
Post on 16-May-2015






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  • 1. Jean Lowry
    California: An Overview

2. Chapter 5: Regulation, Railroad, and Revolution
In mid-August 1850, riots broke out when the sheriff sought to evict squatters from lots claimed by Sutter
During treaty negotiations, the American government had promised to honor land-grant titles from Spanish and Mexican eras
Grantees from Spanish and Mexican era was lost, many considered this a betrayal of the treatyof Guadalupe Hidalgo and a legalized form of theft
Lives were made or ruined by titles confirmed or denied
Southern Californians asked congress to admit the southern California territory
Businessmens Revolution
Nothing like it had ever happened before in an American city: the seizure of power and open defiance of legitimate government by right-wing businessmen reformers backed by a paramilitary force
3. Chapter 5: Regulation, Railroad, and Revolution
In 1860 construction began on an ornate neoclassical capitol building by architect F.M Butler
The capitol building was completed in the 1870s
The establishment of colleges by Catholics, Methodists, and Congregationalists, underscored the fact that religion was not absent from the Gold Rush
One year into the Gold Rush, California was sprouting churches and synagogues
In 1852 Legislature commenced plans to build a state prison at Point San Quentin
By 1854, the first cell block called the stones- was ready for occupancy
The Gold Rush gave a strong second wind to the cattle industry
The Great Drought of 1862-64 dealt a devastating blow to this revived cattle economy, replacing it with sheep-raising
4. Chapter 5: Regulation, Railroad, and Revolution
By 1860 more than thirty thousand miles of track linked the cities and hinterlands of the East and Midwest
When that bank failed in 1875, San Francisco experienced its own version of the Wall Street Panic of 1873
August 26, 1875, panic broke out in the city and there was a run on the bank
Behind closed doors, major investors now learned just how extensively Ralston had depleted the resources of the bank
They demanded his resignation
San Francisco was now divided into two armed camps, for disgruntled unemployed men of the city
The call for a rewriting of the state constitution had the support of farmers, small business owners, and others concerned that California was bifurcating itself into polarities
5. Chapter 10: O Brave New World!
The completion of the trans-Sierra portion of the transcontinental railroad can be seen as an engineering feat of the highest order
The development of mining led to the Pelton turbine, a California invention, which in turn brought hydroelectricity to California
Aviation was adopted and perfected in California
California had taken the lead in vacuum tube technology
By the 1930s, Californians were taking the lead in smashing the atom
Scientific, engineering, or technological advance emerged in the effort to discover a truth, solve a problem, make a profit, and make the world a better and more interesting place
For thousands of years, the technology of the waterwheel had remained unchanged
6. Chapter 10: O Brave New World!
The new configuration: a double cup with a wedge-shaped divider in the middle; drove the turbine faster
From the increased speed came the premise for hydroelectrical generation as spinning turbines, driven by water dropped from dams through penstocks
In 1883 John Montgomery inserted himself into a gull-winged glider, the glider gained altitude of fifteen feet and glided for six hundred feet, then landed safely
T. Claude Ryan was interested in long-distance flight, the result was the M-1, soon refined into the M-2 monoplane
Ryans monoplane, christened the spirit of St. Louis was flown across the Atlantic in May 1927 by Charles Lindbergh
By the mid-1920s, a third of the aviation traffic in the United States was operating from fifty private landing fields
7. Chapter 10: O Brave New World!
Graf Zeppelin arrived in Los Angeles on an around-the-world your
An estimated 150,000 visitors flocked to catch a glimpse of the tethered behemoth whose very arrival signaled an impending era of international flight
After nearly three decades of scientific activity in California, Davidson, built the first astronomical observatory on the west coast in San Francisco
After Millionaire James Lick died, he left funds for an observatory supporting the most powerful telescope on the planet
At Palo Alto, new inventions would soon be making an entirely new world of transcontinental phone calls. Radio, television, and high-speed electronics
In 1912, de forest invented a vacuum tube called the Audion that converted alternating current to direct current and functioned as an amplifier
8. Chapter 11: An Imagined Place
The twentieth century witnessed the debut of three entertainment media- film, radio, and television- dependent upon electronic technologies developed in California
Painting embraced Expressionism and abstraction at midcentury, then diversified into a number of styles at the end of the century
Due to the harsh weather on the east coast, filming was harder to do outside so directors came to the west coast in order to film outdoor scenes
By the 1920s it was apparent that the production of films in Hollywood would be on an industrialized basis
What was amazing about Hollywood was that, decade after decade, it never fell into a slump
9. Chapter 11: An Imagined Place
By 1990 California was becoming the most urbanized and suburbanized state in the nation
The painters of California remained preoccupied with landscape through the 1920s
The depression at last brought social Realism to California, especially among the watercolorist, who were almost like photographers in their ability to directly capture a passing scene
Photography in California entered the twentieth century
Architecturally, California maintained its preference for the Arts-and-Crafts- inspired shingle style
As modernism flourished among artist-architects and their discriminating clients, another domestic tradition-California Ranch, proved more attractive to an audience
10. Chapter 11: An Imagined Place
The outdoor life, mountaineering especially, and sport-boxing, swimming, tennis, baseball, football, and track and field most notably- had characterized the California lifestyle since the late nineteenth century
1860 a group of German immigrants, highly influenced by the physical fitness movement in their homeland, founded an Olympic Club devoted to gymnastic pursuits
Boxing was especially prized at the Olympic Club
The tennis courts of California, many of them municipally funded, tended to favor hard surfaces, which were more economical
Baseball was introduced in 1859 and flourished through the rest of the nineteenth century as a club pursuit
Mountaineering remained a largely elite endeavor, pursued by such upper-middle-class Sierra Club members
11. Source
Starr, Kevin.California: a History. New York: Modern Library, 2005. Print.

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