campus initiative october 2013 newsletter

Post on 03-Mar-2016






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October recap featuring the 2013 Campus Initiative Summit, Campus Initiative Award Winners, and Trick or Treat for UNICEF highlights.


“We are helping to make success possible for every

single child.”  





Caryl M. Stern, President and CEO of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, describing the organization’s work at the

2013 Campus Initiative Summit


2013 Campus Initiative Summit………………..1 – 2

Campus Initiative Award Winners………………....2

Trick of Treat for UNICEF…………………….....…..3

Leading up to the weekend, there was a feeling of excitement and curiosity about what was yet to come. Students were hoping to gain a lot of insight and understanding as to how they could successfully advocate, educate, and fundraise for UNICEF in their respective communities. Volunteers were ready to absorb as much knowledge as they could. Little did the students know how much of an impact this one weekend could have on their life. National Council Member, Iliana Alvarenga, describes the weekend as, “an incredible opportunity to meet young leaders from all of the nation. The feeling was indescribable. There's nothing like being in a room filled with 250 people who are just as passionate about the world.“ The weekend started with inspiring and compelling speeches spoken by Ahmad Alhendawi, United



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UNICEF Campus Initiative Newsletter

Nations Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth, and Caryl M Stern, President and CEO of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF. Their passion filled the room with inspiration.

Students gathered after the Hunger Banquet on Saturday, Oct. 12th, 2013.


Throughout the weekend, multiple speakers and activities helped define what it truly means to be a global citizen. The experience made Alvarenga realize that, “we are not limited to the citizenship of our country of origin or country of residence. International issues are human issues. And although we may legally have a country we call ours, we are all a part of this world. We are a part of a global community. We must understand what it means to be a global citizen; a person who calls this world their home. Thus, protects it as such. And every human being that is also a part of it."  

At the 2013 Campus Initiative Summit, awards were given to proud groups and individuals that have gone above and beyond to make zero a reality during the 2012-2013 academic year. Each winner

received a framed certificate, a copy of I Believe in Zero by Caryl M Stern, and a scholarship of $200.00 for groups and $100.00 for individuals for future national or regional UNICEF campus initiative events. The winners of these awards were nominated by their peers and chosen by the U.S. Fund for UNICEF staff.

Rising Star of the Year Award – Florida International & Queens College

Club Collaboration of the Year Award – The Ohio State University

Member of the Year Award – Lian Kariuki from Green Mountain College


Leader of the Year – Ahsan Ahmad Benedictine

Alumni of the Year Award Recipient – Sam Pudelski

Phi Lota Alpha Colony of the Year Award Recipient – The Zeta Chapter at Hofstra

Campus Challenge Winner –

1. The Ohio State University 2. University of Texas at Dallas 3. University of Puerto Rico

Check out our summit highlight video:


UNICEF Campus Initiative Newsletter


CAMPUS HIGHLIGHTS The UNICEF Campus Initiative Club at John Carroll University put on a fantastic Youth Halloween party for children from a local refugee site near their campus. Featuring games, pumpkin carving, face painting, multicultural desserts, snacks, a much-loved piñata and more, the UNICEF Chapter at JCU created a fun and relaxing environment for the children. UNICEF at JCU also hosted a Halloween Bake Sale.

New York University hosted a coffeehouse themed event, which featured artists and performers. They invited students from their schools, and also reached out to other Campus Initiatives in the area. The event included a raffle where a lucky winner won a free dinner for two. They also had a goodie bag sale where they sold spectacular Frankenstein themed goodie bags to students!

UNICEF at Seattle Central Community College tabled to reach out to the community to TOT for UNICEF. When members of the community signed up, they gave them a box to return after Halloween in exchange for chocolate. They will also have a party on Tuesday for those who have contributed!

Volunteers from the OSU for TOT!

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