camdenville news · 2020-02-20 · camdenville news camdenville public school ‘truth and...

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Camdenville News Camdenville Public School

‘Truth and Courtesy’

Term 1, Week 4 Tuesday 18 Februaruy 2020

Dates to Remember 19/2/20 Swimming carnival 27/2/20 Parent Device Awareness Workshop 17/3/20 P&C AGM 30/3/20 – 31/3/20 3 Way Conferences

PRINCIPALS REPORT Dear parents and caregivers, As you will be aware we had to put out for tender the Out of School Hours Care program for our school. The DoE directed us to have only one service on site. The tender panel met at the end of the school year and went through 16 applications for the service. There was much debate around the 4 -person panel. Today I am pleased to announce, finally, that TASK will take over the full service in Term 2 this year. TASK will handle the changeover for those families transferring from Inner West Council OOSHC and is offering a parent information session on Thursday 12 March from 6.00 - 7.00pm, in the school hall. Please be assured that ALL children at Camdenville, including pre-schoolers will be provided with a place. The school will work in partnership with the TASK leadership team to ensure as smooth a transition as possible. I would like to offer my thanks to the Inner West Council OOSHC for providing a safe and supportive environment for the children who have attended their service over the years. Inner West OOSCH has operated here for many years - way before my time here, and I know many families will be sad to see the change. Please see the flyer attached to this newsletter for more details as to how to enroll and contact TASK for Term 2. When children do not want to come to school - Not every child jumps out of bed ready for school but most do. Schools should be a place child want

to be. However, there are times when some children do find coming to school difficult. There can be an array of things impacting on how they feel about school or about separating from their parents. I found an article on a very helpful website about what to do if your child is showing signs of school refusal, the main thing being to support the child to attend as soon as possible. This website may be a useful resource for families. Camdenville Cares about resilience Last week we focused on resilience for Camdenville Cares as a positive way to begin our year at school. Resilience is commonly defined as an ability to overcome difficult experiences and be shaped positively by them. Sometimes described as the ‘ability to bounce back from adversity’. Our brains respond to the information around us, so resilience can be taught, modelled and nurtured at any age I liked the idea of helping children understand that they can be positively shaped by difficult experiences. He described 6 practical strategies he uses to support his children to develop resilience. This was my favourite- Model Gratitude He writes: Instead of pestering your children with questions such as, “How was school?” and, “What did you do today?”, teach them to reframe their day. The following is a game we play over dinner. Everyone must answer three questions: 1) What did someone do today to make you happy? 2) What did you do to make someone else happy? 3) What have you learned today? I love this simple exercise for how it helps us all find the positive in every day. It teaches gratitude, nurtures optimism, and recognises kindness. It doesn’t matter what may have happened at work or school, or how stressed any of us may have felt when we sat down at the table; the whole mood seems to lift once we’ve played this game. I learn

things about my kids that they’d probably never have thought to tell me otherwise. Try it. It might just become the highlight of your day. The other 5 ideas he shares are:

• Have one-on-one time with each child, without distractions

• Give sleep a chance

• Get out and exercise

• Teach delayed gratification

• Eat the alphabet Extra-Curricular Activities. Please find attached to this newsletter information about what is offered as extra-curricular activities at Camdenville this year. We try to offer some variety of after school activities to engage our students in extending their talents, skills and interests. Junior Landcare – Filming at Camdenville On Monday our school leadership team met with Costa from Gardening Australia to launch a new website for Junior Landcare Australia. When asked to be the Junior Landcare Ambassador, Costa suggested our school as the best place to launch the site. The video coverage was aired on Studio 10 and on SBS. Take a look at our talented and confident leaders. CH 10 Studio 10 Program And here is the Junior Landcare site familes may want to take a look and get involved in a few of the projects developed by the organisation. Regards, Sue Smith Principal

BOOK Awards Congratulations to the following students who received a Book Award.

Week 2 Saffi

Week 3 Estella William


Any parents volunteering at school in any way will need to sign a Working with Children Check –Appendix 5 – Declaration for Volunteers and non-child related contractors. Once individuals have completed and provided this declaration, along with proof of identity that meets the 100 point check, the individuals can commence engagement as volunteers. If you do not have a current declaration please visit the office over the next week with your 100 point documents.

SCHOOL BANKING The Commonwealth Bank still has a school banking program to encourage financial literacy in young children. We have parent volunteers at school that carry out school banking every Wednesday. School banking will commence again next week – Wednesday 26/2/20.


Learn to be a chess champion! Coaching for students at Camdenville Public School is held on Wednesdays from 11:00am to 11:40am, starting on 12 February 2020. Learning and playing chess helps children develop their logical thinking and problem solving skills, improves their concentration and focus, while also being a great source of enjoyment. Activities include group lessons on a demonstration chess board or interactive whiteboard, puzzle solving and fun practice games. Students earn merit awards by making checkmates, or by displaying skills and positive qualities, which all good chess players strive to develop. If your child is interested in taking part, email for a copy. For all enquiries, please contact Sydney Academy of Chess on (02) 9745 1170.



Program Day/time Provider Contact Details

Drama Wednesday 3-4pm Quokkas Room

Sydney Performance Academy p: 0450 619 070 e: Adele Querol & Jerome Meyer – Co-Directors

Robotics & Coding

Friday 3-4pm Learning Hub

Young Engineers Angela Yang – Mob: 0451783632

Music Monday & Friday 8am Laura St car park

The Music Bus The Music Bus 1300 168 742

French Wednesday 3-5pm Rosellas Room

Alliance François Madelyn Kugel

Keyboard lessons

Wednesday 3-6pm School Hall

Earthbeats Music Susie Hobday 0410 506 304

Art Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 3-5pm Art room

Sarah Fenn

Chess Term 1 & 3 – lunchtime

Sydney Academy of Chess

P: 9745 1170 F: 9745 1176 E:

Band Monday 8am School Hall

Kyle Eardley

Kyle Eardley 0421 943 242

Yoga & Relaxation

Tuesday Lunchtimes

Wellstreet Mel & Mel

MERIT AWARDS Term 1 Week 2

Stage 1 & Stage 2 Assembly


Wombats Poppy For great writing about being calm, focused learners at school

Sonny For always showing respect in the classroom

Koalas Dana Showing passion and perseverance in her learning

Audrey Always maintaining a high standard of work in class

Remy Demonstrating enthusiasm and collaborative skills in group work

Echidnas Pia Using the 5L’s to always be ready to learn

Marley Being focused and trying his hardest in class

Sebastian Welcome to Camdenville. The Echidnas are so happy to have you in our class

Winter Using the ‘6 star’ editing checklist to improve her writing

Emus Matilda For challenging herself during maths

Spencer For being helpful and supportive of others students in the class

Olive For challenging herself to use complex punctuation in her writing

Kangaroos Ryder Working well during literacy groups

Grace Confidence with ordering numbers

Jan Working well during literacy groups

Potoroos Alyssa For great contributions during Circle Time

Sabine For effectively using Newman’s Prompts to solve tricky word problems

Harper For creative ideas during writing tasks

Cockatoos Meg Positively contributing to all class discussing & demonstrating what it means to be a safe & respectful learner

Leila Confidently reflecting in how Newman’s Prompts help us to solve maths problems

Kai Great focus during Big Writing & thinking carefully about using adjectives

Yabbies Harriet Actively applying our school rules in all aspects of her learning and on the playground

James Using effective communication and collaboration in his team to build a cup pyramid during a STEM activity

Tyelar Effectively using Newman’s prompts to solve word problems and extending and challenging himself

Goannas Otis Consistent effort in all that he does particularly during lessons that involve identifying and VCOP to enhance writing

Lucas Being a team player and all collaborative tasks especially during our lesson on what it takes to be safe, respectful and a learner

MERIT AWARDS Term 1 Week 3

Kindy & Stage 3 Assembly


Rosellas Eric Being a helpful and considerate friend in the classroom

Honey Thinking deeply about belonging

Dingoes Ruben His thoughtful contributions during Play-Based Learning

Xanthe Being a confident learner when approaching new tasks

Quokkas Ella Her insightful contributions during play-based learning

Allie Demonstrating a positive attitude to all learning activities

Kookaburras Penny Contributions for PBL discussions

Will Being kind and supportive to his peers

Bandicoots Adia Always putting in 100% during our PBL discussions and activities. Keep it up!

Oscar Creating such a cool collage art piece reflecting your identity

Possums Taliyah Excellent participation in PE lessons

Leo Amazing effort and on task behaviour during big write

Evie Excellence in Visual Arts when drawing portraits

Gallahs Ana Insightful contributions to our PBL discussion when creating our Driving Question

Leila Using a range of interesting verbs to write a sustained narrative in Big Writing

William Writing an effective paragraph reflecting on how the Urban Habitat at ARCC fosters a sense of belonging for birds and people

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