calculation of jet projectile

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Sheet1 (2)Bellmouth Size SelectionFlowBellmouthTotal Flow (m3/sec)Number of BranchesFlow in Each Branch (Q m3/sec)DN SizeActual IDAreaVelocity = Q/A m/sec2.130.700.7000.6170.302.342.130.700.8000.7710.471.50*2.330.770.7000.6170.302.56*2.330.770.8000.7710.471.64* Though 40 mgd flow, at intial stge (based on the supplier pump curve and system curve)for C=150 value flow will be around 43 mgd, which is equal to 2.3 m3/secSo diameter selected is DN 800NOTE : Based on the "Biwater" Product manual it is found that angle ofJET emerging at outlet is 35-38 degree is depending upon the bellmouth sizesHowever for an example to find the angle, please find the attached sketch ,which found 35 degree

Jet-With Bellmouth (2)PROJECTILEWhere,Vh : Horizontal VelocityVx : Horizontal Velocity Component = Velocity x Cos 0Dh : Horizontal DistanceVv : Vertical VelocityVy : Vertical Velocity Component = Velocity x Sin 0Dv : Vertical Distance0 : Angle of Flowt : Time in secA)For Horizontal Motion :To find Horizontal distance @ any time1) Horizontal Velocity = Horizontal Velocity Component2) Horizontal Distance @ 't' time = Horizontal Velocity Component X time in secB)For Vertical Motion :To find Vertical distance @ any timeNote :Vertical velocity will decrease depends upon time and distance traveled,because it is going against the gravitational force.In other words the velocirty will decrease by 'g * t'.1) Vertical Velocity = Vertical Velocity Component2) Vertical Distance @ 't' time = Vertical Velocity Component X time in sec - 1/2gt2Discharge With Bellmouth Arrangement :1Velocity of Jet:2.0m/sec2Angle of Jet :35.0degree3Horizontal Velocity Component Vx :Velocity x Cos 0 =1.64m/sec4Vertical Velocity Component Vy :Velocity x Sin 0 =1.15m/secTime 't'Horizontal Velocity 'Vh'Horizontal Displacement Distance 'Dh'Vertical Velocity 'Vv'Vertical Displacement Distance 'Dv'@ 't'Vh = VxDh = Vx * tVv = Vy- g*tDv = (Vy * t) - (1/2gt2)0.001.640. With-out Bellmouth Arrangement :1Velocity of Jet:2.0m/sec2Angle of Jet :90.0degree3Horizontal Velocity Component Vx :Velocity x Cos 0 =-0.004Vertical Velocity Component Vy :Velocity x Sin 0 =2.00Time 't'Horizontal Velocity 'Vh'Horizontal Displacement Distance 'Dh'Vertical Velocity 'Vv'Vertical Displacement Distance 'Dv'@ 't'Vh = VxDh = Vx * tVv = Vy- g*tDv = (Vy * t) - (1/2gt2)0.00- :1). Vertical JET displacement height is 200 mm @ jet velcoity of 2 m/sec2). Horizontal JET displacement will vary depend upon depth.Ex : At 6.8 m depth is 2.13 m @ jet velcoity of 2 m/sec

&L&F&A&CPage &P of &Nie., Vh = Vx ---- (1)ie., Dh = Vx * t ---- (2)ie., Vv = Vy - (g * t) ---- (3)ie., Dv = Vy * t - 1/2 gt2 ---- (2)Key DataKey DataKey DataKey Data

Jet-With Bellmouth (2)000.06566552130.150950.03323104260.2038-0.09730343610.15855-0.3259379148-0.6526723935-1.0775068722-1.6004413509-2.2214758296-2.9406103083-3.757844787-4.6731792657-5.6866137444-6.7981482231

&APage &PVertical Position (m)0.1s0.2s0.3sReservoir DepthJet Motion - With BellmouthJet Motion - With-0ut BellmouthHorizontal Displacement-Dh (m)Vertical Displacement-Dv (m)Jet Motion - Horizontal & Vertical Distance @ Given Time

Jet-With BellmouthPROJECTILEWhere,Vh : Horizontal VelocityVx : Horizontal Velocity Component = Velocity x Cos 0Dh : Horizontal DistanceVv : Vertical VelocityVy : Vertical Velocity Component = Velocity x Sin 0Dv : Vertical Distance0 : Angle of Flowt : Time in secA)For Horizontal Motion :To find Horizontal distance @ any time1) Horizontal Velocity = Horizontal Velocity Component2) Horizontal Distance @ 't' time = Horizontal Velocity Component X time in secB)For Vertical Motion :To find Vertical distance @ any timeNote :Vertical velocity will decrease depends upon time and distance traveled as it is going against the gravitational force.In other words the velocirty will decrease by 'g * t'.1) Vertical Velocity = Vertical Velocity Component2) Vertical Distance @ 't' time = Vertical Velocity Component X time in sec - 1/2gt21Velocity of Jet:2.0m/sec2Angle of Jet :80.0degree3Horizontal Velocity Component Vx :Velocity x Cos 0 =0.35m/sec4Vertical Velocity Component Vy :Velocity x Sin 0 =1.97m/secTime 't'Horizontal Velocity 'Vh'Horizontal Displacement Distance 'Dh'Vertical Velocity 'Vv'Vertical Displacement Distance 'Dv'@ 't'Vh = VxDh = Vx * tVv = Vy- g*tDv = (Vy * t) - (1/2gt2)0.000.350.001.970.000.100.350.030.990.150.200.350.

VyVxOJET FlowMax HeightBellmouth Top Level

Jet-With Bellmouth00000000000000

&APage &PVertical Position (m)0.1s0.2s0.3sJet Motion - Horizontal & Vertical Distance @ Given TimeHorizontal Displacement m)Vertical Displacement (m)Jet Motion - Horizontal & Vertical Distance @ Given Time

Jet-Witout Bellmouth0.9659257558-0.0150742442-0.9960742442-1.9770742442-2.9580742442-3.9390742442-4.9200742442-5.9010742442-6.8820742442-7.8630742442-8.8440742442-9.8250742442-10.8060742442-11.7870742442

Vertical Velocity (m/s)vvTime (s)

Sheet 2PROJECTILEWhere,Vh : Horizontal VelocityVx : Horizontal Velocity Component = Velocity x Cos 0Dh : Horizontal DistanceVv : Vertical VelocityVy : Vertical Velocity Component = Velocity x Sin 0Dv : Vertical Distance0 : Angle of Flowt : Time in secA)For Horizontal Motion :To find Horizontal distance @ any time1) Horizontal Velocity = Horizontal Velocity Component2) Horizontal Distance @ 't' time = Horizontal Velocity Component X time in secB)For Vertical Motion :To find Vertical distance @ any timeNote :Vertical velocity will decrease depends upon time and distance traveled as it is going against the gravitational force.In other words the velocirty will decrease by 'g * t'.1) Vertical Velocity = Vertical Velocity Component2) Vertical Distance @ 't' time = Vertical Velocity Component X time in sec - 1/2gt21Velocity of Jet:2.0m/sec2Angle of Jet :90.0degree3Horizontal Velocity Component Vx :Velocity x Cos 0 =-0.00m/sec4Vertical Velocity Component Vy :Velocity x Sin 0 =2.00m/secTime 't'Horizontal Velocity 'Vh'Horizontal Displacement Distance 'Dh'Vertical Velocity 'Vv'Vertical Displacement Distance 'Dv'@ 't'Vh = VxDh = Vx * tVv = Vy- g*tDv = (Vy * t) - (1/2gt2)0.00-

VyVxOJET Flowie., Vh = Vx ---- (1)ie., Dh = Vx * t ---- (2)ie., Vv = Vy - (g * t) ---- (3)ie., Dv = Vy * t - 1/2 gt2 ---- (2)Key DataKey Data

Sheet 200000000000000

&APage &PVertical Position (m)0.1s0.2s0.3sJet Motion - Horizontal & Vertical Distance @ Given TimeHorizontal Displacement m)Vertical Displacement (m)Jet Motion - Horizontal & Vertical Distance @ Given Time


Vertical Velocity (m/s)vvTime (s)

PROJECTILEWhere,Vh : Horizontal VelocityVx : Horizontal Velocity Component = Velocity x Cos 0Dh : Horizontal DistanceVv : Vertical VelocityVy : Vertical Velocity Component = Velocity x Sin 0Dv : Vertical Distance0 : Angle of Flowt : Time in secA)For Horizontal Motion :To find Horizontal distance @ any time1) Horizontal Velocity = Horizontal Velocity Component2) Horizontal Distance @ 't' time = Horizontal Velocity Component X time in secB)For Vertical Motion :To find Vertical distance @ any timeNote :Vertical velocity will decrease depends upon time and distance traveled as it is going against the gravitational force.In other words the velocirty will decrease by 'g * t'.1) Vertical Velocity = Vertical Velocity Component2) Vertical Distance @ 't' time = Vertical Velocity Component X time in sec - 1/2gt21Velocity of Jet:10.0m/sec2Angle of Jet :40.0degree3Horizontal Velocity Component Vx :Velocity x Cos 0 =7.66m/sec4Vertical Velocity Component Vy :Velocity x Sin 0 =6.43m/secTime 't'Horizontal Velocity 'Vh'Horizontal Displacement Distance 'Dh'Vertical Velocity 'Vv'Vertical Displacement Distance 'Dv'@ 't'Vh = VxDh = Vx * tVv = Vy- g*tDv = (Vy * t) - (1/2gt2)0.007.660.006.430.000.107.660.775.450.590.207.661.534.471.090.307.662.303.481.490.407.663.062.501.790.507.663.831.521.990.607.664.600.542.090.707.665.36-0.442.100.807.666.13-1.422.000.907.666.89-2.401.811.007.667.66-3.381.521.107.668.43-4.361.141.207.669.19-5.340.651.307.669.96-6.330.07

VyVxOJET Flowie., Vh = Vx ---- (1)ie., Dh = Vx * t ---- (2)ie., Vv = Vy - (g * t) ---- (3)ie., Dv = Vy * t - 1/2 gt2 ---- (2)Key DataKey Data


&APage &PVertical Position (m)0.1s0.2s0.3sJet Motion - Horizontal & Vertical Distance @ Given TimeHorizontal Displacement m)Vertical Displacement (m)Jet Motion - Horizontal & Vertical Distance @ Given Time


Vertical Velocity (m/s)vvTime (s)


VyVxOJET Flowie., Vh = Vx ---- (1)ie., Dh = Vx * t ---- (2)ie., Vv = Vy - (g * t) ---- (3)ie., Dv = Vy * t - 1/2 gt2 ---- (2)Key DataKey Data


Vertical Position (m)0.1s0.2s0.3sdvHorizontal Position (m)


Vertical Velocity (m/s)vvTime (s)

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