camomile legal adwords

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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What Is Google AdWords/Pay Per Click

!Let us tell you. In plain, normal English…!


Google Adwords/Pay Per Click is where you pay Google to appear at the top of Google

search results, both on your computer/laptop and on your mobile phone.!


This Means TWO Very Important Things For Your Law Firm!

1. More Traffic to your site. !

2. More leads and sales.

You want to get more clients, by ranking in the top tier of results on Google…!

Let’s Say You Own A Corporate Law Firm In London!!


◆ They will type in something like “corporate lawyers

London.” !

!◆ And on Google they will get a page of results like


When A Potential Client’s Looking For A Corporate Law Firm In



How Does Google Decide Which Ads To Display, And Where?

◆ It’s not just that the law firm who spends the most money gets the top spots in the

main section.!

!◆ Google determines where your ad appears based on a whole host of factors,

including how many people click through on your ad. !

!◆ And this number of clicks calculates, what Google calls, your quality score, which

determines how much you pay per click.

The Best Bit?

◆ Google allows you to set a budget for your law firm’s advertising. !


!◆ Google only charges you when someone actually clicks on your

law firm’s ads.

Why Google AdWords Matters For Your Law Firm

!Increasing your law firm’s leads and sales…!


These top 4 Google AdWords ads are the only ads that matter, not the ads at the

bottom of the page that never get clicked.!

How Many Clicks Will Your Law Firm’s Website Get?!

1. The first Google ad for “,” will get 40% of the clicks.!

!2. The second Google ad for “,” will get 24% of the clicks.!

!3. The third Google ad for “,” will get 9% of the clicks.!

!4.The fourth Google ad for “,” will get 4% of the clicks.

Use Google AdWords To Get New Clients For Your Law Firm Straightaway

◆ Unlike SEO, paying Google gets your law firm in-front of potential

clients straightaway.!

!◆ AdWords is the reason Google is worth over $400 billion!!

!◆ In fact, Google’s giving more space to their AdWords listings by the day,

which means they tend to dominate search results.

Your Law Firm NEEDS To Be Mobile

!We live in a smartphone world!


So, to make things as clear as possible for you… !!


Over 50% Of Searches Are Now Done By People On Their Mobile Phones!

If you don’t appear in the top tier of Google search results on mobile, you DO NOT

EXIST to over 50% of your potential clients.!

The Power Of Mobile Phones!

◆ Let’s say, for example, one of your potential customers is looking for a

corporate lawyer in London. !

!◆ They would type in something like “corporate lawyers London.” !

!◆ And on Google, they would get a page of results, on their mobile phone,

like this…

After we see these 3 Google Adwords ads, !we then see 10 organic search results, before !

we see this second batch of Google AdWords ads…!

NOBODY clicks on those second batch of Google AdWords ads.… !!


The Harsh Reality For Your Law Firm!

Your law firm absolutely HAS to be one of the top 4 Google AdWords ads

when people do a Google search.!


We Execute Google AdWords For Your Law Firm Differently Than Most

!And Better!!


When We’re Running Your AdWords Campaign, We Only Care About Two Things!

1. Getting you cost effective traffic.!

!2. Making sure we turn as many of those website visitors as

possible into clients for your law firm.

How Do We Do It?!

We Identify The Keywords Your Potential Clients Use To Find You!

◆ We research all of the keywords related to your services e.g.

“Family Law Solicitors Birmingham.”!

!◆ We do this to get a picture how many searches there are out there,

each month, related to your services.

We Set Up Your Ads, To Get You More Clients!

◆ We agree a budget with you to spend with Google and set up your ad campaigns on

your behalf.!

!◆ Taking years of data, we’ve learned to write killer ad copy and calls to action, which

we’ll create for you.!

!◆ Your ads might look a little something like this…

Now What?!

◆ We constantly tweak, test and change your ads, to get more

potential clients to click through to your site.!

!◆ We make sure all of your ads are set up in such a way as to get the

maximum number of people calling your law firm or clicking

through to your site.

And Then?!

◆ We take the ad variations that we’ve created for you and repeatedly

test them.!

!◆ This allows us to continually improve the ads’ click through rates

and to drive your cost per click (what you pay to Google) down.

So that you can see what we mean… !!


Let’s Use A Quick Example!!

But we’ve got an extra special sauce… !!


Most Agencies Are Content With Sending Your New Website Traffic To Your Homepage Or An Internal Page On Your Site

Landing Page Optimisation!

Turning Website Visitors Into Paying Clients!

◆ We ensure all your new website visitors go to a beautifully designed, highly

converting landing page, which we will design specifically for your law firm. !

!◆ We constantly test and tweak your landing page, allowing us to increase

your conversion rate (the number of leads and sales you get) even further.

Why Your Law Firm Needs A Dedicated Landing Page!!

◆ We know from experience that your potential clients are far less likely to convert

into actual paying clients if they just land on your homepage, or one of your internal

website pages. !

!◆ We’ll use a landing page we created for one of our clients as an example. So your

landing page might look something like this, when people clicked on your Google

AdWords ad, after doing a Google search…

They might just go straight to your homepage, which may look something like this…!!


If You Chose Not To Have A Dedicated Landing Page

Which Law Firm Would You Buy From?!!

◆ Put yourself in your new client’s shoes. They’ve just clicked on your Google

AdWords ad, looking for a service just like yours.!

!◆ If, after clicking on the ad, they are taken to the second, un-optimised page,

do you think they’d be likely to call your law firm or ask for a quote to be

emailed to them?!



Would They Be More Likely To Call Your Law Firm If, Like Our 1st Example…!

1. The landing page headline assures them your law firm has what they’re looking for.!

!2. The reason they should buy from your law firm is clearly laid out.!

!3. There’s a testimonial from someone who has used your service, and had a good experience.!

!4. The calls to action are clear.!

!5. Everything is neatly laid out, so there’s no confusion about what they should do if they wish

to buy from your law firm.

That’s the power of our fully optimised landing pages…!!



If Google AdWords traffic is delivered to an un-optimised landing page, like the second one, it would

be almost impossible to tie the cost of a click to the generation of a lead.!


We’re Always Trying To Get The Best Results For Your Law Firm!!

◆ Once we’ve designed these landing pages for you, we don’t just set them and

forget them.!

!◆ We continuously, and rigorously, test variations of these landing pages, in

order to ensure we keep pushing that conversion rate (the number of leads

and sales you get) figure higher and higher, for your law firm.!


It’s what we do for our own businesses, so why would we treat yours

any differently?!


Let’s Get Down To Business

If you’re serious about getting more leads, increasing your law firm’s sales and making more

profit, we need to talk.!

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