
Post on 19-Jan-2015






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By Nicole Lewis Level Yellow

Assignment 4: Camera shots, camera angles, camera movement, composition

Camera Shots

• Establishing Shot• Wide Shot• Long Shot• Mid/Medium Shot• Close-Up Shot• Extreme Close-Up Shot• Point Of View• Over The Shoulder Shot• Two Shot

Establish Shot

• Establishing the location or time of day.

Wide Shot

• A shot that will capture everyone or thing in that area.

Long Shot

• A shot that will capture the whole character or object.

Mid/Medium Shot

• A shot that will show a character or object, from its middle upwards.

Close-Up Shot

• A shot that will be taken from the characters neck upwards or a special feature on an object. Usually to show detail.

Extreme Close-Up Shot

• A shot usually taken to show clear detail of someone or something.

Point Of View

• A shot that would make it seem like we are in the characters shoes. Shown with movement and correct placement.

Over The Shoulder Shot

• A shot taken from over one characters shoulder, showing the other characters facial expression. The more of the shoulder you show, the less important the other character is.

Two Shot

• A shot where two characters are in the same frame.

Camera Angles

• Low Angles• High Angles• Canted or Oblique Angle

Low Angle

• A shot taken from below, looking upwards. Often to make the character or object look bigger.

High Angle

• A shot taken from above, looking down. Often to make the character or object look smaller.

Canted or Oblique Angle

• Where the camera is tilted, so the image appears diagonal.

Camera Movement

• Pan• Tilt• Track• Zoom• Reverse Zoom


• A shot where the camera pivots left to right or right to left.


• Opposite to pan. A shot where the camera pivots up and down or down to up.


• Where the camera moves from side to side using a track.


• Where the camera goes in towards a character or object.

Reverse Zoom

• Opposite of zoom. Where the camera goes out from a character or object.


• Balance • Symmetry• Asymmetry• Rule of Thirds• Depth of Field• Shallow Focus• Deep Focus


• Showing the equal amount of colour in a picture.


• A shot that is equally symmetrical.


• Opposite of symmetry. A shot that is unequal.

Rule of Thirds

• A rule that says that the ground should take up 1/3 of the picture, while the sky should take up 2/3s.

Depth of Field

• The amount of an image that appears sharp.

Shallow Focus

• Sharpening one part of an image.

Deep Focus

• Opposite of shallow focus. The whole image is sharp.

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