
Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Rodrigo Alonso Herrera CaroEstudiante de MedicinaUniversidad Pontificia Bolivariana



• The multiple advances in the knowledge about cancer are very important because it could cause a revolution in the way to treat a manifestation of this disease.

• Cellular manipulation will be the cancer treatment of the future.

• Julian Stingele, Michael S. Schwarz, Nicolas Bloemeke, Peter G. Wolf, Stefan Jentsch. A DNA-Dependent Protease Involved in DNA-Protein Crosslink Repair. Cell, 2014; DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.04.053

Exogenous sources are a valious tool in the investigation because it allow undestand the influence of habits in a posible treatment or control of cancer developing

The effects of DNA-protein crosslinks are a hope to induce the supression of cellular replication in cancer.

It´s associated with control of prostate cancer

Chopping down the DPCs allow the cell replicate normally it´s genetic material avoiding mutations and a possible cancerous division.


Although DPCs could induce the cancerous division, the identification of this alteration in the DNA replication would be determinant if the treatment wiil be radical.


The discovering of this exogenous induction of DNA-protein crosslinks when it´s a cancer case is important to revolution the possible treatment of cancer using genetic therapy boarding a decontrolled cell division because it could block the DNA replication avoiding the defective gen continue its replication and stopping the growing of the cancer.


A. M. Narasimha, M. Kaulich, G. S. Shapiro, Y. J. Choi, P. Sicinski, S. F. Dowdy.Cyclin D activates the Rb tumor suppressor by mono-phosphorylation. eLife, 2014; 3 (0): e02872 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.02872

The discovering about Cyclin D is a revolutionary information because it´s a change in the way that scientist analize the cell cycle control

Phosphorilation of RB activate tumor suppression

Cyclin D

The mechanism of phosphorylation is the main way to control the cell cycle, specially in G1 phase.

20 years before, scientists thought this phosphorylation was the inactivation of tumor suppression but they were in a mistake

Cyclin D

Wee 1, was cataloged as the main activator of Rb, it´s that Wee1 enzyme that allow the phosphorylation with Cyclin D and the posterior activation of tumor supression

Cyclin D

This study is a great advance because it allow the correction of the knowledge about the cell cycle and the activation of tumor supression because it was a wrong knowledge about Cyclin D activity.

Cyclin D

Medical Utility

Medical UtilityThe advances contained in those news are a hope to cancer´s sick because it could be a radical treatment to this disease that has big mortality rates.

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