 J St........... Labor Temple ... ..

(m)341 Livingston, Mont.. .. ...................................... W. G. Ericksen.... 124 B. 3rd St.. ...... 11~ S. Hain Bt.. .. . (e)341 raft, Oal ........... O. R. Hadley ....... Box 673 ............ H. D. Coy......... BOI573 ............ Union Labor Hall.

(m)344 PrinceRupert, B. ....... ...... ...... . ................... A. B. Love ......... Box 457 ............ FTaser St ......... .

Ist&;3d MOD. Every Friday. ~;v~ry Wed. 2d &; 4th Thur .. Every Frid.,.. 1st &; 3d I'd.

1.1 & 4th Tues. 2d '" 4th Tue. 2d '" 4th Wed 1st &; 2d Fri. 2d ell 4th Thor •. 1st &; 3d Wed. 1st &; 2d Wed. 2d &; 4th Wed. 3rt! Tll~8day.

Monda,. 1st &; 3rd lIon 1 & 3d Thurs. \Vednesday. 2c\ & Hh Wed. ~'ricl"y. 1st &; 3d Mon. 1st &; 3t! Tue8. 1st &; 3d Tuea. 1st &;3d Wed. 1st &; 3d Wed. 2d &; 4th Fri. 2d &; 4th FrI. ht&3d Wed Every Wed. 1st Tueoday.

O.,Oanada. (m)145 Mohile, Ala ..... .

(1)34G Ft. Smith, Ark .. .. W. O. Farnell...... 757 Elmira St...... Duel Wright •.••••. 108 Tuttle Ave ..•••. 52 N. Royal St .••... Every Mon. O. F. Eshelman .. U7 N. 8th St..... R. Vick ........... 1809 Grand Ave ..... Labor Temple ...... 1st &; 3d Thura.

(i)347 De. Moines, Iowa .. (m)348 Calgary, Alta.,Oan

(1)340 Miami, Fla ....... . (m)350 Hannibal. Mo ..... .

(1)352 Lansing, Mich .. .. (m)351 I'oronto, Ont., 0 ..

(1)354 .,alt Lake Oity ..•• (a)357 Roanoke, VL ......

158 Perth Amboy, N J

tmlll' rnlW", •• t, .... , (\)1/14 Rockford. Ill .••...

(m)385 Waterville. M ..... (t)366 Rumford, Me.... .

(m)1I7 Easton, Pa .......

( .. )1118 'rflIM.polla. Ir,rj

(leo. Thompson.... Labor Temple ...... C. L. Page ......... 3416 4th St .......... Labor Temple ...... Every MoD. A. W. Keane ....... Box 2181 ........... Jas. W. Frame ... 132 21st Av. N. E ... Labor Temple ..... 2d &; 4th Wed. C. S. Michael ...... 1212 Avenue G ...... A. J.'Taunw.. ..... Box 273c, Route B. Carpenter'" HIlIl.. Every Wed. H. B. Ross ......... 414 Wash ........... Harry Baldwin.... Route No. 1. ....... 201 Broadway ...... 1st &; 3d Fri. L. A. Leggett ...... 904 N. Pine St.. .... Orlo Rector ........ 502 N. Butler St .... 227 N. Wash. Ave ... 1st &; 3d Fri. Vern N. Widdifielc1. .................... H. E. Oarter ....... 520 Tonge St ....... Lahor Temple ...... Every Thurs. !tay Gillett .•.•.•.. Labor Temple •.••. G. W. Fahy... .... Box 213... .•••.... Labor Temple ••.•.. 2d & 4th Wed W. B. Wood ........ 420 Tazewell Ave.. G. B. Oromer ...... Vinton, Va ......... Labor BIde ........ 2d '" 4th Bat.

S. E. G"o. Grimm ........ 441 Laurie St.. ..... Victor Larsen..... 220 Mullisoll Ave ... Union Ball ........ 2d ell. 4th Wed.

W,.ltp:r RNle...... '-\0'1' InA. ,_..... Walt .. ., RnA •.•. \ F:. Cri.t........ IBU 11th St ........ O. W. Welch ..... .. N. P. Gurnp~ ..... (Jreen.ille. Me ..... A. F. Webb .. ' ... .. F. lrI. Buswell .......................... P. L. Roberts .... .. J. E. Huelbert ...... 61211elmont St ..... Frank N. Ell.ley .. .

\I' R R •• t .. '..... laR W Wo"h. St.. .. Ju. R O.rnph.n

ROT lOA "'1 Patri<-~ 2<l at 4th "'" 225 Forrell Ii Ye. . .. 414 /!: !'Ito!. !'It.... E"ery Thura. 97 W •• t.m A.e .... 91 Ualll St ....... E ... otherThun .................... .................... 2d Wed. 79 Bullman St.... 433 Northampton 81 1st a.1d "rI. PhilliJ,.bu? ... N .1 IAA \\". \\'l\,.;h ~f I .... 0' 14J.1Uf'!1........ Wp"n~.'


Bee. Sec', ~ddr_ FIn. 8ec'J. MeetiDc Plaee. ill""tinC Oat..

(m)_ Loui8vi1le. Ky..... J. A. Magu"" ....... 1435 S. Brook 8t .... t·. J. Kintner...... JaIO Bank St...... Moose Home ....... ":ve'7 Jloa. (0170 Los Angeletl.Call1. E. L. S,·hock ....... 106 Labor Tel1lple. Ll. W. Alleu ........ ~IH N. 'fremont St .. Labor Temple.... ~;ve'7 ThllZll.

tm)l'7l Mnn_n. Pa..... S. Sutherland ...... Helle Vernon. Pa ... S. Sutherlalld ...... Ilelle Vernon. Pa .. Rutheni.n Hall ..... :ad .. 4th TueL (JD)172 Iloone.lowa ....... (·lau,lllrown..... 1322 Monr"" St ..... <>eo. Smith ........ till W Sth St ....... dO,", "."I.r St .... \\ednma,. (m)'7. -\UgU8ta. Me ....... Ben M~Curdy ...... 38 Prospect St ...... \. L.Tavener ...... 17 Summer St ...... 271 Water St ...... .rod ThllZll. (m)176 Hlelltown, P ....... H. T. Pfenning ..... R. F. D. No.2 ...... O. W. Jloyer ....... ~20 Turner St ....... 000-8 Hamilton St. Eve'7 Tuea. (m)17' Princeton. Ind...... .................... ................... U. M. Stormone .... 406 N. Main ......... 114 N. Main St ...... lot & ad Wed.

(1)177 I.ynn, M ............. C. G. Innie ......... 4 Comfort Folsom f. A. WillIamson ... 17 Beacou Hill Ave. Carpenters' H"II. !d & 4th TaM. Terr.

(1m)ln ~an Francieco, Oal. W. J. Reilly ........ l4 Page St ........ (m)18O Provo. Utah ........ Wilson Peters ...... 1010 W. Oentre St ..

S. J. Antone ........ H P~e St......... H Page St ....... .. Kvery Tll_ Every ThlDW. !d & 4tl! Wed. Tue,day.

R. E. Knapp....... l57 W. 1st St ....... 14 W. Centre St .. .. (f)181 ;hicago. Ill ......... Robt. O. Kulp ...... 290R Flournoy St. .. W. Fitzgerald ...... 613S S. Fairfield Av. 232 N. Clark St ... ..

(m)18t Columbia. S. 0 ..... W. B. Wells ........ 1248 Lady St ..... .. (m)183 lill""pie, Ill ........ (ieo. Wallerman .... (imespi •• Ill ...... ..

L M. Keels ......... 4601 Ridgewood .... 161S Main St.. ... .. very ThUlL

lat & ad Frt. H. J. Vowels....... Box 11M ............ l'lumbers' Hall .. ..

(mjJ8.t I(uskogee. Okla .... H. C. Ellis .......... 1326 Walnut St .... . \. J. Thom .......... ISOI Robinson St... Helmer'. Hall .... . jd &o4th Fri4Q. (ca,l8G 'lew York, N. Y .... Harry F. Behmann. 414 E. 163d St. .... . \Ibert Hof ......... 1236 Webster A, Central 0 p .. r.

Ilronx, N. Y. ....... HOIl8e. (m)188 Paleetine, Ten ••.. Ino. W. Jone8 ...... 705 Ramport St ..... 'no. W. Jone •..•.•. 706 Ramport St.... Labor Temple..... 2d & 4th IICdl. (m)_ . lien Falls. N. Y .... M. D. Foley ........ 18 Stewart Ave ..... E. O. Dalrymple .... 17 Garfield St ....... lH~n & Ber'7 StH .. 1st & 3d FridaJ. (u)8IIO Pt. Arthur, Tex .... .J. J. HIli ........... l4S Dallao Ave..... .tlO. 1. UWlMW"Y ... ~av IJ<ollu •• n tllvd .. Hartford Bldg..... 1st &. 3d "OIl.

(m)801 Ardmore Okla ...... R E. Pelteer ...... Hox 253 ............ H. O. Cain ......... 808 5th Ave .• N. E ... Carpenters Hall .... 1st & 3d Frt. (m)at2 Troy, N. Y ......... ~'red McUermott ... ;9 CongreBS St. I. S. Scott .......... 59 Congres. St ..... Labor Temple..... 1st & ad ThUlL (m)ata Havre. Mont ......... J. W. Rose ......... Ilox 1268 ............ W. A. Spooner ...... flox 1268 ............ 316 Masonic Temp .. IS & 3d Wed. (I)"' Auburn. N. Y ....... Geo. Greule ........ 233 Janet St ........ Geo. Greule ........ 233 Jonet St ........ loIantel'. Ball ...... ld &. 4th Wed.

m St. Johns. N. B.. A. 1'. Sainder ...... IH6 Rockland Rd .... W. C. Downing ..... 240 Millidge Ave .... I. O. O. F. Hall ..... 2d .. 4th Tu_ Oanada.

(ca)38O Boslon. MaBS ...... A. L. Din.more ..... 480 E. 7th St ........ H. L. Corbett ...... 500 Main St ......... Wei I' 8 Memoria lIt & ad W .... • So. Boston, Mass. Stoneham, Mass... Hall, 987 Waoh.

(m)lV7 Balbo •• O. Z., Pan .. B. G. Tldeman ..... Pedro MIguel. ..... E. C. Dwelle ....... Box 30S, Balboa .... Balboa Lodge Hall. 3d & 4th TuN.

3981 Lexington, Ky ...... O. J. McOullough .. 636 W. Main St ........................... ~:.~: •. ~~: ........................................... . M Boston, M ........... Heleu M. Uooley ... 114 COllwrd Ave .• W. J. Cavanaugh .... 6 Percival St ....... 987 W1lsh. St ....... 2L1 & 4th ThUlL

Somerville, Masa. Dorchester. (m)48I Asbu'7 Park. N. J •. leo. De Wint ...... JO Mt. Oarmel Way. Ohas. Fenb ........ IlO4 McCabe Ave .... Borden Hall .... lot & 3d I'rI.

')ean Grove, N. J.... Bradley Beach.N. J (m1401 Reno. NeY .......... Ueo. Kratz ......... Saturn. Bltlg ....... Ueo. I. Jame ........ 212 N. Virginie ..... l'radeo Union Hall. (i 40J Greenwich. Conn ... Harry Holbeck ..... l60 E. R. R. Ave .... W. D. Peck ........ II Lawrence St ..... Timmons Hall .....

(rr 401 Portomouth, 0 ..... J. B. Ros ........... 1316 Center St ...... W. T. Sowers ...... 2122 18th St.. ....... I'rainmen·. Hall .. (i 400 Oedar Rapida, la.. r. U. Pheh.......... HI5U E. A.e. E ...... Frank Bennett ..... 910 M. Ave. W ...... lat Ave. &. 1st St ..

I.t " ad Thura. 18t Frida1'. Thursday. 2d & 4th Wed. :ad & 4th JlQD, 3d SundaJ'.

400 Okmulgee. Okla. ... C. F. Riley ......... I:!uling Elec. 00 .... ' W. L. Stener ....... Ppul'l ... Elec. 00 .... Eagles Hall ........ (e)407 Quillcy. Mass ....... W. G. Connor ...... 31 Revere St ....... G. L. Gray ......... 111 Spring St ....... Hm. 22 JOhn.OfI

Medford. Mas.. Bldg. Ilox 792 ............ Il. A. Vickrey ....... Box 792 ............ E. Main St ......... lSI & ad I'rI. 118 4th St., S. E .... Jas. E. Grihbin .... 2312 Penn Av. S. E Washington Hall.. 1st & 3d ThUll.

(m)468 Mi08oula. Mont ..•.. ,'aul ltaluJeU .... . (e)400 Washington, D. 0.. I. P. Cullen ..... ..

(m)411 Warren. Ohio...... O. E. Raus('h ....... 242 E. Atlantk 8t .. B. F. Rurton ....... 626 S. 1Iain St.. .... Eagles' Hall....... I.t & ad Jlon. 412 Gas88way, W. Va ... O. L. McEman .......................... Hugh McLaughlin .. Hox 308............ Moose Hall ......... 1st &. :ad Sat.

(1)413 Santa Barbara, Oal &. W. Huston ...... 1516 Cutillo ....... M W. Robertson ... 1208 Oastillo St. 21 Santa Barb. 1 bll""'ay. Improvement Bldg.

(rr)414 MaClin. Ga ........ . (m)416 Cheyenne, Wyo ... .

E C. Etheredge .... ~27 Montplier Ave .. C. B. Daly ......... 2357 2d St .......... J. O. \) ~'. Hall .. .. lIeo. Uyke......... Box 423 ............. H. A. Linn ......... 1I0x 423.......... ~;agle.· Hall. .... .

lot & 3d Wed. ~o1 ot 4th ThUll. 1st &3d Tu_ ~d .t 41th Mon. "'iday.

(m)411 Bouman, MOllt ..•. (m)417 Colf"yville. Kana ...

.... ............ ... • ................... H. Vale UlIne...... Box 515............ }laxwell Hall .... ..

(1)418 Pasadena, Oalif •••. (m)42O Keokuk. la .........

Uarl W. Mecum .... IW3 N. 4th St ....... J. L. Manley ....... 107'1.. Walnut St .... !J07'h Walnut St .. . I:! E. Gage ......... ,08 PalIsade 8t ..... It. J. Sand ......... 365 Douglas St ...... Labor Temple ... .. H. H. Smith ....... 1724 Ridge St ....... U. H. Smith ........ 1724 RIdge St...... 1001 Jehnson St ... i.t Tt>ea.; ..

Wed. (rr)423 Moberly. Mo ........ Ham Soloman .. .. lrr)~ [)ecatur, Ill ........ Edw. Coover ..... .. (m)425 lean, N. Y ......... D. G. Thompson .. .

(m)428 Sioux Falls. S. D ... Harry Barrett ..... .

(1)427 'lpringllel<1. Ill ...... Homer Herrin .... .. (m)4J8 Bahrslleld, Oal .... J. D. Gnmane ..... . (i)m Na8hville, Tenn .... H. D. Edward ..... .

410 Racine, Wis ........ J. E. Raven ....... . (m)411 MaI(lo City, la..... Joe Holub ......•.. (m)4U DougIaa, Ariz. ...... ~'red Matheua .... .. (m)415 Winni(Je/(, Man .• C R. J. McArdle ..... . (a)4lIG WaterYleit. N. Y... l.t:. Ra8D1ussen .•...

(m)417 FaU River. Mase ... Q3 Twill Falls, Idaho.

(l)4I!I Uron, Oh!o .......

(m)«O Rivenide, Calif •••. (a)«l !'.lIen.burg. WoI.8b. (a)«J "irhpnt"f'tady. S. \ ~.)~I "nTltsrom~". 4.h em)«lI Rattle Oreek. Illch em)440 MOllroe. La ....... .

\ W. l.awrpnC'e .... . R. L. Johnson ..... . tieury I!:. Ural) ...... .

\.'. W. D1II11188 ••••. Prank Miln.'- ...••. \. J. 1 .... Jarrlln •..

W " "",Rnt .. . ~. A. Clark ...... .

(m)«7 80n,lusky. Ohio .... I(orl PoIIRrt .. «8 Oal\aa. TpUR ..... <lam",,1 RP('lttey .. .

CmH4I Pocatello, Idaho ...... A. R.'~:v ...... .. (m)461 s..ta Barbara, 0.1 J. L. DomiDc' •. , •.

641 N. Ault ........ Ham Soloman.... 1141 N. Ault ...... .. 543 E. Marrette ..... J. H. Witbgott ..... 1165 E. Olive ..... .. 116'>11 E. Green St ... M. J. Connell ....... 106 N. 10th St.,

Carpenters Hall... .d.t HI! Wed. I'owers Bldg.. .... .01 & 4th Wed. Tradee & Labor Hal ld & 4th 1I0Il.

Olean. N. Y. 1513 S. Spring Ave .. Earl B. Hanse ...... 623 Franklin Ave .... A. O. U. W. Hall ... Eve<yother

MOIMIaJ. 2169 Yale Blvd ...... J. W. Ritter ........ 1I5 W. Mason St ... 2l6t,2 S. 8th ........ !d & Uh W'" Box 238 ............ D. O. Wilson....... !lox 238..... ....... Labor Temple..... &ve'7 Jlcnday. 1406 Uelt. Ave ..... M. Newson ......... 4111,!, Union St ...... Laber Hall. 4111,!, WedDelldaJ.

Union St. H38th St ........... Robt. Hogbin ....... 623 Lake Ave ....... Union Hall........ ~~ a;. \~ ~e:n. .. ................. W. F. Dull ......... 103 M St. S. W .... K. P. Hall......... :ad & 4th TIl ...

Box 901 ............. Uordon Broylee .... Box 901 ............. Rivers Bldg ........ . no Infester Ave .... J. L. McBride ...... Labor Temple..... I.abor Temple..... ":\ery Mon4Q. 170 6th Ave.. N. G. Tremble ........ 26 men Ave ........ 15i5 1st Ave....... 3rd Sat.

Troy. N. Y. 1199 Rorlman St .... ~·rank MullpT....... 100 Adams i'lL...... Painters Hall..... 1st .t ad 11011. Box 228 ............ Irving Ef>keIsen ..... 857 Walnut St ...... Union Hall.. ...... I"L"ad W:i, Bux 336............ C. L. Opp.. ........ 1427 ~'"u.t Rd. ..... I.abor Ball ......... I.t & ad W

Kenmore. O. 1308 W. 10th St ..... 1 ~ Kmll........ 2os.~ Pork Ave..... "echanic'a RaD.. ~ach TuN.

O. de Jong ......... flox 603 ............. 1 O. O. F. Hall... I.est Sunday. 133 Oalrwood ",,,.. U. E. Burton ....... 404 Craig St ........ ,41 Rtatp 81 ~·t .. 4th Thwn. 120 R 'i.~ At. .... ,,,sr'f'" .. ,. .... n 1 •• hor R.n hn.,.tt • .,. Q Orand AYe....... .J. Fetter ........... 160 Green St ........ 'lsrtlent,,", HaU.. t.t '" ad Th ... .. ................... J. L. I!ullcbal...... liS", II",'ard St... (,abo, Temple.... 18t &lid TuN. Vine St.. .......... ~amu .. 1 Rf'('kle) ... 117 Finrh 8t ....... Tradee-Labor Hall I.t '" act J'rI. '",

.•••••••. W Loui.Fitch .... 02IN.PeakSt .................... : .................. . Box 190............ Dave Pow .. U....... Bos 190............ Labo, Hall.. ...... Friday ~ ..... . Box 416 ............ L. K. KartUa •••••••• Box 416............ Fithian ....... Evel7~.


L. U. Location. Rt"c. Sec', AddresB. Fin. Sec'Y. Addreoa. lIeeting Place. I Meeting Date.

(.)~S: 1""p".tfoJ. N. s .. " I Per<"y Rhllrp ........ i il5 F.rn SI • Oam· I.N. A. II ('Oinley .... ! i15 ~'ern St .. CHm hth &: Pi".. . " I 10t It 3<1 11o" i i dl!n. N. J. ~ liP-H. ". J.

{i)453 t$iJlings, Mont ..... i .................... , .................... ,1 D. Shab .......... 220 N. 22nd St ...... , Labor Hall ......... 1st &; 3d 'fh",. rr)454' Uluefl~ld, W. ya .... ,lL ll. Parks ........ '1102 Augusta St .... "'IH. ~L Williams ..... ,lIo.~ 632 ............. , Moose Hall ........ 11.t &; 3d Th.,., 11)455: \hann Fla ........ "1Jas. Lane ........... Box 722 ............. L. A. ll;·ers ......... Box 722 ............. 1 Carpenters Hall .... , Thursday. m)4661 "ew Br'nswick,N.J W. J. Murray...... Route No.I. .•..•.• Joo. Stout .....•.... Houte 19 ........... 1 ~'ederation Hall •... 2tl & 4th Fn.

, 1 Woodbridge Ave. : . , . . i IIighland l>k., N. J.! ':. I •

(\)457 Altoona, Pa ........ 1 H. I. Hmderhter .. '1518 7th Ave. rear .. "1 O. C. H.luer ....... Box 407 ............. ,13. of R. T. Hom •... 1st &; 3d l{ulo !flH58 \h"rd.en. Wash .... l IV. L. llrackinre.d .. Box 509 ............. 1 R. I. Dick .......... .1914 Morgan St ..... 1 Bldg. Trad.1 Hall. '.Wed. evenln .. {I)461. \urora, III.. ....... I O. A. Townsend .... 1226 llJinois Ave ..... J. L. Quirin ......... 364 Talma St ....... 'I. B. E. W. Hall .... 1 2d ,~ 4th 'Iu .. , m)462, ,I ayero.s, Ga ...... . J. W. yerkes ........ 29 Jan. St .......... R. M. Duncan ...... i 51 .Tane St.. ........ 1 Trds. &. Labor Hall., 1st &; 3d Mon. rr)4631. :-,pringfl.ld, Mo .... ~'. Bunwell ............................. J. W. Dieterman ... ;333 W. Webster .... I Harmony Hall···· .. 1 2d & 4th 'I'u<r

'.n)405 -an Diego, Calif... R. W. Savag ........ 2446 I St ............ A. W. Molsdal ..... ,1635 Neale Ht.. ...... Eagl.s Hall ........ , Monday. '.i)466 ~ burl~sto'!, W. Va. Wm. J. ~ebber .... 706y" State St ...... T. N. Crawford ..... : i06y" State St.. .... 1 i06¥., St,ate .St .... :.: ~'rlday. , m)467 .• haml, ArIZ ........ ~L R. Enke ......... Box 581. ........... Y. M Long ......... Box 581. ........... I Cooks & "alters i 1st & 3<11hll1'"

: , \ Hall. ; ,")468[ Van Nest, N. Y ..... A. W. Steven.on ... ;76 Melrose Ave ..... Hugh Davitt ....... 11805 Bronxdale Av .. Morri. Park Hall"'12d &; 4th ~'f1 Bronx, N. Y......... I Bronx, N. Y. I

mH70 Haverhill, Mass .... Robt. McKay ....... Brookline Av ....... Jno. W. Perry ...... 33 Pleasant St.. .... Labor Temple ...... 12<1 & 4th Thuro. . I I Bradford, !Mass. : 'mH71' Millinocket, Me .... Jos. ....... Box 0 ............... Jos. ....... Box 6.............. Rush Block ........ 1 1st Friday 'm)472 Stanford, Conn .... C. B. No.strand ..... Hou",! Beach ....... H. c. Blot ........... I056 Summer St .. : .. Union Hall ......... !2d &; 4th 1'ue5 rr)478 1 T.rre Haut., Ind ... C. R. Enng;er...... 2315 N. 12th St ...... W. O. Partndg ..... \2517 Fenwood A \e .. 221 I. O. O. F. Bldg, 2d &; 3d Tu.& (i)474 Me~phls, Tenn ..... H. !t. Martin ........ Box 274 ............ H. L. Thomas ...... Box 274..... .. ... ! lIall. ...... 'Ils~ & 3d Fri mH76 Hagmaw, Mich ..... Irvm McCoy ........ 634 Bundy St ....... H.'C). Metcalf ....... 345 S. 6th St ........ Sagmaw F. of L. FrIday.

. I ! I Hall. i m)477! :;an Bernard,"a, C. E. L. Fortune ....... R. F. D. 1, Box 66C Geo. Rope .......... i 858 5th St .......... 1 Labor T.mple ..... 1 Every Thm, (\)4791 .. Beaumont, Tex ..... Joe Graves ......... Box 932 ............ C. A. Web.r ........ fBox 932 .......... "I Labor Hall. ........ ,Friday.

(SO: Marshall, TeL..... Pllul Frahey....... E. Rusk St .......... E. L. Hilliard ...... '1704 E. Rush St ...... K. of P. Hall ....... 1 2d &; 4th Fri {I)481 , Indianapolis. Ind ... E. B. Payn ......... 138 W. Wash ........ Thos. Haelling ...... 138 W. Wash. St ... : Labor Temple ..... i W.dnesday.

4821 Eureka, CaUf.. ..... D. McL.Uan ........ 2215 B St ........... Rob!. MllIen ....... 2146 O .. St ........... Union Labor Hall.. 1 T~esday. (1)483 Tacoma, Wash ..... C. L. Thompson .... P. Q. Box 53 ........ J. W. Clark ........ Fern HIll Sta .• Box 719y" Commerce St.' Ev.ry Mon<Ja~

: 1 32. . , (i)485 Hock Island, Ill ..... M. G. W.lch ....... 162232d St .......... E. L. Smith ......... '3205 17th Av ..... · .. 1 Industrial Hom e i 1st &; 3d Fr1.

: I Bldg. , (m)488i B~dgeport, Uonn ... Wm. S~on,?aker ... \846 Noble Av ..... :. Alb.rtWalkle,y ..... 1352 'Yilliam St ..... I Plumbers lIall ..... I lot &; 3d Mo" (m)489 DIXon, ill ........... H. L. ¥mmhan ..... 32.8 W. Chamberlam G.o. E. Talcott .... '1117 W. Water St .... 1 .................... , ............. .

{m)490 Centralia, Ill..... K. Shirk............ ~;re Fouler Bros. D. Shirk .. Fowl.r Bros ........ Metropolitan 0 d d i2d Monday.

I!, F.llows Hall. .

(m)'91 Hopew.ll, Va ....... R. O. Doray ........ Box 1004 ............ Chas. W. Miller .... ,123 Halifax St ...... iMoose Hom ........ t Monday r.i"ht (1)492, Que., 0 .. ' ................. '''1' ................... Rector Gognier ..... '433 Mt. Royal Ave .. 1235 Beaudry ... · .. ··i 2d &; 4th Von (i)493'I Johnstown, Pa ..... H. W. Casl:r ....... 922 L.mon St.. ..... L. G. Powell ....... :623 Linden Ave ..... 1 Labor Temple ..... :Tuesday. (i)494 Milwaukee, Wis •••• M. C. Custm ....... 935 Buffam St ...... Chas. Han.en ••••.• 1802 69th Ave ........ IFr.drichA Hall ..... 1 Friday

I 1 W. Allis, Wisc. leo)4VS San Francisco, Cal. F. Ward ............ 64 Turk St .......... Ohris BrandhorSt ... 612 Precita Ave ..... Bldg. Trades Temp: 1st &; 3d 'fhw. • 498' Port Arthur, Ont., IJno. H. ... IS65 Wiley St ........ Jno. Anderson ...... 361 Wiley St ........ ! Mizpah Ball ....... : 2<1 &; 4th Tu ••

. Canada. , ; (1)500: San Antonio, T.x .. 1 Grov~r L.e ......... 214 Ridd!e S~"'''''; E. F. Ye.ek.! ...... " 430 Univ.rsity Ave .. ?ra".~ Coun. Hall..; 2d .It 4th Mon 'm)501' Mt. Yernon. N. Y ... , H. Wlldb.rg.r ..... , 119 S. HIgh Ht . Chao. Blgglo ........ 2 Randolph St., ,51 S. 4th Av ......... 1st &; 4th Fn .' 'I': Yonkers, N. Y·I .E. B. 2d &; 3d


i] • i· Friday. 'm)502 Portsmouth, N. H .. I M. T,. Schwanz ..... , 151 HIgh St ......... R C. Monton ...... 140 Sh.rburne Av ... , A. O. H. Hall ........ 1st & 3d Wed. (f)503. Boston, Mass ....... 1 Rns"ell I,ock ....... :37 Wetherb •• Ave .. F. J. Cunningham .. 102 Roslindale Ave .. ' 3~ Hanover ......... 2,I.It 4th 'J'u ••

, Po into of Pines Roslindale, Mnss. I ~ i Revere. I

'm)504 MeadvH1e, Pa .....• : Roy F. GI.nn ...... : 699 Alden St ........ C. A. McGill ....... 718 Hickory St ..... , C.ntral Labor Hall. 1st &; 3d Thurl (1)505 ~h~rlott •• -r;. C .... ·IJ. F. Gilreath ...... IMerryman Ave ...... G.o. F. Craninb.rg 506 N. Pine St.. .... ! Hankins Bldg ... '''1 Wednestlay.

,m)506 thlCago Ht B., Ill ... Otto Koehler ....... Euclid Ave ......... l'hOR R~an ........ 1312 Campbell Ave.: Labor ARsem. Hall .. 2<1 &; 4th Mull Im)587 Flat River, Mo ..... Geo. Fields ......... I Lead Wood. Mo ..... H. M. McKenzie .... Farmington, Mo .... ! Woodman Hall .... :Ev.ry Thuro

(1)508 Savannah, Ga ...... 1 S. L. Motl(an; ..... -: 119 W. Gordon St.. J. T. Hill ........... 204 W. Henry St .... , DeKalb lIall ....... Wellnes,lay. 5111 Topeka,.Kas ....... ,Grover D. StItt .... '1313 Lake St ......... M. G. Palmer .......................... 41~ Kansas Ave ..... l~t &; 3d 'fhl'"

(.)518: 'I.neh •• ter. N. H .... H.nry B. McKeon .. 308 N. Bay st ....... Jas. F. Burk ....... 154 SagamOre St... HIbernian Hall ..... 1st &; 3d Wed {f)514 i Detroit. Mich ...... A. Vahlbnusch ... "I' 302 WabaBh Ave .... D. O'Connor....... 1223 Seminole AV' .. 1333 Cass Ave....... Ev.ry Tueld,.

(m)515'I Newport NewB, va·IJ. A. Walker ....... 230 29th St.· ......... G. A. B.rring Knlg. 3 ~~: Huntington! C. L. U. Hall ....... , Wednesnay.

(m)510 Providence. R. !.. .. I Harry L. Knowlton. I 26 Corinth St ....... John O. Mass.y .... 12 Silv.rspring Av •. '98 WeyboRsett St .... 2,\ .'< 4th FI'i. . ,East."

. m)517; "810r; ... Orel( ...... : .Ta •. Vernon. Jr ..... i P O. Box 113 ...... ·1 C. F. Kullmir ...... Box 113 ............ M. E. B. A. Hall ... : WPltne.c.1ay. (m)618 M.ridi~n, Miss ..... 1 J. W. Port.r ...... '1' Box 571............ W. It. McGe ........ 1101 25th Av ........ : T r ad. s Council: 1st &; 3r Fri.

, 1 Hall. , ~m)5Jg Wanao •. Idaho .... 1 Le.t.r Armitage ..• Wanace. Idaho ..•.. W. A. Smith .....•. 924 Rpsid.n~. St... l'rades-Labor Hall. : 1st &; 3d Sat. (p)520 Austin, T.xas ...... W. J. Pike ......... 1515 W. 10th St ..... Chas. \!!pre.n ....... 1509 W. 6th St ...... , Labor Hall ......... 1211 &; 4th lion

r fm)~?1 flrppl.y. Colo ........ T. E. Llloney ........ Tlnx 147 .............. T. E. I,Mnpy ....... HlAA lRt.h Ave..... '~2.~ Rth Ave ..... : 2 k la.t TllU.

(;)522 Lawre~ce. MasR .... .olar.nce R. Lund .. ; HohsonRt ........... J. H. Bartlett ...... 38 Farnham St ..... Lincoln Hall. ...... 1 2d &; (th Thurs 'm)523 N. Yaklma, Wash .. ,W. S. Gallant ....... Rox 1066 ............ R. P. Kinne ........ Rox 113 ............ , Labor TempI ........ Ev.ry Mon. (c)524 Duluth, Minn ....... 'L. A. Thomas ...... :2759 W.llington .... J. Sullivan ......... 501¥., 58th Av ....... i 25th Avf'O. W. &; 3d ! 1st &; 3d Mon.

, St. (1)528 Santa Cru~. Oal.. .. 1 .................... ! .................... J. Tondod ......... Box 49 ............. 1 Union HaJ ! 1st &; 3d Wed.

(w)527 1"l.lveston, Tex ..... !.r. L. Monford ...... , 1219 31st St ......... A. E. Kirk .......... 916 21st St .......... , Red M.n's Hall.... Every Friday. (rr)52.81 Milwaukee. Wis .... : B.rt B. Stre.ter ... i, 1826 Nash St ........ Jas Hagerman ..... 619 Linus St ........ · Oatel'. Hall....... 1st Friday. (m)529 Eugen., Oreg ....... , H. 'Iorrison ........ : Box 281. ........... L. F. Smasel ....... Box 281. ........... : Hov.y Bldg........ Monday.

530, Roch.ster, Minn .... J. P. Huyber ....... ·870 3rd Av •. S. E .... H. Mracbek ......... 1181lth Ave. S. E ... , Trad.s &; Labor Aa-, lit &; 3d Thur •. ,. i sembly Hall ...... \

(1)5811 N.w Haven, Conn .. i .................... \' .................... ,Ta •. Duffy .......... 38 Eld. St ......... "I B. T. O. Hall.. ... 1st & 3d Sat. 0). BflIings, Mont ...... IF. D. Woods ....... Box M8 ............ W. T. Oates ........ Box MG ............ Odd Fellows Hall .. 2<1 &; fih Mon.


- - - ---------.------Location. Rec. See'y. AddreB8. Fin. See',. Addre.". :\feeti!lg Date. I

------'--------- -! ' I I

(~)5331' I'ro<:ton. Minn ...•.. Ie. A. Lerl~erw{Jotl .. 11728 W. 2tl st ....... [Joe MeMahon ...... Box 328 ............ lI,hl Fello"s Hall.. 2J &; 4th Mon. (1)635 EvansvIlle, Ind ...•• ' L. M. Cool. ......•. ' 1404 E. Maryland ,W. E Lycan ....•... 607 J"jf Ave ........ ('urpl'uters Hall .... Ewry Friday

, ' St.' (i)536: Schenfctady, N. Y. Wm. D'mlOn ....... 112 Foster Ave ...•.. j T. Rourke .......... 359 Carrie St ....... 24. Stdte St ........ h·t &: 3d Sat.

(cs)537IlSan l<, Cal., H. l~. '~·oodward ... :,,18 Dolore". St ....•. 1 H. ~etzke •..••.••• 47r 6!lth St., 9ak-, i l~~ Stewart St. •••• , l~t & 3d MOl< (m)538 , lJanlllle, Ill .••••••• na~ MIller ......... , 1219 E. MunSt ....•. R. \\. B1uecher ..... 8·1. (oDlmerewl::;t.' Irades /11; La l> I) r I,t & 3d Mon I' Council.

(1)540" C~nton, 0., .•.••••• r:. ;;. DU\\lIl·r ...... i 252 C!li. PI. N. W .. '1.1. Le!, Govan •....... ,902 6th St. N. E ..... , Y.",1en. Bid" ........ Each Tues. (.,.)54I j l.ynn, Mass ........ Fred D.'·I' ......... , 1.05 LlIlcoln Ave ..•• , EdwlO J. Breen .... 38 W. Neptune St .. : 1l,I,uI.Junlhll ..... T'!I""'''Y.

: I 'l:-;au~USt Mass....... ) (m)5421.Tllnc(ion City, Kas i ,I. E Simmons ..... 613 W. 9th St ...... J. E. Simmon ...... 613 W. 9th St.. ..... , ('arrenters Hall ... , )Ionrlay. )m)543 1 (,!harle6tolJ, S. C ... , (;~". Hudson.. . .. ; I~ Wentworth st .. H. J. Th,,~er ....... 13 Judith St ...... -< A. U; A. M, H~Jl .... 2d & 4th 'I?" ,m)544 I.olmollton, Alta., C. II. II. r:1.'rk ....... ! 1l/31-82,1 St ........ J. L, McMIllan ..... 10632 100th St ...... ,113 (.oorIn~g( HI,l,. Zd Ii 4tb Wei

548: Brockton, Mass ..... ' .ft,jlll ll. Bourque ... , .7 ~a:vard St.. .... M a ? ric e Wam- 40 Leavitt St ....... i Lh"'olll Hall. ..... 2,1 &lth TI><.! .. , "hltman, Mass. wrIght., 1

(m)549'lliuntingtoIl, W. Va IE. n .. Hall ......... 11636 3rd Ave ........ Nye Black ......... i 940 14th St.. ....... j ~loo'e Hall ........ ' l,t & 3dWed . • (m)562 [;e~vistown~ Mo~t. "I">' M. Herg~uist .... i I!!,X 653 .............. L. M. Bergqui.t .... ! Box 653 ............ C81'1'.ellter. ~fall .... Wednesday . . po)55S 1 1,!llladelpluu. 1 a ... , Lo\\el,1 T~elhl~y: ... , ~o15 MeredIth St .... Peter F. ~arx ..... ,4106 Lancaster Av .. ,25,~ 1>. 13th St ...... Is &.3d SUIl (m)5Il4, I. eiland, ollt.,Can'rGeo. E~\\. ogIlVle"I.'8 Queen 8,t ......... A. G. WhIte ........ Box 186 .............


'''11180'' Hall ....... 1.3 « 5th Sat. (e)M11 Walla Walla, Wash .II.. R. :->Ieb,'rt ..... "I ~ll W. Mam St ..... J. K. Lyon .......... 223 W. Mam St., ... Labor Temple ...... 1st & 3d 'fue •.

(m)5Il"1 Minot, N. IJak ...... 1 '1'.11. Hull .......... 1'. O. Box 301 ...... T. B. Huff ......... '!:lox 301. ........... Temple Ct ......... 1st & 3d Thun (m)5118 Sheffielu, Ala ...... ,f!. c. },,,, t'·r ....... r Box 402........... CaRey Div!ney ..... 'I Box .~02: ............ Cal)1enter's Hall ... Saturday. (m)559 Brantford, 0 n t., II . Amos ........... ,27 Alymer St ....... R. P. Hollmrake ... 23" Ilklll' St.. ..... Umon Hall ......... 1st & 3u Wed

(i)560I p~~~.~~~: '6~i::::: ; A. D. Barnard ...... ! 1969 N. Marelli'o O. M. Green ....... ,: liOI ~Iorton Ave .... i Labor Temple..... 2d & 4th Fri. , Ave. ; \

(m)50li Montreal, Que., 0 .. i ~I. J. Repenti;.;ny ... 11130 Fullum St..... W .• T. Colley ....... ,,117 Ontario St ...... 417 Ontario St. E ... lst & 3d We<1. (m)562 Lowell, Ma." ....... , C. Burdick ......... 1658 Wilder St.. ..... S. W. Mar.hall ..... , 17 lleUe\'Ue St ...... 94 Gorham St ....... 2d & 4th Mm (m)503 M.arion, Ind ........ ! n. M. Follis ........ 11206~. Wash. St ... E. J. Peek .......... ,.2401 :-; .• Boots ....... ~rd". Coun~i1 ~lall. 2rl & 4th Thll\". (m)564\ ~Ichmond, Jnd ..... ,Jf~~an cohor8t .....

1857 S. St.. ...... P. Clutter ........... 224:". oth St.. ...... Carpenters Hall"'11"t & 3,1 Fl'!.

(1)565 ;;('henectarly, N. Y .. , LIlIan Hogau ....... HI Mam Ave ....... W. P. Mooney ...... i1l4 12th St ....... , .. State st ............ 2d & 4b Mon. (~)566 Roanoke, va ........ j H. D. sParks ....... 1 P. O. ~ox 404 ...... W. J. Rearman ..... i .•.• : .•.•••.••. Labor Hall.: ....... Every Tue •. (,)587 Portland, Me ....... Oarl L. Klmhall .... 12 Spnng St.. ...... H. D. Weston ...... ,37 Umon at.. ....... Rm. 52 Farrington. Every Mondav

, ; Westbrook. : Blk. . (1)568 Montreal, Que., .... A. WhitelwU ....... i ~Iain St., Longue W. J. OoUey ....... '2581 St. Urbain ..... 417 Ontario St.. .... I Weunes,lay.

Can. ' Points. I (rr)S70 Tucson, Ariz .. " ... W. E. Gruber ..... '1309 N. 2d Ave ....... Pbilip E. Braum ... I Box 504 ............ Congre"" E:t ........ Every Tuesda, (m)671 McGill, Nev ........ W. J. Hordry ........................... W. O. Morey ....... P. O. Box 15 ....... K. 01 P. Hall ....... 2rl Saturday. (m)672. R~gina, Sask., 0 ... Jos. ~urc; ...... ,211l0 Broad ....•..•. F. A. Metc!'lfe ....• 2103 Sc~rth St.. .... Tr'ds Hall Ooler St·2rl & 4th Thurs (m)5731 K"'gston, Ont., Car Mel\llle ,Vllder .... , 217 Frontenac St ... W. L. Flamgan ..... lsa Barne St ........ j Trades & Lab. Hall 1.t Thurs. & ac

I i Sunday. (m)574i Bremerton, Wash .. I C. A. I'ett!lson ..... 12029 Waverly PL, P. T. Acton ....... '1519 Eveleyn St ...... 1 Eagles'Hall .....•.. 2d & 4th Fri.

I Seattle, Wash.

(m)576[ Por~smoutb, 0 ...... Walt. Miller ....... 937 Front St ........ Louis D~ennen .... -: 1820 6th St ......... C. L. Ha~l. ......... 2d &; 4tb Fri. (m)57& Xema, 0 ........... I Herbert Sbaw ...... 215 Chestnut St .... Carey \\ ~st ......... 412 N. West St ..... Red Men sHall ..... 2<1 & 4th Fn. ("!)577I [~rulUright, Okla"'j B"n palmer; ....••• \ C,are .Ideal Elec. 00 H. T. Johns~n ...... ; Box 246 ............ , La~or Hall .. , ..... 'jl Sun., 11 a. m.

(,)5781 Englewood, N. J .... Hom e r \\. HaB-. contmental Ave.,. IF. W. DuBol ....... ! 13 6tb St ........... MalO St ............ 2d & 4th Tue.

, I' hrouck. Ri,'er Edge, N. J. ! Ridgefield Pk., N. J Hackensleck, N.; 2d & 4th 'i'ue. 579[ Wobe, Arizona .... '1 I: po. Edify .. : ...... 'IBOX 454 ............ 'I~~' Wilcox .......... 'I Box 454 ....................... : ........ i Tu.,""Y.

(00)5801 Olympia, Wash .... F. M. Stockmg ..... Puget Route ....... F. M. Stocking ..... Puget Route ....... 3d & Washington .. 12r1 & 4th Wed. 581 Morristown, N. J ... , Thus. R. Pierson ... lIdnover Ave ....... ,John H Watson .... I Glenbrook Rd ...... Park Place ......... i ht & 3d Mon

I I ~Iorris Plains ...... 1 'Morris Plains, N. J. ' .582 SlIenandoab, Pa .... \Cho.. c;arcy ............................ R, A. Beckett· .... ·1390 W. Main St..... I .

(1)583 r::l Paso, Te" ....... ' .. T. T. BIppUS ....... BOl[ 1105 ............. J. H. Jacoby ....... ! BOJ[ no.s ........... Kans,. & Overland. Fllday •. (m)584 'I'ulsa, Okla ........ ! ,J. D. Lear ....... "'1 Rf>om 31, Nebraska H. E. Brown ....... 'Room 31, Nehraska Carpenters Hall. "'1 Every Wed.

, I Hldg., . Bldg. (1)5~ EI Pas~, Tex ....... '~:h~s. Mli;phy ...... Purcian Hotel.. .... 1 Wm. Blair ......... ; Box 606 ............ ! KaIlSa" &. overl~nd'!1 Every Friday.

(m)M PottSVIlle, pa ...... 1 1 h'~. ReInhart .... 1224 W. Arch St .... Iva J. Has.sler ...... 1601 N. 7tb St ........ 1 Centre & Ar,'h St. .. 1st & 3d Tt~e&. (1)5.88 Lowell, Masi ....... ~I; ~. C~shman ..... 169 Memmack St .. ,Tn9. M. RIChards. "131 Greendale Ave ... l. O. O. F. Bldg .... ,1st &c3~ ~l'l.

(m)589 ;;a,katoon, Sask, C". ,I alt MIll .......... Box 282 ............ H. Dawson ......... i Box 282 ............ I Lahor TemT)le ..... I E,ery FrIda,. (i)591 Sltr,ekton, Cal.. .... I, W. J. C(,l1in9 ...... 427 Eo ~rariposa AVI W. R. Gregory ..... , 1017 S. Sutter ...... 220:1:. ~Iarket "t ... : Monday. (t)SV2 , Kansas City Mo .... ! W. A. Miils ........ lOIS .Jeff St ......... Ed. M. Fredrick .... ~4319 Belleview Av .. Labor Temple ..... : 1st & 3d Wt>d

'1-' 'I.. _ . .. .! I'V. M.ain .. St., Fre- I "". im)593 :Iunknk, N. Y ....... nnme. Horkett .... lJam St., Trldoma.,C. R. Harr'a ....... ,57W. 3d St ......... , doma, N. Y ...... Ist&3d ,u"" . . "5941-lanta R"." C'al.. •. : 1'. C. ~Ia(kay ...... 'Box 437 ............ ,(lpn. Adamo ....... Bo~ 437...... .. 2'1 &. R St.. ........ lIst & 3d l'hurt '~)595 i)akland, CaI.. ...... W. S. Parker ....... 'j~63 36th St .......... 1\\'. Coodfellow ..... 6444 Harmon Ct .... :2149 Broadway ..... i EVeTY Wed. '(f)5V1l (1larksburg, W. Va. ~ .J. 1:. Callis ......... 208 Bryan Ave ..... '1" J. A. Ford .......... , 121 Brown St ....... ! Listetter BId"'.: .... : Every We,d. 'm)597: Winona, Minn ...... ' Wm. Drown ........ 1469E. Mark St ...... C. Richman ........ : 225 E. 3rd St.. ... "14th and Frankhn ... 12d & 4th Fri. 'W)599110Wa City, la ....... 1 ............... · .. ·1 .................. G. T. Ram8ey ...... '.' 531 S. Van Buren ... ,. Col1e~e St.. ...... "lIst &. 3u Tues. (s)800 Ene Pa ............ , IT. A. Selah ......... Hotel Cubbison .... I P. A. Persona ...... ; 52.'1 N. 4th St.. ..... ' C. L. U. Hall ...... ,Thur.flay. (i)eal lerb,.'na & Cham· :rr. E. (;ursemer .. "16 Donne,: ........... I S. E. Griffith ....... : 5H N. Wi1~am. St.: Labor Hall ......... llst & 3d Tue.

paign, m.: I f'hampalgn, TII..... , ChampaIgn, m ... , : 00'1 \mariIlo, Tex ...... 'B. O. Blaekmoor ... 1700 Bucha:uln 8t ... 1 R. V. Hopper ....... 11405 Buchanon St ... 1 w. o. W. Hall ....... 2d &4th :n>urs.

(to)604 Rellow. Falls. Bra!;.1 Chri~ W. Tldd ..... American Bldg ..... 1 O. E. Reynolds ..... 1 47 Burt Pl., Brl· !Papermakers' Hall. I J'lrst lI'rtrt~~ ! Hp.boro, Vi ...... i i Brattlehoro, Vt. I loW!!, Fall!!, vt. 'I ' 1

'<III.)M7 I"'t TJoniR. Mo ...... (\1":JTT~n AnclrpwR ... I .. . ........•.. n .T. Mp~T'Annpn .. rlM309li. Avp .•......••••..........• H' '1-··············· J (";)1108 Ft. Wayne, Ind ..... : n. Miller: ........ "I'9U Erie St ......... H. F. Bop.d ......... ' !loute ~o. 14 ....... I App. Hall ......... '12d.& 4th ~ed (l)GOtI~pokRne. W ..... h ..... A. C. Smlth ........ Rox 1777 ........... D. P. ReId ......... i,15 Rookery Bldo: .. 1722'h l.t Ave ....... ,Every Tu •.

(m)8101\1ar.halltown,Ja .... IW. B. Ua""ler .......................... F. E. Brown ....... 11005 Fremont St .... Labor Hal!. ........ 12d & 4th T)les " (m)IW \lhu'1uer'lue, N. Y. n. n. Griffin ....... BOJ( 251. ........... J. Serra ............ Box 251. ........... l. O. O. F. Hall ..... 1st & 3'1 \\ ed.

eul q"n Rafael. Cal .... In. Eo Jor"!nsen .... [) St.............. Iff. E. Smith ........ 224 H. St ........... 14th St .............. 1st & 3d Tue •. (1)8161'1eIl8r Rapids. Ia ... ~. H. ft.e\lIle ....... ![)p]evan H~te1. .... , F. B. Doug-la ....... 123 ~th Ave., W ..... ,Lnhor Temple ...... 1st & 311 RRt. ",)618,\V0rcc"ter, MaRS ... I .PO. I\In pheeter ... 162R Camhrldge St.. Wm. Jone .......... 7 KIlby St .......... ,35 Pearl Rt ......... 1st & 3d Tu"" (08171 ~"n Mateo. Cal.. ... 1 0\ S. Moore ........ ,63 N. F. St..... A. E. Midi'ley ...... Messto Park ....... iB. T. O. Hall ....... lit & 3d Tues.

8191 Hot Springs. Ark ... '1' W. R. Bradloril ...• leal South 8t.. ...•.. jE. H. Ozier .••••••• aI8 Malvern Ave .... j' ....... ........... l·~·W .. ed ......... .. (00)120 Shehoygan, Wis ... Thos. E. UacDvnaU '!21 Oakland Me .... F. V. (looper ....... 2S3e S. 7th St. ...... Labor Hall......... e.



Location. Rec. Sec·y. Address.

-:,~~Crfo)~, Va ........ 10. M. Stever .. · ... ·-1; o. Box 1058 ...... ) L. O. Major.... P. O. Box 105~ ..... :1. O. O. F. lhll.. . Evf'rY Wed sl0221 ynll, MaR .......... Jno. W. Arnott .... 'IBOX 248 ............. Jno. F. Peterson .... Box 248 ............. 175 SUlllIll('r St ....... bt & 3,1 ~Ioll. ;i\"~3. ;nt!e. Mont. ....... A . .a,undberg....... 1640 Lowell Ave .... H. H. Jackson ...... BoxI41. ............ 130 E. ,ual~,:" ... :... EVf'~y ~r em ',; 1.8)6_4., t. ~':J1Jh,. Mo ....... 1 Ch"".' Beutrop ..... '16101 ,\.la.~a Ave ..... Geo. N~ska ......... 1322 S. 13t!> St .... "13619 I: lim>' ~""" .1:t ~ 3,1 Thlll ..

. 02.\·Haltfax. N. S., C ... J. H. Snmv ......... 12 VICtOTIa Rd ..... E. A. NICkerson .... 25 BrunswIck Lane. Bd. of Tlad .. Rm, .. lot fLure dde2H I \bj.'f{l('en.~. D .... ",G. \rilliams ........ 222 2d Ave. S'V ..... A. J. Koerner ........................... ! Lahor 'fenlple..... . .......... ' .. .

. I 30 Main St. "'0,627 Lcraiu, Ohio ....... iL. E. Chenney...... ................ E. L. Jones ......... 1846 E. 30th St ..... IG. A. R. Hall ....... Is & 3d

, : Tltur,day m '~21! Wilmington, Del. .. !Harry Ringler ....•. 1022 W. 3rd St ...... Ra"vmond Phillips. 400 W. 24th St ..... '1109 W. 6th St.. .... 'Ilst & 3d Tues ... . n)629 Moncton, N. B. 0 ... H. ~[e Farlane ..... Sunny Brae ........ W. J. Hickey ....... 147 Enterl,rise St ... Main St ............ 12d & 4th We<t. ,a,ft30 Lethbridge, Alta., C E. 'I'heobald ........ Box 455........ . ....................................... 14th St. S ........... ,1.t 'Yed. ij)631 Newl.IlIrgh. N. Y .... E. Olsen........ 14 1st St ........... Edw. McDonald .... 59 William St. ...... Chamber St ........ i 1st Thursday. ' ... ~34ITaylor. Tex ........ K Sorenson ........ Box 262 ............ Edw. Soren.en ..... Box 262 ............. Labor Temple ....... Every Sr,t. ',lft~,5 Davenport. Iowa .... :C C. Hiephens ..... 817 E. 14th St ....... H. Fasbender ....... 808 W. Locust St... Socialist Hall ....... : 2d & 4tl, Fn.

i m ,~38 New. Glasgow. N. I' L. Jordan .............................. G. Cavanaugb ....... West Side. . .................... , ............... . I S., Canada. ,

(mlti39,!'ort Arthur, Texas .. D. L. McCausey .... Box 1221. .......... A. L. Poynton ...... P. O. Box 1221. ..... iprm·o,t St. ......... 2tl &; 4th Tue. ,m)8.0 l'hoenix. Ariz.. I~'red Moss .............................. 1'. F. Clark........ Box 501. .......... "1238 E. Wa'p.St. .. ,. , lot & 3d Fri. ''7)641 "i1vis, 111. .......... E. H. Hall .......... 120 8th St.. ........ E. E. Grieber ....... 911% W. 7th St.. ... Industrial Hall ..... : 2d Wed.

f Davenport, Iowa .... : 1101ine, Ill ....... ,' (m)642 Ileridian, Conn ...... Frank Smith ....... 48 Hillside Ave ..... E. D. Lancraft ..... 79 Resefl'oir Ave .... ;lIldg. Trades Hall .. lIst &; 3d Fri. .. m)M3 l.a,hnson City. Tcnn'jtlUY Miller: ......... 119 W. Main St ..... (luy Miller .......... ~19 Main St. W ..... 11O~ King S~ ......... : 2d &; 4th Tu.,... ,mlM4 .'i(.hpnectatly, N. y .. llV. P. Sulhvan ..... 109 Orchard St ..... Peter B. Stevens ... .t6 Westover A ... "i1.l6 State st .. """'1 4th Wed.

646 Sheridan, Wyo ..... Geo. E. Haywood .. L. Box 233......... .. ........ ' ............................. , ................. ' .. 1 ............... •

(1)647 Rchenectady, N. Y .. :IV. A.. Briggs ....... to Van Guipling Av .Jos. E. Lamunda ... 312 Summit Ave .... IZl6 State St ........ ,1st & 3d Wed. 'm)G481I1amilton, 0 ....... :t ·has. ~'. Carroll .... 324 S. Front St ...... Chas. L. Murpby ... 621 Oentral Ave .... '12d &; Court st ....... ! Alternate Tues (ITI)649


'Alton. Ill ........... ,J. T. Bramlette ... 'IBOX 133 ............ E. 0. Lewis ........ Box 133 ............. Tophorn Hull ....... I. 1st &; 3d Wed. \s)6b2 Hammond, Ind. lR. J. Gilfoy ........ 400 Vau Buren.St .•. W. P. Lavin ........ Rm. 302, Hammond K. of P. HalL ....... : Every Friday.

I Gary. Ind. Bldg'. I • ,m)853 Miles City, Mont .. '1' Ohas. E. Foley ..... 1807 Fort St ......... Claude Bartlett .... P. O. Box 821. ...... 17th & Muin St ...... il,t & 3d ~[on .

. (rr)654'Tacoma, Wash ..... E. F. Doecher ...... 6610 S. Pug e t W. H. Josselyn ..... 3802 N. 24th St ..... : Central La!;nr C·d. lIst &; 3rl Wed. Sound Ave.

(l)OS5 Waterbnry. Conn ... IWm. Halpiu ........ 19 Sycamore Lane .. E. B. Ohapin ....... Box 1125 ............ : i51 Bunk St.. ..... ..; Every Friday. , 856 Alba!,y.or~g"""'1 C. C. Archibald .... All'.any, ~regon .... Glenn W. Willard .. 332 N. Pine St ...... i St: Francis HoteL .. : l"t Monday. ro)657 RaleIgh, N. 0 ...... T. V. Rutb ......... 21 S. Swam St ..... J. C. Murphrey ..... 6 Glenwood Ave ..... Umon lIall ......... ,1st & 3d Mon. (1)658 [,ittle Rock. Ark... G. H. Gorguos ..... 215 Louisiana St ... R. F. Stoec,ker ...... 112 E. Capitol St ... I West Hall. ......... 12d & 4th Wed. (0.)659 Onnkirk, N. Y ...... iWm. Dulifa ....... '1309 Hoyt St........ Wm. Teadt ........ 23 Armadillo St .... 1337% Lion st ....... ! 1st & 3d Sun.

, i aftenlOon. (i)860 Water~ury, Conn .. 'I'r:dw, P. Conlon ..... 512 S. Wilson St... Martin ORourke ... 401 Cooke St ....... '127 Eo lIain .St ..... '1' Every Monda:.

(m)661 HDtchmson. Kan .... 0. E. Munn ........ 1127 E. 9th St ....... A. B. Rutledge ..... 1058th St. E ........ :l07'h N. Mam ....... 1st & 3d Tue . ;rr)683 Boston, Mass ........ Walt H. Ohandler .. 6 Billerica PI.. ..... G. S. McDanels .... 20 Union St .• Mel· '1'92 Leverett St ...... L.ast Thurs.

, No. Billerica, Mass rose, Mass. : . :m)664 New York .......... , Chas. Reef ......... 1340 Irving Ave ...... Wm. H. Pinckney .. 4371st St.. ......... iBrooklyn Lab. LYC" i. 4th F·nday.

I Brooklyn. N. Y..... Brooklyn,N. Y ..... .. (1)686 Richmond. Va ...... , J. R. Garthright ... 708 N. 27th St.. .... G. M. Miller ........ 605 W. 19th St. So .. I[,abor Temple ... , ... Monday. (1)067 8bru-Ieston. W. Va .. It:. J. Stewart ....... 706'h State St ....... jH. C. Freeman ..... · 706lA, State St ...... '706% State St.. .... : Every Tues.

(01)668 Lafayette. Ind ..... ·1 )sear Burkhardt ... ·1624 S. 15th St. ..... J. L. Haggard ....... 71' Cincinnati St ... : [,abor Temple ...... 1st &; 3d !>ion. \i)669 Springfield, O ...... I~am Wright ........ 1113 S. Western Ave'l W. R. Hicks ....... 339 Oakwood PI.. .. 'Lahar Temple ...... Every 1"rlday.

(.n)070 Fargo, N. Oak ..... ·:F. J. servis ......... 1 Moose HalL ........ Carl Frolnnd ....... 107 14th St. So ...... · Labor Temple ...... lIst & 3d 'I'hur •.

: :~:~: ::i:'~:~:~~: ;'.~: : :e;.J ~::~:.e~.s ......... ', :ot 1{:\~::::~~~~1 .. \~:::~ :~:,a;:~: .. : :: :'0 ~~;,::e~~~·.·.·".·".·.: :;::~i:a:~:' ~~~ .. ,,! ~:t: 4:: ::: .. . I IRoselle, N. J........ : ' d

':0)877 Gatun, C. Z., Pan. 'IJ. T. Madden .......................... ·IE. K. Brown ........ Box 531, Ori"tobal, 'Cristobal HalL ...... 1st & 3d We . 0. Z.

• 87Y Grinell, Iowa ....... Chas. Rhoffner ......................... iF. L. Rincfort ...... 1303 Main St ........ :Labor flaIL ........ ,2d &; 4th 'l"WI. lm)680 ,'und du Lac. Wi •.. L. H. Mueller ....... 190 Gillett St.. ..... i V. E. Todd ......... 25 14th St ........... ! Cor. 3nl & Main .... · 2d & 4th Tues . . . 11)681 Wichita Falls. Tex. F. T. Johnson ...... Box 763 ............. F. C. Herron ........ Box 8 .............. !Labor Hal! ......... ' [".very Wed .m)6l!3 Carbolldllie. Pa .... B. E. Durphy ....... 17 Grove St ......... Geo. C. Burrell ..... 51 Laurel St ........ 'Labor 'femple ...... i 1,t &; 3d Tues .. rr)685 Bloomington, Ill ... A. A. Ottis ....... :. 1204 E. Empire St.. Phil Auth .......... ;'02 N. Hinghaw Ave I Trades Asocmbly .. ,1st & 3rl 'fuee. ''''t)686 Hazleton, Pa ....... C .• J. BrilL ......... 221 E. Walnut St.. .. Lewis Miller ........ 584 Peace St .... " .. I,P. O. S. of A. Ilall. i 2d &; 4th :I{on

,1)688 Mansfield, Ohio ...... J. F. Kinton •••.••. '1169 S. Franklin St.. L. A. Raby ......... 80 Rltc.ridan Ave •.• '\' Trades C'neil Hall. list & 3<l Tues. ,m)689 Alexandria, La ..... M. Mandot ...... "'12104 Front St ........ M. M. Mandot ...... 2104 Front St ....... Painters Hnl!. ..... 2d & 4t~ ~!on.

(1)690 Bloomington, Ill ..... J. Eo Reltrin<r ....... ,925 W. Grove ... "'il". W. Dean ......... 809 N. Evans St ..... 119 S. Main St ...... EveTY I<r~rl~Y. fml892 "ault Ste Marie. . ................... i .................... 1 F. R. ~IacKenzie ... 17 Ft. Nat!. B1<. . L"hor Tewple ... "', 1st & 3d ,'rL

Mich.'. l'lldg.' ~g3 Rm"Ta<lo, Kas ..... f'.J. Forsvthe ..... 1126 W. Oentral! Av.' ......................................... , .................... ' ......... ; ... .

{m)804 Youngstown. 0 ..... (lha •. Hodson ...... 1385 Wayne Ave ... "IFred Korth ......... 115 Berlin St ........ ,221 W. Yed"ral St .. ,2,1 &; 4th Tnu .. . (i)695 St. Joseph. Mo ••• ,. Earl Holman ....... '.404 S. 22nd St ....... Wm. Wagner ....... 2107 Penn. St ....... 1 K. P. Hall .......... 1 Thursday. (i)897 Gary. Ind ........... J. J. Scherer ........ II4 Con d i t St., Frank H. Seliger ... J()O Detroit St ...... 1~60 n'."a,l.flarY ..... llst & 3d Ttur~.

Hammond. Ind. Hammond. Ind. 1,95 IIobman,Ham- 2u &; 4th T .l!r., I . mond. .

(c)898 Jerome, Ariz ........ Joe Bohner ......... IBox 1351 ........... .'AI Fanning, ........ Box 1340 ........... I Fnion Hall .......... Every Fric10V (fI099 moneester, Mas ..... Silvester D Deering 11 Western Ave ..... S. D. Deering ....... 41 Western Ave ..... : 161 llain St ......... ! 1st & 2.1 ""'0. (8)700 Charleston, W. Va .. Gilmond Kanis ..... 314 Lardley St ...... Marshal Beaver .... Box 1186 ............. f'tewett Bldg ....... i2d & 4th Tlmrs. ·",701 Wlteaton. Ill ........ Joe Marcantelle .... 318 E. llurlin)rton ... B. W. Langkafel. .. Hinsdale. Ill ........ ; ~Ia;n St ............ ,2<1 & 4th ~'",< ..

,mJ703 Edwardsville. Ill .... J. R. Parrisb ....... Oare Mad. Co. L. O. H. Hotz .......... 214 W. Union St.. .. Main &; Yandalia .. " i2d &; 4th 'l u·.<. &; P. Co. Granite City, ill.

(1)704 Dubuque, la ........ L.IA.. Eichman ...•. 113 Hedley St ....... Otto Bethke ....... 90 Mertz St ......... ;7th & Main Sts ...... : 1st &; 3,1 Tues. (m)705 Monmouth, Ill ...... Fred ..... 217 W. Detroit Av .... Ta •. E. Ward ....... 230 S. 0. St ......... ; I"a),or Hall ......... , 20 Mono.v . 'm\707 Holyoke. Mass ...... Chas. E. Hunter .... 97 Bowers St ....... P. O. Neuman ...... 4 Vernon ........... IHig-h ~t ............. : 20 & 4th'Mr


,vl170!l f1larkrlale, Ariz ..... F. A. BrownelL .... Box 335 ............. F. A. Brownell ..... Box 335 ............. {'itO' 11>,11 ........... I' 1st &; 3rl Tup~ (m)7lJ Long Beach, Cal ... R. S. Prest ......... Box 207 ............. W. H. Brown ....... Box 207 ............. i Louor T~mple ...... EverY T,'r,",ll\.''-(i)712 ~ew Brighton. Pa •• Chas. O. Cook ...•.. 1500 2d St",.",. jWm. G. Dithridge .. 515 35



P' Beav· :3d Ave .... "" ...... t 1,.t & 21 ~"'"

I ~ ~ L' .


L. U. Location. Ree. Sec'Y Firl ~e("J' ~[eptitH! fiatt

(a)711!Ohi('ago. Ill .....•.. \. Lang ............ )1433 ~. 59tL A\t' It. F Slelilio.:. .. 0 •• 0.,1 ..... i:'hllij.;,aJlllJll st .. ,j:-. Sdl/l.:. :"-'t .•••••• bt ~ ~I' I U~ ! C'ir-£>ru, Ill.

(m)ft:,~~;e~ir:I~1·lJ~~·. :~~~'. ~'a::t·l.;'Krt~t:::: ::::.~ :::::: :::::::::::.: : 7~S:C~ttl~I.I~I~~~~::::! li~~' ;8::::::: ::: ::: (i)71G 1Houston, Tex ........ E. H. Rothrock ..... ) 1921 .\II"ton ........ ; II" ,I. I'elers ....... : 25~4 Ha.miIton .. ,' .. (s)717:"ostou, Mash ...... ,H.lI. Drew ........ 131 Alpine St ........ l' J . .\lc\\lllIanls .. J I; \\arreiJ ~t ..

,.ray's HaJJ ....••.• . \fha·r:-lll.,l, ' .. . Lah ... H'" Tl'rrt~"~· .... .

t;no;: \V.lntl ... ; ....... . E"tll'.\·,,·i~!.~r' 1 .. -: \\ vi! .W

!~4j·.bury. ~Ia~~. Ruxbury. lfa~ .... C. H. HawiuIIJ}I. ... 'JIti hyule .....•.. ". W .. \. Lo\\dl'r ... '" ... 0oS l\.\". AH' ......... , \bSOllic JJ._dJ. ... , .. !-t ,,','d.

,Hud(lil,h Sdl~t'r ... ,io] IJullt.!las8 St .... I !-'. L. Evand .•••••••. ! ..,")'8 B~'t'( h St ....... i ';4 Jlano' ... ~ ... , ...•.. 211 & Hit \~'fl.~ {tol718 , Padu~ah, Ky ...... .

(i)ilg. Manchester, 1\. H .. {rr)720:CaHlu .. n, ~. J ...... . Alfred E Hart. .... ! Box 22,I'itman, N.J,I. S. PhelpOl ........ : 400 Highlalld Ave. I Mun"lIl If.d!. ...... \\'c.l.

. " . West\ill_. N.·J .. (m)722!Cortlanti, !\. Y .... :~arry Fa~rbal'k~.,. ! 16 :\', ~jn'ton~~H;h .. ; Jerry Hartnett ..... ; 18 X. MaiJi ~t .. ':., !.~ IJldt:s A~~l"Il.bIY ..

(1)723 Ft. \\'aYllc, Jnd... 1\. H. Ht"~ .......... !916 t .. r.llIt .-\\j ....... J. LSuelow .......... ·lllO ~p~ H1I1, .\\t .... _~. \\. ~h!ln St .... . 724 ·~ttawa, Can....... I~. J .• j)e~Jaroj:I"" .. Jl3 Vau"hn St ....... 1 E. L. LeBrun ....... i '4 FIc~"'I:' eSt .. : .. :;1 .I"~. lIall. .... ..

(e) 725 , \erre Haute, ItaL .. ,F.; \\. ~]cl/(:b~m''''1 22011~t A'e ........ : A. C. Moredo~k .... 11~~1 ~: ('·l.ler St. ,(" L l. ~I.dl. .... .. {m)726 1"ault Ste. Mane. ,I,ros. Cra\\,ul.I. .... ILa't Sl ............. J. A. Brunelle ...... I,~ \\,1", .\\"( ...... ',1. O. O. f. H.ll .... .

bt"~" Mr· E\ torY Fr~lj~ 2.; .\-'~.j F •. l't&3'i ~'. ht i< ltU Ttl,

, Ont., Canada.' I (s)727!SC'henectady, ~. 1" HoLt. H. Kirkllalll. I .,:~S EmulI·tt St..... Pat \·olpe .......... ; 31.i S. Center St ... f Sr ... te st ............ 2:1 Tpt .. l~t~

(m)729!Punxsatawm'y, P8 'H. W. Iiralll"kl .... iCloe, Pa ............. 1. )lilc·hell ......... '232 X. ~I"ill St.. .... ilae.e Bldg ......... 2! & 4111 Z"c· l,m)730,Uad.den, Ala ...... ll. 1<. Hoberts ..... ,1.101 Mineral A'e.. .\1. B. RbeTts ....... ·15Ui 'Jiner,,1 Ale .. : I. I). n. F. Ha!\. .... I Wf'dll<"cic' 10)73] lint. Fall., llinn... "1'. C. Seyholu ...... 1910 71h :-it ........... r.. n. W"I,n ........ ' ICY 9th St. .......... 1 Kunes Hall ......... ,l,.t " 3d Tne •.

f rTl732! Portsmouth, Va... L. 1'. Zjp~el.haill ... 1517 5th St.. ......... C. II. HaIney ...... '193l .'io. St ....... '1" C. L. L. Hall ....... ; 2,1 & 41h ~1l. (rr)733:Aito(>na, l'a ....... ,L. A. Lamade ..... ·11~16 2'1 St .......... ,'. W. Walk.·r ...... : II n. 2, /lox 38A ... ll. R. T. Hall. ...... Il"t & 3d Fr; (m)734 INorlolk. Va....... .J. C. Caylor ........ 11903 Gr"eee St ...... ·.1. \r. Illag~ ........ · :)20 Charivlt St.. ... : (),j.l Fellows Hall .. Thu,,"ay.

• _. II PortsnlOutil. Va. , , ~ I (e)735[~urlington: la ...... , Carl ":. ::~en:eler .. i ~60 Xonh St ........ , A J. I.~ttnegl(cr .... 9?0 Cra.tton St..... ~;.bor Hall ......... [2d &; 4~h Tbun<

,to)736,:'<ie\\ port, ,t ........ ,1. A. Sc,"sw" ....... , ..................... ,I .. A. Watson...... 1·I1x 366 ............ 1 d·ntral St .......... '. Last S"turd. (to)737'Houlton. Maine ..... ;W. R. Gerow ...... '164 Hi;:rh St.. ........ , A. G. Dowe ......... \Y"t,UlI Ave ........ Illlu!too ........... '1 1st & 3t! W,,·. (mi738 Orange, Tex ........ , A. 1.. Bourge,; ...... !,}J2 (,herry Ht ....... !J. T. Mc(JoJ!i" ...... ! ,207 9th St .......... 1 :-;hil,CarpentersHall bt & 3d W,

739:SydneY',N. S., Can I (:po. llacArthur .... : 14 1'1'~1(," Ht ........ !Saru Macdonald .... '.290 Park I:;t ......... II;)'(.,'1I\1."" Hall ..... 12Ii ",p'!"cs,l ...

(to)HO,Barre, 't .......... ·G. W. Shannon .... ·Irare~. E. T. CO .... IF. J. Maunsell ..................... ~orthern Blk ....... L3"t Well. (rr)741 ,Scranton, Pa ....... W. B. McBride ..... 354 Maple St.. ..... IV. W. Warnke ..... i 1334 Linden St ...... 1123 Penn. Ave ..... "IJd _ 4th lIoD (rr)742 :Sew York, 1'. Y .... ': lIaro"I!,. (;an~hraa 456 H(~llth St .... ;. ;'1 R. J. O'Keefe ....... 1372 13th Al'e ........ KJdnpld Ct. Sq. ~<l & 4th We"

r .JaUlaIl'U, L. I., N."\:.. ,A:-.toria, I. I., x. Y .. I Hotel. I (m)743 :Reading, Pa ......... W. H. Harboter .... 1138 W. Oley St ...... :E. L. Smith ...... "1248 Penn St ........ 'Iwanner Bldg ....... ) Monday. (rr)744 !.:'iew York. X. Y .... I·r. .1. O'Xell. ....... '\91)Iollrue St ....... 'IGeo. Moutrol. ...... 4138 Jerome A\' ..... A('('~num Halii.l. ]st & 211 Wed

i \\ mfidd, L. I. .... ' , ,Ozone Pk., L. 1., ... , RJthmond Ill. (rr)745: Princeton, W. Va .... \\'. R. Wheeler ..... 11098 Main St ........ W. R. Wheeler ..... : 440 Boulevard ...... 1 Garten Hall. ...... '1lst &; 3d Yo".

'. , Hollands, L. I., I

, . i N. Y. II 1 (m)746,Key West. Fla ...... , H. J. Hupper ...... i Eliz. ~.t. cor. Suuth·, A. W. Thompson ... ; Grinnell cor. SOl1th San CarlOS Hall. ... \1001 & 3d Mot

I . , anl. [ I St. . I (e)747;Raxter Spge., KanB.:C. C. Crook ......... , ..................... iChas. Haubine ..... i ..................... ·IEagle H"II. ........ Thursday ..

(m)748,PeekskiII, N. Y ..... , Geo. I. Olson ....... i 1359 How:ll'Il ~t.. ... I Geo. E. Cothren ... i 1307 ~Iain St.. ...... Labor Hall ......... 18t & 3d ~'r1 (i)749:Uunkirk, N. Y ...... ' Glenn Hixson ...... I 22P. Lineoln AYe .... ! H. W. S"hrailer .... 36 W. Orel'n St ..... II. O. O. F. Hall. .... 121 & 4th Tu",

(rr)750: Pitt9hurgh. Pa ..... 'J. W. Bendorf ....... i,.,x .06, Pitcairn, ,J. H. Campbell ..... ' Uox 433 Pitcairn • r,abnr Hall ......... [lst & 3·] Th,,' , Pa. : , 'Pa." l

'm1751 1 LittIe F,,:Us, ~. f ... ' Chas. G~\\:eye ....... 79 Alexander ~t.. .. ·r \~'heeler Hagaman.! 592 Garden St .......... Trailes .~'Ht'I.!I. HalJllst &; 3d .. !~ (rr)7521·Tersl'Y CIty, ~. J .. H. M. \\ hlte.... ... 2235 Boulevard ..... , ( •. F. MIller ........ I 290 Forre"t St ...... '')42 :-' .. wark A' P ..... 1st & 3d AI"]I (rr)753 Philadelphia, Pa .. :EIlw. L. Miller ..... ·'1417 N. Alden St. ... 1 Theo. F. Bergerson. 3807 FeIlll'rt 8t.. ... ,4113 Laneantpr Av .. 2d & 4th Til' ,rr)754: Sayre, Pa .......... W. FUlil Bo""urth. ·106 :-:. Jlu!,kim' 8t .. : [."1'0), HroI.k, ...... i 63 Pin!' ~t .......... Redm .. " HaII. ...... ! 2<l & Ith 11m

.1 ., \Vaverly,N.Y:"' i :\\.a\'('rlr,~.Y""", " (0)75~' Clarksburg, W. Va .. BaIley Kmg. ...... .T:Illl' !.l·w. \\ . , a ... ,Cllas. C.Drummond, "are M. V. ·r. Co .... , Reell Han .... , ..... 12d &; I".t .110'

(m)756! FairmounQ, W. V ... Lon W. Swope ..... : 435 Jreff St.. ........ : Fred Manley ........ 709 Ridgely Ave .... ;.1: ... ,,1<, Bl.b". ....... I Frida:'. (rr)757 I Joliet, Ill. .......... ; \ym. B. Alleu .... "1607 E,lmwood Av~"i .\Iden D; Gilpin .... ,a09 ~terJil!g Ave .... · K,,"pp Hall ......... 1 1st llm:"~.~ (e)758! Hagerstown, Md ..... Clyde L. Anders ... 1621 N. Mulberry" t. I (has. ". Myer ..... , R. 2, Wilhamsport, ·2n·1 Nat. Ilk ......... 2d & 4tll , ,

. '., WI , 1 'm)760! Knoxville, Tenn .... : E M. Headrick ..... ,,z09% Gay St ....... ! H. E. Worsham .... '[2545 Jeff Ave ....... ',i09'2 Gil)' St ....... ',Friday. (rr)761 1 Renova, Penn ...... ,F. B. Reigle ...... ".! 135 5th St..." .... "IS' C. Kohr ........ "1156 South ........... i Hose Jlo"",· ....... i 1st &3([~-l (m)762 .\shtabula, 0 ....... ' C .• !JownR .......... : 2a Ama" St ......... C. A. Nesbit....... 556 Lake St ........ I B. 01 R. T. 11311 ... '12u & 4tl. ,.,;,. {I)763 ,i)maha, Nebr ....... Cliff Smith ......... !2707 II. st. So.Side. A. N. Murdock ..... 3121 Framis St ..... '1 L"hor Temple ..... : Vriday

(rr)76~! Denver, Colo....... Harry Kelly ........ ; 4576 Tennyson ..... 1 R. J. McGan ........ 1926 Bannock ........ : 1:;15 Larimer St... '1' 2.1 &; 4th W,'. (ee)7661 Framingham, Mass. Uewitt Mcliinnon .. Chunh St., Hopkin IE f'. Fletcher ...... 38 Proctor St ....... II C. L. r:. Hall ..... : ........... ..

, , tOll, ~!n"s. 1 I i (rr)7Gol EI Pa.o, Tex ........ J. A. Burge ......... r Johnson House.. . B. L.. Kaufman ..... 612 N. Florence St .. , Lahor Temple .... " '[2<1 & 4th 'Fd

, Apt. 9. I :, (rr)770 Albany, N. Y ....... Frank }lIcHar" ..... i .;92 3rd St.......... Antirews V. Kelly .. 28 .Jeff St ........... '1' 'itrr·mple Hall ..... : I,t &. 3<1 Thul'< (1)771 I Ricbmond, Va ....... J. A. Crowder ...... '3618% E. Broad St .. T. H. Slater ........ 1602 X. 28th St.. ..... PytiJian Bldg ...... [ Thursdav.

(b)772 Peterboro, 0 n t., • Kath. Hamilton .... 253 Wescott St ..... Vida Xoyes ......... 1265 Sberbronks St..: Lubor Hull ......... I\st & 3,1 Mor, Oan. "

im)773 , Wind.or, Onto Can .. R. L. Shelson ...... Elm Ave ............ 10. L. "'ageleisen ... '160 Winrlimer Rd .... 1. Labr'r Tf'mple ..... .'1 1st &. 31l Thur. Walkerville. (j 11 t .. .

; i Canada. (r)77( Cif.dnnati, 0 .... , .1. E. Caruthers .... 661 Neave St ....... ·i l{. Greell ........... \ 19 Euclid A\'£' ...... Hidldien H.II ..... ,1st & 31i Sut

i : I.lIrllow. liy , '.e)775, Los Anl!ele •. Calil.. Minnie Epp ........ · 2135 S. Los Ange· r Claude Atkinson ... ,312 X. Bixel ~t.. ... ' Union I.abor Hall .. Tuel!day.

'rr)77el Provitience, H. l.. .. ,J .. J. \)001>1:;5 ........ ; 29~e~~!~I.s St ...... jehas .. 1. Lat·ana.le. : j~~ \1',,1Ii"";"" AI e.93 \\'eyho,sftt St ... i2d ~ Hh )'ue·.

I I I • .:\111:nnl,h. I. .

'rr)777 Pendleton. Oreg ..... ' H Boyce ........ '[.;27 LiIleth St ....... \ Claude Eby ......... "a .. ,,·I". (jre .. on ... , W. O. W. Hdl. ... , ............... . 'rr)778 Greenvillp P, ...... F. I.. R(·i<telman ..... 22 Franklin A '·e .. .. I.J. A. Be"r ........... 31 Taylor St.. ...... C"rrentel, n:.ll. ... : 1 -t &; 3tl <r,"' ... ,rr)77Y Ctica .. ". III ........ R. F. Coleman ..... [.513 Engle",ood AV"1 AlLert Granu ....... : ·:21~ S. Hermita .. e ]5·145 AsblalJlt Ave ... i 15t &: 3el Weli.

I I .\\P. I

781 Harrisburg, Pa ..... ' Geo. F. Wein, Jr ... 11633 Xawl:dll St .. ··


Wm. M. Graham ... I P. O. Box li8 ....... 1933 Wood Ave ..... Ilst &; 3d Thun 'I Lemoyne, Pa. :.

(~)m Ft. Worlh, Tex ..... I W. L. O'Xeal. ...... 12305 Elli, Ave ....... W. L. McCaslill .... 11959 Alston AVP .... I Lab0r ·frml'le ..... iTuesday ........


L. U. I Location. Rec. Sec'y Address. Fin. Sec'y. Address. Heeting Place. I Meeting Date.

(m)783!spartansbUrg, S. C. C1ydeAnthony ...... 133 Thomas St.. ..... r. W. Elder ......... 111 Ro"s St.. ....... !Plumbers Hall ..... )[onday. trrJ784·IIndianapoli., Ind ... R. W. White....... 2701 Ethel Ave.. F. J. Lancaster ..... J4 N. Wolcott s ... I' 323 Hume Mauser We<lnesday.

bldg. (m)785 Virgini .. , MiDD ..... O. A. Yares ........ ~ew High School C. M. Yares ........ Kew High School 1204 S. 4th St ........ 1st & 3d Tues.

I Bldg. Bldg. ~rr)7sei ~t. Augustine, Fla. H. G. Campbell. ... Gen. Del........... I:eo. L. Osgood. .. 30 Grovc ~ ve ....... ! ..... :.: .......... .. lm)787


,to Thomas, Ont ... E,I\\". 1'. Ball. ...... Ronte 2 ............. J. R. SmIth ........ 31 ~lal'le St.. ....... ~aehlDlst Hall ... ..

(m)789 l'rul!.wick, Ga ..... R. L. ~·armer ...................... Bert Lund......... . .......•.•.•. 'I' Wright Go"en Ball (rr)79U Ureen Island,N. Y. Chas. W. Sickles ... 21 Simmons Ave., ./. C. Ryan ......... 214 Colonial St ..... R. A. C. Hall .......

i~;:&':id'Fri:" . Friday. Friday. 1st & 3d Mon.

(m)788 l;reenvilJe, S. C ..... J. V. numming ..... 1436l1ulberrY St .... H. A. Barnett ...... 539',2 N. Main St ... : Trade8&Labor Hall.

Cohoes, N. Y. Albany, N. Y ....... I (rr)791 1, 1~(j':';'Vm".. Ky ...... Roht. H. Hanis .. "133n~ W. Br(~aclway .. A; B. Williams ..... ~21 S., Clay .. : ...... , Galt House Hotel.. 2d &. 4th Mon.

79~ f hlcago, .11.. ...... R. H. Campbell .... 6540 S. LaflIn St ..... ". Eo Bladon... ... ,719 S. A,la st .......................................... . (rr)794 l!hicago, Ill.. ...... E. C. Suave, Jr ..... 1416 E. 62d pl. ...... ""nlOnd Price ...... 6604 L'nivcroity Av .. i'lst St. and Cot· 2<1 & 4th Mon. I . ... . I tage G rmoe A '-e. (rr)795,0111cago. m..... ... O. C. Sten?er ...... 7135 Langlcy Ave ... )L.J. Castle ........ 6~34 ~lh~ Ave ........ 119alumet Club Hall (rr)7~6 Au:ora, 111. ........ E. A. Collm8 ....... 364 LInden Ave ..... L. M. I.arsen ....... 1121\. Rn'er St ..... 17 Fox St .......... . . rr)197 I Chicago, Ill ........ tJ. D. Allinson ...... ~351 Greenwooll Ave J. J. Boyle ......... 5227 Morgan St ..... ' Boyles Hall ...... .. (rr)798 Ohkago, 111. ....... M. H. Rowe ........ !1316 S. 49th Ave .... Cha". Russell. ..... 5645 Sang. St ....... )221 BIue Island Av, ,rr)i9~IArgentine, Kans ... O. L. Chrhtine .... '13404 Metropolitan 1'. J. Tracey ....... 07 E. 40th St ........ : Fireman Hall. .....

Ave. Kansas City, MO .... , (rr)800 Itooky Mount, N. C. W. E. MarshlJ1lrn ... Y. ~f. C. A ........... 1. n. Hammond .... 120 Nash St........ Woodman Hall .... . (rr)8011 Grand Rapids, Mid ........................................ ~l. I.. FiIln ......... 159 Carrier St. NE ................... .

1st & 3d Tues. 4th Sun., 2 p.m • I.t & 3d Thurs. 1st & 3d Tues. 1st & 3d Tues.

1st & 3d Thur ... Wed.

2d Friday. lmJ8021 '(;~": Jaw, :Sask., A. L. An,lersoll .... : 1063 Grafton A,·e ... Shlney Smith ...... Box 1141 ........... : Elk Blk ........... .

(rr)803I N,e.w HaTen, Conn.. Louis L<>duc....... ~iIver 1'1........... ~; rra'er .......... H. F. D .• Bau!Jcm ,Mcadow St ......... IstoSun.,3d Rd., nroton, 1 Wed, COlin.

(0)804 • litdy., N. Y ....... ':eo. MeCoIlaglIy.. 16 Campbell Ave ... 1\'111. Il. Summers .. ' 94 ~'oster Av ........ 8. W. Hall ......... 2d & 4th Tu~ •. ,State St.

(rr)805 ·"'1"lia • .11o .. ; ...... 13. H. Paxton ....... 306 S. N. York Ave .. ~1i1" S,'ahr ........ :112 W. 11th St.. .... ;,.abor Temple ...... 2.1 &. 4th Tuea. (.)80~ ' .... terollet. N. Y .... T .. I. Flynn ........ 1861 9th Ave ........ I\· .• J La May ...... ~OO 13th St.. ....... IH. A. C. HaiL ..... l,t&3d Mon.

,(e)8?: ·"IIl·t, ltl .... : ...... Freeman Hick ..... }19~. ~roadway .... 1: Ballnnot ......... Jl~ It]chards St .... '1127 Jefferson St.... 1st &. 3d Fri. ,m)8,' Ilhan?e. OhIO ....... J. H. Strong ........ .,32 1\. I<rcedon St ... C. P. L10J ct ........ 61, K ~lar"et st... Mncabee Hall. ..... Thursday. (17)809 tlelwem. Iowa ...... (leo. ])eyo .......... ,)[7 X. ~'redl',.ick St. R. K Dawley ....... '·6th Aye. So ....... Temple Hall ....... 2d & 4th Thurs .• (I)R1Il Mo~]le, Ala ......... W. L. Pickens ..... 358 St. Mkh.el. .... 1 IV. C. Farnell ...... ,jg Waoh. Aye ....... ' O. O. Owls liest .... Tuesday.

(rr)811 Knoxville. Tenn ..... f. S. WRrd ......... ""rond A'·p ......... \\'. ~'. Cas,idy ..... 'IG05 Hroadway ........... " ......... 2d & 4th Fri ,rrlH12 i LIttle Rock, Ark ... l<. F. Pifer ......... 3903 W. 12th St.. ... R. N. Pedrick ...... ,703 yine St.,liortb : Brannon Hall ...... I.t & 3d Mon.

LIttle Rock, Ark. I

(rr)814 HavelOCk, Nebr ..... F. C. Whiteford .................... , .. , .. Iohn R. Lamb ...... 1925 N. 26th St ...... 1 Labor Temple ...... 1st & 3d Tues. Lmcoln, Nebr.

(1)816 Pittsburgh, Pa...... . . . . .. • . •••• ••. . ..... ,...... Robt. Md,ee...... i07 Wehster Ave .... :. . . . .. .. . ................... .. , .. )817 New York, N. Y .... B. Krasky .......... 1928 University Ave W. S. Smith ....... Box 236. Pleasant· 111 E. 125th St ..... 1st & 3d Tues.

I n~R~

(mt)818 Raltville, Va ........ H. L. Boyd.......... ................. Jao. Cugger... ..... . ........••. i ................... 1st Thurs. (rr)819,' S!ll~"nca, N. Y .... A. R. Cady .......... Spri~gv,iIle,~. Y ... \. Ii. Uu,:l1.. ...... 15 Qates Ave ....... 1 .................... 1st & 3d Sun. (e)820 lark, Pa ........... A. D. ~[englgan .... 962 N. Gt'm St ...... (,eo. C. I_eller ..... i:oute 4 ............. , ~foul Bldg .......... 2rl & 4th Thurs. (1)821 ~lacon, Ga .............................. 1 ................... L P. Chalain ...... 346 S. Colle",e St. .. ,1502% Broadway ... 2d & 4th FrL

822 ChlCagO, nl........ ..... .............. . .................. Chas. Gestner ..... 3067 E. 92d Ave..... ... . . • . .••• •• .. ............ .. (0)823 New Orleans. La ... A .. J. Tomnsvich .... 715 L'nion St.. ...... L. Baessler. ....... IR~4 F'rauklin Av ... i 715 Union St ....... 1st & 3d Tue •.

(rr)824 Middletown, N. Y .. John Hobart ....•.•. 74 Wisner Ave ...... S. E. Lee .....•...• 19',2 Grand Ave ..... !GUnther Bldg ...... 4th Wed. (rr)825 Macon, Ga .................................................. :So P. Howard ...... 359 Chureh St ........................................ . (rr)826 Chicago. Ill. ....... IV. H. Hitchcock ... 2634 W. 22d St ..... A. K. Boyer ........ li48 Prairie A'·e .... 5436 Wentworth Av. 1st & 3d Mon. (1)827 Chumpai!(n and Ur· T. H. Doty ......... 106 Eo Clark St ..... L. T. Coultaa ...... 503 W. Bradley Av. I Labor Hall .......... 1st & 4th Thor.

bana, Ill. I OhampaiA"ll, l\l (t)828 'arlOn, OhIo...... H. E Harrison ..... 237 Chestnut St .... A. H. Payne ........ 333 W. 3rd St.. ..... ' Labor Temple ...... Friday

(rr)829 'i a n Bernardino, C. A. Adams ....... 1395 Rialto Ave .... Cha •. Esthal. ...... 149'; G St.. ......... [ ................................. .. Cali.

(rr)830 foliet. Ill ........... A. E. Kahn ......... 1010 N. Chical(o St .. Ias. A. nay Ie ...... III Pine St ......... r. o. 0 F. Hall ..... Friday. (rr)831 ~;l Reno, Okla ...... E. R. Woodhouse ... So. Biekford Ave ... Lincoln Davis ...... 300 N. Hoff Ave ..... ! Redmen's Hall ..... 1st Saturday. (rr)832 Trenton, Mo ........ W. H. Burkerholder 852 E. 17th St ...... B. Parris ........... 1913 Main St ....... ,:diner's Hall ....... 2d & 4th Sat. (rr)834 Hohoken, N. J ...... Jno.Raymond Craig 44',2 3d St., .J. Leo Rooney..... 88 Main St ......... /500 Bloomfield ..... 2d &. last TuH.

Newark, N. J. Patt.rson, N. J ..•. (m)835 13cl180n, Tenn ...... L. W. Hutcherson .. 247 Ham St ........ F. H. Belew ........ 180 lIil(hland Ave ..................................... .. (m)83 '!hinelander, Wi .... A. Ball ............. 33

'A, Mercer St ...... :'<Ie.1 Slocum ....... 828 Arbutu8 St..... ••••••••••.••• . .............. .

(mJ837 SlIullury, Pa ........ ~. R. Kliul!'er ....... 333 Race St ......... fI L. I.pnberl( ...... 2269th St .......... ,r. o. O. F Hall..... 1st &. 3d Friday. (8)838 \rpriclian, Miss ...... C. N. HOlland ...... 5 St., 40th Aye ...... C. W. Thornton .... 4016 South St ...... !Trades Coundl. ... 1st &. 3d Fri.

(rr)839 ler<{'y Shore, Pa .... Roy McIntosh ....... \Ile",heny St ........ H. D. McKee ....... 310 Glover St ....... 1 r. O. Q. F. Hall ..... 2d &. 4th Mon. (i)840 I;e",'va, N. Y ....... Walt Hosking ...... 205putt.llSY ....... Kenneth D. Carroll. 12 Howard St ...... jEXChanl!'e St ..••.•. Alternate Fri. (t)841 Topeka, K.s ........ H. N. Lower ........ 417 Chandler St ..... R. O. (lollins..... 1214 Ore.ley St.... 119 W. 6th St ....... 1st & 3d Wed.

(rr)842 Utica, N. Y .......... fno. Matheson ..... 1412 Neilson St.. ... A. R. Jewell ....... 906 Downer Ave .... Labor Temple ...... 1st & 3d Tues. 843 ritt.field, Ma.".... ... .. . .. .. .. .. ... ......... .... • ............. .

(m)844 (loatpsville. Pa ..... Richa .. 1 Nurbin .... Hotel Coates,·iIIe ... W. 1'. !tleixell ...... 45 S. 4th Ave ....... : Tho~pson ·Bldg.::.: Tuesday. (rr)845 nes !tloines. la.... Gerald R. Edmund· Valley Junction,la. GeraldR. Edmund· 304 6th St., Valley, Masonic Hall ....... 2nd Wed.

son. 304 6th St ....• , . . . . . son. Junction, la. (m)846 Hattiesburg, Miss .......................................... Ray Fairley ........ 818 Hanly St ....... 1 .................................. -(rr)M7 Kansas City, Kans. C. H. Dooker...... 738 Cornell Ave ..... P H. Peterson ..... 739 Parallel Ave .... 960 Central Ave.... 4th Saturday. (rr)848 Horton, Kans ....... F. E. Brown ........ P. O. Box 74 ....... R. F. Connors ...... Box 277 ............................................... . (rrl849 Syracuse, N. Y ..... I. W Len",eaver ... 1127 Cannon St ..... Frank Greenway ... 1006 Oak St ........ 148 N. Salina ....... 1st &; 3d Fri. (c)850 Bethlehem, Pa..... .................... ................... Clarenee Schildt ... 5 N. Hes8 St., So. Eagles Hall ........ Thursday.

Side. 851 Los Angeles, Cal. .. Chas. E. Rake ...... 1589 E. 45th St ..... Edwin Lyons...... 1219 E. California .. Labor Temple ...... Friday.

Ave., Glenda}~ (c)852 Richmond, Va ...... O. W. Dill ............................. (l. R. Bass ......... 701 N. 21st St ....... Pythian Castel. .... Sunilay.

(01)853, Brewster, Ohio ...• '1' Daniel Jones...... Namrre, 0 .. R. 3.. n. Mathi~s ......... P. O. Box 1. ........ 1 Massiljon, 0....... 4th Monday"

lrr)854 Buffalo, N. Y .•..... Richard J. Barry ... 238 Fourth St ....... C. Canntchael. .•.• 32 Colle~e St ....... i 415 Clinton St..... 1st & 3d Fri. (1)81551 \lunrie, Ind ................................................. Jos. Morrison ...... 405 W. North St.. .. I .................................. _


I..u·1 Location. Rec. Sec'y. Addre ... Fin.8ec',. Addre ... I Wepting Pia"". I Meeting Date.

(rr)856 Oreenville, S. 0 .... O. M. Jonea ...... "1216 Johnson St .•••. W. W. Rogers ...... 1 Y. M. C. A .......... Carmen Hall ....... 1st & 3d Tues.


City View. (:reell\ille, S. C

(rr)857 DuBois. Pa ......... Lewis L. Prk"e ..... 514 Chestnut Ave ... )/o",'ood Shaller ... I >l.; >; 11 a III ~t ...... Oriole Hall. ........ 1st & 3d FrI. ,rr)868 ~0~cr8et. K" ...... J. )'. Shenell1lin .... 1 109 ;Vest,.;t.. ...... J .. F. Sheneman .... 109 :West SL ...... ~. 01 1'. Hall ....... 1st & 3,1 Wed. (rr)859 Sprnoglleld. W •. ss .. Ambrose C. Me· 31 I aluler A'e ...... \\m. H. Sharpe .... 56 Summer St.. .... '~ntral Lahor Hall ltit & 3,1 Thora.

LHren. I (rr)880 Long Island City, Jacob Grocoff ....•. 189 R. oc~a\\'ar Rd., .......................................................................... _

N. Y. JamaIca,.N. Y. (m)801 Siratford, ~nt., U. Duggau ......... \140 Hibernia St ..... A. T. McTavish .... 4lS8 Brunswick St.. Pratt;" Hall ........ 2<1 & 4th Tue •.

("gnada (rr)802 .Jaek80"ville, Fla ... J. H. lierthain ...... S. A. L. Sltops ...... V. L. Saun']er ...... 120 Va"i8 St ........ Labor Temple ..... Tuesday. (r:r)8113 La~'ayette, Ind ..... l<"rank P. Clark ..... 809 ,o\lanama St ..... L. F. nranllon ..... 1114 N.lltlt St. ..... Fo .. ter Hall. ...... 1st & 3d MO!'. (rr)8G4 Jersey City, N. J ... Erueot A. Ritz ...... 214 Claremont Ave .. Jas. H. Hart ........ 106 Hamilton Ave ... Union Hall ......... 2d & 4th Fri.

. I Paterson, N. J. . (rr)805 Balt.more, Md ...... R. U. Saflleld ...... I,akelaml LansdoUD Robt. Montgomery. 13 W. Raudall St ... Sonnelmrg Hall .... FrIday.

Ald. (m)8M MCAlester, Okla .... Walt Florence ...... Box 329 ............ L. S. Florence ...... Dox 329 ............ Pajnters Hall ...... Thursday. (rr)867 Detroit, Yich ...... Oeo. O. Hara ....... 238 Hubbard Ave ... Uscar Miller ........ 3-4 Myrtle St ........ Bricklayers Hall ... 1st Saltmlay,

(m)8l!8 New Orleans, J,a ... T. E. Gernon ....... 5341 Camp st ....... A. J. Dupuy ........ 4010 Bi~nville St. .. (rr)870 Oumherland, Md ... O. L. Colley ........ 294 N. Centre St .... J. H. Smeltz ....... 411 Williams St .....

715 Union St ....... Chapel Hill H 0 8 e


2nd Wed. 2<1 & 4th Mon. Thursday.

(8)871 ~'t. Wayne, Ind ..... E,lw. Schroeder .... 723 Taylor St ........ John D. Schwartz .. 1831 Alabama Ave ... FederatiOn Hall .... Friday. lm)872 n"th. Me ........... Jao. M. Royal ...... 68 North St ......... Albert Thompson .. Upper Wash. St .... Unton Hall ......... Wed. (m)873 I\okomo, Ind ....... A. A. Largent ...... 723 S. Buckley ..... N. E. Bourne ...... 1401 Waah St. N .... Central Labor Tern. 2d & 4th Fri. (m)874 Zanesville, Ohio .... J. H. LauDsdre ..... 154 Vine St ......... N. J. Simmons ..... 928 Market St ...... Labor Hall ......... 1st & 3d Wed.

876 :.;terli"!,, Ill........ .. ...................................... Chas. II. Florida ... Hock Island, ill.... . ................................. .. (ILt.877 C-:ollingwood, Out. Alt. Payne ......... Box 584 ............ J .. G. Belcher ...... Dox 644 ............ !lurontaria St ...... 2nd Wed.

Canada. (e)876 Benwood, W. Ya ... G. C. Walters ...... 371& Tollman Ave ... W. E. Baltz ........ ),{cMechen, W. Va .. K. ot P. Ha.ll....... I, 2, 3 Tues.

(e)879 (c)8isO


Bellaire, O. Rella ire, Ohio ....•. Geo. W. Rauch ...•. 4635 Jeff St ..... , ••. Pitt"burg, Pa ..... , Ja<'k Keeling ....... 239 Lombard St .. .. rndillna,l'a ........ Ralph MeHenry .... 628 Water St ...... . \'ew Orleans, La ... F. Gatechain ......................... ..

L. H. Roscoe ....... Klee, Ohio ......... (lolden Eagle Hall. Saturday. Geo. DaNis ......... 5139 Carnegie Av ... Moosehl'ud Hall .... Wed. R. M. Hill .......... 152 N.11th St.. ..... Fnion lIall ......... 2d & 4th Mon. Jeff Pariah ......... Orleana Parkway, 715 Union St ........ 1 & 3d Thurs.

R. F. D. No. 52 ... .. (m)883 Bogalusa, La ....... Carl F. Reed ....... 6()2 Avenue B...... Leo L. RiIllngs.... 530 Ave. 0 .......... Starns Hall ........ 2d & 3d Wed. (rr)884 Clehurne, Tex ...... O. Y. Sianker ...... 411 N. AI.glin St .... E. W. Davie ........ 735 N. Anglin St. ... Labor Temple ...... 1st Sund., 3d

Thurs. (rr)886 Chicago, IlL ...... Wm. J. Coty ....... 315& W.Chl Ave .... Otto Weher ........ 1932 So. 67th Ave ... 3622 W. Division... 1st & 3d Frt.

Cicero, JII. (rr)886 Minneapolis, Minn. O. Wm. Frank ..... 2921 18th Ave. So ... Wm. F. Frank ..... 2921 18th Ave. So ... 251 HenDipen ....... 1st Sat. (c)887 Two Harbors, Minn Herbprt Berg ...... Hox398 ............. Peter Ron.wald .... Y. M. C. A ......... Ivan Dock Hall ..... 3d Sat.

(rr)888 St. Louis, Mo ....... J. Defend .......... 5331 Claxton Ave ... A. L. Wright ....... 4670 Page Ave ...... Fraternal Bldg ...... 1st & 3d Thura. (m)890 .1anpsville, Wia ..... V. F. Moo"" ........ 615 Park Ave ....... Frank Kelly ........ 405 Oalena St ...... Labor Hall. ........ 1st & 3d Thura. (m)891 Oochocton, 0 ....... Frank Barthlow •••. S. 6th St ....•.••.••. R. A. Caton ..••••.. 1220 E. Chestnut St. Trades & Labor 2d & last TYea.


892 Mankato, Minn ..••. J. R. Hennelsey ..•. 1221 Minnesota St .. Wm. A. McGrath .. 807 Belgrade Ave ... I. O. O. F. Hall ..••. 1st Thursday. (m)893 Cleveland, Tenn.... .................... .................... . ....................................... c................... . .............. . (rr)895 Oakland. Cali ...... F. B. Breck, Jr ..... 3015 Telegraph Av .. F. W. Edwards ..... 1430 9th Ave ........ 12th Alice .......... Tuesday. (m)896 Midland, Ont., Can. H. Benelle......... .. .................. J. Howard O'Connor .................... Orange Hall ........ 2d & 4th Frt. (m)897 Niagara Falls, On •. O. Sutton .......... III Weiland Ave .... A. Glavee .......... 692 Ferry St ........ Barnfield Hall ...... 1st & 3t! Mon.

Canada. (1)8lIS Huntington, W. Va. L. S. Abbott ........ 1004 Bath Ave ...... A. C. Singer ........ 1028 Wash. Ave ..... Ben Hur Hall ...... 2d & 4th Wed.

Ashland, Ky. (1)81It Milwaukee, Wis .... Richard Schater .... 140 18th St .......... Wm. Sandalhach ... 154 8th St .............................................. .

(m)900 Swlbury, O"t., Ca H. Evans ........... Box 478 ............ Jas. McCool ................................................ 1st & 3d Moo (m)901 Taylorville, JII..... Ivo? McLain....... 808 S. Cherokee St. W. D. Goodpasture. 305 W. Vine St ...... 320 W. Adams ...... 1st&; 3d Mon.

rr902 St. Paul, Minn ...... J:H. Tubhesing .... 1039 Margaret St .... O. J. McGlogan .... 1704 Grand Ave ..... · 75 W. 7th St ........ 1st Tues.,3rd Sunday.

(m)903 Marion, 0 .......... Herbert Sortman ... 202 S. Main St.. ..... J. Fred C1ogett .... 317 Silver St ........ Maccahee Hall ..... l.t & 3d Hon. tm)9O( Ft. Scott, Kans ..... John J. Troughton. Eddy St ............ J. Bloomfielri ....... 612 S. Margrave St .. Redman Hall ....... Ist& 3d Mon. (m)905 Ranger, Ter ........ .1. F. Smith ........ · .................... .1. Lee Zimpelman .. Box 375 ............ Painlers Hall ....... WednesdaY. (m)9OG No Bay, Ont., Can .. H. J. Simpson ...... 140 1st Ave. E ...... B. Emprey ......... 56 Mcintyre W ...... 1. O. O. F. Hall ..... 1st &; 3d Sat. (m)907 Youngstown, 0 ..... Jno. R. Skoloda .... Box 546 ............ Geo. Camjo ........ 17 Morley Ave ...... 245 E. Federal St ... Wed.

Struther., O. (rr)~ Tipton. Ind ......... Roscoe Cline ....... 420 S. H i g h St., M. H. Bechtol. ..... Arcadia, Ind ....... , ......... ~ .......... Saturday.

Muncie, Ind. (rr)909 Nashville, Tenn .... E. R. Flucher ...... 214 Boscobel St .... ·IV. L. Ray .......... 1116 Cyphu Ave ....................................... . (rr)910 Watertown, N. Y ... Raymond Abeel. ... lOS Michigan Ave ... Earl Fergu.on ...... 176 E. Main I3t ...... Oourt St ............ Tues.

(c)911 Steubenville, 0 ............................................. E. A. Chamherlain. 7 Orr Bldg ............................................ .. (rr)912 Collinswood, 0 ..... C. A. Martin ....... IM8 Corlyon Rd .... R. D. Jones ........ 7508 Shaw Ave. St.. Virginia Hall ....... 1st & 3d MOIl. \c)1I13 Warren, 0 .......... R. Knoske .......... 121 Mulberry 8t ..... O. G. Abbott ....... 24 Arhart Ot ........ 3'h Market St.. .... Monday.

(m)lI14 Thorald, Ont., Can. Bobt. S. Bradley ... Carleton St. No .... W. L. Tees ......... 8% Page St. ......... Oarpenten Hall .... 2d 11; 4th ThUD. (m)lIll Three Rh'ers, Que., A. J. Levasseur .••. 9th George St ...... Wm. McOlintock ... Box 8, Cap de Mad· 39a Rue Des Farge. 1st & 3u Fri.

Canada. elaine, Qu~, Can. (rr)916 nellefontaine, Ohio Harry B. Razor ......................... Harry Byrd ............................. Musicians Hall ..... Tuesday. (rr)GI7 Memphis, Tenn.... Wallace P. Lol'es .. 255 E. Iowa Ave .... R A. Reed ......... 310 Simpson ........ Engineers HaJJ ..... 1st &; 3t! Sun. (rr\9tR Covington, Ky ...... F. L. Welte ........ 1703 Holman St.. ... Chao. A. Herbert ... 320S Di.eour.e Ave. I. O. O. F. HaJJ ..... 1st & 3d Mon. (rr)9111 Erwin, Tenn....... C. E. Perkins...... .................... .................... .................... . ................... 2d & 4th Sat.

1120 Lynchburg, Va ..... T. C. Wbilemore ... 710 Dinwiddie St .. 11 W. M. Elliott ....... 006 Church St ...... Eagle Hall ......... l.t &: 3d Fri. (rr)921 Two Harboro, Minn. J. L. Kerr .......... 914 10th Ave ........ W. A. Porger ....... Gen. DeL .......... Iron Docks Hall .... 1st Saturday. (c)922 Steelton, Pa ....... Albert C. Nofllnger. 128:1 Miller st ....... Ja •. B. Snavely.... Enhaut, Pa. Lir;ht Co. Hall ..... Wed.

Harrishurg, Pa. (m)Q23 Lebanon, Pa....... Arthur A. Jonea .... 500 Canal. .......... Stanley Lewal'll .... 424 N. Alley ........ 317 Canal St.. ..... , 18t &I; 3d MOIL


, L. U. I Location. Rec. Sec·y. Addre ••. Fin. Bee.,. Addrelll. I Meeting Place. I Meeting Date.

W. W. West ••..•••. :'10 Mechen. W. Va. I L O. O. F. Hall ..••. 1st & 3d Wed. Grant St ........••.

Rose R. Tenorio ... Box 270 ...•.......• Federation Hall .... 1st & 3d Thurs.

(rr)924 \ Wheeling, W. Va ... J. A. DeBalt ........ 401% S. York St ... .


l San Juan, Po r t a Jose Perez Boneta., Box' 270 ........... .

Rica. (m)92f

l Shawini~an Falls. O. Pierve... ........ ................... Geo. Mercier ....... 161 Station Ave ..... City Hall .......... 1st & 3d Fri.

, Que., Canada. (m)921 Middietowli. Ohio .. Clarence Neucomb. :\laple Park ........ Herbert Laymon ... 420 Woodlawn ...... W. O. W. Hall ..... Friday .

• ' Terrell, Tex ..•..... .T. C. Cox ....•....•. 709 E. Nash ........ W. A. Tholen ....... Tholan Anto Wks .. K. P. Hall .......... 2d & 4th Tuea. (m)Q2!I i Titu,vilJe, Pa ...••. OIy<1e Rhollaberger. 108 W. Spruce St ... Harold A. Schwartz 13.0; E. Diamond St.. ...............•... Thurs~ay.

taO Charleroi. Pa ...... Cllas. M. Sutton .... 545 Domer Ave ...... Don Mechner ...•... 719 Lincoln Ave .•... 333 Fallowfield Av .. Friday. I ~lones~enJ Pa....... .

(m)9311 Lake Charles, La ... W. L Han-od ...... 1201 Kukman ....... r. w. Alford ....... 1915Madlson St ..... lIoose Hall ......... ~Ionday. (n1)93211<1ahO ~'alls, Illaho .. F. F. Haybal! ...•... 171 5th St ......... ,. F. F. Haybal! ....... Iii 5th St .......... Labor Hall ......... 1st & 3d Thur". (m)933 l1oncton, N. B .• K a r 1 Alexander 117 Wesley St ...... Aurel Leger ........ 218 Robinson St .... Labor Hall. ........ 2<1 & 4th Wed.

Canada. Dinsmore. (rr)934 Tu""on, Ariz ....... ' ....................................... Geo. Legler... ..... .................... .••••...... •.. . ............. .. (m)935 Vicksburg, Miss .... C. S. Bagoon ....... 82 China St.. ....... C. W. Wadsworth .. 1419 Walnut St.. ... Bonelli Bldg ....... 1st & last

Thursday. (m)936 Enid, Okla ......... Walton p. Watts ... 220% W. Randolph. L. Dodd ............ 111 E. Elm St ....... Trds. COllnril Hall. Friday. (rr)937 Richmond. Va ...... R. R. Jones ......... 2121 Hanover Ave ... J. T. Barrett ....... 510 N. 29th St.. .... ' Al~ade hldg ........ 1st &. 3d Mon.

(rr)938 Sacramento, Cali ... E. n. Normington .. 2516 San Fernando J. Noonan .......... 1120 20th St ......... Labor Temple ...... 2d & 4th Wed. Way.

(m)939 Arkansas City. Kas. F. J. Schwartz ..... 314 N. 4th St ................................................ Labor Hall ......... Tuesday. (m)940 North Platte, Nebr. H. R. ("ox .......... 317 W. 6th St.. ..... C. G. Lawrence .... 716 E. 5th St ........ Labor Temple ...... 2d & 4th Mon. (m)941!Bowling Green,Ky.. l'lIn Borders ...... 1351 Center St ...... ,; Y. hayes ..... ; .. 1362 C"nter St ...... W. A. W. Hall. .... Satul'flay. (m)942 <;isco, Te,,; .......... r~. 1'. Little ......... ~o" 34 ............ L. p. Little ........ Box 34 .............. I. O. O. F. Hall .....

944 Seattle, Wash ...... E. T. Rauen ........ ,42145th Ave., S.W E. Wyatt .......... f 111 Harr:son St.. ... Labor Temple ...... Wedn<'l3day. (rr)945i Philadelphia, Pa... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... . .............. .. (m)946, Huntington, Ind .... A. F. Thomps0n .... 515 Charles St ....... J. Fred Foster ...... M4 E. Franklin St .. 3 E. Market St ...... Fnday. (m)947 Vincennes, Ind ..... N. M. Devine ....... 115 Vig-o St.. ...... Ileo. A. Broune .... 923 Bunton A'·e ........................................ . (m)948 E'lint, Mich ......... C. T. Hatch ........ 17361J1inois Ave .... E. J. Guilbault ..... 1212 Poplar St ...... 111% Kearsley ...... Tuesday. (m)949 Austin, lJinn ....... L. G. Forgerson .... 1423 N. Kenwood ... E. E. Greene ....... 102'1" N. Main ......................................... . (m)ll5Q Gr. Rapids, Wisc ... H. L. Boyington ... G39 Aron St.. .................................................................................. .

(s)951 Salem, Mass ........ Mary Herlihy ....... 38 North Eml Ave ... l!ary Memple ...... 10 Oak St.. ......... Eagles Hall ........ 2d & 4th Mon. (t,,)952 Seattle, Wash ....... '. D. ONeiL ....... 4041 Arcade Bldg ... E. R. Ncighhor ...... 4011 Arealle Bldg ... Arcade Bldg ....... , Thursday. (m)953 1 Eau Claire, WisQ ... Ted Peterson ...... 415 Williams St .... R. n. Cromwell .... 618 Division St ..... Union Hall ......... 2d & 4th ~d. (rr)954 Houston, Tex ........ 1. T. Bowers ....... 4710 Pine St ........ Wm. Lodge ........ 113H Yale St ........ Labot Temple ...... 2d & 4th Tues.

(1)955 E't. Smith, Ark ..... Paul Ross ............................... I':rncst Bumbacher. 2021 N. J St ........................................... .. (rr)9~7 Sparks, Nev ................................................ C. E. Johnson ...... 311 12th St.. ....... Engineers Hall. .... 3rd Friday. (rr)958 Corning, N. Y ...... Harvey Lounsbury .. 99 PeITyAve ......... Elmer D. Moore .... 41 FulIer A"e ....... Moose Hall ......... 2d & 4th Mon. (m)~60 Sherbrooks, Que., ................................................................................................................... .

Canada. (m)9.61 St. Augustine, Fla .. )f. L. Wolfe ............................ C. H. Bradford ......................... Matens Ci!!,ar Fac ................ ..

962 Readville, pa ....... C. F. Heyn ......... 149 Milton St....... .................... .................... ................... .. ............. .

! IE. Dedham, Mass. I (m)963 Ka~'kakee, Ill ....... Wm. A. Keane ...... 193 N. Indiana Ave .. Earl Harper ........ 1731 E. Court St .... Labor Hall ......... 2d & 4th Wed. Irr)964, pa .................................................... C .. O. Miller ........ 535 E. 26th St.. ........................................ . (m)965 Lusk, Wyo ......... D. C. Jamieson ......................... N. R. Simpson ..... Box 385 ............ Tele Office ......... Tuesday. (m)966 \ <shlngj:on. Ind .... O. J. Lawndale ..... 4 E. Main St ........ E. E. Luder ........ , 505 E. Hefron St .... EaglesHall ......... 2d & 4th Wed. (rr)967 Al~~~r~~:ue, N. .. ....................................... E. B. Suape ........ 1012 S. Broadway ... I. O. O. F. Hall ..... 1st & 3d Wed.

(m)910 Charlottetoun, Cortland Hopkins .. 89 Sydney St ........ S. M. Isnae ......... 166 Weymouth St ... 53 Queen ........... Monday. Que., Canada.

912 }larietta, 0 ......... Frank Hyde ........ l23 2nd .............. r. E. McKenna ...... 140 Woodland Ave ... Labour Hall ........ 1st Wed. (1)973 So. Bend, Ind ....... C. F. Irish .......... 817 N. St. Louis Albert Weder ....... 530 N. Scott St.. ... Cent. Labor Hall ... 2d k 4th Tues.

Blvd. (m)974 Carlinville. Ill. ...... Thos. Todd ......... Mayo, St ............ Wm. G. Wagner .... Hotel St. George ... Bldg. Trds. Hall. .. 1st & 311 Mon. (rr)915 :-<orfolk, Va ......... Davie Parker ....... 308 E. 25th Sl.. ..... Walt Anderson ..... 1042 W. 35th St ........................................ . (m)978 Elkhart, Ind ........ Ralph Wagner ..... 524 So . ...2nd St ...... Elmer D. Sellers ... 600 Baldwin St ..... Painters Hall ...... Monday.

(f)980 Los k'geles, Cali ... D. L. Dusbane ...... 624 W. 10th St ...... Bro. McIntosh ...... 3222 Cypress St ..... Labor Temple ...... 1st & 3d Tue •. (m)982 w~::!~.n, S a I e m, W. R. Ganwood ........................ E. R. Weisner ...... 575 De"inshore St.. .. ................................ ..

(mt)984 Peabody, Mass ..... Harold I. Nash ..... 6 Stevens St ........ J. Edw. Wiggin .... 1 West Ave ......... Creamer Bldg ...... 1st & 3d Mon. (m)985 I?dependence, Kas .. ,r. W. Cross ........ ' 207'h N, Penn Ave .. E. R. Bailey ........ 211 W. !laple St.. .. Carpenter's Hall ........... ' ...... .. (rr)986 E!mlra, N. ~ ........ D. C. O.borne ...... 911 Lincoln St ...... Wm. Moffat ........ Cedar St.. .......... Trades Labor Hall ............... .. (m)981 FlIldl,;y, O~lO ...... E. B. Henslee ....... 216 Taylor St ....... C. W. Carr ......... Gorrell Hotel. ...... Marvin Bldg ........ Monday. (to)9SS ,)etrOlt, M1Cb ....... I. C. Beavis ........ 003 2nd Ave ......... A. Larson .......... 131 Adelaide St ..... Bricklayers Hall ... , Friday. (m)989 Ada, Okla .......... L. Johnson ......... 1,6th and Cherry .... L. Johnson ......... 1pth anll Cherry .... I. O. O. F. Hall. .... Friday. (m)990 Lancaster, Pa ....... Donald Groff ....... 216 S. West End C. G. Gochmaner ... 450 Manor St ....... UnionLabor Hall. •. Tuesday.

Ave. 991 Corning, N. Y ...... Chas. W. Botsford. 83 Front St ......... M. D. Forrest ...... 133 W. 5th St ....... Central Labor Hall. 2d & 4th Wed.

Addison, N. Y. (m)993 Burley, Idaho ...... Roy Fleischer ...... 507 E. Main St ...... J. G. Daly .......... 121 S. Albion Ave ... Carpenters Hall .... 2d & last

Thur". ~m)99( Bradford, Pa ............................................... R. C. Gooilrich ..... 56 Chestnut St ........................................ . ~m)99i Shawnee, Okla ..... R. F. Hamilton ..... 520 N. Beard St.. ... R. F. Hamilton ..... 520 N. Beard St ....................................... . m)998 Greensboro, N. C ... C. R. Gilchrist ..... Public Ser. Co ...... W. A. Burch ....... 'Ic.~~:wcstern Union ............................ ' ....... .

(to)ls Boston, Mas8 ....... Anna O·Brien ...... 50 Rosemont St.. Mary E. Matthew •. Rm, 452. Old South 987 Wash. St ....... 2d '" 4th Kon. Dorchester. 1IIa88. Rldg.

(to)2. Lynn. Ma.s ........ C!P.ry ...... 3~ HollingllwortL \lay Healey ........ ~ F..cbo 1'1.. ........ I. Moose Hall ........ 2d & 4th Mon. ~ ,

(to)a. Springfield, )la.... \I"ry.1. Boyce ..... 252 Tyler St ........ ~ary R. Quinn ..... : 22 Urmn·ill,· St.. .. '1' Ribernia.n H~n.... 2d & 4th Thura. (toH. f.{olyoke. Ma.8, .... Mary Daley....... 18 Lynwood Ave .... ~Alzabetb !Joy Ie.. 121 \f,IIH 4vp...... OBI.llomB1l hall.. 1st ... 3d MOD. (to)5a Worcpster, Mass ... "'ory Conway ..... 4G Dorcheater St .... ~nna Folev. ...... ~7 Tpmpl. Qt ...... ,K. of C. Hall..... 2d & 4th Th1lJL (to)8a New Bellf'd, Mass .. "iolR C. (1ha~e... ~~ w •• t St ......... lIarion 11:. Keane.. ~22 Clinton ~t.... I Union 1'1. '. .••.. 1st & 3d Thuno (to)7a Framingham. Ma"" Emma G" Martin.. 1 Greenhalge Rd ..•.. lIildred CallahllD.. 6 Eame. St ......•.. C. L. Hall......... lot &; 3d Mon.


L. U. I Location. Bee. Sec'y. Addre ... Fin. Sec·y. Addre ... Meeting Place. I Meeting Date.

(tn)1Ia S08tOO. Masa. ..... I Marguerite K. i 7a Cotting St.. Bella young ........ 43 Riverview Rd.. 14 eBalOn St ........ I.t & 3d Mon. , Burke. I Medford. Ka... Faneuil, H&B8. '

(tn)\Ia (to)lIa (to)l%& (tn)l6a

(tn)lOa (tn)l8e (tnJlVa (tn)2Oa (tn)2la (tn)22a (tn)23a

B~tte. Mont ........ , ......................................... Bertha McGregor ... 916 W. Gold St ..... W. Granite St ...... Last Saturda7. ~'ltchburg. Ma ....... , Helen Olaeo....... 113 Slmond. St ..... R. A. VIliJjsuutb ... 52 Oliver St ......... Fitchburg. B. T .... 2d &; 4th Mon. Ooncord. Mull ..... ! liary Mansfield ..... lI~dford m......... Mary A. UMmea .... 52 Bedford St ....... Main St............ 2d Monday. Dellison. TeL ..... .: Rae Koger ......... 503 S. Armatronc Ray Koger ......... ;,Q3 S. Armatronll' .................... 1st Monday.

. A~ A~

';alem. Ma.s. ...... I Ilice M. Queeman. I~o lIuoto,:, St ....... Laura M. Kenoy .... ' 89 Mason St ........ V.lell Hall .......... 2.1 "'[onday. Lolwrence. Mass .... II Gertrude CrimmODll52 Cambndge ...... Ro •• lledard ....... 159 Wat", St....... Pih:rtm Bll< ........ 2d II:; 4th Tues. Lowell,. Mass. ...... , Margt. G. Cullen ... n Loring St ........ Alina McQuade.... I!" RogerB St.. .... '94 Uurham St ....... 4th Tues. Ha~r~lll. MaBs .. "Iliazel Morflson ..... ,Arch tlt ........... .Ihldrea LJwe"I! ...... , Ve.try !:It.. ...... 1 ~ Mam St ........... 3d Monday. ~:al\ RIver, Mua .... 1 Emily Keefe: ..... "1162 Rockland St .... Alic~ Ward........ 6,18.S. Almond St... I A~oo.e Hall ......... 1st Monday. [aullton, Msss ..... , 1(. MacKenzIe ...... 45 Hodges Ave ...... Margt. D. Meade ... M~ Somerset Ave ..... C"urt St.. .......... 4tb Monday. Pittsll"ld and Gr. : 'darguerite Claffle .. I~l ~ a r. 0 n Aye •• lIlae VUfty ••..•...•. jo.;a Lebanon Ave .... : Whittlesey Bldg .... 1st & 3d Mandai

Barrmgton. M&B8.! . . I.) Dalton, M.... '" ; (to)24. S. Adams. Mass .... i Valeda VIens .... '''i 230 llour;hton St .... Anm. Tlmover ..... 27 Cheesbro Ave .... , reI. Club Hall..... Istv~a~s. last

(to2k Portland. He .. : .... ' llrs.Helen Cuahing: .................... Mrs: Harie Bates ...................... ' Pythian Temple .... Last TueB. Ho)26. Hangor. Me ......... .\larie Drinkinin~ .. '111 Front St.; ....... LOUlBe Douty ....... ::. ~ ................ : I( v y a I Arcanium 2d & 4th Tuee. (to)27a ilrockton. Ha.s .... · Ruth Brown ....... ,30 Sewton St ....... June HcCormack ... a3 Falmouth Ave ... .\lain St ............ 1st & 3d Mon. {to)28a Nashua. N. H ....... , ................... , .................... FlorencB Berry .... toy Aulds St........ . (to)29a L'oleno. Ohio ....... i ~;. B~de ............ I .................... Mno. Loretta Van 539 Nebraska Ave .. ,103·A~~~·ci~ iiidg:::: i\'~;i~~~day''''

I I Gunter. evening. (to)31a Winnipel!, Man.. I Sadie Hillier ....... 52 Marion St.. ..... ..... ...... ........ .. ................ , Labor Tenlple.... td & 4th Wed.

Can : 1 \ (to)32a CleV!eland. 0 ....... · ........................................ C. A. Weal·er ...... 35.21 Prospect Ave .................................... . (to)33a ,ewburyport, Mass VIda O'Neal. ...... 148 Temple St ....... Mary E. Dickie ..... Rmgs Island ....... , Lafayette Hall ..... 1st Wed. <to)3~a Staunton, Ill....... Eliz. M. Mason ..... ! ~taunton. lll....... Julia Mcintyre..... . ...•......••...•••. , ,.;taunton L. TempI< 2nd /<'riday. (to)30a Ardmore, Ukla..... . ................... i ................... ·1 .. · ................ · ...... .. . (to)36a Aberdeen. Wash .... Kitty Hallsen ...... : 1315 E. Summit St. Mrs. Christinsen ... 114 N"Monr~;; St':.: iil;i~: T;~d~~::: .... :. (to)37a Wallace. Idaho .... ; lielen Zellars ...... i ,I\. (JoheTIIs........ Eliz. M. Smith ..... i22 Resiolence St ... :22 Uesioence St .. . (to)38a Missoula, Munt.... .. ................. ' .........••••• 'jl'earl Kubl. ........ Box 424 ............ Union Hall ........ . (to)39a Tacoma, Wash.; ... , uarolyn Wagner .... 11612 E. 30th St ...... Anna Kosowek ..... 120h S: Cushman ... Eagles' Hall ....... .

(to)4la ~. YakIma. wash"II!OrothY ~oll ....... 1~3 l>. ~th Av ....... Edl;a Aikey ........ 303 S. 1st St ....... ·1 LHbor Temple .... .. (to)42a 'it'ottle, Wash..... ~ ranelS ~ ,eld ....... Labor 1emple ...... Ma~ Dully .......... Labor Temple ...... i Labor Temple ..... .

2;\' &,' 4th' W~;C lst & 3d Mon. 1st & 3d Fri. l"t & 3d Fri. Tuesrlay. Tuesday. 211 & 4th Thura 2<1 & 4th Tues.

(to)40a I~ allu ~Valla, '>\ ash I .••.•••.••.•.• '1'" .................. ' Alma I)eye ......... 110 \ylthva St ...... 1 Labor Temple .... ..

(to)43a,' Ilympia, Wash.... ,'lorl1 McDonald .... f.ash.. Wlnilr~(j Randall jllOX 575 ............ :, :th & Adams ..... ..

(tol4(a Portland. Ore ...... ' rera Epling ........ !. Box 644 ............. Ethel Knisely ...... Box 644 ............ 386% Washington Thursday. . ,.;~

(to)45a Miles City. Mont ... : ................... i: .... · .. · .......................... / ............... , ,tb and Main ....... 4th Sat. (to)47a ~'t. Smith. Ark ..... ' ,;dna ('rawford ..... 323 !S. 6th ......... '1' Bertha Moore ••... ,1117 S. 18th St.. .•. 1 ',abor Temple •...•. Thursday. (to)488 Spokane, Wash ..... 1 ~Jarie I1anns ....... 1 Box 1848 ........... Myrtle Bott ........ IBox 1848 ........... ,,'n 1st Ave ......... Tuesday. (tnJ50a rerre Haute. lod ... iEsther Rowe ....... 1230 X. 13th St.. .... '1' Ruth Ro\\e ........ '1' 230 X. 13th St ....... O. L. U. dall ....... Monday. (to)51a Bakersfield. Cal... / ................... I ............ · ...... · .................... · ........ · .... · .. · .. 1 .................. • ............. -(to)52a Los AogpleR. Cal. .. F;rtoll Peckman ..... 2328 Stephenson AV. Mrs. Bow .......... 1919 San Pedro 8t .. 1232 s. Hill .......... Friday. (to)53a I'reono, cal ....... 1 Oycel Scott ........ Hox 153 ........... ·1· .... ·· .. · ...... • .. ·1 .... · .. · .............................................. .. (to)64a "an Fran. Cal.. ............................ " ............ "Illertha Reinhard ... 343 Pacific Bldg.... .................... . .............. . (to)55a Sapulpa. Okla...... .................... . ................. Geo: Broom': ....... lJox 632. ~......... .. ............................... .. (tn)57a Lewiston. I\[e ...... I Huchel Hines ...... '1/23 Howe St.. ...... Manon A. LIttle ... 1

182 Oak St ......... '1121 Lisbon St ... " .. 1st Tuesday. \uburn, )I.e ....••.. I . ,

(to)58a Henryetta. Ok/a .... · liope Marshall. .... I· ........ · ........ ·" . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ............. .'[.:.:........... .. ............ . (to)6Oa Santa Barbara. Cal i .11.. E. Campbell .... 1610 B. Bradbury Av ........•..••...• : ...... ; •.•.. Flt~lan Hall ....... ~ronday. (to)62a Jacksonville. Fla ... ' ~;dna HisBeltine... 309 E. 2nd St ....... ilessie Ogilvie ...... 110. ,E. 15th ot .... ,.I Umon Hall ......... Wednesday. (tn)63a Palestine, TeL .... ; ....................................... )lamie Starnes ..... !!OI E. Crawford .... 1 Labor Temple ...... 2.\ & 4th Mon. (to)64a Waycross. Ga ...... ]l'hoebe Gooding ... 53 Tebea.u St ....... ICssie Hoffman ..... ~ox 318 ............. City Hall ........... Tuesday. (tn)65a Providence. R. I. .. i Katharine McGov, .;83 Public St....... L. Pears ......... 1 NIagara St ....... 48 Snow St......... Wednesday.

(to)6Ba Manchest~r. N. B ... I Ct'~~~ Browning .... J1 Prospect ........ K Pearl Edgar ..... )63 Concord ............................ 1st & 3d Moo. (to)67a Ran Bernardino. Ca. Mrs. Fay Hays ..... 640 6th St.. ........ Velma Conrad ..... !53 H. St ........... Labor Temple ...... 1st & 3d Fri.

~~~=: ~~~~:io~o~~~:·:.: .... ! N~ili~' C~~i~y::::: :1/ ri0e' ~·li·~rli: ·.Upj,;~d. M;~" cj~;~ . .,:,:;.;;~:: 13i2' E~~t E::::::::::jl :::::::::::::::::::: i~i'& ':id'Th~ I a omla.

(to)76& Childress. ·!'ex; .... '; Rettty Porter .. : ... I. H.ox 266 ............ : ~etty porter ....... I'~ox 2~5 ............ i ................... 3d Thurs. (tn)7Ia Portsmouth, l>. DO', \lrB. L. A. O·Bnen. i "09 Maplewood Ave.: I!:8telle lJa!ley ...... j.8 MIddle St .... "': \lobawk Hall ....... 1st Tues.

(to)72a Greenfield. HaBS ... II .. I.n O. Ouptavsonlt12 Hil(h St ......... ! ~;. T. Kas.bieI ...... j266 Davia St ........ I .................................. . (to)78a Everett. Wash ..... P.leallor M. Case ... 'I Lahor TemPIe ...... 'I' ~'ranci. Rankin ...• 2202 Pine St ........ 'j' •

(tn)74a Houlton. Maine .... ':Jacfys Crowley .... 1 ••••••••••••••• , Ignes Warman ..... 1 .••••••••• " ••• I'erks BaII. ......... FITlt Tues. (to)75a Uxbridge, Mass.... luliette LeClaire •. /.;ummer St .• Mul· : r. Smith .......... 1 Hox 224 .......... "'/' Odds Fellow Bldg .. 2d Monday.

berry. Mass. I I (to)76a Peru. Ind.......... ................... . .................. , Catherine Wey ..... 67 !S. Grant St .. " ...................................... . (to)77a Vancouver, B. C... ~;. McLeRn ........ 1:43 Helmcken St ... i\{. E. Carey ........ 1 Suite 18. Labor Temple ...... Fn. Pro tem.

I i '915 Rroarlwav W ... ' ,. Bloomington. Ill .... : Francia Holtz ...... 1 'lO6 N. College St ... i Marion Bell .. : ..... 1 ?37 W. Grove 'St.. .. ! I. o. O. F. BalI. .... 1,t & 3d Wed,

'191 Brunawick. Ga.... Carrie Harper ...... ' .................... Mrs. }[ary Kbue ... ,.107 1st A,·e ......... 1 .................................. ..

(to)8Oa Kewanee. Ill...... . \frs. Eva Lyle ..... 1103 N. Lake View A. LueB ... Cummin;! 1 946 Kent St ......... , \{rs. C. Frost ....... ltit &; 3d Th1l1'L I Ave.

(to)8Ia (to)82a (to)83a (to)84a

:>iorlolk. Va....... .villie Brinkley .... : P. O. Bo~ 1058 ..... 'Willie Brinkley .... P. O. Box 1058 ..... '1' o. O. Jr. BalI ..... Every Wed.

~~~~n~:.a~~·t~~~~f: i'::::::: :: :::: i.::::: '::::.: .. :'. i ~:~'. ~'. ~~:I~~.:: :'. ::::::::::::::.; .:::::::::::::, . :::: ::::::::::: Balboa Height .. (' ,Francie CoIerean ... f ., ••••••••••• 'Lena A. Grace..... • .••••••••••• ·1 CritobaI. ........... 2d Friday.

Z .• Pan.! 1 HalhoR .......•...•. 2nrl Sunday. (to)86a Wichita. Kans..... \filrtred Corbin.... i02 N. Market ...... Herlwig Mueller ..•. 1424 S. Santa Fe .•• i W. o. W. Hall ....• ThursdaY. (to)8& Kirksville. Ho ...... Daley Patrick..... ,10 W. Pierce St... Lucille Daubre88e'1 615 N. Franklin St .. j601 S. 6th St ........ Tuesday. (to)87. Belleville. TII....... . .....•.... I ............. \fary K .. 'tpl....... .. ........................................... . ~ St. Paul. Minn ..... Aim'" Drobinakl ... i!95 Burgeaa St ..... Marirt. Flaherty .... S58 E. 4th St ........ 1 ................................... .


L. U. I Location. Rec. Sec'y. Address. Fin. Sec'y. Address. I Meeting Place. Meeting Date.

- 89aIMin!,e~polis, Minn.j F~ore.nce O'Connor. 678 24th Ave. N. E .. i M!rtle Cai? ....... j 650 Jackson St ................................... . (to)90a LOUl",~l1~. Ky ...... MIDDle Hottman .... 1912 Colgan St ..•.. 'MIldred Flint ...•.. 904 S. 4th St ..................... " ............... . (to)91. , Salt Lake City, Julia Sorensen ..... 954 Bradley PI. ..... 1 .••••••••••••• .•........••. . ................................. .

~ ,

(to)92o Ft. Wayne, Ind ..... Irone McKenzie .... 2308 Crescent Ave .. Estella Zolman .... I ~ 1 3 Brackenridge App's Hall ......... 2d & 4th Fri. St.

(to)93, Sedalia, Mo ....... . (to)94a Shawnee, Okla .... . (to)958 Champaign and

Urbana., Ill. {to)968 To»eka. Kans ..... . (to) 98a Ft. Soott. Kas ..... .

:to)U'Oa Lansing. Mich .... .

~f:~~h~ ~~:,';1l~~~:: m3S~p~:~hs~~::::: i ~~~.~~~.~~~~:::::: 5~.~:?:~~: :::::::: ~.~~~~.:~~:.l~:::::: 1st & 3rd Sun. Nellie J. Glick ..... 203 W. Ohurch ..... ,.Julia Gordon ....... 1103 N. Hickory .... Labor Hall......... .. ........... .

I ........... "

Alberta Woods ..... 1331 Kansas Ave .... : ZelIa B. Hulbard. "Itll Tyler ........... K. of P. Hall ....... Monday. Ruby Goucher ..... 21.6 Oatherine St ... Vema yeakeL ..... 15 Blair Ave ........ Redman Hall ...... 1st & 3d Mon. • ....................................... : Fannie Babcock... l1~wWSt. Washte· .................................... .



Anniston 306 Birmingham. 136 Gadsden ••.•••• 710 Mobile ..•• 345 t.ioblle ....••.• 810 Montgomery .. , H3 Sheffield •.•••• 658

ArltaaII ... Fort Smith .• , 348 Ft. Smith ..... 955 Fort Smith •• , 418 }layden •••••• 787 Little Rock •• ' 295 LittJe Rock .• , 6·58 Little Rock •• , 812 Little Rock .• 46a Pine EHutrs •. , 251 Pine Bluffs •. , 59a

Art.on ... CUfton ...••..• Clarkdale ••••• D61uglas .•...• Jerome ..•.•.• J.Iiaml ....•... Phoenix .••..•. 'l'ucson ..••..•• Tucson ...... .

Callfo1"ll1a. Bakersfield .... Bakersfield •••• Eureka •••..•• Fresno ..•.•••. Fresno ..•.•.. Fresno ..•..•.• Long Beach ••• Long Beach .•• Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los An&,eles •• Martinez ..•..• Oakland ....••• I)akland ....••. Oakland ....•.. Oakland •••••• Pasadena .•.... Pasadena •..... RiverSide ..•.. Racramento .. , l'lacramento .. . Sacramento .. . ~an Bernardino. Ran Diego ..... Ran Francisci San Francisco !':an FranciSCO San Frandsco Ran Franoteco San Francisc(' Ran Francisco . San Francisco. Ran JORe ...•. !'Ian Jose ••••. l"an Mateo •.•. San Rafael ••.. R1Ulta Ana .... Santa Barbara. !';anta Bat1)ara. Sante. Barbara. San~. San Bernardlne S4utta Cruz .•• Santa Resa ..• , St9ckton •••••• St~ckten •••••• 'I'aft ..•••••••• Vallejo ....•••

Colorado. C!olorado Sprtnp Di>nver ••••••• Denver •••••••

132 '709 434 698 467 840 570 934

428 61a 482 100 169 1i3a 711 82a

61 83

379 775 851 62a 69a 302 283 595 895 65a 418 660 440

36 340 938 477 465 151

6 92

378 404 495 537 54a 250 332 617 614 311 413 461 "a 67a U9 11'26 fg; 1181 141 180

113 68


Denver ••••••• '714 Greeley ..•••.. 621 Pueblo ... ..••. 1!

Connecticut. Bridgeport •.•. 488 Greenwich •.•. 402 Hartfora ..•... 35

»erldian . f' .... 6j~ ew iraa n .. ew aven ... ew av .. .n ..• Ii. 1 ew aven ... 8 3

Norwich •..••. 225 Stanford •••••• 473 ,"'aterburv .... 655 WaterburY .... 660

Delaware. Wllminlrton •.. 313 W mlngton ••• 628 D1B1ortct ofColumbla. Washj'nlrton ... :l6 Wash ngton •.• 148 Washington ••• 409

Georgia. Atlanta ..••••• 84 Augusta ....... 121 Brunswick .•.. 789 Brunswick ••.. 79a Macon ........ 414. Macon ...•.... 821 Macon ........ 825 Savannah ••••• 24S Savannah ..... 508 Waycross •.•.• 462 Waycross .•••• 64a

Flortda. Jacksonv1lle ... 177 Jacksonv1lle ... 862 Jacksonvllle •• 62a J{ey West ••••• 746 Miami .......• 349 Miami ....•... 455 Pensacola ..... 327 St. Augustine ... 786 St. Augustine .. 961 St. Petersbure. 808 Tampa ........ 108 W. Palm Beach. 323

Xlllilols. Alton ......... 649 Aurora ....•.•• 149 Aurora ........ 461 Aurora .......• 796 Bellev1lle ••••• 50 Bellevue .....• 87a Bloomington '" 197 Bloomington ... 685 Bloomington •• 690 Bloomington " 78a Carlinville .... 974 Centralia ...... 496 Champaign •.•• 601 Champaign •..• 827 Cnampalgn .••• 95a C)tloo.go ...••.. 9 Chicago 49 Clticago 134 Ch.lcago 147 Chicago 157 Chicago 182 Chicago 214 Chicago 282 Chicago 315 Chicago 381 Chicago 713 Chicago 779 Chicago 793 Chicago 794 Chicago 795 Chlcar;o 797 Chicago '718 Chicago 822 CbI08ge 826 Chicago ......• 316 Chicago Height. 506 Danville ....... 74 Danville ....... 319

Danville ....... 538 Decatur •...... 146 Decatur ....... 424 Du Quoin...... 157 Dlx-on ........• t89 East St. Louis. 309 Edwardsville •. 703 Elgin ......... 117 Galesburg ..... 184 Gillespie ...•.• 383 Joliet •....•..• 176 Jolfet ......... 111 Joliet ......... 8.07 JoUet .••.••••• 830 J{ankakee •...• 963 Kewanee ...... 94 Kewanee ...•.. 80a Kincaid ....•.• 715 Lake County •. 150 La Salle ....... 321 Monmouth ...• 706 Ottawa ........ 219 Peoria........ 34 Peoria........ 51 Quincy ........ 157 Rockford ...... 196 Rockford ...... 364 Rock Island '" 109 Rock Island .•• 485 Silvis .....•... 641 Springfield ..•• 193 Springfield •... 427 Staunton ..... 34a Sterling ...... 876 Streator ....... 236 Taylorville .... 901 Wauke&,an •.•• 150 Wheaton ...••• 101

J:owa. Boone ....•.... 37:1 Burlington .••• 735 Cedar Rapids .. 405 Cedar Rapids .. 615 Clinton ........ 273 Davenport ..... 154 Davenport ..... 635 Des Moines .... 55 Des Moines .... 347 Des Moines .•.• 845 Dubuque ...•.• 704 Fort Dodge .•• 114 Grinnell ....... 679 Iowa City ..... 599 J{eokuk ....... 428 U~~~taHfr;,,~ .. : ~ll Muscatine ..... 240 OIeweln ...•... 809 Ottumwa ...... 173 Sioux City .••. 47 Sioux City ..•. 231 Waterloo ...... 1188 Isthmus of Fanama. Balboa Heights. 8i.a Gatun ......... 677 Parai!!o ..••••• 397

Idaho. Boise .......... 291 Burle ......... 993 Idaho Falls ... 932 Pocatello ...... 449 Twin Falls ••• 438 ,"' allace ....... 519

IncUana. ADderson ••••• 281 Brazil .. , ...... 324 Connellsville .. 201 C'rawfordsville. '19 Elkhart ......• 978 Evansvllle ..... 16 Evansville ..... 535 Ft. Wa-yne ..... 305 Ft. Wayne ..... 608 Ft. Wayne ..... 723 Ft. Wayne ...•• 871 Ft. Wayne ..... 92a

Gary .......... 697 HarnnKlnd ••..• 28' Hammond ..... &61 Huntington •.. 948 Indianapolis ... 368 Indianapolis ... 481 Indianapolis ... 784 J{okoma 873 Lafayette 668 La Fayette ..... 863 Loga!nsport ••• 209 Marlon ......•. 563 Michigan City • 298 Muncie ......• 8&5 New Albany ... 286 Princeton .•.•• 378 Peru .......... 76a Richmond ...•• 564 So. Bend 973 Terre Haute... 25 Terre Haute 473 Terre Haute ..• 725 Terre Haute •. 60a Tipton 908 Vincennes ..... 947 Washington .•. 966

ltanaas. Arkansas City.. 939 Argentine 799 Baxter Springs. 747 Coffeyvllle .... 417 ElDorado 693 Ft. Scott ...... 904 Ft. Scott ...... 98a Horton 848 Independence .. 985 Jurictlon City .. 542 J{ansas City ..• 847 Manhatten ••.• 336 Parsons ....... 337 Pittsburg ..... 334 Topeka ........ 228 Topeka ........ 511 Topeka 841 Topeka ......• 96a Wichita ....... 85a Wichita 271 Hutchinson .... 661

ltentucky. Bowling Green. 941 Covington 918 Lexington 183 Lexington ....• 39S Louisville ..... 1U Louisville ..... 369 Louisville ...... 791 Louisville ..... 90a Owensboro .... 2111 Paducah ....... 718 Somerset ..... 858

LouBiana. Alexandria 689 Lake Charles .. 931 Monroe 448 New Orleans 4 New Orleans .• 13' New 8rleans .. ~2~ New Orleans .. 868 New Orleans .. 882 Shreveport •••. 194. Shreveport SliP

M&1D.s. AU~lIf'ta ....... ~'74 Ifa.n&,or ........ 18'7 Bangor .•.••..• 26a Bath ......... 872 Houlton ••••••• 737 Houlton ....... 74& Lewiston ...... 57a MlIIlnocket .... 471 Portland 128 Portland .••.•• 333 Portland .•••.• 567 Portland •••••• 25a Rumford .••.•. 366 Waterville ..... 1611

Maryland. Baltimore •.••• Z7 Baltimore .•••. 28 Baltimore ••.•• Z68 Baltimore .•••• 8&5 l!umberland ••• 307 Cumberla.nd ••• 870 Hagerstown ••. 768

Massachusetts. Boston 103 Boston 10. ~g~tgg M~ Bos ton 33996 Boston 9 Boston 603 Boston 6


3 Boston Boston la Boston . ..••.•. 8a Srockton •..••• 223 Brockton •••••• 648 Brockton •••.•• Z7a Concord .•..•.• 12a Vall River •••• 437 Fall River .••• 21a Fitchburg • •.•• 11a Fitchburg ••.•. 256 Fitchburg ..... 279 !':r'''mingham .. 766 Gloucester .•.. 699 Greenfield .... 161 Greenfield ••••• 7Ja Haverhill ...... 47. Haverhill ...... 20a Holyoke ....... 707 Lawrence ••.•• 326 Lawrence •..•• 522 Lawrence •..•• 18a Lowell ....... 19a Lowell ........ 563 Lowell ....•.•• 588 Lynn ........ 2a Lynn ......... 377 Lynn and Salem 244 Lynn .......... 541 Lynn ........• 621 New Bedford .• 144 New Bedford .. 224 New Bedford.. 6a Newburyport .• 33a No·rth Adams .. 24a North Adams .. 289 Pittsfield ...... 17. Pittsfield ...... 242 PiHsfield ••••. 284 Pittsfield ...... 843 Pittsfield ...... 23a Quincy ..•..... 407 Readville ..... 962 Salem ......... 16a Salem ......... 2.9 Salem ........ 951 Springfield 7 Springfield .... 160 Sprtng1l.eld .•.• 1193 Springfield .... 859 Spl'ingfield .... 3a S. Framingham 7a Taunton ....... 235 Taunton .•....• "C)q

Utlbrltge •••••• 76a Winston Salem. 982 Worcester ..... 96 Worcester ..... SI6 Worcester ..... 6a

Mtcb1g"an. Ann Arbor .•.• 251 Battle Creek •• 445 Detroit 17 Detroit........ 58 Detroit ........ 614 Detroit ........ .87 Detroit •...•.. 988 Flint ......... 948 Grand Rapids.. 75 Grand RaJ>lds .. 107 Grand Rapids .. 801 Jackson ....... 206 Kalamazoo ••.• 131 Lansing •...•.• 352


Lansing ...... 100a Muskegon , .... 270 Saginaw ...... 47f Sault Ste Marie 692

l!II1wleBo~a. Austin ........ 949 B~alnerd •..... za. Duluth........ 31 Duluth ........ 524 Hibbing .. ... .. 294 Int. Falls ....... 7St Mankato 892 Minneapolis .. , 292 Minneapolis .,. 24 Minneapolis ... 886 Proctor ..••.•• 533 Minneapolis ..• 89a New Ulm ..•.. , 145 Rochester •.•.. 630

~l: p:~l : :::::: 8i: I'lt. Paul ....... 110 St. Paul ....... 902 Two Harbors .. 887 Two Harbors .. 921 Virginia ....... 7l!'S' Winona 597

K1sBillshrol. Gulf Port ..... 248 Hattiesburg ... 846 Merlddian ...... 51~ Meri Ian ...... 838 Peabody ....... 984 Vicksburg ..... 935

M1saourL Flat River •... 507 Hannl-bal ....... 310 Jonlln ."A...... 6 Kansas vlty... 3 Kansas City ... 124 Kansas City ... i6!! KllnSa!!! Cltv... 9ll Kirksville ..... 6a Moberly ....... 423 Sedalia ••..••.• 805 Sedalia ........ 2116 Sedalia ..•..•• 93a Springfield .. .. 335 Springfield •... 463 St. Joseph ..... 696 St. Louis ...... 1 St. Louis...... t St. Lonls ••••• 607 St. Louis ..... 624 St. Louis .••.. 888 Trenton ••.•••• 832

Montana. Anaconda ••••• ZOO Bozema. • ..... 4lf1 Billings ....... 463 Billings ••.••.. 632 Butte......... 65 Sutte •.••••••. 623 Butte......... 9a Deer Lodge .... 152 Miles City ..... 653 Miles City..... 46a Great Falls ..... 122 Barve •.••••.• 393 Helena ..•..•.. 185 Lewistown •.•. 552 Llvlngston .... 841 Missoula •••••• 4118 Missoula ...... 88a

Nebraska. Havelock •.•.• 814 Lincoln ....••. 211n North Platte •• 940 Omaha........ 22 Omaha •••••••• 105 OIDaha .•••••• 763

Nevada. McGlll ........ 571 Reno .......... 4111 Sparks ........ 957 Tonopah .••••• 361

New Jertle,.. Asbury Park .•• 400 Atlantic City •• 210 Atlantic City •. 211 Camden ••••••• 299

Camden ....... 720 Dover......... 13 Elizabeth ...... 676 Englewood .... 678 Hoboken ...•.• 834 Jersey City '" 15 Jersey City •••. 164 Jersey City .•. 752 Geneva ....... 840 Gloucester •••• 452 Jersey City '" 864 Morristown .... 681 Newark...... 62 Newark ....... 199 New Brunswick. 466 Paterson ...... 11 Paterson ...... 102 Perth Amboy.. 358 Plainfield ..... 262 Trenton ....... 29 Trenton •••••• 217 Trenton ....... 269

New llaJIlpsh1re. Berlin ....•.•• 296 Manchester ... 613 Manchester '" 719 Manchester ". 66a Portsmouth '" 602 Portsmouth .. , 71&

New Mexico. Albuquerque •• Sll Albuquerque ... 967

New York. Albany 198 Albany 137 Albany '170 Auburn 394 Auburn .....•• 300 Binghamton .•. 325 Buffalo........ 41 Buffalo........ 45 Buffalo ....•.. 854 Buffalo ••..... 99a Cornin!:" ....... 958 Corning ....... 991 Cortland •••••• 72! Dunkirk ....... 593 Dunkirk ....... 659 Dunkirk ....... 749 Elmira ........ 139 Elmira ........ 986 Geneva ....•.. 849 Glens Falls '" 389 Green Island .•• 790 Jamestown .••• 106 Little Falls .... 751 Long I s I an d

City ......•• 860 Manchester ... 126 ~llddletown '" 133 Middletown •. , 824 Newburgh ..... 631 New york ..... 817 New york..... 3 New york...... 20 New york .•.•. 386 New york ...... 664 New york ...... 74-1 New york ...... 74. Niagara Falls •• 237 Olean ......... 425 Oswego .•••••. 328 Peekskill •..•.. 748 Poughkeepsie • 116 Rochester ••••• 44 Rochester ..... 86 Salama1'1ca .•.• 819 Schenectady 504 Schenectady 647 Schenectady 727 SchenectILdy 247 Schenectady 264 Schenectady 267 Schenectady 442 Schenectady 536 Schenectady 566 Schenectady 183 Schenectady 644 Schenectady ... 85 Schenectady ... 140


Syracuse •••••• 43 Syracuse •••••• 79 Syracuse ...•.. 849 Troy .......... 392 Utica......... 4!! Utica .••.••••. 181 Utica .•.••..•. 842 Van Nest ...... 468 Watervleit •••• 436 Watervliet .... 806 'Vatertoun .... 171 Watertown .... 910 Yonkers ....•.. 601

North Carollna. Asheville .•••• 238 Charlotte ...... 505 Greensboro .... 998 Raleigh .••.•.• 657 Rock Mt ....... 800 Spencer ..•••.. 312 Wilmington '" 123

North Dakota. Fargo ......... 67. Minot ......... 657 Minot ......... 68a Grand Forks .... 672

01110. Alliance •..•.. 808 Akron ......... 22. Akron ......... 439 Ashtabula •• " 762 Bellaire ....... 879 Bellefontaine .. 916 Brewster ...... 853 Canton ........ 540 Canton ........ 178 ChiI1icotb<a ..•• 88 Cleveland ...•. 32a Cleveland •.... 38 Cleveland ...•• 39 Cleveland ••••• 78 Cincinnati ..... Hll Cincinnati ..... 212 Cincinnati ..... 774 Cochocton ..... 891 COllinswood ... 912 Columbus ..... 1i4 Columbus •.... 71 Columbus ..... 274 Dayton........ 82 Dayton ....... 828 East Liverpool. 93 Elyria ........ 129 Findlay ....... 987 Hamiltolll ...... 648 Lima......... 32 Lorain ........ 627 Mansfield .... " 688 Marion ....... 903 Marietta ....... 972 Middletown '" 927 Nev.;.:i< ....... 172 Portsmouth '" 403 Portsmotrth .•.. 575 Sandusky ....• 447 Springfield .... 204 Springfield ..•. 669 Steubenville '" 246 Steubenville '" 911 TOledo........ 8 Toledo •.....•. 245 Warren .•....• 411 Warren ......• 913 Youngstown ... 62 Yooungstown '" 64 Youngstown '" 694 Youngstown •. 907 Zanesville .... 81'

0II:lab0ma. Ada .........• 989 Ardmore ...... 391 Ardmore ..•.•• 36a Bartlesvllle ..• 290 Dru,nright ...•. 577 EIReno .••.... 831 Enid .........• 936 Henryetta ..... 5Ra Lawton ....... 33. Muskogee 384 McAlister ••.•• 8l1li Oklahoma ••.•• 155


Okmulgee ...•. 40·6 Sapulpa ......• :127 Shawnee ...... 94a Shawnee ...... 997 Tulsa .....•..• 584

OretrOL Albany ......•. 56. Astoria ..••.... 617 Eugene .••..• 529 Pendleton •••.• 777 Portland ...••• 48 Portland •••••• 125 Portland •••••• Ha

Pe"'71~ AIlent.own •..•• 375 Alt_na ..••.•• 711 AltC)Ona ..••.... 467 Bethlehem .... 850 Bradford ...... 996 Butler ...•••.• 10 Carbondale •.•• 683 Charleroi ...... 930 Coatesville ••.. 844 Donora........ 70 DuBois ........ 857 EasHm ...•••.. 367 Erie .......... 30 Erie .....•...• 66 Erie ••...••... 600 Erie .......... 964 Greenville .... 778 Harrisburg .... 143 Harrisburg ... 781 Hazelton .•.... 686 Indiana ....... 881 Jersey Shore .• 839 .... 49~ Lancaster ...... 990 Lebanon ..•... 923 Meadville .•... 504 Monessen ••..• 371 New Castle ...• 33 New BrightoJa . 712 Norristown .•• 179 Phlladelphia Z1 Philadelphia .•• 98 Philadelphia ..• 653 Phlladelphia •• 7611 Philadelphia 945 Pittsburg 6 Pittsburg •...• 14 Pittsburg ..... 750 Pittsburg ..... 816 Pittsburg ..... 880 Pittston ....... 667 Pottsville ....• 687 Punxsatawney • 729 Reading ••••••• 743 Renova 761 Sayre ......... 754 Scranton ...•.. 81 Scranton ..•••• 741 Sharon ...•...• 218 Shenandoah ... 582 Sunbury ...... 837 Steelton ....... 922 Titusville ..... 929 Warren ....... 63 Wilkes Barre .• 163 Williamspart .. 2H9 York .••.••.... 229 York ........• 820

:allede XIIlaD4. Newport l!68 Providence 99 Providence 258 Providence 516 Providence 776


Providence •.•• l5a Pawtucket .•.• 112

South CaroUna. Charleston ...• 188 Charleston .••• 643 Columbia . •.. •. ~2 Greenville ...• 788 Spartensburg 788 Greenville ..... 856

South Dakota. Aberdeen ... •• 62~ Sioux Fall ..... 425

Tenne .... . Chattanooga ..• 175 Cleveland ..••• 893 Erwin .......• 919 Johnson City •. 643 Jackson ..••... 835 Knoxville ••.•• 710 Knoxville ..... 811 Memphis •....• 474 Memphis ...... 917 Nashville •...• 429 Nashville ..... 909

Texas. Austin ........ 620 Amarillo ...... 602 Beaumont ••..• 221 Beaumont ..... 479 Brownwood ••• 91 Childres.s •.••. 70a Cisco ......... 942 Cleburne .•.... 884 Dallas ••.•..•• 69 Dallas ......•• 69 Dallas •......• 448 Dennison •...•• 16a Dennison ••..•• 338 EI Paso ..••.•. 583 EI Paso 686 El Paso ....•.•• 789 Fort Worth .... 116 Fort Worth ..•• 16. Ft. Worth .... 782 Galveston ••.•• 627 ~reenville ••... 304 Houston .•...• 66 Houston .....• 716 Houston ..••... 954 Marshall ••..•• 480 Oran~e 738 Palestine ••...• 388 Palestine •.••• 638 Paris ........• 278 Pt. Arthur..... 390 Port Arthur ... 639 Rangor 905 San Antonio ..• 60 San Antonio ... 660 Sherman ...... 272 Taylor ........ 634 Temple 119 Texarkana ....• 301 Terrell ....•... 928 Waco......... 72 Waco......... 97 Wichita Falls 681

Utah. Ogden ......... 316 Provo City 380 Salt Lake City. 67 Salt Lake City. 354 Salt Lake City 91a

VirriJUa Honewell .. . .. 491 Lynchburg 920 Newnort News. !i16

lSgd~l~ Nerfelk Norfolk. \;s.:.:: Norfolk ...•... Port.smouth ••. Richmond ...•• Richmond •... Richmond ....• Richmond ..... Roanoke ••••••

H;i'fi~Y~: .... ::::

lUI U1 734 81a 975 7U

~n 862 937 34. 561: 818

Wuhlatnon. Aberdeen ..•... 3"

HbQr4Q'ln ...... 4 ellm mam .... 3 4 remerton ..... 674

Ellensbur~ •..• 441 Everett ••..•.• 191 Everett •...••• 73. N· YakllTla .... 52! 1,<0. Yak1ma ... 41a Olympia. •.•... 680 Olympia •••••• 43a Seattle . ...•..• 46 Seattle ........ 944 Seattle ........ 952 Seattle .•••..•• 42& Spokane 72 Spokane ...•.• 609 Spokane •••••• 48. Tacoma . ...••• 7' Tacoma .•...•. 483 Tacoma ••••••• 864 racoma ......• 39a Walla Walla .•. 66. Walla Walla... 40a

Weet V~ Benwood ...... 878 Bluefield .••••• 464 Charleston 468 Charleston •••• 867 Charleston .... 700 Clarksburg •... 765 Gassaway .... 412 Fainnont ..... 756 Huntington .... 549 HUl'tlngton .... 898 Princeton ....• 745 Wheeling ..... 924

Vermo_ .. Barre ••••.•••• 740 Bellows Fall!! 604 Clarksburg .... 696 Clarksburg ••.. 766 Fairmont .•••. 758 Huntington ... 549 Huntington ••. 817 Huntington •..• 549 Mt. Hope •.••• 714 Newport ...... 736 Prtncttton ....• 746 St. Albans ..... 228 Thoma.s .•••••• 379 Wheelin~ .•.... 141 Wheeling .....• 277

WlsCOD811l. Appleton •••••. %31 Ashland ....... 2Si Eau Claire 953 Fond dn Lac .• '~Q Green Bay ..... 158 Gr. Rapids .... 950 Janesville .... 890 Kenosha .••••. 127 La Crosse •.••• 131i Ma41ison ....••• 169 Manitowac ••.• 320

Milwaukee 195 Milwaukee 414 Mllwaukee 5!8 Mllwaukee .... 889 Oshkosh •..... 187 Racine ........ 430 Rhinelander ... 83' Shelloygan ...• 620 Superior ..••.. 166 Superior •.•..• 27.

Wyomlng. Casper .•.•••.. au Cheyenne ....•. 416 Lusk .......... 965 Sheridan •••••• 11411

CANADA. Alberta.

Calgary ....... S48 Lethbridge ..•. UI Edmonton ....• 644 Medicine Hat... 2U

Br.l.tlllh Columbia. Prince Rupert. 344 'al..,",ouver •••. 111 Vancouver •..• 77a Vlct.oria ....... 211

Kanttoba. Winnepeg ...•• lila Winnipeg ..•.. UI

New Bnuulwtok. Moncton ...... 933 Moncton .•.... fll" St. Johns ...... 395

Noya Sootia. Amherst ...... 115 Halifax .....•• GIll New Glasgow •• US SydDey •••••••• 'III

Ontano. Charlottitoun .. 970 Brantford .•••• 66» Collingwood •.. 877 For tWilliam .. 33t

rg-~:l~~on. :::::: Us Kingston •...•• 671 Midland ....... 896 Niagara Falls .. 174 North Bay .... 906 Ottawa .•••••••. 7U Peterboro •.... 281 Peterboro ....• 771 Port Arthur ••• fl8 Sault Ste Marie 7l!U1 Sudbury ...•.. 800 St. Thomas ..• 787 St. Catharines.. 30S Stratford ....• 861 Thorald 914 Toronto ........ 36S Toronto ......• 83a Weiland ....... 554 Windsor ...... 7711

Quebec. Montreal ...•.• 491 Montreal ....•. lilt' Montreal ...... 668 Shawinigan

Falls ....... 926 Sherbrooke .... 960 Three Rivers .. 915

M"ese ~ ... 802 Reldna .....•.. 671 Baekatooa ...•. 'I


Application HlankA. pel 100 ................. $ .15 Arrear .. Official Notice of. per 100.......... .50 Account Book. Treasurer'..................... .75 Buttou. S. G. (larll'e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 Buttons. S. G. (medium) ., ............... , . . . .15 Buttou. S. G. (omall) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .60 Buttou. R. G. .. .. • .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .50 Buttone. Culf. S. G.. per pair................ 3.15 Buttons. Culf. R. G.. per pair................ 1.50 Buttons. monthly due. each................... Hile Boob, let of................................. 10.00 Book, Minute for R. S........................ l.Z5 Book, Day ................................... 1.Z5 Book. Roll Call............................... 1.25 Charter Fee. for eam member............... 1.00 Chal1DS. Rolled Gold ............ ,............ 2.00 Constitution. per 100......................... 5.00 Carbon for receipt booko.... .. . .. .. .. .. . • .. . .05 EnTelop .... OfficiaL per 100 .................. · .15 Electrical Worker. lublcription. per year.... .25 LedJrer. Financial Secretary'.. 200 pall'eI...... Z.25 L~r. Financial Secretary'l. 400 pall'_...... 3.25 Labell, Metal, per 100........................ 1.25 Labell, Paper, per 100........................ .15 Oblilration Carda. double, per dozen.......... .Z5 Paper, Official Letter, per 100................ .15 Permit Card, per 100......................... .15 Pilla, Telephone Operator' •.......... :......... .35

Rituall, e1tra. each..................... .J' Receipt Book (300 receipta).................. I." Receipt Book (750 receipta).................. 1.11 Receipt Book.'s..................... .11 Receipt Holde .. , each......................... oZ. Seal ......................................... I.H Travelinll' Card., per dozen.................. .71 Withdrawal Card •• with Trano. Cdo .• per do... .II Workinll' Cards, per 100...................... .51 "'"arrant Houk. for R. S........ .,.

Sote-The above artieleo will be oupplied ... _ the requisite amount of ca.h accompaniea the order. Otherwise the order ... ilI not be recoplled. All 8upplies sent by U8 have poataK'e or expre.. ehar.­prepaid.

Addre ... " 1

CHAS. P. FORD. 1. 8.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !k~iTiIii1iTiiTiJiiTiTiiTiTiiTi1iiTiTii1iTiiTiTiiTiTiiTiIiiTi1iilili iiTiTiiTiTiiTiJiiTiTiiTiJiiTiTiir.TiiTiliiTiTiiTiTiililiiJiJiir.1iiliTigt!

~ ~ iti IIBoyS, Down Go Fixture Pricesu I ~ ~ I 4 Light Showers $6.15 Semi-Bowls $5.85 ~ ~ Plate and Ball .85 1 Light Bracket 1.05 !e iti Come complete with glass, ready to hang; fine finishes. I: : iF. . Send for photos complete line. __ ~ ~ !e Sta. D. Erie. Pa. ERIE FIXTURE SUPPLY CO. iI! m ~ iF. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _e!Er!~iIiI"aiIil"aUlii1i1ii1i1ii1i1ii1i1ii1i1ii1i1iiJiruliJjililiii1i1ii1i1ii1i1ii1i1ii1i1ii1i1ii1i1ii1i1iililiililii1i1ii1i1iilili .. __ .. _1t

Here i.r a PROFITABLE line­to add to your bu.rine.;./'. • Write at once fOr a copy of •

our 1ate.rt folder on FixtureJ.

We i.l'.I"ue a monthly price li.rt of ever.Ythin~ Elecb·ical for the contractor.

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