canada's action plan for food security

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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Canada's Action Plan for Food Security


Canada's Action Plan for Food Security



Prime Minister's Message ..............................................................................................3 Minister's Message .........................................................................................................4 Executive Summary.......................................................................................................5 Part I: Understanding Food Security.........................................................................9

Defining Food Security.............................................................................................9 Parallels in Canadian and International Food Security.............................................9 Canadian Perspective on Food Security..................................................................11

Part II: Domestic Actions ..........................................................................................12

Commitment One: An Enabling Environment........................................................12 Commitment Two: Access to Food.........................................................................14 Commitment Three: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development ..................21 Commitment Four: Trade and Food Security .........................................................24 Commitment Five: Emergency Prevention and Preparedness ................................26 Commitment Six: Promoting Investment ................................................................28

Part III: International Actions .................................................................................30

Commitment One: An Enabling Environment........................................................30 Commitment Two: Access to Food.........................................................................32 Commitment Three: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development ..................34 Commitment Four: Trade and Food Security .........................................................38 Commitment Five: Emergency Prevention and Preparedness ................................40 Commitment Six: Promoting Investment ................................................................43 Commitment Seven: Implementation and Monitoring............................................45

Part IV: Conclusion...................................................................................................47

Implementation and Monitoring of Canada's Action Plan for Food Security.........47 Appendix I: Members of the Joint Consultative Group ...............................................49 Appendix II: Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................59


Prime Minister's Message We are blessed with a great country, endowed with immense natural resources, boundless human potential and a long tradition of helping others, both within our country and with our neighbours in the rest of the world. We work hard to improve our standard of living, pursuing broad-based, equitable economic growth, protecting human rights and freedoms, caring for our natural environment and striving to provide all Canadians with the opportunity to realize their dreams. Ensuring that all Canadians are food secure is an important element of that standard of living we all cherish. This Plan is a significant step forward in developing a national approach to address food insecurity in Canada and abroad. It builds on our longtime involvement in international efforts which began with our participation in the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization at Quebec City in 1945. Since then, we have been an active member of the multilateral system, and we have worked with and supported a wide variety of other international organizations, thousands of community-based groups and Canadian voluntary organizations in a dedicated effort to end hunger at home and abroad. Canada's Action Plan for Food Security is a reflection of this experience. It is the result of extensive consultations with our partners in Canada and abroad, and I am most grateful for their contributions. Together with representatives from all levels of government in Canada, they have crafted a road map for the Canadian contribution to the World Food Summit target of reducing by half the number of undernourished people no later than the year 2015 and to eventual food security for all. Over 50 years ago, Canada pledged itself to a world that was free from hunger, free from want, with enough food for all. This Action Plan is a symbol of our dedication to that commitment, and to the people of the world. I invite all of our partners around the world to join us in ending hunger and achieving food security for all. The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien Prime Minister of Canada


Minister’s Message

Over 800 million human beings do not have enough to eat in a world that produces enough food to feed every man, woman and child. This exceptional paradox - global food security alongside individual food insecurity - has galvanized the collective conscience of the world community. At the World Food Summit in Rome in November 1996, Canada joined 186 other nations to endorse the Summit's goal - to reduce the number of undernourished people by half no later than the year 2015.

The world food situation has been improving steadily since the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization over 50 years ago. Production has risen, food prices have dropped and a greater proportion of the world's people have gained secure access to food. Despite this progress, the conundrum remains: far too many people are undernourished, their health impaired, their potential blighted, their lives a daily struggle for survival.

Canada shares this paradox. As a major exporter of food and rela ted products and expertise, and as one of the world's largest donors of food aid, Canada has made some very valuable contributions to world food security. At the same time, we must recognize that we are not immune to the problem of food insecurity in our country. There are vulnerable people in Canada who are unable to meet their food needs without compromising other basic needs.

But there is hope. The experience of the last five decades has taught us many things about the nature of food insecurity and many of those lessons have been incorporated into the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the World Food Summit Plan of Action. Canada's Action Plan for Food Security is based on those lessons. It is also based on the shared responsibility of all stakeholders involved in achieving food security: the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments, civil society organizations and institutions, the private sector, and ultimately, each and every individual.

Canada's Action Plan for Food Security is the result of extensive consultations between and among these stakeholders and represents a multisectoral consensus. Canadian voluntary and community organizations have played an important role in this process. We are committed to ensuring Canada's follow-up to the World Food Summit, beginning with this Plan of Action for the Government of Canada. We would like to thank all those who have collaborated in this important initiative.

We also wish to thank them for helping us all to keep in mind who this Plan is for: the communities and people of Canada, the people in countries in transition, and the people in developing countries, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable.

The Honourable Lyle Vanclief Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister responsible for Canada's follow-upto The World Food Summit

The Honourable Diane Marleau Minister for International Cooperation and Minister responsible for La Francophonie


Executive Summary Canada's Action Plan for Food Security is Canada's response to the World Food Summit (WFS) commitment made by the international community to reduce by half the number of undernourished people no later than the year 2015. It builds on a wide range of existing international commitments which affect food security, including agreements on international trade and environmental issues, conventions on human rights (including women's and children's rights), social development, education, housing and urban development. In addition, it builds on commitments and actions which flow from current domestic programs such as Canada's own Nutrition for Health: An Agenda for Action; Gathering Strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan; revisions to legislation, including the Fisheries Act; and Canada's evolving economic, social and environmental programs and policies. This Plan is the work of a Joint Consultative Group (JCG) composed of both government and civil society(1) representatives (see Appendix I for membership). During the drafting discussions, it became apparent to the JCG that it was dealing with a wide range of issues, many of which are complex and interconnected. To assist the reader in an initial understanding of how food security was perceived during these discussions, Part I, a short introductory section ent itled "Understanding Food Security", has been developed. It is not meant to be comprehensive, nor does it pretend to be conclusive; it is simply a frame of reference for the actions which follow. The structure of this document is based on the WFS Plan of Action endorsed by 187 countries at the World Food Summit in Rome in 1996. The WFS Plan of Action contains seven commitments, which also form the backbone of this document. Part II outlines Canada's plan for actions in the domestic environment, and Part III outlines Canada's plan for actions in the international environment as a donor to developing countries and countries in transition; as a member of the multilateral community; and as a trading nation. Each action is followed by a list of the main implementing organizations in parentheses. Lastly, Part IV details Canada's approach to the implementation and monitoring of its Action Plan. In the context of Canada's obligations related to the goal of the WFS, this Plan presents the Canadian perspective on the complex issue of food security, and then sets out the actions themselves within the broad context of current challenges. It recognizes that food security implies access to adequate food and sufficient food supplies. Poverty reduction, social justice and sustainable food systems are essential conditions. The Plan acknowledges the important role that civil society plays in contributing to food security and recognizes the achievements of the academic community and private sector in expanding production and improving access to food since the global effort to end hunger began in earnest some 50 years ago. Information sharing, partnerships and intersectoral cooperation play a key role in Canada's approach.


The Plan is a work in progress which forms a basis for further discussions on the specifics of implementation, including timing, roles and responsibilities, coordination mechanisms and related actions. It is open-ended and flexible, adaptable to changing conditions and responsive to evolving needs. It is not an exhaustive inventory of existing programs or planned actions; rather, it is a blueprint which sets out the highest priorities as identified by members of the JCG. These priorities are outlined below. The order in which they appear does not reflect an order of importance but rather follows the order of the seven commitments. Priority 1: The right to food reiterates Canada's belief that this right is an important element in food security and underscores the need to better define the meaning of this right, and the actions required to implement it. Actions include civil society support to the International Code of Conduct on the Human Right to Adequate Food, and all sector participation in national and international efforts to clarify the meaning of the right to food towards its full and progressive realization. Priority 2: The reduction of poverty is an important element in the strategy for addressing food insecurity in both domestic and international actions, based on the notion that a key condition for food security is access to sufficient resources to purchase or grow food. International actions are influenced by Canada's poverty reduction focus in its development assistance program; actions include maintaining or exceeding the 25% Official Development Assistance (ODA) target for investments in basic human needs such as food and nutrition, education and primary health care. The Plan also reaffirms Canada's commitment to engaging citizens in policy making and program design in the area of poverty reduction. Priority 3: Promotion of access to safe and nutritious food is seen as a critical component of food security. In developing countries, actions on micronutrient and vitamin supplementation of foods contribute to improved nutrition. Breastfeeding is also highlighted as critical to infant health and nutrition worldwide. In Canada, commitment to this is furthered through actions to support working mothers, hospital programs, mother and child health care and other initiatives in support of the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes. Beyond the promotion and protection of breastfeeding and other food security conditions, caring practices, and health and education measures are important for the nutrition security of mothers and children, particularly, but not only, in developing countries. Priority 4: Food safety underlines the new threats to global food supply posed by the rapid increase and deep market penetration of new and exotic foods from a variety of trading partners, which may constitute a safety or disease hazard; by environmental contaminants, especially in traditional food sources in Canada's Far North, which are also a threat to safety; and emergencies or disasters, which can cause problems such as contamination from hazardous chemicals or disease-causing micro-organisms. In addition, lack of knowledge about preparation and storage of foods is identified as a threat, mainly at the household level. Actions to ensure safe supplies and safe handling


include enhanced public education, better product labeling, enhanced biotechnology assessment, improved monitoring methods and stronger multisectoral partnerships. Priority 5: Traditional food acquisition methods of Aboriginal and coastal communities acknowledge the important role that hunting, fishing, gathering, bartering and trading play in the food security of many communities in Canada and abroad. By sharing their awareness of traditional foods and their knowledge of sustainable natural resource practices, indigenous people have an important contribution to make in achieving the World Food Summit's goal. Actions related to the reduction of environmental contaminants, sustainable management of resources (including fisheries) and appropriate supplementation with high-quality commercial foods, strengthen access to food for these communities. Priority 6: Food production emphasizes the critical role of research, rural development and investment in the productivity of the agriculture and agri- food sector. This priority makes a strong link between the sustainable management of productive resources and the production of sufficient quantities of safe and nutritious food for all. It demonstrates the need to support local production, particularly in developing countries, where agrarian reform, participation of affected communities (including women producers) and fulfilment of basic human needs are essential to successful rural development programs. In Canada, actions aimed at enhancing agricultural production include: supporting sustainable resource management, continuing to invest in and build research capacity and encouraging investment in rural areas. Priority 7: Emphasis on environmentally sustainable practices explores some of the most pressing challenges to food production. Canada's actions in support of this priority are channeled through its support to a wide variety of commitments under current international agreements. Internationally, this covers specific challenges to developing countries in such areas as water resource management, community forestry, sustainable population growth and respect and preservation of indigenous knowledge. For Canada, additional actions complement these agreements to enhance stewardship of natural resources in the areas of northern contaminants, sustainable fisheries management, biotechnology, climate change and biodiversity. Priority 8: Fair trade outlines the potential impact of liberalized trade regimes on incomes and overall welfare, and indicates the possibility that there may be adjustment costs in non-competitive sectors. Actions within this priority involve enhancing trade in the food and agri- food sectors, particularly for developing countries, while achieving a better understanding of the impacts of liberalized trade on people vulnerable to food insecurity. Priority 9: Acknowledgement of peace as a precursor to food security underlines the need for safe and secure access to means of production, especially arable land and harvestable waters. Actions within this priority strengthen emergency measures, conflict prevention, peacebuilding and disaster preparedness in Canada and abroad.


Priority 10: A monitoring system for food insecurity identifies the need for a comprehensive set of agreed-upon indicators to determine the nature, extent and evolution of food insecurity, both to develop appropriate responses and to monitor their effectiveness. This Plan provides for both government and civil society to work toward developing indicators for national and international systems and using them for monitoring purposes. For the purpose of this document, "civil society" refers to organizations and associations of people, formed for social or political purposes that are not created or mandated by governments. Included are non-governmental organizations, trade unions, cooperatives, churches, grass-roots organizations, academic institutions, and business associations.


Part I: Understanding Food Security

Defining Food Security Today, on a global basis, the world produces enough food to feed everyone. However, there are countries, regions within countries, villages within regions, households within villages, and individuals within households that are not able to meet their food needs. In 1996, countries at the World Food Summit agreed that: 'Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.' Food security requires anavailable and reliable food supply at all times. At the global and regional levels, the food supply can be affected by variations in the macroeconomic environment and regional climatic phenomena, while at the national level, interruptions, such as natural disasters or civil strife, can seriously disrupt food production, orderly marketing and the stability of the food supply. At the community and household level, poverty or gender inequality can influence the distribution and allocation of food affecting individual food security even when the food supply is adequate. Whether people grow their own food or buy it, their food security is essentially a matter of their access to food. The route to that access may be a dependable source of income or it may be the ability to acquire food through production. A dependable source of income is determined by access to a wide range of factors such as: job or business opportunities; health, education and other characteristics which increase employability and productivity; or the wherewithal to engage in barter or other acquisition methods. Production of food supplies for domestic consumption also depends on access to a mix of factors, including: natural resources, such as land; credit and agricultural inputs; health, education and training for the producer; social and political peace; and so on. When these routes to access are blocked, people are often forced to rely on social support programs. Individuals and households must have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food both in quantity and quality to meet their daily dietary requirements for a healthy and productive life. Food must also be culturally acceptable. For food security to be translated into adequate nutrition, people must also have access to adequate health services and to a healthy and safe environment, inc luding a safe water supply, and they must have the capacity to provide appropriate caring practices for themselves and for the more vulnerable people in their family and their community.

Parallels in Canadian and International Food Security Food security is multifaceted and is broader than being free from hunger. Food insecurity can be manifested in many ways. It can be temporary or chronic and its severity can vary


with age, status, gender, income, geographic location, ethnic or national affiliation and a host of other factors. In every country, regardless of its wealth or level of poverty, people can be food insecure. Despite immense differences in per capita incomes, standards of living, resource endowments and many other characteristics which separate countries - whether they are developing, industrialized or in transition from a planned to a market economy - many of the same basic dynamics are at work to create food insecurity. In examining Canada's Action Plan, it becomes apparent that there are important parallels between Canada's domestic and international food security concerns, although strategies to resolve them may vary between countries and regions. The notion of access to food as a basic human right is important for many people in the mobilization of political will, multi-sectoral commitment and public support. The question of access also revolves around issues of poverty and social justice. It is the poorest and most vulnerable members of society - the people with no voice - who are the most likely to be food insecure and the most powerless to change their circumstances. All countries must make special efforts to reach these populations, but efforts to improve their situations must be sustainable. "Band-aid" measures, whether they be food banks or emergency food aid, only provide temporary relief. Enduring solutions involve empowering the food- insecure to help themselves. Degradation of the natural resource base - land, water, air and genetic resources - impacts on the availability of food for everyone. The impact of unsustainable natural resource and land use practices by all sectors can be compounded by cross-border and long-term environmental threats, such as air and water pollution and climate change. Each country must implement agricultural and rural development policies and encourage appropriate investment to support those communities and people in food producing areas.


Canadian Perspective on Food Security


Part II: Domestic Actions

Commitment One: An Enabling Environment

'We will ensure an enabling political, social and economic environment designed to create the best conditions for the eradication of poverty and for durable peace, based on full and equal participation of women and men, which is most conducive to achieving sustainable food security for all.'

World Food Summit Good Governance Canadians are fortunate to live in a country where peace, democracy and human rights are generally enjoyed and respected. Mechanisms have been established to ensure protection of civil and human rights, and a strong and independent mass media facilitates free discussion of public issues. The national social safety net of income support, essential social services and human resource development helps people to meet their basic needs and provides them with opportunities to improve their circumstances. Careful economic stewardship provides the government with the necessary resources to support these programs while facilitating general economic growth. Canada's traditional values of broad-based economic growth and social justice are essential underpinnings for food security. These values have an important role to play in current restructuring and reform initiatives, such as those associated with Setting the Stage for the Next Century: The Federal Plan for Gender Equality. Through this Plan, the federal government is performing a gender-based analysis of federal policies and legislation, which will help remove barriers and take women's gender-based concerns into account in a wide range of areas, including those which impact on food security. Civil society plays an important role in social, political and economic reform, through public education, advocacy and participation in public policy formulation. The efforts of civil society, together with information and awareness-raising programs by all levels of government, are essential in ensuring public engagement on issues related to food security.


Participation: an essential ingredient in attaining food security The Government of Canada is implementing Gathering Strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan. It is working with Aboriginal organizations and communities to develop effective, legitimate and accountable Aboriginal self-government and increase their participation in the design and delivery of programs affecting their lives and communities. This includes initiatives for improving community infrastructure on reserves, research and development in health and safety issues and access to safe traditional foods.

Civil society-business partnerships The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has acted as an intermediary in helping to bring together the organizers of FoodShare Metro Toronto with representatives of the agriculture and food sectors in Ontario, to discuss ways to enhance food security in Ontario. This approach has received the support of other civil society and industry groups and may set the stage for discussion and creation of new partnerships

Actions Undertake a major increase in efforts to educate Canadians about food security issues and to support initiatives geared toward enhanced involvement of citizens in achieving community food security. (All partners) Encourage dialogue on food security issues that will translate to policy reflection and change, based on public education, sound research and open and participatory governance, in order to engage all sectors of the population and ensure that the needs and priorities of all are represented. (All partners) The Right to Food The right to food was identified as an important element for food security at the World Food Summit. Internationally, the concept and its implications are still being defined and Canada is part of that process. Civil society feels that there is much that can be done in Canada to clarify its meaning and determine how to respect, protect and fulfill that right. Public education and awareness will play an important role in this process. This will help define the roles and responsibilities of governments, human rights bodies, civil society organizations and individuals in implementing the right to food. Actions Contribute to clarifying the content of the right to adequate food, as stated in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. (Federal government, civil society) Engage in domestic campaigns to promote the right to adequate food and the International Code of Conduct on the Human Right to Adequate Food. (Civil society)


Commitment Two: Access to Food

'We will implement policies aimed at eradicating poverty and inequality and improving physical and economic access by all, at all times, to sufficient, nutritionally adequate and safe food and its effective utilization.'

World Food Summit Poverty and Food Insecurity The vast majority of Canadians are food secure; however, some groups of people may be more at risk to food insecurity than others, as shown in a number of studies on food bank use, poverty and dietary intake. While certain studies have identified a level of vulnerability, they do not provide an accurate and comprehensive national measure of food insecurity. What is known is that poverty is one of several factors which impede access to sufficient, safe and nutritious foods. There are vulnerable people with low incomes who cannot meet their food requirements without compromising other basic needs, such as shelter. Those groups most likely to be affected by low incomes in Canada include Aboriginal people, single mothers and their children, persons with disabilities, recent immigrants and those who have not completed high school. Vulnerability to food insecurity exists when people find themselves without a secure or adequate income, are unemployed, or have limited education. This can be compounded by difficulties in accessing appropriate social services, particularly among the aged and people with physical or mental disabilities, or with acute or chronic illness. This is especially true for the homeless or socially isolated who are more difficult to reach. Canada's social programs, which are administered by all levels of government, are designed to provide income support, help vulnerable people fulfill their basic needs, and provide a basic level of services, such as health care, to all Canadians. In recent years, governments' efforts to reduce their debts and improve their financial situations have obliged them to re-examine programs and better target vulnerable groups. While growth has returned to the Canadian economy, there are still some people who are significantly poorer than others. In order to help them, governments must follow a balanced approach of social investments and prudent financial management. This restructuring has direct implications for poverty reduction and social justice, and, by extension, for food security. Continuing to help Canadians in this regard means ensuring adequate social investments, facilitating the effective use of limited resources and engaging all concerned, especially the most vulnerable, in the decision-making process. A key challenge is to ensure that all Canadians have access to essential services no matter where they live in Canada.


In 1981, Canadian charities began setting up food banks as a temporary measure to help people deal with emergencies. From 1989 to 1997, the use of food banks in Canada doubled. The pressure on food banks to deliver other kinds of social services has also increased well beyond their capacity to deal with them. Other services, run mainly by civil society organizations, occasionally with support from provincial/territorial or municipal governments, include community kitchens and gardens, food-buying clubs, and school-based breakfast and lunch programs. These services were also never intended to be long-term solutions, and food banks and other community-based initiatives are now looking to the larger environment for answers. A recent study on poverty in Canada Canada's National Council of Welfare (NCW) released a poverty profile in the spring of 1998. Based on Low Income Cut-Offs (LICOs)*, the profile painted a picture of increasing poverty for some sections of the population, despite general economic recovery. Incomes of the poorest 20% of Canadians dropped in the 1995-96 period. The NCW found that in 1996, the "national poverty rate" was 17.6%, rising from 17.4% in 1995 and from 13.6% in 1989. The hardest hit were single-parent families in women-headed households with children under the age of 18. 61.4% of this group fell below the NCW poverty line. Within this group, those most affected were single mothers under the age of 25, of which 91.3% fell below the line. The percentage of Canadian children who slipped below the NCW poverty line increased from 20.5% in 1995 to 20.9% in 1996. * Although Statistics Canada's low income cut-offs are commonly referred to as official poverty lines, they have no officially recognized status nor does Statistics Canada promote their use as poverty lines. Not all individuals and families below this statistical level are food insecure. Source: Poverty Profile 1996: A Report by the National Council of Welfare, Spring, 1998

Food security in Quebec In order to address social inequality and poverty, the Ministry of Health and Social Services of Quebec, together with the regional boards, is planning to implement a set of strategies and actions that contribute to the accessibility of sufficient, nourishing, acceptable and reasonably priced food to the population of Quebec, at all times and in full respect of their dignity. These actions and strategies go beyond emergency food assistance and contribute to the social development of a community, by supporting the development of autonomy, the responsibility of persons and the promotion of a new solidarity that enables people to improve their living conditions. Financial support is given to each region to encourage the development of pilot projects, such as collective kitchens, food cooperatives, and food buying groups with farmers and others. In addition, a research project evaluating the impact of these recent interventions in food security is also under way.

Food banks - an indicator of food insecurity The use of food banks in Canada has roughly doubled in the last decade, according to the Canadian Association of Food Banks*. A recent study released in 1998 by the University of Toronto** investigated the food security and nutritional vulnerability of a subgroup of food bank users in Toronto, women with children. The study found that the household incomes of 90% of the women participating in the study were less than 2/3 of Statistics Canada's Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICOs). Over 93% of respondents reported some degree


of food insecurity over the past year, despite their efforts to supplement their food supplies by occasional use of food banks or to increase their disposable income by discontinuing telephone services or delaying bill payments. In addition to their own hunger, more than 25% of the women also reported that their children had gone hungry during the previous month. Further, a significant proportion of the women appeared to have very low dietary intakes of iron, magnesium, vitamin A, folate, protein or zinc. * Hunger Count 1997, Canadian Association of Food Banks ** funded by Health Canada through the National Health Research and Development Program Actions Include the participation of civil society in the current evolution of Canada's social security system. (All levels of government) In partnership with the provinces and territories, help prevent and reduce the depth of child poverty and promote attachment to the work force through the National Child Benefit System, an initiative that involves improved income benefits, programs and services to families. (HRDC, provincial and territorial departments responsible for social services) Increase opportunities for labour force participation of persons with disabilities and Aboriginal people. (HRDC) Through all provinces and territories, increase the employability of young people through targeted scholarships and job creation programs. (All partners) Access to Safe and Nutritious Food In Canada, the food supply provides safe and nutritious food at both the retail and food service levels. Systems are in place to ensure that policies governing food production, composition (including addition of vitamins and minerals), preparation and labeling promote the availability of safe foods that can support healthy eating to maintain and improve the health of Canadians. Globalization of trade and new technologies have given consumers more choices for their food baskets and has introduced them to new and exotic foods; however, the safety of food imports requires monitoring. Emerging food-borne pathogens have also become concerns and require vigilance. High levels of contaminants are threatening the safety of some traditional Aboriginal food sources, particularly in the Arctic region. This situation has potentially serious consequences for Inuit communities. New technologies in food production and processing, such as biotechnology, have health and safety implications and undergo continuous evaluation. Systems are in place to assess the safety of food produced by new technologies. Public apprehensions about the use of


biotechnology in food production, including issues of product safety, quality and choice, need to be addressed through a variety of approaches, including active dialogue with consumers. Actions Maintain high standards of food safety and nutrition, taking into consideration new technologies of food processing and production such as biotechnology and genetic engineering. (HC, CFIA) Support food safety education initiatives through multi-sectoral partnerships, such as the Canadian Partnership for Consumer Food Safety Education. (HC, CFIA, private sector, civil society, including consumer organizations) Conduct appropriate surveillance programs to assess the need for new standards or risk management activities. (HC) Ensure the safety of domestic foods and imports and invest in the development of new methodologies, both to detect and monitor food-borne pathogens and chemical contaminants and to reduce contamination of foods during production or processing. (HC, CFIA) Review the findings of the Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report (CACAR) in relation to threats to Inuit traditional food sources and find ways to implement the recommendations. (Aboriginal communities and organizations, federal, provincial and territorial governments, the academic community and the private sector, i.e., natural resource industries). Reinforcing Healthy Eating Practices The Canadian food supply can provide foods with nutritional characteristics that support healthy eating. An environment also needs to be created to enable Canadians - whether in households, institutions, or private sector venues, such as stores and restaurants - to make informed choices for healthy eating. A key strategy in Canada's national nutrition plan (see box) to strengthen healthy eating practices involves: community-based services that include nutrition; schools that provide age-appropriate nutrition education; programs that emphasize practical skill development in reinforcing positive food choices; media and advertising which disseminate consistent, accurate messages; and food that is labeled to facilitate knowledgeable choice. One of the key actions identified in Canada's nutrition plan is the promotion and protection of breastfeeding. Additional measures need to be taken to support the right of women to breastfeed and the right of infants to be breastfed. For the majority of infants, breastfeeding is the most important guarantee of food security. It ensures a safe, secure and nutritionally complete food source. Active support from all sectors of society will increase breastfeeding initiation and duration rates, will lead to more public institutions


being recognized as baby-friendly and will improve the food security, nutrition, health and development of our infants. Currently in Canada, governments and other partners are working to implement the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (see page 33 for details) with a focus on education and health promotion. Nutrition for Health: An Agenda for Action (1996) Canada's nutrition plan identifies four strategies to promote health: reinforcing healthy eating practices, supporting nutritionally vulnerable populations, enhancing the availability of foods that support healthy eating, and supporting nutrition research. Some of its key actions relevant to food security include working with social policy decision makers to address the needs of vulnerable people, developing a data base to better define the vulnerable populations and to better understand their food and nutrition issues, monitoring the cost of a nutritious food basket and using this information in the development of education programs and income support initiatives, and collaborating intersectorally to ensure food safety. Actions Implement actions in Nutrition for Health: An Agenda for Action (1996), including:

• work to include and maintain nutrition services as part of comprehensive health services in both existing and evolving community-based and home-care settings;

• improve the usefulness of nutrition labeling, increase its availability and broaden public education on its use;

• work with the food services sector and publicly funded organizations such as schools, hospitals and government agencies to promote the increased availability of foods that support healthy eating. (All levels of government, civil society, private sector)

Breastfeeding Initiatives Through the Baby-Friendly Initiative, hospitals and maternity services adopt practices which protect breastfeeding, educate pregnant and lactating women about the benefits of breastfeeding, train health staff to protect and support the practice, and refer mothers to support groups as part of normal hospital routine. The Government of New Brunswick has embarked on a major program promoting breastfeeding in the public education system and strongly emphasizes it in the curriculum for all health professionals and health-related organizations. These and other supportive practices are promoted by the Breastfeeding Committee for Canada (BCC), a broad coalition of representatives of national health and professional associations, individuals and experts. The BCC aims to establish breastfeeding as the cultural norm for infant feeding in Canada.

Implement the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes. (All levels of government, private sector, civil society and coalitions, e.g., the BCC) Support the implementation of the WHO/UNICEF Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)/Baby-Friendly Initiative (BFI) in Canada, toward creating a global breastfeeding-friendly environment. (All levels of government, private sector, civil society and coalitions, e.g., the BCC) Work toward employment conditions for women that are supportive of breastfeeding. (All levels of government, private sector, civil society and coalitions, e.g., the BCC)


Traditional Food Acquisition by Aboriginal Communities Many Aboriginal people in Canada, particularly in remote communities, experience all or most aspects of food insecurity due to low incomes, safety risks due to pollutants in the traditional food supply, quality problems associated with inappropriate shipping, handling and home preparation of commercial foods, and disruptions to access caused by interruptions in shipping or changes in animal migratory patterns. The cost of commercial food is high, as is the cost of supplies for fishing and hunting. The transition from a hunter-gatherer society to a cash-based society presents unique challenges to Aboriginal communities. More and more Aboriginal people are turning to commercial foods, which are more expensive and not always as nutrient-dense as traditional foods. A greater understanding of a range of issues - the role of commercial versus traditional foods, acquisition practices (which may include hunting, fishing and gathering, trade, barter and sharing), the contribution of traditional foods to health, and measures required to ensure the sustainable, safe use of food resources - is necessary for the food security and ultimately to the underlying values of many Aboriginal communities. The challenge in achieving food security is to wisely manage this changing food system in such a way as to reap the benefits from the best of both the traditional and the commercial food systems. Actions Explore ways to share information regarding access issues for traditional and commercial food supplies, to identify gaps in information needed by key partners and to make linkages with work under way. (Aboriginal communities and organizations, federal, provincial and territorial governments, academic community, private sector, e.g. natural resource industries) Work together to build the dimension of food security and traditional food access into existing policies and activities that affect traditional food acquisition; for example, the promotion of food security in sustainable development activities and health promotion. (DIAND and its partners) Fulfill commitments that are related to the safety and acquisition of traditional foods identified in current federal initiatives, such as Gathering Strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan and the Sustainable Development Strategies of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Health Canada. (DIAND, HC and their partners) Continue to encourage Aboriginal participation in the fishery sector through the Allocation Transfer Program (ATP), a component of the Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy (AFS), which facilitates the voluntary retirement of commercial licences and issues new ones to eligible Aboriginal groups and organizations in a manner that does not add to the existing effort on the resource. (DFO).


Monitoring System for Food Insecurity In Canada, estimates of the nature, extent, distribution and evolution of food insecurity are extremely varied and there is no broad consensus around them. It is therefore difficult to gain the necessary support for clear actions. There is a need for a common understanding of the issues and an agreed-upon set of indicators for food insecurity. Many individual indicators now exist but they measure different facets of the problem rather than giving a comprehensive national picture. This is an excellent example of an area where intersectoral cooperation can result in a recognized and valid tool that is generally accepted and can be used to monitor the situation. The results of such monitoring and their regular publication would provide solid information to guide food security actions in both policy and programming. They would also enhance pub lic awareness of the issue. Causes and consequences of food insecurity in Canada: One organization's exploration There are a number of studies under way which contribute to understanding food insecurity in Canada. For example, the department of Human Resources Development Canada has devised a model that examines the relationships among conditions of food insecurity, nutrition insecurity and food poverty. It also looks at those at risk of such conditions and the consequences for them. The survey will study the severity and duration of concern that households experience worrying about lack of food, compromising quality and eating insufficient quantity. Information to determine the causes of food insecurity, and to determine periodicity and coping strategies, will also be collected. Results are expected in the year 2000. Source: Lack of Food Security in Canada, Applied Research Branch, Human Resources Development Canada. Actions Agree upon a set of domestic food insecurity indicators that can be used to assess the extent and distribution of food insecurity across the country. (Federal, provincial and territorial governments, civil society) Establish a baseline of information on food insecurity indicators, including indicators of nutritional status; provide ongoing monitoring; and ensure resulting information is published regularly, incorporated into future policy and programming, and contributes to international monitoring efforts. (Federal, provincial and territorial governments, civil society)


The nutritious food basket What does it cost to feed a family with food that is nutritious, acceptable and sufficient in quantity? This question is being examined by a number of provinces and territories across the country. For example, the government of Ontario's Ministry of Health revised its mandatory program guidelines for public health in 1997 to include annual monitoring of this expense. It now uses the information to promote and support policy development to increase access to healthy foods. In another example, the federal government has recently developed Alternative Northern Food Baskets that are useful in monitoring food costs in northern Aboriginal communities. The nutritious food basket concept provides a useful indicator that can go a long way toward monitoring of food insecurity conditions in communities across the country.

Commitment Three: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development

'We will pursue participatory and sustainable food, agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural development policies and practices in high and low potential areas, which are essential to adequate and reliable food supplies at the household, national, regional and global levels, and combat pests, drought and desertification, considering the multifunctional character of agriculture.'

World Food Summit As one of the world's major food producers and exporters, Canada has a well-organized food and agricultural system. The food supply is safe, stable and abundant, it is available at affordable prices in most parts of the country, and its quality is very high. In part, this is due to Canada's resource base: abundant supplies of freshwater, forests, arable land, marine resources, minerals and sources of energy. In part, it is due to Canada's productive and efficient agriculture and agri- food sectors, which have traditionally played a critical role in Canada's economic prosperity. Canadians are world leaders in agricultural research and development, with recognized expertise in areas such as sustainable farming practices, cooperatives, biotechnology and sustainable forest management. Like other sectors in the economy, the agriculture and agri- food sector has undergone major changes over the last decade. Industry rationalization and technological innovation in the food production and processing sectors have increased productivity, albeit with newer and larger plants with fewer employees. One of the key challenges in maintaining and increasing agricultural production in Canada is to develop new technologies which protect the resource base and enhance long-term competitiveness through value-added production. Research and development is a multi-stakeholder activity involving government and civil society, including academics, the agri- food industry, voluntary and community-based organizations. The current focus in research includes protecting environmental health, identifying foreign pest threats, controlling domestic crop problems, and contributing to the safety of food.


In addition, continuing environmental challenges must be addressed if the resource base is to maintain its long-term viability and to achieve the goal of sustainable food production. Among these challenges are: conservation of soil resources; improvement of surface and groundwater quality; water quantity management; sustainable management of wildlife habitat, assurance of air quality; mitigation of and adaptation to climate change; energy efficiency; conservation of genetic resources; marine and coastal management; and management of pollution and waste. As a signatory to a wide range of international agreements on environmental matters, Canada has ongoing programming at all levels of government in agriculture, fishing, forestry, oceans management, pollution prevention, conservation of biodiversity, risk reduction, combating desertification, climate change and many other areas. For example, Canada is working toward a better understanding of the impact of climate change on food production to develop mitigation and adaptation measures for food producers. The agriculture and agri- food sector, like all parts of Canadian society, must also respond to the challenge of Canada's commitments under the Kyoto Protocol to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Current efforts to identify and apply methods to not only reduce agricultural GHG emissions, but also to increase the capacity of agricultural soils to store carbon dioxide, are being accelerated. Work is also under way to explore the possibilities of treating forests as a means of carbon sequestration and storage. Protecting the land in New Brunswick The Government of New Brunswick has created an Agricultural Land Protection and Development Act in response to concerns by New Brunswick farmers. The Act's purpose is to protect agricultural operations and land now in use or deemed suitable for future agricultural production. Farmers will continue to play a role in land use issues; under the Act, farmers are part of the land-use planning process. The Act's long-term goal is to retain agricultural land for future generations. As an incentive, owners who register their land will receive a deferral of property taxes. Provisions for protection of the land include the preparation of regulations specifying permitted land uses on such properties and restricting encroachment by non-agricultural uses on adjacent land. A system of public notification of protected land will be established using the Internet.

Joint Stewardship: managing Canada's natural wealth Environmental sustainability and self-reliance for Canada's domestic fishing fleet are being pursued through a policy and management shift toward co-management between government fisheries managers and fisheries stakeholders. This involves training for fish harvesters toward conservation harvesting, responsible fishing, co-management and sustainability. For First Nations communities, fisheries co-management arrangements are being extended to enhance access to nearby land and resource opportunities, including commercial fishing. Economic self-sufficiency for First Nations is also being supported through the First Nations Forestry Program. In a similar vein, the Model Forest Program enhances opportunities for Aboriginal people to demonstrate approaches to sustainable forest management that are based on Aboriginal values, beliefs and traditions.


Another key challenge in maintaining production is to ensure the safety of our natural resources. The federal government aims for the virtual elimination of the most dangerous toxic substances from the environment and the development of more efficient processes to identify, screen, assess and manage toxic substances. Multisectoral cooperation is important in this effort. An example of this cooperation is the voluntary, non-regulatory initiative called Accelerated Reduction/Elimination of Toxics (ARET), which was developed by stakeholders from industry, health professional associations and government. Actions Participate in the FAO Global System for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and in this context implement the Global Plan of Action on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. (AAFC) Implement the Canadian Biodiversity Strategy which includes strategic directions aimed at the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in agricultural areas and which other partners are using as a guide for action. (Federal, provincial and territorial governments, civil society) Take all appropriate actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (All partners) Ensure stable sustainable fisheries, in cooperation with fish harvesters' organizations, by bringing fishing fleets into balance with existing resources through fisheries management measures (such as individual quotas), buy-backs, stock enhancement measures, etc. (DFO, civil society) Implement the Canadian Fisheries Adjustment and Restructuring Program (CFAR) which will reduce ground fish harvesting capacity, thereby enhancing resource sustainability and will assist participants in adjusting into other economic sectors. (DFO) Implement the new Strategies for Environmentally Sustainable Development as required by the revisions to the Auditor General's Act. (Federal government departments, civil society) Implement effective, sound chemical management measures using the precautionary approach combined with pollution prevention, legislative/administrative controls supported by research and development. (EC, DFAIT, NRCan, HC/PMRA) Implement the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/FAO Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade through adoption or amendment of national legislative measures (EC, HC)


Implement the National Forest Strategy (1998-2003), Canada's blueprint for sustainable forest stewardship into the new millennium, and report on the implementation of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. (NRCan) Develop a Canadian Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing Operations in response to the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. (DFO and its partners) Promote and coordinate a World Fisheries Day in Canada. (Civil society) Continue developing a Freshwater Strategy for human and environmental health. (Federal, provincial and territorial governments, Aboriginal peoples, national stakeholders) Research, develop, introduce and facilitate adoption of sustainable new crop protection and production systems, including the enhanced application of integrated pest management, and new stress-resistant and pest-resistant crop varieties. (AAFC, HC/PMRA, provincial governments, civil society) Research, develop and facilitate adoption of sustainable new animal protection and production systems, including technologies and practices for improved management of production by-products. (AAFC, DFO, CFIA, HC, civil society) Increase use of suitably assessed marine biotechnology, such as fish vaccines and diagnostic tests, to improve and safeguard fish and seaweed farming and to protect ecosystems. (DFO, civil society) Pursue pollution prevention by encouraging environmental and economic efficiencies through waste reduction and measures to avoid the creation of pollutants as early in an activity as possible. (All partners)

Commitment Four: Trade and Food Security

'We will strive to ensure that food, agricultural trade and overall trade policies are conducive to fostering food security for all through a fair and market-oriented world trade system.'

World Food Summit Canada views fair trade as a key component of food security. Positive contributions of fair trade to food security include stimulating investment, gearing production to demand, increasing incomes and employment for many and offering consumers a broader choice of foods. However, the transition to freer trade, coupled with the impact of other economic variables, can decrease incomes for certain segments of the population. Without appropriate measures, food security for some Canadians may be compromised.


As a major trading nation, Canada remains committed to more liberalized trade and continues to encourage the competitiveness of Canadian goods and services. Canadian industry is supported through the provision of market intelligence and investment incentives, development of rural communities and promotion of harmonized standards. Canada seeks to provide leadership in developing and upholding open, fair and predictable rules governing trade and investment which do not harm the environment or threaten the food supply at home or abroad. Civil society plays an important role in the issue of sustainable resource use by raising public and industry awareness of socially and ecologically responsible trade. The Canadian government works with industry and other partners to improve and secure market access to enable them to capture opportunities for trade in domestic and export markets. The three aspects of its strategy are market access, market development and investment. Assessing the impact of trade liberalization AAFC is carrying out a wide range of studies on the impact of trade liberalization on Canadian agriculture and agri-food industries. Among the issues under study are: • the impact of interprovincial trade barriers on the competitiveness and efficiency of the agri-food industry; • the implications of interprovincial trade liberalization for the dairy industry, by region, comparing costs; • the trade effects of recent domestic policy changes in Canada, the United States, the European Union, Mexico and Japan on wheat, coarse grains and oilseeds, in terms of distortions to international prices and export volumes; • the impact of domestic and agri-food trade policies on Canada's rural areas, particularly rural business development, employment, income and community growth; and • the impacts of global tariff reductions on the Canadian agri-food sector and in the functioning of world markets. Actions Engage in factual and balanced discussions with civil society to review the relationship between trade, trade agreements and food security. (AAFC, DFAIT) Harmonize domestic with international food inspection and safety standards in a manner that maintains public health protection and facilitates trade. (AAFC, CFIA, DFAIT, HC) Identify methodologies for valuation of agricultural resources in a national accounting framework, and examine methods of accounting for the full range of environmental benefits and costs of agricultural production. (AAFC).


Commitment Five: Emergency Prevention and Preparedness

'We will endeavour to prevent and be prepared for natural disasters and man-made emergencies and to meet transitory and emergency food requirements in ways that encourage recovery, rehabilitation, development and a capacity to satisfy future needs.'

World Food Summit Canada has a well-developed system of emergency preparedness, including enabling legislation, extensive coordination facilities and well- trained human resources. Primary responses to disasters occur at the individual/household/ producer and community levels, where people are most affected. Then, if governments are needed, responses proceed from the level closest to the people affected, to other levels if necessary. The most common emergency-related threats to the food supply in Canada are weather disasters such as floods, droughts and hail storms. Environment Canada contributes to minimizing their impact by providing timely and accurate weather and environmental predictions and warnings. It also carries out research in such areas as climate variability and large-scale climate drivers in collaboration with international partners. This collaboration makes appropriate scientific expertise available for a wide range of policy and program consultations and adaptation activities. Another emergency-related threat is potential contamination, mainly from disease-causing micro-organisms, but also from hazardous chemicals, either from spills, fires or explosions, or from cross-contamination in food production or processing. A key challenge for a country as large and as thinly populated as Canada is the need to maintain effective communication, information sharing and coordination. There is also a need to consider how natural hazards affect food security in the short term and in the longer term both with respect to food production and access to traditional food sources.


"Nice try, El Ni–o, but this is Canada!" This quote from an Ontario man sums up Canada's response to the great ice storm of January, 1998, which cut power to communities across Eastern Ontario, Southern Quebec and parts of Atlantic Canada. This posed an immediate threat to the agriculture sector, which is heavily dependent on electricity to keep animals warm, to harvest, process, ship and store perishable products such as milk and meat, and to store seeds, feed and other foodstuffs. For the community at large, food storage and cooking, at home, in restaurants and in food stores, was impossible. Multi-level inter-sectoral coordination and goodwill galvanized the relief efforts. Federal, provincial and municipal governments, partnered with community organizations and countless volunteers, set up shelters, provided food supplies and equipment, and made sure that everyone was taken care of. Many private businesses pitched in too, providing needed goods and services for the lowest rates they could manage. The Canadian army provided assistance to hydro crews, rescued abandoned and isolated people and helped ship essential supplies and equipment. At the same time, the news media made heroic efforts to not only report on the situation as a news story but also to provide information and contacts for people needing help and to encourage emergency preparedness for the future.

Managing threats to the food supply When outbreaks of food contamination occur, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) coordinates Canada's emergency response. The Environmental Health Program and the Food Program in Health Canada work together to prepare plans and procedures in support of the CFIA, and the Food Program works with the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control (Health Canada) on food-borne outbreaks. This enables the CFIA to issue warnings or recalls as the situation demands.

Actions Update systems to manage natural or man-made food-related emergencies. (HC/PMRA, CFIA) Extend and update the current system to address microbial threats to the food supply. (HC/PMRA, CFIA) Ensure a regulatory system is in place so that products of biotechnology, both living and non-living, do not pose a risk to human health or the environment. (EC, HC/PMRA, CFIA).


Commitment Six: Promoting Investment

'We will promote optimal allocation and use of public and private investments to foster human resources, sustainable food, agriculture, fisheries and forestry systems, and rural development, in high and low-potential areas.'

World Food Summit Investment in production capacity, productivity improvements, marketing, human resource development and related supporting infrastructure is essential to ensure continued economic viability for producers and processors. The long-term viability of rural Canada (including coastal and isolated communities) is a key element to meeting this goal. Many of these communities are facing similar concerns: young Canadians are migrating to the urban areas, depriving their communities of needed skills, energy and enterprise. Food-producing and other natural resource oriented communities in Canada are affected by changes in the economy which lead to the need for new skills. Access to capital and training, especially in new technologies, is essential if they are to thrive and grow. And for many of the nine million rural Canadians who represent approximately one third of the total Canadian population, their distance from urban centres makes access to infrastructure and services, such as communications networks, both costly and difficult. The challenge is to provide rural employment opportunities for them that will enable them to remain in, or return to, their home communities. The Government of Canada promotes investment from both public and private sources to meet these challenges. Public investment takes an integrated rural development approach to enhance the quality of life in rural communities and allows rural Canadians to compete in a global economy, so that they are able to contribute fully to the growth and stability of Canada and continue to ensure food security for Canadians. Some of the key challenges for rural communities include managing the resource base sustainably, developing local business opportunities, and acquiring access to markets, information, capital, and other services, such as education and training. Canada's investment strategy in the agri- food sector is designed to make Canada a preferred location for investment in the agri- food industry for both domestic and foreign investors. The challenges include informing potential investors about the investment climate in Canada, encouraging an appropriate regulatory regime and encouraging greater cooperation between governments and industry.


Increasing competitiveness: investing in knowledge and technology Agriculture and Agrifood Canada's Matching Investment Initiative funds collaborative research between Canadian government and industry to develop and transfer new technology to the agri-food sector. It has been applied to conservation of genetic resources, crop varieties and production and protection systems, food and non-food products, using both traditional and non-traditional systems, including biotechnology. A sample of current projects includes: • work to combat potato blight; • optimal feed mixes of grass and legume silage; • identification of pork genes responsible for desirable meat characteristics; • development of natural sweeteners; and • new canola hybrids.

Canada's International Investment Promotion Framework for the Agri-food Sector The key objectives of this frame work are: to attract foreign direct investment into the Canadian agri-food sector; to facilitate the establishment of new strategic alliances and other partnerships; and to facilitate the retention and expansion of existing investment and strategic alliances between Canadians and foreign firms. The following areas are targeted for special attention: § hog production and processing; § processed consumer products; § agriculture and food biotechnology; § nutraceuticals or functional foods; and § industrial uses of agricultural products.

Actions Through the application of a 'rural lens', adapt policies, programs and services to reflect the social and economic realities of rural Canada, and ensure that rural communities in all regions of Canada share in the economic benefits of the global knowledge-based economy. (Federal government) Enhance accessibility to federal programs and services in rural areas. (Federal government) Identify and promote opportunities for domestic and international direct investment and support related alliances in the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector. (AAFC) Encourage venture capital funds for startup and expansion of agriculture and agri-food related businesses. (AAFC) Encourage the development of new technology and products by encouraging research through tax regimes, centres of excellence and the Matching Investment Initiative. (AAFC, Finance).


Part III: International Actions

Commitment One: An Enabling Environment

'We will ensure that an enabling political, social and economic environment is designed to create the best conditions for the eradication of poverty and for durable peace, based on the full and equal participation of women and men, which is most conducive to achieving sustainable development for all.'

World Food Summit Individual countries are primarily responsible for creating the policy and institutional climate conducive to food security. However, Canada, as part of the international community, plays an important role in supporting their efforts. As a charter member and prominent participant in the multilateral system, through, for example, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the G7, the United Nations (UN), the Bretton Woods institutions and the World Trade Organization, Canada works with others to support an enabling global environment conducive to world food security. Canada's long tradition of respect for democracy, good governance and human rights underlie both its domestic and international relations. A key element in Canada's approach at both the multilateral and bilateral levels is the promotion of policies conducive to a stable macroeconomic environment. The promotion of such policies focuses attention on the need to increase employment, enhance opportunities for investment, reduce poverty and provide social security programs as the basis for improving access to food. Improving the enabling environment also includes providing assistance in areas such as land tenure, access to credit, and removal of monopolies and other distortions in the distribution of food. As the lead player in delivering Canada's ODA, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) supports programming in developing countries and in countries in transition, by providing technical assistance at the micro and meso level to complement the macroeconomic framework. In addition, strengthening civil society and facilitating openness and transparency in public administration enhances public participation in governance and provides vulnerable groups, such as minorities, women and indigenous peoples, with a voice in decisions affecting them. In order to achieve food security for all, countries must overcome systemic discrimination embedded in laws, customs, attitudes, and public policies and programs.


Women feed the world Women play key roles in food security in developing countries, as the major producers of food for domestic consumption, as earners of income necessary to purchase food and as providers of care practices essential to proper nutrition. Women produce up to 80% of household food in Sub-Saharan Africa, 65% in Asia, and 45% in Latin America and the Caribbean*. However, in many cases, they do not have equal access to land, credit, training, information or inputs (seeds, tools and fertilizer). As income earners, women typically spend a higher proportion of their incomes on food for the family. Yet they do not have equal access to the resources that will enhance their earning power, such as education, credit, job and career opportunities or support services such as child care. In their family role, women are almost exclusively responsible for family nutrition, including the factors which affect it, such as health care, supply of safe water and sanitation, and child and elder care. Many governments are reducing their support to social programs due to budget constraints, adding to women's domestic workload and reducing their opportunities to earn income outside the home. Canada supports programs in developing countries which facilitate access to credit, inputs, land ownership and education and training for poor women. This makes a significant contribution to women's capacity to buy or grow food. Through these investments, Canada can help increase food security in the regions where the need is the greatest. * Women: The Key to Food Security, International Food Policy Research Institute, October 1995 Actions Provide technical assistance bilaterally, through the multilateral development system, and partners to support efforts of developing countries and countries in transition to put in place policies, legislation and programs conducive to sustainable development, poverty reduction and food security. (CIDA, civil society) Promote the participation of all stakeholders in the development of food security solutions at the national and community level. (CIDA, civil society) Promote the democratic process of free and open elections, good governance, public participation, freedom of speech, the rule of law and the protection of basic human rights in all international fora, bilateral relations and technical assistance programs. (CIDA, DFAIT, civil society) Support developing country implementation of the Platform for Action from the Fourth World Conference on Women. (CIDA, civil society) Support the effective implementation of the Highly Indebted Poor Country Debt Initiative. (CIDA, Finance) Encourage developing countries and countries in transition to adopt stable monetary and fiscal policies which will achieve sustainable and equitable economic growth and increase access to food. (CIDA, DFAIT, Finance)


Promote efficiencies in the food processing and distribution systems of developing countries and countries in transition which could lead to lower food prices paid by consumers and increased prices paid to food producers. (CIDA, DFAIT, AAFC, civil society).

Commitment Two: Access to Food 'We will implement policies aimed at eradicating poverty and inequality and improving physical and economic access by all, at all times, to sufficient, nutritionally adequate and safe food and its effective utilization.'

World Food Summit Poverty Reduction Canada's approach to poverty reduction is to help countries and communities address the root causes and structural factors of poverty and focus on building people's self- reliance. This means ensuring equal political, social and economic opportunities for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, including minorities and indigenous peoples, and the full and equal participation of men and women in the development of their communities. This involves recognizing and developing the potential of the poor, through education and the provision of basic needs, increasing their productive capacity through training and access to productive resources and reducing barriers limiting their participation in society. All of these factors have the potential to either increase the incomes or increase the food production of the poor. Canada's primary channel for addressing global poverty is through its ODA program. The purpose of this program is to support sustainable development in developing countries in order to reduce poverty and to contribute to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world. Each of CIDA's six programming priorities - basic human needs, women/gender equality, infrastructure services, human rights/democratic development/good governance, private sector development and the environment - contribute both directly and indirectly to the reduction of poverty. Within this framework, one of the ways Canada targets the poor is through its food aid strategy, which takes a developmental as well as an emergency approach to the delivery of food aid. For example, food-for-work projects not only make food immediately accessible to the food- insecure, they can also help ensure future food security by allowing households to maintain and build their productive capital while building up agricultural infrastructure, such as irrigation works or farm-to-market roads. Over the course of the last decade, Canada has joined others at major UN conferences, in agreeing to specific targets and actions in these areas. In 1997, Canada joined with other


OECD members to accept a target of reducing by one half the proportion of people living in absolute poverty by the year 2015. Given the close relationship between poverty and food security, poverty reduction programming within the above six priorities will contribute directly to the World Food Summit's goal. As a result of the World Food Summit, CIDA has identified a responsibility centre in the Agency for food security and is reviewing how the impact of CIDA's poverty reduction efforts on food security can be enhanced. Actions Review existing programs related to food security, involving the most vulnerable groups, and establish options for increasing the impact of ODA on those who are most food insecure. (CIDA, civil society) Continue to support the efforts of developing countries to reduce poverty, and specifically to support their efforts to meet the international target of reducing by one half the proportion of people living in absolute poverty by the year 2015. (CIDA, civil society) Remain committed to the UN's ODA target of 0.7% of gross national product and increase aid levels toward that goal as the fiscal situation permits. (Federal government) Meet the government's target of devoting at least 25% of the ODA budget to investments in basic human needs, including food and nutrition, basic education and primary health care in order to reduce poverty through sustainable development. (CIDA, Finance) Nutrition and Effective Utilization Improving access to food and/or the means of production is not enough to ensure food security. People should have enough nutrients, energy, proteins, vitamins and minerals to enable them to lead a fully productive life. Food should be safe and nutritionally adequate. To a large extent, nutritional adequacy and safety is related to physical and economic access to good quality food, education, primary health care, potable water and sanitation, and fuel. Canada supports the promotion of good nutrition through a variety of projects which recognize nutrition both as its own sector and the impact to be derived from integrating nutrition with other sectors such as health and education. Canada has played a leadership role in micronutrients, including efforts to increase food fortification and micronutrient supplementation. Breastfeeding has a dramatic impact on the food security of infants, playing a key role in their nutrition, health and development. The World Health Organization estimates that the death of 1.5 million babies annually could be averted with adequate breastfeeding. While mindful of the health concerns related to the potential transferability of HIV through breast-milk, Canada remains strongly supportive of the re-establishment of a culture of breastfeeding around the world.


Actions Continue to support and promote enhancements to the nutritional adequacy of foods through support to efforts to eliminate Vitamin A deficiency, iodine deficiency disorders and to reduce iron deficiency anemia by the year 2000, including supporting the Micronutrient Initiative. (CIDA, IDRC, civil society) Support research currently under way through the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), which is addressing micro-nutrient deficiency through nutritional enhancement of common food crops. (CIDA, IDRC) Continue to promote the implementation of the Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and support international efforts, and those of developing countries, to protect, promote and support breastfeeding and enhanced education and empowerment of women to provide good nutrition for themselves and their families. (DFAIT, CIDA, civil society). Implementing the Code in developing countries The Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes was adopted by the World Health Assembly in May 1981. It seeks to protect the right of every child to be adequately nourished as a means of attaining and maintaining health. It aims to protect this right by ensuring that breast-milk substitutes are not marketed or distributed in ways that may interfere with breastfeeding. The Code stipulates that parents are not to be exposed to advertising that implies that artificial feeding is equivalent to or superior to breastfeeding. The World Health Assembly has urged all Member States to translate the Code into national legislation, regulations or other suitable measures. A sample of current initiatives funded by CIDA which promote breast-feeding includes support for research in Zimbabwe on Vitamin A supplementation at birth to reduce HIV transmission and another study assessing the feasibility and acceptability of using breast-milk retinol as an indicator of Vitamin A status.

Commitment Three: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development

'We will pursue participatory and sustainable food, agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural development policies and practices in high and low potential areas, which are essential to adequate and reliable food supplies at the household, national, regional and global levels, and combat pests, drought and desertification, considering the multifunctional character of agriculture.'

World Food Summit


Most of the world's arable land is already under production, with little prospect for significant expansion using current technology. Current high levels of malnutrition, expected increases in population and changing food preferences will necessitate a doubling of food production in the next three decades - and it must be done sustainably. This is a particular challenge for developing countries, where most of this growth will occur. Research is key to ensuring productivity enhancement and natural resource sustainability. However, reductions of government expenditures, which have affected most countries, have had a dampening impact on public funding to national and international agricultural research. For many developing countries, public funding remains the major contributor to research programs that ensure natural-resource sustainability and meet the production and technological needs of small-scale food producers operating beyond the scope of major markets. Canada supports research which contributes to long-term resource sustainability and food security through the work of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), a network of 16 international research centres related to food and agriculture. The CGIAR centres conduct research in areas critical to food security, including improvements to basic food crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries, biodiversity, biotechnology, soil and water management, the reduction of pesticide mis-use and household food security issues, including the role of women. In addition, the network recognizes that agricultural improvements must directly benefit the poor, and it has adopted poverty alleviation as the guiding impulse of all its activities. Putting research into action requires that rural populations are active participants in agriculture development programs. Unfortunately, many rural populations are disenfranchised and lack or have limited access to means of production. This is especially relevant to women, who are often the primary producers of food for domestic consumption. Genuine rural development depends on effective agrarian reform which gives rural people a means of producing food for themselves, their communities and their countries in an environmentally sustainable manner. Measures also include ensuring the necessary agricultural infrastructure such as downstream support for storage, processing, transport and marketing, and institutional support for cooperatives, marketing boards, industry associations and enterprises. Canada supports the agriculture development programs of developing countries, working with local communities to restore the natural resource base for farming, herding, fishing, hunting and gathering. Key areas of intervention include conservation of water, soils and local seeds, and agroforestry and community forest management. Continued support to such programs provides a challenge to Canada, given the 49% drop in ODA toward agriculture, food and nutrition during the 1990-95 period. In an effort to address this


decline, CIDA is developing Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Guidelines to better focus efforts, within the six ODA programming priorities, towards food production in developing countries. Emphasis will be placed on ensuring that this renewed programming emphasis benefits the most food- insecure people. Population, natural resources and food security It is estimated that within 30 years another 2.5 billion people will join the world population, and that more than 90% of this growth will occur in developing countries. These pressures will place great strain on the productive resources of the poorest countries on earth. An integrated approach is needed to stabilize world population growth while at the same time increasing the supply and availability of food. Canada supports the Action Plan of the International Conference on Population and Development, and provides ongoing support to the programs of a range of organizations active in population issues, including the UN Population Fund and the World Health Organization. Source: Environment and Development: The Crucial Decade, Development Magazine, CIDA, Spring 1992.

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) IDRC, Canada's principal development research organization, funds food-security related research programs on the following themes: people, land and water; community-based and alternative approaches to natural resource management; urban agriculture; small, medium and microenterprise innovation and technology; and sustainable use of biodiversity. These programs put a special emphasis on participation of all stakeholders - producers (particularly women), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), policy makers and researchers - through participatory approaches and social and policy analysis.

Preserving indigenous knowledge Indigenous people living traditional lifestyles have an important role to play in preserving agricultural knowledge. In ecosystems ranging from arid to tropical to sub-tropical, these communities hold knowledge critical to the sustainable use of biodiversity and agricultural productivity. In many cases, however, indigenous communities are neither consulted about the exploitation of their knowledge and resources, nor compensated for their use. The international community has recognized the contributions that indigenous peoples can make and is working to include them. The Convention to Combat Desertification and the Convention on Biological Diversity, for example, contain provisions on technology transfer and indigenous knowledge. Canada supports these conventions and is also taking its own steps to acknowledge the contribution of indigenous communities to sustainable development. CIDA is working with several organizations to develop guidelines for environmental assessment and traditional knowledge which can be used in development projects.

Canada supports the use of modern biotechnology as a means of enhancing food production and agricultural sustainability. Action to build risk assessment and mitigation capacity at appropriate levels may be necessary to reasonably ensure the safe use of these products by certain developing countries. Canada contributes to ensuring that the world's existing resources are conserved, through its support to international agreements in areas such as biodiversity, desertification,


climate change, pollution prevention, and the conservation of fish stocks. Canada, working closely with the international community, will work toward the development of appropriate policy frameworks to promote the conservation of natural resources. Actions Support the implementation of conventions on biodiversity, climate change, and desertification and increase efforts to promote the negotiation of an international convention on forests among Canada's development partners and in international fora. (Federal, provincial and territorial governments, civil society) Continue to participate in the negotiation of the Biosafety Protocol, a new international instrument under the Biodiversity Convention for the safe transfer and handling of living organisms modified by biotechnology. (All partners) Encourage and participate in actions to build risk assessment and management capacity at all appropriate levels in order to reasonably ensure that the transfer, handling and/or use of living modified organisms derived from modern biotechnology is consistent with the preservation of biological diversity. (All partners) Continue promoting the rapid ratification and early entry into force of the UN Agreement on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks and promote international support for FAO's Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. (DFAIT, DFO) Continue to participate in a highly visible leadership role in international initiatives to manage persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including ratification of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Aarhus POPs Protocol, and promote expeditious conclusion of a UNEP POPs agreement based on sound science and risk management principles. (EC, DFAIT, NRCan, HC/PMRA and their partners) Continue to negotiate the revision of the International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture at FAO, to establish terms of international cooperation in this field. (AAFC) Promote the adoption by developing countries and countries in transition of policies and programs that will remove impediments to increased food production by domestic producers (particularly the poor and women) and stimulate more effective processing and distribution. (CIDA, civil society) Encourage the transfer of technology in agricultural production, marketing and storage through commercial, technical, cooperative and NGO arrangements, including direct farmer-to-farmer twinning arrangements. (CIDA, civil society, farmers) In recognition of the importance of research to the development process, continue to build research capacity in developing countries (National Agricultural Research


Systems: the private sector, universities and NGO networks), so as to build up the critical mass to tackle the many aspects of food insecurity. (CIDA, IDRC, civil society) Continue to play a leading role in CGIAR's technical and governance deliberations and work with the centres to secure a stable funding base; support the new partnership process to enhance meaningful dialogue on programming and research; and ensure that the poor are explicitly targeted. (CIDA, IDRC, other government departments) Monitor the results of work in progress with indigenous peoples by Canadian institutions, such as the International Study of the Economic, Health and Legal Dimensions of the Use of Traditional Food Resources being undertaken by Université Laval. (DIAND, Aboriginal communities and organizations, academic community, private sector) Utilize the newly formed Canadian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development to focus attention on the importance of population issues to sustainable development and food security. (All partners) Support international efforts to establish a World Fisheries Day. (Civil society)

Commitment Four: Trade and Food Security

'We will strive to ensure that food, agricultural trade and overall trade policies are conducive to fostering food security for all through a fair and market-oriented world trade system.'

World Food Summit Canada's trade policy emphasizes the maintenance and extension of a rules-based multilateral system through the World Trade Organization (WTO) and through participation in regional and bilateral initiatives. Canada advocates the key role of common standards in facilitating liberalization, supporting international standard-setting organizations and entering bilateral agreements in inspection, certification, technical cooperation and information exchanges with a number of countries. Canada's trade policy emphasizes the maintenance and extension of a rules-based multilateral system through the World Trade Organization (WTO) and through participation in regional and bilateral initiatives. Canada advocates the key role of common standards in facilitating liberalization, supporting international standard-setting organizations and entering bilateral agreements in inspection, certification, technical cooperation and information exchanges with a number of countries. Canada believes that progress is being made in gradually reducing trade barriers and other distortions specific to global food and agricultural trade. However, it also recognizes that not all nations, or groups in society, benefit from freer trade in the short term, and that transition measures may be necessary to help countries adjust. Canada will


work with producers and processors in Canada and governments abroad to ensure that trade rules are fa ir, enforced fairly and reinforce food security. Together with international partners, continued research on the impacts of trade liberalization, both on vulnerable people and on the environment, will be required to improve understanding of the elements contributing to food security, the linkages between trade and food security, the impact of trade on the environment, and the measures needed to provide better access to food by all countries. Through its support to food sector development activities and agr icultural research, Canada can help developing countries improve the productivity and efficiency of their food sectors and other parts of their economies so they are better able to compete with and trade in world markets. This is an important contribution to their long-term food security since it helps them overcome agricultural protectionism and food self-sufficiency concerns in favour of food self-reliance. It is a positive outcome for Canada as a significant food exporter and importer. Fair trade Canada supports efforts by the international community to address any possible negative effects of trade liberalization on developing countries. Canada has lent a strong voice in support of the WTO's Marrakesh Decision on Measures Concerning the Possible Negative Effects of the Reform Programme on Least Developed and Net-Food-Importing Developing Countries, which outlines measures to sustain the availability of food aid and technical assistance to help the least-developed countries and net-food-importing countries during the period of transition. Actions Continue to promote the benefits of rules-based trade during the next round of WTO negotiations and regional trade negotiations, such as those within the Asia-Pacific Economic Council and the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). This includes, for example, pursuing the Asia-Pacific Economic Council's (APEC) fish and fish product Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization (EVSL) trade liberalization proposal. (DFAIT, AAFC, DFO) Participate in a discussion to review the relationship between trade, trade agreements and food insecurity in order to develop and support research on the impacts of trade policies on food security. (DFAIT, AAFC, CIDA, provincial agri-food ministries, civil society) Facilitate the preparedness of developing countries for the next round of multilateral trade negotiations through a number of measures, such as capacity building and the exchange of technical expertise. (CIDA, DFAIT, AAFC) Continue to encourage the international community to monitor the impact of trade liberalization in the agricultural sector on least-developed and net-food-importing


developing countries as provided for in the WTO Marrakesh Decision and the Ministers' Singapore Declaration. (DFAIT) Work with industry to facilitate development of an internationally acceptable organic certification and accreditation system. (Canadian Standards Association) Support the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and work toward the development of international standards for food safety and animal and plant health at the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the International Office of Epizootics and the International Plant Protection Convention. (AAFC, CFIA, DFAIT, HC).

Commitment Five: Emergency Prevention and Preparedness

'We will endeavour to prevent and be prepared for natural disasters and man-made emergencies and to meet transitory and emergency food requirements in ways that encourage recovery, rehabilitation, development and a capacity to satisfy future needs.'

World Food Summit Peacebuilding Among the most serious disruptions to food security are those caused by war and civil unrest, which not only affect the regular cycle of production and distribution of food but also often result in emergency situations where massive amounts of food aid are required to avoid disaster. Wars can also have a long-term impact on food security due to the widespread use of landmines, which are frequently deployed in productive areas, preventing civilian populations from undertaking agricultural activities. Canada has been a world leader in efforts to ban and eliminate landmines and additional financing has been provided to help countries remove landmines and assist victims. Canadian diplomatic efforts, both bilateral and multilateral, also focus on preventing and seeking diplomatic solutions to conflicts and on strengthening the UN's capacity and effectiveness in this area. Canada's armed forces continue to be a mainstay of UN peacebuilding efforts.


Canada, Peace and Food Security Canada has been an active participant in peacemaking and peacebuilding initiatives around the world over the last half century. The Canadian Peacebuilding Initiative works on two fronts. • The Peacebuilding Fund, managed by CIDA, supports catalytic, innovative initiatives aimed at strengthening the capacity of societies affected by conflict to manage conflict without violence. Initiatives are designed in accordance with locally-identified needs and are coordinated with international and regional organizations, NGOs, the UN peacekeeping presence and technical assistance personnel. • The Peacebuilding Program, managed by DFAIT, supports activities aimed at strengthening domestic peacebuilding capacity in Canada, increasing the effectiveness of multilateral peacebuilding mechanisms, and supporting peacebuilding initiatives in countries or policy areas which fall outside of the priorities for Canadian ODA Actions Continue efforts, in conjunction with others, to prevent conflicts from occurring and, where conflicts do occur, help find lasting solutions. (DFAIT, DND, CIDA, civil society) Continue to provide, as appropriate, peacekeepers within the context of UN peacekeeping operations. (DFAIT, DND) Continue to support peacebuilding initiatives by strengthening the long-term foundations such as a strong civil society, democratic government, respect for human rights, venues and training for peaceful conflict resolution and the reduction of the roots of conflict such as poverty and inequality. (CIDA, DFAIT, partners in Canada and abroad) Continue to work with key partners (governments and NGOs) to mobilize international cooperation for a rapid entry into force of the treaty to ban landmines, universalization of the treaty and new programs of assistance for victim assistance and de-mining. (CIDA, DFAIT, civil society). Emergency Food Aid Food emergencies can have a devastating and long-term impact on people's lives. Disasters can also jeopardize an already fragile pattern of growth and divert significant resources away from development. Canada is actively supporting international efforts to enhance disaster preparedness for countries prone to natural disasters. However, when emergency situations do occur, food aid may be the only means of saving lives over the short term until recovery and longer-term development can be resumed. Because of this critical role, Canada will continue to give priority to providing food aid in emergency situations.


CIDA's New Food Aid Strategy The reduction of hunger is at the centre of this new strategy. Programming is targeted on countries that are poor, with insufficient food to adequately feed their populations, and generally without the financial resources to commercially import the food needed to fill this gap. It focuses on vulnerable groups within those countries, particularly women and children; and special emphasis is placed on ensuring coordination of food aid with longer-term food security and development goals. CIDA's approach links food aid initiatives with complementary activities in primary health care and nutrition, basic education, increased income for the hungry poor, and poverty-targeted agricultural production. This is a needs-based approach, concentrating on the most cost-effective interventions, and placing emphasis on effectively assessing results. Canada is committed to improving the overall nutritional value of food aid through increased fortification of staples and food aid commodities. It also supports programs which include micronutrient supplementation as well as to integrated projects which link nutrition to health, education and income-generating activities. Such initiatives contribute to the recovery and reconstruction phases of emergencies and aid in the long-term development of populations. Actions Continue to provide assistance to national and international efforts to assist countries and regions in the area of disaster preparedness. (CIDA, civil society) In discussions toward a new Food Aid Convention, seek to develop links between the Convention and the World Food Summit Plan of Action. (CIDA) Continue to give the highest priority to emergency food aid as a response to man-made and natural disasters and seek ways to maximize the effectiveness of food aid and, with the greatest cost-efficiency, contribute to long-term food security and development goals. (CIDA, civil society) Work with the World Food Programme (WFP) and other donors on cost-effective means to increase the micronutrient value of food aid commodities. (CIDA).


Commitment Six: Promoting Investment 'We will promote optimal allocation and use of public and private investments to foster human resources, sustainable food, agriculture, fisheries and forestry systems, and rural development, in high and low potential areas.' World Food Summit Many countries strive to achieve food security through a combination of income-generating activities, domestic production and imports, and, in the case of developing countries, this combination is supplemented by international support. These elements require significant levels of domestic public and private investment, which are only possible in an economic and legal environment that promotes domestic savings, capital formation and efficient markets. For a healthy agriculture and agri- food sector, a country's general economic and food-related policies must provide a stable environment for investment in human resources, agricultural research and technological improvements, production capacity, and supporting infrastructures. However, in most low-income developing countries, the scarcity of investment resources and infrastructure in rural areas, and the lack of credit in agriculture and fisheries, severely limit the potential for domestic food production and distribution. Rural and urban development strategies in developing countries are adjusting to the rapidly changing roles of the public and private sectors and the increasing decentralization in political and fiscal decision-making. Governments will continue to be important in the future but their focus will shift toward providing true public goods, such as education and health care services, setting the rules of the game, and correcting policy and market failures. In some areas, the private sector already plays an expanding role in helping to trans form the food sector, but public sector investment will be critical well into the future. Publicly funded research and technology development (including government policy and regulations) will remain key to meeting the challenges of food security, particularly in the poorer developing countries. Canadian technical assistance to developing countries and countries in transition supports their efforts to create an economic, social and political environment that is conducive to attracting and retaining domestic and foreign investment. Canada also supports specialized international organizations which provide assistance and advice to countries interested in creating a suitable environment and in supporting public and catalyzing private sector investments.


Investing in the Poorest Canada plays a key role in the World Bank's Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest, which promotes best practices in poverty reduction and is currently developing poverty yardsticks to help measure progress in poverty reduction. CIDA is interested in exploring the access dimension of food security through support to micro -credit assistance - helping the poor achieve sustainable livelihoods and consequently sustainable food security. Through such organizations as the Grameen Bank, and the Self-Employed Women's Association of India, poor people receive small loans to set up businesses or training in income-generating skills and micro-enterprise development. In addition, support is provided to advocacy organizations to help them promo te appropriate legislation and policies that will create a supportive environment for micro-enterprise. Canada also supports the creation of a suitable enabling environment as well as providing support to public and catalyzing private sector investments through multilateral institutions, such as the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC), and the World and Regional Development Banks.

Everybody Wins: supporting joint ventures for development CIDA's Industrial Cooperation (INC) Program supports Canadian private sector enterprises interested in building long-term alliances with developing country enterprises. INC contributes to strengthening investment and trade linkages between Canada and developing countries by transferring Canadian knowledge and technology. The program maintains relationships with some 400 Canadian partner organizations conducting over 3,000 projects in virtually every sector and in some 110 developing countries. A recent study indicates that since 1978, the program has generated an estimated $7.5 billion of revenue and investments in developing countries and $6 billion in orders for Canadian goods and services.

Actions Support the efforts of developing countries and countries in transition to create a policy environment that is conducive to domestic and foreign investment, especially in areas that directly enhance sustainable food security. (CIDA, IDRC, civil society) Encourage countries to reduce excessive military expenditures, and redirect resources to increase public investment in areas which will enhance food security such as health, education, agriculture and environmental protection. (DFAIT, CIDA, civil society) Through the Export Development Corporation and the Industrial Cooperation Program of CIDA, support Canadians who wish to invest in developing countries, including in areas directly related to food security. (EDC, CIDA) Support the Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest (CGAP) and direct financial and technical assistance to micro-credit institutions in the third world, to maximize the opportunities of the poor, both men and women, to invest in their own food security. (CIDA, civil society).


Commitment Seven: Implementation and Monitoring 'We will implement, monitor, and follow-up the World Food Summit Plan of Action at all levels in cooperation with the international community.' The Government of Canada, with the active involvement of civil society, will continue to participate with the international community in the search for solutions to world food security in order to reduce by half the number of undernourished people no later than the year 2015. Canada will fulfill its commitment made at the World Food Summit by working with its international partners to address food security concerns, placing emphasis on effective donor action and coordination through integration of the targets set out in the OECD's development strategy,Shaping the 21st Century. One of the key tasks will be to continue to develop tools that will help all partners understand the nature, extent and distribution of food insecurity from the global to the local level. Actions Seek to ensure that the FAO Committee on World Food Security (CFS) adopts procedures to encourage the effective participation of relevant actors of civil society in the CFS monitoring process, recognizing their critical role in enhancing food security. (AAFC, all partners) Encourage developing country governments to prepare national plans of action for food security, according a role to civil society, and to assist civil society to play a more active role in working with governments to find sustainable solutions to food security. (AAFC, CIDA, all partners) Encourage the organizations of the UN Development System and other multilateral development institutions to enhance their co-operation and co-ordination, particularly with regard to their field-level operations, in order to more effectively support developing country efforts to reduce poverty and enhance food security. (CIDA, DFAIT, AAFC, Finance) Encourage multilateral development institutions to 'manage for results' and to better ensure that their operations are contributing to the achievement of internationally agreed targets, including the target of reducing the number of undernourished people to half their present level no later than 2015. (AAFC, CIDA, DFAIT, Finance) Continue to support the development of food insecurity and vulnerability information mapping systems (FIVIMS) to measure targets and monitor progress for developing countries. (CIDA, civil society) Develop and use international and national indicators and monitoring efforts to identify food-insecure countries, regions and population groups and the types of interventions best suited to reduce food insecurity in developing countries and countries in transition. (CIDA, civil society)


Provide periodic reports to the CFS on Canada's contribution to the World Food Summit. (AAFC, all partners). The Right to Food As agreed in the World Food Summit Plan of Action, there is a need to "clarify the content of the right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger, as stated in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" and "to give particular attention to implementation and full and progressive realization of this right." The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, working with others, has been asked to better define the rights related to food and to propose ways to implement and realize these rights. Civil society works to promote the Right to Food Civil society organizations around the world have developed and endorsed an International Code of Conduct on the Human Right to Adequate Food to help clarify the content of the right to adequate food and the responsibilities of all actors involved in ensuring its full realization, and to serve as an ethical foundation and guide for the implementation and realization of the right to food. In March 1997, in Saskatoon, Canadian civil society held a consultation aimed at promoting and increasing awareness of the right to food. A draft Code of Conduct on the Right to Food was discussed and subsequently endorsed by a broad cross-section of civil society. Canada has endorsed numerous international declarations and conventions which clearly recognize the right to adequate food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This right was recognized and reaffirmed in the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the World Food Summit Plan of Action of 1996. Most recently, Canada co-sponsored a resolution affirming this right at the 1998 Commission of Human Rights. Canada aims to ensure that future actions related to this right focus on helping poor countries and peoples shoulder the individual and collective responsibility which are key to their right to food. Actions Contribute to clarifying the content of the right to food, as stated in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, informing citizens of this human right and its meaning, and continue to support and work with the international community and governments at all levels to ensure the full realization of this right. (Federal Government, civil society). Engage in campaigns to promote the right to food, promoting the International Code of Conduct on the Human Right to Adequate Food and monitoring the extent to which the right to food is being respected, protected and fulfilled. (Civil society).


Support the convening of a UN seminar on implementation of the right to adequate food and remain closely involved in the development of the Commission on Human Rights resolution on the right to food. (DFAIT).

Part IV: Conclusion

Implementation and Monitoring of Canada's Action Plan for Food Security Canada is committed to taking the necessary measures to implement and monitor its Action Plan for Food Security. The consultative process which created this plan, set its priorities and identified its actions and actors, will also characterize its implementation and monitoring. In this way, the process will reflect the multisectoral and interdependent nature of the Plan's obligations. All sectors of Canadian society will have a role to play in ensuring that food insecurity in Canada and abroad is reduced by half no later than the year 2015. Through the consultation process of developing Canada's Action Plan, several over-riding principles stood out. They represent a general consensus of participants involved in developing the Plan and will act as a guiding force in its implementation. The national plan indicates the broad range of actions to be taken by the different levels of the Canadian government, as well as non-governmental, voluntary and private sector participants. Each in turn will examine the plan for its implications on their own programs and activities. To guide those deliberations, the drafters of the national plan ident ified three basic elements: Partnership is the key. Cooperation, coordination and collaboration of the diverse cast of players, from community, national and international levels, will maximize synergy, clarify roles, minimize duplication and achieve mutua l reinforcement. The key will be for all players to seek new and more creative partnerships, strengthen networks, and work inclusively, while encouraging participation of communities and individuals in developing and implementing policies and programs. Dialogue, policy reflection and change is the democratic way. Informed advocacy and policy dialogue, based on public education and open and participatory governance, will engage all sectors of the population and ensure that the needs and priorities of all are represented. Sharing research, information and best practices can achieve real change. Research plays an essential role, not only in finding new solutions, but also in determining the nature of the challenge and measuring progress toward goals. Information and knowledge must be shared if food security for all is to be achieved.


In the foregoing Action Plan, Canada has developed specific joint actions involving all stakeholders. Among the critical tasks will be developing the appropriate mechanism to implement, monitor and report on the actions. Such a mechanism will provide a focal coordination point, keeping abreast of all major food security policies and activities, serving as an information source for partners, stakeholders and the general public. Because of the multisectoral nature of the Action Plan and of the actors involved in implementing it, this mechanism will require substantial support from the responsible departments, agencies, organizations, institutions and individuals involved. And, because of the comprehensive nature of many of the actions, this mechanism will benefit from an informed and motivated public which can keep the issue of food security on the public agenda. Public Awareness and Engagement Canada's inclusive process of policy formulation thrives on a well-informed public input. A recent initiative by civil society, the CCIC Ten-point Agenda for Eliminating Poverty, prepared by the Canadian Council for International Cooperation, outlines the major challenges to poverty and suggests actions for government, the private sector, civil society and individuals. This will provide an excellent tool for increasing public awareness and multisectoral engagement on the issue of food security, which is one of the points addressed in the Agenda. Actions Establish a bureau to coordinate the implementation and monitoring of key actions identified in Canada's Action Plan for Food Security and report on them to Canadians every two years. (AAFC) Use Canada's Action Plan for Food Security as a springboard for awareness and public information. (All partners) Enhance public awareness activities through World Food Day activities. (All partners)


Appendix I: Members of the Joint Consultative Group

Civil Society

James Dunn

Board of Directors

Aboriginal Nurses' Association of Canada

Brenda Thomas

Assembly of First Nations

François Poulin


Canadian Council of Fish Harvesters

Daniel Bernier

Executive Director

Canadian Council of Fish Harvesters

Sally Rutherford

Executive Director

Canadian Federation of Agriculture

Jim Cornelius

Executive Director

Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Ian McCreary


Policy Manager

Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Bruce Moore

Executive Director General

CHF - Partners in Rural Development

Tom Taylor

Deputy Director

CHF - Partners in Rural Development

Susan Cox

Executive Director

Daily Bread Food Bank

Beth Brown

Public Policy Researcher

Daily Bread Food Bank

Ron Bulmer


Fisheries Council of Canada

The Honourable David MacDonald


Global Network on Food Security


Gary Sealey

Global Network on Food Security

Harry Bombay

Executive Director

National Aboriginal Forestry Association

Nettie Wiebe


National Farmers Union

Suzanne Hendricks


National Institute of Nutrition

Melody Roberts

Co-chair, Food Security Working Group

Ontario Public Health Association

Tina Conlon

Canadian Program Officer

OXFAM Canada

Elaine Henderson

Food Security Program

America's Program


OXFAM Canada

Esperanza Moreno

Deputy Executive Director and

Director of Quebec programs

OXFAM Quebec

André Beaudoin

Director General

International Development Corporation

Union des producteurs agricoles

Laura Breuer

International Programs Coordinator

Unitarian Service Committee of Canada

Micheline Beaudry


Department of Food Science and Nutrition

Université Laval

Hélène Delisle


Department of Nutrition


University of Montreal

Provincial Governments

Darcy Willis

Senior Policy Analyst

Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

George Maicher

Planning and Development Officer

New Brunswick Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

Bobby Seeber

Policy Advisor

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Alvin Jory


Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Federal Government Departments

Suzanne Vinet

Executive Director

Programs and Multilateral Affairs Division


Marketing and Industry Services Branch

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Rollande Leduc

Deputy Director

Programs and Multilateral Affairs Division

Marketing and Industry Services Branch

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Robert Asare-Danso

Programs Coordinator

Programs, International Coordination

Policy, Planning and Coordination Directorate

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Peter Fiori

Senior Policy Analyst,

Policy, Planning and Management

Canadian International Development Agency

Iain MacGillivray

Senior Advisor, Agriculture

Environment and Natural Resources

Canadian International Development Agency


Carol Smith-Wright

Senior Advisor

International Affairs Directorate

Environment Canada

Marshall Moffat


Economic Analysis Branch

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Bill Cranston


Economic Analysis Branch

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Anthony Levita


Economic Analysis Branch

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Anouk Lamare


UN Specialized Agencies and Economic Issues

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade


Marcel Saucier

Trade Policy Officer

Tariffs and Market Access Division

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Halina Cyr


Nutrition and Healthy Eating Unit

Promotion and Programs Branch

Health Canada

Christina Zehaluk


Bureau of Nutritional Science

Food Directorate

Health Canada

Rigo Vettoretti


Social Policy Branch

Human Resources Development Canada

Marilyn Whitaker



International Relations Directorate

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Valerie Pryce

Senior Advisor

International Relations Directorate

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Linda Jordan

Senior Advisor

Community Development Directorate

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Seymour Dubrow


International Relations Directorate

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Bill Edwardson

Executive Director

International Development Research Centre

Ola Smith

Senior Program Specialist

International Development Research Centre


Rosalie McConnell

Senior Policy Advisor

Canadian Forest Service

International Affairs

Natural Resources Canada


The JCG would like to acknowledge the contributions of Susan Taylor-Meehan, Lindsay Glassco, Marion Parry and Kendel Rust in the development of Canada's Action Plan for Food Security.


Appendix II: Acronyms and Abbreviations AAFC Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

BCC Breastfeeding Committee for Canada

CFIA Canadian Food Inspection Agency

CFS FAO Committee on World Food Security

CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

CIDA Canadian International Development Agency

DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

DFO Department of Fisheries and Oceans

DIAND Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

DND Department of National Defense

EC Environment Canada

EDC Export Development Corporation

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FIVIMS Food insecurity and vulnerability information mapping systems

G7 Economic and political forum comprised of Canada, the U.S.A., Japan, France, the UK, Germany, Italy, Russia and the European Union

GHG Greenhouse gas

HC Health Canada

HRDC Human Resources Development Canada

IDRC International Development Research Centre

INC Industrial Cooperation Program

JCG Joint Consultative Group

LICO's Low income cut-offs

NCW National Council of Welfare

NGO Non-governmental organization

NRCan Natural Resources Canada

ODA Official Development Assistance

OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

PMRA Pest Management Regulatory Agency

POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants

UN United Nations

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme


UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund

WFS World Food Summit

WHO World Health Organization

WTO World Trade Organization

"Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life."

World Food Summit, Rome, 1996

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