call upon the lord twenty-fifth sunday in clama al … · for all those who seek and call upon the...

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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THE CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY OF SANGER AND DEL REY Office- 828 “O” Street, Sanger, California 93657 Phone 875-2025 — Fax 875-2618

New Church-12050 E. North Ave. Sanger, California 93657

CALL UPON THE LORD The very first line of today’s first reading summons us to seek the Lord and to call upon God. This sentiment is echoed in the refrain for today’s responsorial psalm: “The Lord is near to all who call upon him” (Psalm 145:18a). Saint Paul is the embodiment of someone who constantly sought the Lord. In the excerpt we read today from his letter to the Philippians, we find Saint Paul toward the end of his life, a life he describes as completely consonant with Christ. He writes, “For to me life is Christ” (Philippians 1:21). To find out what it means to live life completely in accord with Christ we need look no further than today’s Gospel. There we find that God’s love and mercy are immeasurable for all those who seek and call upon the Lord.

CLAMA AL SEÑOR La primera línea de la lectura de hoy

nos ordena buscar al Señor e invocar a Dios. Escuchamos el eco de este senti-miento en el refrán del salmo responso-rial del día: “Cerca está el Señor de los que lo invocan” (Salmo 145:18a). San Pablo es la encarnación de alguien que constantemente buscó al Señor. En la cita que leímos hoy de su carta a los filipenses, encontramos a san Pablo hacia el final de su vida, vida que descri-be como en completa consonancia con Cristo. Escribe: “Porque para mí, la vida es Cristo” (Filipenses 1:21). Para saber lo que significa vivir una vida de completo acuerdo con Cristo basta mirar el Evan-gelio de hoy.

Allí encontramos que el amor y la misericordia de Dios son inconmensurables para todos los que buscan e invo-can al Señor.

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 24, 2017

BLESSING OF ANIMALS This month we will celebrate de Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi . It is traditional to place animals and pets under his protection. We will have a Blessing on Sunday, October 1, 2017. 12 noon to 1:00 pm Under the shade trees of the Hall at North and Bethel. Bring your pet (s) on leash, or pet carrier and have them blessed in observance of the Feast. Blessing O God, the author and giver of every gift, animals also are a part of the way you provide help for our needs and labors. We pray through the in-tercession of St. Francis of Assisi, that you will make available for our use the things we need to maintain a decent human life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

BENDICIÓN DE ANIMALES Este mes celebramos la Fiesta de San Francisco de Asís. Tradicionalmente se ponen los animales y Mascotas bajo su protección. Tendremos la Bendición el Domingo 1 de octubre 2017, 12 mediodía a 1:00 pm. Bajo los árboles del Salón, North/Bethel Llevar a la mascota (s) con la correa o portador de animales y serán bendecidos en la celebración de la Fiesta .

Bendición Oh Dios, autor y dador de todo don, los animales también forman parte de la forma de pro-porcionar ayuda para nuestras necesidades y trabajos. Oramos por intercesión de San Francisco de Asís, que pondrá a disposición para nuestro uso las cosas que necesitamos para mantener una vida hu-mana decente. Por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amén

Schedule of Masses Horario de Misas Saturday (Vigil) New Church 5:30 pm English 5;30 pm DR Español 7:00 pm Español Sunday New Church 7:30 am English 9:00 am Español 9:30 am DR English 11:00 am English 1:00 pm Español Weekday “O” street 7:00 am English 5:30pm Español Holy Days 7:00 am English 5:30 pm Bilingual 5:30 pmDR Español Rectory/Rectoría 828 “O” Street, Sanger, Ca. 93657 P.O. Box 335 Office- 875-2025 Fax- 875-2618 Hours/Horario Monday—Friday 9:00 am– 5:00 pm (closed 12 noon to 1:00 pm ) Rogationist Residence Vocation Center 2688 S. Newmark Ave, Sanger, Ca. 93657 875-5808

Parish under the Direction of The Rogationist Fathers Fr. John Bruno, R.C.J., V.F. Pastor Fr. Devassy Painadath, R.C.J. Parochial Vicar Business Manager– Minnie Kirsch Parish Secretary– Lulu Torres Website: Email: Adoration and Benediction Adoración “O” street Thursdays 6:00 pm– 7:00 pm (Bilingual) Confessions Confesiones “O” street Thursday 6:00 pm—6:45 pm Saturday 2:15 pm– 3:15 pm New Church at 6:30 pm—7:00 pm Baptisms and Weddings Bautismos, Bodas, Quinceañeras Call Parish office/llamar a la oficina Fr. Hannibal House Social Service and Thrift Store 1501 14th St. Phone– 875-0564



Old St. Mary’s

St. Katherine’s Church

St. Hannibal Chapel

New St. Mary’s Church New St. Mary’s Church

Today’s Second Collection For Archdiocese of Military Services

Segunda Colección de hoy Arquidiocesis de Servicios Militares

September 16-17 5:30 PM $891.00 7:00 PM $289.00 7:30 AM $804.00 9:00 AM $1,368.00 11:00 AM $1,155.00 1:00 PM $904.00 5:30 PM DR $230.00 9:30 AM DR $487.00 TOTAL $6,208.00

Bishop’s Appeal $896.00 (Total Goal is $8,500)

FINANCIAL REPORT REPORTE FINANCIERO September 9-10 5:30 PM $1,097.00 7:00 PM $289.00 7:30 AM $1,096.00 9:00 AM $1,389.00 11:00 AM $1,137.00 1:00 PM $891.00 5:30 PM DR $150.00 9:30 AM DR $548.00 TOTAL $6,703.00 Hurricane Victims’s $1,489

MASS INTENTIONS Saturday September 23 5:30 pm †Lala Valdez 5:30pmDR †Zeferino-Juanita Leal 7:00 pm †Francisco Acevedo& Jose Lomeli Sunday September 24 7:30 am Pro Populo 9:00 am †Antonia Gonzalez 9:30 amDR †John Diaz 11:00 am †Fr. Sal. Ciranni. 1:00 pm Aurora Lombera BD Monday September 25 7:00 am Animas del Purgatorio 5:30 pm †Merced Rocha Tuesday September 19 7:00 am †Frances & Gerald Padilla 5:30 pm †Leopoldo Gonzalez Wednesday September 26 7:00 am †Julian Chapa 5:30 pm DR Manuel Sanchez BD Thursday September 27 7:00 am Animas del Purgatorio 5:30 pm †Leopoldo Gonzalez Friday September 29 7:00 am Animas del Purgatorio 5:30 pm †Leopoldo Gonzales Saturday September 30 5:30 pm †Ramona Acosta 5:30pmDR †Fam. Alvarez-Lara 7:00 pm †Ma. De Jesus Palacios Sunday October 1 7:30 am Pro Populo 9:00 am Animas Benditas 9:30 amDR †Frances Alvarado 11:00 am †Amelia Y Mendoza 1:00 pm †Raymond de la Cruz & Family PRAY FOR THOSE WHO DIED RECENTLY Alvina Arenas, Gilbert Sanchez May the souls of the faithful departed thru the mercy of God rest in peace. PRAY FOR MILITARY: Gabriella Ibarra, Carlos Castillo, C.J. Moore, Joel Sanchez, Tanya Florian, Ashlee Reyna, Trina Donna Reyes, Brigham Cox, Jonathan Michael Barnes, Jose Ulises Contreras, Manuel Contre-ras, Alvin Sandoval, Jesse Sandoval, Diego Contreras, Nate Garza, Eric Jo-seph Martinez, Daniel Macias, Arthur E. Rodriguez, Jose Luis Dominguez, Lili-ana Perez, Jana Rocha, Gilbert Rocha,

Christian Anthony Hernandez, Nicholas Garza IV, Alexander Paz, Ricardo Garza Freddy Vasquez Arredondo, Zachary Cox and all young men and women from Del Rey and Sanger. PRAY FOR THE SICK: Please call office at 875-2025 to add names to list of pray-ers. Fr. Eric Swearingen, Bob Ciano, Teresa V. Martinez, Filomena Castro, Kathy Boyle, Diana Calderon, Rosa Cantu, Alejandro Fernandez Oliva, Jo-vita Maravilla, Arthur C. Rodriguez, Luis A. Garcia, Loue &Richard Herrera, Angel Ramirez, Carina Treviño, Hank Ramirez, Ascension Galvan, Michelle Macias, Elizabeth Cantu, Nevea Gonza-les, Elvira Loaiza, Joe Reyna, Ernesto Mendoza, Lupe Cortez, Maria Gonzalez, Irene Pascoe, Melody Silva, Maria Gar-za, Ricardo Castillo, Mary Madrigal, Sarah Castro, Belen Uribes, Terry Her-rera, James & Ofelia Angus, Krystal & Michael Gonzales, Joshua Gonzales, Francisca Esqueda, Jack Hernandez, Marie Feuerstein, Maria Ybarra, Mike & Elizabeth Mirhadi, Enrique & Luz Cal-deron, Chuck Stahler, Petrita Mendoza, Lupe Gomez , Salvador & Kahliah Tala-vera, Anthony Fernandez, Rosendo Lopez, Lupe Moreno, Rose Montano, Baby Nancy Covarrubias, Nancy Rodri-guez & Baby Scarlett, Alejandro Romero and those with serious addic-tions. May the Lord lay His healing hand upon them and bring them peace. BANS OF MARRIAGE There is a promise of Marriage between: Carlos Acosta & Cristina Gonzalez (2) MARRIAGE PREPARATION RETREATS November 3, 4, 5. call Cesar - Cindy Gonzales 618-0510 RETIRO DE PREPARACION MATRIMONIAL Octubre 20, 21, 22 Jesus /Lupita Romero 477-0060. Isabel/Javier Luna 876-2258.

RCIA Are you need of a sacrament or wish to learn more about our Catholic faith? We invite you to join us on our catechism journey. Children older then 7 and all adults are welcome. Call Ella at 875-8425. Te hace falta algún sacramento o quieres aprender mas sobre nues-tra fe Católica? Te invitamos a las clases de catecismo. Adultos sola-mente Llama a Samuel al 618-0271. ST. MARY’S Religious Education 12050 E. North Ave., 875-6340. Office hours Monday thru Thursday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Elemen-tary—Priscilla Bustamante, Agape, Jr. High, High School—Tencha Rubio and Elsa Rodriguez. ST. KATHERINE Religious Education 5375 Carmel Street, Del Rey 93616, 888-2889. Elementary, Jr./ High School and RCIA call Julia Flores 643-7533. Formator of Catechists– Elementary, Jr. /High School Spanish—Maria Morales BAPTISMS 1st and 3rd Saturday in Spanish. 2nd and 4th Saturday in English at 10:00am in new church. Bring your child’s birth certificate to the office to begin the process. Donation is $60 per child. WELCOME TO THE NEWLY BAPTIZED-BIENVENIDOS Victoria Isabella Ramos GarciaErick Lizarraga-Ramos, Luca Nicolas Quintana, Raul Garcia Soto & Jacob Rodriguez

VISIT OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA & ST. HANNIBAL Oct 1-7 Reyna Rivera Oct 8-14 Martin Acosta Oct 15-21 Lucia Alba Oct 22-28 Maria Tienda


SANCTUARY CANDLE SEP-TEMBER 2017 In memory of:† Maria G. Alvarez at “O” street. In memory of:† Richard Maldonado at NC In memory of:†Tomas Morales at St. Katherine’s In memory of:† at St. Hannibal Chap-el, Seminary READINGS OF THE WEEK Monday: Ezr 1:1-6; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 8:16-18 Tuesday: Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 8:19-21 Wednesday: Ezr 9:5-9; Tb:13:2, 3- 4abefghn, 7-8; Lk 9:1-6 Thursday: Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 9:7-9 Friday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Saturday: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Lk 9:43b-45 Sunday: Ez 18:25-28; Ps 25:4-9; Phil 2:1-11 [1-5]; Mt 21:28-32

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Tuesday: Ss. Cosmas and Damian: Cosmas and Damian, + c. 300 at Cyrrhus in Syr-ia; brother physicians known as “moneyless ones” for their gratuitous care of the sick; patrons of physicians, surgeons, druggists, barbers and the blind. Wednesday: St. Vincent de Paul: Vincent de Paul, + 1160 in Paris; born in Paris; renewed the clergy and defended the poor and the abandoned; founded the Congregation of the Mis-

sions, today numbering some 3,830 members; patron of charities, of hospi-tals and prisoners, and of Madagascar. Thursday: St. Wenceslaus, Martyr; St. Lawrence Ruiz and Compan-ions; Wenceslaus + 929 at age twenty-two; duke of Bohemia; sought to bring the faith to his people; killed by his pagan brother, Boleslaus; patron of the Czech Republic and Slo-vakia. Sixteen Martyrs of Nagasaki, Japan, during the years 1633-1637; nine Japa-nese, four Spaniards, one Frenchman, an Italian, and the Philippino Lawrence Ruiz; after enduring horri-ble tortures, their bodies were burned and their ashes scattered by the order of the ruler, Tokugawa Yemitsu; can-onized Oct. 18, 1987. Friday: Ss. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels; These biblical messengers signify God’s transcendence and loving care: Michael meaning “Who is like God?”, Gabriel “God’s Strength”, and Raphael “God’s Remedy”. Saturday: St. Jerome; Jerome, + 420 at Bethlehem; from Dalmatia; devoted monk and ascetic; wrote numerous com-mentaries on the au-thored Latin translation of the Bible; one of the four great doctors of the Latin Church; patron of scripture scholars. PARKING REPAIR We have presented the plans to the city We are still sub-mitting corrections. We are presenting to the Diocese the bid-dings we received. Let us be patient and continue to be generous to cov-er all costs. A total of $253.000.00 are now on deposit on the Diocese of

Fresno. May God reward your gener-osity. 2017 BLUE MASS Commemorating the 5th Annual Mass Honoring Police, Fire & Emergency Medical Service Per-sonnel who serve in the Diocese of Fresno. ALL FAITHS WELCOME! PLEASE JOIN US! Celebrant: Bishop Armando Ochoa. Friday, Septem-ber 29, 2017 at 12:10 pm. St. John’s Cathedral Reception immediately following at Singleton Hall. Call Pete Marquez 824-5877

GATHERING WITH JESUS CCD Rooms #1 English, #4 Spanish September 28, 2017 Moses was living a “second life” October 12, 2017 Moses had been saved from death. October 26, 2017 God spoke to Moses from the bush. November 9, 2017 God is not being, but being itself .

BARRIER AT OLD CHURCH After the City created new steps in front of the Church, we placed two barriers to protect people from falling. We thank Cesar Torres and Mike Espitia for installing them and the Catholic Daughters for paying for them since the City claim to have no Funds to provide for them. Pay attention also to the curb which was raised by three inches.


50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ROGATIONIST IN USA On Sep-tember 1, 1967, the Rogacion-ists were accepted by the Bishop in the parish of Mendota. The priests were Joseph Tursi and Paul Petruzel-lis. This year we celebrate the Jubilee of 50 years. Bishop Ochoa and Father General Bruno Rampazzo will be with all the Rogationist priests from the USA and Mexico at a Mass on Wednesday November 29, 2017. Give thanks to the Lord and pray for the Rogationists.

CA CATHOLIC BISHOPS URGE INMIGRATION RE-FORM FOR DACA YOUTH AND THEIR FAMILIES The Catholic Bishops of California believe, along with many of our fel-low Californians, that immigrant youth and their families are a critical part of California’s future vitality. We will continue to believe in them, pray for them, and work with them for a society where all God’s children may enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We invite all those who share this dream to join us as sentinels of hope for the hundreds of thousands

of young people who have registered or are eligible for the DACA pro-gram. While the decision of the Ad-ministration may eclipse our common aspirations for them, we should not let our confidence be diminished. We have faith that this momentary shadow will pass and our hopeful light will continue to burn brightly. (For com-plete statement see California Catholic Conference)

DOES YOUR DACA EXPIRE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 5, 2018 ? California Rural Assistance Foun-dation is providing FREE legal as-sistance for DACA renewals every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday of September. Applicants will be seen by appointment only. Please call 559-486-6278 for an appoint-ment.

DIOCESAN CONGRESS Visalia Convention Center 14, 2017. You can receive a registra-tion guide book from the office of the parish or religious education

DIOCESAN V ENCUENTRO GATHERING Visalia Conven-tion Center Oc-tober 15, 2017. All the parishioners that participated on the V Encounter in St. Mary’s and St. Katherine’s are invited to call the Rectory to register.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE Join the worldwide movement to pro-tect mothers and babies. September 27 to November 5. To sign up visit or E-mail:

ALTAR SERVERS SIGN UP Do you Love God and want to serve Him? If you have made First Commun-ion you can join the Altar servers and commit for this min-istry. Contact Ivana 797-6561 Marco 903-7659

100th ANNIVERSARY OF THE MIRACLE OF FATIMA Friday, Oct 13 6:15pm Ro-sary 7pm Mass at the Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, 20855 S. Fatima Ave, Laton, CA (For those who wish, a 4 mile walking procession will begin at 5pm from the Knights of Columbus Hall, 5152 N. 11th Ave, Hanford) Info: 559-897-5953. K of C TRI-TIP SALE Knights of Columbus will once again sell seasoned and fully cooked Tri Tips again this year, every First Sun-day of the month. October thru Febru-ary. Beginning Oct. 1st. Pre Sale on-ly. See any Knight to order yours. More info at 559-250-1846

MEETING FOR ALL MINISTRY LEADERS There will be a meeting with Fr. Devassy to plan the Jubile Anni-versary Mass for the Rogationist Fathers. Monday September 25, 2017 at 7 pm CCD Rooms. Please send a representative this is a very important event in our Parish.

YOUTH DAY 2017 Sunday, October 29th will be at Reedley High School. All stu-dents registered in the Jesus Program are requested to attend as this will be the Retreat for this program. Transportation should be provided by parents, bring $5.00 for lunch (provided by Agape Program). Please register at the CCD Office for questions call 875-6340. All Youth of the other Agape pro-gram are welcome to attend. Youth Day will be rally style and in-clude Eucharistic Adoration in addi-tion to Mass.

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Esd 1:1-6; Sal 126 (125):1b-6; Lc 8:16-18 Martes: Esd 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Lc 8:19-21 Miércoles: Esd 9:5-9; Tob:13:2, 3- 4abefghn, 7-8; Lc 9:1-6 Jueves: Ag 1:1-8; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lc 9:7-9 Viernes: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 o Apo 12:7-12a; Sal 138 (137) 1-5; Jn 1:47- 51 Sábado: Zac 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31:10-12ab, 13; Lc 9:43b-45 Domingo: Ez 18:25-28; Sal 25 (24):4- 9; Fil 2:1-11 [1-5]; Mt 21:28-32 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Vigésimo Quinto Domin go del Tiempo Ordinario Martes: Santos Cosme y Damián Miércoles: San Vicente de Paul Jueves: San Wenceslao; San Loren zo Ruiz y compañeros Viernes: Los Arcángeles Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael; Sábado: San Jerónimo REPARACIÓN DEL ESTACIONAMIENTO Ya tenemos los últimos detalles para-la aprobación de los planos presenta-dos a la Ciudad. Usualmente toma un mes mas. Continúen ayudando Un total de $ 253.000.00 están ahora en depósito en la Diócesis de Fresno. Que Dios recompense su generosi-dad

50 ANIVERSARIO DE LOS ROGACIONISTAS EN USA. El 1º. de Sep-tiembre de 1967, los Roga-cionistas fueron aceptados por el Obispo en la parroquia de Mendota. Los sacerdotes eran José Tursi y Pablo Petruzellis. Este año celebramos el Jubileo de 50 años. El Obispo Ochoa y el Padre General Bruno Ram-pazzo estarán con todos los sacerdotes Rogationistas de USA y México en una Misa el Miércoles 29 de Noviem-bre, 2017. Den gracias con nosotros y rueguen por los padres Rogacionistas. OBISPOS CATÓLICOS DE CALIFORNIA URGEN UNA REFORMA MIGRATORIA. Para los Jovenes beneficiaries de DACA y sus familias. Los Obispos Católicos de California creen, al igual que mu-chos de nuestros vecinos californi-anos, que los jóvenes inmigrantes y sus familias son parte fundamental de la vitalidad futura de California. Se-guiremos confiando en ellos, orando por ellos, y colaborando con ellos a fin de lograr una sociedad donde to-dos los hijos de Dios puedan disfrutar de la vida, la libertad y búsqueda de la felicidad. Invitamos a todas aquellas personas que comparten este sueño, que se unan a nosotros siendo cen-tinelas de esperanza para los cientos de miles de jóvenes que se han inscri-to o que reúnen los requisitos para el programa de DACA. Aunque la deci-sión de parte de la Administración pudiera oscurecer, como eclipse, la aspiración que sostenemos en común a favor de estos jóvenes, no per-mitamos que disminuya nuestra se-guridad y confianza. Tenemos fe que esta sombra es pasajera y la luz de nuestra esperanza seguirá ardiendo en pleno esplendor. (Para la Declaracion completa miren la California Catholic Conference)

SE VENCE SU DACA EL 5 DE MARZO, 2018 O ANTES? California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation esta proveyendo asisten-cia legal GRATIS para las reno-vaciones de DACA cada Lunes, miercoles, y jueves en Septiembre. Solamente se van a tomar solicitantes con citas. Por favor llame al 559 486-6278 para hacer una cita. CONGRESO DIOCESANO Centro de Convensiones de Visalia, CA. Octubre 14, 2017 Puede solicitar un libro en la Rec-toria o en la oficina de Educacion Religiosa. V ENCUENTRO DIOCESANO Cen-tro de Convensiones de Visalia, CA. Octubre 15, 2017. Si participo en el encuentro Parroquial venga a registrarse a la Rectoria. SE CANCELA LA CLASE DE INGLES . Que se tenia los sabados en el Centro Ciranni. Se avisa que hay clases en la Escuela Secundaria.


DÍA JUVENIL 2017 Domingo 29 de Octubre, 2017 Reedley High School. Todos los estudiantes inscritos en el Programa de-Jesús deben asistir, ya que éste será el Retiro para este programa. El trans-porte debe ser proporcionado por los padres, traer $ 5.00 para el almuerzo (proporcionado por el Programa Agape). Por favor regístrese en la Oficina de la CCD. Para preguntas llame al 875-6340. Todos los jóvenes de los otro programa de Agape son bienvenidos a asistir. La Jornada de la Juventud será de estilo rally e incluirá la Adoración Eucarística además de la Misa

JUNTA PARA TODOS LOS MINISTERIOS Habrá una Junta con el Padre Devassy para preparar la Celebración del Jubileo de los Padres Rogacionistas. Lunes Septiembre 25, 2017 a las 7 pm. Salones del Catecismo. Mande a un representante; todos son bienvenidos.


ENGLISH 2017 Divine Mercy - Ruth Alcantar 399-7072 Legion of Mary- Sal Rodriguez 892-3031 Catholic Daughters - Becky Salinas 260-1568 Knights of Columbus- Art Garza 875-2818 Italian Catholic Federation- Kay Lopez 875-5967 Mission Tonala- Cecilia Herrera 994-1419 Marriage Preparation- Jesus & Lupita Romero 477-0060 Javier & Isabel Luna, 876-2258 Cesar & Cindy Gonzales, 618-0510 Altar Society- Delores Gonzalez 217-1927 Lectors & Commentators- Art Mendoza, 304-7040 SMAS (Altar Servers)- Marco Cid 903-7659 Ivana Valdovinos 797-6561 Ignite– Young Adults 618-2552 LARVA (Lay Rogationist Vocation Animators)-Linda Lopez 977-1988 Safe Environment - Jesse Avery 907-2881 Maintenance Supervisor - Jose Alvarez 647-8192 Marriage and Family Counseling—Maria Bustamante 930-1030 Quinceañera Coordinator– Julia Flores 643-7533 Gift Shop– Lulu Torres (Open Sunday only) CHOIRS Adult English (7:30 am)

Efren Rubio 488-6683 Adult English (11:00 am on fourth Sunday each month) Teresa Castillo 365-3160 Children’s (11:00 am on second Sunday each month) Beth Musgrave 876-3936 Youth Music Ministry (11:00 am on 1st. & 3rd Sunday each month) Julie Mendoza 824-4280 (High School age) SPANISH 2017 Adoración Nocturna— Cesar Torres 303-5474 Divina Misericordia— Ruth Alcantar 399-7072 Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial –Juan y Maria Martinez 876-9342 o Israel y Irma Garcia 531-5615 Lectores y Comentaristas- Martha Lomelí 365-8933 Grupo de Oración (Del Rey) Joaquín Núñez Grupo de Oración (Sanger) Memo Jiménez 312-305

Padres y Madres Orantes- Gloria Mendoza 875-5424 Sociedad de Altar - (Del Rey) Vicky Ríos Sociedad Guadalupana- Cruz Gervacio 283-9898 Caballeros de Colón- Juan Lomeli 281-3663 Consejería de Matrimonio y familia María Bustamante 930-1030 Grupo de Preciosa Sangre Samuel Velazco 618-0271 COROS Adultos (9:00 am)- Mary Lombardo 940-0207 San Pedro (1:00 pm)- Rolando Rodríguez 681-1296, Juan Silva 203-9562 Blanca Almeraz (7:00 pm) 284-4599 Del Rey (5:30pm Sábado)- Lourdes Chávez 888-2508

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